Draft 2/9 FINAL CALENDAR All attorneys must attend the confirmation hearing. (If you have an attorney cover for you, you are responsible to obtain the court results and announcements from the attorney appearing on your behalf and that attorney appearing on your behalf must be fully informed and authoriied to negotiate/argue your cases) ALL Objection to Exemptions will be heard at 1:30 with confirmation even if noticed for 9:00 am • New Income Verification Language is available at www.ch13herkert.com/planlanguage.pdf o If you agreed with the recommendation, you were not required to pre-call or "check in" with the Trustee. o If you did not agree with the Trustee's recommendation, including the documents to be provided 15 days before the next calendar, you must have called the Trustee on the day before confirmation between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm to seek a resolution. o Documents that were not timely filed or received by the trustee (15 days before confirmation hearing) may not be considered in the recommendation and will not be reviewed until next months calendar. A continuance for late documents should NOT be presumed. The motion calendar is posted at www.chI3herkert.comltnotioncalendar.pdf Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1437225 1:30 PM JENIFFER PEREZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 311 0 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) payoff of real estate '\V'(~'0rITqI) J ...I~.) .. L, 1437163 is< LUIS MORENO LEYVA (RICHARD ADAMS,ESQ. Continue to 311 0 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) bank stmts #6512 (1116-12112), b) DL, c) amend plan to include IVL, d) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D VESTED 1437066 DAVID PEREZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE 'VB--vi"S'I'E"'I) . .~I 1437057 Continue to 311 0 due on or before 5PM on 2120: a) bank stmts #0044 (1211-12/11) & #9961 (12/1-12111), b) copy/explain check #180 $1020.00, c) DL, d) LF90 (need db's signature) JORGE LUIS HERNANDEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE . VESTED ) .ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE - 11 J. . Continue to 311 0 due on or before 5PM on 2120: a) bank stmts #0105 (7110-8/21) Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1436970 ( ~ ~"-) )60. CD 1:30 PM MIJAIL GONZALEZ NAHARAYIM LUCIA AMARAL (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ ESQUIRE t{ P4 m+ d\;It;toc cUt ' Continue to 311 0 due on or before 5PM on 2120: a) bank stmts #7645 (11112-12110), #5985 (9/10-10127), #0830/0873 (12/9-12110) & #2159 (9/10-10/21), b) non homestead info sheet, c) amend plan to pay disposable income, d) affidavit of support, e) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor, f) objlconform to cl#2 VESTED 1436936 ~ MAYRA L REYES (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 311 0 due on or before 5PM on 2120: a) bank stmts #1901 (9/9-11110), b) evidence/ calculation ofCMI line #16,23,25 & 41, c) amend Sch I to correct support received ($1200.00 & $255.00), d) explain withdrawal on 11125 $1200.00 VESTFD 1436866 #; 1'(0 ,9'cr VESTED 1436853 JUAN ALBERTO SOPENA YAMILE SOPENA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ALSO ON 11/ _ " " ..""1.....,••-,.,.,.""" ...,,....... Continue to 311 0 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) evidence/calculation ofCMI line #16, 21,22,23,25 & 26, b) amend plan to pay CMI/DI of$89,658.60 RICARDO A RODRIGUEZ 1J; ~ 25\{ . r;y 3 'V"-C'S"'1'"E,'D Dismissed @ 341 .l.:~k. pg : C. ~CO::2.. Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:30 PM Feb 10, 2015 1436808 4t /W. 00 VESTED 1436787 ~ 1150,00 TAMARA CLAIRE AYRAUD (ARIEL SAGRE, ESQ. Continue to 3/1 0 due on or before 5PM on 2120: a) bank stmts #7229 (9/8-12/8), b) FMV/payoff of 13 Hyundai & 12 GMC, c) WDO or motion to waive, d) address feasibility issue, e) DL, f) LF90, g) LF67, h) obj/conform to c1#1, i) Amend Sch E to remove student loans KATRINA DANIEL SPEIGHTS (ARIEL SAGRE, ESQ. Continue to 3/1 0 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) bank stmts #8103 (9/1-12/8), b) FMV of vehicle, c) WDO or motion to waive, d) LF90, e) LF67, f) provide life ins policy & retirement stmt VESTED 1436649 ERLINDA DEL SOCORRO AVILES (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 3/1 0 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) affidavit of rent, @j-aInettd-phm-to iflefttde-f¥b..&...I,MM language, oj file motion to value and set [of keafing, d) file LMM motion VESTED 1436642 6 f yY)Y DOMINIQUE CHEMALY DIANA CHEMALY (MARTIN HANNAN, ESQUIRE ~ )'177. / 'U Continue to 3/10 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) obj/conform to cl#l, b) amend plan to provide for months to be paid to Residential Credit Solutions (MMM) pg: C~C03 Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1436469 *~400. 00 1:30 PM JORGE LUIS JR FRAGA TRU§'fE.)ji}S OB'»" TO KX.ElVtIP"HONS ) ALSO ON AMe SEE PAGE (JOSE P. FUNCIA, ESQUIRE III AtyCatTed for prehearing VESTED 1436453 Continue to 311 0 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) bank stmts #8976 (12/1-12/2), #1892 (8/2-12/2) & #1874 (8/2-8/25), b) copy/explain check on 11/26 $2600.00 (acct #1874), c) provide Morgan Stanley #5794 (10/1-12/2),@j)amendplan to fund properly (m. 4-5)(!)obj/conform to cl#2, f) amend plan to pay CMIIDI of $189 ,254.40,® Preference payment to American Express, provide information (9115 $2260.22) 012.. \~O ~ 1,11',\ r, L-tj 0 la, I~OUQ1£ . SHELBY SCARLETT SALGADO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP VESTED 1436427 GASTON P TACHELLA LINA MARIA TACHELLA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan 'V' r~"~1'·G·D· L,\..) L:-, 1436373 1}; 63 , '6-6- MONICA MEDALIT ALFARO (PATRICK L. CORDERO I ESQUIRE {))f)O If affidavit of support received, Confirm Plan VESTED P9:0-()(Y\ Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1436299 Jt; /316', ? 3 GILDA CHANG ) ALSO ON AMij SEE PAGE )) 0 (LAWRENCE M. SHOOT, ESQUIRE =-~~~ Continue to 3/10 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) business bank stmts #7125 (9/30-9/30), b) affidavit of support VESTED 1436290 1:30 PM RENE SANTIAGO BLANCO MAYORGA MARTINA BLANCO RAMIREZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP VESTED 1436287 (d:t ,OU ) RAFAEL TIRADO CRUZ Continue to 3/1 0 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) obj/conform to c1#3 1'ED ~ .z;pm .1x/ -at ~1 J 110 (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE DQ 'i\T 'VI JL~ .. ). 1436271 PAGE OSMANY SANCHEZ ALSO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE /01 -. OL{ VESTED Continue to 3/1 0 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) copy/explain check #206 $1500.00, b) explain purchase on 8/12 Carnival Cruise $1289.75 pg: c.~CO~ Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1436268 Jt ~5) ,10 WOO 1:30 PM MARVIN J GUTIERREZ SAYRA GUTIERREZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 3/10 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) bank stmts (9111-11126 or proofacct closed), b) obj/conform to cl#l (plan overpays) 1. ~ .. V"F'srpI"'I) ...fk 1436262 ~ VESTED 1436255 iJ , SO )lESTED 1436249 (+/ 3., OiP ') I",. " _,.J V'-1f,:IS1"I:,'D YAMIRA CABRERA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 311 0 due on or before 5PM on 2120: a) spouse's pay advices/wages not disclosed, b) proof of household size/income of all adults LEOVIGILDO CORTEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 3/10 due on or before 5PM on 2120: a) profit/loss and balance sheet, b) amend plan to pay CH7 of$4635.07 ORBIN JAVIER SABILLON ALSO ONAM~ PAGE~ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 311 0 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) amend plan to include IVL, b) amend plan to pay CH7 of$9062.64, c) evidence/calculation ofCMI line #16, d) copy ofMSA Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:30 PM Feb 10, 2015 1436242 ip :30 < 0-<(; SERGIO RAMON PADILLA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE WlJO VESTED 1436174 Continue to 3/1 0 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) CMI issues line #16, 25 & 41provide proof & calculation of actual expense/withholdings JUAN RODRIGUEZ DEL REY /00 ANA JULIA RODRIGUEZ DEL RIAlSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE _~~, (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) If objection sustained (2), Confirm lAP VESTED 1436171 (J$ 'J10, 7} ') LEOPOLDO PEDRO JOVA SANDRA BEATRIZ JOVA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE If objection sustained (3), Confirm lAP 'V'-1::"('1'"8-'1) ,_.,,) ...- 1436089 ORLANDO RODRIGUEZ NANCY RODRIGUEZ (MARY REYES, ESQ. Confirm lAP pg: t-oo'1 Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1436079 ~ 1:30 PM ZADIEL GONZALEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 311 0 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) FMV of 04 Dodge, b) amend plan to pay disposable income, c) amend plan to pay CH7 of$4334.70 (per Sch B), d) explain FMV received for 04 GMA, not listed in VESTED 1436072 ~ Sch's EXEQUIEL ROBERTO SVERDLOV (MARY REYES, ESQ. Continue to 3/1 0 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) amend plan to include IVL (calculation of income), b) CMI issues, line #27a claims 2 vehicles, household of I-amend & #45 provide proof VESTED 1436036 ~, "["'ST'RI") JL:"".. .' ~,I. V CRESCENCIO L DIAZ MARGARITA G DIAZ (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE Continue to 311 0 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) 2012 tax returns, b) bank stmts #9692 (11/6-11125), #9878 (11/21-11/25) & #5217 (7/25-11/25), c) FMV of84 Chevy, d) file motion to value and set for hearing (Santander), e) obj/conform to cl#ll, f) need Declaration 2013 for Co-Debtor ' ~1436010 SANTIAGO EXPOSITO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan VESTED pg: (1-00~ Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:30 PM Feb 10, 2015 1435943 YUSIMI CINTRA Aty called for prehearing (HAVEN DEL PINO, ESQUIRE Docs/Amendments by 5pm Friday 2113/15 or D/W/P 180 days remains unresolved: a) LF90, b) affidavit of support NEW ISSUES: c) obj/confOlm to cl#10 VESTED 1435910 RICHARD K LENDOR {v (ADELAIDA A ALBAREDA, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearing Docs/Amendments by 5pm Friday 2113/15 or D/W/P 180 days remains unresolved: a) FMV of vehicle, b) profit/loss and balance sheet, c) affidavit of support, f) file motion to value and set for hearing, g) obj/conform to cl#l, h) amend plan to pay CH7 of$7138.00 NEW ISSUES: i) bank stmts #8039 (8/24-11124), #760517618 (11110-11/24) & #5383 (1111-11124), j) payoff of real estate, k) file LF67 with court VESTED 1435889 6prY1¥ TABITHA NICOLA WORLD (JANET C. TACORONTE, ESQ Jp O+Jc/'J \ rv,"-' • 6.