Epistle Reading St. Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians 8:8-13;9:1-2 Brethren, food will not commend us to God. We are no worse off if we do not eat, and no better off if we do. Only take care lest this liberty of yours somehow become a stumbling block to the weak. For if any one sees you, a man of knowledge, at table in an idol's temple, might he not be encouraged, if his conscience is weak, to eat food offered to idols? And so by your knowledge this weak man is destroyed, the brother for whom Christ died. Thus, sinning against your brethren and wounding their conscience when it is weak, you sin against Christ. Therefore, if food is a cause of my brother's falling, I will never eat meat, lest I cause my brother to fall. Am I not free? Am I not an apostle? Have I not seen Jesus our Lord? Are not you my workmanship in the Lord? If to others I am not an apostle, at least I am to you; for you are the seal of my apostleship in the Lord. Greek Orthodox Church of Greater Salt Lake www.gocslc.org; [email protected] Sunday, February 15th 2015 Judgment Sunday (Meatfare Sunday) Gospel Reading The Gospel of Matthew 25:31-46 The Lord said, "When the Son of man comes in his glory and all the holy angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and he will place the sheep at his right hand, but the goats at the left. Then the king will say to those at his right hand, 'Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.' Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?' And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.' Then he will say to those at his left hand, 'Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels; for I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.' Then they also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?' Then he will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it not to one of the least of these, you did it not to me.' And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life." To contact our clergy, please call the numbers listed below: Reverend Father Matthew Gilbert: 801-556-1139 Reverend Father Elias Koucos: 801-556-4640 Reverend Father George Politis (retired) Holy Trinity Cathedral: 279 S. 300 W. SLC, UT 84101, (801) 328-9681 Prophet Elias Church: 5335 Highland Dr. Holladay, UT 84117, (801) 277-2693 Sunday Services 15th February Holy Trinity: Prophet Elias: Orthros 8:30am/Divine Liturgy 9:30am Orthros 8:30am/Divine Liturgy 9:30am Father Elias Father Matthew Weekly Services February 21st Holy Trinity: Prophet Elias: Orthros 8:30am/Divine Liturgy 9:30am Orthos 8:30am/Divine Liturgy 9:30am *2nd Saturday of the Souls* Father Elias Father Matthew Memorials February 15th Dimitrios (Jim) Kosmas February 22nd Wilma Pappas 3 years 40 days Prophet Elias Holy Trinity When Scheduling Memorials… Memorials must be scheduled through Fr. Matthew. For inquiries regarding memorials or to schedule one, please contact Fr. Matthew at 801-556-1139 or [email protected]. Prayer List Kim, Margaret, Ruth, Stephanie, Steve, Tami, Lexi, Alexander, Tony, Nick, Jill, Margaret, Brooke, Preston, George, Charissa, Madeline, Edie, Sabina, Wendy, Eric, Helen, Jordan, Dee, Mihalis, Brent, Marie, Niko, Carol, John, Mary, Christine, Agnes, Irene, Mike, Darin, Lorraine, Sandy, Ralph, Debbie, Margie, Georgia, Tino *If you would like to add a name to the prayer list you can do so by calling the main office at Holy Trinity at 801-328-9681.* Parish Council Meeting Parish Council Meeting on Monday, February 16th at 6:30pm at Holy Trinity If you want something added to the bulletin, please remember: the information needs to be sent directly to our email ([email protected]) by 12:00pm every Wednesday as we do have a deadline. We encourage you to keep your bulletin announcements to one simple paragraph with contact information. Please keep in mind if you’ve already sent an entry for the bulletin we will mindfully repeat it in the bulletin until it is outdated. Along with this, due to space limitations, we will only run each entry for four weeks prior to an events date. ARCADIAN APROKRIES MAKARONADA Please join the Arcadian Family at the annual Makaronada on meat-fare Sunday, February 15th, 2015 right after church at Holy Trinity Cathedral. This is open to the entire community; all proceeds will go to the Arcadian