Streamlined Inexpensive Integration of a Growth Facility and Scanning Tunneling Microscope for in situ Characterization P. Xu, D. Qi, S.D. Barber, C.T. Cook, M.L. Ackerman, and P.M. Thibadoa) Department of Physics, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Abstract The integration of a scanning tunneling microscope chamber with a sample growth facility using non-custom, commercially available parts is described. The facility also features a newly-designed magnetic wobble stick to increase the reliability of sample transfer in a costeffective manner. The limitations of silicon-based technology have become increasingly evident, leading research efforts to focus on more promising materials, such as graphene. In contrast to silicon, graphene’s most important properties reside on its surface, rather than on the characteristics of its bulk. Surface techniques, such as scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), are therefore required to manufacture and study graphene. Graphene is manufactured using a variety of methods, such as mechanical exfoliation of graphite, thermal reduction of silicon carbide, and precipitation of carbon dissolved in transition metals.1 Most recently, the production method of choice has been epitaxial growth of graphene a) Electronic mail: [email protected] -1- arXiv:1502.03800v1 [physics.ins-det] 12 Feb 2015 Measurement of the quenching and channeling effects in a CsI crystal used for a WIMP search J. H. Leea,b,∗, G. B. Kima , I. S. Seonga , B. H. Kima , J. H. Kima , J. Lia , J. W. Parka , J. K. Leea , K. W. Kima , H. Bhanga , S. C. Kima , Seonho Choia,∗∗, J. H. Choia , H. W. Jooa , S. J. Leea , S. L. Olsena , S. S. Myunga , S. K. Kima , Y. D. Kimc,d , W. G. Kangd , J. H. Soe , H. J. Kime , H. S. Leef , I. S. Hahnf , D. S. Leonardg , J. Lih , Y. J. Lih , Q. Yueh , X. R. Lii a Seoul National University, Seoul 151 - 747, Korea Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Daejeon 305-340, Korea c Center for Underground Physics, Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon 305-811, Korea d Sejong University, Seoul 143 - 747, Korea e Kyungpook National University, Daegu 702 - 701, Korea f Ewha womans University, Seoul 120 - 750, Korea g University of Seoul, Seoul 130 - 743, Korea h Tsinghua University, Beijing 10084, China i Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Beijing 100049, China b Abstract We have studied channeling effects in a Cesium Iodide (CsI) crystal that is similar in composition to the ones being used in a search for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) dark matter candidates, and measured its energy-dependent quenching factor, the relative scintillation yield for electron and nuclear recoils. The experimental results are reproduced with a GEANT4 simulation that includes a model of the scintillation efficiency as a function of electronic stopping power. We present the measured and simulated quenching factors and the estimated effects of channeling. ∗ ∗∗ [email protected] [email protected] Preprint submitted to Elsevier February 13, 2015 Low-energy antiproton physics and the FLAIR facility E. Widmann∗ Stefan Meyer Institut für subatomare Physik, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Boltzmanngasse 3, A-1090 Vienna, Austria arXiv:1502.03687v1 [physics.ins-det] 12 Feb 2015 February 13, 2015 Abstract FLAIR, the Facility for Low-energy Antiproton and Ion Research has been proposed in 2004 as an extension of the planned FAIR facility at Darmstadt, Germany. FLAIR was not included into the Modularized Start Version of FAIR, but the recent installation of the CRYRING storage ring at GSI Darmstadt has opened new perspectives for physics with low-energy antiprotons at FAIR. Keywords: low-energy antiproton physics, FAIR - Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research, FLAIR - Facility for Low-energy Antiproton and Ion Research 1 Introduction Physics with low-energy antiprotons is currently ongoing at the Antiproton Decelerator of CERN [1, 2], which started operation in the year 2000. In 2004, the low-energy antiproton community launched a new initiative for a next-generation facility called Facility for Low-energy Antiproton and Ion Research FLAIR [3, 4] at the FAIR facility that was planned to be built in Darmstadt. At that time the long-term future of CERN-AD and thus of the field of low-energy antiproton physics was uncertain, and FAIR was the only other facility planned where high-intensity cooled antiproton beams would be available. The LOI of FLAIR was approved and a Baseline Technical Report [5] was submitted and approved 2005. Thus FLAIR was included in the full FAIR facility [6] in 2009. In the following it turned out that it was much more difficult and time consuming to establish the international FAIR facility, and for the formal foundation of FAIR in 2010 the original program had to be reduced to what is called the Modularized Start Version MSV. FLAIR is not part of the MSV and was deferred to a later phase of FAIR. In the mean time, however, the successes of the physics program at the AD had convinced CERN to extend the antiproton program and a further acceleration ring called ELENA [7] which closely resembles the LSR ring of FLAIR was approved in 2011. It is currently under construction and will go into operation in 2017. In spite of not being included in the MSV, a development started by the FLAIR collaboration led to the transfer of the CRYRING storage ring from Stockholm University to GSI in 2012. CRYRING, which was chosen by FLAIR to be used as its central storage ring LSR, is now installed at GSI behind the existing ESR storage ring and is being commissioned to use highly charged ions from ESR as well as from an ion source. If a way can be found to bring antiprotons from the production target to CRYRING, physics with low-energy antiprotons can start there, Since CRYRING was designed to provide continuous beams that are not available at CERN, nuclear and particle physics type experiments could be uniquely performed there. ∗ email: [email protected] 1 MPPC versus MRS APD in two-phase Cryogenic Avalanche Detectors A. Bondar,a,b A. Buzulutskov,a,b A. Dolgov,b E. Shemyakina,a,b, * A. Sokolov,a,b a Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS, Lavrentiev avenue 11, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia Novosibirsk State University, Pirogov street 2, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia b E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT: Two-phase Cryogenic Avalanche Detectors (CRADs) with combined THGEM/GAPD multiplier have become an emerging potential technique for dark matter search and coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering experiments. In such a multiplier the THGEM hole avalanches are optically recorded in the Near Infrared (NIR) using a matrix of Geiger-mode APDs (GAPDs). To select the proper sensor, the performances of six GAPD types manufactured by different companies, namely by Hamamatsu (MPPCs), CPTA (MRS APDs) and SensL (SiPMs), have been comparatively studied at cryogenic temperatures when operated in two-phase CRADs in Ar at 87 K. While the GAPDs with ceramic packages failed to operate properly at cryogenic temperatures, those with plastic packages, namely MPPC S10931-100P and MRS APD 149-35, showed satisfactory performances at 87 K. In addition, MPPC S10931-100P turned out to be superior in terms of the higher detection efficiency, lower nose rate, lower pixel quenching resistor and better characteristics reproducibility. KEYWORDS: MPPCs, MRS APDs and SiPMs at cryogenic temperatures; Cryogenic avalanche detectors (CRADs) * Corresponding author. Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplement Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplement 00 (2015) 1–7 arXiv:1502.03653v1 [physics.ins-det] 12 Feb 2015 Status of the CUORE and results from the CUORE-0 neutrinoless double beta decay experiments M. Sistia,b,∗, D. R. Artusac,e , F. T. Avignone IIIc , O. Azzolinid , M. Balatae , T. I. Banksf,g,e , G. Barih , J. Beemani , F. Bellinij,k , A. Bersanim , M. Biassonia,b , C. Brofferioa,b , C. Buccie , X. Z. Cain , A. Camachod , A. Caminatam , L. Canonicae , X. G. Caon , S. Capellia,b , L. Cappellie,af , L. Carboneb , L. Cardanij,k , N. Casalie , L. Cassinaa,b , D. Chiesaa,b , N. Chottc , M. Clemenzaa,b , S. Copellol , C. Cosmellij,k , O. Cremonesib , R. J. Creswickc , J. S. Cushmano , I. Dafineik , A. Dallyp , V. Datskovb , S. Dell’Oroe , M. M. Deninnoh , S. Di Domiziol,m , M. L. di Vacrie , A. Drobizhevf , L. Ejzakp , D. Q. Fangn , H. A. Farachc , M. Faverzania,b , G. Fernandesl,m , E. Ferria,b , F. Ferronij,k , E. Fiorinib,a , M. A. Franceschiq , S. J. Freedmang,f,1 , B. K. Fujikawag , A. Giacheroa,b , L. Gironia,b , A. Giulianir , P. Gorlae , C. Gottia,b , T. D. Gutierrezs , E. E. Halleri,t , K. Hang , K. M. Heegero , R. Hennings-Yeomansf , K. P. Hickersonu , H. Z. Huangu , R. Kadelv , G. Keppeld , Yu. G. Kolomenskyf,g , Y. L. Lin , C. Ligiq , K. E. Limo , X. Liuu , Y. G. Man , C. Maianoa,b , M. Mainoa,b , M. Martinezw , R. H. Maruyamao , Y. Meig , N. Moggih , S. Morgantik , T. Napolitanoq , M. Nastasia,b , S. Nisie , C. Nonesx , E. B. Normany,z , A. Nucciottia,b , T. O’Donnellf , F. Oriok , D. Orlandie , J. L. Ouelletf,g , C. E. Pagliaronee,af , M. Pallavicinil,m , V. Palmierid , L. Pattavinae , M. Pavana,b , M. Pedrettiy , G. Pessinab , V. Pettinaccik , G. Pipernoj,k , C. Pirad , S. Pirroe , S. Pozzia,b , E. Previtalib , C. Rosenfeldc , C. Rusconib , E. Salaa,b , S. Sangiorgioy , N. D. Scielzoy , A. R. Smithg , L. Taffarelloaa , M. Tenconir , F. Terranovaa,b , W. D. Tiann , C. Tomeik , S. Trentalangeu , G. Venturaab,ac , M. Vignatij,k , B. S. Wangy,z , H. W. Wangn , L. Wielgusp , J. Wilsonc , L. A. Winslowu , T. Wiseo,p , A. Woodcraft1 , L. Zanottia,b , C. Zarrae , G. Q. Zhangn , B. X. Zhuu , S. Zucchelliae,h a Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit`a di Milano-Bicocca, Milano I-20126 - Italy b INFN - Sezione di Milano Bicocca, Milano I-20126 - Italy of Physics and Astronomy, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208 - USA - Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Legnaro (Padova) I-35020 - Italy e INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Assergi (L’Aquila) I-67010 - Italy f Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 - USA g Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720 - USA h INFN - Sezione di Bologna, Bologna I-40127 - Italy i Materials Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720 - USA j Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Universit` a di Roma, Roma I-00185 - Italy k INFN - Sezione di Roma, Roma I-00185 - Italy l Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit` a di Genova, Genova I-16146 - Italy m INFN - Sezione di Genova, Genova I-16146 - Italy n Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800 - China o Department of Physics, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520 - USA p Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706 - USA q INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati (Roma) I-00044 - Italy r Centre de Spectrom´ etrie Nucl´eaire et de Spectrom´etrie de Masse, 91405 Orsay Campus - France s Physics Department, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 - USA t Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 - USA u Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095 - USA v Physics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720 - USA w Laboratorio de Fisica Nuclear y Astroparticulas, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza 50009 - Spain x Service de Physique des Particules, CEA/Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette - France y Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94550 - USA z Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 - USA aa INFN - Sezione di Padova, Padova I-35131 - Italy c Department d INFN ∗ Corresponding author Email address: [email protected] (M. Sisti) 1 Deceased M. Sisti et al. / Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplement 00 (2015) 1–7 2 ab Dipartimento af di Fisica, Universit`a di Firenze, Firenze I-50125 - Italy ac INFN - Sezione di Firenze, Firenze I-50125 - Italy ad SUPA, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edimburgh, Blackford Hill, Edinburgh EH93HJ - UK ae Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit` a di Bologna, Bologna I-40127 - Italy Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Meccanica, Universit degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale, Cassino I-03043 Italy Abstract CUORE is a 741 kg array of TeO2 bolometers for the search of neutrinoless double beta decay of 130 Te. The detector is being constructed at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italy, where it will start taking data in 2015. If the target background of 0.01 counts/(keV·kg·y) will be reached, in five years of data taking CUORE will have a 1σ half life sensitivity of 1026 y. CUORE-0 is a smaller experiment constructed to test and demonstrate the performances expected for CUORE. The detector is a single tower of 52 CUORE-like bolometers that started taking data in spring 2013. The status and perspectives of CUORE will be discussed, and the first CUORE-0 data will be presented. Keywords: Double beta decay, Neutrino mass, Bolometers 1. Introduction Neutrinos are massive particles. A beautiful proof of this important property was obtained by neutrino oscillation experiments more than a decade ago. Since then, the key role of neutrinoless double beta decay searches has been established, as attested by the growing number of experimental proposals in the last years. Neutrinoless double beta decay (ββ0ν) is a proposed very rare nuclear process in which a nucleus transforms into its (A, Z+2) isobar with the emission of two electrons. While the two neutrino channel (ββ2ν) – where two neutrinos are contemporary emitted in the decay – is allowed by the Standard Model of Particle Physics and has been observed experimentally in a dozen of isotopes with half-lives of the order 1018 − 1021 y, the neutrinoless mode is a lepton number violating process which can occur only if the Majorana character of the neutrino is allowed. Therefore, ββ0ν offers a unique experimental chance to investigate still unresolved fundamental questions, since its observation would undoubtedly unveil the neutrino character, confirm lepton number violation and allow to assess the absolute neutrino mass scale with high