Community News February 2015 DIRECTOR'S MESSAGe Happy New Year! In This Issue v Forest Lakes Resident to Speak at Virginia The 2015 FLCA Board of Directors would like to thank everyone who voted in this year’s election and attended the annual meeting. Board Members elected at the January 28th Annual Meeting were: Sue Friedman, Chris Hapgood, and Rich Hooper. Each were voted in for 2-year terms. Festival of the Book v Traffic Safety Presentation by Albemarle County The Board looks forward to the opportunities and challenges of serving the residents of Forest Lakes, as well as with our Community Group site management team. 2015 key initiatives and projects will prove to be beneficial and necessary to our community. We are always pleased with the number of community activities slated for the year – The Farmer’s Market, Fitness programs, Swim Team, Swim and Tennis Lessons, Monthly Coffees, Bridge, as well as special events for adults and children. Please submit any new ideas you may have regarding social programs you may have to the FLCA Office. Volunteers are needed to assist with these and other programs at Forest Lakes. Your support and ideas are always welcome! The Board will continue to keep Forest Lakes residents informed, as duly possible, on issues that affect our community. The primary sources of communication are through our newsletter, our website and through our “E-News”. If you have not already signed up for E-News, you may do so by going to our website at or by calling the association office at 973-4596. Police Department - March 11th v Beware of Thin Ice v Architectural Amendments to Your Home v Fitness Center – A few Reminders v Are You Updated? v Forest Lakes Field Reservations for Spring 2015 v Tennis News v Bible Study v Forest Lakes Third Thursdays for Small Business Owners & Entrepreneurs v Fitness Schedule v Forest Lakes Coffee Group v Forest Lakes Moms’ Group Information v Bridge - 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month, 9:30am, at the Pavilion Thank you for your continued support. The 2015 FLCA Board of Directors To obtain information about our community open our Community Association web site To send us a message email [email protected] or call 973-4596. E-mail is preferred. FLCA 2015 Board of Directors and Officers David Shifflett, Jr. [email protected] Sue Friedman [email protected] Scott Elliff [email protected] Fulton Gaylord [email protected] Chris Hapgood [email protected] Rich Hooper [email protected] Carmine Covais [email protected] FOREST LAKES COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION OFFICE HOURS MONDAY-FRIDAY - 9:00am-5:00pm Telephone- 973-4596 FAX - 973-1344 [email protected] KEEPING IN THE LOOP Traffic Safety Presentation by Albemarle County Police Department Date: Time: Location: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 6:30 pm North Pavilion Residents of Forest Lakes are invited to join the Albemarle County Police Department for a discussion and conversation on traffic safety in Albemarle County. Officers will be on hand to speak about local crash facts from 2014, a review of national statistics and common crash causation factors. Additionally there will be information presented on driving defensively and crash prevention & survival. Any and all (including new or nearly new drivers and their parents!) are welcome to join in this interesting talk. Light refreshments will be provided. CPT. Pete Mainzer Forest Lakes Resident to Speak at Virginia Festival of the Book Forest Lake’s own ELLA REA MURPHY invites you to join her at the Virginia Festival of the Book. She will be discussing All about Hope, her third book in the “Maria” Series. Where: Northside Library, 705 Rio Rd. West, Charlottesville When: Wednesday, March 18, 4:00 – 5:00 PM Panel Title: The Stories We Were Meant To Write Full details on the entire five-day festival are available at FLCA MONTHLY BOARD MEETING The next regular Board Meeting will be Wednesday, February 25th, 2015 at 6pm at the North Pavilion. Please note that the topics for the meeting can change. The Agenda for the meeting is available one week prior to the meeting at the association office and webpage. Architectural Amendments to Your Home Every resident who moves into and lives in Forest Lakes is held to the rules and regulations set forth in the Resident Guidelines. These guidelines can be found on our website at Anyone wishing to make external changes to their property must, by law, meet the Resident Guidelines and submit an application (available on the website or in the FLCA office) before initiating work. The most common changes are fences, storage sheds, tree removal, door and shutter