Houston International Simmental/Simbrah Sale March 3, 2015 • Tuesday, 7PM Reliant Sale Arena • Houston Livestock Show Roy Schwake Sale Managed By: 6105 CR 4524 · Athens TX 75752 (Cell) 214/542-8162 [email protected] Auctioneer: Doak Lambert, Coppell, Texas Schedule of Events: Monday, Monday, March Monday, March March 222 Tuesday, Tuesday, March Tuesday, March March 333 Sale Sale Cattle In Sale Cattle Cattle In In Sale Cattle In Sale Cattle In Place by Noon Sale Cattle In Place Place by by Noon Noon View Sale Cattle All Day View View Sale Sale Cattle Cattle All All Day Day 6PM Pre Sale Reception 6PM Pre 6PM Pre---Sale Sale Reception Reception ... ... ... ... Sponsored Sponsored by Texas Simmental/Simbrah Assn & “Friends” Sponsored by by Texas Texas Simmental/Simbrah Simmental/Simbrah Assn Assn & & “Friends” “Friends” 7PM 7PM 7PM “The “The International” International” Sale Sale Wednesday, March 4 Open Simbrah Show 8AM Open Simmental Show 12:30PM Publication Representatives: Gulf Coast Cattleman · Southern Livestock Standard Weekly Livestock Reporter Catalog Available Online . . . Sale Sponsored By . . . . Te Te xas Simmental/Simbrah Association Texas xas Simmental/Simbrah Simmental/Simbrah Association Association Sale will be broadcast live via internet . . . www.dvauction.com Sale Day Phones: Sale Terms & Conditions Cash or check unless other terms are preapproved by Sale Manager, TSSA or owners. Each animal to be sold to highest bidder - the auctioneer will settl e any dispute as to bids. All cattle are to be paid for by the purchaser during or immediately aft er the sale a nd will not be rel eased until after settlement has been mad e through the sale manager or owner. Cattle will not b e transferred until paid for in f ull. All cattle sell under the Terms & Conditions set forth by the American Simmental Association (Januar y 1, 2011) and the TSSA Approved Sale Guidelines. www.texassimmentalsimbrah.com David Berry, President [email protected] Buyer Parking . . . Buyers will be able to enter the Horse Gate off of the feeder road between Fannin & Kirby on IH 610. Tell the person at the gate that you are coming to the International Simmental/Simbrah Sale. Copies will be ava ilable sale day. Herd Health: All cattle will have int erstate health papers required for shipping into other sections of the U.S. Announcements: All annou ncements at the sale by the sale manager, owners or auction eer conc ernin g the cattle will take precedence ov er statements in this sa le c atalog. Liability: All persons attending the sa le and related functions do so at their own risk. The TSSA and Schwake Cattle Services assume no liability, legal or otherwise, f or any ac cidents or injuries that may occ ur. Infor mation in this catalog is bel ieved to be accurate but any updates or corrections will be on a suppl ement and/or annou nced from the bloc k. Hotel Headquarters · Holiday Inn Reliant Park For reservations contact: Judy Hill, 817-219-0785 [email protected] Roy Schwake 214-542-8162 & Judy Latham Hill 817-219-0785 If you are unable to attend the sale we would be happy to handle your bids in strict confidence, direct them to a person of your preference or view the sale on the internet. Latham Latham Hill Hill Catalog Production Welcome Simmental & Simbrah Breeders, I would like to personally extend a warm welcome from our consignors for you to come and visit fellow breeders and view a unique International Sale offering. The Texas Simmental/ Simbrah Association along with guest consignors from throughout the United States have joined forces to bring an excellent stout set of cattle for you to analyze, The quality of Full Fleckvieh Simmental and Simbrah runs very deep and the strength of the herdside prospects, open donor heifer prospects and front pasture replacement females should satisfy the most critical or elite breeder. Only at the “International” in Houston are you able to study and select from the top end of these categories! I believe there can not be a more positive statement for the strength, acceptability, diversification and usefulness of SimGenetics in as many various categories as what our consignors have offered for your appraisal at the “International.” Along with our live cattle offering, some of the most unique and