Monthly Grant Alert February 2015 FEDERAL FY 2015 Second Chance Act Strengthening Relationships Between Young Fathers and Their Children: A Reentry Mentoring Project OJJDP-2015-4053 Funding Opportunity #: Native American tribal governments (Federally Eligibility: recognized) and Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education December 31, 2014 Posted Date: March 2, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $4,200,000 $420,000 Award Ceiling: $0 Award Floor: No Match: This solicitation will fund mentoring and comprehensive Description: transitional services that emphasize development of parenting skills in offenders who are young fathers. OVW FY 2015 Sexual Assault Services Culturally Specific Program tion.pdf OVW-2015-4039 Funding Opportunity #: Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, Eligibility: other than institutions of higher education January 6, 2015 Posted Date: February 24, 2015 Closing Date: $2,700,000 Estimated Total Funding: $300,000 Award Ceiling: $0 Award Floor: No Match: Create, maintain, and expand sustainable sexual Description: assault services provided by culturally specific organizations, which are uniquely situated to respond to the needs of sexual assault victims within culturally specific populations. OVW FY 2015 Grants to Enhance Culturally Specific Services for Victims of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking Program olicitation.pdf 1 Courtesy of: Charleston County Community Development Department Funding Opportunity #: Eligibility: Posted Date: Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: Award Ceiling: Award Floor: Match: Description: OVW-2015-4033 Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education and Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized) January 6, 2015 February 19, 2015 $300,000 $0 No Support for community-based non-profit organizations in providing culturally relevant services to victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Community Connect Grant Program RDRUS-CC-2015 Funding Opportunity #: Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the Eligibility: IRS, other than institutions of higher education; Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments); Independent school districts; Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized); City or township governments; County governments; Public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities; Special district governments; Public and State controlled institutions of higher education; For profit organizations other than small businesses; State governments; Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education; Private institutions of higher education; and, Small businesses January 7, 2015 Posted Date: February 17, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $13,000,000 $3,000,000 Award Ceiling: $100,000 Award Floor: Yes Match: The Community-Oriented Connectivity Broadband Grant Description: Program (Community Connect Grant Program) is designed to provide financial assistance to provide service at the Broadband Grant Speed in rural, economicallychallenged communities where broadband service does not currently exist. 2 Courtesy of: Charleston County Community Development Department Rehabilitation Long-Term Training Program - Vocational Rehab Counseling ED-GRANTS-010715-001 Funding Opportunity #: States and public or nonprofit agencies and Eligibility: organizations, including Indian tribes and IHEs. January 7, 2015 Posted Date: March 9, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $4,000,000 Varies Award Ceiling: Varies Award Floor: Yes Match: The Rehabilitation Long-Term Training program Description: provides financial assistance for projects that provide basic or advanced training leading to an academic degree in areas of personnel shortages in rehabilitation. OVW FY 2015 Training and Services to End Violence Against Women with Disabilities Grants Program OVW-2015-4026 Funding Opportunity #: County governments; Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) Eligibility: status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education; State governments; City or township governments; Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments); and, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized) January 7, 2015 Posted Date: February 19, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $4,500,000 $450,000 Award Ceiling: $0 Award Floor: No Match: Disability Grant Program funds will be used to establish Description: and strengthen multidisciplinary collaborative relationships; increase organizational capacity to provide accessible, safe, and effective services to individuals with disabilities and deaf individuals who are victims of violence and abuse; and identify needs within the grantee’s service area, and develop a plan to address those identified needs that builds a strong foundation for future work. Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) 3 Courtesy of: Charleston County Community Development Department DHS-14-GPD-083-000-99 Funding Opportunity #: County governments, City or township governments Eligibility: January 6, 2015 Posted Date: Undetermined Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $340,000,000 Varies Award Ceiling: Varies Award Floor: No Match: SAFER grants provide financial assistance to help fire Description: departments increase frontline firefighters, rehire firefighters that have been laid off, retain firefighters facing imminent layoffs, or filling of positions that were vacated through attrition. SAFER grants support activities in two categories: 1. Hiring of Firefighters 2. Recruitment and Retention of Volunteer Firefighters 2014 Fire Prevention and Safety Grant Program (FP&S) DHS-14-GPD-044-000-98 Funding Opportunity #: Native American tribal governments (Federally Eligibility: recognized); Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education; Public and State controlled institutions of higher education; City or township governments; Private institutions of higher education; and, County governments January 6, 2015 Posted Date: Undetermined Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $3,400,000 $1,500,000 Award Ceiling: $0 Award Floor: Yes Match: FP&S offers grants to support activities in two Description: categories: (1) activities designed to reach high-risk target groups and mitigate incidences of death and injuries caused by fire and fire-related hazards ("Fire Prevention and Safety Activity") and (2) research and development activities aimed at improving firefighter safety ("Firefighter Safety Research and Development Activity"). At-Risk Youth Performance Partnership Pilots Funding Opportunity #: LEAs, cities, counties, and states Eligibility: 4 Courtesy of: Charleston County Community Development Department Posted Date: Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: Award Ceiling: Award Floor: Match: Description: November 24, 2014 March 4, 2015 $7,100,000 Varies Varies Grants to test strategies to achieve significant improvements in educational, employment, and other key outcomes for disconnected youth, using new flexibility to blend existing Federal funds and to seek waivers of associated program requirements. American Apprenticeship Initiative FOA-ETA-15-02 Funding Opportunity #: Partnerships of private and public sector entities Eligibility: December 11, 2014 Posted Date: April 30, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $5,000,000 Varies Award Ceiling: Varies Award Floor: Match: Grants to provide a catalyst in supporting a uniquely Description: American Apprenticeship system that meets our country’s particular economic, industry and workforce needs. American Apprenticeships (also referred to as Registered Apprenticeships) are innovative work-based learning and post-secondary earn-and- learn models. Enhancing HIV Prevention Communication and Mobilization Efforts through Strategic Partnerships CDC-RFA-PS15-1505 Funding Opportunity #: For profit organizations and Non-profit organizations Eligibility: having 501(c)(3) other than institutions of higher education December 30, 2014 Posted Date: March 23, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $11,500,000 Varies Award Ceiling: Varies Award Floor: Match: Grants to prevent HIV infection through education and Description: to implement national engagement efforts that focus on HIV prevention and education. 5 Courtesy of: Charleston County Community Development Department Justice for Families Program Funding Opportunity #: States: Units of Local Governments; Courts (including Eligibility: Juvenile Courts); Indian Tribal Governments; Non-profit organizations; Legal Service providers; and victim service providers December 31, 2014 Posted Date: February 11, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $30,000,000 $500,000 Award Ceiling: $0 Award Floor: Match: Grants to support families affected by domestic violence, Description: dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking as they navigate the justice system. Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program USDA-NIFA-BFR-004835 Funding Opportunity #: Collaborative state, tribal, local, or regionally-based Eligibility: network or partnership of qualified public and/or private entities January 9, 2015 Posted Date: March 13, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $18,540,000 Varies Award Ceiling: Varies Award Floor: Yes Match: The Agriculture Act of 2014 provided an additional $20 Description: million per year for 2014 through 2018. The reasons for the renewed interest in beginning farmer and rancher programs are: the rising average age of U.S. farmers, the 8% projected decrease in the number of farmers and ranchers between 2008 and 2018, and the growing recognition that new programs are needed to address the needs of the next generation of beginning farmers and ranchers. STEM + Computing Partnerships 15-537 Funding Opportunity #: Unrestricted Eligibility: January 9, 2015 Posted Date: 6 Courtesy of: Charleston County Community Development Department Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: Award Ceiling: Award Floor: Match: Description: April 14, 2105 $43,000,000 Varies Varies No The STEM+C Partnerships program seeks