The Art of Hope

The Art of Hope
4-year-old Sienna is a real chatterbox! She especially loves talking
about “her” hospital - where she spent her first two years and where
brain surgeons were able to save her life using high-tech equipment
funded by the community.
There is an art in caring for sick children.
We know that knowledge and optimism create hope. What lifts that hope into a
higher realm are incredible people – people like you – who add warmth, passion
and vibrancy into the big picture of child health.
We are tremendously grateful to our donors who – even in uncertain economic
times - so generously invest their hard-earned money into the crucial research,
programs and high-tech equipment that advance pediatric healthcare. Thank you for
leading by example and motivating others in our community to join in your kindness.
To our volunteers who enthusiastically offer their energy and talent in countless
ways - at events, in our office and at our Boardroom table, we know how precious
your time is and we appreciate every minute of it.
Of course, the more than 80,000 kids and families who rely on care from our
hospital every year are our inspiration. Their courage and grace in the face of
often unimaginable struggles help us add perspective into our lives, simply by
considering theirs.
Alongside each family fighting for the health of a child out of necessity is a team of
professionals who fight for thousands of young choice. The therapist who
makes a game out of re-learning how to walk, the nurse who stays after shift to
reassure a nervous mom, the housekeeping staff who remember kids by name, the
researcher who dedicates years to finding a less toxic cancer drug, and the doctors
and surgeons who share with families tears of joy and sorrow – they choose to help
all of our kids as if they were their own…every single day.
Together, all of you - donors, volunteers, families and health care providers - take
pediatric medicine beyond the science and into an art form: the Art of Hope.
For everyone involved, it’s personal…and it shows.
This report is dedicated to you. We hope you take personal pride in reading about
some recent successes - highlights and new sights made possible at our hospital and
research institute over the past two years because of your commitment and support.
Thank you for making the Alberta Children’s Hospital a reflection of our community’s
character… and for valuing children as the masterpieces that they are.
Saifa Koonar
President & CEO
Jim Truesdale
When 7-year-old Sara was hit by a truck last year, her story made the
headlines. Today, thanks to the team at the Alberta Children’s Hospital,
she is skating her way back into the spotlight.
As with art, working in pediatric medicine is all about Perspective.
Imagine being handed a baby whose heart has stopped and your job is to revive him.
Thanks to community support, our team provides exceptional care in
Most people would be overwhelmed by the pressure. Thankfully, our specialists have
comprehensive emergency medicine. Our experts are recognized nationally for
a different view.
particular strengths in human patient simulation training, trauma, and knowledge
translation. In addition, our hospital is home to one of the foremost pediatric
They know that every year one out of four children in Calgary – and thousands more
emegency medicine researchers in North America.
from across the province – needs their help. 59,000 times, those kids are rushed into
Emergency. Thousands of them require specialized care for hours, days or weeks. And
With your help, our specialists are now ready to become national leaders in all areas
over 900 are admitted to Intensive Care with life-threatening illnesses or injuries so
essential to critical care - including acute care, surgery, resuscitation and prevention.
serious they demand second-by-second critical care in the fight to keep them alive.
By doing so, the quality of care for our sickest children will significantly increase, the
severity and frequency of long-term affects will decrease and the implementation
With faster metabolisms, less blood and fluid reserves and a higher sensitivity to
of best practices and treatments required to improve child health and safety in our
changes in body temperature, a child’s condition can rapidly change from stable to
community will improve overall.
life-threatening, making him or her more vulnerable than an adult in a medical crisis.
Specialists at the Alberta Children’s Hospital understand these unique susceptibilities
and accept the responsibility of caring for children to make a difference in their
young lives.
Thanks to you
• Becoming an international leader in saving the lives of babies with intestinal
failure. As a founder of the Pediatric Intestinal Failure Consortium, our specialists are
collaborating with 18 research hospitals across North America, including Harvard and
Stanford. Through the integration of their research efforts, surgical techniques and
specialized care and treatment, our experts have increased survival rates at our
hospital from 72% to 100% over the past four years, which is the best result of any
hospital in the world.
• Becoming the first children’s hospital in Canada to acquire a highly-sophisticated
O-Arm and Image-guided Navigation System, enabling surgeons to "see" organs and
structures hidden from the naked eye. More than 180 children have benefitted from
this new technology that reduces radiation exposure and improves safety and
accuracy to help children requiring surgery for their spine, brain, tumours, eyes
and ear, nose and throat conditions.
• Becoming a western Canadian leader in cardiac imaging. Recognized for their
expertise in 3-Dimensional Echocardiograms and Cardiac Magnetic Resonance
Imaging, our heart specialists hosted the first ever 3D Echo and Cardiac MRI Course
for Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada trainees in Cardiology – all
of Canada’s cardiologists who will graduate over the next three years. Our team
provided crucial education for the country’s future cardiologists in using technology
to gain a more precise understanding of heart problems in children.
New Sights
• To create Canada’s largest KidSim laboratory and continue providing national
• To fully equip an additional resuscitation suite within the Emergency department
leadership in the life-saving field of pediatric simulation training. Like flight
and expand our hospital’s trauma service to include all children under the age of 18.
simulation for pilots, high-tech Human Patient Simulation (HPS) gives healthcare
Today, teenagers older than 15 who suffer severe, multiple injuries caused by motor
professionals the crucial opportunity to practice trauma and resuscitation drills on
vehicle collisions and serious falls receive treatment at adult hospitals. Expanding
sophisticated life-like mannequins using real-life scenarios to better prepare staff for
our trauma program would enable them to benefit from the expertise in adolescent
real emergencies. In addition to providing invaluable training at our hospital, our HPS
medicine, psycho-social, therapeutic and educational supports offered at our facility.
team trains healthcare professionals across southern Alberta and provides leadership
to the new Faculty of Medicine HPS program in Calgary.
