Port Stephens Veterans & Citizens Aged Care 2014 - Shoal Bay - Fingal Bay - Salamander Bay FEBRUARY 2015 CELEBRATE WHAT’S GREAT THIS AUSTRALIA DAY AND BBQ LIKE YOU’VE NEVER BBQ’D BEFORE HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY! Page 1 Harbourside Haven Villages 2015 FINGAL HAVEN VILLAGE CRAFT “FAIR” FARM ROAD, FINGAL BAY To be held on SATURDAY 11th APRIL 2015 To 1pm in the Recreational Hall. Numerous Stalls, including Exotic Plants and Pre-Loved items Devonshire Morning Tea Sausage Sizzle RAFFLE WITH GREAT PRIZES Page 2 Harbourside Haven Villages 2015 CENTENARY OF ANZAC CONCERT To commemorate the Centenary of Anzac, marking 100 years since the commencement and battles of the First World War, Port Stephens Legacy Group and Harbourside Villages have arranged for a Special Concert to be held at Harbourside Haven Village on - Saturday April 18th, commencing at 2pm in the Harbourside Recreation Centre. The concert will feature entertainer Val Murray and her Group and will include community singing of well known songs of the era. A specific feature of the Concert is to provide an opportunity for war widows in the Villages who may have difficulty in attending public services, to join a Commemoration service of very special significance. For those requiring transport, Village buses will leave Salamander and Fingal Havens Recreation Centres at 1.30 pm. Enquiries– Alan Hudson- Port Stephens Legacy– 49814029. Page 3 Harbourside Haven Villages 2015 Harbourside Haven & Bernie Thompson Park January 15 Australia Day 2015: Happy Australia Day to all! There are a few places still available for the Australia Day Party which will be held in the Hall at 4pm on Monday next, the 26th January. Ten dollars is the cost of dinner, wine and beer with music by Steve Gillespie and the conferring of the 2015 Eminent Resident Awards. You must ring Kath Cridland on 49813342 immediately if you wish to join the other residents who are excited about the Party. We are also hoping to have available a new Eminent Resident Pin that will be presented to the recipients who have won the Award over the past six years. Organizer Kath Cridland Happy Hour at the Village: At 4pm first Sunday of the month at the Rotunda in Harbourside. Just $2.00 for a sausage sizzle – bring your own nibbles and drinks. Peter and Kris Maunder. Sunday Afternoon Tea in February. Put Sunday the 15th February at 2pm into your diary now! That is the day the 2015 musical afternoons will begin. Come with your small plate of afternoon tea and sing, sing, sing! No cost - just turn up and meet a happy group of residents who enjoy company and music. Frank Ward. Exercise Classes: Tuesdays at 10am in the hall for one hour. The cost is $5.00 per session and the reward is increased mobility and fitness. Greetings from Bernie Thompson Park We continue to enjoy our weekly ‘get-to-gethers’ on Thursdays at 4pm. They are very well attended and everyone is welcome. It seems ages ago now but several residents from BTP together with Rob’s friends enjoyed some of the goodies he won in the Giant Christmas Raffle. His hospitality was greatly appreciated. One of our regulars, Rae Brougham with her partner Alan Latham was successful in winning the Mixed Doubles Final conducted at Fingal Bay Bowling club recently. Congratulations Rae. On a sadder note one of our residents, Col Clarke, passed away just before Christmas. I miss looking out my kitchen window and seeing his beautiful roses. Vale. Rae Brougham is Bernie Thompson Park official welcomer and we look forward to meeting all new residents at all the village functions. Carol Russell (Assistant Advocate BTP) Page 4 Harbourside Haven Villages 2015 The Following is a list of Activities in our village and we welcome