to significantly enhance the learning and teaching of science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), and computing by K-12 students and teachers, through research on, and development of, courses, curriculum, course materials, pedagogies, instructional strategies, or models that innovatively integrate computing into one or more STEM disciplines, or integrate STEM content into the teaching and learning of computing. Shared Instrumentation Grant (SIG) Program PAR-15-088 Funding Opportunity #: County governments; Special district governments; Eligibility: Small businesses; Public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities; State governments; Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education; Public and State controlled institutions of higher education; Private institutions of higher education; For profit organizations other than small businesses; City or township governments; Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education; Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments); Independent school districts; Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized) January 13, 2015 Posted Date: May 29, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $40,000,000 $600,000 Award Ceiling: $0 Award Floor: No Match: Types of instruments supported include, but are not Description: limited to: X-ray diffraction systems, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometers, DNA and protein sequencers, biosensors, electron and confocal microscopes, cell-sorters, and biomedical imagers. Veteran Business Outreach Center Program 7 Courtesy of: Charleston County Community Development Department VBOC-2015-02 Funding Opportunity #: Institution of higher learning, private organization or Eligibility: business; veterans’ non-profit community-based organization; State, local or tribal governmental agency; or, non-profit organization. January 13, 2015 Posted Date: February 17, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $4,000,000 $350,000 Award Ceiling: $180,000 Award Floor: No Match: Provide counseling, training, technical and financial skill Description: development, comprehensive business assessments and mentoring to veteran, service disabled veteran, active duty, Reserve, Guard, and military spouse/survivor entrepreneurs and small business owners interested in starting new or expanding/diversifying established small businesses. Transitional Housing Assistance Grants for Victims of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking OVW-2015-4025 Funding Opportunity #: City or township governments; Native American tribal Eligibility: organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments); Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education; County governments; Public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities; State governments; and, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized) January 13, 2015 Posted Date: February 24, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: Varies Award Ceiling: Varies Award Floor: No Match: Grants made under this grant program supports projects Description: that provide assistance to victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking who are in need of transitional housing, short-term housing assistance, and related supportive services. Successful transitional housing programs provide a wide range of flexible and optional services that reflect the differences 8 Courtesy of: Charleston County Community Development Department and individual needs of victims and that allow victims to choose the course of action that is best for them. Transitional housing programs may offer services such as counseling, support groups, safety planning, and advocacy services as well as practical services such as licensed child care, employment services, transportation vouchers, telephones, and referrals to other agencies. Legal Assistance for Victims Grant Program (LAV) .pdf OVW-2015-4036 Funding Opportunity #: The LAV Grant Program makes awards to law school Eligibility: clinics, domestic violence victims’ programs and shelters, bar associations, rape crisis centers and other sexual assault services programs, private nonprofit entities, Indian Tribal governments and Tribal organizations, Territorial organizations, legal aid or statewide legal services, and faith- and/or community-based legal service providers. January 14, 2015 Posted Date: March 11, 2015 Closing Date: $34,000,000 Estimated Total Funding: $800,000 Award Ceiling: $0 Award Floor: No Match: The LAV Grant Program is intended to increase the Description: availability of civil and criminal legal assistance needed to effectively aid adult and youth victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking who are seeking relief in legal matters relating to or arising out of that abuse or violence, at minimum or no cost to the victims. Drug-Free Communities Support Program (DFC) SP-15-001 Funding Opportunity #: Community-based coalitions addressing youth substance Eligibility: use that have never received a DFC grant; or have previously received a DFC grant, but experienced a lapse in funding; or have concluded the first five-year funding cycle January 16, 2015 Posted Date: March 18, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $21,250,000 9 Courtesy of: Charleston County Community Development Department Award Ceiling: Award Floor: Match: Description: $125,000 $0 Yes The DFC Support Program has two goals: 1. Establish and strengthen collaboration among communities, public and private non-profit agencies; as well as federal, state, local, and tribal governments to support the efforts of community coalitions working to prevent and reduce substance use among youth*. 