• To build a leading-edge pediatric intensive care program with two significant
enhancements: cardiac by-pass capabilities within PICU and increased expertise in
detecting and treating children at risk of sepsis – a severe blood infection that is
among the top ten causes of death in Alberta.
• To expand the hospital‘s pediatric transport service into a nation-leading program
which ensures emergency specialists can travel, provide timely expert intervention,
stabilize and transport southern Alberta’s sickest children to our hospital where they
can receive further specialized care.
• To become a national leader in incorporating bedside ultrasound during
resuscitation and emergency care. Acquiring the technology and building this
expertise will enable experts to diagnose internal bleeding within seconds and also
use image-guidance for intravenous access. Children will benefit from quicker and
more accurate diagnoses, more timely treatment and less exposure to radiation.
15-year-old Davis maintains a quiet strength in his fight against
cancer. Normally cool as a cucumber, the one thing that gets him fired
up is talking about his beloved Calgary Flames.
Like artists, people who fight cancer must have Passion.
How do you fight a disease so insidious that it has spawned over 200 variations and
Based on their strengths, our cancer specialists are determined to find more effective
kills millions of people around the world each year? Our cancer team will tell you that
and less toxic ways to treat cancer. Their vision has inspired unprecedented support
it takes teamwork and an unwavering belief that a cure is within reach.
from Alberta Health Services, the University of Calgary and cancer-fighting
organizations across Alberta.
Cancer is the leading cause of death due to disease among children, killing one in five
of those diagnosed. Unfortunately, even beating childhood cancer can come at a high
With such incredible partnership and support from our community, our cancer team
price, with 60% of survivors suffering at least one late side effect, many of which are
is creating new hope for the 20% of children who do not survive cancer, those who
severe or life-threatening.
suffer the significant side effects of current treatments as well as children who
battle other life-threatening diseases. Their work will raise the standard of care
Our cancer experts are playing an important role in the global fight against this
across all areas of our hospital and the knowledge they gain will also extend
disease, particularly in two key areas for which they’ve earned national and
to adults with cancer.
international recognition – blood and marrow transplantation (BMT) and
experimental and applied therapeutics.
Together, we can have an international impact on healthcare and ultimately yield
benefits beyond kids, beyond cancer and beyond Calgary.
Thanks to community support, our hospital is home to the largest BMT centre in
western Canada and is the only children’s hospital in the same region with the
expertise to conduct Phase I Clinical Trials: leading-edge research that involves
testing promising drugs on patients for whom all other treatments have failed.
Thanks to you
• Becoming the first in western Canada to provide BMT as a cure for a child with
sickle cell disease. Sickle cell disease causes life-long debilitating inflammation and
pain in the joints and organs.
• Successfully providing BMT as a cure for severe combined immunodeficiency
syndrome. SCIDS is a usually fatal disorder often referred to as "bubble boy" disease
since it leaves children without any immune system and forced to live in virtual
isolation to avoid contact with all germs.
• Developing a crucial new test for BMT patients which lets families know if their
child’s new cells have grafted successfully - twice as quickly and at one third the cost
to the health system of previous testing. This test has proven so effective, it is being
used for all BMT patients across Alberta, including kids and adults.
• Recruiting the hospital’s first Immunogeneticist – an expert who examines the role
of genetic factors that control individual immune response. This important addition
to our cancer team is helping our specialists better understand how a child’s immune
system re-grows after transplantation, and also how it responds to drug therapy.
• Opening up seven new Phase I and Phase II Clinical Trials, giving hope to families
whose children would otherwise have no more treatment options. Our hospital
conducts these trials as the only Canadian member of the Pediatric Oncology
Experimental Therapeutics Investigators Consortium (POETIC), an elite group of
cancer research hospitals which includes Johns Hopkins, MD Anderson and
Memorial Sloan Kettering.
New Sights
• Acquiring state-of-the-art high-throughput chemical screening technology that
• To establish Canada’s first Nursing Professorship in Child and
enables our researchers to quickly screen thousands of compounds for their ability to
Family Centred Cancer Care. This unique new position will draw
kill cancer cells that have been isolated from children with cancer. This technology is
upon patient and family experiences to determine research
crucial in finding new cancer drugs and making important new discoveries within our
priorities, identify and share best practices in treatment delivery
integrated Pediatric Experimental and Applied Therapeutics Program.
and ultimately improve clinical care in the hospital.
• To develop and bring into clinical trials new drugs for children with specific types
• To establish Canada’s first pediatric oncology "Hospital at
of brain tumors and high-risk cancers of the nervous system for which survival rates
Home" support program. Studies show that children thrive the most
are only about 30%. Some of these aggressive forms of cancer have not seen
at home with their families and can experience better outcomes with
improvements in therapy in twenty years.
safe, earlier transfers after transplant. Routine blood work, medication
management and 24-hour on-call service would be part of assisting
• To become the first in Canada to establish a comprehensive Psycho-Social
Oncology Program for children and families. Working as a team, experts in
psychology, neuro-psychology, social work, child life and spiritual care will
develop and implement strategies to decrease the catastrophic and often
long-term distress caused by cancer treatment.
kids with recovery at home or in their home community.
When medications failed to control Jayce’s epilepsy, specialists at our
hospital prescribed a strict therapeutic diet to change the chemical
balance in his brain. Today, this smiley 7-year-old is seizure free, off
the diet and hooked on Justin Bieber.
Ultimately, both art and life depend on our State of Mind.
Who we are and who we become are rooted in the brain. It is central to
Thanks to community support, the Alberta Children’s Hospital is one of a select few
development, intelligence, personality and life-long potential.
centres in Canada which provides comprehensive care for children with injury and
illness of the brain and spinal cord. Our hospital is home to world-class experts in
Studies show that like a house, a child’s brain is built over time, beginning in utero
pediatric neurology, neuro-surgery, neuro-oncology and neuro-rehabilitation. It is the
and continuing into adulthood. Early experiences – including injury and illness –
only children’s hospital in Canada to provide all four services in one facility.
affect the stability of the brain’s overall foundation and impact each child’s future
successes and challenges.
