Centre for Development of Imaging Technology (C-DIT) Chithranjali Hills, Thiruvallom, Tvpm-695 027 Phone: 2380910/ 912/ 895 Fax: 2380681 Tender Extract of Public Notice: Tender Number: No. C-DIT/3/DD/ T 373 Dated 05.02.15 www.cdit.org Centre for Development of Imaging Technology (C-DIT) Chithranjali Hills, Thiruvallom, Tvpm-695 027 Phone: 2380910/ 912/ 895 Fax: 2380681 TENDER NOTICE No. C-DIT/3/DD/ T 373 Dated 05.02.15 C-DIT invites sealed competitive bids (in two bid system) for the supply of Bus Chasis and Bus Shell from reputed Manufacturers. Details are given in website: www.cdit.org. The last date for submission of bids: 20. 2.15, 11AM. Technical bids will be opened at 11.30AM, same day and Financial bids from those technically qualified will be opened on 23.2.15, 11AM. Sd/ REGISTRAR Technical details Tender Reference Number C-DIT/3/DD/T 373 Dated 5.2.15 Name of preferred Manufacturer’s Eicher/ Mahindra Product Types 1. Mini Bus Cowl Chasis 2. Mini Bus Shell Application/ Usage To ply in and out of the State as Mobile Digitization Unit Preferred Models Mahindra- MN TOURISTER BSIII 4200-RTD NBB/ EICHER- 10.75H Quantity Required 1 Number Last date for receipt of bids 20.2.15, 11AM Opening of Technical bid & Scrutiny of EMD 20.2.15, 11.30 AM 1 Opening of Financial bids from technically qualified bids I. 23.2.15, 11AM ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR TENDERER Only those firms which in their individual capacity, satisfy the following criteria, need to quote for this tender. Tenders should be submitted by the original manufacturer or their authorized dealers having authorization from the original manufacturer. II. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. The Tenders consisting of Technical bid, EMD & Financial bid should be submitted, super scribed with Tender Number and addressed to the Registrar, C-DIT, Chithranjali Hills, Thiruvallom P.O., Thiruvananthapuram695 027. Phone Number- 2380910/912/895. Last date and time for submission of Tenders: 20.02.15, 11AM. Late Tenders will not be accepted. In case of any doubt or clarifications in specifications etc you can contact the number -9895788220 during office hours. 2. Technical bids received with requisite EMD or Bid security will be opened on 20.02.15, 11.30AM in the presence of the representatives of the firms who may be present at that time. All tenders received without EMD will be rejected, outright. Financial bids, from those qualified in Technical bid will be opened on 23.02.15, 11AM. 3. All prices quoted should be inclusive of all levies and taxes. 4. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs.20,000/00 should be furnished along with the Tender. EMD may be submitted either in crossed Bank Drafts/ Bank Guarantee (format given in annexure) drawn in favour of Registrar, C-DIT payable at Thiruvananthapuram. Firms which are exempted from 2 furnishing EMD should produce a copy of relevant authorized document for verification. Without EMD or EMD exemption document, the Tenders will be rejected. The EMD of unsuccessful tenderers will be returned as soon as the tender formalities are over. The EMD of the successful tenderer will be released within 3 months of supply of item. 5. The Tenderers are responsible for effecting supply to the entire satisfaction of the undersigned or his authorized representatives. In case any defect in the items supplied are noticed, such items will be rejected. The rejected items should be cleared from the premises by the supplier at his own cost, risk and responsibility within a week from the date of rejection. 6. Technical particulars and other details of the items offered should be mentioned in the tender. Any deviation should be brought to the notice of C-DIT in the bid itself. Any conditional offer may render the bid liable for rejection. 7. The undersigned does not bind himself to accept the lowest tender and reserve himself the rights of accepting the whole or any part of the tender and the tenderer shall be bound to supply the accepted items at the rates quoted. 8. On taxable items of supply, VAT shall be shown separately and taxes will be paid at the ruling rates applicable. 9. No advance payment will be made against supplies. Tenders demanding advance payment and clearance through the banks will not be accepted. 10. The rate quoted by the Tenderer shall be inclusive of the transportation/ freight charges, delivery charges and unloading charges at site. Rates quoted by the tenderer shall be valid for a period of three months from the date of opening of the tender. 11. Delivery period shall be 30- days from the date of receipt of confirmed order and this should be strictly adhered to. If the supplier has a different delivery schedule it can be brought to the notice of C-DIT by mentioning in the bid. Once the delivery schedule is mutually agreed to and 3 mentioned in the purchase/ supply order, any further extension suo moto in the delivery period may result in cancellation of the supply order. ln case the Tenderer became unable to affect supply within the time limit prescribed by C-DIT, the supply order is likely to be cancelled and the item/s will be arranged by C-DIT from elsewhere. 12. There is no tender form. The supplier shall submit the price offers in their own letter head duly authenticated in the format in Annexure-A. 13. Firm price: The rate quoted for the item is final and no enhancement will be allowed at any circumstances. The enhancement of rate will cause the cancellation of the supply order. 14. In the bid form, the unit rate to be quoted with applicable VAT separately and the total amount should be given promptly. 