L2/15-036R Subject: Unified input on proposed changes to Unihan readings To: Date: Source: UTC 2015-Jan-30 (updated 2015-Feb-04) Compiled by Peter Edberg based on input from Åke Persson, Apple experts, CLDR This document proposes changes to various Unihan fields related to character readings: Primarily to kMandarin (including addition of a second value in some cases for distinct readings in traditional Chinese), but also in some cases to kHanyPinyin and kHanyuPinlu. It has been compiled from various sources including proposals by Åke Persson (Mimer), reports by Apple experts, and CLDR tickets. Sources and references thereto include the following and updated information later provided for them: 1. Persson-2013-05: Proposed changes in Unihan kMandarin field for 571 Han characters, Åke Persson, 2013-05-27. In repository as L2/15-034. This includes cross references to readings from Zdic, Microsoft, Mimer. 2. Persson-2013-12: Proposed changes in Unihan_Readings.txt, Åke Persson, 2013-12-10. In repository as L2/15-035. These are based on Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn ISBN 7-80543-001-2. 3. Apple-13277481: Proposed kMandarin updates that apply to both simplified and traditional Chinese. These are drawn from the following sources: • http://www.zdic.net • http://chardb.iis.sinica.edu.tw • http://xh.5156edu.com • http://dict.revised.moe.edu.tw 4. Apple-13277421: Proposed kMandarin additions (second value) specific to traditional Chinese. This also included some proposals for changes relevant to both simplified and traditional Chinese. The initial proposed list was also filed as CLDR ticket 5749. 5. cldr5025-leftover: Several Mimer values from the list of 24 proposed changes not addressed in CLDR ticket 5025; see the list at the end of http://unicode.org/cldr/trac/ticket/5205#comment:8 6. cldr5749-main: The initial list of zh-Hant-specific readings in http://unicode.org/cldr/trac/ticket/5749 This document includes several tables derived from the above with their later updates: 1. 287 changes to kMandarin proposed by both Persson-2013-05 and Apple-13277481, with which Zdic and Microsoft values also agree. These seem completely uncontroversial. 1x. 6 changes similar to the above, but for which either the Apple proposed value conflicts with Persson/Zdic/MS or the MS value conflicts with Persson/Zdic/Apple. 2. 275 changes to kMandarin proposed by Persson-2013-05 and supported by Zdic and Microsoft values, but for which Apple did not make a suggestion. 2x. 3 changes similar to the above, but for which the “kHanyuPinyin indirect reference” value cited by Persson conflicts with the proposed reading. 3. 109 changes to kMandarin proposed by Apple-13277481, which Persson has briefly reviewed (for these I don't have information about Zdic or Microsoft values). 3x. 3 changes similar to the above, but for which Persson questions the Apple-proposed value. 4. 49 additions to kMandarin (second values specific to traditional Chinese) proposed by Apple-13277421. 5. Changes to various Unihan reading fields (kMandarin, kHanyuPinyin, and/or kHanyuPinlu) for 37 characters, proposed by Persson-2013-12, including 31 changes to kMandarin; 2 of the latter are also proposed by Apple-13277481. Also corrections to a dictionary index for one character. Page 1/34 1. 287 changes to kMandarin proposed by both Persson-2013-05 and Apple-13277481, with which Zdic and Microsoft values also agree. None of these have values in kHanyuPinyin or kXHC1983 fields for Unicode 7.0. For some, additional sources that agree with the proposed value are provided. code u4E37 char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed 丷 乄 ha bā wu wǔ u4EBD ji jí u4EE9 shang cháng jiǎ fǎn u4FE7 zhi zhì u503F qie nìng u50A6 gu gǔ u50F2 xian xiān u510F can càn zhun zhǔn zheng zhēng zhi zhǐ u5285 zhuò zhuó u5307 yi yì u5381 san sān u55F4 qiang qiāng u5625 sai sāi xin xīn xun xūn kuai kuài hua huā u5812 kun kūn u5814 shen shēn lei lěi hai hǎi wei wèi u4E44 u4EEE u51D6 u51E7 u51EA u567A 仮 凖 凧 凪 噺 u5691 u5726 u57D6 u5841 u5870 u589B 圦 埖 塁 塰 Supplementary sources Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect (i.e. reading for related character) Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Page 2/34 1. 287 changes to kMandarin proposed by both Persson-2013-05 and Apple-13277481, with which Zdic and Microsoft values also agree. None of these have values in kHanyuPinyin or kXHC1983 fields for Unicode 7.0. For some, additional sources that agree with the proposed value are provided. code u58B9 char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed 墹 壗 壥 jian jiàn jin jìn chan chán u5908 zhai zhāi u5911 xie xiè u594D yang quān chi chī u5A72 hua huā u5AAB qie jié u5B67 you yòu u5C72 wa wā dao huì hui huì gu qiǎ u5D30 zi zī u5D59 ke kē ti qí shi shí ruo ruò u5DB6 wei wēi u5E49 die dié u5E65 zhang zhǎng u5E92 zhuang zhuāng u5EED ji jì jian jiǎn yong yǒng si sī u58D7 u58E5 u599B u5C76 妛 屶 u5C77 u5CE0 u5D5C 峠 嵜 u5D75 u5D76 u5F45 u603A u6056 嵶 彅 怺 Supplementary sources Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Apple-13277421 Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Apple-13277421 Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Page 3/34 1. 