2. Reduce substance use among youth and, over time, reduce substance abuse among adults by addressing the factors in a community that increase the risk of substance abuse and promoting the factors that minimize the risk of substance abuse. *For the purposes of this RFA, “youth” is defined as individuals 18 years of age and younger. 2015 Vehicle Technologies Program DE-FOA-0001201 Funding Opportunity #: Unrestricted Eligibility: January 22, 2015 Posted Date: April 10, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $55,800,000 Varies Award Ceiling: Varies Award Floor: Yes Match: For the research, development, and deployment of Description: activities focus on reducing the cost and improving the performance of a mix of near and long term vehicle technologies. 2015 Social Innovation Fund Grant Competition CNCS-GRANTS-01232015 Funding Opportunity #: Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other Eligibility: than institutions of higher education. Additional Information on Eligibility: Experience grant making institutions that invests in nonprofit community organizations or programs through grants as an essential rather than collateral means of fulfilling its mission and vision OR eligible partnerships between such institutions and (1) an additional grant making institution, (2) a State Commission on National and Community Service, or (3) a chief executive officer of 10 Courtesy of: Charleston County Community Development Department Posted Date: Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: Award Ceiling: Award Floor: Match: Description: a unit of general local government. January 23, 2015 March 17, 2015 $51,000,000 $10,000,000 $1,000,000 1:1 Grants to support high-performing community-based nonprofit organizations to implement evidence-based programs in the areas of healthy futures, economic opportunity and youth development. Substance Abuse Treatment Capacity in Adult and Family Drug Courts TI-15-002 Funding Opportunity #: Tribal, state and local governments with direct Eligibility: involvement with the drug court January 26, 2015 Posted Date: March 27, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $11,300,000 $325,000 Award Ceiling: $0 Award Floor: No Match: The purpose of this program is to expand and/or enhance Description: substance abuse treatment services in existing adult and family “problem solving” courts. FY 15 Smart Prosecution Initiative BJA-2015-4077 Funding Opportunity #: Native American tribal governments (Federally Eligibility: recognized); County governments; State governments; and, City or township governments January 28, 2015 Posted Date: March 26, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $425,000 Award Ceiling: $0 Award Floor: No Match: Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA’s) smart programs Description: represent a strategic approach that brings more “science” into criminal justice operations by leveraging innovative applications of analysis, technology, and evidence-based practices. 11 Courtesy of: Charleston County Community Development Department FY 2015 Enhanced Training And Services To End Abuse In Later Life Program ater_life.pdf OVW-2015-4034 Funding Opportunity #: Native American tribal governments (Federally Eligibility: recognized); Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments); City or township governments; County governments; Special district governments; State governments; and, Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education January 28, 2015 Posted Date: March 18, 2015 Closing Date: $3,000,000 Estimated Total Funding: $400,000 Award Ceiling: $0 Award Floor: No Match: The Enhanced Training and Services to End Abuse Description: in Later Life Program provides or enhances training and services to address elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation, including sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking, involving victims who are 50 years of age or older. Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part F Dental Reimbursement Program (DRP) HRSA-15-023 Funding Opportunity #: Dental schools Eligibility: January 28, 2015 Posted Date: March 30, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $9,200,000 Varies Award Ceiling: Varies Award Floor: No Match: To provide HIV oral health services and education and Description: training. The services target low-income, underserved people living with HIV/AIDS. Community Development Financial Institutions Program (CDFI) Funding Opportunity #: Nonprofits or credit unions Eligibility: January 20, 2015 Posted Date: March 5, 2015 Closing Date: 12 Courtesy of: Charleston County Community Development Department Estimated Total Funding: Award Ceiling: Award Floor: Match: Description: $179,000,000 Varies Varies Financial assistance grants to fund a wide array of community development, affordable housing and economic development projects sponsored by CDFIs that lend or invest in their communities. Justice for Families Program OVW-2015-4035 Funding Opportunity #: States; Units of Local Governments; Courts (including Eligibility: juvenile courts); Indian Tribal Governments; Non-profit organizations; Legal Services Providers; and Victim Services Providers December 31, 2015 Posted Date: February 11, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $30,000,000 $500,000 Award Ceiling: $0 Award Floor: Match: Grants to support families affected by domestic violence, Description: dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking as they navigate the justice system. Rural Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking Assistance Program OVW-2015-4037 Funding Opportunity #: Nonprofits; Public Agencies; States; Indian Tribes; and, Eligibility: Local Governments January 21, 2015 Posted Date: March 4, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $33,000,000 Varies Award Ceiling: Varies Award Floor: Match: Funds to enhance the safety of victims of sexual assault, Description: domestic violence, dating violence and stalking by supporting projects uniquely designed to address and prevent these crimes in rural jurisdictions. 13 Courtesy of: Charleston County Community Development Department Smart Supervision: Reducing Prison Populations, Saving Money, and Creating Safer Communities BJA-2015-4075 Funding Opportunity #: State; City; County; and, Tribal Governments Eligibility: January 30, 2015 Posted Date: March 24, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $750,000 Award Ceiling: $0 Award Floor: No Match: Grants to improve probation and parole success rates, Description: and reduce crime committed by probationers and parolees, thus reducing prison populations. FOUNDATION Exchange Club of Charleston Community Service Grant Funding Opportunity #: IRS tax exempt or eleemosynary organization Eligibility: January 5, 2015 Posted Date: February 20, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: Varies Award Ceiling: Varies Award Floor: Match: Support human services. Description: RedRover Domestic Violence Safe Housing Grant Funding Opportunity #: 501(c)(3) Eligibility: January 8, 2015 Posted Date: May 15, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $6,000 Award Ceiling: $0 Award Floor: Match: To support the creation of space on site to temporarily Description: house the pets of victims of domestic violence. 14 Courtesy of: Charleston County Community Development Department Hadassah Foundation Funding Opportunity #: 501(c)(3) Eligibility: January 5, 2015 Posted Date: February 17, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $40,000 Award Ceiling: $0 Award Floor: Match: For support of gender-sensitive social-change projects Description: that develop the leadership skills and capabilities of adolescent girls and young women between the ages of 12 and 30 in the Jewish community. Kessler Foundation Signature Employment Grant Funding Opportunity #: Nonprofit agencies 501(c)(3); public and private schools; Eligibility: and public institutions such as universities; and, government agencies (state, local, federal) January 4, 2015 Posted Date: February 13, 2015 (Concept Applications) Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $500,000 Award Ceiling: $0 Award Floor: Match: Supports pilot initiatives, demonstration projects, and Description: social ventures that lead to the generation of new ideas that address the high unemployment and underemployment of individuals with disabilities. Shakespeare in American Communities Funding Opportunity #: Nonprofit theater companies Eligibility: Posted Date: February 25, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $25,000 Award Ceiling: $0 Award Floor: Match: Grants to perform works by Shakespeare for middle- and Description: high-school students, and conduct related educational 15 Courtesy of: Charleston County Community Development Department activities for students. South Carolina Community Loan Fund This is a LOAN program Funding Opportunity #: Non-profit, for profit and government agencies. Eligibility: Mandatory application meeting for those intending to apply during this funding round on Tuesday, February 24, 2015 from 1:00-4:00 pm in Greenville, South Carolina January 12, 2015 Posted Date: Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $5,000,000 Varies Award Ceiling: Varies Award Floor: Match: Areas of focus include: Description: •Affordable Housing Multi-Family Construction Loans •Healthy Food Access Projects located in USDA Designated Food Deserts •Community Facilities Charter School Facilities and Community Health Centers •Community Business Loans in low to moderate income neighborhoods; hiring low to moderate-income residents ArtPlace