St. John`s Net February 2015

February - 2015
A publication of St. John’s United Church of Christ, Niles, Michigan
As John gathered the fish of the sea, so we gather the news of the church
Pastor’s Comments
BARE BRANCHES symbolizes Jesus’ death
on a wooden cross. It also reminds us that out
of seeming lifelessness comes new life, both in
nature and in the Resurrection.
WATER symbolizes cleansing and life-giving
and is commonly associated with Baptism.
PALM BRANCHES symbolizes Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. The branches
remind us that there are both triumphs and defeats in our lives but that if we maintain our
friendship with God, we will ultimately triumph.
DOGWOOD The legend says it once had a
large trunk and was the tree the Roman soldiers cut down to use for the cross.
EASTER EGG it became a symbol of the
rock tomb out which Jesus gloriously emerged
to new life in the Resurrection.
SEEDS reminds us of the wonder of life coming out of death. It prepares us to hear again
the Passion and Death of Jesus, and to celebrate Easter.
FISH was a secret sign for Christ’s followers
who were forced to worship in the catacombs
in Rome. Now it is a symbol which stands for
the Christian who has been brought to life in
the waters of Baptism.
During lent, we use symbols that relate to the
themes of the season; the themes of repentance,
renewal, holy joy. ASHES symbolize death and
grief as well as the repentance we feel because we
have not lived up to being the person God intends
us to be. Out of the ashes of our past we can, with
God’s help, be renewed spiritually and journey to
a new life of faith and trust.
LIGHT Universal religious symbol which reminds us that Jesus is the light who shows us
the way.
BUTTERFLY symbolizes new life and is
commonly used to symbolize Easter. Out of a
dead-looking cocoon emerges a new creation,
free and radiant.
EASTER LILY symbolizes the Glory of the
risen Lord and the joy of the faithful who believe in God’s promise of new life.
SALT calls attention not to itself but to whatever it is to flavor or preserve. It purifies
without destroying.
STONE dead weight of a stone can kill. Jesus saved a woman who was about to be
stoned to death. Jesus is a life-giving stone.
PURPLE COLOR signifies suffering and
sorrow; the suffering and sorrow that Christ
endured for love of us.
Please share your special symbol.
In His Guiding Light,
Pastor Ray
St. John’s Net
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We are grateful for donations received in memory
of Carolyn J. Asmus, who passed away Wednesday, October 8, 2014. Thank you to the following
individuals who donated in her memory.
Vera Geideman
We are grateful for donations received in memory
of Evelyn Louise Bailey, who passed away Tuesday, December 2, 2014. Thank you to the following individuals who donated in her memory.
Emma Jean Schrumpf
Joyce and Bill Saunders
Pat Cloutier
Cindy Cloutier
Mike Cloutier
Lisa Cloutier
Women’s Fellowship
We are grateful for donations received in memory
of Lois Jane Asmus, who passed away Wednesday, December 24, 2014. Thank you to the following individuals who donated in her memory.
Fred and Mary Hipshear
Daniel and Diane Jackson
Koontz Wanger Construction
Fred and Jean Patchett
Gail and Mary Lou Peterson
Sandy Ostrowski
George A. Schmidt
Carol Schmidt
James and Linda Shinsky
Donald and Barbara Snyder
Matt and Kristi Bair
Gary and Pat Bankston
Doris Bowen
Pat Cloutier
Cindy, Mike and Lisa
Barbara Gammill
Pat Gutschow
Margaret Hunerjager
Betty and Don Kirkendall
Curt and Jean Loutzenhiser
Marilyn Leiler
Terry Paquette
Carolyn Poznanski
Virginia Radewald
Betty Reichanadter
Joyce and Bill Saunders
Joan Schmidt
Pam and Jeff Snyder
Judie Vinnedge
Patricia Rogers
Elaine and Ron Hayden
Charlene Fein
John and Alice Conrad
Vera Geideman
Marcia Easton Villwock
Marie and John Parsey
Women’s Fellowship
Dear St. John’s Family and Friends,
We want to express our deep appreciation for all
your cards, gifts and visits to our mom. Her Christian home has always been here at St. John’s.
Throughout the years, she felt great love and fellowship when with all of you. Thank you again
for all your support.
Love and Blessings,
The Lois Asmus Family
Sue and Bart Benjamin
Steve and Kathy Asmus
Gary and Sandy Asmus
Grief Support Group
The Grief Support Group
held at St. John’s (601 Sycamore, Niles) will meet the
first Thursday of every
month in the church Library from Noon to 1:00
p.m. The group is designed to accommodate
people who may be working and have a lunch
hour available, or those who do not want to be
driving after dark.
