School Newsletter February 2014 Today

Cardinal Allen Catholic High School
A Specialist Maths and Computing College
School Newsletter
February 2015
The annual ski trip to Torgon left school on Saturday 31st January. A coach load full of excitable
teenagers (and teachers) set off to experience all that the Swiss Alps had to offer. With snow
falling at a rapid rate, we woke up on Sunday to views which were simply out of this world. Crisp,
white, untouched snow provided a lovely, spongy base to cushion any tumbles… of which there
were many! The pupils, many of whom had never put on a pair of ski boots before, embraced the
challenge of the slopes with inspirational enthusiasm. Despite falling and getting up and falling
and getting up…pupils persevered and made exceptional progress even by the end of the first
day. The whole week was an action-packed rollercoaster ride of exhilarating experiences, such as
skiing across the border into France, drinking hot chocolate in the middle of a magical snowy
forest and skiing down a mountain holding fire torches! Despite all of the amazing opportunities
experienced, one of the most fantastic
elements of this trip was watching new
friendships develop between the pupils.
It was lovely to watch pupils supporting
each other and facing new challenges
together. A huge thanks on behalf of
everybody to Mr McCann for organising
this wonderful trip. A new generation of
skiers is born! For full details of the trip,
please see the Torgon Diary available on
the school website.
Up to date news items, reminders and comments relevant to
the education of our pupils and our work in the community.
Now with over 975 followers. @cardinalallen
Chairman of Governors, Mr Waters, updated parents in January
about arrangements for me to spend two terms working at Leyland
St. Mary’s, another Lancashire High School, which is currently
subject to Special Measures. Mr Waters outlined the internal
arrangements made at Cardinal Allen to ensure that my absence (on
average, 3 days per week) is covered and that school continues to
function smoothly. Mr Cafferkey has stepped up to the position of Headteacher and Mr
Henderson to the position of Deputy Headteacher. Several other internal changes mean that all
bases have been covered-not just to ensure status quo– but to enable further progress to be
made in various aspects of school-but particularly in Teaching & Learning. I have been back into
school several times over the last five weeks and I am delighted and proud to see how
individuals have adapted to new roles, how this has been embraced by all staff and the pupils,
and generally to see the quiet, orderly and business-like atmosphere which is the hallmark of a
successful school. I will endeavour to keep parents posted about developments and it is our
commitment to ensure that there is no diminution of service to our pupils. Links between
Cardinal Allen & Leyland St Mary’s have developed and several Curriculum Leaders are lending
their expertise to St. Mary’s as they strive to move forward. What is apparent in this is the
superb professionalism I see in my colleagues in both schools, and the drive to do the best for
young people.
Prayer Competition: Just before Christmas, our school received a visit from the Knights of St
Columba. They came to present a prize to Rachel Knisz, Y11, for coming in 3rd place in the
National Prayer Competition. Rachel’s prayer came 3rd out of thousands of prayers submitted
from schools all over the country, winning her £25! Her winning prayer was this:
Dear Holy Spirit, I ask that you are with me today, to help me through my day. To guide me
through my lessons and my work. To help me to guide others and to show me how to be a better
person and be proud of what I do. Amen.
A huge congratulations to Rachel, whose success was even printed in the Lancaster Voice this
month! Entries for this year’s prayer competition are currently being written, and will be
submitted after half term. We are hoping our students will be inspired by Rachel’s success and
hopefully come away with the top prize!
Willow Gardens Christmas Meal: As a mark of our connection to the Willow Garden Project, the
“happy helpers”, the school choir and band and some of our Y10 students volunteered to help them
for their Christmas meal. The happy helpers worked hard to set up the room and lay the tables,
our Y10 students waited the tables for the threecourse feast, and our musicians provided the
entertainment. Among the items on the bill were
music from the choir and school band, some of the
performances from Cardy’s Got Talent 2015 and a “sing
along” of our favourite Christmas carols. It was a
fantastic celebration, and our students very much
enjoyed meeting the service users and learning about
the work of the Willow Gardens. Thanks to Pamela
Laird for inviting us to share in this special celebration!