- "c:r_ ° VFSTED 1435837 Continue to 3/1 due on or before 5PM on 2120: a) file LMM motion, b) evidence/calculation ofCMI line #30, c) amend plan to pay CMIIDI of $81,897.00, d) amend Sch I to reflect employer information SANTIAGO J TAMAYO (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE ° Continue to 3/1 due on or before 5PM on 2120: a) BDQ, profit/loss and balance sheet & 3months pre-petition business bank stmts, b) affidavit of support, c) file motion to value and set for hearing, d) bank stmts # 1140 (8/24-11111), e) affidavit of rent, f) explain debit on 11/21 $2660,00, g) preference payment made to Capital One, need information 'VE"0TriD ",,) j~" pg: e- cx::A Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1435801 (fJ}c;,1/) 1:30 PM MARIA DE LOURDES SANCHEZ (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearing Continue to 311 0 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) FMV of vehicles, b) payoff of real estate, c) non homestead info sheet, d) BDQ, e) LF90, f) LF67, g) amend plan to include IVL, h) amend plan to correct overlapping months, i) file LMM motion, j) amend plan to pay CH7 of $12,975.00, k) amend plan to fund properly (m. 27), 1) amend plan to provide for Regions in cram down per strip language in plan & file motion to value, m) explain/proof of withdrawals on 11112 $1772.00, 11/6 $2870.00, 1118 $3000.00, 9112 $3299.00, 9/22 $2012.00 & 8/17 $4463.00 VESTED 1435791 *~CXp. 1y VESTED 1435787 NURIA GALLEN (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehear;ng Dismiss remains unresolved: a) payoff of real estate, b) WDO or motion to waive, c) amend plan to correct overlapping months, d) file motion to value and set for hearing, e) file LMM motion NEW ISSUES: f) amend plan to fund properly (m. 52) MARIO VALIENTE (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE VESTED 1435762 Dismiss remains unresolved: a) bank stmts #1694 (8/21-8/25), b) non homestead info sheet, c) affidavit ofrent, d) file motion to value and set for hearing, e) file LMM motion NEW ISSUES: f) amend plan to pay disposable income, g) amend plan to pay CH7 of$2390.00 RICARDO DELGADO (HECTOR HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE VESTED Continue to 3/10 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) amend plan to pay CH7 of$15,742.00, b) evidence/calculation of CMI line #27a, 30, 31, 32 & 47a, c) DL, d) amend plan to include monthly plan payment months (s/b 60) pg:(!-OIO Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1435760 lI( 1:30 PM JOSE R BALGA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE \TESTED 1435729 ~ Continue to 311 0 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) amend plan to correct attorney fees, b) amend Sch I/CMI to disclose $600.00 affidavit of rent, c) amend plan to pay CH7 of $6742.69 ROBERTO PERALTA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 3110 due on or before 5PM on 2120: a) obj/conform to cl#2 VESTED 1435726 ~ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ." V,T:"S'rED ~Uk ALBERT PEREZ ~ I . 1435645 ~ ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE~!O!JJ Continue to 311 0 due on or before 5PM on 2120: a) bank stmts #4439/9737 (8121-8/27), b) non homestead info sheet, c) business bank stmts #2211/9142 (1111-11121), d) explain/copy of check #1015 $2000.00, #1021 $1000.00 & #1008 $1000.00, e) amend Sch B to include business bank acct, uses as personal & add to CH7, f) explain withdrawal on 10128 $1200.00 NATIVIDAD BARBA (EDWARD FREIRE, ESQ. ALSO PAGE. ~Q~O /\ty called , for prehe'ilnng (JjJr 3/ IV! JJ.AD :J )/)0 ~ 'J; ~ trJD-kof) iD vcLiJUJ VESTED _ ) Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:30 PM Feb 10, 2015 1435597 ~ SUSANNA M MESTRE (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE VESTED 1435531 ~ VESTED 1435486 1t )cpO, 0 0 ALSO ON AM§ SEE PAGE ~ Continue to 3/10 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) bank stmts #10475 (11/15-11120), b) spouse's pay advices/wages not disclosed, c) proof of household size/income of all adults, d) provide Sch B attachment, e) amend plan to include IVL, f) CMI issues line #26 not apply on line #25b & #30 is IRS withhold not debtor actual deduction used JUAN CARLOS LUNA GONZALEZ ALEJANDRINA LUNA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AM9 SEE PAGE / ():T If objection sustained, Confirm Plan ANTONIO REGUEIRO AIDA LUISA REGUEIRO (JENNIFER R. JORGE, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AM@ SEE PAGE /00~ ....,.,..==.-~~.~-" Aty calJed \ L V FS1"[~I) X_A ... 1435337 ~ I ~ ~ 7. 90 VESTED for prehearirl() Continue to 3/10 /D\p;\\O~It-~ ,,' due on or before 5PM on 2120: a) bank stmts #4420ii5ft8-=-8i'2;4 & 10/27-11/18), #9771 (10/28-11118), #0800 (11/1-11118), #5062 (1111-11/18) & #8047 ( 1111-11118), b) proof of household sizelincome of all adults, c) provide life ins & retirement stmt, d) file LMM motion, e) bank stmts #2606 (8/18-11/18), f) evidencelcalculation for CMI line #30, g) ft~-f.er~r.IDg Ai',(I{},(V\ ? h.1\ 10 k9/11Y'AI.O 0,&p\~ . \,,' GN; C~l..J ~ .. "",,, L, ~ ~ ('./'I'YI (/{Q.yy) k:<:.y ALBERT HENRY ARGUELLES 'li'fiWEa~(~j~;S 'n) P(X (NICOLE E. FLORIN, ESQUIRE Continue to 3/10 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) bank stmts #1541 (1114-11117), b) address feasibility issue, c) affidavit of rent, d) amend plan to pay CH7 of $187 ,504.00, e) 2016(b) & plan do not match-Amend pg: C-Dla.. Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1435271 1:30 PM JESUS MANUEL FERNANDEZ (NICOLE E. FLORIN, ESQUIRE VESTED 1435211 ~ Continue to 3/10 due on or before 5PM on 2120: a) no bank acc? how does debtor pay bills?, b) FMV of vehicle, c) payoff of non homestead, d) non homestead info sheet, e) BDQ, profit/loss and balance sheet & 3months pre-petition business bank stmts, f) LF90, g) LF67, h) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor, i) 20 16(b) & plan do not match-Amend, j) Sch I/J are blank-Amend, k) amend Sch B #25 to disclose 08 Volvo XOCHITL S YANEZ (YOLI A. SUAREZ, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan VESTED 1435105 ALEJANDRO ALZATE MYRIAM DE JESUS GOMEZ (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE f\,tv called JOHN ROGAN pymt d~+D~CQ~J.?~) Ib (ANDREW BELLINSON, ~SQ. Dl (0\ \~rdl[~ TO '\~lrl4/1 f::(k=#--6 (p 1:']: 816. q:> -t 1 105 Continue to 3/10 due on or before 5PM on 2120: a) evidence/calculation ofCMI line #30, b) need order granting MTV DE#23 (hrd 1113) VESTED 1434881, ) ALSO ON - VI' prellearing ) re ai s unres'<5't<red: a) payoff of real ~s(ate, bJJBDQ & profit/loss and balance sheet, c) amend plan to include IVL & LMM language, d) amend plan to fund properly, e) file LMM motion,tt) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor@obj/conform to cl#l, h) provide copies of all checks over $1000.00 from acct #3931' NEW ISSUES: i) amend Sch B #2 to correct value of bank acct (s/b $43,752.85), j) payoff of 08 Dodge, k) amend plan to include lawsuit language, 1) amend plan to correct monthly plan payment months (s/b 60), m) amend plan to pay CH7 of $112,922.85, n) explain CMI line #30 blank, 0) amend plan to pay CMI/DI of$30,459.60, p) explain/proof of all withdrawals over $1000.00 from acct #3931, q) who owns bank acct #9133, #7042 & #9306? (need stmts 8110-11110) VESTED pg: C-OI<3 Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1434840 1: 30 PM KENNETH A DEMSEY Aty calle (ANNIE HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE for preheatli I~ Continue to 3/1 0 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) LF67, b) obj/conform to cl#2 & #4, c) amend plan to remove amount paid directly for vehicle & include creditor name 1434808 ALICIA RAMIREZ MANZANO (NICOLE E. FLORIN, ESQUIRE VESTED 1434704 VESTED 1434441 Continue to 3/1 0 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) LF67, b) affidavit of support, c) amend plan to correct improper months for Mystic Forest, d) file LMM motion, e) amend plan to payCH7 of$5253.65 ANTONIO JOSE POU IVETTE MARIA POU (ROBERT BOLLINGER, ESQ Continue to 3/10 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) bank stmts #2370 (8/16-8/25), b) payoff of real estate, c) BDQ, profit/loss and balance sheet & business bank stmts #4126 (11/1-11/6), d) LF67, e) obj/conform to cl#2, f) CMI issues not resolved line #30, 32,35, 37, 39, 43, 44 & 47b (see deficiency) ROSA FERNANDEZ (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Continue to 3/1 0 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a)explain debt on 10/8 $1407.12, b) copy/explain check #2531 $1000.00, c) payoff of vehicle, d) payoff of real estate, e) WDO or motion to waive, f) LF90, g) LF67, h) provide investment stmt, i) amend plan to correct attorney fees, j) file LMM motion, k) obj/ conform to cl#l, 1) amend plan to pay CH7 of $1306.88, m) evidence/calculation of CMI line #30, 47b & 47d (does not match plan) , 1=1 SCIf"E' Il) V .!L,,\.-~.IL A!.-4 pg: c..-O)I-{ Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1434390 (It No ':)~ ') 1:30 PM JORGE LOMBA DILAYDA C MENENDEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE !~0 VESTED 1434379 Continue to 3/10 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) 2012/2013 need Sch C for debtor, b) bank stmts #0571 (10114-10/31 ), c) amend plan to include gambling language, d) CMI issues not resolved line #28/29 & #30 (see deficiency) ALICIA M IZQUIERDO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ,r~:"('fTElf) v .IL..1I3 . f.!.. 1434369 11; /DI . /<{ Continue to 311 0 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) provide proof of Sch J line #12. underling allowance provided is for 2 vehicles, only 1 listed in Sch's JULIO SEGUNDO MARTHA S SEGUNDO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE If objection sustained, Confirm 2AP 1433883 MAGALY DEL ROSARIO FONSECA (HENRY HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 3/10 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) bank stmts #9581/9615 (1017-10/29), #5033 (7/29-9118 & 10/22-10/29), #9440 (1011-10/29), #1416 (7/29-8/29 & 10/1-10/29), #2904 (7/29-7/31) & #4726 (7 /29-9/30), b) payoff of real estate, c) affidavit of rent, d) amend plan to include IVL, e) file motion to value and set for hearing, f) file LMM motion, g) copy of check #108 $1513.41, h) amend plan to pay CH7 of $94,349.66, i) 2012/2013 taxes need Sch E, j) proof of household size/income of all adults pg: Q-OI $ Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1433873 1:30 PM YOAN ROJAS (ROBERT A. STIBERMAN, ESQUIRE VESTED 1433868 Continue to 311 0 due on or before 5PM on 2120: a) WDO or motion to waive, b) proof of household size/income of all adults, c) CMI list 4 & Sch I list 3-amend to correct, d) objl conform to cl#3, e) amend Sch B #2 to correct value of bank acct #4661 (s/b $318.43), #0975 (s/b $.25) & #2566 (sib $462.52) MIGUEL ANGEL RODRIGUEZ ZAIDA PERNA DE RODRIGUEZ (PETER SPINDEL, ESQUIRE Case Dismissed '!FSr"ED .1. .1>-,f\.., .A 1432933 NORA SANZ (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. .LJl . = JOEL DARIO GERVET (HENRY HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE V·r"S"r'ED -( Continue to 3/10 due on or before 5PM on 2120: a) bank stmts #5032 (9/13-10114), b) affidavit of rent VESTED 1432813 ) ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE ~_q Aty called for prehearing Continue to 3110 due on or before 5PM on 2120: a) payoff ofreal estate, b) non homestead info sheet (1681, 223 & 1909), c) business bank stmts #4884 (7114-10114) & #4522 (7114-10/14), d) proof of household size/income of all adults, e) provide proof of Sch J line #5, 6d & 20a, f) affidavit of support, g) provide copy of life ins, h) obj/conform to cl#2 & #6, i) amend plan to pay CH7 of $37,986.49, j) evidence/calculation ofCMI line #3 \:;;>o( Cc&<'\~J.ctlic/(1 _I, pg: t-DI4> Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1432315 1:30 PM ELIANA MONTERO LEYVA (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE "\11::" S'l,oED ' JLJk . ~ Continue to 311 0 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) payoff of real estate, b) non homestead info sheet (1681,223 & 1909), c) business bank stmts #4884 (7/14-10114) & #4522 (7/14-10114), d) proof of household size/income of all adults, e) provide proofofSch J line #5, 6d & 20a, f) affidavit of support, g) provide copy of life ins, h) objlconform to cl#2 & #6, i) amend plan to pay CH7 of $37,986.49, j) evidence/calculation of CMI line #3 J ..... 