Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 15, 2015 " The Shrine " St. Odilo Parish National Shrine of the Poor Souls St. Odilo Church is the only parish in the United States dedicated to the Souls in Purgatory. It was founded and sanctioned as the Shrine of the Poor Souls by His Eminence, George Cardinal Mundelein, in 1928, with a special indulgence of 200 days granted upon each visit to the shrine. Rectory: 2244 East Avenue, Berwyn, IL 60402 School: 2301 S. Clarence, Berwyn, IL 60402 Convent: 2319 S. Clarence, Berwyn, IL 60402 CCD Office: 2301 S. Clarence, Berwyn, IL 60402 Web Address: Fax: Pastor: Rev. Anthony Brankin Priests: Rev. Msgr. Richard Saudis Deacon: Mr. Alfonso Salgado School Principal: Mr. William Donegan School Secretary: Mrs. Virginia Uphues CCD Coordinator: Mrs. Idalia Gonzalez Mass Schedule: Monday thru Friday: 6:30 and 8:10AM (Sat. 8AM) Saturday: 8:00AM, 4PM Sunday: 7AM (Sp.), 8:00 (Eng.), 9:30 (Latin) & 11AM (Eng.) & 12:30PM (Sp.) Holy Days: 6:30PM (Eng.) the previous evening; 6:30, 8:10AM, 12:00 Noon and 6:30PM (Sp.) Church is open: Weekdays from 6AM - 4PM Confessions: Saturday 11:15AM - 12Noon & by appointment. Rectory Office hours: Monday thru Friday: 9AM -9PM Saturday 9AM-9PM Sunday 9AM-9PM (708) 484-2161 (708) 484-0755 (708) 680-0909 (708) 484-5321 (708) 788-0565 Music Director: Mr. Paul Rau Parish Bookkeeper: Mrs. Beth Ritzenthaler Secretary: Mrs. Gail Kunce All Sacraments and ceremonies are available in Italian, Latin, Spanish & of course English. Baptisms: Every Saturday at 10:30AM & Sunday at 1:30PM. Parents are required to register for baptism with a priest. Parents should be registered parishioners. Please call to make an appointment. Marriages: Arrangements should be made at least six months in advance with a parish priest. Please call the rectory to make an appointment. Visits to the Sick: Please inform the rectory for hospital or homebound visits. Quinceaneras: Cotillion Masses are available for our girls who have been confirmed-please call. Ramblings - Fr. Brankin Mass Short Theology 2015 - Part II Ok. Lets do a little of that classic theology. First of all, what concerns us most insofar as we are talking about the Mass as sacrifice is the Liturgy of the Eucharist. We recognize that as important as are the scripture readings and the homily, the heart of the Mass—without which there is no Mass—is the Liturgy of the Eucharist. This half of the Mass consists of the Preparation of the gifts (or Offertory), the Eucharistic Prayer, and the priest’s Communion. Each of these three ritual actions is absolutely necessary for the Mass to be a Mass—to be the actual ritual sacrifice, which we believe it to be. (Did you know that after the Offertory has begun—if the priest becomes incapacitated and unable to continue the Mass, another priest must be engaged to finish the Mass from the interrupted point on? This might happen even days later—but this sacrifice once begun must be completed.) Now the notion of sacrifice is utterly important. Nearly all religions perform some sort of ritual sacrifice—a priest offers to God—on behalf of the people—some thing which is called the victim. This offering could be a lamb or a goat or fruits and vegetables. What makes it a sacrifice is that the priest first prays that God might look upon this offering (the victim) as carrying the identity of a repentant people. Oh, God, we belong utterly too you.” This offering is called the Oblation. Then we move to the Immolation where the priest slays or destroys or changes that Victim as if to remove it from this world—make it useless to us—and send it therefore to God. To repeat: The offering up of the Victim to God is called the Oblation. The destruction or change in the Victim is called the Immolation. And the Victim is the stand-in for us—the repository of the people. And it is a priest who performs the sacrifice. All sacrifice—pagan or Christian—contains these elements—Victim, priest, oblation and immolation. You will notice that in certain of the prayers of the newest translation of the Mass, the words “oblation” and “immolation” have returned—having been banished in the earlier translations. Now how is the Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross a sacrifice? The Church has always seen Jesus as the priest who makes the Oblation from the cross. He makes that Offering to the Father as He cries out to His Father, “…Father, forgive