AUTOALINE AUTOLINE INDUSTRIES tTD. Regd. Office:Survey Nos.313i314 Nanekarwad Chakan, Ta : Khed. D si - PLrne 410501. NDA 8:+9T 2T35 664865r 6 Fax +91 2'135 664864 Websile $/ ctN-t34300ptli 9t6pLf 1045'10 A IW Date: February 3,2015 To, \ The Bombay Stock Ex6hange Limited, Phiroze Jeejeebhoy T Exchange Plaza, 5tr'floor, plot No. C/l, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Murnbai - 40005i ,100 General M, Corpornte near Si\ National Stock Exchange of ilndia, s, Dalal Street, Mumbai To, r, Listing tions Departmert / Vice President, Listing Corporate Relations Department SUB: OUTCOME oF BOARD MEETING The Board of Dir.ectors at its meeting held on Febmary 3, 2015 ha.r,e considered and approved inter alia, the Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter and Nine months ended December 31, 2014 (Financial Resulls along with notes tfr"r"to unJ fi_il"O review repofi are enclosed) You are requested to take the same on record. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For Autoline Industries Limited (R. T. Goel) ChiefFinancial Officer : FF 6i9 H ;.1 ;.J E : ;r.EiE H! ETH X' .ii d iid i 3E -E -€g -- =a ae iA ai -^ R! :Ee 3 -q e{ s '-3 i +s EE {eE 3el ; C: -J f1. E;.i s*;: u (1- i r $E3 6C I 3d !59 I E3 '3 a g s 6::H EE g g N ^ -^ CEE.g ; ; d oE :6 €:!,s :is:n !E! :a! ;t! ; 5 N- N o e $ a sE5Ef;.AEF-E sdB N- . I o? a^q 3s- I 3:3 5 F ^ g:i ; <;; !p U;2 a" x - r @@ 6Ne * -5 Rx- i x 6 0e 3- lEc IF: l{E l3 ;: E a 6-- A {i3- E g !: i - ;1 b; i i El z ! ;3 ?! iE ; I E re! s! * l .0E5 Ei; FE']n € pF t-" il on oE io r E: i!! EE t "€i E; E; E: ' 5s Er;-:; i€ iE, iE-!i uri: i;a; Ef* r;6€iE i i5 ;EfrE r=F:,3 iIE!l;:q,AEH?"' E:6!sjdSg;34 E i u !04P6!.:!$aaa p E eEgi!E€i;Ei: F:PFigFt!s!* €€5E: ::E : :E5 3F sE 6 98 R 3.8 3 P|r 9 a !;ie 4 i:: i 3 Eee 7! -f €A 8s : o l-- *a i 5 ul t ea aE g *x x gr $5 ' :G : E Pd 3; 3q ts4 3.9 g,i E 6: d FE e€ g! cd I: ' :s s a !i[:E S i 3! -: bd f E$ 5g ;3: e!: f,: . e$ 8R . hd gR $ e 33 Ee n i g ;r ie !5 Fg e! P! E9 :9 P 5ts66 o!i5 aP!E I PE6iF ; li t: :5 * :,qi * .; : t- €;e 9 * r I * El-B I ilE 3 Elt :iEgEgEfFF :;pEF i;;FFT:FE.;:J.EF! o F E] I I : :IE etN-t114?ttPitf $FpLc,lc451 t) Notes: 1. The above unaudjted financial Results for the euarter and Nine months ended December 31, 2014 have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors at thei. meeting held on February 3, 2015. 2. The Statutory Auditors of the Company have carried out the Limited Review of the above results. 3. The Corrptny operates through two business segments namely, a) press Sheet Process and b) Design Engineering Services & Software Development. However Design Engineering Services & Software Development is not a reportable segment in terms ofthe criteria laid down in paragraph 27 of the Accountjng Standard _17 as the revenue/results/assets of this segment are not more than the threshold limit of 10 of the total segment revenue/result/assets. 