hard to acquire Simbrah and Full Fleckvieh Simmental embryos and a rare limited amount of Full Fleckvieh semen will be sold. The “International” truly will represent SimGenetics that work from Canada to Brazil. I congratulate our consignors on their dedication to provide for your appraisal some of the most elite genetically and phenotypically correct cattle available in North America. We have been very strict and selective in the sale offering and have provided quality cattle of many categories. If you have any questions regarding the cattle please contact the consignors, staff or myself. If I can be of any assistance, do not hesitate to call and remember we will be on DVAuction live for you to view and or buy in Houston. Sincerely, Roy Schwake (214)542-8162 2015 2015 International International Sale Sale Consignors Consignors Hallak Hallak Ranch Billy Hallak 903 203 8524 Hallak Ranch Ranch --- Billy Billy Hallak Hallak --- 903 903---203 203---8524 8524 Lot Lot 4 Lot 4 4 Indian Indian Valley Ranch Allan Roberts 501 99 3 0705 Indian Valley Valley Ranch Ranch --- Allan Allan Roberts Roberts --- 501 501---99 993 3---0705 0705 Lot Lot 30 A D Lot 30 30 A A---D D Mitchell Mitchell Lake Ranch Jim Ethridge & Donna Adams 979 255 2882 Mitchell Lake Lake Ranch Ranch --- Jim Jim Ethridge Ethridge & & Donna Donna Adams Adams --- 979 979---255 255---2882 2882 Lots Lots 14, 15, 18 22, 24, 26, 27, 29 Lots 14, 14, 15, 15, 18 18---22, 22, 24, 24, 26, 26, 27, 27, 29 29 Mossy Mossy Creek Ranch Kevin & Charlene Kent 70 6 344 2 355 Lot 5 Mossy Creek Creek Ranch Ranch --- Kevin Kevin & & Charlene Charlene Kent Kent --- 70 706 6---344 344---2 2355 355 Lot Lot 5 5 Pine Pine Ridge Ranch Bill & Jane Travis 214 850 6308 Pine Ridge Ridge Ranch Ranch --- Bill Bill & & Jane Jane Travis Travis --- 214 214---850 850---6308 6308 Lots Lots 1, 2, 3, 6 10 Lots 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 6 6---10 10 Smith Smith Farms Ronnie & Susan Smith 817 874 3431 Smith Farms Farms --- Ronnie Ronnie & & Susan Susan Smith Smith --- 817 817---874 874---3431 3431 Lots Lots 11, 12 Lots 11, 11, 12 12 Smith Smith Genetics Tim Smith 512 587 7896 Smith Genetics Genetics --- Tim Tim Smith Smith --- 512 512---587 587---7896 7896 Lot Lot 13 Lot 13 13 T5 T5 Livestock Company Larry Throgmorton 903 461 1 030 T5 Livestock Livestock Company Company --- Larry Larry Throgmorton Throgmorton --- 903 903---461 461---1 1030 030 Lots 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, Lots 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25 28, 31, 32A Lots 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 24, 25 25,,, 28, 28, 31, 31, 32A 32A---III Gerald Gerald Thrift 912 72 2 9302 Gerald Thrift Thrift --- 912 912---72 722 2---9302 9302 Lot Lot 32 A F Lot 32 32 A A---F F PPine Ridge Ranch ine Ridge Ranch A Athens, Texas thens, Texas B ill & Ja ne Travis 214‐850‐6308 Polled/Scurred Purebred Simbrah Bull Polled/Scurred Purebred Simbrah Bull PRR Top Choice 420B PRR Top Choice 420B PRR Top Choice 420B Ta oo: 420B LE ASA#2,890,004 January 27, 2014 PRR Prevail 774S PRR Choice 565W #2,513,493 PRR Op ma 677J LHH Valen no 700T PRR Op lence 549W #2,512,525 PRR Ms Op ma 11N CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW CW YG MARB BF REA 5 3 63 83 10 19 51 23.1 -0.l4 -0.01 - 0.036 0.34 Polled Scurred API TI 87 55 “ PRR Top Choice 420B” should live up to his name . . . This bull is long, muscled, moderate, balanced . . A herd sire in every program! Top Choice has an excellent pedigree! PPolled Purebred Simbrah Bull olled Purebred Simbrah Bull PRR Legacy 428B PRR Legacy 428B PRR Legacy 428B Ta oo: 428B LE ASA#2,890,062 January 31, 2014 PRR Whata Dude 536P PRR Pilgrim 008X #2,586,450 PRR Ms Op ma 11N PRR Op mum Pace 577W Op mum Nelke Z803 #2,698,418 RV Miss Nelke 30T CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW CW YG MARB BF REA 5 4 64 84 9 22 54 25.1 -0.28 -0.20 -0.06 0.60 Polled API TI 73 51 This bull is a herd bull that will contribute important gene cs to your herd. Pine Ridge breeds quality ca le . . Both growth and carcass. Adding this bull to your program will be an important element in developing your herd. Polled/Scurred Purebred Simbrah Bull Polled/Scurred Purebred Simbrah Bull PPRR Paycheck 455B PRR Paycheck 455B RR Paycheck 455B Ta