them…” But the same time that He is Priest—making the oblation—He is also the Victim—the Lamb of God— precisely because He is the one being offered. And so He says to his Father—“See in Me all who have ever lived and ever shall live. See them in me, Father,—and as you accept me—accept them.” In this way Jesus is both priest and victim—and He has taken us to be with Him on the cross that we might be one with Him as victim and priest. This is the oblation. His death, His passing from this life to the Father is the Immolation that makes effective the Oblation. He is offered in sacrifice by the very death that takes place on the Altar of the Cross Father, but Glory be to God! with us in tow. This is the Bloody Sacrifice of the Cross—having happened once-for-all on Good Friday and sufficient to get us to heaven. But so that we could participate in that sacrifice on the Cross, God established the Mass as a sacrifice in itself. The Mass is an un-bloody but real sacrifice in which we partake of that once-for-all sacrifice on Calvary. Key to the Mass being a true sacrifice is that it must have a priest and victim, an oblation—(the offering) and an immolation—(the destruction or change in the victim). In the Mass. We have the Oblation which takes place in the Offertory, “Oh Lord please accept these gifts, accept us, and forgive us our sins.” We have the Immolation moments later at the Consecration when the priest utters the Words, “This is My Body” “This is My Blood”. And of course we have the priest and Victim. One theory of Eucharistic sacrifice holds that the immolation occurs in the separate consecrations of Bread and wine. As if the Body were separated from the Blood—as if He were slain anew symbolized by this separation. So the Mass is a real sacrifice here and now and participates in the Sacrifice of Calvary as well as in the Eternal Sacrifice in Heaven. Yes. This actually happens at Mass, every Mass. Nowhere else and in no other circumstances or prayers or ceremonies in the Universe does this happen. But it does happen daily upon our altars—an objectively real supernatural event. Unlike any other prayer we could ever pray this prayer the Mass offers true worship of God—in the real but un-bloody sacrifice of the Son of God. And it takes place at every Mass—from a huge papal Mass at St. Peter’s to a humble daily Mass at the house chapel at the seminary. Bernini may not have designed your chapel—or this church—Mozart may not have written the hymns you sing on Wednesday morning, but when the priest says, “This is my Body” and “This is my Blood”, the redemptive sacrifice from 2000 years ago is made present right here, right now. Is it any wonder that “to gather to remember, to celebrate” seems so week in the face of this awesome miracle? Is it not an injustice to our Faith to take the most sublime supernatural marvel and reduce it to an analogy for our experience—a paradigm for successful suburban living? Is it not more than important for us and for our people to understand the Mass for what it is—God dying for us on the Cross. And maybe that is so important that we find we would die for Him. Happy Birthday Msgr. Richard Saudis February 17th May God bless you always! Lenten Regulations Regulaciones Cuaresmales (from February 18, 2015, Ash Wednesday, to the Paschal Triduum) Abstinence from meat is to be observed by all Catholics 14 years old and older on Ash Wednesday and on all the Fridays of Lent. Fasting is to be observed on Ash Wednesday by all Catholics who are 18 years of age but not yet 59. Those who are bound by this may take only one full meal. Two smaller meals are permitted if necessary to maintain strength according to one‘s needs, but eating solid foods between meals is not permitted. The special Paschal fast, as well as abstinence, are prescribed for Good Friday and encouraged for Holy Saturday. Abstinencia: Todos los católicos mayores de 14 años, deben abstenerse de comercarne el Miércoles de Ceniza y todos los viernes de Cuaresma. El Ayuno debe ser observado el Miércoles de Ceniza por todos los católicos que han-cumplido los dieciocho (18) años pero no han llegado a los cincuenta y nueve (59).Estas personas sólo pueden hacer una comida completa, y dos comidas pequeñas si son necesarias para mantenerlas fuerzas, de acuerdo a las necesidades Individuales, pero no se permite alimento sólido entre las comidas. Elayuno así como la