4. % As per Accounting Standard-21 (Consolidated Financial Results) issued by the lnstitute of Chartered Accountants of lndia, the Consolidated Financial Results are based on the un-reviewed Financial Results of subsidiaries. The Financial Results of the Foreign Subsidiaries have been prepared as per GAAP, followed in the country of their incorporation. The Financial of Autoline lndustries USA, lnc., Autoline Stampings Limited, South Korea (Subsidiary of Autoline lndustries USA, lnc.) have been consolidated only upto the period ended on 3Oth September, 2014. The results in respect of period after 1't October, 2014 are not considered, since the Company has lost control over the subsidiary consequent to sale of 1OO% stake therein. The Financial Results of Autoline lndustrial parks Limited has been consolidated ds per Results provisions of Companies Act, 2013 and as per Accounting Standard _21 (Consolidated Financial Results) jssued by the lnstitute of Chartered Accountants of lndia to the extenl of 43.18a/o. Autoline lndustrial parks Limited continues to remain subsidiarv within the meaning of Section 2 (87) of the Companjes Act, 20j.3. 5. The Company has revised depreciation rates on fixed assets accordinglV to the useful life as specified in the Schedule to the Companies Act, 2013. Had there not been change in depreciation rates, the depreciation would have been lower bV < 42.12 Lacs and by { 149.15 Lacs for the quarter and Nine months ended December 31, 2014 respe(rively. 6. The investment includes investment in SZ Des;gn, Srl and Zagato S.r.l, ltaly through Wholly Owned Subsidiary Koderat Investments Ltd., Cyprus. SZ Design S.r.l. was declared bankrupt on January 2, 2015 by Tribunal of Milan and judiciary-receiver has been appointed. The impact thereof is yet to be ascertained. The Company will take suitable action thereafter.' 6tffi :,",,\7.2',,)i "\&{?t 7. During the quarter, the Company has executed Stock purchase Agreement with Cl Holdings North America, LLC for total Consideration of S 7.237 Million for sale of 100% stake in Autoline lndustries USA, lnc., Wholly Owned subsidiary and all its subsidiaries viz- Autoline Stampings Limited, South Korea, Autoline lndustries (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., China, Autoline lndustries GmbH, Germany and members' interesi in Autoline lndustries lndiana, LLC, USA. for which Letter of lnrent was executed on Septern b e. 72, 2074 8. L The lndustrial Promotion Subsidy from Government of Maharashtra is accounted at the end ofyear when the clajm is lodged. The income tax and deferred tax, if any, will be accounted at the end of the financial year 2014-15. 10. The key Standalone Financial Results are given below: ln akhs 131t1212014) Net Sales/ lncome from oDerations Proflt before Net P.ofit after tax Extraordinary Items Net Profit for the period 9311 9306 9081 27664 31095 39691 (1849) 1741\ 1478\ (5302) (33e6) G427\ r1849) 1741 1478\ 15302) {3386) 14450) 341 1 (10701 1070) 1891) (4456\ (5520) 3411 '1561 (1741\ 147A) for the corresponding previous periods have been restated wherever necessary, to make them comparable. 