oo: 455B LE ASA#2,890,018 February 8, 2014 LM Full House 5L/1 33 PRR Prevail 774S #2,341,008 PRR D.Q. 808J PRR Scout 002N PRR Pre y Scout 162R #2,325,340 Oaks Ms Pre y Girl 035N CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW CW YG MARB BF REA 4 4 69 99 8 23 57 31 -0.32 -0.04 -0.065 0.82 Polled Scurred API TI 80 59 PRR Paycheck 455B will produce many addi onal pounds of bee f. His dam is a magnifice nt Simbrah Donor Cow . . . Perhaps the top in the breed and his sire, PRR Prevail 774S, is the num‐ ber one growth bull in South Africa. South Africa is registering around 11,000 Simbrah calves each year and is the second largest registry in South Africa. Clean, strong bodied, deep flanked . . A beau ful bull loaded with quality gene cs~ H Hallak Ranch allak Ranch Athens, Texas Athens, Texas Billy Ha llak 903‐203‐8524 H Homozygous Polled 3/4 x 1/4 Simbrah Bull omozygous Polled 3/4 x 1/4 Simbrah Bull HR Mega Red HR Mega Red HR Mega Red Ta oo: B8 LE ASA#2,919,219 May 14, 2014 Homozygous Polled Mr Strack U46 Mr Strack Y254 #2,610,592 Ms Strack W66 Sand Ranch Hand MM Miss Nike #2,601,833 JF Madison 904W CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW CW YG MARB BF REA 7 3 58 81 9 21 50 21.9 -0.33 -0.01 -0.072 0.60 API TI 96 55 Hallak Ranch has always presented some of the top herd sires in the Simbrah breed . . . HR Power House I & II, HR Nile King, HR Sphinx! Today let us present you the new genera on . . . . HR Mega Red . . .DNA Confirmed to both parents . . . Tested Homozygous Polled . . . Coat Color Double Red . . . Non Carrier of Dilu‐ tor Gene . . .Every Simbrah breeders dream of a herd sire to produce solid color polled calves with a great EPD! . . . . Selling 1/2 Interest & 1/2 Possession or double the money and buy Full Interest Full Possession . . . . M Mossy Creek Ranch ossy Creek Ranch Cleveland, Georgia Cleveland, Georgia Kevin & Charlene Kent 706‐344‐2355 Polled Purebred Simbrah Bull Polled Purebred Simbrah Bull M MCX Prime MCX Prime CX Prime Ta oo: A20 LE ASA#2,837,887 December 18, 3013 AdjBW: 75 AdjWW: 530 YW: 1050 Polled LMC Black Perfecto 3R/37 LMC BBS Primo 5X/139 #2,547,746 BBS Jennie Walker PRR Por olio 408U PRR Nacoochee 407X #2,585, 636 Hagans Hannah 86T SC: 35cm CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW CW YG MARB BF REA API TI 2 3 61 82 5 23 54 23.1 -0.25 0.01 -0.062 0.46 73 55 IMF Act IMF Adj BF act BF Adj REA act REA Adj CW EPD CW Acc YG EPD YG Acc MB EPD MB Acc BF EPD BF Acc 3.65 3.61 0.17 0.16 12.3 11.96 23.1 0.15 -0.25 0.06 0.01 0.04 -0.062 0.04 REA EPD REA Acc 0.46 0.03 MCX Prime exhibits superb length and width carrying through to the rear of this well balanced bull. Correct on his feet and legs his strength comes from the powerful gene cs on both sire and dam sides. LMC Black Perfecto, BBS Jennie Walker, LMC EF Black Perfecto, PRR Miss Op ma 46R, Hagans Hannah 86T all combined in this excep onal bull. His sire LMC Primo has put some of our hardiest and well fleshed gene cs on the ground and we expect the sa me out of his offspring. MCS Prime promises to bring all that and more to your next genera on of Simbrah. PPine Ridge Ranch ine Ridge Ranch A Athens, Texas thens, Texas Bill & Jane Travis 214‐850‐6308 Polled Open Purebred Simbrah Polled Open Purebred Simbrah PPRR Precious Babe 402B RR Precious Babe 402B RR Precious Babe 402B Ta oo: 402B LE ASA#2,889,835 January 7, 2014 Polled PRR Whata Dude 536P PRR Pilgrim 008X #2,586,450 PRR Ms Op ma 11N PRR Choice 565W PRR She’s Precous 04Z #2,656,283 PRR Precious 405U CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW CW YG MARB BF REA 6 2 62 83 9 19 49 22 -0.26 -0.14 -0.066 0.48 API TI 84 53 Wooooow! Offering the best . . . PRR Precious Babe 402 B reaches the phenotypical breeder goal and has a wonder ful carcass poten al. This heifer is D onor Quality Cow! A great addi on to any Simbrah herd. Sells Open . . . Breed this Spring! PPine Ridge Ranch ine Ridge Ranch A Athens, Texas thens, Texas B ill & Ja ne Travis 214‐850‐6308 Polled Open Purebred Simbrah Polled Open Purebred Simbrah PPRR Miss Rhe RR Miss Rhe a 472B a 472B a 472B Ta oo: 472B LE ASA#2,889,802 February 13, 2014 PRR Perfec on 82S PRR Rito 545W #2,513,491 PRR Clarita 522P HR Power House 1 PRR Rhe a 734R #2,328,313 PRR D.Q. 808J Polled CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW CW YG MARB BF REA 0 6 64 91 7 30 62 32.2 -0.20 -0.25 -0.075 0.34 API TI 47 47 OPEN This heifer is balanced and beau ful. P RR Miss Rhe a 472 B is a daughter of the well ‐known PRR Rito 545W and a Pine Ri dge Donor cow sired by HR Pow er‐ house 1. Show cow x beef cow + carcass. Sells open to breed shortly! Polled Open Purebred Simbrah Polled Open Purebred Simbrah PPRR Deligh RR Deligh ul 507B ul 507B ul 507B Ta oo: 507B LE ASA#2,889,852 February 28, 2014 PRR Whata Dude 536P PRR Pilgrim 008X #2,586,450 PRR Miss Op ma 11N Hooks Shear Force 38K PRR Shear Delight 995Z #2,676,084 PRR Miss Op mum 880T Polled CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW CW YG MARB BF REA 12 1 59 77 10 20 49 15.4 -0.32 -0.02 -0.043 0.75 API TI 109 58 Open PRR Deligh ul 507B is . . . Deligh ul! Balanced, long, great spring of rib, deep flanked. Her maternal grand sire is the tenderness and quality carcass Simmental bull, Hooks Shear Force 38K. Adding this heifer to herd provides superior outcross gene cs. A young heifer ready to breed . . . Polled Open Purebred Simbrah Polled Open Purebred Simbrah PPRR Clari RR Clari n 540B n 540B n 540B Ta oo: 540B LE ASA#2,889,856 April 5, 2014 PRR Whata Dude 536P PRR Pilgrim 008K #2,586,450 PRR Ms Op ma 11N PRR Op mum 892T PRR Fashion Design 18Z #2,656,230 PRR Miss Design 303X CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW CW YG 5 5 63 85 8 19 50 27.4 -0.32 MARB BF REA -0.20 -0.020 0.68 Heterozygous Polled API TI 71 49 Open PRR Clari n 540B is a beef cow with style. She is halter broke and broke to lead. This heifer is ready to breed and has high heterosis bloodlines contain‐ ing an excellent quality carcass. Moderate, stout, deep flanked, feminine front end . . . A tribute to the Simbrah breed! Sells open, ready to breed! PPine Ridge Ranch ine Ridge Ranch A Athens, Texas thens, Texas Bill & Jane Travis 214‐850‐6308 The focus of Pine Ridge is to develop the most efficient, tender, quality carcass, hot weather cattle . . . . In the world. We produce non-line bred, high heterosis, cattle that will raise a big calf on mother’s milk . . . And continue to rapidly grow in the feedlot . . And produce a carcass that we believe is more valuable than Angus . . . A tender Choice to Prime carcass 1400# at 16 months, Yield Grade 1, 2 and 3. We have basically eliminated higher cost, less efficient, Yield Grades 4 and 5 cattle, and have no known genetic defects. We are offering the pick of approximately 70 Simbrah bull calves born at Pine Ridge Ranch in the Fall of 2014. Pine Ridge reserves the right to collect at Pine Ridge expense, 150 straws of semen at maturity and not to interfere with the purchaser’s schedules. Over the years bulls purchased at Houston from the pick of PRR bulls represent the top hot weather bulls obtainable. We request you select your pick of the bull calves by March 22, 2014. PRR Prevail 774S #2,341,008 PRR Parlay 118A #2,771,160 Sire of PRR Persist 169Z PRR Optimum 892T #2,446,430 Sold for $9750 to Mossy Creek Ranch at Houston 2014 PRR Persist 169Z #2,742,608 PRR Pilgrim 008X #2,586,450 PRR Whata Dude 536P #2,290,742 PRR Powerful 22Z #2,658,365 PRR Preview 973Z #2,676,077 Sire of PRR Jemma 59Z who sold for $6000 to Fisherman Spring Ranch at Houston 2013 Sire of PRR Savannah 13Z who sold for $5000 to Dean Galbreath at Houston 2013 PRR Rito 545W #2,513,491 PRR Choice 565W #2,513,491 Sire of PRR Promise 268Z who sold for $4100 to Enrique Barreda at Houston 2014 PRR Palisade 813T #2,439,924 SSmith Farms mith Farms Fort Worth, Texas Fort Worth, Texas Ronnie & Susa n Smith 817‐874‐3431 PPolled Open 3/4 x 1/4 Simbrah olled Open 3/4 x 1/4 Simbrah SSmith Farms Miss Fashion Smith Farms Miss Fashion mith Farms Miss Fashion Ta oo: 240B LE ASA#2,899,048 January 15, 2014 Smith McCrary Andy Black Smith William N Black #2,567,962 SVF Gold Dust R770 PRR Scout 002N PRR Miss Fashion 240U #2,448,245 PRR Fashion 820J Polled CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW CW YG MARB BF REA 6 3 63 86 8 22 53 24.8 -0.29 0.04 -0.053 0.70 API TI 96 60 Smith Farms Miss Fashion is the pick of our spring 3/4 hei fers. Her dam is one of our never miss donors from Pine Ridge. She has produced the top indexing calf in our herd the last three consecu ve years. A