DELCO-REMY STARTER CONTROLS 1843 DELCO-REMY SOLENOID ST.ARTER SWITCHES (WITH RELAY) SOLENOID SWITCHES (WITH PUSHBUTTON CONTROL) Pushbutton Car Model Year Solenoid Switch Starter Switch CadUlac V8, All Models (1941) _ 1542 1107923 1996009 Cadillac V8, 75 RHD (1941) „.„1542 1107925 1996009 CadUlac V8, All Models . (1942-48) .._.1118102 1107931 1996009 Cadillac V8, AU Models (1949) 1118141 1107945 1996009 Chevrolet RHD. Pass. Cars (1941) 1546 1107038 1996010 Chevrolet RHD (1942) 1118102 _...1107053 1996018 Chevrolet RHD Pass. Cars (1946-47) 1118102 1107063 1996031 Chevrolet RHD Pass. Cars (1948) 1118102 1107055,76 1996031 Chevrolet Dubl-Duti Trk (1948) 1118102 1107055,76 1385 OldsmobUe 8, 68, 78, 98 RHD (1941) 1546 1107924 1996008 OldsmobUe 6, 66, 76 Optl .(1942). 1118021 1107050 1996020,21 Oldsmobile 8, 68, 78, 98 . ..(1942) 1118021.... 1107930 1996020,21 OldsmobUe 6 Optl. & RHD (1946-47) 1118021 1107050 1996009 Oldsmobile 6 Optl (1948) 1118021 1107930 1996009 Oldsmobile 8, 68, 78, 98 ...(1946-48) 1118021 1107930 1996009 Pontiac 6 & 8, All RHD „..(1941) 1546 727-S 1996012 Pontiac 6 & 8, AU RHD (1942) 1118102 1107934. 1996015 Pontiac 6 & 8, AU RHD (1946-48) 1118102 1107934 1996031 SOLENOID SWITCHES (WITH VACUUM SWITCH CONTROL) Vacuum Car Model Tear Solenoid Switch Starter Switch Buick 41-40, 40A, 50 (1941) 1542 1107005 ©1990127 Buick 41-60, 70, 90 _ (1941) 1542 1107908 ©1990127 Buick 41-60, 70, 90 (RHD) (1941) 1545 1107909 ©1990127 Buick 40A, 40B, 50 (1942) 1118019 1107049 ©1990127 Buick 60, 70, 90 (1942) 1118019 1107929 ©1990127 Buick 40, 50 (1946-48) 1118019 1107049 ® Buick 40, 50 RHD (1946-48) 1118019 1107057 © Buick 70 (1946-48) 1118019 1107929 © Buick 70 RHD (1946-48) 1118019 1107935 © Buick 40 LHD (1949) 1118019 1107049 © Buick 40 LHD (1950) 1118019 1107078 © Buick 50 LHD (1949-50) 1118019 1107078 © Buick 40, 50 RHD (1949-50) 1118019 1107057 © Buick 70 LHD (1949-50) 1118019 1107953 © ®—Delco-Remy Vacuum Switch (Cars with Stromberg carburetor). Carter Car Starter is used on cars with Carter carburetor. ©—Cars with Carter Carburetor—Carter Car Starter. Cars with Stromberg Carburetor—(1946-47) Delco-Remy No. 1990127 Vacuum Switch, (1948-50) Stromberg No. 385000 Starter Switch. See data on each type unit in this section. •1946 BUICK STARTER PINION ENGAGEMENT & DISENGAGEMENT CORRECTION: If starter drive clutch pinion does not engage flywheel (on starters buUt before August 1, 1946) replace Shift Lever, Part No. 1884808, with redesigned part of same number which may be identified by zinc-plated finish (original lever painted black) which will correct interference between shift lever and collar. NOTE—Starters on which this correction has been made may be identified by spot of white paint on frame above name plate and by zinc-plated finish of lever. Starters built after Aug. 1,1946 (Serials No. 6-H-l up) have this new lever. If Starter does not engage or cranks continuously (with new type shift lever described above)—Check for binding of solenoid contact disc and pushrod on terminal plate guide pin. Replace contact disc and pushrod assembly if guide hole in eccentric, straighten guide pin if it is bent. DESCRIPTION:—Solenoid type combined starting switch and pinion shift (with control relay in solenoid case) mounted on the starter field frame with the solenoid plunger linked to the pinion shift lever. OPERATION: When the pushbutton switch is closed, or accelerator pedal is depressed (vacuum switch type), with the ignition turned on, the solenoid relay circuit is completed, energizing the relay and closing the relay contacts. This completes the solenoid circuit. The solenoid plunger is drawn into