1432224 LISANDRO A DRIGGS (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Continue to 3/10 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) bank stmts #2907 (9127-10/3), b) payoff of real estate, c) WDO or motion to waive, d) calculation of income, e) expenses objectionable Sch J line #6c & 21 (no income what expenses), f) LF90, g) LF67, h) amend plan to include IVL VESTED 1432148 MARCOS A CHAVEZ (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Continue to 3/10 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) obj/conform to cl#l VESTED 1432101 1:$ 376". 01 SHEILA SKINNER-GRANT (SABRINA CHASSAGNE, P.A Continue to 3/10 due on or before 5PM on 2120: a) CMI issues not resolved, line #19 no evidence/calculation, #30 is overstate by $147.31 per calculation & #31 401k loan must be calculated over 60 months Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1431990 1: 30 PM ENRIQUE QUINTANA MAYULI ESTHER PEREZ NUNEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan VESTED 1431870 1)/ ' tf, 00 ELIZABETH RAMIREZ (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Continue to 311 0 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) WDO or motion to waive VESTED 1431862 ~ DAMIAN AGUERO (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Continue to 311 0 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) FMV (NADA/Carmax) of vehicles, b) non homestead info sheet, c) WDO or motion to waive, d) BDQ, profit/loss and balance sheet, d) amend SOFA #10 to disclose boat transfer to son & provide value of boat at time of transfer, e) LF67, f) file LMM motion, g) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor, h) provide info re: Damian's Aquarium Services, i) copy/explain check #442 $1150.00, #430 $170,00, #436 $1220.00, #450 $1320.00, #453 $1080.00 & #441 $1524.00, j) trustee objects to keeping investment property (expenses exceed income), k) affidavit of rent, 1) obj/conform to cl#4, m) amend plan to pay CMIIDI of $133,315.80 1431475 JOSE L ESPINOZA (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Docs/Amendments by Spm Friday 2/13115 or D/W/P 180 days Aty called for prehearing [1J:"~200/unsecured 0 $1 SO/pro bono remains unresolved: a) bank stmts #3753 (6/26-6/30) & #8572 (6/26-7/23), b) payoff of real estate, c) WDO or motion to waive, d) LF90, e) LF67, f) file LMM motion, g) amend plan to pay CH7 of$4878.00 NEW ISSUES: h) copy/explain check #1102 $2000.00, #1104 $2000.00 & #1097 $2000.00 VliS'TED pg: Q-Ol<6 Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1431432 ~ 1:30 PM ORLANDO HIDALGO Aty called for prehearing (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Docs/Amendments by 5pm Friday 2/13/15 or D/W/P 180 days (~H Y\JJX;J remains unresolved: a) payoff of real estate, b) amend plan to include IVL, c) file LMM motion, d) amend plan to pay CH7 of $3879.00 NEW ISSUES: e) copy/explain check #328 $2000.00, #338 $1500.00, #317 $1813.73, #1179 $1000.00, #1175 $1000.00 & #1174 $1000.00, f) obj/conform to cl#1, g) amend Sch I to correct debtor unemployed, h) amend plan to include 100% language or provide no discharge language VESTED 1430914 % 16 <j c1. 9lP TRAVIS A BAKER (CHRISTIAN J. OLSON, ESQUIRE Continue to 3/1 0 P (} vA '\.0- V~) due on or before 5PM on.1L2D;Q DSO (per plan child support being paid direct)U,)How is child support being paid? No provisions on Sch J ,-'+'l\ '\/'DS'-[D}-) J"./t--, L~ .. 1430647 ,d( .e/k CAROLYN VILLALOBOS (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. '\/CS1'1::(I) L..I_ ~ \J . . Continue to 3/10 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) CMI issues, Why 3 vehicles-1 paid in full, Evidence loans are purchase loans or vehicles (loan docs do not show as secured), not address income on tax returns & why did debtor increase tithe in 2014 by 20%, b) business bank stmts #5637 (9/1-9/15), c) calculation of income, d) amend CMI to disclose income from business ($2075.00) ~. Q<~~ CHRISTOPHER STEPHEN SWITLYK ALSO ON AM~ SEE PA,G~ 9'/ (JEFFREY M. SISKIND, ESQUIRE . J~Jl d;6liUs:" Q(,)00 0't I ciL( ~~ :JO affl'\( I'<>te~ ntJ1 ~chdDt~ 341 Yb~,rBD' C !Jit1 du,cl to ('G=. nDjitQYhfl1; y~wckd) :$d J 'JIe,!:J ,ct{) b,ktrt0 , pg: Q.... Olq Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:30 PM Feb 10, 2015 1429877 FRANK A TAVORMINA (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. Continue to 3/10 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) LF10 (DE#26 is not pay advices), b) affidavit of rent, c) amend plan to include IVL & LMM language, d) amend plan to fund properly (m. 1-9), e) amend plan to pay CH7 of $30,103.85 '-/L'srI'ED '\ .L~k .. I 1429670 VESTED 1429111 PHILIP A BASSETT YVETTE BASSETT (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. Continue to 3/10 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) obj/conform to cl#l & #5 (plan overpays) TRACY LYNN EUTSEY (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE If objection sustained (2), Confirm lAP S'T'T:rD \/"f~.' _.I\." 1.1......... 1428055 MANUEL HORTA (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ 341 reset to 2113, CH reset to 3/10 \/"C'srI'I<I) ..L/I-.. ..J pg: c.-oao Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1425911 .fJ, ~03 ,6~ 1: 30 PM GONZALO COPELLO (PRO-SE Dismissed @ 341 VESTED MARIE JOACHIM (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. Continue to 311 0 due on or before 5PM on 2120: a) 2012 tax returns (complete), b) obj/conform to cl#5, c) explain property 1342 9th ct, not listed in Sch's but pOC filed V'E'._~f...'C'T'PI) L!". 1417969 o~. 41- -P (V) '~f'- ~6"1 ; L/ Lp VICTOR HALL (RICHARD ADAMS, ESQ. At\! r~llC\rl ; Docs/Amendments by 5pm Friday 2/13/15 or D/W/P 180 days 'fif$200/unsecured 0 $150/pro bono remains unresolved: a) bank stmts #2782 (4/5-417) & #9470 (117-4/7), b) FMV of vehicle, c) profit/loss and balance sheet, d) DL NEW ISSUES: e) affidavit of rent ($1350.00), t) obj/conform to cl#5 & #6, g) explain/provide receipts of withdrawal on 4/3 $4800.00 & 1/9 $1000.00 \IE,,'rr"(~'I) __/1.:). r..:..~~ 1325787 C~ 'ilDOJ, m) FLORENTINO PLATA (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 311 0 due on or before 5PM on 2/20: a) bank stmts #1991 (4/2/13-7/2/13), #0632 (4/2/13-7/2/13), #2455 (412/13-712/13) & #9702 (412113-712/13), b) FMV of vehicles, c) BDQ, profit/loss and balance sheet & 3months pre-petition business bank stmts, d) address feasibility issue, e) file 20 16(b), t) file motion to value and set for hearing, g) file LMM motion, h) DE #102 sib lAP, amend to correct title, i) amend plan to pay CH7 of$11,387.72, j) amend Sch B to disclose accident lawsuit, k) amend plan to include lawsuit language, 1) received value for 03 Chevy not listed in Sch's, Explain "''t!T? S'I"Y~' 1'. K~Jk " ..l~I.L}f pg: c..~062 \ Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1435475 1:35 PM NIVALDO HERNANDEZ ALINA CECILIA HERNANDEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AM$ SEE PAGE ) IO~ -~ Ifmtn to val granted, Confirm 2AP, Ifnot Cont to 3110 1435472 ~', Od MARISELA ROCA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan 1435465 #1j<6. 9Y CLAUDIA MARIA CHAVEZ ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE 0 10 tL _, (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE IJ/ljo Continue to 3/10; Due on or before Spm on 2/20: a) Obj/conform to C1m #7 (direct pay with arrears), 1435459 $~31. 1/ MARIA DEL CARMEN CASTRO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE (j!)lJO Continue to 311 0: Due on or before Spm on 2/20: a) Provide statement for Acct #7045 (10/23-11118); b) LF90 pg: C-Of2tJ. Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Feb 10, 2015 1435391 JESSICA M BENADIA ALSO ON AM@ SEE Pi\GE ~, (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE ) Continue to 3/10: Due on or before Spm on 2/20: a) Provide affidavit of support 1435284 2Q MANUEL MARTINEZ (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE ~ ~j)O: m~{;() 10 ffiiuQ '\12(tJ~ (l9J 1435272 4$;' I .00 TINA L BOSTIC ~LSO ON AMw SEE PAGE J2l- (GINA HARRIS, ESQUIRE If motion to value and motion to avoid lien granted, and-obj-to claim...#.A..s.us.ta, Confirm 3A Plan, ffnot Cont to 3/10 1435201 11>.56 ALEXANDER CRUZ il·f.K.~.1S1i·~~:l~~vS (pn"}}~J," :"r()) X(;{K~!Vy~}J'I\~(}r~~JS YANILIS CRUZ (DAYREN L. SUAREZ, ESQUIRE Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a)address feasability issue (schedule J disposable income is not sufficient to fund the plan) ; b) amend plan to provide regular payments to Select Portfolio & start secured payments from month 1 (if debtor is curing and maintaining, then debtor must pay the cure amount as well as the regular monthly payment in the plan). pg: C-- 061.3 Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1435068 1:35 PM IVAN MARTINEZ (ALEJANDRO SIXTO, ESQUIRE Confirm 2 A Plan 1434936 RAMON ROSA RIVERA PAZ /j. DANELlA HERMINIA RIVERA (~ /6') , ()0 ') (VANESSA GONZALEZ-VINAS, ESQ. Continue to 3/10: Due on or before Spm on 2/20: reaffirm, redeem or surrender sch D & G creditors (Green Tree Servicing and Marbella Villas ROA) .-_" O{?,rn 1434584 ff ~ ?(?J;3<"i ,1 fJ INNA S TRAKHTENBERG (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE ~~~ 01 JD ) bar ~ht-t ~ itg 'rRUS'ni],~\'S (m,L TO g}Ui:l'V~iFnONf.: Aty called for prehearing Re ains resolved: 1b a) rovide proof that debtor only own 5% ofMed Prime LLC and explain why this means debtor should not provide P & L; b) amend plan to pay CMIIDI of$24l ,951.20; c) explain Delta Air purchase $11753.53 on 10/8, d) file TBE motion, e) Amend CMI to disclose husband's income; Issues associated with document provided; f) Schedule I states debtor is self employed but taxes show wages of $150,000, explain; g) What are payroll expense listed on P & L for Wellness Plus LLC of $147, 155? Who does debtor keep on payroll? h)Provide title to Geogia property: debtor's bank statements show payments to a mortgage company, per debtor's explanation this is for a property owned by debtor's husband in Georgia. Per schedules debtor owns no property. i) Plan not feasible: Debtor pays $6,000 for rent and $1,350 for leased 2013 BWM 650, but per CMI earnings are a total of $6,0000. j) What are "Settlement charges to seller" (debtor) of$55,548 included in sales contract 16699 Collins? What did debtor do with this money? 