you to come along and participate. Heated swimming pool & Spa Craft in Craft Cottage Open 8.00am –3.30pm Monday 10am to 4pm Library in Recreation Hall Room left of stage Strengthening Exercises in Recreation Hall Available 9am-3.30pm daily Tuesdays 10.30am ART CLASSES– Free with Tutor Croquet Resident Artist Lorna Anderson Monday 2pm Wednesday 9:30am 10am—12 noon Wednesdays CRAFT COTTAGE Supply own art equipment, Friday 9:30am Ladies Cards in Recreation Hall Men's Cards in Bowling Club Hall– Euchre Wednesday 1pm—4pm Saturday 1pm CHRISTIAN PRAYER SERVICE SERVICE HELD 1ST, 2ND & 3RD FRIDAY EACH MONTH AT 9.30 AM IN HOSTEL 2 ALL WELCOME NEXT TO HAIRDRESSER FRANCES HARRIS 49814384 SCRABBLE—RECREATION HALL Indoor Bowls in Recreation Hall FRIDAY 1PM - 5PM Thursday 1.30pm All welcome Contact Claire Smith 4981 4237 Church Service PINK AUXILIARY VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED CONTACT: SUE DRUERY PH 0458 579901 Page 5 Ecumenical Service held every 4th Friday at 9:30am in Hostel 2 in the room next to the hairdresser. Harbourside Haven Villages 2015 SALAMANDER HAVEN VILLAGE NEWS ATTENTION SALAMANDER HAVEN RESIDENTS Salamander Haven has now begun an advocate-liaison system to help resolve any issues arising in the village. This includes any suggestions for improvements or ideas for the benefit of residents. Jack Mees and Jenny Hoare are the nominated resident representatives. They will be available for discussion or consultation from 10.00am on the first Monday of the month at the Recreation Centre. Any resident may contact Jack or Jenny, prior to that time if it is urgent. It is helpful to have your matter in writing ahead of the meeting. We extend a warm welcome to Penny and Ian Davidson, our new residents. Page 6 Harbourside Haven Villages 2015 Salamander Haven Recreation Centre Residents Activities Library. Jan’s Craft. Open at all times. Monday 10am – 1-00 pm. Tuesday 10am - 3pm. The 3 “C’s. group meets alternate Fridays at 10-00 am. Water Aerobics Wednesday & Fridays 8-00 am Zumba Monday 1.30pm Rec Centre Carpet Bowls. Wednesday 10-00 am. Men’s Shed. All day Wednesday from 9-00 am. Morning tea & chat at 10-00 am. Village Art Classes. Table Tennis. Cards. Wednesday 10-00 am—1-00 pm. Wednesday & Friday 3-00 pm. Saturday 12.30 pm Swimming Pool Hours. Summer 6-30 am –7-00 pm. Winter 7.30 am –4.00 pm. Sunday Afternoon Movies. Every fourth Sunday afternoon 1-30 pm start. Happy Hour. Every Thursday at 4-00 pm Sausage Sizzle First Thursday of each month At 5pm Book Club– 2nd Friday of the month at 2pm in the Craft Room Contact Jann Thomas 49847821 Page 7 Harbourside Haven Villages 2015 Activities and interests available to residents at Fingal Haven Village Monthly Day Bus Trip: normally each third Friday circular with details 4th Monday– Luncheon at Fingal Bay Bowling Club Bus leaves gazebo 12.30pm Greta Clark 4984 2556 BBQ : 4th Thursday 5pm Sausage Sizzle $3 Card Games: 500 each Monday at 1:30 pm Wal Harrison 49 813852 Craft group: meets each Tuesday 10am-md and 1pm -3pm Mollie Carter ~4984 4368 Meryl Moss 4981 5281 or Lyn Cannon 4981 5525 Croquet: Wednesday 6pm & Saturday 9am Equipment provided. interested players please contact Betty Williams—4981 4803 Hairdresser: Each Saturday and Wednesday by appointment-Sandra McDonald ~ 04222 63951 Happy hour: Thursday 5pm BYO~ 4th Thursday includes sausage sizzle Heated Pool and Spa: Available each day 8am-4.00pm Zumba Gold Gentle Exercise/Dance: Monday 11 am First Monday 11.30am/Cost $6. All welcome Morning tea Club: All welcome. First Monday each month 10:00am Gold Coin donation please Movies: 3rd Wednesday monthly 1:30pm - $2. 