Tools for Success Family Conference The 20th Annual Conference for and about Families of Children with Special Needs February 26, 2015 7:15 A.M. – 3:15 P.M. Register Now: Keynote Speakers: Gina (Terrasi) Gallagher & Patty Terrasi, “The Shut Up Sisters” University of North Florida, Adam W. Herbert University Center 12000 Alumni Drive Jacksonville FL. 32224 Tools for Success Family Conference 7:15 – 7:45: Registration 7:45 – 8:00: Welcome: Gail Roberts, Executive Director, Exceptional Education & Student Services, Duval County Public Schools 8:00 – 8:15 Employer Awards: Carly Detlefsen, Regional Transition Representative, Region 2, Project 10 8:15 – 9:30 Keynote: The Shut up Sisters 9:30- 10:00: Visit Vendors 10:00 – 11:15: Session I 11:15 – 12:30: Lunch: 12:30 – 1:45: Session II 1:45 – 2:15: Afternoon Break 2:15 – 3:30: Session III Lunch time performances by: CARD Drum –Line Palm Avenue Chorale & Rhythm Band *Indicates Mental Health CEU’s available for this session Session I 10:00 – 11:15 A.M. Grand Banquet Hall Session II 12:30 – 1:45 P.M. Session III 2:15-3:30 P.M. Welcome, Morning General Session and Lunch 1003 *Autism 101 Dr. David Childers 1027 *“Wounded Children” Trauma Informed Care Kathy Lawrence Travis Nolan *Learning Strategies for Children with ADHD Dr. Childers Carrie Fagen, M.Ed See You at the Top Travis Nolan Kathy Lawrence Christian Bryan 1059 Transition Milestones Anne Wilson Audrey Brigman New Diploma Options for Students with Disabilities Carly Detlefsen Transition Planning: Everything You Need to Know Carly Detlefsen 1073 Social Security and Government Benefits Charlotte Temple Wills, Estates & Trusts Charlotte Temple Don’t Forget to Ask Questions… Where do I Begin? Candice Rosenberg 1078 Middle School Study Strategies Carolyn Fagen 1088 1090 Choosing Quality Childcare that is Right for your Child Charlene Gross Heather Mooney Part 1: Developing and Facilitating Communication Skills within the Home and Classroom Environments Michele Bell-Badger 1095 1097 2|Page Early Steps: Traveling the Seas of Emotions Melanie Provenza *Pediatric Anxiety Stephanie Holmes, Ph.D Practical Behavior Strategies for Parents on the Home Front George Freeman Addressing Food OverSelectivity in Young Children Elise Summa Michele Bell-Badger *DSM-5 Dr. Stephanie Holmes The Library: A User’s Guide Chris Eaton Susan Mankowski Part 2: Developing and Facilitating Communication Skills within the Home and Classroom Environments Michele Bell-Badger Social Skills for Middle Schoolers Katrina Ressa Shannon Knagge IEP: What Parents Need to Know Jill Hill Fane Personal Learning Scholarship Accounts for Students with Special Needs Stephanie Love Tools for Success Family Conference Keynote Speaker No More Pencils, No More Books, No More Parent and Teacher Dirty Looks Join the sisters as they talk about the frustrations, stigmas, joys and challenges they face as parents of children with disabilities. This presentation is based on their book “Shut Up About Your Perfect Kid, a survival guide for ordinary parents of special children” (Random House, August 2010) Gina (Terrasi) Gallagher (pesty little sister) The Sister Afraid of Failure - is a Hatch award-winning freelance copywriter who resides in Massachusetts with her husband, Mike; daughters Katie and Emily; and imperfect dog Max (who has poor eye contact and a bilateral motor integration issue). Patricia Terrasi (older, "wiser" sister) The Sister Afraid of Success – is a Family Partner and the mother of daughters, Jennifer and Julianne, and sons Michael and Rocky (a dog). She has been on a diet since 1978. 3|Page Tools for Success Family Conference Breakout Session I: 10:00 – 11:15 *Autism 101 Room: 1003 Social Security and Government Benefits Room: 1073 In this session join Dr. Childers, a neurodevelopmental pediatrician, as he discusses all aspects of what autism is and how it is diagnosed. This session will explore how to maintain and build government benefits while establishing for a better quality of life. Dr. David Childers, Neurodevelopmental Charlotte Temple, Vice President for Advocacy, Pediatrician The ARC Jacksonville *“Wounded Children” Trauma Informed Care Room: 1027 Middle School Study Strategies Room:1078 In this session learn how trauma affects the brain and strategies to deal with children that might be exhibiting symptoms of trauma. 1 in 4 children encounter trauma sever enough to interfere with their learning and behavior. This session will provide tips and strategies to equip students to be organized with their school work, manage time effectively, be actively engaged in the reading process and become “test wise” Kathy Lawrence, SEDNET Project Manager Travis Nolan, SEDNET Specialist Carolyn Fagen, Clinician, UF Developmental Transition Milestones Room: 1059 Choosing Quality Childcare that is Right for your Child Room 1088 This session will review milestones that will help families transition their youth from high school to adulthood. Anne Wilson, UF Card Specialist Audrey Bringman, UF Card Specialist Pediatrics This session will include information for parents looking for childcare and some explanation of childcare rules and regulations. This differences of how centers are rated and accredited will also be discussed. Charlene Gross, Family Engagement Manager, Early Learning Coalition of Duval Heather Mooney, Success by Six Coordinator, Early Learning Coalition of Duval 4|Page Tools for Success Family Conference Breakout Session I: 