1434565 FRANCISCO GONZALEZ (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. Continue to 3/10: Due on or before Spm on 2120: a) Amend plan to add DE20 in the cram down box, b) Provide proof of taxes being paid by non-filing spouse iao $5,758 or add back to Chp 7 test pg: c..-OQ.~ Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1434557 ~ 1:35 PM ADOLFO J PERLAZA SANDRA PERLAZA (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. If motion to val granted, Confirm 2 A Plan, If not 1434509 1$- T>. :r3 Cont to 3/10 ANGEL OSCAR CABALLERO CURET NIUVYS ROSALES REYES (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. Continue to 3/10: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) address feasibility issue 1434479 J$ <6"11 . 0 1 ELDORA CAMERON (ANDREW BELLINSON, ESQ. Aty called for preheating Continue to 3/10: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) address feasibility issue 1434475 MERILIEN MAY'fj:UJSIEF,1S OI\\L TO KXEiVH»'fl\(H',lS YOLIANE ELIABE (DAVID B. JAVITS, ESQUIRE If3AP filed amending to add months to be paid to the trustee (sib 60), Confirm 3AP, Ifnot Cont to 3/10 pg: l:-o,Q5 Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1434386 1$ , 06- 1:35 PM SILVERIA YOLANDA SALAZAR (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 2 A Plan 1434281 (1i ,3~) JUSTO RIVERA FIDELA AVILA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ALSO ON PAGE If obi to elm #1 sustained, Confirm 1 APlan, If not 1434254 1j; 1/ . q 7 YUNAILYN DEL PINO 1434151 1+ '1-1> I 7 :3l(J, / > { 1 Cont to 311 0 'l~~i(Jr~'l'l~!~~VS ~~'p {j~~" :~'«,)} X~:)(H'~j"v~ ll:1~~< ~ (l);J~J ~:) )ALSOONAM~ (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE If obi to elm /01 PAGE~ #11 sustained, Confirm 2 A Plan, flnot Cont to 3110 JONATHAN MARIO PRIETO (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE Confirm 3 A Plan pg: C-oQG. Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 11; 1434063 )IX). Or:~ 1:35 PM LISSETTE LLORCA Dismiss-' (YOLI A. SUAREZ, ESQUIRE Remains unresolved: aL()_~i/confto POC #2 ft\lf\A \ v.. jev\ d / \ Issues associated with amended CMI ECF #33 b) CMI # 13c: Taxes $1573.22: does not take into account amount of average refund received- amend to correct; NACO $200.00: Per pay stub provided dated 12127/13 monthly average is $108.33- amend to correct; c) CMI #30 Taxes $1019.20: does not take into account the average of refund received. In 2013 total taxes paid were $4,183 because $l3 ,054 were return to debtors in the form of a refund. According to the amended CMI debtors pay $2592 per month in taxes combined for a total of $31,104.00. Taxes in CMI should be actual taxes incurred not taxes withheld. Amend CMI to correct amounts to actual taxes incurred; d) CMI #45 charitable contribution: $100 already claimed under CMI#13 as husbands tithes in the amount of $520 per month; e) CMI #27a: what vehicle is this? Per schedules only one car in household and it belongs to husband and expenses for that vehicle are already claimed in CMI #13 as husband's car payment and insurance. If there is a second vehicle in household amend schedule B to disclose and add value to chapter 7 test. (~ 1434044 ~ EDUARDO JAVIER PAIZ ANA MATILDE PAIZ (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE Continue to 3/10: Due on or before 5pm on 2120: sJ'"'·'.·':ClR'H':: ~ D. ".J' 'Ut'";' ~i"lq~);T~(fV"lr;, ~ K{~. ll. ~'.. Jt" .:0 r'n; ~)hfl'>, ... ,,"'~., .'.,j. "" ) ".I··Ll ;,» ·'n·····' ) ALSO ON AMi SEE PAGE ~Q:2_, a) bank stmts #4207 (9/27-10/30), #6153 (911-10/30), #233511075 (10122-10/30) b) eMI ISSUES: #30 Taxes: Calculation provided is higher than amounts actually paid in 2013. Provide basis for the expected increase in taxes; #32 Life Insurance: provide proof and calculation; #34 Education for employment or for a physically or mentally challenged child: provide proof; #35 Childcare: Per response filed at ECF#44, joint debtor provides assistance to her mother in the sum of $400 per month, and in return her mother takes care of the children, As such, remove childcare expense form CMI# 35 or provide proof that debtor pays an additional $750 in childcare per month; #39 Health care: prove proof and calculation. 1433951 ERNESTO HERNANDEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 2 A Plan 1433949 Jt 3) 1 , I d- DUILIO OCTAVIO TORRESE MAIRIA DE LOS ANGELES VERANO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) Continue to 3/10: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) Bank statements Acct#0064 lOll - 10129 Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1433925 1:35 PM DUVERSANT JOSEPH (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE Confirm 2 A Plan 1433894 4( JESUS ENRIQUE ARGOTA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan 1433774 ELIAS QUISPE AIDA M MORALES (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE 'n~US'IEIP:!§ OHJ, . ) TO ifCXEIViF'fH1NS ALSO ON AM@ SEE PAGE ~ If obj to elm #3 sustained, Confirm 1 A Plan, Ifnot 1433765 LAZARO LUIS MARTINEZ NIURKA M MARTINEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Cont to 3/10 Aty called for prehearing Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1433764 tv 1:35 PM JAIME ENRIQUE KCOMT PAGE.3L, (PATRICKL. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Ifmtn to waive granted, Confirm Plan, Ifnot Cont to 3/10 1433726 (#;6'~, 91) YOANDY GONZALEZ (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE !)AJJO Confirm Plan 1433657 DANAIZE HUERA GALVAN (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. 3JO-L¥J R( 2 tW l'O"~'+~') 'LC\rr~(t~ rUf.t'-cJD~d '1 'tDpo~hi 1433533 (1$ t/6l/ . ~3') Aty called for prehearing 1(\ PbSSi'S'S, c41 V(!Of' d:YtO °6 rvsA ARIAN ALCALA ~ty Dismiss called Remains Unresolyed: (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ or prehearing a) bank stmts #3018 (1011 1-10/23), b) copy/explain check #470 $2500.00 , copy provided is black and not legible c) payoff of all real estate, d) non homestead info sheet (correct), elf) proof of household size/ income of all adults, CMI lists a household of 3 and schedule J only 2; g) explain/proof of Sch J line #15c & 17a (no vehicle listed on sch's) provide proof that debtor makes these payments, h) address feasibility issue, i) amend plan to fund properly, j) amend plan to correct attorney fees, k) obj/conform to cl # I (Plan underpays) , I) Trustee objects to keeping investment property with no rental income, m) amend Sch A to disclose 2 investment properties (1661 & 14455). Issues regarding undisclosed investment properties: I) what unit does debtor own in 1661 SE 29 Ct? Who purchased and paid for this property? Why is this property not listed in the schedulcs? Lettcr from atty states that property is PIF, where did money come from to purchase the property? is debtor on title to property? Was this property purchased by debtor's ex wife whilc they were still married? Non-homestead info sheet states the debtor wishes to retain the property, Add value of property to chapter 7 test. 2) 14455 SW 288 was purchased in 2014. Who paid for this property? Why is this property not listed in the schedule? Was this property purchased by debtors ex wife while they were still married? 3) provide marital settlement agreement 4) is debtor keeping property located at 18343 N. W. 68th Avenue E, Hialeah, FL 33015 ? Who is paying for this property? Provide pay off valuation (value provided is for 18322 NW 68 th ave and non homestead sheet states the address is 18348 NW 68 TH AVE. Please clarify address of property and amend schedule A to disclose correct address and mortgage information. Disclose rental income. 5)objlconf to proof of claim #2 Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Feb 10, 2015 1433424 FRANCISCO CABRERA (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 3/10: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) Amend plan to fund (21-36), b) Amend plan to pay Disposable Income 1433352 RENE CARMONA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 3/1 0: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) Amend plan to correct missing months in monthly plan payment (4-5?), 1433348 DAVID SHERMAN JR THIBODEAU ~ 6pr() ~~ (JOSE P. FUNCIA, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearing ~b J~c . I &J I .I.-r Continue to 3/10: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) Bank statements #1028 (10/15-10/21); b)File MMM motion 1433339 4 '10) . J J' MIGUEL ROMEU MAYLIN MITJANS (HAVEN DEL PINO, ESQUIRE Confirm 1 A Plan pg: c.-OaD Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1433321 1$ d1)f 1:35 PM HAYDEE IZQUIERDO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 1 A Plan 14 3 3 3 0 6 Q .~,. NE T TA SHA KED 'n~lJ8TEF/S Oh,~ 'l;ns!' TI~.:~ ~1'~'/l'fl::~~T~'fl'~\~ ~:.~ H/'.c';';,,, .,,, ., n.. , , t1'f(l·lll Continue to 3/10: (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) The 2AP filed on 12/29 (ECF #41) included 100% language, Why was. 100% language removed (ECF#45)? b) Amend Seh's to disclose business bank acct #6860, c) Amend plan to pay Chp 7 of$27,210 (a search of the Miami Dade County tax collector page shows that in 2013 the value of the property transferred by the debtor #2111 at 9 Island Avenue was $291,630, making the debtors interest in the real estate $97,210, which is $27,210 more than what the debtor received for transferring her interest in the property), d) Provide proof of how $70,000 received from sale of property (#2111 at 9 island Ave) was spend: Trustee has received a ledger of expenses but no proof or receipts attached, The ledger shows payments to Amex and Citi Card in excess of $45,000, What large purchases did debtor make with these credit cards? The assets listcd on Sch B total $1,350, providc the credit curd stutements for Amex and Citi Card from September 2013 to October 2014" in addition, the expense ledger shows that the debtor paid attorneys fees in the amount of$5,562 on 1117/14, less than a month after filing bankruptcy, where was debtor holding these monies at the time the bankruptcy was filed? Bank statements do not reflect these monies in any of the debtor's bank accounts, Was debtor holding these funds in cash? If so, why was this not disclosed at the time of filing? Is debtor using a different bank account to keep these monies? Provide proof and explain where debtor deposited the monies received from the sale of her interest in #2111 at 9 Island Avenue, The same ledger shows an expense of$I,544 on 10/8/14 for health insurance, but neither of debtor's bank accounts reflect this payment being made. Provide proof of all expenses claimed in the expense ledger and explain why these expenses are not reflected in the debtors bank accounts. e) Amend plan to include lawsuit language with regards to the ring being held in escrow in which debtor claims to have a 100% interest, Q Obj/Conform or value Clm #1 (Sandy T, Fox P.A.) 1433280 e! 163. i.fL(~ REYNALDO ARIAS EUCEDA Aty called for prehearing (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE LvtlJo If order granting motion to value uploaded 1433232 d~ q ,00 JOSE ROBERT ACEVEDO (JUAN F. ALBAN, ESQUIRE f not Dismiss .ALSO ON .AM9 ) Continue to 3/10: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) I Amended Plan does not fund, amend plan to fund properly; b) remove expense from CMI #27 a and 28 as vehicle is being surrendered per the 1st Amended Plan ECF #38 and pay resulting disposable income, c) there are no vehicles listed on the schedules, what car does debtor drive? pg: c.