00 Contact Sue Charnock ~ 4981 4833 Interested in……… Scrabble: Pam Walker 0447596256 Mahjong: Norma Shylan 49 849435 Table Tennis: Joan McLeod 49 814428. Village Shopping bus; To Nelson Bay and Salamander Shopping Centre Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9am~returns around 11.45am Tuesday, Wednesday[ includes Bunnings –pm] and Thursday 12:30 pm ~returns about 2:30pm A wonderful service! Page 8 Harbourside Haven Villages 2015 Fingal Haven February 2015 Best wishes to all readers of the Village Voice. We are privileged to live in security, and comfort in such a glorious part of creation. During the Christmas and New Year we have also have the opportunity to enjoy many wonderful social events. Currently Alan Triscott is busy putting together our own ‘Fingal Facts,’ to share the details of those great events, in word and picture. The paper, is provided to you free of charge, through the generosity of Shoal Bay Pharmacy, and now also from Fingal Bay Sports Club. Thank you Alan for continuing to generously use your time and talents to produce the monthly paper for our enjoyment of recent, and an understanding of future events. Remember to contact Alan with any special events or items you would like included. A special Milestone. Happy 98th Birthday to Fred Burton! A very warm welcome to our new residents, Rodney and Vivienne O’Toole in villa 91.It is so good to have you with us, we hope you will soon settle and feel at home in your new surroundings. We were all saddened to hear of Lee Guy’s passing in Harbourside NH after a Year long illness. Her happy nature and love of life endeared her to all. A wake was held in her honour. Condolences have been sent to Lee’s family. Whoever we are, for each of us there will have already been many changes to adjust to in the New Year. Change whether positive or negative can often be difficult to accept. My dear neighbor Thelma Job keeps me up to the mark and ‘growing,’ linguistically. Despite the many challenges and changes in her life Thelma is an inspiration to all who know her. Perspicacious [keen mental perception, discerning] is her word of the month. Like many, she laments the changes in language and many of the ways we now communicate. I have noted with perspicacity And report with my well known audacity No longer can we procrastinate, Our language is changing at a fast rate. With texting and twitter Email and tweet, Words we once used are now obsolete! ……Thelma Job Best wishes to all readers, and especially to those who are not so well. Please let me know details of events, special birthdays or anniversaries. Page 9 Margaret McMillan 49 811348 Harbourside Haven Villages 2015 What does being old mean to me? From the Primary children at St. Michaels School GREETINGS FROM BERNIE THOMPSON PARK!!!! Our regular get-together every Thursday will now be meeting at 4pm to enjoy the sight of the beautiful sunsets!! So come out of hibernation, and join us. I feel a trivia afternoon coming on!!! Page 10 Harbourside Haven Villages 2015 WHATS HAPPENING IN MAINTENANCE With the weather warming up, I would like to remind all residents about the slippery little snakes! Our maintenance staff are not qualified to handle snakes, so you must call the local fire brigade on 49 811376. All maintenance requests no matter how large or small are to be placed in the GREEN boxes provided around the villages or handed in person to the maintenance shed in your village. A maintenance form can be located on page 13 in this edition. Can all residents remind their friends, family and agency staff about the village speed limits which are 8 km within the village. If you are concerned about the welfare of a neighbour please call Emergency Maintenance on call mobile 0418 646 957. VILLAGE RESIDENT PET OWNERS PLEASE REMEMBER TO CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR PETS Page 11 Harbourside Haven Villages 2015 Page 12 Harbourside Haven Villages 2015 1230 1225 1240 0910 1245 0920 Nelson Bay Shops 1115 1420 Salamander Shops 1100 1405 1430 1125 Haven Harbourside 1445 1135 Thompson Park Bernie 1455 1145 Fingal Haven 2, 38 Farm Road 1255 0930 Nelson Bay Shops From Salamander Shopping Centre to Villages 0900 Fingal Haven 2, Bernie Thompson Harbourside Ha38 Farm Road Park ven 0855 Fingal Haven 1, 44 Farm Road From Villages to the Salamander Shopping Centre Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 1500 1150 Fingal Haven 1, 44 Farm Road 1305 0945 Salamander Shops Page 13 Harbourside Haven Villages 2015 2014 Christmas Raffles A big thank you to everyone who supported our Christmas Raffles and congratulations to all of the lucky winners. I would like to thank Jan Brockbank and her wonderful craft group for their lovely donation for the Nursing Home Christmas Raffle. The beautiful quilt with matching pillow shams was very popular (wish I won it!). Another big thank you to the Fingal Haven Craft Ladies for their generous donation of a lovely Christmas Gift Hamper that is always so appreciated. BKACF is very lucky to have the assistance of Pam Carney our Raffle Person Extraordinaire- thank you Pam you always manage to get the most amazing prizes and raise so much money for our Christmas Raffle!! Raising a total of $780.00 with 8 of the winners being from Fingal Villas and the facility- well done! Our next raffle will be for Easter and then Mother’s Day I look forward to your continued support and assistance. Thank you! Beth Barton Diversional Therapist Manager of Leisure & Health Services Page 14 Harbourside Haven Villages 2015 BKACF Carol’s By Candlelight Funds Raised Sausages & Drinks $245.00 Candle Sales $92.00 Christmas Raffle $606.40 (as of 05/12/14) Thank you to Everyone for your support it was a fantastic evening and we look forward to seeing you all again next year! Page 15 Harbourside Haven Villages 2015 Crossword 1 SEANS PUZZLE CORNER Across 1 Having a good reputation (4,7,2) 8 Expel (4,3) 9 Skimpy underwear (5) 10 Disgustingly foul substance (4) 11 Simplest (anag) (8) 13 Vibration — shaking (6) 14 Religious sanctuary of ancient Greece (with an Oracle) (6) 17 Biblical vessel (5,3) 19 Tender (4) 21 Imbibe (5) 22 Indispensable (7) 24 Having the knack of making plants grow well (5-8) Page 16 Harbourside Haven Villages 2015 Down 1 Pan used in Chinese cookery (3) 2 Deliver a talk (7) 3 Implement (4) 4 Get hold of (6) 5 Deteriorate through neglect (2,2,4) 6 Overt (anag) (5) 7,10 (Of two people) argue violently all the time (5,4,3,3,3) 10 See 7 12 Abandoned (8) 15 Tender (7) 16 Oil-rich country of Southeast Asia (6) 18 Sprightly (5) 20 Austrian composer of 12-tone music, d. 1935 (4) 23 Boy (3) Chess Puzzle 1 Mate in two – Black to move. Page 17 Harbourside Haven Villages 2015 Thursday 29th January Ham Salad, Potato Salad Tossed Salad, Beetroot Pineapple rings Dessert Thursday 22nd January Glazed Meat Loaf & Gravy Potato Gems Honey Carrots Garlic Beans Pavlova & cream Friday 30th January Roast Chicken Cutlets Gravy Mashed Potato Honey Carrots, Beans Peaches with Cream Friday 6th February Grilled Fish Potato Chips Greek Salad Baked Bread & Custard Cream Friday 23rd January BBQ Rissoles Sausages Bacon Pasta Salad Ice Cream Cones Tuesday 20th January Baered Fish Potato Wedges Tossed Salad Apple Strudel & Ice Cream Monday 19th January Chicken Parmigiana Chat Potatoes Sweet Corn Minted Peas Peaches & Yoghurt Wednesday 21st January Lamb & Vegetable Hot Pot Mash Potato Mashed Kumara Steamed Broccoli Pears & Toffee Sauce Thursday 5th February Southern Fried Chicken Mashed Potato, Peas Corn on the Cob Cheese Cake Whipped Cream Tuesday 27th January Crumbed