color changes and additions. The application is then reviewed by the ARB. The integrity and beauty of surrounding neighborhoods is maintained by adhering to the policies of the ARB. Thanks for your cooperation! Fitness Center - A few Reminders If you should lose your gym card, please notify the Association office. We will deactivate your card, just in case it falls into the “wrong hands”. You can get a replacement card for $10 at the office. If you should find your card, we can reactivate it right away. Speaking of cards……it is recommended that each gym goer identify their card with something obvious like a key chain, lanyard or even a ribbon! Many cards are being taken by mistake by other residents, causing confusion and residents having to purchase cards unnecessarily. forest lakes field reservations for spring 2015 Are You Updated? Field reservations are now being accepted for next soccer/ lacrosse season. Forms can be downloaded from www. forestlakes. net. They can be delivered to Ali Davison, our field coordinator, at 3171 Autumn Woods Drive, Charlottesville, 22911. They can also be emailed to her at [email protected]. Please be sure to indicate alternate time/ days and to sign the form. Within this newsletter, you will find a 2015 Residential Information Sheet. If you have never filled one out and filed it with the FLCA office, please do so and drop it off at the office. This will ensure that you get your poolcards in May. If you have UPDATES to this form (birth of children, kids moving out, kids moving back in……) please fill one out so we have the most updated and accurate information possible. From the desk of Jim Labinski, Director of Tennis February, 2015 Hello Residents of Forest Lakes, Being in the middle of winter, I am sure that tennis is far from your thoughts. However, for me, I have been obsessing over the thoughts of returning to the courts ever since I had my shoulder repaired on November 13, 2014. While I am in the middle of my physical therapy, I will be resuming my tennis lesson teaching, on a limited basis, in March. I will begin the Spring Junior After School program on March 21. The days of the week, format and times will be similar to the Fall program. Weather is always a factor this time of year, so I have built some flexibility into the schedule. The program runs for a total of ten weeks. It concludes on May 22, with weather make-ups during the following weeks, as deemed necessary. You can choose five- or ten-week options. You can also choose to play once, twice or three times a week. The information and sign up form are available on Forest Lakes Community Association website and in this newsletter. I am quite excited to be attending the United States Professional Tennis Association Mid-Atlantic Spring Convention, February 27-8, at the Princess Anne Country Club in Virginia Beach. I am looking forward to learning new drills, techniques and concepts. I look forward to sharing what I will have learned with the Forest Lakes tennis community in the near future. Can’t remember when you last had your racket restrung? Start the tennis season right! Get your racket restrung and regripped for the upcoming Spring and Summer of tennis. Drop me an email or text and I will arrange to get your racket and get it ready for the upcoming season. Charlottesville tennis leagues will resume competition soon. Court time becomes a premium when these leagues resume. The Sunday mixed doubles leagues will begin March 22, and the other leagues begin play in mid-April. To minimize conflicts with court availability, we will have the various home dates posted on a tennis calendar on the FLCA website. Look for the tennis calendar in March. Until then, I anticipate court availability to be no problem at all. I look forward to seeing you out on the courts very soon. Feel free to email, call or text me if you have any questions about the tennis at Forest Lakes. Sincerely, Jim Labinski Director of Tennis Forest Lakes Community Association Cell: 434.249.6420 Email: [email protected] FOREST LAKES TENNIS ACADEMY 2015 SPRING 10-WEEK AFTER SCHOOL TENNIS PROGRAM BEGINS MONDAY, March 16, 2015 Jim Labinski, Tennis Pro (434) 249-6420 [email protected] Beginner Player is young or just starting out. Basics and fun are emphasized. Note the age guidelines. Advanced Beginner (Guidelines) Player must be able to hit 10 balls in a row against backboard from 20 feet away (forehand & backhand), rally with partner from the baseline 10 balls in a row each, serve 5 of 10 balls into appropriate service box, know how to keep score, and play a complete tennis match. Intermediate (Guidelines) Player must be able to hit 20 balls in a row