sensitivity, thus helping point us towards the proper extension of the Standard Model [1–3]. Neutrinoless double beta decay can proceed via different mechanisms: in the case of a virtual exchange of a light Majorana neutrino between the two nucleons, the decay rate is proportional to the square of the so-called effective Majorana mass |hmββ i| (a coherent sum of neutrino mass eigenstates) [4]: 0ν −1 [T 1/2 ] = |hmββ i|2 0ν 0ν 2 G |M | m2e (1) 0ν where T 1/2 is the decay half-life, G0ν is the two-body phase-space integral, M 0ν is the ββ0ν Nuclear Matrix Element (NME), and me is the electron mass. The product F N0ν = G0ν |M 0ν |2 includes all the nuclear details of the decay and it is usually referred to as nuclear factor of merit. While G0ν can be calculated with reasonable accuracy, the NME value is strongly dependent on the nuclear model used for its evaluation so that discrepancies of about a factor 2-3 among the various theoretical calculations may be found [5–14]. Such uncertainties are of course reflected on the |hmββ i| inferred values. Experimentally one measures the energy deposited by the two electrons, which result in a peak centered at the ββ0ν candidate isotope transition energy (Qββ ). For neutrino masses in the Inverted Hierarchy region, halflives in the range 1026 − 1027 y are expected for several ββ0ν candidates [15]. This implies a few decays per 100 kg of candidate isotope per year. In a realistic experiment this faint signal must be singled out among the background events in the energy region around Qββ . Hence, the sensitivity of a given experiment critically depends on the number of spurious counts in the region of interest: for a 68% confidence level, it is defined as the decay half-life corresponding to the maximum signal that√could be hidden by a 1σ background fluctuation nB = BT ∆M, where ∆ is the FWHM energy resolution, M is the detector mass, T is the measuring time, and B is the background per unit mass, energy, and time. The experimental figure of merit is thus given by: r ln 2Nββ T MT Back.Fluct. F 0ν = T 1/2 = ∝ η (2) nB B∆ where Nββ is the number of ββ0ν decaying nuclei un- arXiv:1502.03535v1 [physics.ins-det] 12 Feb 2015 Reducing DRIFT Backgrounds with a Submicron Aluminized-Mylar Cathode J.B.R. Battata , E. Dawb , A. Dorofeevc , A.C. Ezeribeb , J.R. Foxd , J.-L. Gauvreaud , M. Golde , L. Harmond , J. Hartonc , R. Laflere , R.J. Lauere , E.R. Leee , D. Loombae , A. Lumnahd , J. Matthewse , E.H. Millere,∗, F. Moutonb , A.St.J. Murphyf , N. Phane , S.W. Sadlerb , A. Scarffb , F.G. Schuckman IIc , D. Snowden-Ifftd , N.J.C. Spoonerb , D. Walkerb a Department of Physics, Wellesley College, MA 02481, USA Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield, S3 7RH, UK c Department of Physics, Colorado State University, CO 80523, USA d Department of Physics, Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA 90041, USA e Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of New Mexico, NM 87131, USA f SUPA, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, EH9 3JZ, UK b Abstract Background events in the DRIFT-IId dark matter detector, mimicking potential WIMP signals, are predominantly caused by alpha decays on the central cathode in which the alpha particle is completely or partially absorbed by the cathode material. We installed a 0.9 µm thick aluminized-mylar cathode as a way to reduce the probability of producing these backgrounds. We study three generations of cathode (wire, thin-film, and radiologically clean thin-film) with a focus on the ratio of background events to alpha decays. Two independent methods of measuring the absolute alpha decay rate are used to ensure an accurate result, and agree to within 10%. Using alpha range spectroscopy, we measure the radiologically cleanest cathode version to have a contamination of 3.3 ± 0.1 ppt 234 U and 73 ± 2 ppb 238 U. This cathode reduces the probability of producing an RPR from an alpha decay by a factor of 70 ± 20 compared to the original stainless steel wire cathode. First results are presented from a texturized version of the cathode, intended to be even more transparent to alpha particles. These efforts, along ∗ Corresponding author Email address: [email protected], +016175714847 (E.H. Miller) Preprint submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods A February 13, 2015 Toward a solution to the RAA and v2 puzzle for heavy quarks Santosh K. Dasa,b , Francesco Scardinaa,b , Salvatore Plumaria,b , Vincenzo Grecoa,b a arXiv:1502.03757v1 [nucl-th] 12 Feb 2015 b Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Catania, Via S. Sofia 64, 1-95125 Catania, Italy and Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, INFN-LNS, Via S. Sofia 62, I-95123 Catania, Italy (Dated:) The heavy quarks constitutes a unique probe of the quark-gluon plasma properties. Both at RHIC and LHC energies a puzzling relation between the nuclear modification factor RAA (pT ) and the elliptic flow v2 (pT ) has been observed which challenged all the existing models, especially for D mesons. We discuss how the temperature dependence of the heavy quark drag coefficient is responsible to address for a large part of such a puzzle. In particular, we have considered four different models to evaluate the temperature dependence of drag and diffusion coefficients propagating through a quark gluon plasma (QGP). All the four different models are set to reproduce the same RAA (pT ) observed in experiments at RHIC and LHC energy. We point out that for the same RAA (pT ) one can generate 2-3 times more v2 depending on the temperature dependence of the heavy quark drag coefficient. An increasing drag coefficient as T → Tc is a major ingredient for a simultaneous description of RAA (pT ) and v2 (pT ). PACS: 25.75.-q; 24.85.+p; 05.20.Dd; 12.38.Mh The ongoing nuclear collision programs at Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and Large Hadron Collider (LHC) energies are expected to create a medium that behaves like a nearly perfect fluid, where the bulk properties of the matter are governed by the light quarks and gluons called Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) [1, 2]. To characterize the QGP, penetrating and well calibrated probes are essential. In this context, the heavy quarks (HQs), mainly charm and bottom quarks, play a vital role since they do not constitute the bulk part of the matter owing to their larger mass compared to the temperature created in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions (uRHIC’s) [3]. There are presently two main observables related with heavy quarks that have been measured at both RHIC and LHC energies. The first one is the socalled nuclear suppression factor RAA that is the ratio between the pT spectra of heavy flavored hadrons (D and B) produced in nucleus + nucleus collisions with respect to those produced in proton + proton collisions. More specifically at RHIC until recently has not been possible to measure directly D and B but only the leptons through their semileptonic decays. The other key observable is the elliptic flow v2 = hcos(2φp )i, a measure of the anisotropy in the angular distribution that corresponds to the anisotropic emission of particles with respect to the azimuthal angle φp . Despite their large mass, experimentally measured nuclear suppression factor RAA and elliptic flow v2 of the heavy mesons are comparable to that of light hadrons [17–20]. This is in contrast to the expectations drawn initially from the perturbative interaction of HQs with the medium which predicted a RAA ≈ 0.6 for charm quarks, RAA ≈ 0.8 − 0.9 for bottom quarks in the central collisions [11, 12] at intermediate pT . Also the v2 was predicted to be much smaller with respect to the light hadron ones [12]. Several theoretical efforts have been made in order to calculate the experimentally observed RAA [17–20] and v2 [17] for the non-photonic single electron spectra within the Fokker-Planck approach [7– 10, 15, 21, 24, 26, 34–37] and relativistic Boltzmann transport approach [16, 29–33, 49, 50]. Furthermore, also in a pQCD framework supplemented by the hard thermal loop scheme several advances have been made to evaluate realistic Debye mass and running coupling constants [16, 26] and three-body scattering effects [10, 21, 22, 25] have been implemented . It has been show [38] that the inclusion of both elastic and inelastic collisions with a dynamical energy loss formalism reduces the gap between the theoretical and experimental results for RAA as pT → 5 GeV [39, 40]. Several other improvements have been purposed [41–43] to advance the description of the data. Interaction from AdS/CFT [54] have also been implemented [24, 28, 56] to study the heavy flavor dynamics at RHIC and LHC. Essentially all the models show some difficulties to describe simultaneously both RAA (pT ) and v2 (pT ) and such a trait is not only present at RHIC energy but also in the results coming from collisions at LHC energy [20]. In this letter we will address the impact of the temperature dependence of the interaction (drag coefficient) on RAA and v2 relation simultaneously. For this we are considering four different models having different T dependent drag coefficients. For the momentum evolution of the HQ, we are using 3+1 D Langevin dynamics. We notice that the several approaches and modelings of the HQ in-medium interaction differs significantly for the T dependence of the drag coefficient they entail. One can go from a T 2 dependence of the AdS/CFT approach to a drag Crosstalk between DGP branes Rainer Dick arXiv:1502.03754v1 [hep-th] 12 Feb 2015 Department of Physics and Engineering Physics, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada SK S7N 5E2 and Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, 31 Caroline Street North, Waterloo, Canada ON N2L 2Y5 Abstract If two DGP branes carry U(1) gauge theories and overlap, particles of one brane can interact with the photons from the other brane. This coupling modifies in particular the Coulomb potentials between charges from the same brane in the overlapping regions. The coupling also introduces Coulomb interactions between charges from the different branes which can generate exotic bound states. The effective modification of the fine structure constant in the overlap region generates a trough in signals at the redshift of the overlap region and an increase at smaller or larger redshift, depending on the value of the crosstalk parameter ge g p . This implies potentially observable perturbations in the Lyman α forest if our 3-brane overlapped with another 3-brane in a region with redshift z . 6. Crosstalk can also affect structure formation by enhancing or suppressing radiative cooling. Keywords: Extensions of the Standard Model, Branes, Extra dimensions, Lyman α forest PACS: 11.25.-w, 12.60.-i, 14.80.Rt, 98.58.Db, 98.62.Ra 2000 MSC: 83.E15, 81.T30 Shortly after the inception of DGP branes, it was pointed out that at least at the classical level they can support a modified Friedmann equation which may explain accelerated expansion without dark energy [5, 6]. Stability of the self-accelerated solution has meanwhile been called into question [7], but DGP branes can nevertheless support consistent modified cosmological evolution equations which comply with standard late time FLRW evolution [5, 6, 8, 9]. On the other hand, it was found in [8] and rediscovered in [10] that DGP branes can even support the standard Friedmann equation and all the corresponding standard cosmological models on the brane, i.e. absence of cosmological signals from modified evolution equations does not rule out DGP branes. It is therefore important to also look for other possible experimental signatures of DGP branes. 1. Introduction The idea of extra dimensions has been around in theoretical physics for almost a century [1] and has been considerably expanded and reinvigorated in string theory. Furthermore, Dvali, Gabadadze and Porrati (DGP) pointed out in 2000 that we could live in a higherdimensional world with infinitely large extra dimensions hidden from plain sight because everything except gravity can only propagate on a 3-brane in the higherdimensional world [2, 3]. The idea that observation of additional dimensions does not need to be suppressed by energy thresholds, but that instead there can be consistent restrictions of matter fields to submanifolds of a higher-dimensional universe was a significant advancement of our understanding of higher dimensions. Therefore we denote a 3-brane carrying matter fields in an ambient spacetime with gravitational degrees of freedom as a DGP brane, including also e.g. 3-branes in cascading gravity models [4]. At this point we do not specify the background gravitational theory because we are interested in electromagnetic effects on the branes. In the present paper I would like to draw attention to the fact that overlap of DGP branes at or after reionization can generate perturbations in the Lyman α forest in the direction of the overlap region. This is based on the observation that particles from our brane can couple to photons from a U(1) gauge theory on the second brane, thus impacting Coulomb interactions in the overlap region. This phenomenon of possible mixing of gauge Email address: [email protected] (Rainer Dick) 1 arXiv:1502.03689v1 [nucl-th] 12 Feb 2015 Charge splitting of directed flow and charge-dependent effects in pion spectra in heavy ion collisions A. Rybicki1 , A. Szczurek1,2 , M. Klusek-Gawenda1 , M. Kielbowicz3 1 H.Niewodnicza´nski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Radzikowskiego 152, 31-342 Krak´ow, Poland 2 University of Rzesz´ow, Rejtana 16, 35-959 Rzesz´ow, Poland 3 The Tadeusz Ko´sciuszko Cracow University of Technology, Warszawska 24, 31-155 Krak´ow, Poland February 13, 2015 Abstract The large and rapidly varying electric and magnetic fields induced by the spectator systems moving at ultrarelativistic velocities induce a charge splitting of directed flow, v1 , of positive and negative pions in the final state of the heavy ion collision. The same effect results in a very sizeable distortion of charged pion spectra as well as ratios of charged pions (π + /π − ) emitted at high values of rapidity. Both phenomena are sensitive to the actual distance between the pion emission site and the spectator system. This distance dE appears to decrease with increasing rapidity of the pion, and comes below ∼1 fm for pions emitted close to beam rapidity. In this paper we discuss how these findings can shed new light on the space-time evolution of pion production as a function of rapidity, and on the longitudinal evolution of the system created in heavy ion collisions. 