WINDOW on WALTON FEBRUARY 2015 News from ST PETER’S & CHRISTCHURCH Churches ST PETER’S & CHRISTCHURCH Walton-on-the-Hill Ecumenical Partnership was inaugurated on 26th October 1986. The participating churches are The Parish Church of St Peter the Apostle, Diocese of Guildford and Christchurch United Reformed Church, Southern Synod. Priest in Charge Revd Canon Margaret Marsh MA 01737 812105 [email protected] Churchwardens Catherine Patten 01737813804 [email protected] Neil Williams 01737 813648 [email protected] Treasurer Mike Giles 01737 812636 [email protected] Verger Colin Martin 01737 350637 Pastoral Assistant Moya Weeks 01737 819457 [email protected] Pastoral Assistant Karen Rand 01737 213311 [email protected] CHRISTCHURCH Church Secretary Dr Ray Brotherwood 01737813678 Arthur Charlwood 020 8393 3396 Acting Treasurer Sheila Brotherwood 01737813678 Elders Mary Pavy 01737 812828 Marion Pevy 01737 812129 Editor’s Note Your Editor Ruth McHale Tel: 01737 819971 Dear Readers, It is a pleasure to welcome you back to this new year, and hello to those who are viewing this on line! As St Peter’s is coming to the end of an era saying goodbye to Margaret Marsh, it looks as if Christchurch is beginning one with a possible new leader in sight. With Margaret’s last service on the 1st, St Peter’s goes into a period of vacancy until the position is filled. This could take a while but in the meantime it is you, the reader, who can help to support and maintain St Peter’s to the standard that it has been brought up to and maintained over the last 10years with Margaret as Priest in Charge. In this edition there are many examples that give the sense of community within this village and I would like to draw your attention especially to the Walton in Bloom message. More information on that next month. I do hope you have a good month and keep warm! Ruth The deadline for the March edition is 15th February Please send all contributions, preferably by email to:[email protected] By post to: The Rectory Attn: The Editor Breech Lane Walton-on-the-Hill KT20 7SD All views expressed are those of the individual authors and are not necessarily those of St Peter’s or Christchurch. Church Diary FEBRUARY TIME SERVICE/EVENT PLACE Sun 1st 8.00am 10.30am 3.00pm Holy Communion Parish Communion Worship St Peter’s St Peter’s Christchurch Mon 2nd 1.30-2.30 pm Little Cherubs St Peter’s Tues 3rd 12.00 noon Churches Together in The Meeting Room Good Shepherd Wed 4th 12.30pm Funeral St Peter’s Thurs 5th 9.30-11.00am Mothers and Uthers The Rectory Sun 8th 8.00am 10.30am 10.30am St Peter’s St Peter’s Christchurch Mon 9th 1.30-2.30 pm Little Cherubs The Rectory Sun 15th 8.00 am 10.30 am 10.30 am St Peter’s St Peter’s Christchurch Mon 16th 1.30-2.30 pm Little Cherubs St Peter’s Sun 22nd 8.00 am 10.30 am 10.30 am St Peter’s St Peter’s Christchurch Mon 23rd 1.30-2.30 pm Little Cherubs Holy Communion Parish Communion Morning Worship Holy Communion Family Service Morning Worship Holy Communion Parish Communion Holy Communion St Peter’s To those who give to St Peter’s A NOTE FROM YOUR TREASURER Thanks to all those who have kindly donated to the church funds over the last few years. May I remind you all that in order for the church to reclaim Gift Aid on donations whether made by standing order or placed in weekly envelopes, a signed Gift Aid declaration needs to be completed and returned to me at 37 Breech Lane Forms are available at the back of the church or contact me on 01737 812636 or email to [email protected] Many thanks Mike Giles St Peter’s Cleaning Rota February 6th 13th 20th 27th Dring Family Parr-Davis Family Oliphant Family Sue Osgood March 6th 13th 20th 27th Ruth Ayre, Jan Allum, Annette Howard-Smith Hough Family Brown Family Sue Osgood From St Peter’s Registers Holy Baptism Thomas Charles Robert Marsh James Michael Marsh Luna Rose Shelley Joseph Anthony James White Jacob John Denny Tobias Oliver Meighan Dexter Stuart Feshareki Holy Matrimony Dee O’Sullivan and William Smethurst Fleur Johnson and Alan Odell Funeral Isabel Holly Price Interment of ashes John Harding from St Peter’s How wonderful it was to celebrate Christmas with such joy. St Peter’s was packed at all the services, and you can see the photos of the Nativity in the centrefold pages. What was particularly remarkable was the numbers who attended the Crib Service. When we got to over 300 adults, Bill Oliphant stopped counting, so with the