against backboard from 20 feet away (forehand and backhand), rally from baseline with partner 30 balls in a row, serve 6 of 10 serves to each service box, and must have played at least 5 complete tennis matches. Player must exhibit proper stroke mechanics and grips for all shots and must know the rules of tennis. Tournament Training (Guidelines) Player must be able to maintain a baseline rally of 40 balls, properly execute volleys and overheads, and be able to execute flat, slice and kick serves. Players should also be training for high school or tournament competition. MONDAY 3:30-4:30 4:30-5:30 5:30-6:30 BEGINNER AGES 4-8 ADV. BEG AGES 7-11 BEGINNER & Adv. Beg. 12+ TUESDAY BEGINNER AGES 7-11 INTERMED. 4:30-6:00 TOURN. TRAINING 6:00-7:30 WEDNESDAY BEGINNER AGES 4-8 ADV. BEG AGES 7-11 BEGINNER & Adv. Beg. 12+ THURSDAY BEGINNER AGES 7-11 INTERMED. 4:30-6:00 TOURN. TRAINING 6:00-7:30 FRIDAY BEGINNER ALL AGES ADV. BEG AGES 7-11 BEGINNER& Adv. Beg. 12+ MINIMUM OF 3 STUDENTS PER CLASS BEGINNER AND ADV. BEG 1 DAY PER WEEK 5 WEEKS 10 WEEKS 2 DAYS PER WEEK 5 WEEKS 10 WEEKS 3 DAYS PER WEEK 5 WEEKS 10 WEEKS PRICES $95 $135 $140 $210 $165 $265 INTERMED. AND TOURNAMENT 2 DAYS PER WEEK 5 WEEKS $180 10 WEEKS $300 PROGRAM REGISTRATION FOREST LAKES TENNIS ACADEMY 2015 SPRING AFTER SCHOOL TENNIS PROGRAM WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK7 WEEK 8 WEEK 9 WEEK 10 3/163/20 3/233/27 3/314/3 4/64/10 4/134/17 4/204/24 4/275/1 5/45/8 5/115/15 5/185/22 *PLEASE BOXES FOR WEEKS YOU ARE REGISTERING MAKE-UP DATES (DUE TO WEATHER): May 25-29, June 1-5, June 8-12 (if necessary). NAME ___________________________________ AGE: ___ CLASS: _______________ 5 WKS. 10 WKS. M T W Th F NAME ___________________________________ AGE: ___ CLASS_______________ 5 WKS. 10 WKS. M T W Th F NAME ____________________________________ AGE: ___ CLASS_______________ 5 WKS. 10 WKS. M T W Th F PARENT NAME ___________________________ PHONE __________________________ EMAIL _________________________________ Reserve your place in this spring’s tennis program in person, or with an email to Coach Jim at [email protected]. PLEASE RETURN W/ CHECK PAYABLE TO: FOREST LAKES TENNIS AT FL NORTH COURTS PRO SHOP BEGINNER AND ADV. BEG 1 DAY PER WEEK 5 WEEKS 10 WEEKS 2 DAYS PER WEEK 5 WEEKS 10 WEEKS 3 DAYS PER WEEK 5 WEEKS 10 WEEKS PRICES $95 $135 $140 $210 $165 $265 INTERMED. or TOURNAMENT 2 DAYS PER WEEK 5 WEEKS $180 10 WEEKS $300 fitness at forest lakes fitness at forest lakes GENERAL FITNESS For the Strength and Conditioning class, contact ACE certified personal trainer Randi Marshall at 960-1168 or email her at [email protected]. An exercise ball is required. Boot Camp Fitness Get your day off to a great start. All levels (and genders) welcome. My Boot camp is a small group class that mixes traditional calisthenics with body weight exercises, interval training and strength training. A wide variety of different exercises with little rest in between = maximum results. Get fit, have fun and make friends in an environment that encourages but does not intimidate! We will hold the class outdoors when the light/weather cooperate and move inside when necessary. First class is free! Drop-ins are welcome. Individual classes are $12, 5 for $50. Please bring a water bottle and towel. I am an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and Health Coach since 2002. For more information or to register please contact Beth Solak @ 845-269-0490 or [email protected] or visit YOGA Tech and Flow I – A meditative flow of yoga moves concentrating on alignment and technique. For more details and to register, contact Karen @ 434.962.2208. Yoga Certification: International Yoga Institute; ACE Personal Trainer Certification; ACE Group Fitness Certification. Teaching since 1986. Fusion-Fitness-Fun class for Seniors A custom-designed class for seniors that delivers a safe, effective, grounded cardiovascular workout combining movement forms from Jazz Dance, Irish Dance, Latin Dance, Line Dance and other International dance. This class allows students to move safely based upon each person’s ability and focuses on mobility, balance and flexibility. All movements are easy to follow. For all fitness levels, no prior training is necessary. If you want to work out and have fun – this is the place to be! $14/class, drop-ins are welcome, first class is complementary. Call Antje Waxman for more information at 296-5909. ZUMBA! The Latin-inspired easy-to-follow, dance fitness workout uses all the major muscle groups in a high energy cardio blast that leaves all participants invigorated, refreshed and full of life. Zumba classes feature exotic rhythms like salsa, merengue, cumbia and