charities. Adults $10; children $7. Hope to see everyone there. ARCADIAN LADIES Our next luncheon meeting will be on Saturday, February 21ST, 2015, Noon at The Cinegrill 1000 South Main Street, Set #102. There is lots of free parking. It will be an open menu. Please RSVP to Karen at [email protected] or 801-913-2414. Please contact your ladies. Daughters of Minos The Daughters of Minos scholarships are now open to all students of Cretan Heritage. To apply email the following: U of U – Trina Redmond at [email protected]. Deadline is March. University of Utah Scholarship Office 201 South 1460 East Room 135. The Annual Panahaikos Society Bake Sale Will take place on Sunday February 22nd, at Holy Trinity and Prophet Elias, during coffee hour in the Memorial Hall at Holy Trinity and in the small gym at Prophet Elias. Come and get some delicious sweets for you, your family or your friends. ATTENTION: Ladies of our Community who might have: handmade knitted, embroidery, needlework, or made in the loom (plexta, kentina, patanies, kopaneli, ufanta) tablecloths, blankets, clothing pieces carpets etc. from the 1950’s we would like to showcase them during the National PAA (Pancretan Association of America) Convention this coming summer in a Cultural exhibit. This will be a great opportunity to showcase some beautiful works of “art” to many attendees and the new generation. We are also in need of an old wooden chest “baoulo” which will also be used during the exhibit. All items will be secured AT ALL times. Please contact Roula Sargetakis at 801-466-6533 for more details. Thank you SAVE THE DATE Share the love Breakfast fundraiser for Saint Sophia School on Sunday, March 29th Immediately after services at both Holy Trinity and Prophet Elias. We appreciate all your love and support. The William D. Cocorinis Scholarship This $1000 scholarship is available to University of Utah students in good standing with an academic emphasis in Modern or Ancient Greek Language, History or Culture. Preference will be given first, to students of merit who are engaged in the study of Modern Greek and second, to students of merit who are otherwise engaged in Hellenic Studies. Application deadline: 5:00 pm on Friday, March 20th, 2015. For information contact Mrs. A. Angelides at 801-281.3311 APOKREAS PARTY-MARDI GRAS Saturday, February 21ST, 2015 at Prophet Elias 6:30pm-Social Hour 7:30pm-Dinner 8:30pm-Raffle 9:00pm-12:00am-Dancing $15-Adults $10-Children 12 & under We will be selling tickets for Apokreas at both churches this Sunday through Friday, February 20th, or online at gocslc.org. Saint Sophia School Is now accepting applications for the 2015-2016 school year. Call today for more information 801-424-1297 TODDLER TUESDAYS: 18 Month to 2 1/2 (with parent) 9:00-11:00 AM PRE K 3’S: 9:00-12:00 MTWTHF PRE K 4’S 9:00-12:00 MTWTHF KINDERGARTEN: 9:00-3:30 MTWTHF EXTENDED LEARNING: 12:00-3:30 MTWTH F PLEASE JOIN US FOR AN OPEN HOUSE EVERY TUESDAY in FEBRUARY from 9:30-11:30 AM OR BY APPOINTMENT. Please call the school office to schedule. 801-424-1297 Ted and Katy Speros Memorial Scholarship 2015 Applications Ted and Katy Speros Memorial Scholarship applications for 2015 are available in the Church offices at Holy Trinity and Prophet Elias. Applicants must submit completed applications to Vickie Peters before March 1, 2015 at Vickie Peters, 4476 South Manor Ridge Place, and S.L.C. Utah 84124. Housing needed for a final year Medical Student at the University of Utah who is Orthodox from Syria through the month of March 2015. Please call Father Elias 801-556-4640 if you are able to help or have any suggestions in helping find accommodations for this student. Thank you, Rev. Fr. Elias Koucos Youth Group Events GODPARENT SUNDAY It’s Godparent Sunday at Prophet Elias, March 8th. Plan to attend church with your godchild. Jr. /Sr. Oratorical Festival Sunday March 8th. New this year-- we are combining the event with both Sunday School programs. The Oratorical Festival will take place at Prophet Elias. Philoptochos will host lunch afterwards. Please come support our youth! Any questions, please call Paul Karahalios at 801.870.1514 or Elenie Sefandonakis at 801.718.7515. More details to follow. Congratulations Congratulations to Fr. Elias for being appointed as the chairman for the Interfaith Roundtable. The