287 changes to kMandarin proposed by both Persson-2013-05 and Apple-13277481, with which Zdic and Microsoft values also agree. None of these have values in kHanyuPinyin or kXHC1983 fields for Unicode 7.0. For some, additional sources that agree with the proposed value are provided. code char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed u6125 Supplementary sources ying yīng ru rù yu yǔ u6364 wei wěi u63B6 geng jié u64DC e è u651A ying wěng sheng shēng lao láo ru rù wan wàn jiu jiǔ lu lú song sōng li lì zao zǎo jie jié liu liǔ chang chāng hua huā dao dào Apple-13277421 fu fǔ Apple-13277421 yi yí quan quán xiang xiāng shi shǐ shen shén u6256 u6327 u66FB 扖 挧 曻 u6725 u6741 u6764 u6766 u67A6 u67A9 u6803 杁 杤 杦 枦 枩 栃 u6806 u685D 桝 u685E u6919 u691B u6921 u6928 椙 椛 椡 椨 u692C u697E u697F u6981 u698A 楾 楿 榁 Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Page 4/34 1. 287 changes to kMandarin proposed by both Persson-2013-05 and Apple-13277481, with which Zdic and Microsoft values also agree. None of these have values in kHanyuPinyin or kXHC1983 fields for Unicode 7.0. For some, additional sources that agree with the proposed value are provided. code u69B2 char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed 榲 槗 槝 槞 Supplementary sources yún wēn Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect qiao qiáo Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect dao dǎo Apple-13277421 long lóng u69E1 sang sāng u6A2D ji jī yan yān xue xuě sheng shèng zi zǐ jing jīng li lì jiang jiàng u6AE6 qing qìng u6B0C cang cáng u6B0D jiu jiù u6B15 yan yán jian jiān u6BF6 san sān u6C3A shui shuǐ u6C63 jiu jiǔ u6DA5 heng hēng se sè u6E0F qi yī u6EE7 xiao yáo u6F49 kun kūn u6F9D ning nìng u69D7 u69DD u69DE u6A2E u6A30 u6A73 樮 樰 橳 u6A74 u6A78 u6AAA u6AE4 u6BB1 u6E0B 橸 檪 櫤 殱 渋 Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Also Mimer Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Page 5/34 1. 287 changes to kMandarin proposed by both Persson-2013-05 and Apple-13277481, with which Zdic and Microsoft values also agree. None of these have values in kHanyuPinyin or kXHC1983 fields for Unicode 7.0. For some, additional sources that agree with the proposed value are provided. code char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed u6FF8 cang cāng u702D shu shū u7050 ying yíng u705C ying yíng u7073 hui huī u70BF zhou zhōu u70E5 chen jù u7112 lü lǚ u7139 wang gàng u7176 shi shì u718D qiong qióng u7196 yan yàn u71B4 kun kūn u720E liao liáo u7218 can cān zhao zhǎo u7257 you yǒu u729E qiao qiáo u7347 qiang qiāng shou shòu lao lǎo ying yīng u7411 suo suǒ u743B jin jīn u748D hua yè u74A4 hui huì u74B4 chu chǔ u722B u7363 爫 獣 u73EF u73F1 珱 Supplementary sources Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Page 6/34 1. 287 changes to kMandarin proposed by both Persson-2013-05 and Apple-13277481, with which Zdic and Microsoft values also agree. None of these have values in kHanyuPinyin or kXHC1983 fields for Unicode 7.0. For some, additional sources that agree with the proposed value are provided. code u7569 char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed 畩 疂 Supplementary sources yi yī die dié u77A3 huan wàn u781B jin jīn u783D yong yòng kuang kuàng lao lǎo hua huā tian tián u78B7 dun dùn u7900 jian jiàn u7922 yang yǎng u79A3 fu fù Apple-13277421 u7A6F se sè Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u7ABD kuan kuǎn shi shí qian qiān hao háo sheng shēng wan wán kuang kuāng gu gū qi qí yi yí qi qí u7C61 qie qiè u7C80 zhang zhàng u7582 u783F 砿 u7853 u7874 u78B5 u7ACD u7ACF u7AD3 硴 碵 竍 竏 竓 u7AD4 u7B02 u7B7A 笂 筺 u7BD0 u7C31 簱 u7C4E u7C4F 籏 Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect, Apple-13277421 Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Mimer cldr5025-leftover Page 7/34 1. 287 changes to kMandarin proposed by both Persson-2013-05 and Apple-13277481, with which Zdic and Microsoft values also agree. None of these have values in kHanyuPinyin or kXHC1983 fields for Unicode 7.0. For some, additional sources that agree with the proposed value are provided. code char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed u7C82 Supplementary sources Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect zhai zhāi hu hù lao lāo he hé hua huā jia jiā shu shǔ Mimer cldr5025-leftover kuang kuàng Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect xu xù Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect ren rěn ying shéng wei wēi huang huǎng xian xiān jiao jiǎo u7F49 cang chēng u7FF6 ao áo Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u800A diè dié Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect, Apple-13277421 u8053 xu xù ding dìng lian lián Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect xie xié Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect nao nǎo Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect xue xuě she shè lu lú kua kuā u7C90 粐 u7CA9 u7CAD u7CC0 u7CD8 粭 糀 糘 u7CEC u7D4B u7D9A u7D9B u7E04 u7E05 絋 続 綛 縄 縅 u7E28 u7E4A u7E90 u8062 u8068 繊 纐 聢 聨 u810B u8133 u81A4 u820E u822E u823F 脳 膤 舎 舮 Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Mimer cldr5025-leftover Page 8/34 1. 287 changes to kMandarin proposed by both Persson-2013-05 and Apple-13277481, with which Zdic and Microsoft values also agree. None of these have values in kHanyuPinyin or kXHC1983 fields for Unicode 7.0. For some, additional sources that agree with the proposed value are provided. code u825D char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed 艝 Supplementary sources xue xuě deng dēng qie qiē cong cōng yu zì tu tù u8419 zhen zhěn u841F yi yì zuo zuò u84E4 ling líng u8536 ze zé u8571 shao shāo u85F2 ou ōu qiu qiū Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u8624 wěi huā Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u8645 teng téng lao lǎo u87A6 sao sāo u87A7 qi qí chu chú u8834 shu shǔ u8850 qu qú qi qī ju jǔ u897D lan lán Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u8984 fu fù Apple-13277421 u8AAE hua huā u8260 u82C6 苆 u8310 u8362 u83B5 u84D9 u8612 u86EF u87F5 u8904 u8977 荢 莵 蓙 蘒 蛯 蟵 褄 襷 Apple-13277421 Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Mimer cldr5025-leftover Page 9/34 1. 