3 R D QUAR TER 2014-2015 AC AD EMY SCH OOL DISTR IC T #20 I N S I D E T HI S IS S UE : Kadet Klips Principal of the Thing 1 District Calendar 2 Daily Schedule 3 Counselor’s Corner 4-8 Kadets in the Know 9-10 Safety & Security The Principal of the Thing Interventions Schedule 11 Attendance Contact #s Greetings Kadet Community! The Air Academy technology committee, renamed Team 21, has been working hard since last spring to fulfill our Site Plan goal to move our school to a whole new level of 21st Century learning. We have visited three schools and the new 21st century library. Our accountability committee and principal advisory council have been kept apprised of our research and planning. We think that BYOD is our next step! What is BYOD? Bring Your Own Device is the educational strategy of having students bring their own laptops and tablets to school to facilitate learning. Data from our visits to other schools clearly show that student writing improves as well as student engagement. Of course, since most of our students will go on to college and work environments that require regular and effective use of computers, it is important that we prepare them for those demands. We are exploring all the ins and outs of this BYOD implementation. Ideally, we would like to have all AA students coming to school with a tablet or laptop by 2018. Other schools we have visited recommend starting with a freshmen class and we are considering asking our freshmen class, the class of 2019, to bring a device with them next year. Of course, we are working on strategies to support students who cannot afford to purchase a device. We want to make sure every student can participate equitably. We would love to have more parent and student participation in this discussion. We will hold two open houses in the upcoming weeks to share our thinking and to listen to your thinking on this possibility. Please plan to join us in the library on either 1/29 from 5:30-6:30 or 2/5 from 5:00 to 6:00 to continue the discussion and find out more about this exciting new project. On another note, please keep an eye on our website for updates on the testing schedule for the mandatory state PARCC testing. We should be able to announce the specifics on that schedule by mid-February. We will be administering the mandatory testing in reading, writing and math in grades 9, 10 and 11 in March and May. ACT testing for juniors is also in March. Spring also includes many celebrations for our seniors that I am looking forward to. It is a busy time for all of us! Thanks for your participation in the exciting plans we have for our future Kadets! Your principal, Your principal, “It’s a matter of PRIDE.” 1 11 11 3 RD Q UART E R 2 K ADE T K LIPS 3 3 RD Q UART E R College Rep Visits to AAHS To sign up for a College visit, you must go to your Naviance Student Account at http://connection.naviance.com/airacad Click on the colleges tab then on visits. Lists are also posted on the bulletin board in front of Student Services and on the Kadet Website. Colleges call daily so there will be an updated list posted often. Signing up for a rep visit will only be done online through your Naviance account. You must SIGN UP at least 2 days in advance and then come down to the College/Career Center and get a pass. Military Recruiters will be in the building on the following days each month: Army and Army Reserves: 2nd and 4th Mondays Marines: 2nd Tuesday Air Force: 1st Wednesday Air Force Reserves: 3rd Wednesday Navy: 2nd Wednesday Tuesday January 13 Blue Wednesday February 11 Blue 1:30 pm 9:05 am Centura Health Care Professionals Ft. Hays State University in Kansas AAHS College Code: 060266 AAHS College Code: 060266 4 K ADE T K LIPS ACT TEST DATES 2014/2015 Go to www.actstudent.org to register Fee: $38.00, $54.50w/writing Test Date Registration Deadline (Late Fee Required) February 7, 2015* January 9, 2015 January 10–16, 2015 April 18, 2015 March 13, 2015 March 14–27, 2015 June 13, 2015 May 8, 2015 May 9–22, 2015 SAT Test Dates 2014/2015 Go to www.sat.collegeboard.org Fee: $52.50 test and write Test Date Deadline Late Deadline Extra Fee Jan 24, 2015 December 29 January 13 March 14, 2015 February 13 March 3 May 2, 2015 April 6 April 21 June 6, 2015 May 8 May 27 5 3 RD Q UART E R IMPORTANT DATES for SENIORS 2015 D20 College Financial Aid Night Senior Activities Music Auditions Spring Break Mandatory Senior Student And Parent Night Mandatory Senior Student And Parent Night Thursday, January 15 at 6:30 PM Tuesday, March 17 at 2:55 PM March 20-27 Monday April 6 at 7:00 PM OR Wednesday April 8 at7:00 PM Pine Creek HS Room 401 Filsinger Hall (Auditorium) Filsinger Hall (Auditorium) This is a very