-OS I Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1433165 ~ 1: 35 PM ROSAURA TORRES (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE Confirm 1 A Plan 1433139 6r~'Pr' BERENICE POLITO (YOLI A . SUAREZ, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AM9 SEE PAGE _!l:L_ ) iJ ~3') ./3 3 Confirm.1 A Plan 1433124 ARMANDO RODRIGUEZ BEATRIZ DELGADO (MERCY SALADRIGAS,ESQUIRE ) ALSO Continue to 3/10: Due on or before Spm on 2/20: a) Amend plan to include address for secured creditor Select Portfolio Servicing 1433046 d$ 3<:·, &- OL\I MANUEL DE JESUS MONCION MARIBEL MONCION (LUIS A. TORRENS, ESQUIRE Continue to 3/10: Due on or before Spm on 2/20: a) Amend plan to correct attorneys fees as per explanation of withdrawals (sib $3,200 total paid to attorneys), pg:C ...05tL Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1432964 ij' 7Lt ' {p o' 1:35 PM DIGNA OVIEDO (PATRI CK .ALSO L. CORDERO, ESQUI RE ) WvZ)() Continue to 311 0: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) Amend plan to remove Wachovia Acct #5130 from strip down box or file motion to value; b) Amend plan to add Old Republic Acct# 1949 to strip down box per motion to value (ECF# 19) 1432884 (1$66 ,61.-1) ') LUIS EDUARDO MUGICA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 311 0: Due on or before 5pm on 2120: a) Amend plan to pay disposable income (~ .::t:j> . 1432700 -~ y~) -f JOSUE RAMON RODRIGUEZ MAR I ANGEL ARANGUREN BENITEZ (MERCY B. PINA-BRITO, ESQUIRE fAjmi-' dVL( ~D dcuLf Docs/Amendments by 5pm Friday 2113/15 or D/W/P 180 days D $200/unsecured)tf $150/pro bono Remains Unresolved: / I. ~ f1 (' fvt t a) amend plan to fund properly, b) obj/conform to cl#9, c) amend plan to pay disposable income of$466.51 to unsecured creditors $27,990.60 (increased by ROA line #47) 1432571 6fM.~y MARVIN A NARVAEZ TERESA PEREZ A. TORRENS, ESQUIRE (LUIS 11 L() q I . fJ:) Continue to 3/10: Due on or before 5pm on 2120: a) what did debtors do with $5,000 withdrawn from bank acct#7494 on 9/8? Provide explanation and receipts pg: c-083 Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1432551 1:35 PM NEHEMI D VINCENT MARIE F VINCENT (STAN L. RISKIN, ESQ. ~m ~( i:t 3"./&6,3 d- Continue to 3/10: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) Provide documentation for workman's compensation listed on Sch B & C, b) Provide copy of check #135, 1432528 Jt 1{ 7 . 0 S DONALD RAY HATLEY MARGARET ANN HATLEY (HENRY HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AM@ SEE PAGE ~rzJg~_ If obi to elm #1 sustained, Confirm 1 APlan, flnot Cont to 3/10 1432523 it Illl,. (j" 0 1432357 GISMY ARIAS (SANDRA NAVARRO, ESQ JULIO CESAR QUIROZ d-~ ) 00, O() (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan pg: 0..-031-{ Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1432243 (~ I07 . Lt; L/ ') 1:35 PM IMMACULEE SANON (TERESA M. ALVAREZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 3/10: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) amend plan to fund properly, b) amend plan to pay CH7 $6,100 (includes $2,600 to parents during preference period) or amend plan to include 100% language. 1432090 .f$ YIV, II L( NERISSA HOPE ALSO ON AM8 SEe PAGE ~q2-_, (ROBERT A. STIBERMAN, ESQUIRE ) Ifmotion to val granted, Confirm 1 A Plan, Ifnot Cont to 3/10 1431956 -tt 1-30 , I :y JUAN CARLOS VIGIL (PATRICK L. CORDERO I ESQUIRE Confirm 1 A Plan 1431903 FERNANDO J RODRIGUEZ MILAGROS RONDON (MARY REYES, ESQ. Continue to 3/10: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) amend schedules to disclose 2011 Mazda, provide FMV and payoff; b) order sustaining obj to claim of IRS has not been uploaded. pg: C-056 Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Feb 10, 2015 1431793 ~ )~O'6 ,/7 EDWARD S MURRAY ~tJ:lws'rEnLi§ on.,Ll'O; l~XEMPTH)N;~tv called (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE ,til!:.,.,):'"",!} ON SEE Pl:\Gtpr ~~rinQ Continue to 3/10: Due on or before Spm on 2120: a) amend CMI #30 to $1921,71 per DE#45, b) payoff ofal! non homestead (per POC #4 & #5, Magnolia bank holds lien in the amount of$75,586, c) evidence!calculation ofCMI line #39, d) Proof of household size: CMI lists 3 and proof provided is for 2 persons. Amend CMI household size to 2, e) Trustee objects to keeping investment property with no rental income, --~ 'b r'~{-2)(-=iClD - IliLtD (G!~ , Trustee cannot recommend confirmation because se #13-23 ~ Richard Prioleau referenced in debtor's plan as the case paying the motion to values on 2 properties Ii dismissed since 12/12/13. IVON OLMO (HENRY HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearing Cont to 3/10: ._ 'P't<JlJLAC~ {Q.J (~.JC\.~ c:{) on or before 5pm on 2/12 (Thursday) debtor must amend plan to pay CH 7 of $14.422.81 (finally received payoff of non- homestead). b) expenses on Schedule J are already deducted on husband's profit and loss, including auto insurance $120.00, transportation $390.00 meals of$881.90 month, c) expenses objection - cell phone $120.00, Cable $120.00 and entertainment $100.00 while paying $165.00 to unsecured 1431739 6pm -IY RANDY DEVERICK BIGGINS (CAROLINA A. LOMBARDI, ESQUIRE ~ J.-~?5Lr . 7 5 Aty called for prehearing Continue to 3/10: Due on or before Spm on 2/20: a) Missing order granting motion to waive WDO heard on 12/9 1431585 .t5pm :.py JESSE MADRIGAL (MARY REYES, ESQ. -it l{ 1 (x). 00 Dismiss Remains Unresolved: LMM motion not filed The Trustee has requested that the debtor file the LMM motion on the following occasions: 1212 (ECF #24), 12112 (ECF #25), 12122 (ECF #33), 118 (ECF #34). pg: e-OatD Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1431573 ELVIS PADRON ELIZABETH M PADRON (YOLI A. SUAREZ, ESQUIRE C'CA-~ D~' s ss 1: 35 PM SJIQ \0 "\ dIlo .l!\ eN \ 6H J ~ (Q \ de or failed to provide evidence and calculation with amended eMI added line 36 and increased line 55 w thout evidence. Also provided cell phone bill for line 37 which is excluded as telecommunication expense. D/I is at least $498.89 per month which is $614.26 - 117.36 (IRS) (remove 36, 37 and 55 as same amount 1431569 FREEMAN SIDNEY REVELS (ARIEL SAGRE, ESQ. Confirm 1 A Plan 6p~ 3~ (DIEGOR:::: :::::~OESQUIRE Hl!;STEP:'S OF.' .!:f! !\MI'T~7;r~~e:"ring :tp IjJ(Y) . Docs/Amendments by 5pm Friday 2/13/15 or D/W/P 180 days 0 $200/unsecured ~'i50/pro bono l1;::;uc::; i1~~Ul.al:tlcu WIUl fimenueu eMl (ECF #33) a) Line 9 Mortgage expense: lists Sears twice for $829 each time, and Suntrust bank for $829. No proof has been provided of these expenses; b) Line 16 Taxes: no proof or calculations provided. Trustee has requested proof and calculations of taxes on the following occasion 12/22 (ECF #26),118 (ECF #31); c) Plan does not pay disposable income as listed on Line 45 $620.88 for a total of $37,200 to unsecured creditors; d) Amend plan to pay for 60 months as this is an above median debtor. 1431502 RODDY ELIEZER GOMEZ TAVERAS BETHANY KAY GOMEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 3AP pg: C-o:?lT Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORID~ CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1431477 Jf, )OLp ,0':::> 1:35 PM MERARIS LEON ALVAREZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE U1IJ,Q Confirm Plan 1431392 .(Jt I . 9 J' ') MONICA POSADA (MARY REYES, ESQ. Continue to 3/1 0: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) Provide copy of check proving that $11,813 was earned after filing or provide Yz interest of deposit back into Chp 7 test, b) Amend plan to pay Chp 7 of $6,656.86 (as per db's Yz interest in business per BDQ & correct valuation of bank account #5509), 1431358 ORESTES 0 RODRIGUEZ ENRIQUETA GERARDO (JOSE P. FUNCIA, ESQUIRE -q~~, Aty callee! for prehe~tiiif;1§i Continue to 3/1 0: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) obj/confto POC# l3Wells Fargo Bank (arrears) LEONIDAS R AHUMADA 1431293 {)rm-qJ~ -4 1<6 I l{ 70 , 0 (MERCY SALADRIGAS,ESQUIRE '? Confirm 3 A Plan pg: C.~OD% Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1431234 ~ 1:35 PM RAFAEL MONTE DE OCA MIRLEYDIS VIERA (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 3/10: Motion to value set for 3/10 1431221 it I~ < (;; '7 GLORIA C ARANGO 'r~llJf~~l'~~~lF,1S ~LDiH,$(( l'(} %~:X[~~{~ti1{~P'i'R'~«)l~S' (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. _ ) ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE ~1_5 Aty called for prehearing If obj to elm #1 sustained, Confirm 1 A Plan, fino 1431169 Cont to 3/10 ERIC WILLIAM RASMUSSEN TAMMY LYNN RASMUSSEN (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Confirm 1 A Plan (100%) 1431124 PATRICK RANDALL THOMPSON PATRICIA ANN THOMPSON (OFER SHMUCHER, ESQUIRE ON SEEPAGE~ If motion to val granted, Confirm 1 A Plan, If not Cont to 311 0 '1 Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1431123 ~ . ·00,00 1:35 PM YUNIEL SOLER (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AM~ SEe PAGE 9~ liA()O !fob} to elm #2-11RS sustained, Confirm Plan,Ifnot Cont to 3/10 1431114 ~ MONA BEAUBRUN Aty call eo for prehearin~ (DAVID C. RUBIN, ESQUIRE Docs/A~end~ents by 5pm Friday 2/13/15 or D/W/P 180 days 0 $200/unsecured ~150/pro bono Pending from previous two month, Debtor failed to provide: a) complete bank statements for Acct #3320 still missing pages (6/22-9/22), #9940 still missing 7/26-9/22) & #7942 same months still (6/22-9/22) ; b) FMV of vehicle; c) WDO or motion to waive (nothing done); d) LF90 (missing pages and missing attorney signature); e) affidavit of support; f) amended plan to provide payment to attorney fees starting/ . month 1 (nothmg done),;.,g) amend plan to mcIude monthly payment month (plan states "debtor to pay to the trustee fa 1431097 (1$}r/ q .)' fj uELOIS GRAY (JANET C. TACORONTE, PAGE=_ Cfd~ ESQ Aty calie" for prehearlill., ..., ~ ~iJ ::?iJo C~«1 ~ctcon KQJ:(l1w:l lb Go lSSuP 0(1 ~ ~resolved: ) InL E:eF~I:l::-~ Pending from previous two months, Debtor faifed3to: a) address feasibility issue; b) amend plan to remove Champion Mortgap,e fr~.tp. cram-;..do!Vn (cannot cram-down homestead 1 st mtg) l: "~5 '" Q 00 (bJ=1 ¥,D(\;~ fllno\ !I·bcd) q?