287 changes to kMandarin proposed by both Persson-2013-05 and Apple-13277481, with which Zdic and Microsoft values also agree. None of these have values in kHanyuPinyin or kXHC1983 fields for Unicode 7.0. For some, additional sources that agree with the proposed value are provided. code char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed u8B03 xing xīng u8B22 zhi lū u8E19 jū niè u8EB5 ren rěn u8EBB kong kōng yan yàn ying yīng xue xuě yi yī ru yū zhong dá gu gǔ nan nán u909C wan xī u90D2 lang láng yuan yuán qiu qiú yuan yuán lu lú u922B wen qín u92AF si sī u92F4 zhen zhèn u933F hu hǔ song sòng zu zǔ u93BE wen wēn u93EF shuang shuǎng u8EC5 u8EC8 u8F4C u8FB7 u8FBC u8FDA u9027 u9056 u915B u91FB u9228 u9229 u93B9 u93BA 軅 軈 轌 辷 込 迚 逧 遖 酛 釻 鈨 鈩 鎹 鎺 Supplementary sources Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Page 10/34 1. 287 changes to kMandarin proposed by both Persson-2013-05 and Apple-13277481, with which Zdic and Microsoft values also agree. None of these have values in kHanyuPinyin or kXHC1983 fields for Unicode 7.0. For some, additional sources that agree with the proposed value are provided. code char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed Supplementary sources u9423 zhang chēng u9453 qian qiǎn u9467 kuan kuān u95CE quan quán dao dǎo Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect, Apple-13277421 u96A1 sa sà Mimer cldr5025-leftover u9717 ling líng Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect he hè qia qiǎ kuo kuò gua guā yún wēn zhou zhōu shi shí dong dōng lao lǎo fu fú xiu xiū u9BC2 su sū u9BCE cheng chéng li lí zou zǒu hu hǔ yu yú u9BF6 hǔn huàn u9C18 shi shì u9C1A xuan xuān u9666 u974D u9790 陦 靍 鞐 u97D5 u98AA u9942 u99F2 u9B96 u9B97 u9BB1 颪 饂 駲 鮖 鮗 鮱 u9BB2 u9BB4 u9BCF 鮴 鯏 u9BD0 u9BF1 u9BF2 鯱 鯲 Also Mimer Apple-13277421 Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Page 11/34 1. 287 changes to kMandarin proposed by both Persson-2013-05 and Apple-13277481, with which Zdic and Microsoft values also agree. None of these have values in kHanyuPinyin or kXHC1983 fields for Unicode 7.0. For some, additional sources that agree with the proposed value are provided. code u9C30 char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed 鰰 shen shén u9C5B zeng zēng u9C5C xiang xiāng u9C69 lei léi u9C6A shu shǔ u9C6B ai ài shu shǔ ru rù ròng yù tian tián heng héng nian nián e ě yi yì zun zūn dong dōng chuì chuī u9C70 u9CF0 鱪 鳰 u9D27 u9D2B u9D46 u9D47 u9D48 u9D8D 鴫 鵆 鵇 鵈 鶍 u9D8E u9DAB 鶫 u9FA1 Supplementary sources Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect 1x. 6 other changes to kMandarin proposed by both Persson-2013-05 and Apple-13277481. Zdic agrees with Persson, however either the proposed Apple value or the MS value conflicts with Persson. code char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed Persson kMandarin proposed Apple, if different MS value if Supplementary sources different than proposed u6A7A jian xiàn jiàn Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u6AF5 jiao qiáo jiáo Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u6F48 zong cóng u7177 liang huǒ liàng Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect liang zhù liáng Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect qian qiān qián Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u7C17 u7C56 簗 籖 zōng Page 12/34 2. 275 changes to kMandarin proposed by Persson-2013-05 and supported by Zdic and Microsoft values, but for which Apple did not make a suggestion. None of these have values in kHanyuPinyin or kXHC1983 fields for Unicode 7.0. For some, additional sources that agree with the proposed value are provided. code char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed Supplementary sources u4E67 dou dǒu u4EA3 tà dà Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect chuán yún Also Mimer u4F68 bao bāo u4FA2 zài dài Also Mimer jiān qián Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u50A0 fā fá Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u5128 zhí zhì Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u512C chèn qìng Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect huáng huǎng Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u51AD tái tài Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u51C1 shù sōu Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u51D2 yí ái Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect mu mù jū diāo bi xiōng u5314 qiōng gōng Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u5325 biàn fán Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u5392 hé qiè Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect gào jí Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u54FB hàn hān Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u5528 zuǒ zǔ Also Mimer u556B zhě zé Also Mimer u5571 yān yán Also Mimer u5572 dì dī Also Mimer u55BA xì xí Also Mimer u4F1D u5042 u5164 u51E9 伝 偂 兤 凩 u521F u5302 u53DD 匂 叝 Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Page 13/34 2. 