America _campaign=76b85c20bfCDI_Announcement&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_4e3b668158-76b85c20bf83054853 Funding Opportunity #: Defined geographic area of focus (neighborhood, town, Eligibility: city, region) January 24, 2015 Posted Date: March 12, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $3,000,000 Award Ceiling: $0 Award Floor: Match: For the incorporation or arts and cultural strategies Description: into its community development work. John Cotton Dana Award Funding Opportunity #: Entries may be submitted by any library, library friends Eligibility: 16 Courtesy of: Charleston County Community Development Department Posted Date: Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: Award Ceiling: Award Floor: Match: Description: group, consulting agency, or service provider January 15, 2015 February 28, 2015 $10,000 $0 An annual program that honors outstanding library public relations initiatives. College For Every Student Funding Opportunity #: Middle or high school in the United States in which at Eligibility: least 50 percent of the student population comes from low-income households January 23, 2015 Posted Date: March 1, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $37,500 Award Ceiling: $0 Award Floor: Match: To implement programs that help prepare low-income Description: students for college and a career. RGK Foundation Funding Opportunity #: Nonprofit organizations certified as tax exempt under Eligibility: Sections 501(c)(3) or 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code and are classified as "not a private foundation" under Section 509(a). Hospitals, educational institutions, and governmental institutions meeting these requirements are eligible to apply. Posted Date: Electronic Letter of Inquiry Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: Varies Award Ceiling: Varies Award Floor: Match: The Foundation supports a broad range of human Description: services, community improvement, abuse prevention, and youth development programs. The N.E.W. Fund (Neighborhoods Energized to Win) 17 Courtesy of: Charleston County Community Development Department Funding Opportunity #: Low-to-moderate income neighborhood groups located in Eligibility: Charleston or Colleton County Posted Date: April 2, 2105 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $3,500 Award Ceiling: $0 Award Floor: Match: Help improve quality of life and develop and sustain Description: leadership within the neighborhood. Bowers Fund Funding Opportunity #: Eligibility: Posted Date: March 15, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $3,000 Award Ceiling: $0 Award Floor: Match: The purpose of the Bowers Fund is to strengthen the food Description: co-op community and it does this by training and educating food co-op staff, managers, and board members. Impact Software Grants UtI7Scbwfind1SFJk7a8C6XFJHRd1R5D4VTbHB Funding Opportunity #: IRS-designated 501(c)(3) organization; have an Eligibility: existing training initiative that requires a technology solution January 30, 2015 Posted Date: March 20, 2015 - The foundation will be holding Closing Date: informational webinars on February 3 at 11:00 a.m. EST, and on February 19 at 2:00 p.m. EST. (Registration required.) Estimated Total Funding: Two-year donation of Cornerstone OnDemand Award Ceiling: 18 Courtesy of: Charleston County Community Development Department software and services, including unlimited use of its Learning Management System and access to a range of pro bono business consulting services. Award Floor: Match: Description: The Impact Grant program is to enable nonprofits to leverage the technology to better reach, train, and prepare their external network Henry M. Jackson Foundation Funding Opportunity #: Tax-exempt organizations certified under Section Eligibility: 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and with public entities qualifying under Section 170(c). Posted Date: Electronic Letter of Inquiry Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: Varies Award Ceiling: Varies Award Floor: Match: The Foundation occasionally makes grants in each of the Description: Foundation’s four Program Areas: International Affairs Education, Environment and Natural Resource Management, Public Service, and Human Rights. The Calvin K. Kazanjian Economics Foundation, Inc. Funding Opportunity #: Non-profit 501(c) (3)organizations Eligibility: Posted Date: February 15, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: Varies Award Ceiling: Varies Award Floor: Match: Economic literacy. Description: National Book Foundation Funding Opportunity #: All U.S. citizens and American institutions Eligibility: Posted Date: February 28, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: 19 Courtesy of: Charleston County Community Development Department Award Ceiling: Award Floor: Match: Description: $10,000 $0 The National Book Foundation’s 2015 Innovations in Reading Prize will award $10,000 to an individual or institution—or partnership between the two—that has developed innovative means of creating and sustaining a lifelong love of reading. CORPORATIONS