From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. EFFECT THE OF ROCYTE CELLS RED STASIS OF FRAGILITY, BLOOD WITH AND IN VARICOSE VEINS ACCOMPANYING OTHER BLOOD ON STUDIES ELEMENTS ERYTH- COMPARING WITH CUB1TAL VEIN BLOOD BJSTAcYR. METTIER,M.D.,JOHNC. F. ALICE I T HAS been demonstrated by Fahraeus’4 tendency to bcccme spheroidal in shape perature. G#{228}nsslen,5 Haden6 and Castle and red cells are Haden found lutions tonic, and more that become and that fragility susceptible normal red of the stated that temperature. one-half hours During evidence fragility. blood of stasis stasis volume red was hemolysis suspended to that under some conditicns, Waller12 and Cormick’3 fcuEd blood fcllcwing tourni4uet removed frCm the cubital capillary blood into the and Castle8 before and the first appeared temperature develo#{231}ment red blood cells have a in vitro at body ternshown that spheroidal than are in graded is increased by stasis found that between hemolysis at body the AND normal corpuscles. hypotonic salt so- as the solution becomes more between the volume thickness Ham necessary Spontaneous of blood due cells. red cell fragility These investigators fragility appeared. hours of stasis. cell to osmotic cells when that normal after standing Daland7 have progressively more globular there is a direct relationship further body M.D., WEAVER, BA. MCBRIDE, there of spheroidal Tsai, Lee and hypoindex Wu#{176} have of the blood in vitro at one-half and two and manifestation of increased after approximately twelve is also an increase in packed cells.8’ ‘#{176}“ There is also in vivo stasis produces increased red cell an increase in red cell fragility in capillary stasis, but Wailer found no increased vein under conditions of stasis except veins. fragility after in blood expressing There is evidence that concentration and stasis of red blood cells occur normally in the spleen.’1’6 Red cells obtained from the spienic vein were found to be more fragile when suspended in hypotonic salt solutions than red cells from blood in other veins.8’ 9 As further proof that in vivo stasis may cause red cells to become more fragile, Tsai and co-workers9 found that osmotic fragility ofred cells removed from both the splenic and renal veins increased produced by occlusion of the veins and arteries Ham and Castle1’ ‘#{176} have attached great on red cells and consider this factor to be the the anemias due to hemolysis. They believe probably the mechanism producing increased anemias with increased might secondarily account increased shown the red the Divisicn of stasis Frcm that red cell fragility, for some red cell cells Medicine usually of and hemolytic fragility. progressively that blood also, that anemias A number become less the University fragile of California 1033 following stasis of the spleen and kidney. importance to the effects of stasis common denominator in many of erythrostasis destruction in the spleen in the hemolytic an unusual degree in which there of investigators9 to hypotonic Medical School, of erythrois normal 1924 salt San is or have solutions Francisco, Cal. From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. 1034 STASIS following as being OF BLOOD splenectomy. Ham due to the removal AND ERYTHROCYTE FRAGILITY and Castle interprett the beneficial effect ofsplenectomy of the organ in which a large degree of red cell stasis ( and thus increased fragility) splenomegaly on the basis respect to erythrostasis. occurs. They explain of a probable increase certain anemias in normal splenic In an attempt to evaluate further the effect of in vivo stasis anism for increasing red cell fragility, the present investigation to measure out any of stasis ment the of the leg osmotic fragility known hemolytic in varicose veins blood with possibility definitely ‘ again ripheral is very veins cells sluggish. as having of a given blood ‘coming up each McPheeters blood veins Rice26 cell remaining time perhaps studied Ochsner a circulation in patients 2.0 the and of its Mahorner25 own. with- the the degree move- visualize They consider in the venous system of the to the opening of the saphenous one of the unhappy ones superficial venous system.” and from with with as a possible mechwas undertaken tendency