275 changes to kMandarin proposed by Persson-2013-05 and supported by Zdic and Microsoft values, but for which Apple did not make a suggestion. None of these have values in kHanyuPinyin or kXHC1983 fields for Unicode 7.0. For some, additional sources that agree with the proposed value are provided. code char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed Supplementary sources u55BC jié jiē Also Mimer u55E0 luò lào Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u55F0 gè gě Also Mimer u560B xiāo xiào Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u5692 me mē u5711 fù pǔ Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u5724 pǔ pú Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect xia xià shan shān tāng táng bing bìng ka kǎ hang háng dǐ dī ping píng zhāng zhàng zhu zhù u5A54 fei fēi Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u5AA8 jiù cù Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u5AF9 máo miáo Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u5B31 cán qiàn Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect bi bí què hè Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect mo mó Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect ping píng bian biàn u5737 u5738 圷 圸 u5763 u57AA u57B0 u57B3 垪 垰 垳 u57DE u5840 塀 u5887 u58B8 u5B36 u5BC9 墸 嬶 寉 u5C1B u5CBC u5CC5 岼 峅 Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Page 14/34 2. 275 changes to kMandarin proposed by Persson-2013-05 and supported by Zdic and Microsoft values, but for which Apple did not make a suggestion. None of these have values in kHanyuPinyin or kXHC1983 fields for Unicode 7.0. For some, additional sources that agree with the proposed value are provided. code u5CF5 char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed 峵 Supplementary sources hóng róng Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u5CFC hào gào Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u5D96 yǎn yān Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u5DBB zá jié Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u5DD5 nie niè bi bì Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect pǒu bù Also Mimer ge gē fán fān Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect duó dé Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u619C duǒ duò Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u62A9 tān nán Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect lie liě u6335 lòng nòng Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u6359 yì yè Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u637F xī qī Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u6404 gēng gèn Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u647F yīn yáo Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect jí jī Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u64DD meng mēng u64EE jí jié Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u6521 lí chī Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u656A duó duō Also Mimer u656F mín mǐn Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u657E shan shàn Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect hàn wǎn Also Mimer u5E64 幤 u5ECD u5F41 彁 u5FDB u60B3 u6318 u6483 u6665 悳 挘 撃 晥 Page 15/34 2. 275 changes to kMandarin proposed by Persson-2013-05 and supported by Zdic and Microsoft values, but for which Apple did not make a suggestion. None of these have values in kHanyuPinyin or kXHC1983 fields for Unicode 7.0. For some, additional sources that agree with the proposed value are provided. code u6683 char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed 暃 Supplementary sources fei fēi u669C jìn pǔ Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u66BA dàn tǎn Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect shan mián dǒu shēng u67A4 duo dì u67AC nán zhān xia xià u68BB fo fó u68C5 bìng bǐng men mēn dian diǎn u6929 geng gēng u692B zhǎn shàn u698C pi bī u69C6 xún chūn Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u69D5 zhuó zhuō Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect xi xǐ u6A85 suì huì u6ACA ge gé u6B75 cuò zé lie liě u6BFA yū shū Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u6CAF zǎn zá Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u6D02 yì yè Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u6DFF mì bó Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u6763 u67A1 u68BA u691A u6923 u6A72 u6BDF 杣 枡 梺 椚 椣 橲 毟 Also Mimer Also Mimer Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Page 16/34 2. 275 changes to kMandarin proposed by Persson-2013-05 and supported by Zdic and Microsoft values, but for which Apple did not make a suggestion. None of these have values in kHanyuPinyin or kXHC1983 fields for Unicode 7.0. For some, additional sources that agree with the proposed value are provided. code char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed u6E12 Supplementary sources pì pài Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect xi xī Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect yán xián Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect la là u6E84 feng féng u6E8A xia bō u6E95 mèng méng Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u6EA8 cái zāi Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u6F43 xún xiǔ Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u6FEA jìng qìng Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect bin bīn Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u704D què