Epiphany Mass: As a reminder to us all that the
Christmas Season lasts longer than just Christmas Day, our school community came together to
celebrate the feast of the Epiphany, when the Maji came to visit the child Jesus. Our readings,
music and prayers were provided for us by our students, who came together to say goodbye to
the Christmas Season for another year. Thanks for all who attended, and to the wonderful Father
Gerry Dunn who came to celebrate our Mass.
CAFOD News: This half term, our CAFOD teams have been learning about climate change. This is to
coincide with CAFOD’s new campaign, One Climate, One World, which will be
running for the next two years. They have been learning about climate change
and its impact on the world’s poorest people, and thinking about how they
can reduce their own carbon footprint. They are getting ready to share their knowledge in
assemblies and community events, and shall be raising awareness of this issue until the end of the
Our enthusiastic team also hosted a film event in the Chapel, which raised £22 for CAFOD. We will
send this off along with our Lent Fundraising monies, as the government has once again promised
to match every £1 we raise for CAFOD. We are very excited that our money will go further to help
the poor and vulnerable across the world!
Holocaust Memorial Day: Just before Christmas, our school was fortunate to welcome Holocaust
Survivor Joanna Milan, who came to speak to the Y10’s as part of a themed day. During the day,
the students also contributed to our “book of commitment”, reflecting on the lessons they can
learn from the holocaust in their own lives. As this
year marked the 70th Anniversary of the liberation
of Auschwitz, a special effort was made on
Holocaust Memorial Day (27th January) to
remember those who lost their lives in this terrible
genocide. The Chapel was transformed: the walls
covered with 10,000 names of the victims, all aged
10 and under, of this persecution. There was an
opportunity to light candles and say a prayer, and
the floor was covered with a map of Europe where
candles burned over the sites of the Nazi death
camps. Our students connected with the theme
exceptionally well, and responded in a mature
The year 11 Vocational Studies group have been working on a project to help the homeless in the
local community. This was at first met with some resistance from the stereotype of homeless
people making themselves homeless through drug and alcohol addiction, the pupils have worked
very hard and have made a number of visits throughout the project, which has really changed
their viewpoint so much so that a number of pupils within the group have volunteered to get
involved with fundraising and helping out where possible due to age limitations at StreetLife.
During these visits the pupils have met with staff at the Streetlife night shelter and day centre
which are both aimed at young people aged between 16 and 25, they have also visited the
Salvation Army Bridge project which caters for the over 25’s. Through being on these visits and
speaking to people working with the homeless they have gained a much deeper empathy for
homeless people and through kind donations from the pupils themselves and staff in school we
were able to set up a number of boxes of clothing to donate to both of these causes.
Through this visit and the kindness of a staff member’s son we were able to offer free haircuts to
the homeless at least once a month, it is this kind of practical help that is of great benefit to
people living on the streets, as we all know a smart appearance can be the difference between
getting that job and not.
As a group we will endeavour to keep this link going, particularly with StreetLife, who offer such a
great service to vulnerable young people, and as a charity they get no funding for doing so, if
anybody has any unwanted single bedding, pillows, sleeping bags etc. please bring it in and it will
be donated to the centre.
The pupils will be delivering assemblies to their peers in March, to try and change other people’s
perceptions of the homeless.
Lancashire Book of the Year: Our dedicated team have read 64 books and narrowed the selection
down to our ‘Top Ten’, below should any other pupils wish to read these. Watch this space to
found out the results of the county meeting!