or other blood dyscrasia. Although is not known it seems well established that in varicosities varicose becomes in the it of red associated function to fall direction through the of blood flow the leg inwhere opened sluices pe- in leg varicosities and discussed in detail the movement of lipiodol injected into the varicosities of two patients with a positive Trendelenburg test. One subject was recumbent and the other sitting with legs horizontal. In both cases the injected lipiodol remained stationary lowing never until the patient which the lipiodol moved centrally. tensed the abdominal muscles or moved the was seen to move distally. In their experience However, Schmier27 and Heller28 observed feet, the that foldye injected radio opaque material moved in a central direction. Heller determined the specific gravity of blood removed from the varicose vein under observation and then injcctcd radio opaque dye of the same specific gravity. He found in patients having varicose veins and competent valves that the circulation was directed centrally but at a slower rate than in the normal control. In patients with incompetent the flow was nearly stationary but after the patient remained standing time a very slow upward flow developed. Coughing or straining rapidly the flow and forced the opaque substance distally. He also noted that patient first the varicose stands vein. blood stagnates stasis does after While in the being in a supine position there is no definite proof varicose vein for hours there that is a surge of blood down a significant quantity of is evident it valves for some reversed when the that abnormal erythro- occur. MirruoD The patients least fifteen and used in this of California University minutes. immediately study Medical Blood afterward had all Center. was then been drawn a similar previously Each sample patient from was examined in the requested to stand a tortuous was dilated obtained Varicose superficial the cubital from Vein Clinic of the quietly for a period of vein, usually vein without on the the aid at calf, of a tourniquet. The following cells. (a) count (Rees All The of the studies packed and Ecker laboratory were cell made volume. method29). determinations on the () () two specimens Plasma were of blood: ned blood Hemoglobin, protein (Falling performed by (i) count, The osmotic white drop method). one of us. blood of the red fragility count and platelet From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. S. The valves Whi. were table i. One obvious of the not R. long saphenous tested). The patient blood .r METTIER, (Di) dyscrasia veins clinical had VEAVER were degree a varicose in any C. incompetent and There neither patients A. F. in each of tortuosity ulcer. of the AND was McBR1DE of the dilatation 1035 patients tested of each evidence (Sp. patient , Di. , and is indicated of congestive heart in failure nor studied. RESULTS 1 . 1-lypotonic termined of the fragilit,y. on red blood blood The resistance the cubital from cells from the of the and varicose red blood varicose veins was not of RedCellCount Arm Re 4.07 Fr 4.17 McM ! Varicose 4.2.3 Cell Volume ---- --- Arm hypotonic different Total of saline patients. from Protein Red --- -- -- \Taricose solutions healthy the Arm Cell Varicose of red cells - Vanicosity 44 42. 42. 44 6.70 7.32. 4.2.8 42. 42. 7.39 7.77 .48-36 6.87 .44-34 .48-34 .48-34 St 4.03 4.33 40.5 40.5 Ke Sp 5.2.1 5.10 4.36 48 48 6.15 6.66 6.39 6.6 .46-.36 I .46-32. .46-36 4.33 47 47 Va 4.72. 5.43 45 44 6.i 5.73 .46-34 .44’.3a 46 6.49 .41-30 .41-32. #{149} .50-38 .50-36 .47-32. Di 4.2.8 4.63 46 Sc 4.40 4.34 44.5 Whe 4,45 4.49 Bro 4.08 Ma 4.89 4.59 47 47 Le 4.37 4.52. 44 44.5 6.32. 6.52. .48-36 .48-38 41 42. 6.i8 6.49 .41-32. .44-32. 45 44 Bni 4.2.3 Os 4.60 Win Mo 4.53 4.88 - 4.2.7 Jo obtained Red creased the veins the varicose cell count, pressure pected cubital in both range packed in to produce ( a) Our as being results show with million (b) Surprisingly *Statistical Medical Center. analyses cell a small the red cells.* enough of but cubital the .48-38 our 5.63 52. 