Fish Tartare Sauce, Steamed Diced Potato, Coleslaw Apple Berry Danish & Hot Custard Tuesday 3rd February Pork Rissoles with Gravy Potato Gems Honey Carrots, Peas Jelly & Ice Cream Wednesday 28th Jan Steak Diane Mashed Potato Steamed Pumpkin Peas Fruit Salad & Cream Wednesday 4th Feb Roast Beef with Gravy Baked Potato & Pumpkin Sauteed Zuchinni with Tomato & Onion Panacoa Monday 26th January Lamb & Pea Pie Mashed Potato Glazed Carrots Brussel Sprouts Apricot Crumble & Ice Cream Monday 2nd February Braised Beef & Mushroom Mashed Potato Mashed Pumpkin Garlic Beans Pears & Toffee Sce Friday 13th February Pork Chops Apple Sauce/Gravy Mashed Potato Diced Pumpkin Cauliflower Gra5n Panacoa & Cream Friday 20th Feb Salmon Pa7es Tartare Sce & Lemon, Steamed Diced Pumpkin & Broccoli Lemon Pudding & Custard Tuesday 10th February Wednesday 11th Feb Roast Leg of Lamb Lemon Chicken Gravy & Mint Sauce,b Roast Fried Rice Potato, Baked Mix Vegetables S5r Fry Veg Green Peas Bread & Buer Pudding Yoghurt Fruit & Cream with Cream Tuesday 17th February Wednesday 18th Feb Curried Prawns & Rice Mixed Grill & Gravy and S5r Fry Veg Chat Potatos Steamed Apple Pie & Ice Cream Peas Grilled Tomato Custard Strawberry Tarts with Cream 1800620356 Thursday 12th February Beef Rissoles wrapped in Bacon, Potato Wedges & Sour Cream, Garlic Beans Fresh Carrots, Fruit Salad with Ice Cream Thursday 19th Feb Roast Chicken Potato Salad Tossed Salad, Beetroot Ice Cream Cones Monday 9th February Beef & Veg Pie Mashed Potato Mashed Pumpkin Buered Cabbage with Bacon & Onion, Apple &Rhubarb Crumble i/cream Monday 16th February Slow Braised Beef with Guinness & Veg Mashed Potato Glazed Carrots and Braised Cabbage Peaches & Custard TO TRY OUR MEALS PH: 49814721 OR FREECALL: 2015 Harbourside Haven Villages Page 18 Volunteer Resident Activities Representatives and Advocates 2014/2015 Advocates: Mr Frank Ward, Harbourside Villa 58 Deputy Advocate: Mrs Elizabeth Skillicorn Villa 46 & Nancy McEwen Mr Eric Holliday, Bernie Thompson Park Villa 120 Deputy Advocate: John Kelly Carole Russell Secretary to the Advocates & Village Voice Publication: Kath Cridland Villa 9 Activities Representatives Croquet Representative: Jan Clues Villa 10 Indoor Bowls Representative: Bet Goudge Villa 25 Craft Representative: Nancy McEwan Villa 54 Card (Ladies) Representative: Elizabeth Skillicorn Villa 46 Aqua Aerobics/pool Representative: Lillian Townsend Villa 59a Welfare Representative: Greet new residents Rae Brougham Lorna Anderson HHV Villa 115a Villa 11 Greet new residents Rae Brougham BTP Villa 115a Bus Trips Representative: Any resident who wishes to organize, min 4 Passengers. Exercises Representative: Pauline Orr V55 Ann Powell V18a Events Keith Wyatt, Kris & Peter Maunder, Kath Cridland Joy Hart Library Representative: Joy Hart Villa 45a Hall Bookings Representative: Ken Skillicorn Villa 46 Pool Representative Lillian Townsend Villa Social Committee Co-ordinator Kris Maunder Phone list Frank Ward 59a Welcoming new residents: Advocates, Lorna Anderson & Rae Broughton Representatives names are published in the Village Newsletter to facilitate new members, information etc. All representatives are volunteers. All activities are available to all residents. Representation to the Board through the Advocates is to be in writing. Forms are available in the foyer of the Recreation Hall. Please place in Advocates letter box. Activities groups cannot be represented by Advocates. Groups of concerned residents may be represented as a group. Page 19 Harbourside Haven Villages 2015 COMMUNITY SERVICES Port Stephens Veterans and Citizens Aged care Community Services aims to provide Community Lifestyle and Individualised care to the aged and frail aged persons of the Port