11. The figures 12. The Results can / regrouped, be viewed on ihe Company,s Website: BSE Website: or NSE website: By Order of the Board UTOLINE INDUSTRIES LIMITED tr',/L (ShivajiAkhade) (um Managing Director Executive Director and CEO Place: Pune Date: Febiuary 3, 2015 $2f,"u"n1 _ or c R 'I ER ED aco U N 1s H. O.: Anand Aparrment, 80/2, Shivajjnasar, pune _ 411005. T€1. Fax: 9l-020 -302818,{?, ph.r 255i5600,302818,{5 / 16. E-nril: admi @arsutakh€.c0m wwwarsandc0.con Brrnrhec : \lumUii (\r.hit Beng,turu hothanur ahmedrh!d I llrd$.hr.i LIMITED REVIEW REPORT The Board ofDireciors. Autoline Industries Lnnited, S.Nos.l l3/314,320 ro 323, Nanekarwadi, Chaka\ Tal-Khed. Disrpune 410501 l thi accompanying statement of unau.lired standalone unancial resutrs of Autoline Indusrries Limited (ihe "conpanv"), for rhe quader and nine nonrhs ended 3rs,D*".u"i zoii *ii"r, *";ncrxded in rhe 'unaudired siardalone sratemenr offinancial resurts for the quarrer and nine m"rtr., *i"a :r" n*".rr". ioii; (ihe "statemenr') , excepr for the discrosures regardins'pubic sharerolding' uoJ;r.o-o,. c.orp sr,u..rroiaing, which have been traced ftom tv *" *a i,uu" We have.reviewed n"itr*. l,"* *""*.a t.., ^, *i r, ci""r" ai-"i tr'," rit,i"g ttre Stock Exchanges ir tndia. This Sratemenr is the responsititty tfr. C"-f-1,;, Vo"ug"."o,"g*.'n"., _o lru, t".o appJoved bv rhe Board ofDirecrors. our responsibitiq, ;i to issue i report "i on this rinancial s;arement based on ou axdired 2. bvxs -rhe sraremenr has been 'n"aebvihe cornpanipursuant '"-oger"*r io prepare<t we conduct our review in accordance with the srandard oD Revie'v Engagemenr (sRE) 24r0. ..Review of Interin Financirl lniormarion pertormcd b) the tndepcndenr Audftor ofthe En;ti,, isru.a ty tr," rnrirut" oiCrron"_a Arcounmn'' ,,r rndra r hrs starldard reqrires rhat rve pran and perform rhe reriew to obtain nroderare lssunnce as ro whether the financial statements are free ofmakrial mr:raremert. A r iew i: tnnrte,t prim,,iiy ro rnquiries of c,onrpanv perconnel and anal'tical procedures apf ied ro iindncrol Llarr rnd rnus pro\ rde less assurance rhan an audir. We have not peformed an audir and, accordingly. we do not express an audit opinion. Based on ou.'revie$ conducied as abovej nothing has conre ro our attenlion rhal causes us ro berieve that the Statement ofunaudited financial results has nortreen prepared in jnarerial respecrs jr accorJance widr appticabte Accounting Standards norified pursrant to the Companres jOOr. SEnd"at a n t* * companiesA*.2013rcadwitlrRuleTofthecomp res ( Accounts)'nL,res,:o r + ana S* r:: "f zed accounting practices andpolicies generally accepred in lndi! hr\ not dicctosed the ntorln",ioor.q,t,.a,ou" djsctosed ln tems ofclause41 of the Listiug agreenent incruding he m ner in whic h it is to be dir.r""la, .i"i ,t *""ir, -" ma_cri.rlnknalement". tAccounting r FORA.IT.SULAKHE & CO ACCOI]NT FIR]!I T{-4. DEO FRN ' 11054tiw PARTNER MEMBf,RSIIIP NIIMBF, PLACE: PUNE DArE: Fe b: \r ol"y og r t.o 15 p.l. c cco T N TAN I Il..O-: 4 nand Atarrmenr. 