TEXAS SIMMENTAL/SIMBRAH N E W S Superbowl set for San Antonio International Simmental/ The 23rd annual Sim- held during the San Anmental-Simbrah Super- tonio Livestock Show and bowl will once again be Exposition on Wednesday, February 18th, beginning with showmanship at 8 a.m. The annual events includes Simmental, Simbrah and Percentage Simbrah cattle purchased from participating sponsors by juniors. In addition, there will be five divisions of showmanship. The organization awards over $40,000 in prizes, monies and scholarships. Cliff Orley, CLO SimCliff Orley mentals, Lebanon, PA will serve as the judge of the 2015 Simbrah-Simmental Superbowl. An Ohio native, he is a graduate of Ohio State University with an animal science degree, and has served on the staff at the University of Kentucky and at Penn State University. His herd is comprised of Simmental and SimAngus females, managed following a practical, no-frills concept. All females are bred A.I. with selected (Continued on page 22) Exhibitors vie for titles at the Ft. Worth junior heifer shows Judge Tim Fitzgerald, West Grove, Pennsylvania judged the junior Simmentals and Chris Cassady, Tuscola, Illinois judged the Simbrah heifer show at the Southwestern Livestock Exposition Show, Fort Worth, Texas, January 26th. Simmental Class 1: Peach, Jackson Conner, Fairfield, Texas. Class 2: Bar-O-Bretta, Madison Culpepper, Gonzales, Texas. Class 3: FBFS Bridgett 025B, Makenzie Grand champion Simmental honors at the Fort Worth Junior Show were awarded to Madison Culpepper with her LLSF Pays To Believe daughter. She was the calf champion on her way to the overall title. Regan Merryfield and his heifer won the Fort Worth Junior Simbrah show. She was sired by Hagan Scout 1U. The heifer was the junior division winner also in the show. Sheffield, Weatherford, Texas. Class 4: W/C RJ Marshmallow 4039B, Sydney Maulsby, College Station, Texas. Class 5: 3FCC Loretta’s Lynn, Colton Franks, Emory, Texas. Heifer Calf Champion: Makenzie Sheffield Reserve Heifer Calf Champion: Sydney Maulsby Class 8: MM Ryka, Ellie Thomas, Grand Saline, Texas Class 9: Miss ECS Ariel A365, Callie Ivy, Troup, Erin Lusk added the reserve grand champion Simmental honors from Fort Worth to her winnings. Her heifer was sired by FBFS Wheelman 649W. Miranda Skaggs and her heifer that won the calf division, were named reserve grand Simbrah female overall. The heifer is a daughter of Hagan American Chopper. Texas Class 10: HPF/TCCC Caliente A385, Baylie Baker, Alba, Texas. Class 11: FBFS A Gin Fizz 132A, Erin Lusk, Colmesneil, Texas. 2ndEZS Lucy Lou 001A, Ethan Wood, Joaquin, Texas. Class 12: Felt Aurora 79A, Kasey Hamilton, Sadler, Texas. Class 13: MM Caroline, Gentry Weatherford, Athens, Texas. Junior Champion Female: Erin Lusk Reserve Junior Champion Female: Ethan Wood Class 16: Rolling Hills Paris, Aubree Blissard, Big Spring, Texas. Class 17: SVJ Looking Up A354, Tanner Davis, Angleton, Texas. Class 18: BFCC Maggie 02Z, Calli Fritts, Joshua, Texas. Senior Champion Female: Aubree Blissard Reserve Senior Champion Female: Tanner Davis Grand Champion Simmental Female: Madison Culpepper Reserve Grand Champion Simmental Female: Erin Lusk Showmanship: 1st Erin Lusk, 2nd Makenzie Sheffield and 3rd MacKenzie Powell, Anna, Texas. (Continued on page 22) Simbrah Sale set for Houston The International Simmental/Simbrah Sale will be held in Houston, March 3rd. This is one of the premier offerings of cattle in the state and annually draws strong international interest from foreign cattlemen in attendance at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. The sale will be on the grounds of the show. For additional