1 The critical behavior of hadronic matter: Comparison of lattice and bootstrap model calculations∗ L. Turko† Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Wroclaw, pl. Maksa Borna 9, 50-204 Wroclaw, Poland Statistical bootstrap model and the related concept of the limiting temperature begun the discussion about phase transitions in the hadronic matter. This was also the origin of the quark-gluon plazma concept. We discuss here to which extend lattice studies of QCD critical behavior at non-zero chemical potential are compatible with the statistical bootstrap model calculations. Keywords: Statistical bootstrap model, lattice QCD thermodynamics, critical temperature arXiv:1502.03647v1 [hep-lat] 12 Feb 2015 I. ROLF HAGEDORN - SOME PERSONAL IMPRESSIONS ”A fireball consists of fireballs, which in turn consist of fireballs, and so on. . . .” - that was the leading sentence from the famous CERN Yellow Report 71-12 where Rolf Hagedorn presented in details leading ideas and results of his Statistical Bootstrap Model (SBM)[1]. I met this Report in late 70’ having yet some scientific experience both in quantum field theory as well as in the theory of high energy multiproduction processes. Starting from the beginning I’ve realized that I was reading something unusual. I was impressed by the elegance and precision of the presentation. It was quite obvious for me that the author had spent a lot of time on discussions to clarify his arguments. Some questions were answered before I could even think about them. All was achieved without overusing of mathematical formalism, although all presentation was mathematically very rigorous. The author, however, used as simple and natural mathematical tools as possible, without going into complex jungle of formulae and multilevel definitions. It was also clear visible that the model, all its architecture and equipment is a one man project - Rolf Hagedorn. And the most important point - the new idea was presented. I was not sure at that time - is this right or wrong one - but that was the idea not to be ignored. It was a nice answer for the long standing question - how effectively describe basic structure of matter, i.e. here hadronic matter. We knew the whole hierarchy - nuclei, nucleons, elementary particles, quarks Any if those levels pretended at some time to be the ”real” elementary one. The SBM didn’t try to answer for the question about basic constituents. It just pointed out that this would be a wrong question. I met Rolf Hagedorn in CERN in 1979. It was about two years later. I was quite convinced yet that time to the idea of statistical bootstrap. I saw there also a good place to continue - at least as the way of thinking. I tried also to get some deeper knowledge of statistical physics which was earlier for me rather obscure subject in the domain of strong interactions. I also convinced my PhD student at that time, Krzysztof Redlich, that this mixture of statistical physics and theory of elementary particles could be a very fruitful and interesting subject. Traveling to CERN I was quite excited to meet the physicist whose papers were giving me not only scientific but also quite esthetic experience. In short: personal meetings with Hagedorn were even more interesting then reading his papers. He was a man of great general culture, very polite but also expecting well prepared arguments in discussions. From other side he was very open to present his reasoning, his calculations - even those being on a preliminary level. His hand-written notes were famous - in an almost calligraphic script, nicely written formulae, alternative arguments. He handed those notes to collaborators - it was as you received a chapter of an advanced textbook. After two years our relations rapidly changed. The martial law, introduced in Poland in December 1981, not only made impossible my stay in CERN expected on Spring 1982, but also put me first in internee camp, then in jail. I was not only scientist at that time who found himself in such a unexpected surrounding. And it was Rolf Hagedorn, who without any delay, just in first days of martial low, co-initiated in CERN campaign to free internee or jailed physicists in Poland. Posters with photos and names were posted on walls of TH division, signatures of protest were collected, letters of protest were sent to Polish officials. When we met again in 1989 we still kept our relations, not only on scientific but also on a friendly level. Looking now back I must admit that Rolf Hagedorn was among those who shaped my profile - not only as a scientist, but also as a man. He was definitely worth to follow - in any respect. I am very happy I had the possibility to be close with such an exceptional scientist and an exceptional man. Man of honor. ∗ to appear in R. Hagedorn and J. Rafelski (Ed.), ”Melting Hadrons, Boiling Quarks”, Springer Verlag 2015 address: [email protected] † Electronic Symmetry improvement of 3PI effective actions for O (N) scalar field theory Michael J. Brown and Ian B. Whittingham arXiv:1502.03640v1 [hep-th] 12 Feb 2015 College of Science, Technology and Engineering, James Cook University, Townsville 4811, Australia∗ (Dated: February 12, 2015) n-Particle Irreducible Effective Actions (nPIEA) are a powerful tool for extracting nonperturbative and non-equilibrium physics from quantum field theories. Unfortunately, practical truncations of nPIEA can unphysically violate symmetries. Pilaftsis and Teresi (PT) addressed this by introducing a “symmetry improvement” scheme in the context of the 2PIEA for an O (2) scalar theory, ensuring that the Goldstone boson is massless in the broken symmetry phase [A. Pilaftsis and D. Teresi, Nuclear Physics B 874, 2 (2013), pp. 594–619.]. We extend this idea by introducing a symmetry improved 3PIEA for O (N ) theories, for which the basic variables are the one-, twoand three-point correlation functions. This requires the imposition of a Ward identity involving the three-point function. We find that the method leads to an infinity of physically distinct schemes, though a field theoretic analogue of d’Alembert’s principle is used to single out a unique scheme. The standard equivalence hierarchy of nPIEA no longer holds with symmetry improvement and we investigate the difference between the symmetry improved 3PIEA and 2PIEA. We present renormalized equations of motion and counter-terms for two and three loop truncations of the effective action, though we leave their numerical solution to future work. We solve the Hartree-Fock approximation and find that our method achieves a middle ground between the unimproved 2PIEA and PT methods. The phase transition predicted by our method is weakly first order and the Goldstone theorem is satisfied, while the PT method correctly predicts a second order phase transition. In contrast, the unimproved 2PIEA predicts a strong first order transition with large violations of the Goldstone theorem. We also show that, in contrast to PT, the two loop truncation of the symmetry improved 3PIEA does not predict the correct Higgs decay rate although the three loop truncation does, at least to leading order. These results suggest that symmetry improvement should not be applied to nPIEA truncated to < n loops. We also show that symmetry improvement schemes are compatible with the Coleman-Mermin-Wagner theorem, giving a check on the consistency of the formalism. PACS numbers: 11.15.Tk, 11.30.-j, 05.10.-a Keywords: nPI effective action, symmetry improvement, scalar field theory I. INTRODUCTION The recent demands of non-equilibrium field theory applications in particle physics, cosmology and condensed matter have led to a renaissance in the development of novel field theory methods. The S-matrix school, rebooted in the guise of spinor-helicity methods, has led to a dramatic speedup in the computation of gauge theory scattering amplitudes in vacuum [1]. On the finite temperature and density fronts, efficient functional methods in the form of n-particle irreducible effective actions (nPIEA) have proven useful to understand collective behaviour and phase transitions [2]. They are similar in spirit to methods based on Schwinger-Dyson equations in field theory or BBGKY (Bogoliubov-BornGreen-Kirkwood-Yvon) equations in kinetic theory however, unlike the Schwinger-Dyson or BBGKY equations, nPIEA naturally form closed systems of equations of motion without requiring any closure ansatz [3–5]. nPIEA methods can be understood as a hybrid of variational and perturbative methods: nPIEA consist of a series of Feynman diagrams, however the propagators and vertices of these diagrams are the exact 1- through n-point ∗ [email protected] proper connected correlation functions which are determined self-consistently using variational equations of motion. This self-consistency effectively resums certain classes of perturbative Feynman diagrams to infinite order. For example, the one loop 2PIEA diagram corresponding to the Hartree-Fock self-energy in φ4 theory actually sums all of the so-called daisy and super-daisy graphs of ordinary perturbation theory (Figure I.1). This particular resummation is often done in the literature without the use of nPIEA, but such ad hoc resummation schemes run the risk of summing an asymptotic series: a mathematically dangerous operation (recent progress on summability has been made in resurgence theory [6], which is beyond the scope of this work). nPIEA sidestep this issue because they are defined by the rigorous Legendre transform procedure, guaranteeing equivalence with the original theory. Unlike ad hoc resummations, nPIEA based approximation schemes are placed on a firm theoretical footing and can be systematically improved. However, loop-wise truncations of nPIEA, n > 1, have difficulties in the treatment of theories with spontaneously broken continuous symmetries. The root cause of these difficulties is the fact that nPIEA obey different Ward identities than the 1PIEA. When the effective action is truncated to a finite order the equivalence between the Ward identities is lost. This can also be understood Nucleons and parity doubling across the deconfinement transition Gert Aartsa , Chris Alltona , Simon Handsa , Benjamin J¨agera, Chrisanthi Prakia, and Jon-Ivar Skullerudb b a Department of Physics, College of Science, Swansea University, Swansea SA2 8PP, United Kingdom and Department of Mathematical Physics, National University of Ireland Maynooth, Maynooth, County Kildare, Ireland (Dated: February 13, 2015) arXiv:1502.03603v1 [hep-lat] 12 Feb 2015 It is expected that nucleons and their parity partners become degenerate when chiral symmetry is restored. We investigate this question in the context of the thermal transition from the hadronic phase to the quark-gluon plasma, using lattice QCD simulations with Nf = 2 + 1 flavours. We observe a clear sign of parity doubling in the quark-gluon plasma. Besides, we find that the nucleon ground state is, within the uncertainty, largely independent of the temperature, whereas temperature effects are substantial in the negative-parity (N ∗ ) channel, already in the confined phase. Introduction – The role of discrete and continuous symmetries played a fundamental role in the development of the theory of the strong interaction, Quantum Chromodynamics. Chiral symmetry breaking and its restoration remain topical subjects, mostly due to the creation of the quark-gluon plasma at relativistic heavy-ion collision experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (CERN) and the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (BNL). It is expected that chiral symmetry will be restored at high temperature, as seen e.g. in nonperturbative studies using lattice QCD simulations [1, 2]. The combination of the discrete symmetries parity P and charge conjugation C yields the still unsolved strong CP problem. In the past decades chiral symmetry restoration at finite temperature has been studied in great detail in the mesonic sector [3]. One reason is that mesonic correlation functions are relatively easily accessible on the lattice [4, 5]. Moreover, susceptibilities related by chiral symmetry, such as in the pion and scalar meson channels, can now be computed using chiral lattice fermions [6]. Unlike the mesonic sector, the baryonic sector has hardly been investigated at finite temperature (early work on screening masses from lattice QCD can be found in Ref. [7], and, in the presence of a small chemical potential, in Ref. [8]). Nevertheless, understanding the behaviour of nucleons in a hadronic medium or in the quark-gluon plasma is relevant for heavy-ion collisions, where proton spectra are routinely measured and compared to theoretical predictions. Just as for mesons, possible in-medium modification of nucleons and other baryons might affect signals observed in those experiments. In the baryon sector the combination of chiral symmetry and parity leads to a prediction readily testable in QCD: namely that of parity doubling, i.e., a degeneracy between channels related by parity, provided that both symmetries are realised (the argument will be briefly reviewed below). At zero temperature, where chiral symmetry is broken, parity doubling is not observed, except perhaps in the case of excited hadrons [9]. However, since chiral symmetry is restored at high temperature, it should become relevant in the quark-gluon plasma. Recently the question of parity doubling has been taken up in Ref. [10], where it was studied at three tem- peratures in quenched lattice QCD. In this paper we present what is, as far as we know, the first study of nucleons at finite temperature in lattice QCD with Nf = 2 + 1 dynamical quarks, for a range of temperatures below and above the deconfinement transition. We find clear indications of parity doubling, occurring in coincidence with the deconfinement crossover. Moreover, within our numerical uncertainty, the mass of the nucleon ground state is found to be independent of the temperature of the hadronic medium. Nucleon propagation – The standard interpolation operator for a nucleon, which we will consider below, is given by (the material reviewed here is well-known, see e.g. the textbooks [11, 12]) ON (x, τ ) = ǫabc ua (x, τ ) uTb (x, τ )Cγ5 dc (x, τ ) , (1) where u, d are the quark fields, a, b, c are colour indices, other indices are suppressed and C denotes the charge conjugation matrix. Under parity one finds that PON (x, τ ) = γ4 ON (−x, τ ), (2) and hence operators for the positive and negative parity channels are obtained as ON± (x, τ ) = P± ON (x, τ ), P± = 1 (1 ± γ4 ). 