calypso set to Latin beats and international rhythms such as Latin hip hop, reggaeton, and bellydance. No previous dance experience is necessary. Whether this is your first-ever dance class or if you already know all the moves, you are guaranteed to have an exhilarating workout. To register for Zumba classes contact Wendy Smith [email protected] or cell: 981-7169; home: 973-6217 CORE BARRE Core Barre is a high energy, low impact, fat burning workout. Its focus is on intensive movements that sculpt the thighs, tone and firm the glutes, flatten the abdominals and define the arms. Focused and isolated stretching to lengthen, tone and increase joint flexibility compliments a total body workout. It incorporates current principles of pilates, ballet and general fitness concepts and is available to all fitness levels for those that safely want to change their appearance and have fun doing so. Classes are 55 minutes long, First Class is Free! Individual classes Are $20, 10 pack for $150. No experience is necessary. For more information, contact Suzette Buck at 531.8596 or [email protected]. PILATES PLUS (Beginner → Intermediate) This class will complement and enhance everything you do in life! Gain awareness of skeletal alignment; strengthen and stretch muscles and fascia with the goals of achieving ideal posture, movement ease, and efficient power. Simultaneously calming and invigorating! 10x = $120 - 5x = $75 - trial = $5 I honor unique goals and needs by tailoring each class for the participants coming, so introduce yourself: [email protected] and let me know when to expect you: (creator: Kiersten Shue). FOREST LAKES COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION 2015 RESIDENT INFORMATION Neighborhood: _____________________________________________ HOMEOWNER(S):__________ RENTER(S): ____________ First Name: ___________________Last Name: _______________________ Address: ________________________E-mail address:__________________ Home #: ______________Work #: ____________Cell #:________________ First Name: ___________________ Last Name: ______________________ Work #: __________Cell #: __________ E-mail address:________________ In case of Emergency contact__________________#__________________ CHILDREN/DEPENDENTS – (living @ residence ONLY) First and Last Name Age Grade (2014-2015 schoolyear) ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ I have read all of the rules, understand, and agree that all residents, dependents, and household guests are expected to follow the rules for the safety of everyone at the Forest Lakes facilities. I also understand that pool membership cards are non-transferable under any circumstance. Fitness Center electronic cards are transferable only at the time of ownership transfer. Signature_________________________________ Print Name: ________________________ OFFICE USE ONLY: Fitness Center Card # _____________/_____________ Date ____________ Pool Passes Issued ______________________________________________ CLUB AMENITIES: SOUTH LOCATION: recreational swimming pool with designated diving and lap swimming areas, children’s wading pool, four hard surface tennis courts with lights, fitness room equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, exercise room, sand volley ball court, playground and soccer field. NORTH LOCATION: recreational swimming pool with water slide and separate diving and lap swimming pools, wading pool, six clay surface tennis courts (4 lighted), tennis Pro-Shop, playground area and soccer field. FITNESS FACILITY: The fitness facility is accessible with a valid electronic access card. Each household is issued two (2) cards to the facility. Additional cards may be purchased through the Forest Lakes Community Association office at the North Recreation Center. POOL ACCESS: Contact the Forest Lakes Community Association office for details. LIABILITY/ OWNERSHIP: RULES & REGULATIONS: The recreational facilities are owned and operated by the Forest Lakes Community Association and are for the use of residents and their guests only. All persons listed on this form are bound by and shall comply with the rules and regulations of the Forest Lakes Community Association as they are written and may be amended from time to time. I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND HAVE RECEIVED A COPY OF THE FOREST LAKES SWIM & TENNIS CLUB GENERAL RULES & REGULATIONS. _____________________________________________ ADULT MEMBER ________________________________ DATE _____________________________________________ ADULT MEMBER ________________________________ DATE 2/2013 FOREST LAKES COMMUNITY & SOCIAL EVENTS FOREST LAKES COFFEE GROUP The Forest Lakes coffee