6.39 7.14 data 107.19 i). In and the each protein, the vein varicose vein cells or platelets increase blood. Statistical is indicative cell were volume made red blood white transudation white significant .44-34 .41-32. ++ .41-32. cell fragility fell within the specimens. hemoglobin, fluid .44-34 +++ ‘ 109.53 patient cubital +++ ++++ ++ ++ .44-34 .46-34 5.46 1 .44-32. .50-38 of the packed .46-32. .46-34 cause vein This 6.aa 6.15 serum fragility, .41-30 43 should veins hemoconcentration compared .io8 cell volume, varicose increase in red cells, red with cubital vein blood. veins vein .41-32. 5.90 891.5 (table 5.87 .48-38 41.5 88a.5 5.94 .48-38 4.55 91.11 .41-32. 6.01 49 88.94 .41-32. .44-32. 5.94 40.5 49 .44-32. 6.36 47 37 4.55 6.o8 6.18 .46-36 48 ++++ 6.i 6.i 4.82. 4.43 from normal 43 47 4.75 4.7’ ‘ Wil 2.. 4.39 4.72. Whi 40 43.5 4.2.3 4.75 46 6.42. of .44-32. .44-34 6.87 Degree Varicose Arm 4.18 39,5 de- fragility fragility Fragility _________ -- 4.2.0 - was The I ______ Packed ________________ to otherwise 19 significantly TABLE Name cells veins blood. in red of varicose by Dr. John the However, in blood degree vein and platelet count. tissues which would Erb from blood calculations of a minor cell count into cell count show and varicose veins as compared from the mean varicose difference of hemoconcentnation. blood C. Talbot was only suggestively of the University in- be cx- Tickense3#{176} found in blood P < o.a, The higher of California no From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. 6 103 than STASIS cubital blood in packed increase would ( c) There (P the (P slightly be expected veins was significance cubital volume that the vein packed apparent no ERYTHROCYTE If. as result cell A more AND result, of stasis, and volume increase >o.a). of this a.a). would a suggestive was BLOOD < cell somewhat ( d) There OF added would in total technic some to red a certain increase serum accurate FRAGILITY out protein cell swelling amount of proportion in varicose or a larger series had occurred same of hemoconcentration to the veins would red compared it cell increase. with cuhital be necessary to establish cells varicose increase. significant difference in hemoglobin, platelets, or white in the and samples. COMMENT As mentioned progression straining earlier, It seems pressure. veins the of blood centrally and coughing and does necessary not likely, an attempt that to establish cell roughly the minutes after the injection. leg until four minutes of the arm in a period slow and that increased that Dye did not injection minutes. a slow, through which has fragility a measurable in the ofa tube. with minutes leveled veins Jr., marked after the off fifteen of the dye dye In of blood J. Hopper, patient to reach the shown that arm vein of normal subjects appears in samples of blood within thirty seconds and levels off within three to four shown test quantity Doctors varicose and failed It has been varicose been in the vein blood until two increased and finally appear steady of blood following the intra-abdominal of blood to duration in the cubital gradually following of thirty movement we, in collaboration with the following experiment: injected into a varicose vein No dye appeared The dye concentration injection. indicates veins with refluxes which increase comparable swelling remains in the varicose vein, and C. J. Mudrick, performed Evans blue dye (Ti8i4) was varicosities. the stagnation red of evidence in varicose other activities then, produce to produce preponderance opposite concentration injected in an taken from the other minutes.3’ Obviously arm our experiment in one patient and without controls has no comparative value but it does indicate that in this patient a certain amount of stasis occurred in the vancosity for about fifteen minutes. Further exp:niments on this problem are in progress. Our data stasis in fragility permit hemolytic under erythrostasis diseases. We that the regarding the lack the importance of increased conditions that in varicose of a moderate are inclined the hemolytic agglutinins as stasis, no final conclusions diseases. However, and trauma, states of stasis degree to agree does with occur not the cell veins suggests that play a major part in most hemolytic viewpoint of Dameshek and Miller32 are due to a number inherited red and possibly, of the factor of red cell osmotic ofdifferent abnormalities chemical and causes with