children we must have had at least 400 in total! In fact, 836 adults and 271 children attended over Christmas, and people say that Christianity is no longer relevant! I will remember this Christmas at St Peter’s with very fond memories indeed. We sent all our Christmas collections, which amounted to a generous £1,723.89, to Coram, the UK children’s charity that has been supporting vulnerable children for 275 years, and now helps a million children and young people every year, including those who have been abused. Our Christmas fund raising events meant that our fund raising total for the year was in excess of £2,750, an amazing amount. Our appreciation and thanks to the May Pageant Committee for their incredible support and hard work organising the Christmas Craft Fair, including the ‘raffle run’ selling a huge number of Christmas Hamper Raffle tickets. Thank you also to all whose contributions filled three delicious hampers. A great ‘first’ was the Choir CD, which was produced with some very hard work by both the choir and Phil Morton, our organist and choirmaster, but was also great fun to do. And thank you to Philip Ide for his professional Choir Photograph which was put on the CD cover, on mugs and was also sold adding to the total. I have a treasured framed copy. As I come to leave as your parish priest, I know that many of you have realised what a wonderful husband I have in Charlie. You all know by now my many irritating ways and I’m sure that you have often wondered, like me, how Charlie puts up with it. Well, it seems at last he has received proper recognition. At the Junior Choir pantomime visit he was pronounced as ‘Saint Charlie’, to much cheering from the choir! Apparently 29th December will now always be officially St Charlie’s Day! You can see his picture with ‘Muddles’ together with Olivia Ide’s description of the day. I do hope as many of you as possible with be coming to St Peter’s at 10.30 am on Sunday 1st February, and afterwards at The Riddell Hall for a bit of a ‘do’. I will try to keep my emotions under control, but can’t promise! In the meantime, you may know that Catherine and Frederick Patten went to Australia for Christmas to see their new grandson. We are very concerned to hear that Frederick has been taken ill so they are unable to fly home at present. We offer all our love and support to them both at this worrying time. This means that Neil Williams is, for the time being, our lone churchwarden, which is a daunting prospect for him as there is so much to be done during the vacancy. All possible help and support that can be offered to Neil will be very much appreciated by him, so do please do all you can to help ease the burden over the next few months. I hope to see you on Sunday 1st and I will be reflecting on the past ten years at St Peter’s and Walton in the March Magazine. In the meantime thank you for making it such a very special time for both me and my saint of a husband! Margaret PS—have you seen our new St Peter’s website?—it’s great! Many thanks to Ruth for doing such a good job! ********************************************************************* Yvonne Post 29 January 1925 – 7 January 2015 It is with great sadness that we have to inform you that our mother, Yvonne Post, died on 7 January 2015. The family are thankful that she passed away peacefully at home, where she wanted to be, and had family and friends around her when she died - and a cat on her lap. Our Mum had deep religious beliefs and did not fear death, as she knew she was going to a better place and would be reunited with our Dad. We all miss her desperately, but are extremely thankful to have had her in our lives for so long. Her funeral will be on Wednesday 4 February: St Peters Church, Breech Lane, Walton on the Hill, KT20 7SD – 12.30 pm Funeral Service. Randalls Park Crematorium, Leatherhead, KT22 0AG - 2.00 pm Cremation. We will then celebrate her life at The Grumpy Mole, Dorking Road, Tadworth, KT20 5RX from 3.00 pm. We hope that you will join us for any or all of the above 3 happenings. Our Mum’s wishes were that if you were thinking of sending flowers, please instead consider making a donation to the St Peter’s Church fund - which can be sent ‘care of Stonemans’ to the address below. However, if you did want to send flowers, the Undertaker is: Stoneman Funeral Service 11 Shelvers Hill, Tadworth, KT20 5PU 01737 814406 From: Mick, Lesley and Heather