er her show career, Miss Fashion will be a top donor choice for her lucky new owners. Her sire, Smith’s William Black, produced some of the top sales ca le in the recent October Synergy Sale. He is fast becoming one of the top Dream On sons in this state. Semen stored at Champion Gene cs, Can‐ ton TX and will be released to buyer or buyers a er se lement. PPolled/Scurred 1/2 SM x 1/2 BR Simbrah olled/Scurred 1/2 SM x 1/2 BR Simbrah LLL&L Arriba LL&L Arriba L&L Arriba ASA#1,244,535 HK Mr America730/7 Wards Bravo 1/09 #947,288 Lady Ward 8/42 29K TT Miss 29K‐1N #707,835 TT Miss Proto 104L SSmith Gene mith Gene cs cs Giddings, Texas Giddings, Texas Tim Smith 512‐5877896 PPolled Purebred Simbrah olled Purebred Simbrah SSmith Nu Approach mith Nu Approach XX SSmith Pure Diamond Smith Pure Diamond mith Pure Diamond #2,344,033 3C Pasque 8773 JDJ Berth’s Big Mac 029K PSF Bertha 46D Smith Trendse er Smith New Approach Reina Del Camino X011 #2,332,071 MV Red Light 406 NF Smith Sargeant Madam X Smith James Outlaw Smith RFI Calamity Jane Smith RFI Joyful CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW CW YG MARB BF REA API TI 5 1 78 103 6 23 62 32.05 -0.22 -0.18 -0.08 0.40 81 63 Selling two embryos with a guarantee of two pregnancies if implanted at Smith Gene cs. Pure Diamond con nues to gain more and more credibility as she con nues to produce the right kind with market demand. This donor has bee n a champion and con nues to produce champions that go on to make great cows. Take a look at Pure Diamond’s daughter that is pictured, Smith Nu Tiffany Diamond, and sired by Smith Nu Approach and is a full sibling to the embryos selling. This female was campaigned to numerous championshi ps for the Snider Family while being campaigned by their niece, Aleah Williams and is currently a bred heifer that is des ned for our embryo program. Now let’s go to the next genera on and take a look at a granddaughter of Pure Diamond pictured, Smith RFI Hidde n Jewel. This champion show heifer, owned joi ntly with Temperance Ca le Co., has developed into a phenomenal cow a er being crowned Grand Champion at the 2014 ASA Na onal Show, Ft Worth Stock Show, Star of Texas, and San Angelo Stock Show. Pure Diamond has proven her value and the resul ng calves from these embryos will be very marketable and their EPD’s will be an addi onal asset ranking them in the top 1% for Maternal Weaning Weight and top 10% for Terminal Index. The resul ng calves will have an impeccable pedigree with both Smith Sargeant and Smith Nu Approach headlining the sires in the pedigree. M Mitchell Lake Ranch itchell Lake Ranch FFranklin, Texas ranklin, Texas Jim Ethridge & Donna Adams 979‐255‐2882 Polled Full Fleckvieh Simmental Bull Polled Full Fleckvieh Simmental Bull E Abbo J17A J17A JJE Abbo Ta oo: J17A LE ASA#2,937,410 September 13, 2013 BW: 84 RPF Pol Right Direc on Bar 5 FF Right Way 1214X #2,595,083 BHPF Arabella M192E Bar 5 P SA Evolu on 418S BStar Polled Pretoria #2,540,737 DDD Silkky Piona CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW CW YG MARB BF REA API TI 4 5 75 101 5 30 67 36.8 -0.14 -0.21 -0.058 0.30 62 59 Abbo is a thick, polled bull with wrap around goggles. He has good feet and a great disposi on. Take him home and put him to work. M Mitchell Lake Ranch itchell Lake Ranch TT5 Livestock Company 5 Livestock Company Jim E thridge & Donna Adams 979‐255‐2882 Larry Throgmorton 903‐461‐1030 Horned Full Fleckvieh Simmental Bull Horned Full Fleckvieh Simmental Bull E Abilard J21A JJE Abilard J21A Ta oo: J21A LE ASA#2,937,409 October 27, 2013 BW: 85 RPF Pol Right Direc on Bar 5 FF Right Way 1214X #2,595,083 BHPF Arabella M192E King of Jungle Da Zurita Crimson Miss Lady Keona #2,761,398 BHR Ursa Major SA U312E CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW CW YG MARB BF REA API TI 6 5 63 87 10 30 62 28.3 -0.22 -0.27 -0.073 0.33 58 53 Abilard is one of two young bulls that we have in the sale. He is another partnership lot with T5 Livestock. We sold a bull in last year’s sale out of Siegfried and Lady Keona to Rancho La Reforma in Mexico. J21A is another thick and color correct bull that is ready to take home and put to work. TT5 Livestock Company 5 Livestock Company W Wolfe City, Texas olfe City, Texas Larry Throgmorton 903‐461‐1030 Polled/Scurred