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St. John’s Net
Paul W. Asmus
Jason Fletcher
Lee Holcomb
Bill Saunders
+*Joan Schmidt
Tina Asmus
Virginia Asmus
Sherrie Brewington
+*Marilyn Leiler
Judie Vinnedge
Jason Fletcher
+*Judie Vinnedge
Tina Asmus
Tracy Brewington
*Mary Meyer
Matt Bair
Shelly Gutschow
Jean Loutzenhiser
Pam Snyder
Gary Bankston
Barbara Gammill
Margaret Hunerjager
Karen Lovitt
+*Betty Kirkendall
Betty Kirkendall
Bart Benjamin — Assistant
Joyce Saunders
Margaret Hunerjager*
DELEGATE-Michigan Conference
Council President
Youth Delegate
DELEGATE-Southwest Assoc.
Council President
+*Ed Geideman
Barbara Haas
Kelly Sabat
+*Matt Bair
called pastor selection (3)
A Congregational meeting has been called
for Sunday, February 8th for the purpose of voting
to call Ray Fulbright as Pastor of St. John’s United Church of Christ.
Join us after the meeting for our
Baked Potato Luncheon Sunday,
February 8 immediately following
the worship service and a short
Congregational Meeting. Everyone is welcome to stay for one of
St. John’s favorite fellowship
times. Please bring a salad or dessert to share.
DELEGATE-Berrien Co. Assoc. of Churches
*Council Member
+Head of Committee
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God.
St. John’s Net
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Help Needed
For Fish Fry!
Friday, March 13th is our first Fish Fry Dinner for 2015. Help will be needed in the kitchen. We need help frying and clean-up on Friday. Also, Saturday morning help is needed
for clean-up and setting up for Sunday. Look
for the volunteer sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Hall or you can contact Paul W. Asmus 1
Women’s Fellowship
Free-Will Offering
You will find enclosed, an envelope to be used to
help fund the Women’s Fellowship activities.
Your generosity makes these activities possible.
Free-will offerings are taken three times a year.
Thank you for your charitable contributions!
Please don’t forget to include your name on the
Our Shut-ins:
Vera Geideman -
33635 E. U S 12
Niles MI 49120-5003
Ruth Schrumpf -
1311 Sheffield Avenue
Niles MI 49120-1828
Ida Thierbach
West Woods of Niles
1211 Stateline Rd. Rm 109-1
Niles MI 49120-4729
Dorothy Thompson - Savannah Healthcare & Rehab
1645 Florence Road
Savannah TN 38372
June Walters -
Silverbrook Manor
911 S. Third St. RM 503-2
Niles MI 49120-3636
The Elders will choose two or
three members/friends and
families for prayer each
week. Prayer is a vital part of
everything we do. Please pray for these families
during the week. Let us also pray for those not
mentioned who are facing difficult times.
“Confess your sins to each other and pray for each
other so that you may be healed. The earnest
prayer of a righteous person has great power and
produces wonderful results.” (James 5:16 NLT)
Week of:
Pray for:
Our country, our military, our government officials, and St. John’s
Melissa and Kevin Asmus
Bud and Joan Emmons
Emma Jean Schrumpf
Charlene and Ted Krause
Pat Gutschow
June Walters
Melinda Villwock
Marilyn Lane
Cindy and Todd Johnson and Family
Jacklyn Grubner
Joyce and Bill Saunders
Pray for Peace . . .
. . . and for the men and women
stationed throughout the world in
service to their country. Pray for
their safety.
The brave men and women who are recovering
from their tours, the nurses, doctors and therapists who care for them, and their families; family & friends of all the men and women in uniform who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
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St. John’s Net
Wednesday Evenings — Fellowship at 6:00 p.m./Services at 7:00 p.m.
There will be a light dinner (soup and sandwiches)
at 6:00 p.m. followed by a service of worship at 7:00 p.m.
Dinner is provided at no cost. An offering will be collected at each service to benefit the Saturday Community Luncheon.
Wednesday, February 25
Host: First Presbyterian Church; 13 South 4th Street
Rev. Pam Sten
Wednesday, March 4
Host: St. Mary’s Catholic Church; 203 South Lincoln Street
Message: Rev. Fran Lane-Lawrence
Wednesday, March 11
Holy Trinity Lutheran; 1819 Oak Street
Fr. Alphonse Savarimuthu
Wednesday, March 18
Trinity Episcopal; 9 South 4th Street
Pastor Ray Fulbright
Wednesday, March 25
St. John’s United Church of Christ; 601 Sycamore Street
Rev. Wayne Shearier
The Best Expression of Love is Time.
The importance of things can be measured by how much time we are willing to invest in them. The
more time you give to something, the more you reveal its importance and value to you. If you want
to know a persons priorities, just look at how they use their time.
Time is your most precious gift because you only have a set amount of it. You can make more money, but you can’t make more time. When you give someone your time, you are giving them a portion of your life that you will never get back. Your time is your life. That is why the greatest gift you
can give someone is your time.
Relationships take time and effort, and the best way to spell love is
‘T I M E’.