important meeting that both one parent and the senior MUST attend to be allowed to walk at graduation. Graduation Speech Auditions Senior Breakfast Senior Service Day Prom and After Prom AP Testing Senior Awards Night Graduation Rehearsal Graduation Tuesday, April 7 at 2:55 PM Thursday, April 16 at 8:00 AM Thursday April 16 at 12:00-2:30 PM Saturday, April 18 May 4-15 Thursday May 7 at 6:30 PM (Reception, 6:00 PM) Tuesday, May 19 at 1:00 PM Thursday, May 21 at 10:00 PM Room 513 Antler’s Hilton Hotel TBA TBA Filsinger Hall USAFA Field House USAFA Field House ALL THE ABOVE DATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. CHECK WITH MRS. SCHOLTE IN THE COLLEGE AND CAREER CENTER District 20 (Senior) Financial Aid Night Seniors and parents of seniors—Join us for the D20 Financial Aid Night on Thursday, January 15th, at 6:30 pm at the Pine Creek High School Auditorium. Guest Speak, Jim Swanson, the Director of Financial Aid at Colorado College, will walk us through the Financial Aid process, from application to award letter. Join us for this very informative evening. A question and answer session will be held at the end for your financial aid questions. 6 K ADE T K LIPS Junior/Parent College Night There will be a College Night for junior students and parents on Monday, January 26 at 6:00 pm in Filsinger Hall (Auditorium). Dr. Beers will present information about senior class selection, selecting colleges, college admissions and the application process, and financial aid. A question and answer session will be held at the end. JUNIORS We are offering an ACT Prep Course (Prep for the Future) on March 10th and 11th at AAHS. Be sure to check your mailbox for a mailing from Prep For The Future. They are offering a two-day workshop at AAHS for $79. 5:30-8:00 PM in the library. We are offering free ACT prep software, “PrepMe,” on your Naviance account. Log on to your Naviance account, right on your homepage (under the Resources heading on the left-hand side of the screen) click on the “PrepMe” button. You will take a short diagnostic test for each section. Then this software develops lesson plans for you based on your diagnostic test results. Senior Year Checklist “The first 3 years of high school is what get you INTO College….your senior year is what KEEPS you there” Admissions Officer, U. of Michigan *Finish college applications….deadlines are fast approaching! *Update your resume for teachers or scholarship applications when they request information from you for recommendation letters or applications *Continue to apply for scholarships. For every 15 you apply for the average return is 3-5! *Gather tax info for financial aid applications *Begin filling out the FAFSA for Financial Aid support (and CSS Profile if applicable) as early as you can *Remember your 2nd semester grades are just as critical as the 1st semester. Admission decisions can be retracted if 2nd semester proves to be less than stellar grades—Finish your senior year courses strong! *If possible, make one last visit to your number one college to see if it’s still your first choice. *Let your colleges know if you are (or aren’t) attending by May 1st. 7 3 RD Q UART E R Junior Year *Continue to invest time in areas of interest through extracurricular activities and community service activities, or take the initiative to create your own organization *Create a tentative list of colleges for consideration. Start big….10-20 schools (eventually narrowing your list to 4-8 colleges to apply) *Continue to keep your resume or log up to date with all community service and extracurricular activities *Attend college workshops and review college guides *Remember you are applying to colleges with your transcript which includes your Freshman, Sophomore and Junior year grades. Therefore, you want to finish strong your junior year! *Plan on taking the ACT this spring and perhaps the SAT in May or June *Plan on taking college campus visits during spring break and this summer *Begin considering summer programs, job or volunteer opportunities *Plan on attending Junior Parent College Night with your parents! (It’s on January 26 at 6:00 pm in the AAHS auditorium) *Create a list of questions to ask when the College and Career Counselor comes into your class for the Junior Post -Secondary Options Presentation Sophomore Year *Continue to invest time in areas of interest through extracurricular activities and community service activities, or take the initiative to create your own organization *Deepen your involvement in several extracurricular activities to broaden your experience and help you build relationships with other students and with faculty *Continue to keep your resume or log