Full Fleckvieh Simmental Bull Polled/Scurred Full Fleckvieh Simmental Bull TT5 Winslows Legacy 5 Winslows Legacy Ta oo: A11 LE ASA#2,830,830 June 9, 2013 BW: 90 Exodus JE Winslow J03W #2,535,900 DDD Kandis Dandi Antonius T5 Thara #2,470,917 MS JMC Silbe D435 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW CW 3 7 71 99 6 34 70 38.9 Polled Scurred SC: 40cm YG MARB BF REA -0.18 -0.13 -0.067 0.38 API TI 64 57 T5 Winslows Lega cy is the son of JE Winslows J03W (Exodus x DDD Kandi Da ndi) and T5 Thara (Antonius x JMC Silbe D435). This pe digree has produced a outstanding Fleckvieh Herd Sire prospect. He is dark red with double goggles, smooth skinned with powerful muscle defini on and is walking on strong legs and feet. He is strong straight topped and smooth acros s the hips and tail. He is a virgin bull and has tested DILUT OR FREE . . . . T5 Livestock Company T5 Livestock Company W Wolfe City, Texas olfe City, Texas Larry Throgmorton 903‐461‐1030 Horned Full Fleckvieh Simmental Bull Horned Full Fleckvieh Simmental Bull T5 Bright Way T5 Bright Way Ta oo: B1 LE ASA#2,883,484 January 21, 2014 BW: 78 SC: 42cm RPF Pol Right Direc on Bar 5 FF Right Way 1214X #2,595,083 BHPF Arabella M192E LS Legacy M565 RV Miss Nelke 30T #2,431,523 Willow Oaks Nelke CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW CW YG MARB BF REA 2 6 67 90 10 31 65 31.5 -0.21 -0.18 -0.067 0.41 API TI 63 55 T5 Bright Way is a son of Bar 5 FF Right Way 1214X and RV Miss Nelke 30T. T his boy is tan colored, heavy mus cled, strong backed, great legs and feet wit h a wonderful disposi on. His pedigree is unique and outstanding on the sire side is Bar 5 Expert, Iglhoff, BHR Electro and Dovea Horst. The dam side of Bar 5 Sally, Woodrings Gretchen, JMC Turba and Willow Oaks Johanna is simply “Cow” quality at its best . . A true Fleckvieh Herd Bull in the making! His dilutor gene test will be available prior to the sale. M Mitchell Lake Ranch itchell Lake Ranch FFranklin, Texas ranklin, Texas Jim Ethridge & Donna Adams 979‐255‐2882 Horned Open Full Fleckvieh Simmental Horned Open Full Fleckvieh Simmental JJE Acacia J18A E Acacia J18A Ta oo: J18A LE ASA#2,937,404 August 23, 2013 BW: 79 AdjWW: 451 RPF Pol Right Direc on Bar 5 FF Right Way 1214X #2,595,083 BHPF Arabella M192E Shawacres Jahari 50L DDD Dazzle Daze #2,282,340 Miss Canadian Neff E511 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW CW YG MARB BF REA 3 5 67 91 8 27 60 30 -0.24 -0.23 -0.062 .51 API TI 62 55 J18A is thick and deep. She is out of one of our favorite donors, Dazzle Daze, who has Jahari, Canadian Neff and Bigfoot in her pedigree. Acacia is open a nd ready to breed to the bull of your choice. Horned Open Full Fleckvieh Simmental Horned Open Full Fleckvieh Simmental JJE Abba J19A JE Abba J19A E Abba J19A Ta oo: J19A LE ASA#2,937,405 September 26, 2013 BW: 88 AdjWW: 543 RPF Pol Right Direc on Bar 5 FF Right Way 1214X #2,595,083 BHPF Arabella M192E ProStock Red Rock 8004U DDD Pol Scarlet 20X #2,584,088 DDD Pe t Jean CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW CW YG MARB BF REA 1 5 69 94 8 30 65 32.8 -0.23 -0.16 -0.064 0.49 API TI 59 57 J19A is another Right Way daughter that is ready to go to work. Abba is one of the first daughters that we will be selling out of 20X that we purchased at the Dollar dispersal. 20X has Holb and the famous Kandi Kane 18F cow on her dam’s side. Mitchell Lake Ranch Mitchell Lake Ranch FFranklin, Texas ranklin, Texas Jim E thridge & Donna Adams 979‐255‐2882 Polled Open Full Fleckvieh Simmental Polled Open Full Fleckvieh Simmental JE Abbey J24A JE Abbey J24A Ta oo: J24A LE ASA#2,937,406 November 11, 2013 BW: 83 AdjWW: 488 RPF Pol Right Direc on Bar 5 FF Right Way 1214X #2,595,083 BHPF Arabella M192E DDD Broadway G534 JE Xenie J36X #2,622,501 DDD Ms Utopia 22U Polled CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW CW YG MARB BF REA 1 5 66 91 9 31 64 31.5 -0.19 -0.20 -0.068 0.32 API TI 61 54 Right Way does it again! J24A has Iglhoff from her sire and Romulus, Broadway, Exodus and Yankee Nancy from her dam in her pedigree. Also she is Polled!!! Horned Open Fleckvieh Simmental Horned Open Fleckvieh Simmental JJE Accra J25A E Accra J25A Ta oo: J25A LE ASA#2,937,407 November 25, 2013 BW: 81 AdjWW: 500 RPF Pol Right Direc on Bar 5 FF