By enhancing care for kids from diagnosis to treatment and rehabilitation, by
developing an exceptional trainee program, and by building on clinical research
Our experts in pediatric neurosciences, psychology and psychiatry devote their lives
strengths to include basic science and translational research as well, our experts
to all aspects of brain health. They understand that a child’s brain – still in the stages
are determined to provide national leadership in pediatric brain health within
of construction - has a greater ability to repair itself than the fully formed brain of
the next decade.
an adult. As a result, our specialists are committed both to minimizing the impact
of brain injury and disease as well as maximizing the young brain’s ability to rewire,
adapt and re-construct itself.
Thanks to you
• Creating Canada’s first pediatric brain stimulation lab. Using non-invasive
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), our experts map connections within the
brain to better understand conditions like childhood stroke and epilepsy. Their hope
is to further utilize this technology to help the brain rewire and repair itself.
• Becoming a national leader in endoscopic brain surgery to help children with
brain cysts and hydrocephalus. This type of procedure reduces the invasiveness of
traditional brain operations by utilizing high-tech scopes - equipped with tiny lights
and cameras - which are inserted through a small incision in the child’s skull.
• Recruiting the first holder of the Dr. Robert Haslam Chair in Child Neurology,
Dr. Jong Rho. A world-renowned clinician-scientist from Phoenix, Dr. Rho is also
the new Division Chief of Pediatric Neurology and now will recruit and lead experts
at both our hospital and research institute to help develop novel treatments for
children with epilepsy, brain and spinal cord trauma, brain tumors and other
neurological conditions.
• Recruiting the first holder of the Cuthbertson and Fischer Chair in Pediatric
Mental Health, Dr. Frank MacMaster from Detroit. Dr. MacMaster represents a new
generation of specialists using high-tech imaging in their research to examine the
structure, chemistry and function of the brain. His biologically-based research is the
first in the world to inform the application of a new class of drugs for children and
adolescents with mental health disorders. These drugs are now being evaluated in
clinical trials to treat obsessive compulsive disorder.
New Sights
• To become the first children’s hospital in western Canada to acquire a 3 Tesla
• To establish a comprehensive and
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (3T MRI) scanner – state-of-the-art radiation-free
multidisciplinary Neurosciences program by
technology that holds twice the diagnostic power of the hospital’s current MRI.
enhancing services for children with seizures
The 3T MRI is expected to help revolutionize the field of diagnostic imaging by
and epilepsy, as well as neuro-trauma and
enabling our specialists to see not only how a child’s brain is structured, but
stroke. At present, about half of the 5,800 kids
also exactly how it is functioning.
who rely on care from our neurology team are
faced with seizures caused by epilepsy and
• To become a world-leader in understanding how diet and nutrition impact
related conditions such as autism,
chemical changes in the brain and throughout the body. Epilepsy is the leading
metabolic and genetic disorders.
example of an intractable medical disorder that can be treated successfully with
The next highest need involves children
a precisely controlled high fat, low carbohydrate diet. Our experts intend to improve
who have suffered some form of injury
the effectiveness of existing nutritional therapies and their research findings will
to the brain as a result of trauma,
help direct the development of novel drugs that could enhance therapeutic
birth injury or stroke.
responses for many childhood diseases.
Strengthening these areas will
• To continually impact the training of Canadian neurologists by establishing
ensure more kids receive the best
innovative teaching programs and assuming leadership roles in professional societies.
possible care right here in Calgary,
For example, one of our doctors, an internationally recognized clinical and academic
without the need to seek
pediatric neurologist, will present a special course on the developing brain and its
help elsewhere.
disorders in the fetus at the next Canadian Neurological Sciences Federation
meeting in 2011.
Anthony & Kyla
When Kyla and Anthony were born 3 months prematurely, their
parents could hold them each in one hand. Today, after 4 years of
incredible care at the Alberta Children’s Hospital, they are a
whole other kind of handful.
Great work is driven by Ingenuity.
Our experts know that what makes a good hospital a great hospital is how it
experts develop new therapies that reduce suffering and help sick kids get better,
contributes to the science behind improving treatments and cures. They understand
faster. They’ve identified priority areas that hold the key to improving care and
the sad reality that some therapies for children are as toxic as the conditions they
treatment in our community, including:
combat, many disorders are as yet untreatable, and countless illnesses remain
medical mysteries in both diagnosis and treatment.
• Childhood Cancer
• Behavior & the Developing Brain
Thanks to community support, the Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute
• Healthy Living, Injury Prevention & Optimizing Health Outcomes
for Child and Maternal Health (ACHRI) has united a team of more than 180 leading
• Molecular & Genetic Basis of Child Health
experts in research, education, clinical care and community health who are
• Reproductive, Maternal, Fetal & Newborn Health
committed to working together to solve today’s most pressing child and
women’s health problems.
Knowing that all health is rooted in childhood, ultimately, we know researching new
cures and better treatments for kids promises long-lasting and life-changing rewards.
Our investigators are working to bridge the gap between studies conducted in the
science lab and care provided in hospital. Each informs the other to ensure our
Thanks to you
• Launching the Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute for Child and Maternal
Health. Last year, donations from the community helped our researchers publish 310
research papers and secure more than $28 million in external grants.
• Recruiting the first holder of the Husky Energy Chair in Child and Maternal Health,
Dr. Brent Scott. As the former Regional Division Chief of Pediatrics and a driving force
in shaping health care for kids in southern Alberta over the past two decades, Dr. Scott
has now taken on the responsibility of building the research side of our hospital.
