43nd Annual Tri-State Convention March 5, 2015 - March 7, 2015 Heathman Lodge, Vancouver, WA Many top quality education seminars are offered and our exhibit hall will be full of exhibits. In addition, check out the fun social events planned for your enjoyment. 2015 Convention Highlights 12:00 6:00 - 8:00pm 7:30pm 8:00 - 9:00pm 8:00am 8:30am 9:00-11:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:15-2:15pm 2:30-4:30pm 4:30-7:30pm 4:30pm 6:00pm Thursday March 5, 2015 Registration Office Open Education Seminar Session:A Registration Office Closes Welcome Party Friday March 6, 2015 Registration Office Open Welcome Coffee Education Seminar Session: B IHS Presentation Luncheon State Society Meetings Education Seminar Session: C Exhibit Hall Open Registration Office Closes Exhibit Hall Beverages Saturday March 7, 2015 7:30am Registration Office Open 7:30-8:00am Pre Class Coffee 8:00-10:00am Education Seminar Session: D 10:15- 12:15pm Session E: Exhibit Hall Class 10:15-1:30pm Exhibit Hall open 12:15pm Box Lunch 1:45-3:45pm Education Seminar Session: F 5:00pm Registration Office Closed 4:00-6:00 Session G 9:30am Sunday March 8, 2015 Board Meeting 1 WELCOME PARTY Join us as the Tri State participants gather to meet and greet before the event. All the crew of Tri State and select sponsoring Exhibitors want to welcome you to our 43rd Annual Convention by enjoying some wine, micro beers and appetizers at 8:00pm Thursday night. SILENT AUCTION Do you have a hidden talent you want to share? Bring it and donate to the silent auction. Pick up some Super Colossal deals on items you need or want for your office. Donated items will be on display in the Exhibit Hall with a silent auction bid sheet. Bidding will be brisk and the highest bid will take home the item or certificate. Money collected will benefit all of us by allowing Tri State to keep our registration fees as low as possible. HOTEL INFORMATION The Heathman Lodge is the site of the 2015 convention. Room reservations can be obtained by calling (888) 475-3100. Make sure you instruct them that you are with the Tri-State Convention and ask for our group rate. Room rates are Single $114.00, Double $114.00. Extra person $10.00. Shuttle service to the hotel from the Portland Airport is available for an additional fee of $30.00 per person round trip. Please contact the lodge 10 days in advance at, [email protected] Parking is free. Hotel guaranteed registration cut off is February 10, 2015. EXHIBIT HALL CLASS SESSION E This is new for Tri State you will receive credit after asking 3 questions to each participating exhibitor. They will give you the answer and you will write them in your book, you will then receive a sticker.Your book must be completed and turned into a proctor to receive credit. You will not be allowed to leave the exhibit hall during this class. 2 2015 EDUCATIONAL SEMINARS Course Descriptions THURSDAY – March 5, 2015 6:00 - 8:00pm 2 HOURS IHIS AND OREGON APPROVED Session A: Understanding Speech In Noise Instructor: Dennis VanVliet Description: Consumer research and popular word of mouth regarding hearing loss and hearing aids has traditionally pegged understanding speech in noise among the top complaints. In spite of advances in technology since the introduction of digital processing, the perception of difficulty in noise with hearing aids persists. Before looking for solutions, a better understanding of the problem can help guide our approach rehabilitative efforts. In her laboratory at Northwestern, Nina Krause, Ph.D. has discovered objective methods for looking at how the brain responds to speech stimuli, and how those responses correlate with performance in noise. This information gives us insight on who is more likely to have problems in noise, and what approaches may be most effective for individual patients. Additional research on the effect of signal processing on speech understanding, and how memory, executive function, and cognition factor in to understanding speech in noise will be discussed. This presentation will focus on the effective use of diagnostic tools, auditory skills training materials, deployment of noise reduction strategies and the use of directional and remote microphone options as a part of a comprehensive approach. FRIDAY – March 6, 2015 9:00 - 11:00am 2 HOURS IHIS AND OREGON APPROVED Session B: Manufacturers Round Table Moderator: Chris Gustafson Description: Digital technology has opened the doors to some amazing improvements in hearing healthcare. This panel discussion will expand your knowledge of some of the manufacturer’s products that are available now and how their latest technology can be used with our customers