She is not Invisible – Marcus Sedgwick
Love, Lies & Lemon Pies – Katy Cannon
The Worst Girlfriend in the World – Sarra Manning
Blue – Lisa Glass
Black Friday – Robert Muchamore
Who Framed Klaris Cliff – Nikki Sheehan
Smart – Kim Slater
Fire Storm Book 3 – Lauren St John
Summer’s Shadow – Anna Wilson
Ring of Roses – Mary Hooper
Read for my School: Once again we are taking part in the
national reading competition Read for My School, which is
open to all children in years 3 – 8 in England from January to
March 2015. We entered last year and Cardinal Allen pupils
did us proud winning 100 free books and we hope to repeat
this success! So far Year 7 and 8 pupils have made a fantastic
start with the following in the top 5 for their year group with the number of books read:
Year 7:
Year 8:
D. Ivison - 21
D. Mitchell Wade, L. Pendlebury - 22
M. Brennan - 15
W. Greene - 20
M. Crellin- 10
J. Oldman - 19
Z. Hoggarth, L. Eaton, J. Rolinson - 9
R. Reid - 18
M. Leadbetter - 8
R. Flamholt, P. Cheema, M. Ralphs, M. Lomax – 12
Keep up the good work and don’t forget there will be prizes for the top boy and girl in each year
group so keep reading!
Year 11 English Revision Sessions: The English department are providing a range of opportunities to
support Year 11s in the run up to their exams, with preparation now for the March mock exam.
Well done to the pupils who have been attending these sessions so far, which can really make a
difference. Here is a reminder of the upcoming dates:
Room 5
Room 5
Room 7
Room 14
Don’t forget that Mr Emmett is offering support for pupils too at the following times:
Wednesday 8-8.45; Friday lunch time; Friday after school.
Mrs. Swift and Mrs. Snelling are also available during Monday lunch times to offer additional
support. We hope to see you at as many of these sessions as possible!
GCSE Drop-In Sessions: What IS the difference between mitosis and meiosis? Do
you know the difference between igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks?
The electromagnetic spectrum – what’s it all about? How would you separate
two miscible liquids?
GCSE Revision Drop-In Sessions continue to be popular and now run on
Thursdays after school (3.05 pm – 4.05 pm) as follows:
BIOLOGY takes place in SC6 with Mrs Hoy
CHEMISTRY takes place in SC2 with Mr Brown
PHYSICS takes place in SC5 with Miss Winkley
There is no need to book a place, just turn up and make your way to the classroom where the
subject you wish to revise is taking place.
Correct written answers to one of the revision questions posed on the Drop-In Session flyers,
which are read out during Form time, will receive a prize from Mrs Hoy.
GCSE SCIENCE EXAM DATES 2015 are as follows:
BIOLOGY UNIT 1– Wed 12th May
BIOLOGY UNIT 2 - Fri 5th June
BIOLOGY UNIT - Mon 15th June
CHEMISTRY UNIT 1 - Thu 14th May
CHEMISTRY UNIT 2 -Tue 9th June
CHEMISTRY UNIT 3 - Wed 17th June
PHYSICS UNIT 1 - Wed 20th May
PHYSICS UNIT 2 - Fri 12th June
PHYSICS UNIT 3 - Fri 19th June
Year 7 Science Club: Year 7 Science club for future budding scientists now runs on Wednesday
lunchtimes (from 1.30 pm). The location may vary dependent upon what is planned and the
teacher taking the session so please just come to the department to be directed to the correct
KS3 Stars of the Week: Don’t forget to check out the “KS3 Stars of the Week”
board which is located between Sc1 and Sc2. Years 7, 8 and 9 pupils who excel
each week and who have been nominated due to their hard work, effort or
achievement will have their names displayed in their very own star.
Year 7 pupils have created some
wonderful observational studies
of soft toys. We have been very
impressed with their efforts in
class to overcome any drawing
difficulties, and master new
Thank you to Parents and Carers
for their support with homework
- the children produced some
fantastic Jackson Pollock paintings to support their learning of colour theory in class. I believe
many parents also enjoyed ‘having a go’ with this technique too!