£ it ,23) 1430964 MARTHA B GONZALEZ (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Continue to 3/10: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: File WDO or motion to waive pg: c-tYfD Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1430874 6pm -pr' 1:35 PM VIRGINIA ALEXANDRE Aty called (MICHELE L. HANASH, ESQUIRE for prehearihg 1$ LpOW,S{5 Continue to 3/10: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) set obj to claim #3 for hearing 1430812 AGUSTIN RUBEN CARDERO HORTENSIA LLANES CARDERO (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE Confirm 2 A Plan 1430780 # 3/0 ,11 MARIA CECILIA ECHAVARRIA (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Continue to 3/1 0: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) Obj/Conform to Clm #4 (direct pay with arrears) 1430760 FELIX R GALAN (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Confirm 1 A Plan pg: c.~ o"'f' Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 d{ 1430637 1:35 PM MARIO 0 GARCIA Aty called . for preheanng (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Docs/Amendments by 5pm Friday 2/13/15 or D/W/P 180 days rn1200/unsecured 0 $150/pro bono a) Provide proof that the $5,000 withdrawn on 8121 belonged to son. The bank statement provided for acct #2239 belongs to Limeyre De La Paz, is this debtor's son? how does transfer prove that money belonged to son? Check made out to Janet Valles form "Braniff paint & body shop". Who is Janet Valles? Why was check not deposited directly into sons bank account? explain the following transfers to Limeyre de la paz: 6/13-$2,000; 8126 $1,000, 7/3 $1,000; b) Provide proof of how $5,000 withdrawn on 8/25 from Acct#2055 was spent; c) Explain why debtor transferred $25,000 on 8/25 to daughters savings account #7832; d) Debtor is exempting vehicle as "workers comp" provide case law supporting this exemption or remove and add to chapter 7 test;! e) Provide Bank statement Acct# 20559110 to 9115; f) Proof of claims bar date is 2112/15 1430620 Jp 3-7/ . 'J;r MARIA E CASTELLON (LUIS A. TORRENS, ESQUIRE Continue to 3/1 0: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) obj/confto 1430579 poe # 4 Nationstar Mortgage acct GUILLERMO RODRIGUEZ (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE Confirm 2 A Plan (100% language) 1430419 ~ '{ 10 . q}- ROGER VALECILLOS (YONI MARKHOFF, ESQUIRE Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) obj or confto poe #3 Bird Grove: plan over pays, b) amend schedule D to add creditors on plan Bird Grove, Boa #9999, c) Amend plan to assume r reject schedule G creditors, d) provide tolling waiver, e)provide explanation and proof of withdrawal on 7/3 iao $1,500, 7/10 $1,500 Issues associated with amended CMI ECF #64 f)Trustee objects to keeping investment properties that do not pay for themselves. Per eMI #4 debtor receives a total of $3,300, but the expenses for both properties as per the 5th amended plan total $4,488, g) amend plan to pay eMI disposable income of $155,998.80 h) amend eMI to correct debtors income. Per the P &L provided the debtor has approximately $11,038 of income per month. Debtors P&L reduces his income by his bankruptcy payment, mortgages on investment properties, maintenance eon investment properties, utilities, transportation, telephone, food, cable expenses, all of which are already accounted for in the eMI #4, 24, 25, 27, i) what are the airline and hotel expenses claimed by debtor in his P &L for $4,240.00? Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1430338 1: 35 PM ELIECER MUNOZ (RICHARD ADAMS,ESQ. Continue to 3/1 0: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) obj/confto claim #5 Wells Fargo 1430248 6pnqy JAMES T FUOG EDITH M FUOG (MICHAEL H. JOHNSON, ESQUIRE # 1~'15, 11 Continue to 3/10: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) continue to bar date for $60,920.40 to unsecured creditors or 100% plan (}:, 1430224 ~~ I ~6. Of) 1430055 if 65C(7. ? '6 DORIELA C GIRALDO (JOSE P. FUNCIA, ESQUIRE )-~~j~.lJfrrl~I~:tS (J,f.~~~~ '"\~'~{) X~~)(E:lv~'iF'~~~~(}iJ\i1~:; Aty called for prehearing DAPHNE KINLOCK (JOSE P. FUNCIA, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearing Continue to 3/10: Due on or before 5pm 0", 2120: '\ a) provide tolling waiver ~,\eJJ) ) ll'D pg: C. -OLf S Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1430021 1:35 PM ANAHID GRIGORIAN 1); )666. ~ '}- (ROBERT A. STIBERMAN, ESQUIRE IjWDO filed (mtn to waive denied ECF #42), Confirm 2AP, lfnot Cont to 3/10 1429960 it 116. 'J{p BARBARA SALUDES (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. UA/jO Continue to 3/10: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) amend plan to pay disposable income 1429858 ~pnJ~ ROSILENE LAMEIRA (ROBERT A. STIBERMAN, ESQUIRE 11 3~dd, r;d Confirm 1 A Plan 1429667 LEONOR PEREZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 3 A Plan pg: C-Ot.Jt{ Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1429630 Zfrn '1')(" 1$ 6/27 1. 1:35 PM ALBERTO ANTONIO ALMANZAR DIAZ (RICHARD ADAMS, ESQ. Aty called for prehearing ocr Docs/Amendments by 5pm Friday 2113/15 or D/W/P 180 days 5J"'$200/unsecured 0 $150/pro bono a) copy/explain check on 7/20 $2000 & 8/6 $1128.11 b) explain withdrawal on 7/30 $2000 1429579 ~ ERICK G PICADO (ANDREW BELLINSON, ESQ. Continue to 3/10; Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) wdo or motion to waive b) address feasibility issue 1429522 (it (i6 ,0::::) PAULA INGIO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 1 A Plan 1429260 d$ 133~ , Y5 HILDA GARANTON (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE Confirm 2 A Plan pg: ~-01.f S Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1429215 ~yY) 1:35 PM JUAN MIGUEL HERNANDEZ iY- AlSOONAM0 PAGE ~~ ) (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE $1/~.O~ If mtn to val granted & 1429188 ~b} to elm #9 sustained, Confirm 2A Plan, If not Cont to 3/10 ARVINNIA F JOHNSON ~ tP)6'" (5& (CHRISTINE E. BRYCE, ESQUIRE )AlSOON l1JlJo Continue to 3/10: Due on or before Spm on 2/20: a) bank statements for City National Bank (8/19-8/27), b) FMV of vehicle, NADA or Carmax c) non homestead info sheet, d) DL, e) affidavit of rent, f) amend plan to pay CH7 of $60,06.00 (chapter 7 test provided at ECF #59 does not account for equity in non homestead property located at 48 NW 77th Street, Miami, FI), g) amend plan to fund months 11-20, correct atty fee calculation error and inconsistent months in plan, h) address feasibility issue 1429183 SprY) .~/'" DONNA DENISE GRIFFIN (VERNA POPO, ESQUIRE 17 ~ 0 9'cg (70J Continue to 3/10: Due on or before Spm on 2/20: a) Amend plan to correct payments to Santander (arrears overpaid) 1429156 ARTURO N BAYONA TERESA SANCHEZ-BAYONA (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ . .~ -e/t11 ') ~\p .- 'VnD9C\~0Q c~.- -eL~-d:1 4LQ Trustee recommended confirmation of the st amended plan at the 1/9/15 confirmation hearing. Counsel requested 7 days to amend plan to correct 31 % issue with MMM creditor. The 2nd amended plan filed on 1/16 is the same as the 1st amended plan. pg: c..-oL.{lo Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Feb 10, 2015 1429127 clp~ ~. ~ ;;otfO'. RAUL MARTIN JR (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ~'6 Confirm 2 A Plan 1429124 ~ IBAN M IPARRAGUIRRE (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan 1429115 ~ GEANNCO R ROJAS FLORES (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Ifmotion to val granted, Confirm I A Plan, lfnot Cont to 3/10 1428969 DIXIS GONZALEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP pg: c...oI..j'1 Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Feb 10, 2015 1428939 GUMERCINDA A FLORES (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. Confirm 1 A Plan 1428816 -q IRMA MANTILLA OGDEN (RI CARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. Ifmotion to val granted, Confirm 1 A Plan, flnot Cont to 3/10 1428773 (it (Jc11, ;}~-) PIERRE TITTLEY (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan 1428772 LUCARNE NORELUS (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Ifmotion to val granted, Confirm 1 A Plan, flnol Cont to 3/10 pg: ~-Ot.{ ~ Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1428603 "t$'<oO(P,S{ 1:35 PM CHANOCH SASSON ORA SASSON (JOANN M. HENNESSEY, ESQUIRE ON PAGE ~' Aty cal/ed~- for prehearing Continue to 3/10: Due on or before Spm on 2/20: a) object/confto POC #l(plan pays Bank of America instead of Nationstar Mortgage and plan underpays arrears and does not maintain payments to secured creditors) 1428582 YELINA CISNEROS Aty called (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. for prehearino >;;) ~ CO<th\1f f, 1 itP - (dtb1u< {e~~W() ~ Cc~b.&x0 debtor failed to: remove 2nd vehicle from eMI line 27(a) - debtor can only drive one vehicle at a time 1428550 . (. 4 ' dO.CD) JOANN SCOTT (SAMIR MASRI, ESQUIRE Continue to 3/10: Due on or before Spm on 2/20: a) Amend plan to correct missing monthly payment (sib 4-48) 1428463 MARILYN ANN SMITH (MICHAEL S. HOFFMAN, ESQUIRE Continue to 3/10: Due on or before Spm on 2/20: a) Amend Plan to fund months 6-36 (2A Plan does not fund) Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1428281 1:35 PM VICTOR ZELAYA (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE If lAP filed amending plan to list trustee months to be paid as 60, Confirm lAP, Ifnot Cont to 3/10 1428096 4f II 'J1. 00 GASTON NUNEZ (TOMAS A. PILA Continue to 3/10: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: 1) 1A Plan does not fund months 13-60, Amend plan to fund. 1428089 ~ ~-P dO 76 , q '7 ERNESTO ESPINOSA (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Atv called fo~ prehearin8 Docs/Amendments by 5pm Friday 2/13/15 or D/W/P 180 days [ (J\(~}.s t' II V1VJDJ 1428079 ."",Ul<lXU:S IU Ku:es(J[ved: ! " , a) file LMM motion, b) obj/conform to c1#2 RALPH Z AARON MARIA J RICO AARON (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. Continue to 3/10: Due on or before 5pm on 2120: 1) Provide receipts check # 106 ($2,335) and #111 ($2,100) spent on living expenses or amend plan to increase Chapter 7 test pg: 0.-050 Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Feb 10, 2015 1427939 4$ 7[PO . <:g 1 MARIELA ZAPATA (VERNA POPO, ESQUIRE If motion to waive WDO granted, Confirm Plan 1427867 l$ II d 1 , L{ ~ JOSE 0 LLARENA (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE Continue to 3/1 0: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: 1) Amend plan to conform to POC #5 arrears or object to claim and remove from plan 1427826 6pW)-Pi MARC A PETIT (MARY REYES, ESQ. ~ lp 7'1 .70 () -,-' Confirm lA Plan 1427813 1i> )(P 7q . c( ( WENDDY MARQUEZ (THOMAS WILLIS, ESQUIRE Confirm 3A Plan pg: c.