10:00 – 11:15 Part 1: Developing and Facilitating Communication Skills within the Home and Classroom Environment Room: 1090 This session will focus on giving parents the tools that they need in order to develop and facilitate communication within the home and classroom environments. Michele Bell-Badger, MA. CCC-SLP, UF Health Developmental Pediatric Center Early Steps: Traveling the Seas of Emotions Room: 1097 This session will tackle the emotions and struggles that accompany parenting a child with special needs. Melanie Provenza, Family Resource Specialist, Early Steps UF 9:30 – 10:00 Please Visit the Exhibitors in the Exhibit Hall for information on Community Resources 5|Page Tools for Success Family Conference Breakout Session II: 12:30 – 1:45 *Learning Strategies for Children with ADHD Room: 1003 This session will discuss diagnosis and treatment of ADHD Wills, Estates and Trusts Room: 1073 This session will focus on the discussion for planning for the lifetime of your son or daughter with disabilities. Charlotte Temple, Vice President for Advocacy, Dr. David Childers, Neurodevelopmental The ARC Jacksonville Pediatrician Carolyn Fagen, Clinician, UF Developmental Pediatrics See You at the Top Room: 1027 *DSM – 5 Room 1088 This session will focus on the successful transition program for students with mental health issues. Come and listen to student discuss the success of the program. This session will discuss changes made from DSM – 4 to DSM – 5 that most significantly impact conceptualization of pediatric mental health conditions. Kathy Lawrence, SEDNET Project Manager Travis Nolan, SEDNET Specialist Christian Bryan, Student New Diploma Options for Students with Disabilities Room: 1059 This session will review the new standard diploma options for students with disabilities. Come get all your questions answered about the new requirements. Carly Detlefsen, Regional Transition Representative, Project 10 6|Page Stephanie Holmes, Ph.D., Clinical Director of FDLRS at UF Jacksonville Tools for Success Family Conference Breakout Session II: 12:30 – 1:45 Part 2: Developing and Facilitating Communication Skills within the Home and Classroom Environment Room: 1090 This session will feature a hands-on approach using apps found on the iPad Michele Bell-Badger, MA. CCC-SLP, UF Health Developmental Pediatric Center IEP: What Parents Need to Know Room: 1095 This session will present information on general key points parents need to know at an IEP meeting. From initial IEP to Transition IEP. Jill Hill Fane, Family Advocate, Mental Health America/ Jax System of Care Break from 1:15-2:15 Please Visit the Exhibitors in the Exhibit Hall for information on Community Resources 7|Page Tools for Success Family Conference Breakout Session III: 2:15 – 3:30 *Pediatric Anxiety Room: 1003 Transition Planning: Everything you Need to Know Room: 1059 This session will present symptoms of various anxiety disorders, examine cognitive errors commonly made in children with anxiety, and empowers parents and teachers with treatment strategies to target anxiety. This session will define, explain and identify key components of transition planning for students as they move from middle to high school and on to college and/or work. Stephanie Holmes, Ph.D., Licensed Carly Detlefsen, Regional Transition Psychologist, Division of Developmental Pediatrics, UF Jacksonville. Representative, Project 10 Practical Behavior Strategies for Parents on the Home Front Room: 1027 Don’t Forget to Ask Questions… Where Do I Begin? Room: 1073 This session will focus on practical strategies we can use to address common misbehavior in the home. We will also explore how the way we deliver intervention can help or hinder progress. This session will discuss how parents need to ask questions to gather information in order to make good educational decisions for their child. George Freeman, ESE Program Specialist, St. UF Developmental Pediatric Center Johns County School District 8|Page Candice Rosenberg, Educational Coordinator, Tools for Success Family Conference Breakout Session III: 2:15 – 3:30 Addressing Food OverSelectivity in Young Children Room: 1078 This session will include strategies from a speech-language pathologist and boardcertified behavior analyst on how to address issues such as picky eating, food aversions and other eating challenges. Elise Summa, M.A., BCBA, UF Health Social Skills for Middle Schoolers Room: 1090 This session will focus on teaching social skills to middle school student using a variety of different methods. Examples of supports will be shown as well as how to work with your child’s school. Katrina Ressa, Clinician, UF-CARD Shannon Knagge, Clinician, UF-CARD Developmental Pediatric Center Michele Bell-Badger, MA. CCC-SLP, UF Health Developmental Pediatric Center The Library: A User’s Guide Room: 1088 This engaging workshop will highlight free resources and databases available at your fingertips through the Jacksonville Public Library! Chris Eaton, Librarian Talking Book/Special Needs Library, Jacksonville Public Library Susan Mankowski, Early Childhood Specialist, Jacksonville Public Library Personal Learning Scholarship Accounts for Students with Special Needs Room: 1095 In this session you will learn the basic qualifications for the PLSA Scholarship opportunity and how parents can apply. Stephanie Love, Manager Community Outreach, Step up for Students 9|Page
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