the coil, meshing the starter pinion, and closing the starting switch contacts. When the engine begins to fire, the solenoid relay circuit is broken in one or more of the following ways: (1) Operation of the vacuum switch. Caused by the vacuum built up in the Intake manifold. By the rise in generator voltage. Where solenoid relay is grounded through generator main brushes or auxiliary contacts in cutout relay. the voltage built up by the generator opposes the current flow through the solenoid relay winding. (3) By releasing the pushbutton switch or ignition key. On all car model installations where solenoid relay is grounded directly to starter field frame, the circuit will not be broken until the pushbutton Is released. (4) Through Neutral Safety Switch (automatic transmission cars). When the solenoid relay circuit is broken, the relay contacts open, breaking the solenoid circuit. The starting pinion is demeshed by the shift return spring and the starting switch contacts are opened by the contact spring. PERFORMANCE: Solenoid Switch. Solenoid should close (bottom in coil) against 70 lb. pull with y2" gap drawing 65-71 amperes at 5 volts. While closed, current should be 12-14 amperes (hold-in coU only). SOLENOID RELAY SPECIFICATIONS Solenoid 1542, 1545, 1546. 1547. 1548 Contacts Close—1.9 volts max. Contacts Open—1.0-1.2 volts. Contact Gap—.035". Air Gap—.012" (contacts closed). Solenoid 1118019, 1118021, 1118102, 1118141 Contacts Close—3.0 volts max. Contacts Open—1.9 volts. Contact Gap—.025". Air Gap—.015" (contacts closed). CHECKING & ADJUSTMENT: Check Solenoid and Relay performance (above). Adjust solenoid plunger link for correct pinion clearance as follows: Solenoid Setting—Clearance between end of pmion and inner face of starter housing should be 3/16" (see Cadillac Note below) with the solenoid plunger bottomed in core. Adjustment wUI be simplified if lead disconnected at terminal on starter field frame (so starter wiU not spin) and relay contacts closed so that plunger is drawn into coil core. Press back on pinion to take up backlash in overrunning clutch, remove solenoid plunger link pin, adjust link (by turning link stud in plunger) until pin can just be inserted at forward end of shift lever slot CadUlac 1940-49 Note—On these starters, pinion travel (from disengaged or at rest position to fully engaged position with solenoid plunger bottomed in core) should be 23/32" to 25/32". SERVICING: Pinion Assembly & Spring. Compression spring tension should be at least 34 lbs. at 1". To remove spring, press shift collar down on pinion sleeve to compress spring untU lock ring on end of sleeve is exposed, remove lock ring. Spring and collar can be serviced but no attempt should be made to dismantle overrunning clutch mechanism. Clutch is packed with high melting point grease and pinion assembly should not be cleaned by any method which may remove this lubricant. Shift Lever Return Spring—Return spring on shift lever should have tension of 9-12 lbs. (start of travel), 28-35 lbs. (end of travel). Weak spring may cause sluggish disengagement particularly in cold weather or if shaft is gummy. (2) SOLENOID PLUNGER SOLENOID PULL-IN COIL> HOLD-IN COIL-, SOLENOID RELAYTERMINALS S O L E N O I D SWITCH PROTECTING- BOOT BATTERY T E R M I N A L P L U N G E R ADJUSTMENT SLOT SOLENOID PLUNGER L I N K P I N I O N S H I F T LEVER STARTING SWITCH CONTACTOR SHIFT LEVER RETURN PINION HOUSING STARTER PINION CONTACT SPRINGS. STRAP CONNECTOR STARTING MOTOR TERMINAL. PRESS HERE WHEN CHECKING1 OVERRIMNIHqJ PINION CLEARANCE. CLUTCH. DELCO-REMY S LEN 10 STARTER SWITCH
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