Moderator: Chris Gustafson FRIDAY – MARCH 6, 2015 11:00-11:15AM IHS PRESENTATION Rick Giles 3 2:30 - 4:30pm 2 HOURS IHIS AND OREGON APPROVED Session C: Connecting Patients to the World Instructor: Mary Leisses Description: As hearing aids become more advanced, we can lose sight that hearing aids are often just one part of the fitting. The course will begin with a review of the MarkeTrak data looking at patient satisfaction relative to the number of environments in which patients receive benefit. From there, discussion moves to the use of programming, counseling and accessories to increase patient success in various environments. Wireless technologies as well as loop technologies are highlighted. SATURDAY - March 7, 2015 SESSION 8:00 - 10:00am 2 HOURS IHIS AND OREGON APPROVED Session D: Issues in Cognition, Audition and Amplification Instructor: Doug Beck Description: This seminar will review the state-of-the-art as reflected by luminaries and the peer-reviewed literature with regard to top down and bottom up processing, intelligent automatics in hearing aids, cognitive processes, speech-in-noise, extended bandwidths, spatial hearing, frequency lowering, psychoacoustics and more. These topics will be explored and expanded upon, with specific regard to pragmatic issues such as “how does this impact my hearing aid fitting protocol?” Questions will be welcomed throughout the lecture and multiple references will be made available via handouts and PDFs. SATURDAY - March 7, 2015 SESSION 10:15-12:15 2 HOURS IHIS AND OREGON APPROVED Session E: Passport to Better Hearing Instructors: Manufacturer Representatives Description: The Passport to Better Hearing will have 3 specific questions for the dispensers to ask the participating manufacture representatives in regard to current technology. You will need a class card to receive the Passport Book. The participants are not allowed To leave the exhibit hall during the two- hour class. The rules for CEU’s will be followed like all other class. 1:45-3:45pm 2 HOURS IHIS AND OREGON APPROVED Session F: Verification/Validation Instructor : Nicholas Klakow Description: This course will provide the attendees with the foundation of information needed to use Real-Ear verification as part of their hearing aid fitting protocol. It will begin with the exploration of the ear canal acoustics and the interaction between the natural acoustics and those of the hearing instrument. The course will cover the fundamentals of probe-mic measurements, which can be applied to any of the equipment used for Real-Ear verification. Best-practices protocols will be reviewed to provide attendees tools for their own hearing aid fitting experiences. Lastly, this course will review methods of evaluating hearing instrument features such as directional microphone technology, noise reduction and frequency lowering technology. 4 4:00-6:00pm 2 HOURS IHIS AND OREGON APPROVED The Cure for Professional Dementia Innovation, Change, Creativity Session G: Instructor: Dom Spadaro Description: In A Tale of Two Cities Dickens wrote “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times . . .” which couldn’t apply more so to an industry than the hearing healthcare industry. For many businesses this is the greatest time of growth they have seen in the history of their businesses; and yet for others it’s continuing to slowly decline. Professional Dementia is a clear cause for slow business decline and backwards market penetration with our target market. During this session we will discuss the clear trends we can identify from our specific market data as well as other similar trends in other industries. You will hear how other providers like yourself [email protected] have overcome the changes in the industry and, in fact, made significant gains in business growth in some of the toughest times we’ve seen in decades. You will leave this session with the beginning foundation of a plan to creatively innovate yourself as a provider to differentiate yourself to the ever-evolving consumer we are encountering. 5 Information Regarding Continuing Education Credits for State Licensing 1. All classes offered are: 2 hours in length for 2 credits Approved by International Hearing Society’s educational division, IHIS Approved by the State of Oregon Licensing Board 2. A total of 14 hours of credit is available at this convention Registration Policies Your enjoyment of the convention will be enhanced by clearly understanding our policies and avoiding any misunderstandings. 1. We do not allow any guest admissions to our classes. 