Heather Post: [email protected] 07725 232144 or 01737 217914 (evenings and weekends) from Christchurch What Happened to THE BOYS BRIGADE? Many residents of Walton can remember the B.B. Some even were Members, part of a nationwide youth movement. The Walton unit known as a Company operated from 1941-1975 attached to Christchurch. The B.B. originally formed in Glasgow in 1883 by William Smith. It was formed to counteract various ‘’boys gangs’’ which were getting out of hand. A voluntary movement sponsored by churches. Using the ‘tools’ available at the time. They were the ‘’Twin Pillars’’ of Religion and Discipline. Bible Class on Sundays, weekly Parades, Drilling, Physical, Activities, Music (bands) and Camping etc. SURE AND STEADFAST is their motto. This to guide boys towards ‘Christiam Manliness’. It was not always successful , but the mark of the B.B has helped many boys. The B.B spread throughout the U.K. and Commonwealth Countries. By 1905, there were B.B members around Poole in Dorset able to supply 50% of the original camp on Brownsea Island, which was the starting point for the Scouts. The B.B still function world wide. In 1941 the B.B reached Walton. Mr George Tremain moved to Tadworth. Being a Baptist, he joined the Congregational Church-it was a free church. Having been a B.B member in his previous church he has the knowledge of the drill, P.T bands and Sunday school work plus tremendous enthusiasm. He also served in the first World War. The Walton Company was later joined by The Girls’ Brigade. Young people from around Walton joined. In its prime, The Band led monthly Church Parades, met twice weekly for other activities and annual camps. In 1975, the Company amalgamated with the Ashtead group and in the Millennium year a short history of the B.B time in Walton was deposited in the Surrey archives. Arthur Charlwood ************************************************************************** WOMEN'S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER LOCAL SERVICE, FRIDAY, 6th MARCH, 2.00pm at CHRISTCHURCH U.R.C Looking ahead to March, this year's service has been prepared by the Christian women of The Bahamas on the theme, 'Jesus said to them, "Do you know what I have done for you?" Everyone is very welcome, men and young people as well as women! Tea will be served afterwards in Christchurch Hall. Please ring Mary Pavy on 812828 or Mo Atkins on 813834 if you would like a lift to and from the church or for further information. Feb 1st Afternoon Service—Revd. Craig Bowman 8th Morning Worship—Mr. G. Partridge 15th Morning Worship—Mr. J. Allinson 22nd Holy Communion—Revd. Howard Rady CHRISTCHURCH GUILD Every Wednesday 3.00pm-4.15pm Meets at Christchurch Hall—entrance on the left side of the church building. Both men and woman welcome! A little worship, talk, entertainment or activity followed by a cup of tea and a chat. No subscription, just come along with a friend if you like– we would be delighted to see you! COFFEE DROP-IN Every Saturday morning at Christchurch Hall 10.30-11.45am (unless there is a charity event at Lord Riddell Hall). The Drop-In donations go to Charities Thank you for your support! Come and join us, if you haven't done so already—a warm, friendly atmosphere awaits you! WALTON’S WRIGGLERS SOFT PLAY FOR MUMS, CHUMS AND LITTLE ONES!! MON. TUES. FRI. 9.30am – 2.30pm For the under 5’s 1st Child: £3.50 Siblings: £1.50 Siblings under 1: Free Loyalty cards! PARTIES!! The Scout and Guide Headquarters, opp. The Chequers. Walton-on-the-Hill DETAILS: 07768432772 Little Cherubs meet every Monday in term time From 1.30 pm to 2.30 pm in St Peter’s Church For all Under Fives, with their Mums, Dads, Grandparents, Carers Singing, Craft, Story, Ring the bell Refreshments for children and carers Contact Karen Rand (01737 2133110) [email protected] Spring Term 2015 2nd Feb 9th Feb 2nd Feb Jesus visits the Temple with Mary and Joseph Jesus welcomes children Jesus visits the Temple with Mary and Joseph th 16 23rd Feb 2nd March 9th March 16th March 23rd March HALF TERM - 20TH February Pancakes Washing the disciples’ feet Mothering Day card Jesus cares for Jerusalem Easter Garden A Warm welcome awaits you MONTHLY CLASSIC FILM REVIEW Vertigo (1958) Hi everybody, hope you are all well and had a fabulous Christmas and new year! It seems odd to ask that, it seems so long ago! Today I’m going to be reviewing one of the most historic examples of manipulation, obsession and dramatization ever addressed in film from one of the world’s most prominent directors whose name is synonymous with thriller and fear, yes the legend that is Mr. Alfred Hitchcock. This film is ultimately a thriller and one used to evoke fear and terror into the audience member, something that Hitchcock never fails to achieve. As he once famously quoted ‘I am a typed director. If I made Cinderella, the audience would immediately be looking for a body in the coach.’ And ultimately he is right. What is interesting to perceive though is Hitchcock, especially in ‘Vertigo’, wrote murder scenes like love scenes and love scenes like murder scenes. What I adore about this film is that it achieves a very different ‘aftertaste’ (for lack of a better word!) in the audience members mind. I am a large believer that a good film should always change your life in some way. Not that you walk out of the cinema a reformed character, but it should alter your state of mind and make you analyse the decisions we make in our own lives and a writers expression of consequence. (A cheaper version of therapy!) Vertigo is marketed as a typical Hitchcock movie, but yet it provides a very different look on the effects of desire, pain and false tragedy. This will become clearer when I dictate the plot line. Hitchcock dramatically represents the harshest examples of love and what it drives his characters to perpetrate. Police detective John 'Scottie' Ferguson played by James Stewart is asked by an old college friend, Gavin Elster, if he would have a look into his wife Madeleine's (Kim Novak) strange behavior. Elster is under the belief his wife believes that she is the reincarnation of a distant relative who died many years ago and Elster is concerned about her sanity. Scottie, although skeptical, agrees to follow her. After a few days of pursuing her he rescues her from an apparent suicide attempt when she jumps into San Francisco bay. He gets to know her and they fall in love. They go to an old mission church and he is unable to stop her from climbing to the top of the steeple, owing to his vertigo, where she jumps to her death. Tortured by the event and consumed with guilt an inquest confirms that Madeleine did commit suicide, Scottie is committed to an asylum as he is unable to cope with the grief. Several months later, whilst walking he meets Judy Barton, a woman who is the spitting image of Madeleine. She is a brunette and has a very different fashion style, but she is identical to the woman who died. He tries to re-make her into Madeleine's image by getting her to dye her hair and wear the same type of clothes. He soon begins to realize however that he has been duped and was a pawn in a complex piece of theatre that was meant to end in tragedy. Elster had in fact hired Judy to play his wife so he would not be discovered for murdering the ‘real Madeleine’. Judy out of love for Scottie agrees to allow him to turn her back into the woman she played and Scottie out of obsession manipulates her into changing everything about herself, but when he asks her to run back up the bell tower so he can recreate the event, but this time save her, will history repeat itself? The films focus on the mental effect this façade has on James Stewart’s character results in a tragic stream of events that leaves the audience member reeling. Hitchcock’s dramatic portrayal of the mind and love so deep people are willing to sacrifice their identities gives the audience such a tragic insight into the consequence of such a piece of theatre. Kim Novak I believe was perfectly cast in this film. She has a haunting beauty that commands the screen, a desperate necessity in this film, as the character does not speak until a third of the way into the movie. Alongside James Stewart we see a real contrast and that is wonderful to see on screen. Although we often associate James Stewart with Alfred Hitchcock, Hitchcock was embittered at the critical and commercial failure of the film in 1958. He blamed this on James Stewart for "looking too old" to attract audiences any more. Hitchcock never worked with Stewart, previously one of his favorite collaborators, again, Hitchcock also believed that Kim Novak was miscast in the role, but I do feel she brings a haunt to it that a star like Marilyn Monroe (probably because of her great stardom) could not achieve. ‘Vertigo’ exhibits some of the finest examples of cinematography and dramatic plot lines, ever demonstrated on screen, but I do believe the true success of this film is the ability to convey such a startling story, and leave all words unsaid, said. ‘There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it.’ – Alfred Hitchcock By Niamh Collins Mothers & Uthers Begins again on Thursday 5th February at The Rectory 9.30am-11.00am Come and join us for tea/coffee and cake. ALL WELCOME! Guest speaker is Janet Widman ************************************************************************************************ CURZON COUNTRY CINEMA are showingMr Turner at The Lord Ridddell Hall, Deans Lane on Friday 27th February. 1.30pm - 4.30pm and 7.30pm (3 sittings) All seats £5 *************************************************************************** THE FRIENDS OF THE CHILDREN’S TRUST Present: THE SECRETS OF ROMANTIC PHOTOGRAPHY Saturday 14 February 7.30pm Tickets £10 to include Lite Bites Ring 01737 812655 or 01737 353981 [email protected] ******************************************************************** ‘’ Walton in bloom." Walton forum would like us all in the village to focus on making it more attractive by enhancing our properties ,with hanging baskets ,tubs & window boxes ,and flowers general , how great it would be for us to improve our village life with colour and beauty, your support is vital to our village’s success, more information next month, "the flower happy group". Walton on the Hill WI With Christmas and New Year festivities behind us we embark on another W.I. year. Our first meeting of 2015 was a sale of surplus gifts which is always good fun and very popular, followed by a talk by one of our members who told us all about her exciting life at Elizabeth Arden. (see below) Our February meeting, on the 12th will be a talk by Mr Rupert Matthews on R.A.F. Heroes in Surrey. If you would like to join us you will be most welcome.( 2,30pm at The Riddell Hall) We wish all our readers A Very Happy New Year. Zena Hodgkison After the official part of the Walton’s W.I meeting was concluded, the speaker for January was Judy Wood who gave a very good talk about her career at Elizabeth Arden. Judy spoke about joining the family hairdressing business in Harrogate but realised she wanted a change. Judy successfully applied to Elizabeth Arden in London and made her way to start a six-week course to her new career. Although she took a pay cut and the company had very strict rules, Judy successfully completed her training and enjoyed a wide and varied career. This included demonstrations, lectures and promoting Arden products. Judy became a senior member of the team and was asked if she wanted to go on a cruise for 15 days to the Caribbean to promote the Arden collection, the first time this had been done on cruise ships. After marrying, Judy wanted to retire but she was asked if she would go to British Airways to advise the air stewardesses how to do their hair and make-up and how to correctly attend each customer, especially when they had to lean over to speak to them. Judy enjoyed a very long and varied career until she retired but she still has fond memories of her time working at Elizabeth Arden. Sue Cutmore FUN AT CHRISTMAS! This year St Peter’s Nativity was a vey busy and surprising affair! Mary and Joseph (aka Eloise McHale and Sebastian Carvill) arrived on a ‘donkey’ (ok, so it was a Shetland pony!) to the church with the congregation looking on. As everyone returned to their seats Mary and Joseph made their way up the aisle to the dais along with the donkey who had a nibble at the hay in the manger, then quite unexpectedly left a package of its own for baby Jesus! This caused much amusement amongst the children but was quickly dealt with and we were able to move on telling the story of the Nativity. Six week old Joseph Anthony James White, who played the part baby Jesus, was quite unaware of of all this and slept peacefully. All the children entered into the spirit of it, dressing up as shepherds, angels and the wise men. Some members of our junior choir narrated the story whist others helped with props and guiding the younger children to their places. We had a special guest amongst the congregation, the Archdeacon of Dorking, the Ven Paul Bryer with his wife and mother. Baby Joseph was baptised on 10th January so had quite an eventful Christmas in St Peter’s! St Peter’s Junior Choir Pantomime Outing Snow White After