We are delighted with the results of the Mexican
clay plates made by all Year 8 pupils. Here are
some examples below;
We have been very pleased with the results of
the Jon Burgerman inspired key rings made by
all Year 9 pupils. Here are some examples
Year 11 are busy underway with their examination
preparatory period at present. We continue to
encourage pupils to attend the various “catch-up”
sessions offered several times a week, throughout
the year. The 10 hour examination period takes
place from W/C 9th March, 2015 – W/E 20th March,
International Links - Birla High School partnership:
A group of Year 11 students have been investigating domestic violence in UK and Indian societies.
Following skype sessions and visits to a local refuge they have prepared an assembly for their
We are currently looking for hosts for our visitors in May. Please contact Mr Harding if you would
like to get involved with this year’s Student Exchange.
Kit 4 Kolkata: As you may be aware we have a partner school in Kolkata,
India. Over the past 6 years we have worked together on many projects.
One of our aims is to work to help the street and slum children of the city.
With this in mind we are asking for donations of unused or outgrown
football kit for these children. Previously when we have taken kit over their
appreciation has been most humbling.
Please can kit be brought to Mr Harding between now and the end of April
so that its distribution can be organised.
Tower Wood Personal Development course: Last week a party of 7, including 2 staff set off for a
weekend at Tower Wood Outdoor Centre on the banks of Lake Windermere. The aim of the
course is to develop leadership skills through
the medium of outdoor activity and
On arrival, following tea we embarked upon a
night walk up a local fell. With thick snow and
clear skies we were treated to some
memorable views on the summit.
On Saturday we braved some extreme cold
(-6C) and strong wind conditions as we
canoed up the lake. The following powerboat
driving session being much more relaxing if
not any warmer. After lunch we walked
around the Coniston Fells with an abseiling
lesson being the highlight of the session. The
day ended with a campfire session with the
group cooking sausages and bread.
Sunday’s sessions were not much warmer but
just as enjoyable with an expedition through a
mine in the Langdale Valley and a rock
climbing session on Lyndale Slabs.
It was fantastic to see our students growing in
confidence during the course and giving
everything a real go.
ECO - RSPB Big Birdwatch: Our Eco group has participated in this year’s Big School Birdwatch. It
was a really pleasing to note the number of Oystercatchers now visiting our school grounds.
We have also helped to make Bird feeders for many of our local Primary schools.
Litter Campaign: Litter has reduced dramatically around school
following our recent campaign to eliminate the scourge of litter
from our school. Harsh penalties and zero tolerance to litterbugs
have been employed as well as litter collected being displayed on
our ‘Tree of Shame’. Thankfully it is almost empty this week
showing the message is getting through.
Interact group: Our Interact group, in association with North
Fylde Rotary Club boasts 27 members at present. The first
project to be embarked upon is a Fancy Dress Sponsored Walk
from Blackpool to School to raise much needed money for Brian
House Children’s Hospice. Corporate Sponsorship for the group
will be gratefully accepted. Please contact Mr Harding at school
on 872659
DofE report: Our DofE groups are now fully kitted out for our
expeditions following the purchase of new tents, rucksacks
camping mats and Trangia stoves. We are now looking forward to
some warm ,fine weather.
Transgenerational IT group: This national award winning group
meets every Tuesday 3.05- 4.15 with the aim of improving IT
skills for older members of our community. Tuition is delivered by students from Cardinal Allen
and is tailor made for your individual needs. Recently we have been producing a booklet for
CAFCA (Cardinal Allen Family and Community Association)
numbers remain healthy this year. Our next meeting is on
Monday 2nd March at 6pm in PE1. All attending will be most
CAFCA Ladies Night 26th February—see our advert on the back page!
CAFCA trip to Ambleside 21st March: CAFCA’s first trip of the year is to the Lake District. We will be
travelling by minibus to Ambleside. Ambleside is one of the main tourist resorts in the Lake
District on the banks of Lake Windermere. There is plenty to keep you occupied here with
numerous shops, cafes and walks around the village as well as boat trips around the lake.