group is open to all Forest Lakes residents and is a great way to meet your neighbors. It is held at the North Pavilion the first Thursday of each month from 10:00am – 12:00 noon. February’s coffee was held on the 5th and was hosted by Dorothy (Dot) Northcut. For our March 5th coffee we will once again have Officer Steve Watson of the Albemarle County Police Department give a presentation about current local scams and identity theft. We hope you put the March 5th date on your calendar as we want to have another good turnout for Officer Watson. Come and enjoy fresh fruit, bagels, pastries, coffee and tea while meeting new people and seeing friends again. Hope to see you there! BIBLE STUDY Come join us in Bible study at the North Forest Lakes Pavilion on Wednesday mornings from 10:00-11:00 am. Topics will be: The Forest Lakes Business and Community Group The Forest Lakes Business & Community Group brings together Forest Lakes resident business professionals and active community members. Our goal is to provide leadership to our community by building relationships, sponsoring educational forums, and increasing our business presence in the community in which we live. Meetings are held on the Third Thursday of each month at 8 a.m. in the Forest Lakes North Pavilion. For more information, contact Robin Kaczka at 434.825.0813. Babysitters/Pet sitters Need a sitter for a night out or a pet sitter for a weekend away? The Forest Lakes Office has a list on hand with names of residents who will be happy to help you out! Stop by the office for a copy of the list. This is for Forest Lakes residents use only! 1 Thessalonians-- A Church Growing in Christ 2 Thessalonians-- A Church Still Growing BRIDGE ENTHUSIASTS! Led by Rev. Dave Johnson. Any questions contact Becky Rohrback at 434-202-1373. We welcome your support and attendance. Please join us for bridge on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month, 9:30am, at the Pavilion. For information, please contact Shirley Gallagher at 973-7212. We hope to see you there! MOmMas of Forest Lakes Interested in getting to know other moms in our neighborhood? Join “Mommas of Forest Lakes by joining our Facebook group - it can be found by searching for “29 North Mommas”. We have playdates, mother’s nights out, neighborhood event meetups and many other fun seasonal events. Hope to see some new faces. Also feel free to contact Teresa Veraa at [email protected] with any questions. neighborhood watch update Thank you to those who have volunteered to be neighborhood block captains so far! Minimal work is involved – and thankfully we live in rather safe neighborhoods! The main focus for the block captain is to receive emails and notices about occurrences and alerts from the FLCA Office. The Block Captain, in turn, disseminates that information to the residents in their given neighborhood via email. The search is still on for captains needed in the following neighborhoods: Arbor Lake Willow Bend Whispering Woods Pleasant Ridge Aspenwood I Kendalwood Kernwood Magnolia Bend Pepperidge Please contact Tamera Hammond at the Forest Lakes Office at 973-4596 or [email protected]. Thank you! AD SPACE OFFERED... The Forest Lakes Community Newsletter offers ad space in each monthly issue. The newsletter reaches 1400 households – all within five minutes of many businesses in Charlottesville and northern Albemarle County. The submission deadline for advertisements is the 23rd of each month. The newsletter is delivered the 1st weekend of every month. The prices are as follows: Business card - $20.00 1/4 Page - $45.00 1/2 Page - $75.00 Full Page - $150.00 Size - 3.5” wide x 2” tall Size - 4” wide x 5” tall Size - 7.5” wide x 5” tall Size - 7.5” wide x 9.5” tall A 10% discount is available for prepaid ads placed to run at least 3 months. Ads are subject to approval by the Forest Lakes Community Association. Ads should be camera ready and preferably emailed to [email protected]. For further questions, please email or call 434-973-4596. Disclaimer The Forest Lakes Community Association, Inc. makes no representation or warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy and or qualifications of any advertised service or product contained within this publication. Walking on Thin Ice... Parents, please warn your children and teens to stay off of our lakes, even if they look frozen enough to stand on. While they are frozen in some areas, there are areas not as thick and will crack even under a small amount of weight. Please be vigilant when your children are outdoors near the lakes. Be Safe! CALL 973-4596 to advertise in the newsletter
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