following is the link to the article for further information. http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865620813/Interfaith-Roundtable-chairmaninspired-by-family-to-give-service.html Daughters of Minos We are having our next Daughters of Minos meeting on Sunday February 22nd at 4:00pm at Holy Trinity. We will be holding a food drive to help a family in the community that needs some help. There is a parishioner in need of furniture. If you are interested in donating, call the church office at 801-328-9681, or email [email protected]. My Dear Beloved Youth, We have recently concluded the first major feast days of the New Year January 1st, St. Basil the Great and on January 6th, the Feast of Epiphany (the manifestation of the Holy Trinity at Christ's baptism). We read in the Gospel of St. Mark that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit appeared at Jesus' baptism. As we continue through the New Year and progress in our growth and knowledge of our Lord let us continue to write a new page with words of hope, of love and of self-control and continue to make room to receive God, as He appeared to us. Hope makes all things work and love makes all these things beautiful. His appearance renews and transforms us, making us children of the most high God by entering into communion with Him through the mysteries of the church—the Holy Eucharist, the Blood and Body of Christ. Continue in your efforts to attend worship services and Sunday School so the fruits of your faith will make all things possible. Please let me know if there is anything you need and if I can be of help in your continued journey through the New Year and always. God bless, Rev. Fr. Elias Koucos IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM FATHER MATTHEW GREAT LENT BEGINS FEBRUARY 23 The message of Saint John the Baptist was one of repentance in preparation for the Kingdom of Heaven. The first words of Christ were exactly the same: “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand”. So the faithful are repeatedly exhorted to repent that they might be found worthy of a place in His Kingdom. This is particularly shown in the extra striving required in the four fasting periods, and especially during Great Lent which begins in one week. As you know, I have been encouraging all parish families -- young and old -- to schedule time during the upcoming Lenten period to see me, your priest and spiritual father in this parish, for theSACRAMENT OF HOLY CONFESSION! I could not ask this of you if I, myself, ignored this absolutely necessary and soul-saving sacrament. I, too, confess to my spiritual father regularly throughout the year. So I humbly ask you not to postpone it today, for our Lord does not guarantee ustomorrow. Please call me. UPCOMING LENTEN SERVICES You may ask, ‘How can one face the many personal problems and difficulties of today, whether in the family, on the job, or in society in general?’ Perhaps your burdens have become greater than your ability to cope with them, an experience faced by many people today. Facing all of these burdens alone would certainly be overwhelming, but bringing our struggles to Christ enables us to overcome them. One important way of bringing our hearts and our struggles to Christ is by partaking in the services of our Holy Orthodox Church. The Lenten season affords us many opportunities to do so. Below are just a few of the many services that will be offered: Saturday, February 21: 2nd Saturday of the Souls, Orthros and Divine Liturgy beginning at 8:30amat both churches; Sunday, February 22: Vespers of Forgiveness immediately following Divine Liturgy at both churches; Monday, February 23: Compline Service, 6pm at Prophet Elias only; Tuesday, February 24: Service of the Great Canon, 9am at Holy Trinity only; Wednesday, February 25: Presanctified Liturgy, 9am at Prophet Elias only; Thursday, February 26: Service of the Great Canon, 9am at Holy Trinity only; Friday, February 27: 1st Salutations to the Theotokos, 6:30pm at both churches; Saturday, February 28: 3rd Saturday of the Souls, Orthros and Divine Liturgy beginning at 8:30amat both churches Sunday, March 1: Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers, 6pm at Prophet Elias only TUESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY JOIN US! We will meet