information, please contact Roy Schwake, sale manager. He can be reached at 214/542-8162 or schwakecattle@aol .com. *** SimGenetic exhibitors gear up for San Antonio Stock Show Breeders will be arriving in San Antonio, Texas for a full week of activities. The San Antonio Stock Show is the home to the National Simbrah and National Simbrah Percentage Shows, plus the Simmental Show and Superbowl event. •Friday, February 13th- Open cattle must arrive and check in. •Sunday, February 15th -Barn Party, 4 p.m. •Monday, February 16th National Simbrah and National Percentage Show, approximately 10 a.m. as they follow two other breeds. •Tuesday, February 17th- Junior Simbrah heifers arrive to barns and check in. •Wednesday, February 19th-Simmental-Simbrah Superbowl, 8 a.m. •Thursday, February 20th-Junior Breeding Heifer Simmental and Simbrah Show, second and third breed to show in North arena. TJSSA to host regular general membership meeting in Houston The Texas Junior Simmental/Simbrah Association will hold its regular general membership meeting during activities at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Junior Breed- ing Heifer Shows. The organization will meet Friday, March 13, 2015 at 5 p.m. in the area upstairs of the NRG cattle barns. The exact room will be posted on Facebook and publi- cized in Houston. Everyone is invited to come as we have a lot to discuss with the National Classic coming to Texas in July. *** ASA announces webinar The seedstock cattle business has experienced an information explosion in the past decade thanks to new technologies for genetic prediction and selection. As a commercial cattleman heading to bull sales this spring, how do you best utilize these new selection tools to move your breeding program in the right direction? Sign up today for the free NCBA webinar, which will help make better sense of newer selection tools. Join us on February 19 at 6 p.m. mountain time to hear from a panel of experts, Dr. Wade Shafer, Dr. Dan Moser and Jack Ward, representing three of the largest breed associations in the country. A live Q & A opportunity will follow panelists' presentations. Space is limited so sign up today! Not able to join us live - don't worry - the session will be recorded with a link posted on our web page and emailed following the seminar. Visit www.simmental.org to sign up or learn more about the webinar. *** 2015 TSSA Membership Dues Payable Now David Berry, Texas Simmental-Simbrah Association president wants to remind everyone that TSSA dues for 2015 ($75.00) are due now. Forms will not be mailed out this year, however you can download the form and send it and your payment to the treasurer, as noted on form. Remember support of the TSSA funds promotion, advertising and stock show premiums. Visit www.texassimmentalsimbrah.com for form. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2015 SOUTHERN LIVESTOCK STANDARD Young Cattlemen’s Congress application deadline Feb. 20 ASA will once again fund the registration fee for one applicant to attend the Young Cattlemen's Congress (YCC) program. Applications will be accepted at the ASA office until February 20, and the committee will then make the selection. ASA will pay the registration fee and the participant will be responsible for their travel to Denver, and home from Washington, D.C. The 2015 tour will be from May 28June 4, 2015. Participants will need to arrive in TJSSA receives funds for National Classic During the American Simmental Association (ASA) activities in Denver, Colorado during the National Western Livestock Show, the Texas Junior Simmental/Simbrah Association received $21,000 towards hosting the National Classic in 