15. Warranty: Duly signed and stamped certificate of warranty should be attached with the technical bid. The supplier has to submit an agreement in the prescribed format for ensuring warranty offered. 16. Service Manual/ Circuit Diagram: Bidder has to supply the operation and service manual, circuit diagrams along with the item 17. Service facility: Supplier/ bidder should mention about the possible service set up in Kerala and their facility/ arrangement for after sales support 18. Reference of supply: Name and contact details of firms in India where the quoted item has been supplied should be mentioned along with copies of at least two latest purchases/ supply orders may be submitted along the bid. 19. Liquidated damages: In case the firm fails to execute the supply as per the purchase/ supply order in whole or in part as per the terms and conditions of purchase order, C-DIT can impose penalty @1% per week of the undelivered stores, subject to a maximum of 10%. It will also be open to C-DIT to procure the required item/s from elsewhere at the risk and cost of the defaulted firm. 20. Disputes: Any dispute/ litigation resulting from this contract will be instituted and exclusively triable by courts in Thiruvananthapuram only. 4 21. Amendment to tender documents: At any time prior to the last date of receipt of bids, C-DIT may for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by prospective bidders, modify the tender document by an amendment. 22. The C-DIT may at its own discretion extent the last date for the receipt of bids. 23. Authority The authority for the acceptance of the tenders rests exclusively with the C-DIT. C-DIT does not undertake to accept the lowest or any particular tender or to assign any reason whatsoever for the rejection of any tender. The decision of the C-DIT shall be final in all matters of tender and purchase. 24. Non compliance with any of the contractual provision by the Supplier shall result in the termination of the contract. 25. PAYMENT TERM The following terms of payment shall be applicable for the contract : 90 % payment within 30 days time after completion of supply at C-DIT through NEFT/ by Cheque. Balance 10% after submission of performance bank guarantee valid for warranty period + 3 months. Name and address of the bankers of Supplier/ bidder with account details should be clearly mentioned in the bid. Sd/ REGISTRAR, C-DIT Dated 05.02.15 5 ANNEXURE-A FORMAT FOR THE SUBMISSION OF RATES- PRICE BID (To be submitted in the letter head of the bidder Company/ Firm) Name of The Manufacturer: Make of the Chasis: Model Number: Make of the Shell: Model Number: Price Details Sl.No 1 Particulars Rate (Rupees) Price of the Bus Cowl Chasis Tax if any (rate) Total Amount (in words & figures) 2 Price of the Bus Shell Tax if any (rate) Total Amount (in words & figures) Note: Taxes and other applicable levies if any are to be clearly mentioned in the bid Place: Signature of the bidder Date: Name & Business Address (Seal of the firm) 6 ANNEXURES ANNEXURE I PROFORMA FOR BANK GUARANTEE IN LIEU OF EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (To be stamped in accordance with Stamp Act) Bank Guarantee No. ……………………….. Date : …………………. Ref :To Centre for Development of Imaging Technology Chitranjali Hills Thiruvallom, Thiruvananthapuram – 695 027 (India) Dear Sirs, WHEREAS in response to your Tender Notification No. ……………………………………………………. due on ……*………………… M/s ………………………………………………………………………. ………….. having its registered office at ……………………………………… (hereinafter called “Tenderer”) wish to participate in said tender for …………………………………………….. as specified AND WHEREAS an irrevocable bank guarantee in lieu of cash deposit for an amount of Rs. 20,000/00 valid for …………***……………….. days from ……………………….. is required to be submitted by the Tenderer as a condition precedent for participation in the said tender, which amount is liable to be forfeited on the happening of any contingencies mentioned in the Tender documents. We, the …………………………………. at …………………………………. having our Head Office at ………………………………………… (hereinafter referred to as “the Bank”) do hereby undertake to pay immediately on demand to the Centre for Development of Imaging Technology, Chitranjali Hills, Thiruvallom, Thiruvananthapuram - 27 (hereinafter called C-DIT) an amount of Rs. 20,000/00 (Rs. Twenty Thousand only) without any reservation, protest, demur and 7 recourse. Any such demand made by C-DIT shall be binding on us irrespective any dispute or difference raised by the Tenderer. This guarantee shall be irrevocable and shall remain valid upto ……***…………………………….. If any further extension is remitted the same shall be extended to such required period (not exceeding one year) on receiving instructions from M/s. ………………………………. On whose behalf this guarantee is issued. In witness whereof the Bank, through its authorised officer, has set its hand and stamp on this ………………………. Day of ………………………. Month 20……. at ………………………….. WITNESS ………………………………. (Signature) (Name) (Signature) ……………………………….. Designation with Bank stamp (Name) …………………………………. Power of Attorney No : Date (Official Address) Notes :* The stamp paper is to be purchased in the name of Executing Bank This date shall be due date of tender opening *** The validity date shall be 90 days from the due date of bid opening ANNEXURE-II PROFORMA OF “AGREEMENT” (To be executed on non-Judicial Stamp Paper) 8 This Agreement made this day of ………………………… Two thousand and ……………………………………. Between Centre for Development of Imaging Technology, a Society, registered under the Travancore-Cochin Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies Registration Act XII of 1955, having its registered Office at Chitranjali Hills, Thiruvallom, Trivandrum 695 027 (hereinafter referred to as “C-DIT” which expression shall include its administrators, successors, executors and assigns) of the one part and …………………………… a company/firm incorporated under the……….. having its registered Office at ………………………………………… (hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor” or ………………………. “X” …………………………. (brief name of contracting Co.) ………………………………… (which expression shall include its administrators, successors, executors and permitted assigns) of the other part. WHEREAS C-DIT has invited bids for ………………………………………… (briefly describe scope of work) as per its tender Ref. No. …………………………………………………… AND WHEREAS..