Christmas St. Peter's church choir went to the pantomime (Snow White) and everyone loved the show. It was a great performance even St. Charlie ( Maggie's husband) enjoyed himself. Charlie became a ‘Saint’ in front of the whole audience by the funny chap in the show called Muddles. It was so funny. There was a comedian called Muddles who was Snow White's friend - he thought Charlie was the vicar, what a muddle! We will never forget that day and I don't think Charlie will either. After Christmas now will always be St. Charlie's day. Charlie told the audience he got a book for Christmas but it was not a Bible ‘cos he’d already read it! Prince Charming was charming and Snow White was beautiful (but I think Snow White should have married Muddles). The costumes were really colourful and the audience all joined in with the singing. Charlie forgot to salute Muddles and I think he did the wrong sign so that is why he got spotted and had to go on stage. We have got St Charlie's day now because of that. We all laughed and loved the show and the atmosphere. Great day had by all! Can't wait for next year, hope St. Charlie can come! Olivia Ide Left: ‘Saint Charlie’ talking to Muddles on stage Below: After the show we introduce the real vicar to Drew Cameron (Muddles) Open Group The year 2014 ended with a very festive meeting at Elizabeth Hargrave's home, warm, welcoming and ready for Christmas on 12th December! Liz had been extremely busy, not only putting up decorations but baking mince pies, sausage rolls and preparing canapés in our honour. Beryl and Leslie Smith, volunteers from Kent, Sussex and Surrey Air Ambulance joined us for the evening. It was a great pleasure to present them with a cheque for the year's fundraising, amounting to £3,000. The collecting box, held by Open Group for 'odd change' donations was taken and emptied by Beryl. This raised a further £9.80. Beryl and Leslie joined in the seasonal quiz and won! Very many thanks to Liz for organising such a great pre-Christmas evening. The first meeting of 2015, on the second Tuesday in January, was an Epiphany supper, at Bryher, Tadworth Street. It was a happy start to the year and a chance to relax and exchange Christmas news over 'Piquant Basil Chicken', followed by 'New Year Amandine Tart'! During the evening, members agreed to support the charity, 'Hearing Dogs for Deaf People', as the group's 2015 project. The next meeting will be a ‘Pancake Evening’ on TUESDAY, 10th FEBRUARY, 7.30PM FOR 8.00PM, at WHITELODGE, SANDLANDS GROVE, when we hope to have a speaker from the organisation, which, as in the case of Air Ambulance, receives no government funding. Availability of speaker to be confirmed at time of writing. Everyone is welcome, men too! For further information or if you would like to attend the meeting, please contact Mo on 813834 or Norma on 812639 or by e-mail to moatkins@ We were pleased to have received a grateful certificate of thanks from the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance Service and are looking forward to enthusiastic fundraising on behalf of 'Hearing Dogs for Deaf People'. Mo Atkins ************************************************************************** SOUP SATURDAYS 2015! Members of Open Group, St. Peter's and Christchurch are once again planning to serve HOMEMADE SOUP LUNCHES IN CHRISTCHURCH HALL on the six Saturdays during Lent, between 12.00 and 1.30pm, COMMENCING SATURDAY, 21st FEBRUARY. If you would like to be involved, on a rota basis, by making and / or serving soup or setting up the hall, please let Mo know as soon as possible on 813834 or by e-mail to moatkins@ Just as importantly, please encourage friends and family or someone you know who would appreciate a warming lunch, to come along and try out the annual soup kitchen! (A choice of soups, cheese and freshly baked bread, followed by coffee and biscuits!). Donations invited, suggested minimum £4.00, children £1. There will be a 'rolling' Easter raffle, to be drawn on the last Saturday. EVERYONE IS VERY WELCOME! Proceeds this year will go towards 'Hearing dogs for Deaf People'. Local Information Come and join Walton Beavers For Girls and Boys Aged from 5¾ to 7¾ years old Meeting at the Scout & Guide HQ (opposite the Chequers Pub) On Thursdays from 5pm to 6.15pm for Girls and Boys Aged from 7¾ to 10½years old On Thursdays from 6.30pm to 8pm Contact Jessica Sayers (GSL) [email protected] 01737 814869 