The essence of love is not what we think or do to provide for others, but how much we give of ourselves.
St. John’s Net
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Sunday, Feb. 1—10:30 a.m.—Worship
11:30 a.m.—Fellowship Hour
Thursday, Feb. 5—Noon to 1 p.m. Grief Support Group
Sunday, Feb. 8th - 10:30 a.m.—Worship
- 11:30 a.m.—Congregational Meeting
- Noon—All Church Baked Potato Luncheon
Thursday, Feb. 12th—6:30 p.m.—Habitat Meeting
Sunday, Feb. 15th –10:30 a.m.—Worship
- 11:30 a.m.—Fellowship Hour
Monday, Feb. 16th—7:00 p.m.—Council Meeting
Tuesday, Feb. 17th—Newsletter Deadline
Wednesday, Feb. 18th—7:00 p.m.—Ash Wednesday Service
Sunday, Feb. 22nd—10:30 a.m.—Worship Service
-11:30 a.m.—Fellowship Hour
Wednesday, Feb. 25th—Community Lenten Service
At First Presbyterian Church
13 South 4th St.
6:00 p.m.—Light dinner
7:00 p.m.—Service with Rev. Pam Sten
from Trinity Episcopal
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday,
February 18 this year. Christians
have observed this season of the
church year since the fourth century. It’s traditionally a time of reflection, penitence and spiritual renewal before
During Lent, some Christians give up
something that hinders their relationship with
A new directory will be published at the end of February.
Please help us to be more accurate in the listings. Do you have
an e-mail address or cell phone
you would like included? Do
you know of a member or friend
of St. John’s that has moved or
changed phone numbers—
would you please share the information with their permission, of course. If you are interested in receiving a directory
please contact Kaye at 6834420, Monday through Friday
10 a.m. to 1 p.m. or by e-mail:
[email protected].
Thank you for your help!
Cancellation of Worship Service Due to Bad Weather
If the weather is bad on Sunday
morning and you want to know
whether or not our service has been
cancelled, tune your television to
WNDU Channel 16 or WSBT
Channel 22. There you will find a
comprehensive list of cancelled
events, including church services.
God. Others do something extra for their spiritual growth or make a special sacrifice. The
key is to make Lent a memorable season of sincere spiritual growth — a time that can set
the tone for the rest of the year.
We will gather for worship on Ash
Wednesday, February 18 at 7:00 p.m. The
service will include the imposition of ashes for
all who wish to participate.
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St. John’s Net
Joyce Simanton
Bob Simanton
Baked Potato
Marcia Villwock
Carole Easton
Gwen Stark
Joyce Saunders
Bill Saunders
Matt Bair
Kristy Bair
Elijah Bair
Joshua Bair
Isabella Bair
Flower Committee
Mary Meyer
Charles Meyer
Betty Reichanadter
Jill Martin
Jennifer Meyer
Angela Villwock
Diane Early
Martha Smith
Ray Fulbright
Mary Willman
Delaney Toll
Samantha Krause
Isabella Bair
Lori Krause
Linda Gaul
Amy Beaird
Jean Loutzenhiser
Sue Benjamin
Ashley Snyder
Maci VanDyke
Dylan Ahlgrim (2010)
Linda Villwock
02-04 Terry and George Paquette (54)
02-19 Debbie and Kevin Asmus (32)
Please call the office
to let us know what
you would like printed in the bulletin.
Virginia Radewald
Mary Meyer
Sandi Fulbright
Margaret Hunerjager
St. John’s Net
St. John’s United Church of Christ
601 Sycamore Street
Niles, MI 49120
Niles, Michigan
Permit No. 355
Pastor Ray Fulbright . . . . . . . . Home—269-684-5025
E-mail . . . [email protected]
Church Phone: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269-683-4420
E-mail address: [email protected]
Worship Service:
Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
Church office hours: 10 a.m.—1 p.m.
Council Officers:
President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joan Schmidt
Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Matt Bair
Clerk/Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marilyn Leiler
Financial Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Betty Kirkendall
Asst. Financial Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . Bart Benjamin
Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joyce Saunders
Council Members:
Ed Geideman
Margaret Hunerjager
Mary Meyer
Judie Vinnedge
Office Administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kaye Shrider
Organist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mike Stanley
Custodian . . . . . . . . . . . Shelley Motts/Jason Fletcher
Our Affiliations:
Berrien County Association of Churches
Southwest Association, Michigan Conference
Michigan Conference of the United Church of Christ
Pastor’s Comments
Memorials / Thank You
St. John’s Church News
Community Lenten Services
Church Calendar
Serving Schedule
Birthdays and Anniversaries
Flower Chart
This newsletter of St. John’s UCC of Niles is
published monthly. The deadline schedule
for the March newsletter is Monday, February 16th. The editor welcomes submissions
and suggestions. Please send to attention of
Kaye at St. John’s or e-mail:
[email protected]