2 (3) We consider the usual euclidean correlators, projected to zero momentum, Z (4) G± (τ ) = d3 x ON± (x, τ )O N± (0, 0) . It follows from the properties under euclidean time reflection that, in the case of G+ (τ ), forward (backward) propagation in time corresponds to the positive-parity (negative-parity) channel. On a lattice at a nonzero temperature T , with 0 ≤ τ < 1/T , the negative-parity channel is then propagating with τ− = 1/T − τ . Hence both parity channels can be obtained from the same correlator, either G+ (τ ) or G− (τ ). In the case that the signal is dominated by the ground states in both channels, this leads to the simple exponential Ansatz, G± (τ ) = A± e−m± τ + A∓ e−m∓ (1/T −τ ) , (5) Assessment of molecular effects on neutrino mass measurements from tritium beta decay L. I. Bodine,∗ D. S. Parno,† and R. G. H. Robertson‡ Center for Experimental Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics, and Department of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle WA 98195, USA arXiv:1502.03497v1 [nucl-ex] 12 Feb 2015 Abstract The beta decay of molecular tritium currently provides the highest sensitivity in laboratory-based neutrino mass measurements. The upcoming Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino (KATRIN) experiment will improve the sensitivity to 0.2 eV, making a percent-level quantitative understanding of molecular effects essential. The modern theoretical calculations available for neutrino-mass experiments agree with spectroscopic data. Moreover, when neutrino-mass experiments performed in the 1980s with gaseous tritium are re-evaluated using these modern calculations, the extracted neutrino masssquared values are consistent with zero instead of being significantly negative. On the other hand, the calculated molecular final-state branching ratios are in tension with dissociation experiments performed in the 1950s. We re-examine the theory of the final-state spectrum of molecular tritium decay and its effect on the determination of the neutrino mass, with an emphasis on the role of the vibrational- and rotational-state distribution in the ground electronic state. General features can be reproduced quantitatively from considerations of kinematics and zero-point motion. We summarize the status of validation efforts and suggest means for resolving the apparent discrepancy in dissociation rates. ∗ † ‡ corresponding author: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 1 Consistently violating the non-Gaussian consistency relation arXiv:1502.03458v1 [astro-ph.CO] 11 Feb 2015 Sander Mooija, Gonzalo A. Palmaa and Antonio E. Romanob,c a Grupo de Cosmolog´ıa y Astrof´ısica Te´ orica, Departamento de F´ısica, FCFM, Universidad de Chile Blanco Encalada 2008, Santiago, Chile b Instituto de F´ ısica, Universidad de Antioquia, A.A.1226, Medellin, Colombia c Department of Physics, University of Crete, 71003 Heraklion,Greece Abstract Non-attractor models of inflation are characterized by the super-horizon evolution of curvature perturbations, introducing a violation of the non-Gaussian consistency relation between the bispectrum’s squeezed limit and the power spectrum’s spectral index. In this work we show that the bispectrum’s squeezed limit of non-attractor models continues to respect a relation dictated by the evolution of the background. We show how to derive this relation using only symmetry arguments, without ever needing to solve the equations of motion for the perturbations. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 000, 1–17 (2014) Printed 13 February 2015 (MN LATEX style file v2.2) Axion dark matter, solitons, and the cusp-core problem David J. E. Marsh1? and Ana-Roxana Pop2 † 1 Perimeter Institute, 31 Caroline St N, Waterloo, ON, N2L 6B9, Canada of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA 2 Department arXiv:1502.03456v1 [astro-ph.CO] 11 Feb 2015 Draft version: 13 February 2015 ABSTRACT Self-gravitating bosonic fields can support stable and localised field configurations. In the case of real fields, these solutions oscillate in time with a given period and are known as oscillatons. The density profile is static, and is a (nontopological, pseudo-) soliton. Such solitons should be ubiquitous in models of axion dark matter, with the soliton characteristic mass and size depending on some inverse power of the axion mass. Stable configurations of non-relativistic axions are studied numerically using the Schr¨odinger-Poisson system. This method, and the resulting soliton density profiles, are reviewed. Using a scaling symmetry and the uncertainty principle, the core size of the soliton can be related to the central density and axion mass, ma , in a universal way. Solitons have a constant central density due to pressure-support, unlike the cuspy profile formed during structure formation with cold dark matter (CDM). One consequence of this fact is that solitons composed of ultra-light axions (ULAs) may resolve the ‘cusp-core’ problem of CDM. In DM halos, thermodynamics will lead to a CDM-like Navarro-Frenk-White profile at large radii, with a central soliton core at small radii. Using Monte-Carlo techniques to explore the possible density profiles of this form, a fit to stellar-kinematical data from the Fornax and Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxies is performed. In order for ULAs to resolve the cusp-core problem (without recourse to baryon feedback or other astrophysical effects) the axion mass must satisfy ma < 1.1×10−22 eV at 95% C.L. On the other hand, ULAs with ma . 1×10−22 eV are in some tension with cosmological structure formation. An axion solution to the cusp-core problem thus makes novel predictions for future measurements of the epoch of reionisation. On the other hand, this can be seen as evidence that structure formation could soon impose a Catch 22 on axion/scalar field DM, similar to the case of warm DM. A number of ways to further test these scenarios are suggested. Key words: Cosmology: theory, dark matter, elementary particles – galaxies: dwarf, halos. 1 INTRODUCTION Dark matter (DM) is known to comprise the majority of the matter content of the universe (e.g. Planck Collaboration 2014, 2015). The simplest and leading candidate is cold (C)DM. CDM has vanishing equation of state and sound speed, w = c2s = 0, and clusters on all scales. Popular CDM candidates are O(GeV) mass thermally ? E-mail: [email protected] † E-mail: [email protected] c 2014 RAS produced supersymmetric weakly interacting massive particles (SUSY WIMPs, e.g. Jungman et al. 1996), and the O(µeV) mass non-thermally produced QCD axion (Peccei & Quinn 1977; Weinberg 1978; Wilczek 1978). The free-streaming and decoupling lengths of a WIMP, and the Jeans scale of the QCD axion are both extremely small (i.e. sub-solar on a mass scale, see e.g. Loeb & Zaldarriaga 2005). It is well known, however, that CDM faces a number of ‘small-scale’ problems related to galaxy formation: ‘missing satellites’ (Moore et al. 1999; Klypin et al. Interplay of relativistic and nonrelativistic transport in atomically precise segmented graphene nanoribbons Constantine Yannouleas, Igor Romanovsky, and Uzi Landman arXiv:1502.00205v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 1 Feb 2015 School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0430 (Dated: 14 September 2014) Graphene’s isolation launched explorations of fundamental relativistic physics originating from the planar honeycomb lattice arrangement of the carbon atoms, and of potential technological applications in nanoscale electronics. Bottom-up fabricated atomically-precise segmented graphene nanoribbons, SGNRs, open avenues for studies of electrical transport, coherence, and interference effects in metallic, semiconducting, and mixed GNRs, with different edge terminations. Conceptual and practical understanding of electric transport through SGNRs is gained through nonequilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) conductance calculations and a Dirac continuum model that absorbs the valence-to-conductance energy gaps as position-dependent masses, including topological-in-origin mass-barriers at the contacts between segments. The continuum model reproduces the NEGF results, including optical Dirac Fabry-P´erot (FP) equidistant oscillations for massless relativistic carriers in metallic armchair SGNRs, and an unequally-spaced FP pattern for mixed armchair-zigzag SGNRs where carriers transit from a relativistic (armchair) to a nonrelativistic (zigzag) regime. This provides a unifying framework for analysis of coherent transport phenomena and interpretation of forthcoming experiments in SGNRs. Graphene, a single-atom-thin plane of graphite, has been the focus of intensive research endeavors since its isolation in 2004.1 The high degree of interest in this material originates from its outstanding electronic, mechanical, and physical properties that result from the planar arrangement of the carbon atoms in a honeycomb lattice. Indeed graphene is considered both as a vehicle for exploring fundamental relativistic physics, as well as a promising material for potential technological applications in nanoscale electronics and optics.2 However, the absence of an electronic energy gap between the valence and conduction bands of 2D graphene casts doubts on its use in nanoelectronic devices. Nevertheless, theoretical studies had predicted that narrow graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) can have a large band gap, comparable to silicon (∼ 1 eV), depending on the ribbon’s width W and edge geometry (as well as possible doping at controlled positions). Pertinent to our work, we note that these predictions were made3–7 for GNRs that have atomically precise armchair edges with widths W ≤ 2 nm. Consequently, the most recent advent and growing availability of bottom-up fabricated atomically-precise narrow graphene nanoribbons,8–12 including segmented13 armchair graphene nanoribbons (SaGNRs), opens promising avenues for graphene nanoelectronics and for detailed explorations of coherent electrical transport in nanoribbon-based graphene wires, nanoconstrictions, and quantum-point contacts. Here we report on the unique apects of transport through segmented GNRs obtained from tight-binding non-equilibrium Green’s function14 (TB-NEGF) calculations in conjunction with an analysis based on a onedimensional (1D) relativistic Dirac model. This model is referred to by us as the Dirac-Fabry-P´erot (DFP) theory (see below for the choice of name). In particular, it is shown that the valence-to-conduction energy gap in armchair GNR (aGNR) segments, as well as the barriers at the interfaces between nanoribbon segments, can be incorporated in an effective position-dependent mass term in the Dirac hamiltonian; the transport solutions associated with this hamiltonian exhibit conductance patterns comparable to those obtained from the microscopic NEGF calculations. For zigzag graphene nanoribbon (zGNR) segments, the valence-to-conduction energy gap vanishes, and the mass term is consonant with excitations corresponding to massive nonrelativistic Schr¨odinger-type carriers. As aforementioned, transport through narrow graphene channels − particularly bottom-up fabricated and atomically-precise graphene nanoribbons8–13 − is expected to offer ingress to unique behavior of Dirac electrons in graphene nanostructures. In particular, the wave nature of elementary particles (e.g., electrons and photons) is commonly manifested and demonstrated in transport processes. Because of an exceptionally high electron mobility and a long mean-free path,1 it has been anticipated that graphene devices hold the promise for the realization, measurement, and possible utilization of fundamental aspects of coherent and ballistic transport behavior, which to date have been observed, with varying degrees of success, mainly at semiconductor interfaces,15,16 quantum point contacts,17 metallic wires,18 and carbon nanotubes.19 Prominent among the effects that accompany coherence and ballistic transport are conductance quantization (in nanoconstrictions) in steps of G0 = 2e2 /h, which have been found earlier for quantum ballistic transport in semiconductor point contacts17 and metal nanowires.18 However, quantization signatures were scarcely observed20 in GNRs fabricated with top-down methods. Another manifestation of coherent ballistic transport are interference phenomena, reflecting the wave nature of the transporting physical object, and associated most often with optical (electromagnetic waves, photons) sys- arXiv:1502.03767v1 [hep-ph] 12 Feb 2015 EPJ Web of Conferences will be set by the publisher DOI: will be set by the publisher c Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015 Electromagnetic probes in heavy-ion collisions Messengers from the hot and dense phase H. van Hees1,2 , a , J. Weil2 , b , S. Endres2 , c , and M. Bleicher2 , d 1 Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Max-von-Laue-Str. 1, 60438 Frankfurt, Germany 2 Frankfurt Institute of Advanced Studies, Ruth-Moufang-Str. 1, 60438 Frankfurt, Germany Abstract. Due to their penetrating nature, electromagnetic probes, i.e., lepton-antilepton pairs (dileptons) and photons are unique tools to gain insight into the nature of the hot and dense medium of strongly-interacting particles created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions, including hints to the nature of the restoration of chiral symmetry of QCD. Of particular interest are the spectral properties of the electromagnetic current-correlation function of these particles within the dense and/or hot medium. The related theoretical investigations of the in-medium properties of the involved particles in both the partonic and hadronic part of the QCD phase diagram underline the importance of a proper understanding of the properties of various hadron resonances in the medium. 