• Publishing a study by hospital researchers in the Emergency department showing
that a combined drug therapy for bronchiolitis – inflammation of the lungs - resulted in
a 35% decrease in hospital admissions. In Calgary and across Canada, so many children
suffer from bronchiolitis during the winter and early spring months that it causes a
significant spike in hospital admissions, pushing bed capacities to their limits.
• Leading an international study to find ways to predict, prevent and treat pre-term
birth. Alberta has the highest rate of premature birth in the country, a condition
associated with more than 75% of infant death and long-term disability. Along with 21
investigators from Canada, the USA and Australia who have expertise in 13 different
disciplines, our researchers are addressing this important issue from all angles,
including the genetic and social factors behind the problem, its effects across our
population, real solutions to be used in the community, and policy recommendations
for government.
• Developing new, patented technology capable of personalizing the provision of
oxygen to newborn babies who require resuscitation. Traditionally, newborns who
require resuscitation are given 100% oxygen. While effective in reviving them, this
treatment puts premature babies at risk of losing their sight. The new technology reads
each baby’s individual oxygen levels before providing a personalized dosage.
New Sights
• To establish Canada’s National Child Health Training Centre for Knowledge
• To develop new approaches to create, test and
Translation to ensure important new medical knowledge is adopted broadly and
monitor vaccines for children in Canada and around the
put into practice to benefit the overall population. Studies show that about 1/3 of
world. A Calgary led group of experts, working with colleagues
patients in developed countries do not receive medical treatments which have been
from across the country, is developing a large multidisciplinary
proven effective. To help address this, our experts have had great success in creating
team with expertise from "bench to bedside to public
"care maps" for such prevalent and debilitating illnesses as asthma, appendicitis and
health" to improve knowledge to optimize the use
gastroenteritis. These step-by-step guidelines are helping physicians across southern
of current vaccines, and to develop new vaccines for
Alberta diagnose and treat children more efficiently and effectively.
common germs that cause pneumonia, sepsis
and meningitis.
• To use Next Generation DNA Sequencing – and its power to read genetic code tens
of thousands times faster than current technology - to help find answers for the 70%
of genetics patients at our hospital who remain undiagnosed. This state-of-the-art
technology will also help fine-tune diagnosis and treatment for children with cancer,
cystic fibrosis and countless other diseases across all areas of the hospital. It will
also help our experts explore components of personalized medicine and in the future
develop individualized treatment plans for children based on their genetic makeup.
• To improve the health outcomes of children with kidney disease by building on the
nationally-recognized research findings of two clinician-scientists recently recruited
to our institute. Their impressive work in early kidney development, the relationship
between heart disease and pediatric kidney disease, and their establishment of the
Canadian Pediatric End-Stage Renal Disease Database are helping specialists better
understand and improve treatment for kidney disease in children.
14-year-old Eric loves drama and storytelling, especially when he’s
performing for his little sister Katrina. Katrina and her whole family
benefit from care at Rotary/Flames House and the Alberta
Children’s Hospital.
At the heart of it all is Love.
Certainly what frames the Art of Hope at the Alberta Children’s Hospital is a strong
Inside the warm, home-like facility, parents have access to many services designed
commitment to family centred care – a philosophy which embraces family as essential
especially for them, including temporary 24-hour respite care, help learning complex
members of a child’s healing team. Our specialists know that the impact of a child’s
medical routines and comprehensive end-of-life care. Like the hospital, Rotary/Flames
illness is felt by parents, siblings and loved ones. They also understand that respecting
House has specially-designed play areas for patients and siblings and offers
and including the family in a child’s care can help kids get better faster.
popular programming such as art and music therapy, as well as a great library
and computer services.
Thanks to community support, our hospital has one of the most family-friendly
facilities in North America. Families were involved in the original design of our
Whole-heartedly, families in both facilities say that these donor-funded initiatives
hospital and they continue to be consulted on many special services.
provide invaluable color, distraction and laughter that lift their spirits - children
and parents alike – and enhance the overall healing effect of exceptional care.
For example, families and youth played a big part in designing Rotary/Flames House,
Alberta’s first hospice for children. Rotary/Flames House opened this year right next
to our hospital and now offers crucial support for the families of some of our
community’s sickest children.
Thanks to you
• Opening Rotary/Flames House, the province’s first hospice for children, providing
• Establishing a Child Health Family Centred Care Steering Committee. With half
crucial services for Alberta families whose children are living with a progressive life
the committee made up of families and the other half represented by a wide range
threatening condition.
of staff - including health professionals, porters, parking and security personnel - the
committee is focused on balancing both family needs and safety into all aspects
• Creating one of Canada’s most comprehensive therapeutic arts programs which
of hospital care and research.
includes art, music and horticultural therapy, provided in a custom-designed arts
studio, in patient rooms and in the six acres of Healing Gardens which surround
• Hosting the 2010 National TransCultural Health Conference. Co-chaired by
the hospital.
our hospital’s Diversity Program Coordinator, the conference attracted health and
community professionals from across Canada interested in learning more about
• Building a Family-to-Family Connections Program, matching parents adapting to
the uncertainty of serious diagnosis, the strain of intensive home care, or the anxiety
and isolation of managing their child’s chronic condition with experienced volunteers
willing to offer psycho-social support.
providing services to a diverse community.
New Sights
• To share our successful family centred care practices with hospitals across the
• To further develop web-based support groups for families so they can offer
country through leadership in the Canadian Family Advisory Network. Next year,
each other encouragement and assistance for similar diagnoses as well as
this national advisory group will be co-chaired by Alberta’s first dedicated
parental strategies for similar challenges, from the comfort and convenience of
Parent Advisor, the mother of a teenager whose complex condition has resulted
their home computers.
in her essentially growing up at our hospital. This new Parent Advisor role is
ground-breaking in Canada and follows the lead of a number of well
• To expand the therapeutic arts program beyond services for children who are
known children’s facilities in the United States.
hospitalized to include more kids who rely on out-patient care; to explore the health
benefits of drama, dance and movement therapy; and to work with other allied health
• To provide guidance and support to the University of Calgary by helping to
professionals to develop collaborative individualized arts therapy.
incorporate family centred care into the Faculty of Nursing teaching curriculum.