hormonal occurrence of hemolysis. It seems likely that several For example, in the presence of hemolytic disease, such such as hemolysins, supplementary changes augmenting factors increased are operating stasis and factors the at once. increased trauma to the red cells might be expected to produce some increase in the degree of hemolysis. It also seems likely that in order for stasis appreciably to augment hemolysis in any given hemolytic syndrome it is necessary for stagnation to occur over a prolonged did not appear period of time. until stasis had hours hemolysis and that did Tsai9 showed been present not begin until that increased red blood for one-half hour to two about twelve hours cell fragility and one-half of stasis. Also in From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. 5, our did the R. J. METTIER, C. WEAVER AND A. experiment and in Wailer’s’2 a degree of stasis not produce a significant increase in fragility amount of stasis present in congestive failure F. McBRIDE 1037 beyond that normally existing in blood from veins. Therefore, or produced by increased blood viscosity caused by the increase in globulin in infections as suggested would hardly seem sufficient to produce hemolysis. It is probable is the only crease The in hemolysis, might absence of a greater vein blood cm. 50 organ in the is difficult of water result mild stasis, of the Beecher33 colloid findings of Erb platelets, and as compared with cubital vein crease in red cells in the varicose red cells were not significantly SUMMARY I. Blood from varicose in order to determine would increase red veins but our factors and pressureof veins experiments are involved fragility showed which there in blood evidence have not is no significant from varicose compared hemoglobin, in red with cubital packed cell in varicose vein blood cell fragility as compared a suggestive, but not significant, in the varicose vein samples. centration. 4. White same values cells, platelets The and in varicose vein vein blood volume, in the with blood in .o patients hemoglobin cell blood vein specimen, cubital from veins. cells, inconper There cu. was volume and a mild degree serum protein of hemocon- were found to have cubital vein. determinations as in blood veins de- white varicose from increase in packed evidence indicates blood inthe CONCLUSIONS dicating that the theory that minor degrees of intravascular erythrostasis tribute substantially to some of the hemolytic anemias is untenable. 3. There was a small but statistically significant elevation in red cells mm. veins whether or not the degree of stasis present in varicose cell fragility. Corollary studies consisted of comparative terminations of red cells, platelets and serum proteins. 2_, There was no increase and However, our finding of a significant is at variance with their conclusion that than in the cubital vein. AND was in varicose filtration in varicose Tiefensee3#{176} that red cell blood. vein higher blood in- we found a gross of the a significant fluid at the venous end of the capillary be carried off by the lymphatics. This in marked hemoconcentration hemoconcentration. Obviously, cells, to cause than found pressure normal resorption of tissue and all tissue fluid must in white sufficient of hemoconcentration to understand. been adequately explored. Our results confirm the increase in which occur. degree in excess concluded that was impossible should of only body by Castle8’ that the spleen the the REFERENCES 1 FAHRAEUS, R. : The suspension stability stability of the 2 -: The suspension - : The erythrocytes 3 4 BERGENHEM, B. , AND Berurchsichtingung 5 GXNSSLEN, M. : Uber plasma blood. interface. FAHRAEUS, der of the Physiologic h#{228}molytischen Lancet R. : Ueber 2.’ 630, spontane den Milz. Ikterus. blood. Physiol. Ztschr. Deutsch. Acta Rev. 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For personal use only. 1949 4: 1033-1038 THE EFFECT OF STASIS OF BLOOD IN VARICOSE VEINS ON ERYTHROCYTE FRAGILITY, WITH ACCOMPANYING STUDIES COMPARING RED CELLS AND OTHER BLOOD ELEMENTS WITH CUBITAL VEIN BLOOD STACY R. METTIER, JOHN C. WEAVER and ALICE F. MCBRIDE Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.
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