Right Way 1214X #2,595,083 BHPF Arabella M192E IVR Roland T705 FFR Isabella #2,599,680 Bianca Da Zurita CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW CW YG MARB BF REA 3 5 71 101 5 33 69 37.1 -0.15 -0.10 -0.061 0.32 API TI 70 61 This stout young heifer is color correct with double wrap around goggles. She is sired by Bar 5 FF Right Way, one of the most consistent bulls we have ev er owned. M Mitchell Lake Ranch itchell Lake Ranch TT5 Livestock Company 5 Livestock Company Jim E thridge & Donna Adams 979‐255‐2882 Larry Throgmorton 903‐461‐1030 Horned Open Full Fleckvieh Simmental Horned Open Full Fleckvieh Simmental JJE Babs J03B JE Babs J03B E Babs J03B Ta oo: J03B LE ASA#2,937,408 January 13, 2014 BW: 111 AdjWW: 503 Salerika Evan Bar 5 SA Evan 440L #2,179,006 AI‐AI Siska King of Jungle Da Zurita Crimson Miss Lady Keona #2,761,398 BHR Ursa Major SA U312E CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW CW YG MARB BF REA API TI 6 5 61 81 5 27 57 25.4 -0.21 -0.27 -0.063 0.34 53 50 J03B is the youngest heifer we have in the sale but you could not tell by looking at her. She is thick, deep and color correct. She will be ready to breed in the spring. Babs is a partnership heifer with Larry Throgmorton of T5 Livestock Company. Half sib to J21A (Lot 15). T5 Livestock Company T5 Livestock Company W Wolfe City, Texas olfe City, Texas Larry Throgmorton 903‐461‐1030 Horned Open Full Fleckvieh Simmental Horned Open Full Fleckvieh Simmental T5 Boun T5 Boun ful ful Ta oo: B4 LE ASA#2,883,487 April 14, 2014 BW: 61 Smithbilt Molson 21M Gibbons M ontana #2,790,650 DFM Juni 960J Gibbons Exper se JE Zeno J01Z #2,647,062 JE Tessa J02T CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW CW YG MARB BF REA 5 4 62 82 7 34 65 24.3 -0.22 -0.17 -0.068 0.33 API TI 70 56 OPEN T5 Boun ful is our first offering of a heifer sired by Gibbons Montana and Smithbilt Molson 21M x DFM Juni 960J. The maternal side shows Gibbys Nabriska 16N and Bar 5 Lilliwood 310P. Boun ful is dark red with good pigmenta on, body con firma on and structure. Her gene c base is solid and should produce outstanding progeny. Horned Open Fleckvieh Simmental Horned Open Fleckvieh Simmental T5 Baby Creek T5 Baby Creek T5 Baby Creek Ta oo: B5 LE ASA#2,883,488 April 13, 2014 BW: 62 SH Romulus F53R DDD Broadway G534 #1,986,690 Klondike Kim GNM 402B BHR Renmor Benz SA L567E Li le Creek Peri 271P #2,304,243 Siegfrieds Queen D75 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW CW YG MARB BF REA 0 5 58 81 13 35 64 25.3 -0.18 -0.24 -0.073 .18 API TI 60 50 One of the best investments Mitchell Lake and T5 Livestock have made was the purchase of Li le Creek Peri 271P at the Magnolia Classic. Her latest offspring T5 Baby Creek was created from the very special blend of Fleckvieh gene cs that Peri and Broadway posses s. Please review the maternal and paternal con‐ tributors, a great combina on that produced this outstanding female. Polled Open Full Fleckvieh Simmental Polled Open Full Fleckvieh Simmental TT5 Bantara T5 Bantara 5 Bantara Ta oo: B6 LE ASA#2,883,489 April 19, 2014 BW: 70 Polled RFP Pol Right Direc on Bar 5 FF Right Way 1214X #2,595,083 BHPF Arabella M192E Gibbys Ul mate 29S MS Pol Xantara X68 #2,583,070 BFP Xantara SA N094 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW CW YG MARB BF REA API TI 5 5 64 85 6 30 63 27.8 -0.21 -0.20 -0.069 0.34 62 54 T5 Bantara is the progeny of Ms Pol Xantara X69, a daughter of BFP Xantara SA N094 and Gibbys Ul mate 29S. Bantara’s sire is the excep‐ onal Bar 5 FF Right Way 1214X. This ma ng has produced a heifer of ul mate poten al with expected produc on of quality front pasture Fleckvieh keepers. She is a beauty and polled. M Mitchell Lake Ranch itchell Lake Ranch FFranklin, Texas ranklin, Texas Jim E thridge & Donna Adams 979‐255‐2882 A, B & C all sired by Gibbons Expertise 33U Homozygous Polled Polled #2,380,103 JRR Raffles P58M x Richmond Miss Balu 36H #2,282,340 Shawacres Jahari 50L x Miss Canadian Neff E511 #2,337,517 BHR Three Sixes SA L666E x BHPF Annakiya M197E IVR Bella S148 is Polled. Guaranteeing 2 preg‐ nancies if work is performed by a cer fie d em‐ bryologist. Embryos will be at sale site and flush sheet provide. Calves could be homozygous polled! P14’s pedigree includes Shawacres Jahari on the sire