-oS \ Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1427761 J$ J ~51 .';;[0 1:35 PM HETHA I ANDERSON (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Confirm 5A Plan [EcfNo, 66] 1427452 ~ EMILY JANE GONZALES (IMAN I. ABOUELAZM, ESQUIRE . /.p5' Aty caller\ for preheann8 1427413 1f> /,., <'- ~ -:S6f,6 d- ABEL PEREZ (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. Confirm 3A Plan 1427076 :1$ 167, 00 ALFREDO CAMPS Aty called "or prehearing (SANDRA NAVARRO, ESQ Continue to 3/10: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: pg: e -OS~ Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1426981 (:tf lPti. Oq ) 1:35 PM STEFANO SBARAGLIA ANGELA I SBARAGLIA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearing ~{~O Wal)O ~::z J120 .. 1) D br )~ ~>iD PCC=tfc/ 1426854 (fi M/,/o) ELOY GERARDO REYES NORMA GRACIELA HERRERA (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE ON ArJi~ SEE P!\GE ~"(J _. , Aty called for prehearing Continue to 3/10; Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: 1) Amend plan to unstep attorney fees. 1426846 (.}p J1"Y? .(iLl ') EVELIO PEREZ (MARY REYES, ESQ. If motion to value granted, Confirm 3A Plan 1426745 (NICOLE E. FLORIN, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearing Confirm~ Plan Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1426716 MARTA A LOPEZ PEDRO E GONZALEZ (RICHARD ADAMS, ESQ. 1: 35 PM ALSOONAM IS ) If objection to claim sustained, Confirm 2A Plan 1426701 CARLOS A ARGUELLO BARBARA Y ARGUELLO (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Cont to 3/10: on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) amend plan to fund month 4 - 6 ($1745.83), b) fix typo on payments to Wells 7 - 59 and 37 - 60. c) written agreement from creditor to lump sum payment 1426629 -tJ; 3/00. 00 DANIEL CASABONA (JOSE P. FUNCIA, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearing Docs/Amendments by 5pm Friday 2/13/15 or D/W/P 180 days m200/unsecured 0 $150/pro bono Debtor failed to: a) provide wife's bank stmts 4123-7123 (debtor uses acct), b) FMV of vehicles, c) BDQ, d) LF67, e) amend 2016(b) to disclose fees, f) amend eMI to disclose wife's income business income), g) Trustee objects to keeping investment property with no rental income 1426446 ~ dOO 00 < ADOLFO DEL CASTILLO (JORDAN E BUBLICK, ESQUIRE If fee app granted confirm 3 A Plan Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1426439 1:1 13'f5ti' . d6~ 1:35 PM KERMIT D AUSTIN (ROBERT A. STIBERMAN, ESQUIRE Cont to 3/1 0: on or before Spm on 2/20: a) amend plan to fund ($340.14 month 6 - 8 and $2865.96 month 7 - 60) and motion to pay TPP outside plan 1426392 ZENIA RAQUEL RUB I 'nUJFfJlIEiS r(})BLJ. TO EXEiVWTHJN;:, RONY ALEXIS VARGAS (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE Cord ~/JD k£ ~~D(U/O : provide evidence of household size and income of all adults (over 18) (P\(';c~c~~ J 1426371 (ANDRES MONTEJO, ESQUIRE Confirm 4 A Plan 1426002 ~, ~~ OJ7.d(y RUBEN DARIO PAULA (LUIS A. HUGUET, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearing I CW ::;/ ro ifn ve cont to 3/10 '. , ..\ \ Due on or before Spm on 2120: a) amend plan to fund I bJ"H ~ 1'YfrV' (M'iC ~.5 ACTION REQUESTED BY NOON ON 2/9 "!;{.k)1t,) d16lA.OS.p 2n(~ rn(j(-tcp-~ pg: c....-OSS Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1425828 15;- -"::;> 7(/ OJ' (\ 1:35 PM EARLY PHILLIP PAGE (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE If obj sustained and fee app granted Confirm 4 A Plan 1425764 (;U xP-S. 'i)",~j~ RODOLFO HECHAVARRIA (THOMAS WILLIS, ESQUIRE (AI rn+ dv~+;Jav( Docs/Amendments by Spm Friday 2/13/1S or D/W/P l~O days $ $200/unsecured D $1 SO/pro bono Debtor failed to: obj/conform to claim #2 and #3 1425727 ~ f Fi rYl+ HENRY GENELUS (ROBERT A. STIBERMAN, ESQUIRE chc~. fod(w( Confirm 2 A Plan 1425626 ~ I rr7~' . 1'3 MARIO J CONCEPCION (HAVEN DEL PINO, ESQUIRE f·rf?~ iF~,i{!F:iVr'~?"~"r('~\~\: c· . '. . Aty called for prehearing confirm 1 A Plan pg: ~ ... oS~ Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1425370 1:35 PM AYAZ HAIDER ZAIDI # 1736 :2,& (DAVID C. RUBIN, ESOUIRE) Docs/Amendments by 5pm Frid~y 2/13/15_0,r ?/W/P 180 days 0 $200/unsecured~50/pro Aty called , ..Jor preheanng / bono a) amend plan to disclose Ocwen address in stripdown box; b)amend plan to pay disposable income; c) file LF 67 on docket; d) affidavit of rent; e) amend plan to include IVL; e) creditor in plan not listed on schedules or filed POC (Ocwen acct#4762; f) is ocwen in stripdown box a first mortgage? g) amend plan to provide number of payments, 2 nd amended plan states 0 months but plan pays 60 months. Amend plan to state that number of months being paid is 60; h)Issues associated with Motion to value ECF #42: motion states secured creditor is Indymac secured at $290,000. However plan does not pay Indymac per the Motion to value and does not list Indymac in the stripdown box. Instead, Indymac is in the secured creditor portion of the plan paying only $80,000. 1425319 Ji)1d-,S~ UiOo JULIO RODRIGUEZ JOANA TADIFA TRIGO-RODRIGUEZ (MARK S. STEINBERG ) C~ 3(10 s,Bi~i~: P.xv d~ ,2/I/}. ttl( )OC)<1r;; l\(lVYJ Debtor failed to: a) amend CMI to correct line 30 ($383.67) and amend plan to pay CMI line 59 per amended CMI, b) Ch 7 liquidation calculation with evidence of valuation and payoff of non-homestead property, c) gift of $4700.00 add to CH 7 liquidation, d) extra curriculare activity of $131.95 not reasonable and necessary 1425221 '11 V60, 00 u(jO MARCUS FELIPE RAVELO JANET RAVELO (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. !fob) to elm #1 & #8 sustained, Confirm 2 A Plan, Ifnot Cont to 3/10 1425176 ~Iqlo,/d- ROBERT R. BLANCO (ANDREW BELLINSON, ESQ . .t=.._.,' .....S ' Ch.--l: <6) i-O) yl~'() -r-1-t~ ~tct1 t. p:>/( -~~S a T resolved: a) expenses objectionable-reduce to basic, b) provide info on SOFA #10 & tolling waiver, FMV of firearms, d) provide copy of life ins policy, e) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditors, f) Amend SOFA to include business loan to wife iao $10,000 g) bank statements, #9272/2419 (6/18-7/1), h) spouse's wages not disclosed, i) Vehicle insurance on P&L but also schedule J as an expense-double dip (lbusiness van $600/m?), j) Provide breakdown of employees salaries (per P&L $21,750 in 4 months), k) Still need balance sheet, I) Need title to 95 Nissan to verifY TBE, m) Provide case law showing there is TBE in South Carolina-re: real property pg: ~~oS7 Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1425114 1:35 PM RAUL ENRIQUEZ DIAZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE If obj sustained confirm 1 A plan 1424511 /u- 10k-;: ('>t In J NORMA FLORIVAL \. (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. uJ 3j. /~' ) DISMISSED 1424443 ~ ,?x5.~'l/ . LP '5 ALEJANDRO RAFAEL GOTERA (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 3/10: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) According to the P & L provided for the time period of October to December of2014 the net come is $36,493.95 1 3= $12,164.33 per month. Where did $6,000 income per month on the CMI come from? Amend CMI to correct income to $12,164.33 per month. b) CMI #9, what is BSI Financial $3828, Chase $3828, Chase Auto $3828? Why are these items listed in housing and utilities expenses? Where did the total housing expense of $5, 138.00 per month come from? According to debtors plan the total payments for the homestead property's 1st and 2nd mortgage is $3,027.91 per month c) CMI #33: amend to correct amounts, BSI should be $2,338.99 and Facebank should be $688.92 and amend plan to pay resulting disposable income. ARTURO CASTILLO MAYRA EGIDO (RICHARD ADAMS,ESQ. Cont to 3/10: on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) amend plan to surrender or conform to amount due under note (debtor did not complete mediation) pg:~-OS<6 Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1424433 1:35 PM FERNANDO JR SUAREZ SOLIS ALSO ~ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE 76 Aty called for prehearing ~3jiD '. cLUJ) d /!)D funwd/ ph,n ]72 Q,dd 1424317 c1i: mma] CAlc/)izx c/hcUlP 'J:tGit:J.. LUZ MARGOT RINCON 1 7 1. 51") (OMAR J. ARCIA, ESQUIRE ./ Confinn 5 A Plan 1424251 ADELINE JEAN TOUSSAINT (LYNDA C. AMADI, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearif1u ,I Docs/Amendments by~~4::"(34:l5 or D/W/P 180 days JY1'200/unsecured 0 $150/pro bono C~I f') '" [+rep \'"\ttQ ) . /t CLLlQ d 20: 1423961 Remains Unresolved: a) bank statements #5494 (3/23-6/23), b) FMV of vehicle (CARMAX OR NADA ONLY), c) calculation of income, d) LF90, e) provide 40lk stmt, f) obj/conform to cl#4 & DE#50, g) Provide payment advices 90 days prepetition, h) File LMM motion, i) Amend plan to pay CH7 of $9,803 NATHALIE D MAASS (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. confinn 3 A Plan Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1423849 apm ~JY 1:35 PM LIMOR OZ (ROBERT A. STIBERMAN, ESQUIRE *13)&,?;U; Dismiss: Debtor failed to: amend plan to fund month 6 - 60 ( $ 2,392.49 1423505 }j; . 2r-,-, . '0'00<1. f -1 GERSHWIN BLYDEN DONNA BLYDEN (TREY MILLER, ESQUIRE ALSO ONAM@ ) cont to 3/10, mtn pending 1423426 -1$ }(YJ. 00 ROXANA C OCHOA (SADY PI CART , ESQ ,~7L~~~, /\ty called , y prer1eanr Wi'JO If obj sustained confirm LjA plan 1423140 }j; ~ , ~ ~ ARMAND HERMAN MESSINA SHAYNE NUNNERY MESSINA (ROBERT BOLLINGER, ESQ Confirm 3 A Plan pg: c.-OLt:>O Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1422635 ~ ,03 1: 35 PM FATINA SALEM Aty called for prehearing (EDWARD FREIRE, ESQ. cont to 3110 obj pending 1422554 1); /{)«;6,3 L/ LARRY JOSEPH MOSS KATTYUZHKA MORALES MOSS (SAMIR MASRI, ESQUIRE Confinn 4 A Plan 1422551 ( -fJ, c( ?-f'1. i.f 0') NARCISO MONTERO (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE IS+I/ called 0,-,,; prehearing t (.) rO+ec \0o \Jtf~a\d C0,A...VO-'Ct-iCOI ().. cifC;UC-t I \ ,.::;;;\1\rf\fY1 'Po.mcve.d ~i('.«J 'vlQ.{") Dismiss: Debtor failed to: a) obj/confto POC #4 Citi Mortgage, b) amend plan to add 3% interest to IRS 1421515 AMPARO ZAIDA HERNANDEZ (RICARDO A. RODRIGUEZ, ESQ. Confirm 2AP pg: ~ ... O(Q\ Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1421349 (Jf 3-r I. SO,-) 1:35 PM RAYMOND MILFORT OLGA REGINA MILFORT (ROBERT C. MEYER, ESQUIRE ALSO ) Aty called for prehearin f:.. Continue to 3/10: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) Per Order ECF#101 Debtors may only keep the investment property if it pays for itself. Schedules have not been amended to reflect that any income is received from the investment property and no affidavit of rent has been provided to prove rental income. Therefore, trustee objects to the debtor keeping the rental property. Amend schedules to reflect rental income and provide affidavit of rent or remove property from stripdown box as it does not pay for itself. b) Address feasibility issue 1421309 JUAN ANTONIO URBANO VERONICA DELGADO-URBANO (DANIEL M KEIL, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON If obj sustained confirm 1 A plan (objection pending since 8/14) 1421110 FRANCISCO JOSE ZAMORA WANA C ALMAGUER ZAMORA (JOHN A. MOFFA, ESQUIRE cE~!led tor prehearing C~ "YO a/fO motion pending 1J 112-, 1420884 TOMMY L OTIS (EDUARDO E. DIEPPA III, ESQUIRllso If obj sustained confirm 3 A plan Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1420513 (It 1?o'V .q(} ') 1: 35 PM CARLOS FUENTES (JANIlT C. TACORONTIl , ESQ If obi to elm #10 sustained, Confirm SAP, flnot Cont to 3/10 1420444 6frn ~fy' JEANETTE ROSSELLO (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE ~(LpLpl, ~3 Confirm 3AP 1420309 <5prn ~f' 'It) l(J'.r~iV~~»rirM(j,I~ri.