up to date with all community service and extracurricular activities *Meet with your Grade Level Counselor to make sure you’re on target with the right courses for Pre-Registration and Graduation Freshman Year *Continue to invest time in areas of interest through extracurricular activities and community service activities, or take the initiative to create your own organization *Deepen your involvement in several extracurricular activities to broaden your experience and help you build relationships with other students and with faculty *Start a resume or log to keep track of all your community service and extracurricular activities *Meet with your Grade Level Counselor to make sure you’re on target with the right courses for Pre-Registration and Graduation *Remember you are applying to colleges with your transcript which includes your freshman year grades. If you didn’t have a strong performance 1st semester, meet with your Grade Level Counselor to create a plan of action to ensure success for 2nd semester! 8 K ADE T K LIPS Kadets in the Know KADET KUDOS We had 5 Boettcher Semi-Finalists this year! They are: Roshni Kalkur Stephanie Ward McKenzie Weller Eric Woods Anne Zou Katie Rainsberger was selected as Gatorade CO XC runner of the year. Senior, Bailey Nagle is the 2014-2015 recipient of the Daughters of the American Revolution “Good Citizen Award” for Air Academy, “Like our Facebook page to keep up to date with Air Academy High School events!” 9 3 RD Q UART E R Kadets in the Know Lunch and Breakfast Prices for 2013/2014 School Year High School Lunch Daily $2.40 Reduced Lunch Daily $.40 High School Breakfast $1.35 High School Reduced Breakfast No Cost Adult Lunch $2.95 Adult Breakfast $1.75 Entrée ONLY $2.10 Milk and Juice $.65 The Jetstream Journal Air Academy’s Jetstream Journal is an online newspaper written by the students of the Journalism class. Included in the newspaper will be intriguing stories and news articles relating to Air Academy High School and the community surrounding it. Also included will be tips for students and multiple fun elements as well as columns. It is published on the 15th of every month, so be sure to check it out at thejetstreamjournal.com! Parent Council Organization- Join Now – Next Meeting February 10, 2015 Parent Council is the organization that gives all parents the opportunity for communication between home and school. Our meetings include updates on all happenings at AAHS from our school Principal and from Student Council. Invited guests also provide information about current educational issues or programs in the district or the building. This group provides parents an opportunity to ask questions, share ideas and raise concerns about our high school. We meet at 11:50 am in the Library Media Center. Additional meetings scheduled for this year are April 14th. Our organization is open to all parents, and since we are not a fund-raising group, our only funds come from our annual family membership dues of $20. This can be paid through www.payforit.net as an activity fee or you can write a check for $20 payable to AAHS Parent Council and turn it in at the meeting or mail to: Evony McKenna 1019 Valley Road Colorado Springs, CO 80904 10 K ADE T K LIPS Safety and Security Corner It’s hard to believe we are already into the second semester! Things continue to go well at Air Academy High School. First semester saw successful completion of all of our drills. We conducted drills that simulate: lockdown, extreme weather and fire/ evacuations. As always our students took our drills seriously and our staff executed them perfectly. In November we partnered with the United States Air Force Academy to host the national safe driving assembly: STREET SMART. This program warned students of the dangers of driving under the influence and distracted driving. The feedback we received from students was very positive. Everyone looks forward to a Safe and Secure 2015! Department Interventions Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday All Electives Math English Science Club Meetings Club Meetings Club Meetings Friday Social Studies World Language Club Meetings Academy Konnections Club Meetings (as announced) Please print, cut out, and post the info to the right in a convenient location. The secretaries and their phone numbers are the same for all four years of your students’ time at AAHS. Please call STUDENT SERVICES for ATTENDANCE, MESSAGES TO STUDENTS, and COUNSELING ISSUES. Class of 2016& 2018 9th & 11th Grade Janie Olsen 234-2428 Class of 2015 & 2017 10th & 12th Grade Patty Westfall 234-2432 Please print, cut out, and post the info 11
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