By introducing the overall concept, evidence-based learnings and best practices
and research opportunities to nursing students, family centred care can be
hospital; and to work with staff to introduce the value of laughter into their own work
implemented more broadly across the health system.
lives and to the experience of the children and families they serve.
To expand the therapeutic clown service to work in more areas throughout the
Thanks to you
Education and Emerging Needs 10%
Rotary/Flames House 40%
Specialized Equipment 15%
From 2008-2010, the Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation received $40.3 million in
fundraising revenue from generous people like you. As a result, we were able to provide
$29.7 million in funding for crucial child health programs, life-saving specialized
equipment and innovative pediatric research to help children and families who rely on
the Alberta Children’s Hospital and the Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute
for Child and Maternal Health.
New Sights
Child Health Programs 15%
Our specialists have the vision and expertise to provide strong national leadership in
child health - especially in the areas of childhood cancer, life-saving care, brain health,
research and family centred care. The success stories outlined in this report are just
the beginning. We greatly appreciate your support and hope you continue to see the
tremendous value in helping find new discoveries, treatments and cures for kids in our
community and beyond.
Research 20%
When she’s not busy chasing her puppy, Rosy, around the house,
3-year-old Meryn is busy warming hearts with her beautiful smile
around the Alberta Children’s Hospital.
Our financial statements are available on-line at
Our Donors
It is the generosity of an entire community that makes excellent healthcare possible for kids and families who rely on the Alberta Children’s Hospital.
Our thanks to the thousands of people, companies, foundations and service clubs who have given time, money and resources to our hospital throughout its
history. In particular, we would like to acknowledge those who donated gifts of $5,000 or more from April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2010. We’d also like to
give special thanks to the families and friends who chose to honor the lives of their loved ones with a gift to our Hospital this year.
A & H Steel Ltd.
Dr. Mohamed Abousalem
Acrodex Inc
Agrium Inc.
Air Canada Kids’ Horizons
AirSprint Inc.
AJM Petroleum Consultants
Alberta Dental Association and College
Alberta Egg Producers
Alberta Golf Association
Alberta Health Services
Alberta Prairie Steam Tours Ltd.
Alberta Pressure Vessel Manufacturers’ Association
Alberta Royal Purple Lodges Association
Alberta Wireless 2002 Inc.
Alliance Entertainment Services
Altus Energy Services Partnership
Amarone Oil & Gas Ltd.
Stephen Ames Foundation
Carl and Helen Anderson
Andora Energy Corporation Partners - Tyler Cran
Anonymous Donors
ARC Financial Corporation and ARC Energy Trust
Mark and Anne Ariss
Art Advisory Committee
Artek Exploration Ltd.
ASAT Solutions Inc.
Jim Ashe
Associated Grocers
ATB Financial
ATCO Employees Participating in Communities Fund
Louis and Carmie Auger
Aux Sable Canada Ltd.
Avenir Capital Corporation
Avnet International (Canada) Ltd.
Band-Aid Johnson & Johnson
Banff Fire-Fighters Association
Bar None Enterprises Ltd.
Estate of Mary Kathryn Helen Barber
Dr. Karen Barlow
Bartok Hungarian Dance Association
Baytex Energy Ltd.
Craig and Becky Bedard
Estate of Thomas Harry Benton
Errol Biebrick
Jamie and Pamela Biluk
Norm and Irene Birbeck
Rene and Lisa Bjornson
Black Diamond Group Inc.
Estate of Anne Blazenko
Blockbuster Canada Co.
Blue Grass Garden Centre
BMO Employee Charitable Foundation
BMO Financial Group
Bonasera Pizza Restaurant Ltd.
Bonavista Energy Trust
The Borbandy Family
Jeff and Julia Boyce
Estate of David Clough Braton
Scott and Janice Bratt
Brawn Foundation
Brianne’s LEAP of Hope
The Broadfoot Family
Dedicated to Chase Brockhoff
Browns Shoes
Ian and Darlene Bruce & Family
Tom and Kim Buchanan
Buffalo Target Shooters Association
Bunt & Associates Engineering (Alberta) Ltd.
Burn Care For Kids
BURNSWEST Corporation
Business Fore Calgary Kids Foundation
Cadbury Adams Canada
Cadbury Cocoa Partnership
Calaway Park
Calgary Aviation Community Association
Calgary Co-operative Association Limited
The Calgary Foundation
Percy and Lois Cole Fund at The Calgary Foundation
Brent and Barbara Fraser Fund at The Calgary
Lindsay Rachel Giacomelli Memorial Fund at
The Calgary Foundation
Greig and Brenda Nicholls Fund at The Calgary
Watson Family Foundation Fund at The Calgary
Calgary Harley-Davidson
Calgary Herald
Calgary Hon Hsing Musical Society
The Calgary Minerva Fundraising Foundation
Calgary Minor Football
Calgary Mountainview Lions Club
Calgary Naval Veterans Association
Calgary North Hill Lions Club
Calgary Police Service Serious Habitual Offenders
Calgary Produce Marketing Association
Peter Campbell and Buck Brannaman
Canada Safeway Limited
Canadian Cancer Society - Alberta/NWT Division
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Canadian Oil Sands Trust
Canadian Progress Club - Stampede City
Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Canadian Wealth Management Group Inc.
Canadian Western Bank
Can-Am Geomatics Corp.
Cargill Limited
Elizabeth Carson
Carstairs District 4-H Council
CCS Corporation
CE Franklin Ltd.
Central Production Testing Ltd.