1 Introduction The transverse-momentum and invariant-mass spectra of the so-called electromagnetic probes, i.e., dileptons (e+ e− or µ+ µ− pairs) and photons have been identified as interesting observables early on [1]. Since they do not participate in the strong interaction, they leave the hot and dense fireball created in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions nearly undisturbed by final-state interactions and thus provide a direct insight into the spectral properties of the electromagnetic current-current correlation function in the medium during the entire evolution of the collision. For theory this is also some challenge since an accurate description of the invariant-mass spectra of dileptons and transverse-momentum spectra of both dileptons and photons is needed, including as comprehensive a set of sources as possible, reaching from the radiation from the very early stage of the collision (Drell-Yan processes) over the emission from a hot and dense partonic medium (Quark-Gluon Plasma, QGP) undergoing the transition to a hot and dense hadron-resonance gas (which is close to the chemical freeze-out of the medium), to the finally decoupled hadronic state at thermal freeze-out. In this paper we summarize the current status of our understanding of both the spectral properties of the electromagnetic current-correlation function, implying some insights about the nature of chiralsymmetry restoration, and the description of the evolution of the hot and dense partonic and hadronic fireball. a e-mail: b e-mail: c e-mail: d e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] arXiv:1502.03734v1 [hep-ph] 12 Feb 2015 APCTP-PRE2015-003 IPMU15-0015 Accessing the core of naturalness, nearly degenerate higgsinos, at the LHC Chengcheng Hana , Doyoun Kima , Shoaib Munira and Myeonghun Parka,b,c a Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, San 31, Hyoja-dong, Nam-gu, Pohang 790-784, Republic of Korea. b c Department of Physics, Postech, Pohang 790-784, Korea Kavli IPMU (WPI), The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8583, Japan [email protected],[email protected], [email protected],[email protected] Abstract The presence of two light higgsinos nearly degenerate in mass is one of the important characteristics of suspersymmetric models meeting the naturalness criteria. Probing such higgsinos at the LHC is very challenging, in particular when the mass-splitting between them is less than 5 GeV. In this study, we analyze such a degenerate higgsino scenario by exploiting the high collinearity between the two muons which originate from the decay of the heavier higgsino into the lighter one and which are accompanied by a high-pT QCD jet. Using our method, we can achieve a statistical significance ∼ 2.9 σ as well as a S/B ∼ 17% with an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb−1 at the 14 TeV LHC, for the pair production of higgsinos with masses 124 GeV and 120 GeV. A good sensitivity can be achieved even for a smaller mass-splitting when the higgsinos are lighter. 1 February 13, 2015 1:25 World Scientific Review Volume - 9.75in x 6.5in arXiv:1502.03730v1 [hep-ph] 12 Feb 2015 Chapter 1 Parton energy loss and momentum broadening at NLO in high temperature QCD plasmas Jacopo Ghiglieri Institute for Theoretical Physics, Albert Einstein Center, University of Bern, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern, Switzerland [email protected] Derek Teaney Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York 11794-3800, United States [email protected] We present an overview of a perturbative-kinetic approach to jet propagation, energy loss, and momentum broadening in a high temperature quark-gluon plasma. The leading-order kinetic equations describe the interactions between energetic jet-particles and a non-abelian plasma, consisting of on-shell thermal excitations and soft gluonic fields. These interactions include 2 ↔ 2 scatterings, collinear bremsstrahlung, and drag and momentum diffusion. We show how the contribution from the soft gluonic fields can be factorized into a set of Wilson line correlators on the light cone. We review recent field-theoretical developments, rooted in the causal properties of these correlators, which simplify the calculation of the appropriate Wilson lines in thermal field theory. With these simplifications lattice measurements of transverse momentum broadening have become possible, and the kinetic equations describing parton transport have been extended to next-to-leading order in the coupling g. 1. Introduction The suppression of highly energetic jets (or jet quenching) is one of the most striking findings of the experimental program of heavy-ion collisions.1–5 A comprehensive review6 can be found in this volume, which also contains another contribution reviewing a specific approach in greater detail.7 In this review, we concentrate on a weakly-coupled kinetic approach describing the propagation of high momentum jet-like particles through a Quark-Gluon Pasma (QGP). A detailed perturbative description of the QGP and jet-quenching is available when the temperature is high T ΛQCD , and the momentum of the jet-particles is much larger than the temperature, p T . 1 eloss TU-991, IPMU15-0016 Gravitational waves from unstable domain walls in the Standard Model Higgs potential arXiv:1502.03725v1 [hep-ph] 12 Feb 2015 Naoya Kitajima a∗ , Fuminobu Takahashi a,b† a b Department of Physics, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8578, Japan Kavli IPMU, TODIAS, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa 277-8583, Japan Abstract The effective potential for the Standard Model Higgs field allows two quasi-degenerate vacua; one is our vacuum at the electroweak scale, while the other is at a much higher scale. The latter minimum may be at a scale much smaller than the Planck scale, if the potential is lifted by new physics. This gives rise to a possibility of domain wall formation after inflation. If the highscale minimum is a local minimum, domain walls are unstable and disappear through violent annihilation processes, producing a significant amount of gravitational waves. We estimate the amount of gravitational waves produced from unstable domain walls in the Higgs potential and discuss detectability with future experiments. ∗ † email:[email protected] email: [email protected] 1 MITP/15-009 When the expansion of finite-size corrections to hydrogen Lamb shift in moments of charge distribution breaks down Franziska Hagelstein and Vladimir Pascalutsa arXiv:1502.03721v1 [hep-ph] 12 Feb 2015 Institut f¨ur Kernphysik, Cluster of Excellence PRISMA, Johannes Gutenberg-Universit¨at Mainz, D-55128 Mainz, Germany (Dated: February 13, 2015) We point out a limitation of the standard way of accounting the finite-size effects, i.e., when the leading [(Zα)4 ] and subleading [(Zα)5 ] contributions to the Lamb shift are given by the mean-square radius and the third Zemach moment of the charge distribution. This limitation may have profound consequences for the interpretation of the “proton size puzzle”. We find, for instance, that the de R´ujula toy model of the proton form factor does not resolve the puzzle as claimed, despite the large value of the third Zemach moment. Given the formula which does not rely on the radii expansion, we show how tiny (less than a hundredth of percent) changes in the proton electric form factor at a MeV scale would be able to explain the puzzle. I. INTRODUCTION The proton structure is long-known to affect the hydrogen spectrum, predominantly by an upward shift of the S-levels expressed in terms of the root-mean-square (rms) radius, ˆ p N 2 (1) RE = hr iE , hr iE ≡ d~r rNρE (~r), of the proton charge distribution ρE . At leading order (LO) in the fine-structure constant α, the nth S-level is shifted by (cf., [1]): ∆EnS (LO) = 2(Zα)4 m3r 2 RE , 3n3 (2) where Z = 1 for the proton, mr is the reduced mass. The proton charge radius has thus been extracted from the hydrogen (eH) and muonic-hydrogen (µH) Lamb shifts, with rather contradictory results: REp (eH) = 0.8775(51) fm [2], REp (µH) = 0.84087(39) fm [3, 4]. (3) (4) The eH value is backed up by the extractions from electronproton (ep) scattering [5, 6], albeit with a notable exception [7]. The next-to-leading order (NLO) effect of the nuclear charge distribution is given by [8]: ∆EnS (NLO) = − with RE(2) = (Zα)5 m4r 3 RE(2) , 3n3 (5) p 3 hr3 iE(2) hr3 iE(2) the Friar radius and ˆ ˆ = d~r ρE (~r ) d~r 0 |~r − ~r 0 |3 ρE (~r 0 ) (6) the third Zemach moment. Other α5 effects of proton structure, such as polarizabilities, play a lesser role in both normal and muonic hydrogen, and are not of relevance to our discussion of finite-size effects here. A Lorentz-invariant definition of the above moments is given in terms of the electric form factor (FF), GE (Q2 ), as: d hr2 iE = −6 lim GE (Q2 ), (7a) 2 Q →0 dQ2 ˆ ∞ 48 dQ hr3 iE = GE (Q2 ) − 1 + 16 hr2 iE Q2 , (7b) 4 π 0 Q ˆ ∞ 48 dQ 2 2 3 hr iE(2) = GE (Q ) − 1 + 13 hr2 iE Q2 . (7c) π 0 Q4 At the current level of precision, the eH Lamb shift sees only the LO term, while in µH the NLO term becomes appreciable. An immediate resolution of the eH vs. µH discrepancy (aka, the proton size puzzle) was suggested by de R´ujula [9], whose toy model for proton charge distribution yielded a large Friar radius, capable of providing the observed µH Lamb shift using the RE value from eH. Later this model was shown to be incompatible with the empirical FF GE extracted from ep scattering [10, 11]. In this work we find that the µH Lamb shift in de R´ujula’s model is not described correctly by the standard formulae of Eqs. (2) and (5). The correct result involves an infinite series of moments, and it does not provide any significant reduction of the discrepancy in that model. We shall consider a different scenario of mending the discrepancy by a small change in the proton FF, using the corrected formulae. II. LAMB SHIFT: TO EXPAND OR NOT Our main observation is that the standard expansion in the moments is only valid provided the convergence radius of the Taylor expansion of GE in Q2 is much larger than the inverse Bohr radius of the given hydrogen-like system. In other words, for Q2 ∼ (Zαmr )2 , the electric FF must be representable by a quickly convergent power series. To see this we write the electric FF correction to the Coulomb potential (−Zα/r) as follows: ˆ Zα ∞ dt −r√t VFF (r) = e Im GE (t), (8) πr t0 t where Im GE is the discontinuity in the FF across the branch cuts in the time-like region. This potential is derived by taking Axions in gravity with torsion Oscar Castillo-Felisola, Crist´ obal Corral, Sergey Kovalenko, and Iv´an Schmidt Departamento de F´ısica, Universidad T´ecnica Federico Santa Mar´ıa, Casilla 110-V, Valpara´ıso, Chile, and Centro Cient´ıfico Tecnol´ ogico de Valpara´ıso, Casilla 110-V, Valpara´ıso, Chile. arXiv:1502.03694v1 [hep-ph] 12 Feb 2015 Valery E. Lyubovitskij Institut f¨ ur Theoretische Physik, Universit¨ at T¨ ubingen, Kepler Center for Astro and Particle Physics, Auf der Morgenstelle 14, D-72076 T¨ ubingen, Germany, Department of Physics, Tomsk State University, 634050 Tomsk, Russia, and Mathematical Physics Department, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Lenin Avenue 30, 634050 Tomsk, Russia. We study a scenario allowing a solution of the strong CP-problem via the Peccei–Quinn mechanism, implemented in gravity with torsion. In this framework there appears a torsion-related pseudoscalar field known as Kalb–Ramond axion. We compare it with the so called BarberoImmirzi axion recently proposed in the literature also in the context of the gravity with torsion. We show that they are equivalent from the view point of the effective theory. The phenomenology of these torsion-descended axions is completely determined by the Planck scale without any additional model parameters. These axions are very light and very weakly interacting with ordinary matter. We briefly comment on their astrophysical and cosmological implications in view of the recent BICEP2 and Planck data. I. INTRODUCTION The recent discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC has completed the list of the known particles, providing the last missing element necessary for the Standard Model (SM) to be the framework for particle physics. However, it is well-known that the SM suffers from various internal problems indicating that this is not a fundamental theory, and in fact it should be considered just as an effective low energy theory. The strong CP-problem is one of these problems. It emerges from adding to the QCD Lagrangian the so called θ-term L⊃ θ αs Tr (G∧G) , 2π (1) written in terms of the QCD gluon field strength 2-form G. This is a renormalizable and gauge invariant term, which violates CP and it is allowed in any generic gauge theory in four dimensions. In the SM it contributes to CP-odd observables such as the neutron electric dipole moment, which is stringently constrained by experiment, pushing the θ-parameter down to 10−10 . Since the natural value of this parameter should be of order one, this becomes a fine tuning problem. The question of why it turns out to be so small is the strong CP-problem. A solution of the strong CP-problem has been found by Peccei and Quinn (PQ) in the periodicity of the nonperturbative QCD θ-vacuum [1] by promoting the θ parameter in Eq. (1) to be a field θ(x). Then the interaction θ(x) Tr (G∧G) generates in the θ-vacuum a non-trivial potential for θ(x), selecting a zero vacuum expectation value hθi = 0. The fluctuations around this vacuum represent a pseudoscalar field a(x), dubbed the “axion”. Then dynamically the CP-violating term (1) is replaced by the CP-conserving interaction a(x) Tr (G∧G). The θ-parameter can be promoted to be a field, by means of a pseudoscalar field, φ(x), of any origin, coupled to the Pontryagin density Tr (G∧G) of the gluon field. This could be a Goldstone boson of a U (1)A symmetry, spontaneously broken at some scale much larger than the electroweak scale of 250 GeV, to be compatible with the experimental data as well as with astrophysics and cosmology. There are many symmetry based proposals of this kind in the literature, as possible solutions of the strong CP-problem (for a recent review see Ref. [2]). A characteristic feature of this approach is that all the couplings of the axion are determined by the scale of symmetry breaking, which is a free parameter. On the other hand it is well-known that various scenarios for the Planckian physics involve axion-like fields [3–6]. Those fields can play the same role as the conventional Goldstone type axions in the solution of the strong CP-problem, but with all their couplings completely determined by the Planck scale. In particular the axion-like fields may appear rather naturally in a field theory on the torsionful manifolds with its metric sector treated as a “rigid” background. The first scenario of this kind was proposed in Ref. [7], where an