A guided walk will be provided for anyone who feels energetic.
We will be leaving school at 9.00 am and departing
Ambleside at 4pm.
Cost £4.50 adults
£3.50 children
If you would like to join us on our trip to
Ambleside, please contact the school office for full
details and a booking form.
Year 7 Sports Hall Athletics: After a number of vigorous trials with Mrs Orwin, 8 successful year 7
pupils (Ollie Swales, Eva Burrows, Ebony Bradley, Ellie Grey, Jessica Lees, Emily Grassie, Morgan
Williams and Amy Porter) were selected to compete in the Fylde & Wyre Secondary Schools
Sportshall Athletics Competition, on Wednesday 28th January 2015. The competition was
extremely tight, with tough opposition from seven other Fylde & Wyre secondary schools.
However, with great team effort and spirit the girls managed to produce some fantastic
performances, resulting in them tying first place with Carr Hill. On count back (number of wins
against Carr Hill), the Cardy girls came out top and are now through to the next stage in February
(County Finals). Well done girls!!!
Basketball: The Year 9 basketball team have just started in the Wyre and Fylde competition. The
other schools that have entered this year are; Garstang, St Aidan’s, AKS and Lytham. The team
played Lytham High School in the opening fixture and won 51 - 12. Leon Taylor and Michael
Thwaites were the top point scorers on the night and Michael Pangburn, Joseph Scantlebury,
Henry Eadie also added to the team’s points. The second game was away in Lytham against AKS.
Again the team played very well and won the game 29-20. The highest point scorer of the night
was Michael Pangburn with 16 points. We still have to play St Aidan’s at home and Garstang
away after half term but well done to the team so far.
Year 11 Catering students recently completed their second
practical controlled assessment. They were set the task of
cooking two courses from an International Cuisine that would be
served in a restaurant. They could choose either Indian, Chinese,
Italian or Mexican. Pupils are required to design their menu
according to researched based on restaurant menus from that
cuisine. They could chose to cook either a starter and a main
course or a main course and a dessert. The standard from this
Year 11 class was outstandingly high with pupils demonstrating
high levels of cookery skill. Not only did they demonstrate high
levels of skill when making their dishes but the presentation of
the food would not have looked out of place in a restaurant. Mr
Cafferkey and Mrs Witton were impressed at the standard and
quality of the food on offer and
were delighted to be asked to
taste the selection of dishes.
Good luck to all the Year 11
Catering students for the
forthcoming summer exam, long
may their high standards
Mrs Horan
I make another appeal that all children are equipped properly
for school. Far too frequently children arrive at school without
a bag and often even without pens or pencils etc. It is the
responsibility of family to support their children with the basic
equipment necessary to access learning in class. In brief the
minimum each child should have is:
A bag to carry books and sports
gear; two pens (e.g. biros); two
pencils; a ruler and a calculator.
Additional equipment such as coloured pens etc., is optional but can
make a difference. This is the very least we can expect from all
families. We are not under any obligation to loan equipment.
Getting organised is a life skill and parents have the primary role in
helping their children in this way.
The school is currently advertising for a Catering Manager to work 37
hours per week, term time only, Salary Grade 5 SCP 17 to 21. Full
details including job description and how to apply are available on the
school website For an informal chat about
the post, please contact the School Business Manager, Jane Abra at
[email protected] or on 01253 872659.
A reminder to all parents that they must not enter the school site, driveways or car
parks with their vehicles when dropping off or collecting their children from school.
Our pupils’ safety is paramount!
Cardinal Allen on the
26th February. Doors
open at 6:30 till
8:30pm. Get a glass of
bubbly on entry,
enjoy some delicious
fashion shows and
pick up some bargains
at the available stalls.
There is also a FREE
goody bag for each
ticket holder!
Tickets are on sale
from Mrs D Ball,
Children only £4.
Remember ……..
ladies only!