jué Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u7087 pò pū Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u70A8 duò xiè Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u70B6 hān shǎn Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u70EE lie liè Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u7161 xìn jìn Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u7170 gào zào Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u7175 xiā nǎn Also Mimer u71C5 xián xún Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect fēn fén Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u71DB jǐng jiǒng Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u71EA cōng zǒng Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect da dá u71FA kǎo hè Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u720B xùn xūn Also Mimer u6E13 渓 u6E7A u6E82 u6FF5 u71D3 u71F5 溂 濵 燓 燵 Page 17/34 2. 275 changes to kMandarin proposed by Persson-2013-05 and supported by Zdic and Microsoft values, but for which Apple did not make a suggestion. None of these have values in kHanyuPinyin or kXHC1983 fields for Unicode 7.0. For some, additional sources that agree with the proposed value are provided. code char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed u7245 Supplementary sources Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect yóng yōng niu niú xi xī Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect cái chái Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u72C5 qīng kuáng Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u7312 yān yàn Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect lie liè Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u7371 pín biān Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u739C gōng hóng Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u7412 feng fēng u741D wén mín Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u7484 yǐng jǐng Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u7541 qí bì Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u77CB lì lěi Also Mimer u77DD lín jīn Also Mimer u7819 pān wǎ Also Mimer u78D8 qìng yáo Also Mimer u78EE lun lún u7902 xi xī Also Mimer u790D kě jié Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u7938 zǎn cǎ Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u7986 bēi bì Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u7999 bei bèi jí jì Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u7A01 kǎo gǎo Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u7AC2 piáo liáo Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u725C u72A0 u72B2 u731F u799D 牜 犠 犲 猟 禝 Page 18/34 2. 275 changes to kMandarin proposed by Persson-2013-05 and supported by Zdic and Microsoft values, but for which Apple did not make a suggestion. None of these have values in kHanyuPinyin or kXHC1983 fields for Unicode 7.0. For some, additional sources that agree with the proposed value are provided. code u7AD5 char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed 竕 竡 竰 Supplementary sources fen fēn bai bǎi sháo lí Also Mimer u7B05 xiáo jiǎo Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u7B29 pèi fá Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u7B3D min mǐn diao diāo u7C35 dù lù Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u7C3C lóng gōu Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u7C88 rǒu róu Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u7C8E chǐ mǐ Also Mimer u7C9A lí chī Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u7D2A cǐ qī Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u7D7C zhěn zhèn Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect yūn yùn Also Mimer u7F59 mí shēn Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u7FD6 xì xī Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u8094 yǐ chǐ Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u80D0 kū fěi Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect sòu shòu Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u81A5 chūn cūn Also Mimer u8224 fan fán u8254 dou dào u830B dǐ zhǐ Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u835D zé cè Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u841E bi bì u7AE1 u7AF0 u7C13 u7E15 u8184 簓 縕 膄 Page 19/34 2. 275 changes to kMandarin proposed by Persson-2013-05 and supported by Zdic and Microsoft values, but for which Apple did not make a suggestion. None of these have values in kHanyuPinyin or kXHC1983 fields for Unicode 7.0. For some, additional sources that agree with the proposed value are provided. code u8420 char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed 萠 萢 Supplementary sources Also Mimer méng pān pao pāo ran rǎn pei pèi bai bài u85F5 bao bǎo u8615 feng péng u861D liàn liǎn man màn u8683 xiàng xiǎng Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u86AE tè dài Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect bài bèi Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u881D léi lěi Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u882B lì lí Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u882F bèng pí Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect niù nǜ Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect gǔn yù Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect ni mí ka kǎ u8900 jì qí Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u8901 zhí guǒ Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect pao páo u8945 bi bì u8965 pú fú Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u8A2E xiān yán Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u8A88 wú wū Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u8422 u8485 u84DC u85AD u8630 u86FD u8842 蓜 薭 蘰 蛽 衂 u88AC u88AE u88C3 u891C 袮 裃 褜 Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Page 20/34 2. 