axion-like field appears as a consequence of the constraint imposed on the quantum theory requiring the conservation of the torsion charge, as suggested by the classical theory. Recently, in Ref. [8], the axion has been introduced as a pseudoscalar field, the so called Barbero–Immirzi (BI) axion, interacting with gravity via the Nieh–Yan density [9, 10]. One of the motivations for the introduction of this field was the possibility of eliminating the confusing divergence present in the U (1)A rotated fermion measure of the Euclidean path integral on the manifolds with torsion. In addition to the usual Pontryagin density, CERN-PH-TH-2015-029 The Supersymmetric Standard Models with a Pseudo-Dirac Gluino from Hybrid F − and D−Term Supersymmetry Breakings Ran Ding,1 Tianjun Li,2, 3 Florian Staub,4 Chi Tian,3 and Bin Zhu2, 5 1 Center for High-Energy Physics, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, P. R. China State Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics and Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics China (KITPC), Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, P. R. China 3 School of Physical Electronics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, P. R. China 4 Theory Division, CERN 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland 5 Institute of Physics Chinese Academy of sciences, Beijing 100190, P. R. China arXiv:1502.03614v1 [hep-ph] 12 Feb 2015 2 We propose the Supersymmetric Standard Models (SSMs) with a pseudo-Dirac gluino from hybrid F − and D−term supersymmetry (SUSY) breakings. Similar to the SSMs before the LHC, all the supersymmetric particles in the Minimal SSM (MSSM) obtain the SUSY breaking soft terms from the traditional gravity mediation and have masses within about 1 TeV except gluino. To evade the LHC SUSY search constraints, the gluino also has a heavy Dirac mass above 3 TeV from D−term SUSY breaking. Interestingly, such a heavy Dirac gluino mass will not induce the electroweak finetuning problem. We realize such SUSY breakings via an anomalous U (1)X gauge symmetry inspired from string models. To maintain the gauge coupling unification and increase the Higgs boson mass, we introduce extra vector-like particles. We study the viable parameter space which satisfies all the current experimental constraints, and present a concrete benchmark point. This kind of models not only preserves the merits of pre-LHC SSMs such as naturalness, dark matter, etc, but also solves the possible problems in the SSMs with Dirac gauginos due to the F -term gravity mediation. Introduction—It is well-known that the weak scale supersymmetry (SUSY) is the most promising extension for physics beyond the Standard Model (SM) [1]. It provides a well-motivated and complete framework to understand the basic questions of TeV-scale physics: the gauge hierarchy problem is solved naturally, the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) such as neutralino can be a dark matter candidate, and gauge coupling unification can be realized, etc. The gauge coupling unification strongly suggests the Grand Unified Theories (GUTs), and only the superstring theory may describe the real world. Thus, the supersymmetric SM (SSM) is also a bridge between the low energy phenomenology and highenergy fundamental physics. However, the discovered SM-like Higgs boson with a mass around 125 GeV [2, 3] is a little bit too heavy in the Minimal SSM (MSSM) since it requires the multi-TeV top squarks with small mixing or TeV-scale top squarks with large mixing [4]. Also, there exist strong constraints on the SSMs from the LHC SUSY searches. For example, the gluino mass mg˜ and first two-generation squark mass mq˜ should be heavier than about 1.7 TeV if they are roughly degenerate mq˜ ∼ mg˜ , and the squark mass mq˜ is heavier than about 850 GeV for mg˜ mq˜ [5]. Therefore, the naturalness of the SSMs is challenged. The basic idea to lift Higgs mass without threatening the hierarchy problem is the introduction of additional tree-level contributions [6–12]. To escape the LHC SUSY search constraints, there are quite a few proposals: natural SUSY [13, 14], compressed SUSY [15–17], stealth SUSY [18], heavy LSP SUSY [19], R-parity violation [20, 21], supersoft SUSY [22–31], etc. Here, we would like to point out that all the sparticles in the SSMs can be within about 1 TeV as long as the gluino is heavier than 3 TeV, which is obviously an simple modification to the SSMs before the LHC. Also, such a heavy gluino will not induce the electroweak fine-tuning problem if it is (pseudo-)Dirac like the supersoft SUSY. However, there exists some problems for supersoft SUSY with Dirac gauginos: µ problem can not be solved via the GiudiceMasiero (GM) mechanism [32], the D-term contribution to the Higgs quartic coupling vanishes, the right-handed slepton may be the LSP, and the scalar components of the adjoint chiral superfields might be tachyonic and then break the SM gauge symmetry, etc [22]. The first three problems can be solved in the F −term gravity mediation, while the last problem was solved recently [31]. Therefore, we will propose the SSMs with a pseudo-Dirac gluino from hybrid F − and D−term SUSY breakings. To be concrete, all the sparticles in the MSSM obtain SUSY breaking soft terms from the traditional gravity mediation, and only gluino receives extra Dirac mass from the D−term SUSY breaking. Especially, all the MSSM sparticles except gluino can be within about 1 TeV as the preLHC SSMs. The merits of this proposal are: keeping the good properties of pre-LHC SSMs (naturalness, as well as explanations for the dark matter and muon anomalous magnetic moment, etc), evading the LHC SUSY search constraints, and solving the problems in supersoft SUSY via F -term gravity mediation. We show that such SUSY breakings can be realized by an anomalous U (1)X gauge symmetry inspired from string models. To achieve the gauge coupling unification and increase the Higgs boson mass, we will introduce vector-like particles. We shall discuss the low energy phenomenology, and the detailed studies will be given elsewhere [33]. Mean transverse momenta correlations in hadron-hadron collisions in MC toy model with repulsing strings arXiv:1502.03608v1 [hep-ph] 12 Feb 2015 Igor Altsybeev St. Petersburg State University Abstract. In the present work, Monte-Carlo toy model with repulsing quark-gluon strings in hadron-hadron collisions is described. String repulsion creates transverse boosts for the string decay products, giving modifications of observables. As an example, long-range correlations between mean transverse momenta of particles in two observation windows are studied in MC toy simulation of the heavy-ion collisions. Keywords: quark-gluon strings interaction, long-range correlations, Monte Carlo model PACS: 25.75.Gz, 25.75.Ld INTRODUCTION Interactions between quark-gluon strings in hadron-hadron collisions are the topic of interest for many years. The models of such interactions, however, are mostly phenomenological. For instance, the string fusion model was proposed in [1, 2, 3]. It was shown that the string fusion phenomenon should lead to modifications of event multiplicity, transverse momentum spectrum, and to other consequences. The string fusion scenario was implemented in a number of MC models of hadron-hadron collisions [4, 5]. In [6], an attraction and a repulsion of chromoelectric tubes in hadron-hadron collisions is discussed. It is shown, that such interactions should lead to azimuthal asymmetry in the distribution of secondary particles. The following picture is considered: 1. quark-gluon tubes (strings) have a finite radius. 2. depending on the transverse distance between them, strings may overlap and interact. 3. strings attract or repel each other in the transverse direction. In the first part of this proceeding, the toy MC model based on ideas from [6] is described. The motivation for development of such a model comes, for instance, from the results of dihadron correlations measured in Au-Au collisions in STAR [7], where patterns of the collective behavior are observed and a detailed fit of the correlation structures was developed. It is interesting to see what would be the "collectivity" in the frame of the toy MC model with repulsion strings. In the second part of the current proceeding, the so-called mean transverse momentum correlations are extracted from the toy model events. This observable may be useful to disentangle between string interaction scenarios, for example, between the string repulsion and the string fusion. Dihadron analysis of the MC toy model data is presented in the same proceedings [9]. MONTE-CARLO TOY MODEL In this section a Monte-Carlo (MC) toy model with repulsing strings is described. The MC model is applicable to different types of hadron-hadron collisions (pp, AA, pA, etc.). Stage 1. Simulation of hadron-hadron collisions, strings formation. In this MC model, initial positions of the nucleons in nuclei are generated in accordance to Woods-Saxon distribution (for the Pb208 , the WS radius is 6.62 fm and parameter a = 0.546 fm). Nucleon core effect is not taken into account to speed-up computations. Inside each nucleon, some number of partons is distributed in transverse (xy) plane with 2D-Gauss law, with σxy = 0.4 fm. The mean number of partons npartons inside nucleons is dependent on a collision energy and is a model parameter. Interaction between colliding hadrons is implemented at the partonic level: partons arXiv:1502.03582v1 [hep-ph] 12 Feb 2015 KUNS-2544, EPHOU-15-003,WU-HEP-15-03 D-brane instanton induced µ-terms and their hierarchical structure Hiroyuki Abe1, Tatsuo Kobayashi2, Yoshiyuki Tatsuta1, and Shohei Uemura3 1 2 Department of Physics, Waseda University, Tokyo 169-8555, Japan Department of Physics, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, 060-0810 Japan 3 Department of Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan Abstract We study the µ-term matrix of Higgs pairs induced by the D-brane instanton effects in intersecting D6-brane models compactified on T 6 . It is found that the µ-term matrix has a certain permutation symmetry and its eigenvalues have large hierarchical structure without fine tuning. ICRR-Report-698-2014-24 arXiv:1502.03550v1 [hep-ph] 12 Feb 2015 IPMU 15-0017 Affleck-Dine baryogenesis after D-term inflation and solutions to the baryon-DM coincidence problem Masahiro Kawasakia,b and Masaki Yamadaa,b a Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, The University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8582, Japan b Kavli IPMU (WPI), TODIAS, The University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, 277-8583, Japan Abstract We investigate the Affleck-Dine baryogenesis after D-term inflation with a positive Hubble-induced mass term for a B − L flat direction. It stays at a large field value during D-term inflation, and just after inflation ends it starts to oscillate around the origin of the potential due to the positive Hubble-induced mass term. The phase direction is kicked by higher-dimensional K¨ ahler potentials to generate the B − L asymmetry. The scenario predicts nonzero baryonic isocurvature perturbations, which would be detected by future observations of CMB fluctuations. We also provide a D-term inflation model which naturally explain the coincidence of the energy density of baryon and dark matter. Unstable Particles near Threshold Dongjin Chway,1, ∗ Tae Hyun Jung,1, † and Hyung Do Kim1, 2, ‡ 1 Department of Physics and Astronomy and Center for Theoretical Physics, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-747, Korea 2 Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ08540, USA arXiv:1502.03541v1 [hep-ph] 12 Feb 2015 We explore physics of unstable particles when mother particle mass is around the sum of its daughter particle masses. In this case, the conventional wave function renormalization factor is ill-defined. We propose a simple resolution of the threshold singularity problem which still allows the use of narrow width approximation by defining branching ratio in terms of spectral density. The resonance peak and shape is different for different decay channels and no single decay width can be assigned to the unstable particles. Non-exponential decay happens in all time scales. Introduction The narrow width approximation (NWA) has played an important role in studying unstable particles. Unstable particle states can not be asymptotic states of a scattering amplitude in order to keep unitarity and causality[1]. Nevertheless, NWA allows similar treatments of unstable particles by factorizing full scattering cross sections of stable states into production and decay parts. In most practical situations, heavy off-shell calculations are immensely simplified with NWA. When NWA is used for Standard Model calculations with realistic parameters, it is enough to take conventional wave function renormalization factor, Z for unstable particles, whose inverse is defined by a real part of G−1 differentiated by momentum square at physical mass square. Conventional choice of the physical mass is a zero of Re(G−1 ). They work when all the dressed propagators [2] are well approximated by Breit-Wigner(BW) distribution [3]. However, this Z is ill-defined in some examples beyond the Standard Model. In many cases, a self energy included in a dressed propagator is proportional q 2 2 b) b) )(1 − (ma −m ) where ma,b are to β¯ ≡ (1 − (ma +m 2 2 p p masses of particles propagating in the loop. This is because the phase space volume of decay is proportional to β¯ and self energy and decay rate are closely related by the optical theorem. The classification of interactions providing the self energy with the same property is done later in this Letter. For simplicity, we discuss the problem with a scalar theory in the text. ¯ the Z −1 contains For the self energy proportional to β, a term proportional to 1/β¯ which diverges as the physical mass approaches the threshold mass, ma +mb from below. Taken faithfully, Z → 0 means every production and decay of the unstable particle vanish and the particle becomes isolated from the theory no matter how strong the interaction is, which is nonsense. Solving the ill-defined Z problem has been attempted mostly by using complex pole scheme[4, 5] which relates complex pole(s) on the second Riemann sheet to physical quantities: its real part to physical mass, imaginary part to decay rate, and residue to Z. After the complex pole was conjectured to have physical meaning [6], its gauge independence was shown in Z boson in the Standard Model [7] and scalars [8], and the scheme was employed to Higgs physics[9]. However, using complex pole can be traced back to residue theorem for contour integral over lower half plane of the second Riemann sheet where, below a threshold, the analytically continued propagator G2 defined in the second Riemann sheet deviates from the correct propagator G which should have been used in exact calculation. To understand the problem, it is important to know what really happens to the dressed propagator as the physical mass approaches a threshold mass. If the physical mass is near the threshold, the kinetic term can be represented by p2 −m2 ∝ β¯2 , while the self energy term is proportional to β¯ around the peak. Thus the self energy is dominant near the peak and it changes the shape of the propagater to be totally different from BW distribution. We propose generalized narrow width approximation by defining branching ratio in terms of spectral density. As the propagator G changes, ρ(p2 ), the spectral density of K¨all´en-Lehmann representation [10, 11] also changes. Unlike BW distribution which gives exponential decay with a rate of imaginary part pole, R of a complex 2 the √ ∞ survival probability, P (t) ≡ 0 dSe−i St ρ(S) does not exponential decay. Deviation from exponential decay for very short or long time in quantum field theory is well known [12, 13]. We show non-exponential decay pattern in middle range of time when most decay happens if they are at the threshold. Factorization Consider a full scattering cross section constructed with all external states by stable particles. For simplicity, assume that one Feynmann diagram (Fig. 1) dominantly determines the process which contains an unstable particle state, φ that ends up being a fiR nal Rstate λ. After inserting the identity, dSδ(S − p2φ ) d4 pφ δ 4 (pφ − pλ )θ(p0φ ) into the full scattering cross section, we obtain σ( initial → 1, 2, · · · , n, λ) Z Smax √ = dS σ(initial → m1 , · · · , mn , S) ρλ (S) (1) Smin arXiv:1502.03463v1 [hep-ph] 11 Feb 2015 Prepared for submission to JCAP Decoupled Sectors and Wolf-Rayet Galaxies Willy Fischler1 , Jimmy2 and Dustin Lorshbough1 1 Department of Physics and Texas Cosmology Center The University of Texas at Austin, TX 78712. 2 Department of Physics and Astronomy Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Abstract. The universe may contain several decoupled matter sectors which primarily couple through gravity to the Standard Model degrees of freedom. We focus here on the description of astrophysical environments that allow for comparable densities and spatial distributions of visible matter and decoupled dark matter. We discuss four Wolf-Rayet galaxies (NGC 1614, NGC 3367, NGC 4216 and NGC 5430) which should contain comparable amounts of decoupled dark and visible matter in the star forming regions. This could lead to the observation of Gamma Ray Burst events with physics modified by jets of dark matter radiation. Flavor dependence of baryon melting temperature in effective models of QCD Juan M. Torres-Rincon, Benjamin Sintes and Joerg Aichelin arXiv:1502.03459v1 [hep-ph] 11 Feb 2015 Subatech, UMR 6457, IN2P3/CNRS, Universit´e de Nantes, ´ Ecole de Mines de Nantes, 4 rue Alfred Kastler 44307, Nantes, France We apply the three-flavor (Polyakov–)Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model to generate baryons as quarkdiquark bound states using many-body techniques at finite temperature. All the baryonic states belonging to the octet and decuplet flavor representations are generated in the isospin-symmetric case. For each state we extract the melting temperature at which the baryon may decay into a quark-diquark pair. We seek for an evidence of the strangeness dependence of the baryon melting temperature as suggested by the statistical thermal models and supported by lattice-QCD results. A clear and robust signal for this claim is found, pointing to a flavor dependence of the hadronic deconfinement temperature. I. INTRODUCTION Experiments at the relativistic heavy-ion collider and the large hadron collider (LHC) have shown that a quarkgluon plasma (QGP) is produced during the first stages of a relativistic heavy-ion collision. The QGP is the phase of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) at high temperature/density where quarks and gluons are not colorconfined into hadrons. From this QGP phase, the produced fireball undergoes a transition to the hadronic phase at a given hadronization temperature. At nearly vanishing baryochemical potential the phase transition to the hadronic state is known to be a crossover [1]. Experimentally it is known that at the so-called chemical freeze-out temperature, which at vanishing chemical potential is close to the hadronization temperature, the hadrons are in statistical equilibrium. This is the result of a fit of the hadron abundances in the framework of a statistical model [2, 3]. This fit determines the chemical freeze out temperature and describes the multiplicity of almost all nonresonant hadrons with an astonishing precision. After chemical freeze out the hadrons still interact but the chemical composition of the hadron gas remains (almost) unchanged. Results from high energetic central Pb+Pb collisions at LHC show that the freeze-out temperatures extracted by thermal fits [4] are close to the crossover temperature predicted by lattice-QCD studies [5]. A natural question to ask is whether the freeze-out conditions depend on the hadron species, i.e. if the chemical freeze-out temperature depends on flavor. Thermal fits presented in Ref. [4] show a tension when fitting the different baryonic species with a common freeze-out temperature, suggesting that the chemical freeze-out temperature for nonstrange baryons is smaller (around 16 MeV) than that for strange baryons [3, 4]. If this is the case, one may also suggest that the hadronization temperature depend on the strangeness content of the hadron. This idea was brought up quite recently by the authors of Ref. [6]. In this reference, the strangeness dependence of the crossover temperature has been studied with continuum-extrapolated results of lattice-QCD calculations. The conclusion was that the crossover temperature (measured by the maximum of a susceptibility ratio) is about 15 MeV larger for strange hadrons than for those composed by light quarks. This difference is in surprisingly good accordance with the results from statistical-thermal fits of ALICE abundances, even if the two physical processes (hadronization and chemical freeze-out) are conceptually distinct. In this paper we study the flavor dependence of the hadronization temperature by using one of the simplest effective models for strong interactions. The Nambu– Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model is an effective model for lowenergy QCD where the gluonic fields are integrated out and the basic interaction consists of a 4-quark contact vertex. Although the gluon dynamics is absent in this model, some of the gluonic features can be reproduced by the so-called Polyakov–Nambu–Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model. This effective model lacks true confinement. However, hadrons can be thought as dynamically generated states from multiquark rescattering, thus providing a nonperturbative mechanism for an effective confinement. The properties of these hadrons (masses and widths) can be obtained by solving the Bethe–Salpeter (BS) equation (for mesons) and the Fadeev equation (for baryons) with some approximations. Many approaches have been applied in which meson and baryon properties at zero temperature have been computed within the NJL/PNJL models [7–11]. These models can be extended to finite temperatures and densities. Such an extension allows for calculating the “Mott temperature”, the temperature at which hadrons are not bound anymore, because they can melt into a quark and a diquark. Our aim is to find the Mott temperature for several hadrons within the three-flavor NJL/PNJL models, and extract conclusions about its dependence on the strangeness content of the hadrons. In Sec. II we introduce the NJL and PNJL Lagrangians and provide a short remainder on how a meson can be effectively described as a bound state of a quark-antiquark pair. In Sec. III we use the Bethe-Salpeter equation for two quarks to generate diquarks and extract their properties as a function of Ab-initio calculation of the photonuclear cross section of 10 B M.K.G. Kruse,1, ∗ W.E. Ormand,1 and C.W. Johnson2 arXiv:1502.03464v1 [nucl-th] 11 Feb 2015 1 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, P.O. Box 808, L-414, Livermore, California 94551, USA 2 San Diego State University, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, California 92182, USA (Dated: February 13, 2015) We present for the first-time the photonuclear cross section of 10 B calculated within the ab-initio No Core Shell Model framework. Realistic two-nucleon (NN) chiral forces up to next-to-next-to-nextorder (N3LO), which have been softened by the similarity renormalization group method (SRG) to λ = 2.02 fm−1 , were utilized. The electric-dipole response function is calculated using the Lanczos method. The effects of the continuum were accounted for by including neutron escape widths derived from R-matrix theory. The calculated cross section agrees well with experimental data in terms of structure as well as in absolute peak height, σmax = 4.85 mb at photon energy ω = 23.61 MeV, and integrated cross section 85.36 MeV· mb. We test the Brink hypothesis by calculating the electricdipole response for the first five positive-parity states in 10 B and verify that dipole excitations built upon the ground- and excited states have similar characteristics. Electric-dipole transitions are an important excitation mode characterizing many facets of nuclear structure. Of particular interest is their strongly collective nature, which is manifested in what is known as the giant-dipole resonance (GDR). The GDR is ubiquitous in nuclei, and since its initial observation [1], much experimental and theoretical effort has been devoted to understanding its properties. The centroid of the GDR generally scales as the inverse of the nuclear radius, and experimentally is found to be ∼ 79A−1/3 MeV, while the width is of the order 5 MeV [2]. Early on, phenomenological models were proposed by Goldhaber and Teller [3] and Steinwedel and Jensen [4] based on proton-neutron fluids that were able to describe the energy of the resonance. The width, on the other hand, was postulated to be due to the GDR damping into other nuclear modes of motion [5, 6]. A further, intriguing property is that a collective dipole mode exists on each state of the nuclear system, as hypothesized by Brink [7]. The resonant part of the photonuclear cross section has been calculated with semi-realistic interactions for 4 He [8, 9], 6 He and 6 Li [10, 11] and 7 Li [12]. More recent calculations for 4 He utilizing modern realistic two- and three-body interactions have also been performed [13, 14]. These calculations have either used the framework of the hyperspherical harmonics (HH) expansion [15, 16] or the No Core Shell Model (NCSM) [17– 19]. Recently the Lorentz integral method [20, 21] was used in conjunction with coupled-cluster calculations to calculate the 16 O giant dipole resonance [22]. In this letter, we report on a theoretical study of the properties of the GDR for 10 B within the framework of the ab initio No Core Shell Model (NCSM) [17–19]. We study the convergence properties of the GDR as a function of the model space size and present the photo-nuclear absorption cross section for 10 B. We demonstrate the influence of more complex modes on the damping of the GDR as well as the influence of the neutron escape width on the dipole response. Finally, we test the Brink hypothesis by calculating the dipole response on positive parity excited states in 10 B and find a robust GDR built on each of these states exhibiting remarkably similar properties. The NCSM is a bound-state technique appropriate for light nuclei that uses as input realistic two- and three-body nuclear interactions. The NCSM determines the eigenenergies and wave functions of the nucleus by expressing the translationally invariant Hamiltonian in terms of antisymmetric combinations of single-particle harmonic oscillator (HO) states of frequency Ω. The size of the Slater determinant basis is determined by the total HO quanta, Nmax , available in the system above the lowest configuration. Realistic interactions that make the link between structure and quantum chromodynamics explicit are derived using the effective field theory (EFT) for nuclear forces [23, 24]. In this work, we include nucleon-nucleon (NN) terms up to next-to-next-to-nextleading order (N3LO) [25]. To enhance convergence, an effective interaction was employed using the similarity renormalization group procedure (SRG) [26–29] with a momentum-decoupling value of λ = 2.02 fm−1 . At this λ value, the binding energies of p-shell nuclei are reproduced as though the calculation was performed with both the N3LO NN and N2LO NNN interactions [30–32]. In order to isolate effects of the strong interaction, we use an isospin-symmetric (isoscalar) interaction, and ignore the Coulomb interaction. All calculations were performed with ~Ω = 20 MeV. The dipole response function S(ω) on an initial state with angular momentum J and energy E is given by S(ω) = X 1 ˆ z |JM i|2 δ(Ef − E − ω) |hJf Mf |D 2J + 1 f,M X B(E1; J → Jf ) = δ(Ef − E − ω), 3 (1) f where we assume the photon polarization is in the zdirection, the sum is taken over all initial orientations M and final states f , and ω is the photon energy. Dµ is the Determination of the structure of the X(3872) in pA ¯ collisions A.B. Larionova,b , M. Strikmanc , M. Bleichera,d arXiv:1502.03311v1 [nucl-th] 11 Feb 2015 a Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS), D-60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany b National Research Centre ”Kurchatov Institute”, 123182 Moscow, Russia c Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA d Institut f¨ ur Theoretische Physik, J.W. Goethe-Universit¨ at, D-60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Abstract Currently, the structure of the X(3872) meson is unknown. Different competing models of the c¯ c exotic state X(3872) exist, including the possibilities that this state is either ¯ ∗0 + c.c. composition, a c¯ a mesonic molecule with dominating D 0 D cq q¯ tetraquark, or a c¯ c-gluon hybrid state. It is expected that the X(3872) state is rather strongly coupled to the p¯p channel and, therefore, can be produced in p¯p and p¯A collisions at PANDA. We ¯∗ propose to test the hypothetical molecular structure of X(3872) by studying the D or D stripping reactions on a nuclear residue. Keywords: X(3872), p¯A reactions, charmed meson production PACS: 25.43.