2015. Tom Brothers Ranch, Campbellton, Texas donated two helicopter wild hog hunts and they were auctioned in Denver. Ronnie and Susan Smith, Smith Farms of Denton, Texas made the final bid on the first hunt at $11,000 and Instrumentation and Electrical Specialist, LLC., Joe Durso of Pasadena, Texas purchased the second hunt for $10,000. The TJSSA will host the American Junior Simmental Association National Classic Show, July 5-11th in Bryan-College Station, Texas. The monies from the auction will go towards hosting this national junior heifer show event. *** 310 VZ CR 2210 Canton, Texas 75105 (903)-848-0470 [email protected] www.texassimmentalsimbrah.com BOARD MEMBERS David Berry, president Lou Langford, vice-president Casey Henly, secretary Greg Burden, treasurer Rickey Burch, Jim Ethridge, Jim Carter, Jered Shipman, Joe Seale, Robert Davila, Robert Piper and J.D. Dunn Denver on May 27 and may depart from Washington D.C. on June 5. This will be the 36th year the YCC tour has been conducted. This program has developed to such a level that these young men and women are heavily screened and only a few young industry leaders are able to attend. For an individual to participate in the YCC, he or she must be nominated by one of NCBA's affiliate members, be between the ages of 25 to 50 and be an NCBA member. If you wish to apply for this position, please submit a current resume, along with a letter stating reasons why you should be chosen; we also require two additional letters of recommendation from leaders in the beef industry. PAGE 21 • CALENDAR • •February 16-Simmental Show, San Antonio, Texas •February 16-National Simbrah Show, San Antonio, Texas •February 16-National Percentage Simbrah Show, San Antonio, Texas •February 18-Simmental/Simbrah Superbowl, San Antonio, Texas •February 19-San Antonio Livestock Exposition Junior Simmental and Simbrah Shows, San Antonio, Texas •February 21-San Angelo Livestock Show Junior Simmental and Simbrah Show, San Angelo, Texas • February 22-25-Alamo City Simbrah Sale Online Sale •March 3-Houston International Simmental/Simbrah Sale, Houston, Texas •March 4-Houston International Simmental and Simbrah Shows, Houston, Texas •March 14-Houston Livestock Show Junior Simmental Show, Houston, Texas •March 15-Houston Livestock Show Junior Simbrah Show, Houston, Texas •March 18-Rio Grande Valley Junior Simbrah Show, Mercedes, Texas •March 19-MAS Showmanship Clinic & Show, Rio Grande Valley Show, Mercedes, Texas •March 27-Star of Texas Junior Simmental and Simbrah Shows, Austin, Texas •March 27-28-La Muneca Cattle Co. $10,000 Jackpot Show, Linn, Texas •March 28-La Muneca’s $20,000 $ellabration Show, Linn, Texas •March 28-31-La Muneca Cattle Co. GenePLUS Online Sale •May 9-The Elite Sale and Show, Yoakum, Texas Texas Simmental/Simbrah Association Please Contact These Progressive Breeders David & Julie Berry 310 VZCR 2210 Canton, Texas 75103 Pete Nieschwietz P.O. Box 303 • Falls City, Texas 78113 956/460-6002 • www.7Nranch.net [email protected] East Texas Simmental/Simbrah Association Over 2,000 head of SimGenetics for sale visit: etssa.net Louis Langford, President • 972/636-2936 Heart of Texas Simmental/Simbrah Association 903/848-0470 [email protected] www.hiddenoakscattle.com Simmental and Simbrah Cattle SHOW HEIFERS FOR SALE Member of Simbrah Synergy and Superbowl HALLAK RANCH Billy Hallak 1167 Oval Drive • Athens, Texas 75751 Cell: 903/203-8524 • Home/Fax: 903/292-1428 [email protected] Simbrah and Simmental Bulls For Sale Jim Carter, President 219 Goetz Rd. • Cameron, Texas 76520 254/697-1078 [email protected] Knezek Simmental/Simbrah Ranch Red and Black Show Heifers, Bulls & Steers Call