275 changes to kMandarin proposed by Persson-2013-05 and supported by Zdic and Microsoft values, but for which Apple did not make a suggestion. None of these have values in kHanyuPinyin or kXHC1983 fields for Unicode 7.0. For some, additional sources that agree with the proposed value are provided. code char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed Supplementary sources u8ACA jú jū Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u8AD9 huài huà Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u8B29 mò mó Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u8B6A ài ǎi Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u8B75 zhuì dùi Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u8C8B hàn àn Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u8C96 è yì Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u8CA6 wàn wán Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect zhí zhì Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u8CCC gài gāi Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u8D0C pu pú u8D7C cī zī Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u8DF6 tà dá Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u8E80 kuàng guàn Also Mimer u8EA4 jiè jí Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect fen fēn mei měi u8EE0 rèn kuáng Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u8FCF tì dá Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u9064 ma mǎ u907B wù è Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u9218 jǐ yǐ Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u921F shī diào Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u92C4 wǎn wàn Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u92DB gǒng kuàng Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect bing bīng u8CAD u8EAE u8EBE u92F2 貭 躮 躾 鋲 Page 21/34 2. 275 changes to kMandarin proposed by Persson-2013-05 and supported by Zdic and Microsoft values, but for which Apple did not make a suggestion. None of these have values in kHanyuPinyin or kXHC1983 fields for Unicode 7.0. For some, additional sources that agree with the proposed value are provided. code char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed u9303 Supplementary sources Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect bēi pī fang fāng u9345 fa fǎ u935F xīng shēng u93BD feng fēng u9402 liù liú Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u941B yìng yǐng Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u9483 shǔ zhú Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u9491 jí sà Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u94B6 ē kē Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u94B8 bù bū Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u94D4 yà yā Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect shan shān u95C0 xiàng hòng Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u95EB yàn yán Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect é zhì Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect jiá jiē Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect bing bǐng u97A9 xiào qiào Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u9825 shěn yí Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u98CA biao biāo Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u98F9 liǔ bǎo Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u99F4 xiè hài Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect yǎn yàn Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u9A39 lí qí Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u9B5E ba bā u933A u958A u96B2 錺 閊 隲 u9782 u9786 u9A13 鞆 験 Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect Page 22/34 2. 275 changes to kMandarin proposed by Persson-2013-05 and supported by Zdic and Microsoft values, but for which Apple did not make a suggestion. None of these have values in kHanyuPinyin or kXHC1983 fields for Unicode 7.0. For some, additional sources that agree with the proposed value are provided. code char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed u9B78 Supplementary sources pian piàn mo mó xi xī u9BD3 ní shēn u9BF3 di dǐ u9C93 kǎo kào Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect zhī chī Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u9D55 xùn jùn Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u9D65 pan pàn u9DCD jiāo xiāo Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u9E14 bào bǔ Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u9EAB miǎn miàn Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u9F30 niàn jú Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u9F3C yǎo yào Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u9F6B kǔn yǔn Mimer, kHanyuPinyin indirect u9B79 u9BD1 u9D44 魹 鯑 鵄 Also Mimer 2x. 3 changes to kMandarin proposed by Persson-2013-05 and supported by Zdic and Microsoft values, but for which Apple did not make a suggestion. None of these have values in kHanyuPinyin or kXHC1983 fields for Unicode 7.0. However, the proposed value conflicts with the “kHanyuPinyin indirect reference” cited by Persson (this is a kHanyuPinyin reading for a related character, but is ranked lower as a source than the Zdic/MS value) code char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed Supplementary sources u6858 zhuì chuí Mimer, but kHanyuPinyin indirect = zhuì u72B8 mà mǎ Mimer, but kHanyuPinyin indirect = mà u854F chú zhū Mimer, but kHanyuPinyin indirect = chú Page 23/34 3. 