+t, 14.40.Rt, 14.40.Lb, 24.10.Ht 1. Introduction The discovery of exotic c¯ c mesons at B-factories and at the Tevatron stimulated interest to explore the possible existence of tetraquark and molecular meson states. The famous X(3872) state has been originally found by BELLE [1] as a peak in π + π − J/ψ invariant mass spectrum from exclusive B ± → K ± π + π − J/ψ decays. Nowadays the existence of the X(3872) state and its quantum numbers J P C = 1++ are well established [2]. In particular, radiative decays X(3872) → J/ψγ, X(3872) → ψ ′ (2S)γ [3] point to the positive C-parity of the X(3872). Probably the most intriguing feature is that the mass of the X(3872) is within 1 MeV the sum of the D 0 and D ∗0 meson masses. This prompted the popular ¯ ∗ + DD ¯ ∗ molecule. Other exotic X,Y,Z states, such conception of the X(3872) being a D D as the X(3940) [4], Y (4140) [5], X(4160) [6] (c.f. recent reviews [7, 8] for a more complete ¯ ∗ or D ∗ D ¯∗ list), may be interpreted as molecular states of D ∗ D S S. To probe the molecular nature of the X(3872) structure has been difficult. So far, most theoretical calculations have been focused on the description of radiative and isospinviolating decays of the X(3872). For example, the X(3872) → J/ψγ decay can be well Email addresses: [email protected] (A.B. Larionov), [email protected] (M. Strikman), [email protected] (M. Bleicher) Preprint submitted to Elsevier February 12, 2015 Spectrometer for new gravitational experiment with UCN G.V. Kulin1, A.I. Frank1, S.V. Goryunov1, D.V. Kustov1,3, P. Geltenbort2, M. Jentschel2, A.N. Strepetov4, V.A. Bushuev5 1 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia Institut Lauer-Langevin, Grenoble, France 3 Institute for Nuclear Research, Kiev, Ukraine 4 Institute of General and Nuclear Physics, RCC «Kurchatov Institute», Moscow, Russia 5 Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia 2 Abstract We describe an experimental installation for a new test of the weak equivalence principle for neutron. The device is a sensitive gravitational spectrometer for ultracold neutrons allowing to precisely compare the gain in kinetic energy of free falling neutrons to quanta of energy transferred to the neutron via a non stationary device, i.e. a quantum modulator. The results of first test experiments indicate a collection rate allowing measurements of the factor of equivalence with a statistical uncertainty in the order of 5×10-3 per day. A number of systematic effects were found, which partially can be easily corrected. For the elimination of others more detailed investigations and analysis are needed. Some possibilities to improve the device are also discussed. 1. Introduction. Apparently, neutrons are the most suitable objects to investigate the gravity interaction of elementary particles. Although gravitational experiments with neutrons have a more than half a century history [1], the existing experimental data are quite scanty, and their accuracy is many orders of magnitude inferior to the accuracy of gravitational experiments with macroscopic bodies and atomic interferometers [2-6]. Almost fifteen years after the first observation of the neutron fall in the Earth’s gravitational field [1], the gravitational acceleration was measured in a classical experiment with an accuracy of about 0.5% [7]. However, the fact of gravitational acceleration of the neutron was already earlier considered as obvious and used for precise measurements of the coherent scattering length of neutrons by nuclei. In the Maier-Leibnitz–Koester gravitational refractometer [8,9], the initially horizontal neutron beam moved parabolically, fell from height h on a liquid mirror, reflected from it, and arrived at a detector. Varying the incidence height, 1 arXiv:1502.03174v1 [physics.ins-det] 11 Feb 2015 Low Background Signal Readout Electronics for the Majorana Demonstrator I. Guinn1 , N. Abgrall2 , F. T. Avignone III3,4 , A. S. Barabash5 , F. E. Bertrand4 , V. Brudanin6 , M. Busch7,8 , M. Buuck1 , D. Byram9 , A.S. Caldwell10 , Y-D. Chan2 , C. D. Christofferson10 , C. Cuesta1 , J. A. Detwiler1 , Yu. Efremenko11 , H. Ejiri12 , S. R. Elliott13 , A. Galindo-Uribarri4 , G. K. Giovanetti14,8 , J. Goett13 , M. P. Green4 , J. Gruszko1 , V. E. Guiseppe3 , R. Henning14,8 , E. W. Hoppe15 , S. Howard10 , M. A. Howe14,8 , B. R. Jasinski9 , K. J. Keeter16 , M. F. Kidd17 , S. I. Konovalov5 , R. T. Kouzes15 , B. D. LaFerriere15 , J. Leon1 , J. MacMullin14,8 , R. D. Martin9 , S. J. Meijer14,8 , S. Mertens2 , J. L. Orrell15 , C. O’Shaughnessy14,8 , N. R. Overman15 , A. W. P. Poon2 , D. C. Radford4 , J. Rager14,8 , K. Rielage13 , R. G. H. Robertson1 , E. Romero-Romero11,4 , M. C. Ronquest13 , B. Shanks14,8 , M. Shirchenko6 , N. Snyder9 , A. M. Suriano10 , D. Tedeschi3 , J. E. Trimble14,8 , R. L. Varner4 , S. Vasilyev6 , K. Vetter2 18 , K. Vorren14,8 , B. R. White4 , J. F. Wilkerson14,8,4 , C. Wiseman3 , W. Xu13 , E. Yakushev6 , C-H. Yu4 , and V. Yumatov5 The Majorana Collaboration 1 Center for Experimental Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics and Department of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA 2 Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA 3 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA 4 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA 5 Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, Russia 6 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia 7 Department of Physics, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA 8 Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Durham, NC, USA 9 Department of Physics, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD, USA 10 South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD, USA 11 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA 12 Research Center for Nuclear Physics and Department of Physics, Osaka University, Ibaraki, Osaka, Japan 13 Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA 14 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA 15 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA 16 Department of Physics, Black Hills State University, Spearfish, SD, USA 17 Tennessee Tech University, Cookeville, TN, USA E-mail: [email protected] 18 Alternate Address: Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA Abstract. The Majorana Demonstrator is a planned 40 kg array of Germanium detectors intended to demonstrate the feasibility of constructing a tonne-scale experiment that will seek neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ) in 76 Ge. Such an experiment would require backgrounds of less than 1 count/tonne-year in the 4 keV region of interest around the 2039 keV Q-value of the ββ decay. Designing low-noise electronics, which must be placed in close proximity to the detectors, presents a challenge to reaching this background target. This paper will discuss the Majorana collaboration’s solutions to some of these challenges. 1. Introduction to the Majorana Demonstrator The Majorana Demonstrator (MJD)[1][2] is an array of p-type point contact (PPC) high purity Germanium (HPGe) detectors intended to search for neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ decay) in 76 Ge. MJD will consist of 40 kg of detectors, 30 kg of which will be isotopically enriched to 87% 76 Ge. The array will consist of 14 strings of four or five detectors placed in two separate cryostats. One of the main goals of the experiment is to demonstrate the feasibility of building a tonne-scale array of detectors to search for 0νββ decay with a much higher sensitivity. This involves acheiving backgrounds in the 4 keV region of interest (ROI) around the 2039 keV Qvalue of the ββ decay of less than 1 count/ROI-t-y. Because many backgrounds will not directly scale with detector mass, the specific background goal of MJD is less than 3 counts/ROI-t-y. MJD uses a wide variety of background reduction techniques. The PPC geometry allows descrimination between multi-site events, consisting mostly of Compton-scatterred gamma backgrounds, and single-site events, which includes 0νββ decay. The array is housed in passive shielding of copper, lead and high density polyethylene, along with an active muon veto system. Furthermore, the experiment is located 4850 ft underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF), with 4260 mwe overburden to avoid cosmic rays. All materials used inside of the shielding are made of highly radiopure materials; in particular, the copper parts are made out of ultra-pure electroformed copper (EFCu) that is grown underground at SURF. An extensive radio-assay campaign verifies the purity of all materials used in the experiment. This assay data is used in a detailed model of the expected backgrounds of the Demonstrator[3]. In October 2014, the upper limit on background projected by the model was 3.1 counts in the ROI, with the largest contributions to MJD’s backgrounds in the ROI being the cables, electrical connectors and front end electronics inside of the cryostat. These background predictions are expected to shrink as assay limits improve. 2. Signal Readout Electronics The signal readout electronics chain is responsible for integrating the current pulses from the Germanium detectors, amplifying that signal and carrying it out of the shielding and to a digitizer. The first stage of integration is done directly above each detector by low-noise, lowmass front-end boards (LMFEs). The signal is carried by bundles of coaxial cables along the strings of detectors and the thermosyphon crossarm to a feedthrough flange, where it is fed into a preamplifier. Because each end of the cable bundles are not easily accessible, signal connectors are placed above the cold plate to allow connection and disconnection of cables. Since all of these components are inside of the cryostat, it is important to design them with radiopure materials and with very low masses to minimize backgrounds, without compromising noise characteristics. The components must further be robust under vacuum and thermal cycling to liquid nitrogen temperature, and must not break when handled inside of a glove box with reduced dexterity. Rate Analysis or a Possible Interpretation of Abundances Miklós Kiss1 Berze High School/Gyöngyösi Berze Nagy János Gimnázium H-3200 Gyöngyös, Kossuth u. 33., Hungary E-mail: [email protected] Heavy elements are formed in nucleosynthesis processes. Abundances of these elements can be classified as elemental abundance, isotopic abundance, and abundance of nuclei. In this work we propose to change nucleon identification from the usual (Z,A) to (Z,N), which allows reading out new information from the measured abundances. We are interested in the neutron density required to reproduce the measured abundance of nuclei assuming equilibrium processes. This is only possible when two stable nuclei are separated by an unstable nucleus. At these places we investigated the neutron density required for equilibrium nucleosynthesis both isotopically and isotonically at temperatures of AGB interpulse and thermal pulse phases. We obtained an estimate for equilibrium nucleosynthesis neutron density in most of the cases. Next we investigated the possibility of partial formation of nuclei. We analyzed the meaning of the branching factor. We found a mathematical definition for the unified interpretation of a branching point closed at isotonic case and open at isotopic case. We introduce a more expressive variant of branching ratio called partial formation rate. With these we are capable of determining the characteristic neutron density values. We found that all experienced isotope ratios can be obtained both at 108 K temperature and at 3 ⋅ 108 K temperature and at intermediate neutron density ( ≤ 2 ⋅ 1012 cm −3 ). XIII Nuclei in the Cosmos 7-11 July, 2014 Debrecen, Hungary 1 Speaker Rate Analysis or a Possible Interpretation of Abundances Miklós Kiss 1. Introduction Nearly sixty years after BBFH [1], it is possible and necessary to review and rethink our knowledge about the neutron capture nucleosynthesis. The result of the formation of the nuclei is shown in the abundances. It is important to mention that the formed unstable nuclei have decayed into stable nuclei and we are only able to see the resulting stable nuclei. "The success of any theory of nucleosynthesis has to be measured by comparison with the abundance patterns observed in nature." say Käppeler, Beer and Wisshak [2], that is, we need to create such model that gives back the observed abundance. Because of the formation of nuclei takes place in a variety of conditions, the experienced abundance is a result of more processes. Therefore more models are necessary for the alternate conditions. According to the conditions of the models the nuclei are classified into categories as s-nuclei, r-nuclei etc. It seems that the reverse approach is also useful: the abundance is the preserver of the nuclei’s formation conditions. So instead investigating whether the theoretical model fits the observed abundance, we look for the circumstances when the observed abundance is available. To do this we need suitable data: the half-life of unstable nuclei and the neutron capture cross section of nuclei. These data are not constant always. At some nuclei the half-lives depend on the temperature [2,3,4]. Fortunately, the reaction rate per particle pair < σv > is constant between 10 and100 keV because of the energy dependence of σ [2,3]. So we can use the σ values at 30 keV [5]. The possible resonances only improve the capture capabilities. 2. Nucleon identification Change the nucleon identification from the usual (Z,A) to (Z,N). Look the abundance of individual nuclei on chart [6] (see Fig. 1). This will allow us to read new information from the various measured abundances. Fig. 1. Charts with isotopic and individual abundance notation For example 96 Zr has 2.80 percents isotopic abundance and 98 Mo has 24.13 percents. But individual abundances are 0.32 and 0.605. So such way one can see the real ratio between them [7]. 2
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