Kingswood, Tadworth and Walton Flower Arrangement Group Held in the Village Hall Waterhouse Lane Kingswood every second Tuesday in the month at 7.45 pm 2015 Tuesday February 10th Our demonstrator is Lynda Bradford and her demonstration is entitled ‘Spring is in the Air’ Please bring any unwanted gifts for the sales table. Tuesday March 10th Our demonstrator is Graham King and his demonstration is entitled ‘Spring Palette’ The competition is a small spring corsarge. Tuesday April 7th The AGM starts at 7.30 pm and is followed by Phyllis Taylor whose demonstration is entitled ‘Surprise Surprise’ I hope you agree we have a continued wide and varied programme. Do please come along to one of our meetings as a visitor and hopefully you will enjoy it so much you would like to become a member. Janet Hill Chairman [email protected] Tel: 01737 832424 WALTON BOOK FAIR As reported, we had another very successful book fair, making over £3,000 after expenses. Unfortunately we have had great problems in clearing all the books this time (We recently had a meeting in The Scouts Headquarters to try and take the remainder away to charity shops etc ) so because of this (and the hard work and commitment ) it was decided not to hold another one in October. Thank you to everyone who has supported us over the last 8 years. ROYAL MARSDEN CHRISTMAS CARDS Thank you to everyone who supported this charity by purchasing their cards, I sold just over £1,100 which was a great total. I also paid towards a Christmas Party at The Children`s and Teenage Centre at The Royal Marsden, plus on going vouchers for youngsters having radio therapy (a well done) This is money from fund raising during last year. Once again THANK YOU to everyone who helps me and attends our fund raising events. Norma Darter TWOAT- Tadworth & Walton Overseas Aid Trust TWOAT is delighted to report that our Carol Singing and Appeal over Christmas raised about £1500 to support our Pastor’s School Project in Sierra Leone. The school is still closed by government decree to help contain the Ebola outbreak. However, we are aware that staff members are keeping in touch with the families of pupils so they can provide financial help to counter the disruption to economic life and medical facilities using funds sent from the UK. The Christmas Appeal funding will not only cover the wage costs for the 5 teachers during this year but also provide £500 extra for the relief activity outlined above. £500 is a significant sum in Sierra Leone and is equivalent to 3 years’ earnings for the poorer workers and subsistence farmers. The next TWOAT fund raising activity is a Quiz Evening at Christchurch, Walton Street, Walton, 7.15 pm Tuesday 17th February admission £10 including light buffet. On Wednesday March 11th at 7.30pm TWOAT is delighted and honoured that Sir Edward Clay, a previous senior British diplomat, will address a TWOAT meeting at St John’s Hall on events with which his role directly involved him that took place during the genocide in Rwanda. The topic will be “Rwanda 1994; Never again?” The date and venue for this year’s Auction of Promises is the evening of Saturday April 25th in St John’s Hall, Tadworth. We will be publishing more details closer to that date but please tell a member of the TWOAT committee if you have any new ideas about Promises that Friends and Supporters might offer to provide. Mike- Chairman Tadworth & Walton Overseas Aid Trust-Home/Office 01737 350452 Local Advertising If you would like to advertise in Window on Walton, please contact Ruth McHale by email: [email protected] Professional Local Carpet Cleaning Curtain Cleaning Upholstery Cleaning Leather Chair/Settee Cleaning Rug Cleaning All works fully Insured &Guaranteed Both Residential and Commercial Carpet Cleaning available. Call Mike Rolph for a free quotation: 01737 812554/078555 21410/0845 475 1245 Sycamore Associates 10 Sandlands Rd,Walton on the Hill, Physiotherapy and Acupuncture Massage The leading Physiotherapy Clinic in the area For information and to book an appointment call: 01737 850505 [email protected] Fruiterers & Delicatessen 18 Cross Road, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 5SR Tel: 01737 812135 Andrew D Foulkes STONEMAN FUNERAL SERVICE Established in 1865 You are warmly invited to attend the dedication of our second chapel of rest and also to celebrate Stoneman Funeral Service being established and serving the local