Centron Group of Companies
Rob and Laurel Chad & Family
Vincent Chahley and Patty Irwin
Champion Concrete Development Group
Raymond and Sylvia Chan
The Charitable Gift Funds Canada Foundation
David L. Charlton
Regan Chernish
The Chernoff Family
Chianti Café & Restaurant Ltd.
Children’s Hospital Aid Society (CHAS)
Children’s Miracle Network
Child’s Play Charity
Chinook Centre Charity
Brian and Joanne Clark & Family
Dedicated to Drew Clark
CN Canadian Women’s Open
Conform Works Inc.
ConocoPhillips Canada
Continental Alloys and Services
The Co-operators Group Limited
Costco Wholesale
Country 105 FM and Q107 FM
Country Hills Toyota
Cowgirl Cattle Company
The Cretan Society of Calgary Alberta
Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of Canada
Crown Restaurant Equipment Ltd.
Katherine Cumming
Dairy Queen Canada
Carole Danyluk
Patti D’Arcy
Davidson Enman Lumber Limited
Dedicated to Gregory Davidson
Ted and Maureen Dawson
Daylight Resources Trust
The Desbarats Family
Devon Canada Corporation
Gurdev S. and Jagdev K. Dhaliwal & Family
Dilawri Automotive Group
Gordon and Marion Dixon
Factor Gas Liquids
Fairborne Energy Ltd.
Robert and Norma Farquharson
Estate of Vera May Ferguson
Justin and Donna Ferrara
Financial Management Brokerage Inc.
Claudia and Randall Findlay
First Student Canada
FirstEnergy Capital Corp. and Partners
Brenda and Glen Fischer
Charles Fischer and Joanne Cuthbertson
Dave and Sian Fitzpatick & Family
Flames Foundation for Life
The Focus Corporation Ltd.
Four Points by Sheraton Calgary West
Frank McInenly Auctions Ltd.
Freedom 55 Financial, a division of London Life
Insurance Company
Freehold Royalty Trust
Art and Donna Froese
Estate of Charles Edward Fulton
Earls Restaurants Ltd.
The ECL Group of Companies
Heather and N. Murray Edwards
EECOL Electric Ltd.
Elbow Valley Paving & Concrete Inc.
EllisDon Construction
Emily’s Window
EnCana Corporation
Enerflex Systems Ltd.
Energy Fore Friends
Enerplus Resources Fund
Engineered Air
Enterprise Rent-a-Car
Shelly and Randy Eresman
Darren and Sara Evans
G4S Security Services (Canada) Ltd.
Gas Liquids Engineering Ltd.
GE Volunteers
Gestion Robgroup Inc.
Betty and Ross Giles
GLJ Petroleum Consultants Ltd.
After a severe asthma attack put Daphne in hospital, specialists in
the Intensive Care Unit helped her fight her way back to good health.
Now this feisty 10-year-old has fought her way to a yellow belt in
Global Calgary
Ross and Liliana Gourlay
Government of Alberta
Government of Canada
Rick and Lynn Grafton
The Graham Family
Grant Thornton LLP
Dedicated to William & Ruth Grant, William Jr. and
Douglas Grant
Don M. and Betty Anne Graves
Estate of Christopher Heeley Greenwood
Grey Eagle Casino and Bingo
Grosvenor Americas
Guillevin International Inc.
Roberta Gullacher
Ralph and Sheila Gurevitch
Guru Gobind Singh Children’s Foundation
Ann Haessel
Allen Hagerman
Christina Hagerty
Halliburton Energy Services
Hallmark Tubulars Ltd.
The Hambling Family
Glenn and Elizabeth Hamilton
Hanna District 4-H Council
The Hardwicke-Brown Family
Fred Harris
Martha Hart
Hartley Family Trust
Robin Harvie
Chris and Darlene Haslam
Dr. Robert and Barbara Haslam
Dedicated to Jarad and Alysa Hauck
Robert J. Holmes
John and Denise Hooks & Family
Estate of Robert Eason Horne
Jim and Pamela Houck
House of Persian Rugs
Estate of Thomas Raymond Howden
Cheryl and Andrew Howden
Dedicated to Ashley Hudema
Hudson’s Bay Company
Hunt Consolidated, Inc./Hunt Oil Company
Husky Energy
Husky Energy Charitable Fund
Hussar Square & Compass Beneficent Society
Barbara Ibbotson
IBM Canada Inc. and IBM Employees’ Charitable Fund
Jarome Iginla
Imperial Group Inc.
Imperial Oil Foundation
Independent Order of Odd Fellows & Rebekah
Intuit Canada Limited
Irene Besse Keyboards Ltd.
IRIS The Visual Group
Irving Tissue
J & S Campbell’s Great Escape
Daniel and Mae Jardine
Estate of Ethel Irene Jenkins
Joe - Jays Welding Ltd.
Estate of Frank Johnson
Johnston Equipment
Andrew and Suzy Judson
The Kahanoff Foundation
The Kaura Family
Drs. Jim and Barbara Kellner
Dhirendra and Neelam Khanduri
Kids Cancer Care Foundation of Alberta
Estate of Frances Faye Kindt
Kinette Club of Stampede City
Estate of Kathryn Maria King
Kinsmen Club of The Stampede City and Kinsmen
Care Foundation
The Dianne and Irving Kipnes Foundation
Kira’s Day
The Koonar Family
Donna and Murray Korth & Family
Kristie Korth
Kyle Koss
KPMG LLP Chartered Accountants
Dedicated to Hayden A. Kretschmer
Rick Krol and Suzanne Malo-Krol
Morley R Kutzner MD Professional Corporation
Gordon Lackenbauer and Joyce Trapp
David C. Lake
Anthony Lambert
Landale Farms Ltd./Century Services Inc.
Michael Lang and Family
Wendy Langton
The Larke Family
Ledcor Group of Companies
Kelly Leech
Amber Leeson
Estate of Dorothy Joan Lehr
Dr. Jean-Francois Lemay & Dr. Daniele Pacaud
Lennox (Canada) Ltd.