abstinencia Pascual especial obliga el Viernes Santo y es recomendada en el Sábado Santotambién. Ash Wednesday Schedule Mass is celebrated at: 6:30 & 8:10 am - English 12Noon - Latin 4:30PM - English 7PM - Bilingual Benediction & Stations of the Cross Friday, February 20th at 2:20PM (Eng.) 6:30PM (Bilingual) Ashes will be distributed at all Masses. Spred Lent is a season of sacrifice, fasting, and praying. This means that we need to do things differently especially in Holy Week to prepare ourselves. Can you give two and a half hours from September through May which means 24 times to enrich your faith? On Friday, February 20, 7PM, in our rectory, there will be a gathering to explain more about the Spred program. We are looking for adult volunteers for our Spred program. This might be a good time to give to others. We would like to know the parents who have a child, adolescent, young adult, or adult with a developmental or intellectual challenge, autism spectrum disorder, down syndrome, cerebral palsy with a developmental delay, or learning problems. We have already met five families but we know there are others. It is crucial for our Spred friends to have a one on one relationship. To volunteer one does not need experience with people with special needs. Training in the Method used by Spred will help you become comfortable in a small faith community. Come and discover Spred, ask questions, and make your own decision. Like any parish program, you will be warmly welcomed. Help us begin this program again at our parish. SAINT ODILO PARISH 2015 LENTEN CALENDAR Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday February 18 Ash Wednesday 19 20 21 Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Mass: 8AM 4PM Stations of the Cross & Benediction 2:20 & 6:30PM (Bilingual) Confessions 11:15-12Noon 27 28 Mass: 6:30AM (Eng) 8:10AM (Eng.) 12Noon (Latin) 4:30PM-Mass (English) 7PM (Bilingual) 22 23 24 25 26 First Sunday Lent Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Mass: 7AM (Esp.) 8AM (Eng.) 9:30 (Latin) 11AM (Eng.) 12:30 (Esp.) Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM March 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Mass: 8AM 4PM Second Sunday Lent Mass: 7AM (Esp.) 8AM (Eng.) 9:30 (Latin) 11AM (Eng.) 12:30 (Esp.) 8 Third Sunday Lent Mass: 7AM (Esp.) 8AM (Eng.) 9:30 (Latin) 11AM (Eng.) 12:30 (Esp.) 15 Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Divine Mercy-3PM Stations of the Cross & Benediction 2:20 & 6:30PM (Bilingual) 4-5PM-Confessions Divine Mercy-3PM Mass: 8AM 4PM Confessions 11:15-12Noon Confessions 11:15-12Noon 9 10 11 12 13 14 Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Mass: 8AM 4PM Stations of the Cross & Benediction 2:20 & 6:30PM (Bilingual) Confessions 11:15-12Noon Divine Mercy-3PM 16 17 18 19 20 21 Mass: 7AM (Esp.) 8AM (Eng.) 9:30 (Latin) 11AM (Eng.) 12:30 (Esp.) Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Mass: 8AM 4PM Stations of the Cross & Benediction 2:20 & 6:3PM (Bilingual) Confessions 11:15-12Noon 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Mass: 8AM 4PM Divine Mercy-3PM Confirmation-7PM Confirmation-7PM Stations of the Cross & Benediction-2:20PM Confirmation-7PM Confessions 11:15-12Noon 2 Holy Thursday 3 Good Friday Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7PM (Bilingual) 2PM-Stations 2:30PM-Confessions Pesame-5PM (Esp.) 4 Holy Saturday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until Midnight Mass of Pre Sanctified & Veneration of Cross 7PM (Bilingual) Fourth Sunday Lent Fifth Sunday Lent Mass: 7AM (Esp.) 8AM (Eng.) 9:30 (Latin) 11AM (Eng.) 12:30 (Esp.) 29 Divine Mercy-3PM 30 31 1 Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Mass: 6:30AM 8:10AM Palm Sunday Mass: 7AM (Esp.) 8AM (Eng.) 9:30 (Latin) 11AM (Eng.) 12:30 (Esp.) Living Stations 2:20 & 6:30PM Divine Mercy-3PM Confessions 11:15-12 Basket Blessing 12Noon Easter Vigil 7PM (Bilingual) April 5 Easter Sunday Mass 7AM (Esp.) - 8AM (Eng.) - 9:30AM (Latin) - 11AM (Eng.) - 12:30PM (Esp.) LENTEN Friday, February 27th and March 20th 5-8 pm at Saint Odilo School 6617 W 23rd Street, Berwyn Fish and Chips Tickets in advance: Adults $9 & Children $7 Soup and Salad At the door: Adults $10 & Children $7 Ticket price includes drink. Beer and wind sold extra. Tickets available before and after Mass. Tickets also available at the school and rectory office. SICK RELATIVES & FRIENDS MASSES FOR THE WEEK