Firehouse Subs Safety Foundation Funding Opportunity #: Public safety organizations and first responders in Eligibility: communities served by Firehouse Subs Posted Date: On-going Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: Varies Award Ceiling: Varies Award Floor: Match: Funding in 5 areas: life-saving equipment, prevention Description: education, scholarships/continuing education, support for members of the military, and disaster preparedness and relief. KEEN Effect Grant Program Funding Opportunity #: Nomination process Eligibility: January 23, 2015 Posted Date: March 1, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $100,000 $10,000 Award Ceiling: $0 Award Floor: Match: The program will award grants of $10,000 to Description: organizations that inspire responsible outdoor participation as a way to build strong communities, promote creative and sustainable thinking, and introduce new audiences to the outdoors. 20 Courtesy of: Charleston County Community Development Department Dollar General Literacy Foundation Funding Opportunity #: Nonprofit organizations and libraries Eligibility: Posted Date: February 26, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $15,000 Award Ceiling: $0 Award Floor: Match: The following grant programs are currently available Description: through the Dollar General Literacy Foundation: Adult Literacy Grants: This program awards funding to nonprofit organizations that provide direct service to adults in need of literacy assistance. Organizations must provide help in one of the following instructional areas: (a) Adult Basic Education, (b) GED or high school equivalency preparation, and, (c) English Language Acquisition. Family Literacy Grants: This program provides funding to family literacy service providers. The Foundation uses the federal government's definition of family literacy when reviewing grant applications. Organizations applying for funding must have the following three components: (a) Adult Education Instruction; (b) Children's Education; and, (c) Parent and Child Together Time (PACT). Summer Reading Grants: This program provides grant funding to local nonprofit organizations and libraries to help with the implementation or expansion of summer reading programs. Programs must target Pre-K through 12th grade students who are new readers, below grade level readers or readers with learning disabilities. Dollar General Literacy Foundation Funding Opportunity #: Schools, public libraries, and nonprofit organizations Eligibility: Posted Date: May 21, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: 21 Courtesy of: Charleston County Community Development Department Award Ceiling: Award Floor: Match: Description: $15,000 $0 The following grant program is currently available through the Dollar General Literacy Foundation: Youth Literacy Grants: This program provides funding to schools, public libraries, and nonprofit organizations to help students who are below grade level or experiencing difficulty reading. Grant funding is provided to assist in the following areas: (a) Implementing new or expanding existing literacy programs; (b) Purchasing new technology or equipment to support literacy initiatives; and, (c) Purchasing books, materials or software for literacy programs. DuPont Funding Opportunity #: 501(c)(3) Eligibility: Posted Date: May and September Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: Varies Award Ceiling: Varies Award Floor: Match: Support social programs, education and research, as well Description: as sponsorships and public programming. Boeing alGuidelines.pdf Funding Opportunity #: Eligibility: February 15, 2015 Posted Date: May 15, 2015 – LOI Due Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: Varies Award Ceiling: Varies Award Floor: Match: Funding focuses on the following key areas: Description: Arts and Culture Civic Engagement Education 22 Courtesy of: Charleston County Community Development Department Environment Health and Human Services Boeing Employees Community Fund _ecf_local_guidelines.pdf Funding Opportunity #: 501(c)(3) in Charleston, Berkeley or Dorchester Eligibility: County January 10, 2015 Posted Date: February 28, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: Varies Award Ceiling: Varies Award Floor: Match: Funding focus: Description: Arts and Culture Civic Engagement Education Environment Health and Human Services Bank of America Charitable Foundation Funding Opportunity #: 501(c)(3) Eligibility: January 20, 2015 Posted Date: February 13, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: Varies Award Ceiling: Varies Award Floor: Match: Jobs: Workforce development and education Description: Mary Kay Foundation Funding Opportunity #: Domestic violence shelters Eligibility: January 15, 2015 Posted Date: April 30, 2015 Closing Date: Estimated Total Funding: $20,000 Award Ceiling: $0 Award Floor: Match: 23 Courtesy of: Charleston County Community Development Department Description: Support domestic violence shelter programs. 24 Courtesy of: Charleston County Community Development Department
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