109 changes to kMandarin proposed by Apple-13277481, which Persson has briefly reviewed (for these I do not have the information about Zdic or Microsoft values). For some, additional sources that agree with the proposed value are provided. code char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed kHanyuPinyin Unicode 7.0 kXHC1983 Unicode 7.0 u3570 xuè hè u35C4 kū mán kū u4E27 sàng sāng sāng; sàng u4E7C cui zhù u4F2C ze chǐ u4F66 shi yòu u4FE9 liǎ liǎng liǎ liǎng liǎng, liǎ liǎ; liǎng shā chà chà, shā chà; shā shā chà shi chí chí, shi chí; shi zhuō zhuó zhuō zhuō u545A wen huá u545B qiāng qiàng ā hē ta tuō hāi u5006 u5239 倆 刹 u524E u5319 u5353 u5475 匙 卓 呵 xuè, ma liǎ; liǎng ā; á; à; a; hē; kē ké hái, hāi, ké, gāi hāi; ké wa wā wā, guī, huá, wá, wa wā; wa xing xíng lang léng sàng sāng sàng, sāng sāng; sàng u55C6 qiāng qiàng qiāng, qiàng, chéng qiāng; qiàng u5677 hm xīn xīn, hēn hm u56A1 hai xié u56D6 lo luó u54B3 u54C7 u54D8 咜 咳 哇 哘 u5525 u55AA 喪 cldr5025-leftover qiāng; qiàng hē, hā, ā, a, kē, huō u549C Supplementary sources Page 24/34 cldr5025-leftover 3. 109 changes to kMandarin proposed by Apple-13277481, which Persson has briefly reviewed (for these I do not have the information about Zdic or Microsoft values). For some, additional sources that agree with the proposed value are provided. code char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed kHanyuPinyin Unicode 7.0 kXHC1983 Unicode 7.0 u5C21 kun hùn u5D2B kū jué u5DBF ru rū u5F5F yuē huò yuē u5F60 yuē huò yuē u5F7A wáng wǎng u5F94 zhi cóng xin xīn xiao qiū u6150 gong gōng u61F3 hui huì shou shǒu u62A3 yun yún u62FD zhuāi zhuài yè, zhuài, zhuāi u633C ruá ruó ruó, suī, luò, ruá ruá; ruó guāi guó beng bèng guāi guó guó wò huò wò, huò, hù jiang jié zui huà quan quān u698B chu chū u6A75 san zān u6A7B chu cū guang guàn lu lǔ u5FC4 u6077 u624C u63B4 忄 恷 扌 掴 u63FC u6451 摑 u64ED u6762 u67A0 u6926 u6B1F u6C07 杢 枠 椦 欟 Supplementary sources kū, jué wáng yè; zhuāi; zhuài guāi; guó Apple-13277421 guāi; guó lu Page 25/34 3. 109 changes to kMandarin proposed by Apple-13277481, which Persson has briefly reviewed (for these I do not have the information about Zdic or Microsoft values). For some, additional sources that agree with the proposed value are provided. code u6C35 char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed 氵 汢 澚 shui shuǐ tu tū yu ào u702E ling lián u7140 wei qū u71DD jing zhǔ u7220 ju qú u7233 han hān wa tún u7730 diè dié u7858 qing qíng rong ròng zui zuō zhuo zhuō ti tì u7BD2 shi yì u7C2F qi qí u7C8C yin yǐn u7C8F tai tà tòu xiù qi zī sha zōng yun wén u7E7A shǎi shā u7F3C qi quē u7F40 zhao zhào u7FAA yang yōu u6C62 u6F9A u74F2 u7A43 u7A5D 瓲 穃 穝 u7AA7 u7B39 u7D89 u7DD5 笹 綉 緕 u7E4C u7E67 繧 kHanyuPinyin Unicode 7.0 diè, zhì kXHC1983 Unicode 7.0 Supplementary sources Apple-13277421 cldr5025-leftover tòu, xiù Page 26/34 3. 109 changes to kMandarin proposed by Apple-13277481, which Persson has briefly reviewed (for these I do not have the information about Zdic or Microsoft values). For some, additional sources that agree with the proposed value are provided. code u826E char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed 艮 艹 茄 荅 kHanyuPinyin Unicode 7.0 kXHC1983 Unicode 7.0 gèn, hén, gěn gěn; gèn gěn gèn cao ǎo jiā qié jiā, qié jiā; qié dā dá dá, tà dā; dá you yòng xu xù xu, sù xu u8570 wēn yùn yùn, wēn wēn u86CC gǔ tún gǔ u87A9 tiao dāo chang chán xing háng hé lù u915C fu fū u91C3 shāi shī wu bū u937A duǒ zhě u9386 qian qián u93F1 zhang zhāng u93F2 qian qiān u9466 xian xián shui shuǐ u96D8 wò huò wò u976C qián jiān jiān, qián, kān, hàn u9904 jiá hé jiá, hé tǐ yí tǐ, yí jiao zān u8279 u8304 u8345 u848F u84FF u87D0 u88C4 u8F05 u933B u9596 u9BA7 u9D64 蓿 蟐 裄 輅 錻 閖 鮧 鵤 Supplementary sources Apple-13277421 hé, lù, yà Apple-13277421 shī, shāi, lí shāi; shī duǒ, dǔ, zhě Page 27/34 qián 3. 109 changes to kMandarin proposed by Apple-13277481, which Persson has briefly reviewed (for these I do not have the information about Zdic or Microsoft values). For some, additional sources that agree with the proposed value are provided. code u9DBB char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed 鶻 kHanyuPinyin Unicode 7.0 gú gǔ u9EB6 chi chī u9F5C chái zī chái, zī óu yú óu, yú u9F75 齵 kXHC1983 Unicode 7.0 Supplementary sources gú, hú 3x. 3 changes to kMandarin proposed by Apple-13277481, for which Persson questions the Apple proposed value. code u5A18 u88F3 u8B58 char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 proposed 娘 裳 識 kHanyuPinyin Unicode 7.0 kXHC1983 Unicode 7.0 Supplementary sources niáng nián niáng niáng Persson questions this shang shāng cháng cháng; shang Persson questions this shí shì zhì, shí shí; zhì Persson questions this Page 28/34 4. 