Please remember the sick - Regina Szatkowski, Josephine Sprovieri, Michael Termini, Ernest Karamas, Charlie Turek, Dolores Termini, Alice Kowalski, Henry Kereluk, Marlyn Misek, Barbara Andrews, Bertha Martinez, Joseph Cairo, Rosario Garcia, Sharon Voelz, Lynne Manning, Fernando Davalos, Sr. Johanna Trisoliere, Rosa Gonzalez, Joan Janda, Rev. Jim Clavey, Senorina Castillo, Robert Williams, Marco Tulio Camacho, Patricia Stalzer, Kimberly Lightford, Louise Kuzin, Milly Kosinar, Shirley Klein, Danny Gale, Carmel Tahir, Frank Horsky, Steve Gutierrez, Ruth Petkiewiz, Linda Lancaster, Ernie Kin, Amelia Juliano, Cardinal George, Arlene Sparti, Jim Kinpel, Gussie Ellis, Iris Scurlock, Martin Oborski, Kyle Mochl, Arthur Mantucca, Clelia Reato, Dorothy Honek, Karen Halter, Greg Florek, Eric Manning, Sylvia Levine, George Kasper, Rudy Herrera, Andre Nickerson, Dick Burns, Norma Kmet, Marge Shatas, Mary Ann O’Malley, Ramon Marentes, Frank Stepnowski, Jody Stepnowski, Jim Reilly, Diane Reilly, Richard Wenc, Carolyn Johnson, William Stepanek, Karen Lewis, Mark Alexander, Paul Rosko, Joseph Kirchoff, our Veterans, Patricia Mars, Barbara Defina, Louis Russo, Ralph Cannataro, Mike Kadrowicz, George Fuoco. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16-WEEKDAY 6:30AM-Maria Emma Lopez (Beda Lopez) 8:10AM-Joe & Keith Stockhausen (Family) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17-THE SEVEN HOLY FOUNDERS OF THE SERVITE ORDER 6:30AM-25th Wedding Anniversary of Richard & Cathe Kocourek 8:10AM-Eduardo Yergara (Family) -Edith Enright (Banda Family) -Sam Bova (Pater Family) -Mariann Perri (Dan Romanelli) -Ava Grace (Nana) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18-ASH WEDNESDAY 6:30AM-8:10AM-12PM (Latin)-4:30 (Eng.)-7PM-(bilingual) -The People of St. Odilo THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19-THURSDAY AFTER ASH WEDNESDAY 6:30AM-James Nicholson (Bill & Judi Biagi) 8:10AM-Daniel Joseph Noriega (Mother) -Mr. & Mrs. David Botello -Abraham Francisco Martinez -Erica Ann Martinez -Agnes Mendoza -Frances Klingelschmitt (Sister, Milly) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20-FRIDAY AFTER ASH WEDNESDAY 6:30AM-Agnes Graham (Joan Stockhausen) 8:10AM-Joseph Linhart Jr. (Family) 2:20PM-Benediction and Stations 6:30PM-Benediction & Stations (bilingual) SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21-SAINT PETER DAMIAN, BISHOP AND DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH 8AM-Armando & Micky D’Agostino (Mary, Frank & Kay D’Agostino) 2PM-Memorial Mass-Leodegaria Sanchez 4PM- 50th Anniversary of George & Georgiana Kasper SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22-FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT 7AM-Maria Emma Lopez (Beda Lopez) 8AM-Jesus Guevara (Family) 9:30AM-Josephine Lowth (Mary J. Cullitan) 11AM-Eleanor Galas (Halleron Family) 12:30PM-Narciso Gallegos & Esteban Gallegos (Gallegos Family) REST IN PEACE Please remember all those God has called to Himself from our parish family, especially Anna Migala & Virginia Florek. OUR WEEKLY OFFERING February 8, 2015 Last Year $11,137.21 $ 9,826.83 Thank you Fr. Brankin Group Contact Information Armory of Christ-708-681-6879 Guadalupanos-708-484-2161 Legion of Mary -708-623-9280 Knights of Columbus-708-204-3761 Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima -708-484-1204 Little [email protected] Market Day-708-484-0755 ESL-708-287-7347 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS MONDAY… 6:30-Legion of Mary (PrR) TUESDAY… 3PM-Jr. High Choir (SCH) 7PM-Little Flowers (PH) WEDNESDAY… 4PM-CCD (CH) THURSDAY… 3PM-Children’s Choir (SCH) 6PM-ESL (PH) 7PM-Bible Study (PR) 7PM-Armory of Christ (CB) FRIDAY… 7PM-SPRED (PrR) SATURDAY… 2:30-Arts & Crafts (PR) SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEK February 21 & 22 Eucharistic Minister Lector Altar Servers 4PM J. Garcia B. Ouska M. Kasper C. Gleeson P. Gleeson L. Banet 7AM (Esp.) J. Carlos O. Pereda C. Diaz Miguel Lopez John Garcia 8AM N. Kmet S. Sandoval L. Thill B. Banda C. Ramirez Jose Garcia 9:30AM D. Soto S. Carroll E. Gonzalez 11AM R. Lorenz A. Perez D. Wodarczyk G. Pater S. Huess I. Gamboa L. Pliego E. Sanchez 12:30PM (Esp.) C. Cano M. Garcia E. Marquez M. Villareal B. Ramirez R. Navarette J. Diaz A. Cruz C. Cano Servers for week of February 16-21: L. Pliego, V. Bermudez, P. Morales, E. Sanchez
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