For Your Next Champion Superbowl Eligible! Brian Knezek 2140 Morris Community Road Yoakum, Texas 77995 361/293-1590 Mobile [email protected] www.knezeksimmentalranch.com Quality... Quantity... Integrity Strack Farms 5465 PR 4280 Normangee, Texas 77871 800/438-5393 Circle M Farms Simmental & Angus Craig McCallum 214/882-9523 1983 N. FM 549 Rockwall, Texas 75087 [email protected] www.CircleMFarms.com For advertising information, call: Martha at 903/316-8465 PAGE 22 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2015 SOUTHERN LIVESTOCK STANDARD 61A, Kylee Bishop, Tomball, Texas. (Continued from page 20) (Continued from page 20) Junior Champion Female: Regan Merryfield Simbrah donors utilized for embryo Reserve Junior Champion transplant. In addition, Class 1: Smith CRC Sun Female: Blake Shower, Chloe Novak, Orley owns and operates Cummings Danbury, Texas. Keystone Cattle Service, Class 16: Fabulous, Cassidy performing custom-fitting Class 2: LMC Vivan Fuchs, Burton, Texas. 5B/118, Caleb Fuchs, and showing purebred catClass 17: Smith TMP Burton, Texas. tle, while also consulting on Simply Moves, Sydney Class 3: Hagan Tiana 02B, herd and sale management. Paul, Pearland, Texas. Miranda Skaggs, Bryan, CLO cattle genetics are Class 18: 3QR 927 Z02, Texas marketed through consignAlexandra Barbosa, Class 4: KSSR On The ment to several established Carrollton, Texas. Rocks, Elise Hesseltine, sales and by private treaty. Senior Champion Female: Orange Grove, Texas. An active member of Cassidy Fuchs Class 5: LMC ATZ Fresa several cattle organizations Reserve Senior Champion in both Ohio and Pennsyl5B/10, Josh Evans, Female: Sydney Paul Teague, Texas. vania, he has served as Grand Champion Female: chairman of the highly Heifer Calf Champion: Regan Merryfield Miranda Skaggs respected Simmental BreeReserve Grand Champion ders Sweepstakes and was Reserve Heifer Calf Female: Miranda Champion: Josh Evans a founding member of the Skaggs Class 8: KSSR Temptation, successful Stars and Stripes Showmanship: 1st Josh Seth Garrett, Victoria, sale group. He brings a lifeEvans, 2nd Caryle Texas. time of cattle experiences Rodenbeck, Brenham, to the ring to judge the Class 9: MS Star Strack Texas; 3rd Zach Mills, JVCC A370, Hannah Superbowl. DeKalb, Texas. Derouen, Winnie, *** Texas. Class 10: Smith Farms Lady GILLESPIE LIVESTOCK COMPANY Hagan, Blake Fredericksburg, Texas Cummings, Joaquin, Weekly Sale: Texas. Sheep & Goat Sale - Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m. Class 11: Hagan Fancy 6A, Cattle - Wednesday, 12:00 noon Regan Merryfield, Special Calf & Weaned Stocker/Feeder Sale Second Wednesday of each month. Conroe, Texas. Gillespie Livestock Company Class 12: PRR Gypsy Pearl Office: 830/997-4394 • Fax: 830/997-5804 204A, Dana Willis, Wayne Geistweidt (C) 830/889-4394 Emory, Texas. Shaun Geistweidt (C) 830/998-4233 Class 13: NF Diamond GL www.gillespielivestock.com G L C C Ft. Worth... Superbowl... 3/4 Simmental X 1/4 Brahman Selling 1/2 interest or for double the money the entire bull ASA #2919219 Confirmed DNA Parentage PCB. •He is homozygous polled, as are his sire and dam. •His coat color is ee (double red) and he is a non carrier of the diluter gene. •He ranks in the top 3% of the breed for API and top 35% for TI. HE SELLS THE EVENING OF MARCH 3rd AT THE INTERNATIONAL SIMMENTAL/ SIMBRAH SALE ON THE GROUNDS OF THE HOUSTON LIVESTOCK SHOW! Watch our website for the catalog! Call for more information on this mega sire! HALLAK RANCH Billy Hallak • 1167 Oval Drive • Athens, Texas 75751 Cell: 903/203-8524 • Home/Fax: 903/292-1428 [email protected] • www.hallakranch.com
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