Philip and Harriet Libin
Shirley and Dick Liddell
Aaron Lines
Lions Clubs of Alberta & BC
James Luedtke
Estate of John Ernest Lunt
Nicholas Ma
Tom and Beth MacInnis
Macleod Dixon LLP
The MacPhail Family
Macquarie Private Wealth Inc.
Mamdani Family Trust
Marriott Hotels and Resorts Canada
Estate of Michaylina Marshall
Lori and Douglas Martai
Jeff and Melanie Martin
Mawer Investment Management Ltd.
Douglas May
Mayfair Diagnostics
John H. McAleer
M. Ann McCaig
McCann Family Foundation
Estate of Katie McCracken
Ronnie and Irene McCaugherty
McDaniel and Associates Consultants Ltd.
Brett and Debbie McDonald
R. Bruce McFarlane and Dr. Janice Heard
Ed and Linda McNally
Mercado Capital Corporation
Customers and Friends of Merv Giles Trucklines Inc.
Estate of Estil Dennis Messerli
Michele and Bob Michaleski & Family
Microsoft / Xbox Canada
Mike Vail Trucking Ltd.
Mike Weir Miracle Golf Drive for Kids
Estate of Stanley Miller
Doug and Tara Milne
One brief stay at our hospital was all it took to inspire 8-year-old Ellery to
help other children. Today, Ellery is one of our many “kids helping kids”, making the
hospital a better and more cheerful place to be.
Harbhajan Singh and Kanta Devi Minhas
Barry and Lorna Mjolsness
Darcy and Lori Moch
Mitchell and Kim Molloy
Martin Molyneaux and Deborah Yedlin
Estate of Agnes G. Moodie
Patricia and Sherrold Moore
Gregory J. Moroney
Pat and Brian Morrison
Mountain Shriners Club #44
Murphy Oil Company Ltd.
Nadia’s Run for Asthma Charitable Foundation
National Bank of Canada
Craig and Carla Natland
Derek and Sherri Neldner & Family
New Horizon Core Storage Ltd.
Newalta Corporation
Nexen Inc.
Chieu and Ngoc Ly Ngo
Noise Solutions Inc.
NOVA Chemicals
Ocean Trailer
Oil City Press Ltd.
Oilmen’s Classic Squash Tournament
Estate of Rose Olsen
Olympia Trust Company
Optima Manufacturing Inc.
Optimist Clubs of Airdrie, Calgary & High River
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt
Pace Oil & Gas Ltd.
Pacesetter Directional and Performance Drilling Ltd.
Marilyn Parker
PartyLite Gifts Ltd.
The Pattemore Family
Robert and Jean Patterson
Pattison Outdoor Advertising
Peak Energy Services Ltd.
Jamie and Tracy Pedersen
Kurt Pedersen, Ed Rha, and Jennifer Harris-MacLean
Pembina Pipeline Corporation
Penn West Energy Trust Management & Staff
Murray and Corlienne Pennell
Mike and Marg Perlette
Petrogas Marketing Ltd.
Dion Phaneuf
Estate of Robert Pheely
Phillips, Hager & North Investment Management Ltd.
Gord and Bev Phillips
Phoenix Technology Income Fund
Cameron Plewes & Family
Donald Plewes
Poelzer Family Foundation
Joel Poissant and Alexandra Burroughs
Terry and Marion Poole
Chris and Holly Potter
Precision Drilling Corporation
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Principals and Staff of Peters & Co. Limited
Professional Excavators LP
Progressive Engineering A Division of Trow
Associates Inc.
Provident Energy Trust
Prudential Steel ULC
Pure Energy Services Partnership
Dedicated to Leisha Daun Quantz
Quest Industrial Products Ltd.
QV Investors Inc.
Karen Radford and Jason Grelowski & Family
Beth and Gord Rankin
Ernie and Sandra Rast
Joyce and William Rausch
RBC Financial Group & RBC Foundation
RE/MAX of Western Canada
Bryon Howard-RE/MAX Calgary South Ltd.
Colin Kehler-RE/MAX Mountain View
Remington Development Corporation
Renoir Management Corporation
Ken and Susan Renton
Rev Engineering Ltd.
Lanne and Steve Rice
Patty Richards and Patrick Stiles
The C. H. Riddell Family
Rip’s Pub & Eatery
The Roadhouse
Tony Roberts
Dave and Drue Robinson & Family
Rockford Developments
Peter Rogers
Bob and Jeannie Rooney
Mike and Sue Rose
Joan M. Ross
Rotary Clubs of Calgary
Rotary Club of Calgary North
Rotary Club of Calgary South
Estate of Inga Rothe
Royal & Sun Alliance Canada
Royal Canadian Golf Association
Greg and Cindy Royer
Rundle Energy Partners/RSX Energy Inc.
Estate of Bertha Mary Russell
Samaritan Club of Calgary
Dedicated to Scott Sanden
Savanna Energy Services Corp.
Scholastic Book Fairs
Robert and Anne Schrader
Scotiabank Group
Dr. R. Brent and Beverley Scott
Sears Employees Charitable Fund
The Seasons Family
SeisWare International Inc.
The Harry Sekhon Family
Sentinel Maintenance Inc.
ServIS Inc.
SFG Investments Ltd.
Mike and Linda Shaikh & Family
Shaw Communications Inc.
Lauren and Martha Rogers Endowment Fund
Sponsored by Shaw Communications Inc.
Brad and Michelle Shaw & Family
JR and Carol Shaw
Sherritt International Corporation
Shoppers Drug Mart
Shuckaluck’s Public Ale House
Sikh Women Culture Society of Calgary
Simon D. Hunt Realty Group
Gerald and Lenora Simpson
James Sinneave
Sleep Country Canada
Murray and Marsha Smart
Doug Smith and Laura Daniels
Smitty’s Canada Limited
Estate of George Snyder
Joan C. Snyder
Mohamad and Fatima Souraya
The Source
South Rock Ltd. Employee’s Charitable Foundation
Southern Alberta Electronics Charity Organization
Spectra Energy
Spray Lake Sawmills (1980) Ltd.