~~ PATRICK G FLEMMINGS Aty C?I!~"J for prenv,-" (IKECHI REID, ESQUIRE Jt, L/q 70, (/)-. £1 Dismiss debtor failed to amend plan to fund ( $ 1,245.23 ) 1420008 1$ 1073, l{ L( MARC JOSUE MATHIEU (JORDAN E BUBLICK, ESQUIRE Per judge continue 3/10 until mediation concluded: Still need c) Amend plan to pay MMM payments to month 60, d) Amend plan to clarify attorneys fees, 1) Large deposits on ban1e statements of over $9, OOO/month but claims $2, OOO/month income, g) Inventory of business livestock not provided - explain paid to whom and copy of contract for a) and b) a) Provide explanation with prooffor©cash withdrawal on 412 iao $1,000,1417 iao $1,500, 4/8 iao $1;500, 4/23 iao $1,020,.b) Explain large deposit on 3/13 iao $3,000, 3/21 iao $2,350, 3125 iao $2,000, 3/31 iao $5,000, 4117 iao 3,000,4125 iao $4,000 pg: C--otp5 Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1: 35 PM Feb 10, 2015 1419346 (.Ji, 16"?:>O, on) JUAN F RIVERA ALSO ) (JORDAN E BUBLICK, ESQUIRE HAlJO Aty callea forp rSlear'/(jr I ,'j \' b 1» 1419341 Ct£P cl1cd1J + 12t&.o ~lMI)c1> cpnf; (kif) 5f/1 ApkzufJ MARIA P PALACIO DE VI~~Mo (Ji; 36l / . u'{) (RICARDO .!!6-...~ A. RODRIGUEZ, ESQ. If mtn granted confirm plan 1418921 (ft60 _00) MARK E WONDERLY (JORDAN E BUBLICK, ESQUIRE ) ALSO If agreed order granting ECF #94 uploaded as per hearing on 1113, Confirm 5th Amended Plan JAVIER RAUL MARRERO (JANET C. TACORONTE, ESQ Cont to 3/1 0: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) amend plan to pay MMM in plan pg: c.~()tp~ Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1418464 1:35 PM WERLAND LOUIS Aty called for prehearin8 1J; d~<? 7 .0D (MATISYAHU ABARBANEL, ESQUIRE Cont to 3/10: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) !prof- ~: \ PP-~ ~ ~~{e~ ml1\'-\h~c:t-~Ct..dt) 1417104 KIMBERLY JOANN KOCONIS t~lSO (HENRY HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE ) Aty called for prehearing CJ)\J 51 (() I UUIJ 'p0{)ct()~ If obj sustained :confirm 3 A plaR 1417059 °fry\. -i)-/~ RAFAEL GUEVARA LIDIA GONZALEZ GUEVARA (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. !iFj # <( 3'-11 . O~ Continue to 3/10: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) amend plan to fix typo on attorney fees 1416968 #> ~1cr, 10 GUIDO JOSE INTRIAGO SUNIGA (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 3/10: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) As per SOFA 18, INTRIUNF Corp is active, provide proof business is closed or provide P&L and Balance Sheet, b) calculation of income, c) Provide proof of household sizel income of all adults, d) Provide evidence and calculation ofCMI line #9, #11, #16, e) Amend plan to pay secured creditor One Miami East from month 1, t) Debtor claims Fiance in household and claims expenses for vehicle but no income on CMI or Sch I, amend to disclose Fiances income, g) Provide proof that $18,000 was given to friend and did not belong to debtor, Why was debtor holding funds for friend? (Checks made out to debtor), h) Where did $14,000 deposit come from?, i) Why is franchise business not listed on schedules? Amend Schedules to disclose franchise, j) What is Gir sixcc? Is this debtors franchise? Provide value of franchise, k) Amend plan to pay Chp 7 of $51 ,511 (Sch Bassets $29,511, to friend $18,000, tolling waiver $4,000-does not include value of franchise still to be provided by debtor) pg: C-OIo6 Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Feb 10, 2015 1416776 (1f '~f /6 d 10 TRACY MICHELLE HOLLIMAN ~ .~. . J{) ) (LATONIA D. JACKSON, ESQUIRE Continue to 3/10: Due on or before Spm on 2/20: a) serve motion to value and set for hearing (ECF #102) 1416686 -1J Lp~ j . 07 AURTHER L POPE SHEILA L POPE (JORDAN E BUBLICK, ESQUIRE Continue to 3/10: Due on or before Spm on 2/20: a) Per ruling on 1/13/14 upload order granting ECF #125 motion to compromise controversy and providing that $6,167.00 of the funds received by the debtors will go to pay the unsecured creditors b) Amend plan to provide an additional $6,167.00 to unsecured creditors as a result of ECF#125 for a total of $17,917.00 to unsecured creditors. c) Amend plan to add inheritance language 1415397 $ 117&.70 JORGE ARZA ·n.UJS'n(:lfr~s (m,lL. ·T~)K7\Ervn»TftOI"g.;; (ALBERTO M. CARDET, ESQUIRE Docs/Amendments by 5pm Friday 2/13/15 or D/W/P 180 days t~f$200/unsecured 0 $150/pro bono . 1415249 6pYh iY4$ .~(j)Lp fixmallllS umt:~uIV""'. aJ DanK statements for account #4725 (2/8-3/7) b) Provide calculation of income, c) Provide proof of household size and income New Issues: d) Amend Sch I to include affidavit of rent provided, e) Provide bank statements for savings account #9107 (12/7-3/7), f) Amend Sch B to add bank account #9107, g) Obj/Conform to C1m #7 ADRIAN BARZOLA (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE .30 Voluntarily dismissed pg: c-~LQ Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1415116 1$ ?J'2LtL; , 71..0 1:35 PM MARC E HILAIRE MARIE M HILAIRE (JOANN M. HENNESSEY, ESQUIRE 9ismiss "debtor failed to~an to fimd (meath-&4ees not mnd) 6pmt>r 'lj;~;;J2;iEii:CS ORJ;,.LI!'()i K)G:\VHj'il'r.ur"'~t";Aty called HEIDY FERNANDEZ 1414985 for prehearing (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. 4:~ l/7Q6, Ory '1 6OJ.--p (f/{' J "1 ~./', VI -t:cJ ~1 ~ • I'onfirm 3 A Plan if mtn granted per plan (w aying PMI after loan reduced to 78% of value month 15) HENRY A LOPEZ 1414699 f~ II q7. q ~ j ~ ~.C\ G{CW{ (VERNA POPO, ESQUIRE Continue to 3/10: Due on or before 5pm on 2/20: a) Amend plan to pay secured creditor IRS 3% interest 1414001 (1/. ') 76<5 ."t, O~ MERCEDES SAN GERMAN LOur SA. HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE pg: C... ~'7 Aty called for prehearing Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1413488 ,,6pmpy 1:35 PM MUSTAPHA MAHMOUD RAHAL RANDA MUSTAPHA RAHAL (JARED J. KULLMAN, ESQUIRE &0 ,~ /5731';; , '3 1 Continue to 3/10: G.nd CO,,~v~ <'" hccyvJ (Nde~' Due on or before Spm on 2/20: a) obj/conform to Clm #16, b) Amend plan to pay regular HOA payments to month 60 1413 2 5 7 ~ D' ELIONNY BLANCO 'o"j'''',r-)r,''T,?';(;'l(';; q',i~~ ~ '""ii',}' t;~/'{ F\'"i~;';'T",iJ"i'i\;'!', Aty called JULIA BLANCO R t~,~, ,'III, ~'",~,c, ,:" l,h.U<'. 1, '''' ,--, I,,' .. \i, ," , (DESIREE CALAS-JOHNSON, ESQ.) ., forpreheanng, (::;/JO - d..uQ ()./:;o (W:>I'/ eeL!'.>)) i 'TD (bbrJ.L\ ; ,,,,,A ~nresolved: de'ti~2;fs f'~ (> (tt-~\t:OI(" (LQ~c..\ S~J....9L» a) Trustee requested that pay the liquidation test of $26,393, I~esponse 't~ t&is request, the debtors have filed amended schedules loweA1g the value of their assets (ECF #64), Household goods lowered from $2,300 to $1,700, value of personal books and frames has been completely removed, value of clothing has been reduced, value of wedding bands has been completely removed and jewelry lowered from $1,150 to $200, value oflandscaping trailers reduced from $1,700 to $150, landscaping equipment value lowered from $1,500 to $550. Provide valuation of landscaping equipment, jewelry, and personal goods. Provide pictures and explanations as to why assets are being reduced 1 year after filing bankruptcy. b) Based on debtors amended schedule Band C (ECF #64) the liquidation test should be $14,175.00. Plan pays $11,235.15. c) Debtors have amended their CMI to reduce their income (ECF#65) without providing a calculation of income, an updated P & L for business or supporting proof of income and expenses. The trustee requested calculation of CMI #3, nothing has been provided. CMI #3 now lists business income of $6531.00 and business expenses of $6586.00, making the debtors's business income negative. Debtors' income has been reduced a total of$14,806.68 from the originally filed CMI without explanation. c) Debtors amended schedule J (ECF# 64) to claim expenses not previously disclosed. Provide proof of the following expenses: 6a, 15c (vehicle insurance already claimed as business expense). 1413255 MANUEL LOUREIRO IDANIA LOUREIRO (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Confirm 7 A Plan 1411568 1$ lOLl 7" 7 G RAFAEL BURGOS (KRISTEN PINTO, ESQUIRE Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT . SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1339435 1:35 PM JAMES M III GIBSON (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. , 0(> b~ SP'" -\-V lei ~~ YG~~A(1\ . ~ Sl ;;>C\ ([~ ~il \j J s ~. \rnt' t "" Dismiss C C4'f'\. debtor failed to amend plan to pay $6533.16 to unsecured creditors (same amount as prior to memos plus 112 of amount paid to attorney fees), also plan does not fund month 19 - 35 00* 1336308 b prfl -f-yJt dOO. (Y) XOCHILT MAYORGA (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Cofirm 2 A Plan 1331631 4p OLIVEROS C ARADANAS ANNABELLE E ARADANAS . 'YJ ') f.p 7 /0"-'-- (AUBREY G. RUDD, ESQUIRE OLf . 0 +f LI mf··c:fu.Q. -fadc~ Confirm 6AP 1330829 (1~ 41J;6ti . '1~ j(JAMES JUDITH SILVA ALAN POE, ESQ Dismiss: till not resolve from reinstatement Debtor iled to addre obj to confirmation (#31 filed 1115/13, reflied #41, #57, 8,#71,#78, 83) N ISSUE: 12 Plan does not fund, attorney fees are stepped, not feasible, pg:c .. Oloq Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1329719 1:35 PM STELLA GONZALEZ ~ Lll/~, {;q) (JOHN A. Aty called for prehearinq MOFFA, ESQUIRE "" U*~2JhD Appeal pending 1329476 ~ 3f.r;o . {jJ ( SARA AZOULAY (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE Continue to 311 0 waitin for District Court order 1327301 JOSE R SALAMANCA (1p :3:3 ,,£ n .oOJRI CHARD S IEGMEI STER, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearing Docs/Amendments by 5pm Frid~y 2/13115 or D/W/P 180 days 0 $200/unsecured ~150/pro bono Debtor failed to provide documents and address issues on Trustee's objection to reinstatement (ECF #81) NEW ISSUE: 2 A Plan does not fund, attor fees are stepped, MMM mortgage payment not listed in plan- 0\0"·11' 00t ,0/ , 1310973 -It l{va -- o ( . {) d- DIANA RODRIGUEZ (PRO-SE Dismiss debtor failed to file amended plan to conform to fuling (evidentiary 11121) by 1127 per bench ruling last month pg: C1~07D Draft 2/9 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Feb 10, 2015 1310164 6 pm if 1:35 PM ANGEL VELASCO GLORIA MERCEDES HINCAPIE (JOANN M. HENNESSEY, ESQUIRE 4p 7[13'/.00 If motion to convert denied confirm 9 A Plan 1234323 (Jt 16S .n) ROBERTO JOSE PEREZ OLENA A PEREZ (DANIEL M KEIL, ESQUIRE Dismiss: Debtor failed to: a) obj/conform to POC #5 and #7 JP Morgan Chase, b) upload the order with exchange of appraisals (194) CASE PENDING SINCE 10/101;12 DISMISSED 2X, DELAY DUE TO DEBTOR FAILURE TO PROSECUTE MOTIONS TO VALUE
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