2. We offer a discount to all State Society members, make sure you have your membership dues paid to your state treasurer prior to registering as a member. We will check current ID, OR & WA membership lists prior to the convention. All other state society members are required to send proof of current membership with their registration. Your hours for continuing education will be withheld until correct fees are paid. No refunds will be offered by Tri-State for changes in your membership status after your registration is submitted. The Exhibit Hall is open to guests at no charge Friday from 4:30-7:30pm, and Saturday from 10:15-1:30pm however, a guest badge, available at the registration desk, is required for entry. Food and Beverage is not included with a guest pass. Food & beverage tickets are included in each convention package. Guests and one day participants check the registration form for meal package prices. Please preregister to allow for proper planning. 4. A fee of $5.00 per seminar change will be charged at the convention. Please, help us minimize the confusion by selecting your seminars carefully the first time. 5. A late fee of $40.00 will be assessed for registrations postmarked after February 5, 2015 and for all on site registrations. All registration is by mail and fees must be included. Register early and avoid all the hassles. 6. Tri-State will not issue refunds for registration fees unless notification is 14 days prior to the start of the convention. 6 2015 TRI-STATE CONVENTION REGISTRATION Directions: 1. Send Hotel Registration by February 10, 2015 2. Fill out registration form, select educational seminars, mail, & include fees. 3. Add $40 if registration is mailed after February 05, 2015 NAME_____________________________PHONE NUMBER (____)_______________ CO. NAME_______________________________GUEST NAME__________________ E-MAIL ____________________________ ADDRESS for Certificate___________________________________________________ CITY_____________STATE_____ZIP______SOCIAL SECURITY #_000-00IHS requires the last four digits of your social security # EDUCATIONAL SEMINAR SELECTION THERE WILL BE A $5. CHARGE AT THE CONVENTION PER SEMINAR CHANGE! THURSDAY – March 5, 2015 6:00-8:00pm Session A: [ ] FRIDAY – March 6, 2015 9:00-11:00am Session B [ ] FRIDAY – March 6, 2015 2:30-4:30pm Session C [ ] SATURDAY – March 7, 2015 8:00-10:00am Session D [ ] SATURDAY – March 7, 2015 10:15-12:15pm Session E [ ] SATURDAY – March 7, 2015 1:45-3:45pm Session F [ ] SATURDAY – March 7, 2015 4:00-6:00pm Session G [ ] 7 FULL CONVENTION PACKAGE INCLUDES: Educational seminars, Thursday Welcome Party, coffee breaks, one-Friday luncheon ticket, Exhibit Hall Admission, three-Drink tickets and one-Saturday Lunch ticket [ ] 2014 State Society Member @$325.00 $__________ [ ] Standard Registration @$375.00 $__________ [ ] Student Registration (no CEU’s ) @$75.00 $__________ INDIVIDUAL SEMINAR PRICES Please select your seminars from the list above and calculate the fees below. I will be attending #__________ classes x $55.00....................................... .$__________ EXTRA MEAL TICKETS Spouse/Guest Meal Package: #_____meal packages @ 60.00................... .$__________ Individual meal tickets: Indicate meals you wish to attend, number of tickets and calculate the fees. Include fees with this registration. Friday Luncheon #____tickets @ 30.00 per ticket ....................... $___________ Friday Exhibit Hall Drinks #____tickets @ 5.00 per ticket...................... .$___________ Saturday Box Lunch #____tickets @ 30.00 per ticket............................ $___________ Please make a copy of this form for your records. TOTAL YOUR FEES IN THIS SPACE. Registration Fees (package or individual class total)..................................... $__________ Group rate 5-10 attendees less 15% Only on FULL registration packages $__________ Extra Meal Tickets......................................................................................... $__________ Late Fee: Add $40 if this registration is submitted after Feb. 5, 2015....…... $__________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED make checks payable to Tri-State............ $__________ [ ] Require special meals If paying by Credit Card please fill in the following information. Card Type____________________Secirity #_______Expiration Date________________ Card #__________________________________________________________________ Amount $_____________Signature___________________________________________ Mail Registration To: Tri-State Registration 3904 Terrace Heights Dr. PMB 3 Yakima, WA. 98901 Phone (509) 833-4059 e-mail [email protected] **Please make a copy of this form for your records. 8 9
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