Sproule Associates Limited
Spruce Meadows
Stahl Peterbilt
Stan Poulsen Trucking Ltd.
Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Norman and Rosslyn Steinberg
The Stephanson Cooke Family Foundation
The Stephenson Family
Stepper Custom Homes Inc.
Dedicated to R. Garnett Stewart
Mike Stiles and Theresa Morin
Stone Tile West Limited
Stoneham Drilling Inc.
The Storoshenko Family
The Stretch Family
Stride Management Corp. & Creative Edge Flowers
Dr. Oksana Suchowersky and Dr. Chris Eagle
Dedicated to Hussain Sunderji
Supply Chain Management
Supreme Steel Group/Walters Group Joint Venture The Bow Project
Bob and Allison Sutton
Swift Family Foundation
Swiss Chalet
Sam and Betty Switzer Foundation
The Rick Tabaracci Celebrity Golf Classic
Rafi Tahmazian and Michelle Paget
Talisman Energy Inc.
Garry and Carolyn Tanner
Tarm Inc.
Tarpon Energy Services Ltd.
TD Bank Financial Group
TechSmart Consulting Inc.
Teck Coal Limited
Temple Energy Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Thomas Weisel Partners
John and Carol Thompson
Scott Thomson
Estate of Nora Tighe
Tim Hortons
Estate of Bruce Timmins
Michael and Renae Tims
Pauline and Don Tomkinson
Jeff and Julie Tooth
Totem Building Supplies Ltd.
Toys “R” Us Canada
Trail Appliances
TransCanada Corporation
Tri Ocean Engineering Ltd.
Tri/Jay Electric Limited
Triangle Steel Ltd.
Trotter & Morton Building Technologies Inc.
Jim and Vivian Truesdale
Dr. Ross and Marilyn Truscott
Turkish Canadian Cultural Association of Calgary
Jackie Twamley-Hellard
Twin Valley Farm & Ranch Inc.
United Association Local 496
United Way of Calgary and Area - Donor
Choice Program
University of Calgary
Ian van Staalduinen and Laureen Little
Variety Club of Southern Alberta
Vari-Systems Inc.
Vermilion Energy Trust
Viewpoint Charitable Foundation/Self
Connection Books
Julie, Cameron and Owen Vouri
Walmart Canada
The Wanklyn Family
Ronald and Irene Ward Foundation
Allan and Jean Warrack
Cal Wenzel Family Foundation
Bill and Margaret Whelan
Whissell Contracting Calgary Ltd.
Dr. Beatrice E. Wickett-Nesbitt
Wieland and Susan Wettstein
Ron and Melissa Wigham & Family
Catharine and Thomas Wiseman
Estate of Esther E. Wood
Fred and Rosanne Woods & Family
Woodside Golf Course
Wood Wyant
YM Inc. Charitable Foundation
The Valentine Family
Estate of Leida Van Dellen
Paul Van Ginkel
Zellers Ltd.
Maya & Jada
Watching 3-year-old Maya chase her big sister Jada, you probably wouldn’t
guess that she spent the first couple years of her life being treated for hip
dysplasia. Today, thanks to orthopedic specialists at the Alberta Children’s
Hospital, she has dreams of becoming a world famous gymnast!
Our Board of Directors
The Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation is fortunate to benefit from the energy and expertise of an incredibly
dedicated group of volunteers who provides us with year-round guidance and support. For their time, talents
and commitment, our thanks to the Foundation Board of Directors.
Jim Truesdale – President, Truesdale Financial Group
Past Chair
Randy Findlay - Director, Provident Energy Trust
Kay Best - Community Member
Roy Boettger - Partner, Field Law
Raymond Chan - Executive Chairman, Baytex Energy Ltd.
Susan Desbarats - Community Member
Dr. Chen Fong - Professor of Radiology, University of Calgary
Deb Gordon - Senior Vice-President, Major Tertiary Hospitals, Alberta Health Services
Gary Holden - President & CEO, Enmax Corporation
Dr. James Kellner - Professor & Head, Dept. of Pediatrics, University of Calgary and Alberta Health Services Calgary Zone, Alberta Children’s Hospital
Darcy Moch - Partner, Bennett Jones
Derek Neldner - Managing Director, Global Investment Banking Regional Head, Alberta, RBC Capital Markets
Chris Potter - President, Peters & Co. Limited
Karen Radford - Executive Vice-President, Telus Corporation
Dr. Brent Scott - Director, Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute
Chris Seasons - President, Devon Canada Corporation
Nancy Smith - Managing Director, Finance & Planning, ARC Financial Corp.
Dave Sprague - Vice-President, Alberta South District, BMO Bank of Montreal
Steve Stretch - Vice-President, Geophysics, Cequence Energy Ltd.
Murray Wilson - Executive Deputy Chairman, Oilsands Quest Inc.
Saifa Koonar - President & CEO, Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation
Adam and Taylor
8 year old Taylor is thankful for the surgery that saved her big brother, Adam’s, life.
This dynamic duo likes to sing - especially when it’s the praises of the experts at
the Alberta Children’s Hospital.
Not much rattles 11-year-old Joel. Maybe that’s because once you’ve
battled a cancerous brain tumour and won, you understand what’s
really important in life – like taking time to smell the flowers.
2888 Shaganappi Trail NW
Calgary, Alberta, T3B 6A8
Telephone: (403) 955-8818
Toll free: 1-877-715-KIDS (5437)
Email: [email protected]
Fax: (403) 955-8840
Registered Charitable Organization
13037 3244 RR0001