side and Canadian Neff and Bigfoot and Sieg‐ fried on the dam side. Guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is performed by a cer fied embryologist. Embryos will be at sale site and flush sheet provid‐ ed. R25 pedigree includes Three Sixes, Iglhoff and Siegfried. Embryo will be at sale site and flush sheet provided. Mitchell Lake Ranch itchell Lake Ranch FFranklin, Texas ranklin, Texas M Jim E thridge & Donna Adams 979‐255‐2882 ASA#2,197,440 Dan‐Jaco Benz 78 x Wisp‐Will Fiona Guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is performed by a cer fied embryologist. Embryos will be at sale site and flush sheet provided. FULL SOUTH AFRICAN ASA#2,117,468 Bar 5 Bernheim 405H x HVR Sarie Marys 26J ASA#2,280,547 Bar 5 SA Evan 440L x BHR Lady Suze e 207K Guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is performed by a cer fied embryologist. Embryos will be at sale site and flush sheet provided. FULL SOUTH AFRICAN ASA#1,963,093 Overhal Birner x Bernheim Roda 84 T5 Livestock Company T5 Livestock Company W Wolfe City, Texas olfe City, Texas Larry Throgmorton 903‐461‐1030 X X Balist Ms JMC Silbe D435 #1,801,731 Silber Guaranteeing 2 pregnancies if work is performe d by a cer fied embryologist. Embryos will be at sale site and flush sheet provided. Antonius ASA#613,074 Egmar x Anka Sire of Embryos X X Great Guns McGunster 17A Ms J McGunster C343 #1,733,441 SIM‐ROC Gwen Guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is performed by a cer ‐ fied embryologist. Embryos will be at sale site and flush sheet provided. Rickardstown Jumbo ASA#1,095,771 Hamlet x Irla Sire of Embryos X X SV Bavarian 7C ASA#057,236 Rasso x Isa Sire of Embryos SH Romulus F53R DDD Diamond Gwen #2,000,707 Ms J McGunster C343 Guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is performed by a cer ‐ fied embryologist. Embryos will be at sale site and flush sheet provided. M Mitchell Lake Ranch itchell Lake Ranch FFranklin, Texas ranklin, Texas Jim Ethridge & Donna Adams 979‐255‐2882 BBar 5 FF Right Way 1214X Bar 5 FF Right Way 1214X ar 5 FF Right Way 1214X ASA# 2,595,083 RFP Pol Right Direc on x BHPF Arabella M192E Selling semen on this powerful proven herdsire along with Lots 14, 15 & 17 herds ire prospects and Lots 18, 19, 20 & 21 donor prospects. 5 units 5 units 5 units 5 units _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Tested Non-Diluted Houston International Simmental/Simbrah Sales Gross Gross February 19, 2002 February 27, 2003 March 3, 2004 March 1, 2005 February 28, 2006 February 27, 2007 March 4, 2008 March 3, 2009 March 2, 2010 March 1, 2011 February 28, 2012 February 26, 2013 March 4, 2014 26 Lots 34 Lots 25 Lots 30 Lots 34 Lots 38 Lots 31 Lots 30 Lots 34 Lots 32 Lots 22 Lots 41 Lots 37 Lots $106,550 $75,900 $99,675 $152,550 $188,725 $146,200 $178,875 $128,575 $112,825 $107,725 $118,600 $201,175 $134,490 Average Average $4,098 $2,232 $3,987 $5,085 $5,551 $3,843 $5,770 $4,286 $3,318 $3,366 $5,349 $4,907 $3,635 Consuela Sabitina Lopez de Lulu Okie aka P.P. by SCS IIndian Valley Ranch ndian Valley Ranch Dover, Arkansas Dover, Arkansas Allan Roberts 501‐993‐0705 . . . All semen in this lot will be at Champion Gene cs, Canton TX . . . Increments of 10 or more . . . A GG Pauli 27Z #1,478,831 20 units B JMC Balistex D395 #1,751,055 20 units C JMC Johann J305 #2,019,411 30 units #2,019,419 20 units D JMC Panda J316 TT5 Livestock Company 5 Livestock Company W Wolfe City, Texas olfe City, Texas Larry Throgmorton 903‐461‐1030 . . . All semen in this lot will be at Champion Gene cs, Canton TX . . . Bar 5 Benz 415L #2,197,440 10 units Bar 5 Benz 415L #2,197,440 10 units Bar 5 SA Burner 825R #2,373,697 10 units #2,373,697 10 units Bar 5 SA Burner 825R Daytons Pol Neumann #2,315,292 10 units Daytons Pol Neumann #2,315,292 6 units Rooinik #897,940 10 units Rooinik #897,940 10 units Triple SP Stromer #1,824,567 7 units A B C D E F G H I A B C D E F G Gerald Thri erald Thri Nahunta, Georgia Nahunta, Georgia 912‐722‐9302 . . . All semen in this lot will be at Champion Gene cs, Canton TX . . . Hacks Frier #1,295,351 8 units MFL Bossman 5A #1,567,308 2 units Remus #912,942 4 units SV Bavarian 7C #57,236 4 amps Ta enhall Alert #76,943 12 units Zeus #146,320 6 units
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