49 additions to kMandarin (second values specific to traditional Chinese) proposed by Apple-13277421. code u4E07 char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 addition 万 俾 剖 剽 kHanyuPinyin Unicode 7.0 kXHC1983 Unicode 7.0 Supplementary sources wàn mò wàn,mò mò; wàn bǐ bì bǐ, bì, bēi, pì bǐ cldr5749-main pōu pǒ pōu pōu cldr5749-main piāo piào piào, piāo, piáo, piāo biǎo, biāo cldr5749-main bo bǔ bǔ, pū, bo cldr5749-main u5452 fǔ wǔ u54D2 dā dá u5575 bo bō bō, bo bo cldr5749-main u55F2 diǎ diē diǎ diǎ cldr5749-main fǔ wǔ fǔ, m̄ ḿ cldr5749-main dā dá dā dā cldr5749-main de dì dì, de de; dì cldr5749-main dī tí dǐ, dī, shí, wéi dī cldr5749-main chà chā chā, chà, chāi, chā; chà; chāi; chài, cī, cuō, jiē chài; cī fān fán fān, fàn fān cldr5749-main bāi bò bò bāi; bò cldr5749-main dòu dǒu dǒu, zhǔ, dòu dǒu; dòu cldr5749-main biāo sháo biāo, sháo, shuó, dí, zhuó biāo; sháo cldr5749-main bǎi bó bǎi, bó, bò bǎi; bó; bò cldr5749-main dī dí dí, zhí, zhé dī cldr5749-main dá tà tà, dá dá; tà cldr5749-main u4FFE u5256 u527D u535C u5638 卜 嘸 u5660 u5730 u5824 u5DEE u5E06 u64D8 u6597 地 堤 差 帆 擘 斗 u6753 u67CF 柏 u6A00 u6C93 沓 bo; bǔ ḿ Page 29/34 4. 49 additions to kMandarin (second values specific to traditional Chinese) proposed by Apple-13277421. code char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 addition kHanyuPinyin Unicode 7.0 kXHC1983 Unicode 7.0 Supplementary sources u7538 甸 diān diàn diàn, tián, shèng, yìng diàn cldr5749-main u7E43 繃 běng bēng bēng, běng, bèng bēng; běng; bèng cldr5749-main běng bēng bà pá bà, pá bà; pá shě shè shè, shě, shì shě; shè báo bó bó, bù, bò báo; bó; bò shuí shéi shuí, shéi piǎn pián piǎn cldr5749-main fěng fèng fěng, fèng cldr5749-main u8BBD fěng fèng fěng u8BC6 shí shì shí; zhì u8C01 shuí shéi shéi; shuí u8C1D piǎn pián piǎn diē dié pán mán pán mán pán, mán, liǎng pán cldr5749-main dēng dèng dèng, dēng dēng; dèng cldr5749-main dōu dū dū, dōu dōu; dū cldr5749-main fā pò fā pò pō, fā fā; pō cldr5749-main bēi pí bēi, bì, pō, pí bēi; pí; pō cldr5749-main u7EF7 u8019 u820D u8584 u8AB0 u8ADE u8AF7 u8DCC 耙 舍 薄 誰 諞 諷 跌 u8E52 u8E63 u8E6C u90FD 蹣 蹬 都 u9166 u91B1 u9642 醱 陂 bēng; běng; bèng diē, tú diē cldr5749-main cldr5749-main cldr5749-main pán fā; pō Page 30/34 4. 49 additions to kMandarin (second values specific to traditional Chinese) proposed by Apple-13277421. code u9684 u9697 u9817 char kMandarin kMandarin Unicode 7.0 addition 隄 隗 頗 u9887 u9AEA u9AEE u9E83 髪 髮 kHanyuPinyin Unicode 7.0 kXHC1983 Unicode 7.0 Supplementary sources cldr5749-main dī tí dī dī kuí wěi wěi, guī kuí; wěi pō pǒ pō, pò, pí pō pǒ fà fǎ fà fǎ fà páo biāo páo, biāo, piǎo cldr5749-main pō cldr5749-main fà; fǎ Page 31/34 cldr5749-main cldr5749-main 5. 37 changes to various Unihan reading fields (kMandarin, kHanyuPinyin, and/or kHanyuPinlu) proposed by Persson-2013-12; 2 of the kMandarin changes are also proposed by Apple-13277481, see the “kMandarin change support” column. code u4E7E u524D u55C5 u5666 u57D4 u5A47 char kMandarin Unicode 7.0 kMandarin proposed kHanyuPinyin Unicode 7.0 乾 qián 10056.100:gān, qián 10056.100:qián,gān gān; qián qián 10248.040:qiǎn, jiǎn 10248.040:qián,jiǎn qián xiù 10668.120:xù 10668.120:xiù xiù huì 10689.120:yué,huì 10689.120:yuē,huì huì; yuě bù 10443.070:bù,pǔ 10443.070:pǔ,bù bù; pǔ 前 嗅 噦 埔 婇 gān proposed changes to kHanyuPinyin cāi cǎi 21060.030:cāi 21060.030:cǎi u5A4F fàn fù 21060.130:fàn,fù 21060.130:fù,fàn u5A64 chōu zhōu 21060.100:chōu,zhō 21060.100:zhōu, u chōu qiān xiān 21090.110:qiān,xiān piǎo piāo 20856.130:piǎo,piào, 20856.130:piāo, miǎo piào,miǎo páng 20815.010:fǎng,fáng 20815.010:páng, ,páng fǎng,fáng u5B45 孅 u5F6F u5F77 彷 fǎng u6081 悁 yuān u60B7 sàn 42319.060:sàn,tàn kXHC1983 Unicode 7.0 21090.110:xiān,qiān 42299.060:yuān,juàn 42304.060:yuān,juàn lì proposed changes to kHanyuPinlu 42319.060:lì Page 32/34 fǎng; páng kMandarin change support 5. 37 changes to various Unihan reading fields (kMandarin, kHanyuPinyin, and/or kHanyuPinlu) proposed by Persson-2013-12; 2 of the kMandarin changes are also proposed by Apple-13277481, see the “kMandarin change support” column. code char kMandarin Unicode 7.0 kMandarin proposed kHanyuPinyin Unicode 7.0 proposed changes to kHanyuPinyin u65FD tùn tūn 21489.060:tùn, zhùn 21489.060:tūn,zhùn u6A0B tǒng tōng 21271.110:tǒng 21271.110:tōng lú lǘ 21311.050:lú 21311.050:lǘ u6E5E chēng zhēn 31673.030:chēng, zhēn 31673.030:zhēn, chēng u6F6C shàn tān 31741.030:shàn, tān 31741.030:tān,shàn guàng guāng 21111.020:guàng 21111.020:guāng u74BE zī jì 21143.070:zī,jì 21143.070:jì,zī u77A1 guǐ guī 42508.120:guǐ 42508.120:guī u815C měi méi 32093.180:měi 32093.180:méi u816C ròu róu 32100.050:ròu 32100.050:róu u8192 óu ōu 32106.140:óu 32106.140:ōu rōng róng 53200.030:róng,rǒng yìn yīn 53266.020:yìn u6ADA u73D6 u8338 u8491 櫚 珖 茸 proposed changes to kHanyuPinlu kXHC1983 Unicode 7.0 Apple13277481 rōng(20) róng → róng(20) 53266.020:yīn Page 33/34 kMandarin change support Apple13277481 5. 37 changes to various Unihan reading fields (kMandarin, kHanyuPinyin, and/or kHanyuPinlu) proposed by Persson-2013-12; 2 of the kMandarin changes are also proposed by Apple-13277481, see the “kMandarin change support” column. code char kMandarin Unicode 7.0 kMandarin proposed kHanyuPinyin Unicode 7.0 proposed changes to kHanyuPinyin u8A09 fān fàn 63942.050:fān 63942.050:fàn u90D8 lǘ lǚ 63767.090:lǘ 63767.090:lǚ u9D24 dōng zhōng 74625.070:dōng,dàn 74625.070:zhōng u9E00 chǔ shǔ 74664.170:chǔ,zhú, chù 74664.170:shǔ,zhú,c hù u2031A ròng nòng 10202.120:ròng 10202.120:nòng u21B0D lóng mí 20959.200:lóng 20959.200:mí,mǐ u21B10 mí yí 20959.190:mí,mǐ 20959.190:yí u21B13 yí lóng 20959.180:yí 20959.210:lóng u258F9 ràn 42639.010:ràn 42639.020:ràn u275C8 n nú 53053.110:n 53053.110:nú u2A048 zhuàng zhuāng 74631.130:zhuàng 74631.130:zhuāng proposed changes to kHanyuPinlu kXHC1983 Unicode 7.0 Persson also suggests a change to the dictionary index field kIRGHanyuDaZidian for u21AFD, from 20958.090 to 20959.090. 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