Stephens LGA including the Tomaree Peninsula, Tilligerry Peninsula, Raymond Terrace and surrounds. Port Stephens Veterans and Citizens Aged care Community Services provides: DVA Community Nursing Services; HACC Domestic, Social Support and Centre-Based Day Care (Day Respite) services; Home Care Packages 1, 2, 3 and 4; and Private User Pays services including transport, maintenance and Meals on Wheels. For further information on these services please contact our office on 4981 4721. Monday to Friday 830am – 4pm. Page 20 Harbourside Haven Villages 2015 CROSSWORD 1 SOLUTION CHESS PUZZLE 1 SOLUTION 1. ….. c4+ 2. Kc2 Ne3++ Page 21 Harbourside Haven Villages 2015 SALAMANDER VILLAGE REPRESENTATIVES: POSITION NAME VILLA/UNIT Resident Representative Jack Mees Unit 82 Assistant Representative Jenny Hoare Villa 61 Treasurer Jann Thomas Villa 105 Social Co-ordinator Yvonne Milligan Villa 18 Residents activities representatives:Activity/Area Name Villa/Unit Library Jenny Halpin Villa 77 Craft Jan Brockbank Villa 63 3 C’s Craft Fay Cranney Villa 25 Zumba Hannah Noble Villa 36 Water Aerobics Maree Hughes Villa 37 Carpet Bowls Ted Collins Villa 64 Art Group Maureen Ducrou Villa 1 Table Tennis Hannah Noble Villa 36 Cards Shirley Harvey Villa 8 Book Club JannThomas Villa 105 Monthly Bus Trips Jann Thomas Villa 105 Monthly Happy Hour Keith Falson Villa 101 Vegetable Garden Betty Gunter/ Villa 17/33 Tom Harding Sunday Movies Helen & Brian Villa 15 Bambach Mens Shed John Greenwood Villa 99 ALL CONCERNS TO JACK MEES, UNIT 82 IN WRITING PLEASE Page 22 Harbourside Haven Villages 2015 Harbourside Haven and Bernie Thompson Park Retirement Villages Australia Day Celebrations Incorporating Eminent Residents Awards 2015 This event will be held in the Recreation Hall on Monday 26th January 2015 from 4pm The Presentation of Awards by the Chairman Mr Gerry Mohan and his partner Vicki will be followed by entertainment by Steve Gillespie. The raffle prize is a Dinner for Two A two course meal will be served. Wine, beer & cool drinks provided RSVP by Friday 16th January Cost is $10.00 If you wish to attend the Australia Day Celebration please fill in the slip below and enclose slip & $10 per person. Place in an envelope & return to Frank Ward, Villa 58; Kath Cridland Villa 9, Harbourside Haven; Eric Holliday, Villa 120 Bernie Thompson Park Your name will be recorded and marked off on the day at the door. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Australia Day Celebrations, Recreation Hall 4pm 26th January 2015 Name:______________________________________Villa___________ Name:_______________________________________Villa__________ Amount Enclosed:____________________________ Cost is $10.00 per person for 2 course meal, drinks & entertainment. Page 23 Harbourside Haven Villages 2015 HARBOURSIDE HAVEN ADVOCATES ADVOCATES: ERIC HOLLIDAY VILLA 120BTP JOHN KELLY (DEPUTY) VILLA 102BTP CAROL RUSSELL (DEPUTY) VILLA 107a BTP FRANK WARD VILLA 58 HH ELIZABETH SKILLICORN (DEPUTY) NANCY McEWEN (DEPUTY) VILLA 46 HH VILLA54 HH SECRETARY (ADVOCATES) KATH CRIDLAND VILLA 9 HH FINGAL HAVEN RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT ANGELA NEAL 49 849468 VICE-PRESIDENT ALAN TRISCOTT 4981 0636 SECRETARY PAT SHADE 49812357 TREASURER BARRIE CARTER 49844368 SALAMANDER HAVEN ADVOCATES JACK MEES UNIT 82 JENNY HOARE VILLA 61 JANN THOMAS VILLA 105 YVONNE MILLIGAN VILLA 18 PINK AUXILIARY PRESIDENT SUZAN DRUERY 0458 579 901 SECRETARY KERRY MCFADDEN 4984 9678 BKACF REPRESENTATIVE MOLLIE CARTER 4984 4368 EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE—PHONE 0418 646 957 HARBOURSIDE HAVEN OFFICE PHONE 4984 1811 (Hours 9am—4pm Page 24 MON—FRI) Harbourside Haven Villages 2015
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