…………………….. “X” …………………………………………… had participated in the above referred bidding vide their proposal No. ……………………………………….. dated …………………………….. and C-DIT accepted their aforesaid proposal and awarded the contract to “X” ……………………………. on terms and conditions contained in its Purchase Order No. ……………………………………….. dated ………………………. And the documents referred to therein, which have been accepted by ………………….”X” ………………………... resulting into a “Contract” NOW THEREFORE THIS DEED WITNESSETH AS UNDER :Article 1.0 AWARD OF CONTRACT C-DIT has awarded the contract to “X” for the supply of ……………………………………. on the terms and conditions contained in its Purchase Order No. ……………………………………….. dated ………………………………….. and the documents referred to therein. The award has taken effect from. ………………………i.e. ……………….. the date of issue of the aforesaid Purchase Order. The terms & expressions used in this Agreement shall have the same meaning as are assigned to them in the “Contract Documents” referred to in the succeeding Article. Article 2.0 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract shall be performed strictly as per the terms and conditions stipulated herein and in the following documents attached herewith (hereinafter referred to as “Contract Documents”). 9 Article 3.0 CONDITIONS & CONVENANTS The scope of Contract, Consideration, Terms of payment, price Adjustment, Taxes wherever applicable, Insurance, liquidated Damages, performance, Guarantee and all other terms and conditions are contained in C-DIT’s Purchase Order No. …………………………. dated …………………… read in conjunction with other aforesaid Contract documents. The Contract shall be only performed by the Contractor strictly and faithfully in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. The scope of work shall also include supply and installation of all such items which are not specifically mentioned in the contract Documents, but which are needed for successful, efficient, safe & reliable operation of the equipment unless otherwise specifically excluded in the specifications under "“exclusions” or Purchase Order. TIME SCHEDULE: Time is the essence of the contract and schedules shall be strictly adhered to. “X” shall perform the work in accordance with the agreed schedule as given in the Purchase Order. The Contractor guarantees that the equipment package under the contract shall meet the ratings and performance parameters, as stipulated in the Technical Specifications and in the event of any deficiencies found in the requisite performance figures, the C-DIT may at its option reject the item or alternatively accept it on the terms and conditions and subject to levy of the liquidated damages in terms of Contract Documents. The amount of liquidated damages so leviable shall be in accordance with the Contract Documents and without any limitation. It is further agreed by the Contractor that the Contract performance Guarantee shall in no way be construed to limit or restrict the C-DIT’s right to recover the damages/compensation due to short-fall in the equipment performance. The amount of damages/compensation shall be recoverable either by way of deduction from the contract price, contract performance guarantee and/or otherwise. The Contract performance Guarantee furnished by the Contractor is irrevocable and un-conditional and the C-DIT shall have the powers to invoke it notwithstanding any dispute or difference between the C-DIT and the contractor pending before any court, tribunal, arbitrator or any other authority. This Agreement constitutes full and complete understanding between the parties and terms of the presents. It shall supersede all prior correspondence to 10 the extent of inconsistency of repugnancy to the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement. Any modification of the Agreement shall be effected only by a written instrument signed by the authorised representatives of both the parties. Article 4.0 SETTLEMENTS OF DISPUTES It is specifically agreed by and between the parties that all the differences or disputes arising out of the Agreement or touching the subject matter of the Agreement shall be decided by process of settlement & Arbitration as specified in the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and Courts in Thiruvananthapuram alone shall have exclusive jurisdiction over the same. NOTICE OF DEFAULT Notice of default given by either party to the other party under the Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly and properly served upon the parties here to if delivered against acknowledgement or by registered mail with acknowledgement due addressed to the signatories at the addresses mentioned hereinabove. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties through their duly authorised representatives have executed these presents (execution where of has been approved by the competent authorities of both the parties) on the day, month and year first above mentioned at Trivandrum. WITNESS C-DIT 1. …………………………… (Signature) (Name) 2. …………………………… (Designation) (Seal) 1. …………………………… (Contractors signature) (Designation) (Seal) 2. …………………………… 11
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