80,2. \hitajindCar, punc _ d r€r. rr\:q1-rr20-3028t84-. ph.r 2SSJ5o00, jnZSt8a5 40. r-mail: ddmin a ar.utat he.c0m x $s arrrndcu.rum l) tsranche, : T \lunbai \a,hi(. Bengjturu I lHlderibrJ 00s. holhrnur \hmedj[xd LIMITED REVIEW REPORT The Board ofDirectors Autoline tndrsrries Linited, S.Nos.3l 3/3 14,j20 to 323, NanekaNairr. Chakar, Tal-Kled. Disrpune 4t 0501 I we have revierved tne accompanvine unaudited_consolidared financiat resulrs ofAuroline tndustries Lnnired (,.rhe (onpdn\,.:,.5.,b.idL,ie',rhc,oa."r,.irs.,rb,ra,aie.con.r .rre"..,t-;;;;;1,-";';. ,Deceaber q"-,.r nine nonrn erde , 20r.1 $ ,th .,; ,,;,.,oed in rr,. ,ai"a .""",,iolii. ;,; ,;; I r-nd,c,1,"nd ,e.Lr, .o-rhe quaner and nine month ended 3 r" Decdnber.2.r """stu"'n"''t:i " +' q',r'" ,rur,ri" l-*ril.-a',i"rn,u,"' ."go.a;ng sharerrolding' and 'promorer Group Sharehording: r.i,i"o^",",,*, made by the n,amgemenr and have ncjiher been *"t"*"U nu, O""n ".lr.r, *ai,"a ty *. ir," ii"",""ri has been p.cpared ,-.ffi 1"""'iJ*'"i".i companv pursuant 10 clause 41 ofrhc Jjsring ig eernerr wirh the (rocr E\crranles i" rnora. re.por.ibil.D or rre compnn) \4"nd;emer ano ha. been appro."J .,. ' . .s lo \r re a reDor or tjnaircixt .ral.r renl ba ed on or, rer:es "ioi,...or lr '\r 2. ri"ji We conduct ourreview in accordance wnh the SLdndard on Re!re\1 Engdgement Financial rnformation perfonned bv the rrdepcnden, ,q,auor ,r" E"ii,i; i.,," rl; by rhe sratene,,r is ttre L,L'r.pon,ibi,.j ISRI) Z,1t0,..Review oflnrerim jlf,,i*',*,n*" Acc"Lr...r,o,t,dirihi.Sr"nc:-creoL,:re.i,a,.."t-r.0p.,,",."".',.,=",","r_lr,roa.""o..r-dl! "t "r"n"n*.a whcther the rindncnr starenl'nrs d,e rr;e ofmateriar i"i""*.'i"u. ,r ."'L'" r. i"'irJri.,*irv . i"q"i.;", companv personnel and analvtical procedures afrlre{t ro rinrucidl da'a and thus p,l",iJt"* ****" tr,"" "r * *ait. weh"\e10, perjo'rrledanrud'aro.a--o,drrgt..wea""o,._p,."l:,-,,ti,"ri"i",. '' i 'l we have nor revie'ved rhe inlerim financiar slaten.en* .'f rlree foreign subsidiaries ('ncluding one srep down subsidiarv) included in consolidated finaiciar resur" , *1"* i,i".;- r""1"i"i .i"i"-ili,J*o*, .r, *venue ror the quader and Rs r4e 62 crcres ror the niie month" :r" o"."'ni",loio. ii,",? ru'-."r statemens have b'en ce'liied by.orp.i) s rrdn_gerenr a,a .Jm:"h(d ""a.a ro, ', s..nd o", i".,. t" *..,,,, rctare. ro.1( amoun. :lcrrocJ 1 ,<.pel, o. nc ,he.e ,ore.s., sL, r \ ." "pi, ; ;,;..,::; : .' . ;;.;;.;J ;: ,eo nr.-nc a ,,d.ere..; " Based on oul review conducted as ahove ijothing has cometo ou. atrention thaicauses us ro believe ftat the statement orunaud*ed financiar resurts lns nor been p..p-.a i' ,ri -r,".i, i,'rp.",, i', *i r, Accouniins Standards notified Dur$ranft. the Companies (Accounting ""io.o*." "ppr;""ur. Standara; nrf". iiOo, p.. S..ri"" Zr I (3c) orcompanies A* * ii o, ,,'" vi"i,u y Corporare Affairs "r ,i.l[,r"i o*.ri.", *o policies. and has not disclosed the inronratior ieq,;..a ",a "J.,i"..,Ti.,","."*"'r..* .o o. a'*i"'"i,, ,ti*n" ,i,,i"g includirg the manner in rvhich il js ro be disclosed, o.,r*r i *rt"tr. ani,.ri".t"i,"ri""i*, "*,*n'*, res6re;dwithc aarcnr"r* ,:,:o,i in rcspect of Sec 133 of Compani., a.,, zot: FOR A.R.SULAKHE & CO CHAR ACCOUNTANTS PIRM ON NUMB I(AUSTUBH DEO PARTNER MEMBERSHTP PI 4( E: PLNr r:.i.. NUMBtn r:ib4i' Dl,rli Fe ta!Li-i ' Ogr'L"r) a,oiii; s.]i",',i,., io
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