community in Tadworth and surrounding areas for 10 years. We will be holding our open morning on Monday 14th November 2014 from 11.00 am We hope you can join us. 5th Generation Family Run Business ************************************* BREECH LANE COMMUNITY CENTRE run by Walton on the Hill Association Activities include : LANES KINDERGARTEN Pre-School Nursery Mon-Friday TODDLERS : Wednesday mornings ART GROUP: Wednesday 1.30 - 4pm PASTELS : Thursday 1.30 -4pm ORCHESTRA : Wednesday 8 - 10pm HALL available for hire - ideal children's parties and group activities BOOKINGS : Maria Couchman 01737 817706 Secretary- Jean Saul 812830 Chairman - Debbie Murray 819672 SHAPE UP & SLIM DOWN “Young at Heart” Low Impact Aerobics, combined with Body Conditioning for an all-round workout! Tuesdays 10.00am Lord Riddell Memorial Hall, Deans Lane, Walton-on-the-Hill £6 per class – All Ages Welcome! Just turn up or call Vanessa for more information on Tel: 07973 118479 Email: [email protected] Gamma Computer Services The Local Help Desk for the Home and Small Business User Established local business Customers of ALL ages Free impartial advice Repairs and Upgrades Wireless Networking and Security Tuition on One to One Basis Linux support available We support open source software Call Now : 07957 230299 ZOE UNDERWOOD – FEMALE PAINTER/DECORATOR Is your décor looking tired? Need a change? If you don’t have the time or willpower, look no further! Free Written Quotations Interior & Exterior works welcome Domestic & Commercial Fully Insured No job too small References Available A clean, efficient & reliable service at competitive prices Please call 01737 363453 or 07876 572624 Dorking Pest Control Local Authority Approved Contractors Services Our Services Include: Wasps, Bee Swarms, Hornets, Rats, Mice, Squirrels, Fleas, Flies, Ants, Cockroaches, Bed Bugs, Rabbits, Moles, Foxes and Deer. • Domestic, Commercial & Industrial • Contract Work Preventative Control Programmes Experts in pest control throughout Surrey Office: 01306 743001 Ivor: 07710 117491 Chris: 07971 519415 Bullimores Chartered Accountants Your Local, Friendly & Efficient Business Advisers ● Inheritance Tax & Executorship ● Financial & Tax Planning ● Accounting ● Audit ● Taxation ● Business Start-ups ● Payroll ● IT Accountancy Services Whether your needs are business or private, please contact us for a free, no obligation, consultation on 01306 880880 or email: [email protected] Useful Telephone Numbers BLACKSMITHS & FARRIER J.A. Ibbotson & Sons, Walton St 813120 CYCLES/CYCLE REPAIRS B&L Stevens, 51 Walton St 813127 FISHMONGERS & POULTERER S.R. Kay & Sons, 1 High St, Tadworth 813144 FUNERAL DIRECTORS I. Hawkins & Sons 01372 372435 2 Highlands Rd, Leatherhead, KT22 8ND W.A. Truelove & Son Ltd 121 High St, Banstead, SM7 2NS 212160 Stonemans Funeral Service Doran Court, Reigate Rd, Redhill, RH1 6AZ 763456 Longhurst Undertakers 8-10 Pound Lane, Epsom, KT19 8RY 01372 723548 Sherlock & Sons Ltd, Trellis House 190 South St, Dorking, RH4 2ES 01306 882266 email: [email protected] NEWSAGENTS Walton News 47 Walton St Newsagent, lottery, paypoint, photocopying, Confectionery etc 812289 PLUMBING & HEATING W.G. Buckenham & Sons 07850 764484 VETERINARY SURGERY Priory Veterinary Surgery North Lodge, 11 High Street ( day) 812496 (24 hrs) 242190 Police Surrey Police 0845 1252222 Hospitals Epsom General 01372 735735 St Helier Doctors Chemist 020 8644 4343 Heathcote Medical Centre 01737 360202 Tadworth Medical Centre, Tadworth Farm 0844 387 9990 Walton Pharmacy 01737 813251 Electricity - emergency 0800 783 8866 Gas - emergency 0800 111 999 Water Veterinary Surgeries Age Concern 08459 200 800 Priory Vets 01737 812496 01737 352156 Local Organisations CHARITIES HOME FARM TRUST RSPCA SWAN SANCTUARY HELPLINE TADWORTH & WALTON OVERSEAS AID TRUST (TWOAT) DYSCOVER ALZHEIMERS SOCIETY R.N.L.I HALLS AVAILABLE COMMUNITY CENTRE RIDDELL HALL Kevin Shaw Regional Control Centre John Allinson 812223 08705 555999 01932 240790 213347 Rosemary Townsend Margaret Fox Margaret Fox 819419 350452 350452 Maria Couchman Catherine Shrimpton 817706 813265 GROUPS CHRISTCHURCH GUILD Group use enquiries GAGE PLAYERS Amateur Dramatics OPEN GROUP Secretary Sheila Brotherwood Mary Pavy S. 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All available at your local store Opening hours- Monday to Saturday 7am-10pm Sunday 8-8pm
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