on Tuesday, February 17 at 10:30am at Little America in the room by the reservation desk in the coffee shop. We are continuing our enlightening and wonderful study of theBOOK OF REVELATION. LOOKING AHEAD... GODPARENT SUNDAY at PROPHET ELIAS will be held on Sunday, March 8! Our Holy Church Fathers remind us that we must instruct our children in Orthodox Christian life from the day they are born by our example, in our every thought, word, and deed and that Sunday Liturgy is a culmination of all of the prayer and worship that take place in the home during the week. GROWING IN CHRIST If you haven’t yet requested to receive my bi-monthly CROSS+WALK Newsletter, pertaining to all things spiritual, or my bi-weekly FEED MY SHEEP message (via email only), please let me know and I will gladly include you on my list! Please call or text me at 556-1139, or you may email me at [email protected]. Humbly in Christ, Father Matthew Project Recognize The Daughters of Penelope is continuing Project Recognize. This project seeks to recognize women of Hellenic descent/Phil-Hellenes/Daughters of Penelope who served or currently serve in any branch, or in any capacity of the military and the Peace Corps. Please send the names to Joanne Saltas via email at [email protected] by February 21, 2015. Congratulations to Mary Saltas Mannos who is celebrating her 100th birthday on February 24th, 2015. HT PHILOPTOCHOS SANDWICH MAKING PARTY AND MEETING! February 18th, 2015 at 6:30 pm at HT We will be making sack lunches for the Homeless Shelter and having a short meeting! Come help us “bag” some love! Everyone is welcome to come and help. WENDOVER TRIP The holidays are over, now let’s have some fun. On Thursday February 19th the Young at Heart will be going to Wendover, Nev. We leave Prophet Elias at 8:30am. Then from the Memorial Hall at 9:00am. And leave Wendover at 5:00pm. We receive $7.00 and a FREE buffet. So put your cares away, and go to Nevada for the day! RSVP for serious participants only, Bill Kandas 801-272-1906 or Bill Rekouniotis 801-6730424. SAVE THE DATE 7th, March 2015. The Hellenic Cuisine Academy celebrates its 5th year in 2015 with cookbook author and Mediterranean food expert Stephanie Patsalis. The evening will begin with a cooking demonstration followed by a salmon dinner and book signing. Tickets are on sale now. If you have any questions or would like to purchase a table for this event, please contact Vickie Peters at 801-262-3233. Daughters of Penelope and AHEPA Appreciate the overwhelming support given for our scholarship fundraiser event: BASILE. Check out www.basilefoods.com for some great items. Visit www.daughtersofpenelope.org and ahepa.org to learn about the organization. For local information and membership applications contact [email protected] for the Daughters and [email protected] for AHEPA. The Hellenic Cultural Association thanks all those who joined us for an enjoyable and delicious Membership Luncheon last Sunday. It was our pleasure to honor our youth basketball teams and our committed coaches for their dedication to the sport and development of every player. Thank you Coach Gerard Gallegos and Coach Michael Katsanevas for sharing your heartfelt thoughts and philosophy of working with our youth. Thank you to Kosta Katsohirakis for presenting information about the upcoming Pancretan Assoc. of America (PAA) 2015 Nat’l Convention to be held in Salt Lake City June 27 - July 2. A special thank you to George and Karee Marinos for preparing the delicious prime rib menu. They own Ogie’s Café located at 3515 S Redwood Road. Thanks to all those who worked to make the luncheon a success. Finally, welcome to all new and renewing HCA members. We look forward to another banner year with you Holy Trinity Philoptochos Membership Tea To our wonderful ladies in Philoptochos and to those interested in becoming a member… Please join us for our annual event as we welcome new members and also, take this opportunity to show our appreciation for our current members’ ongoing dedication to serving our community! Saturday, March 7th 10:00am-12:30pm Cottonwood Country Club 1780 E Lakewood Drive Holladay, UT A continental breakfast will be served. We look forward to seeing everyone! For questions/information please contact: Georgia Katsohirakis 801-635-4345/[email protected] Christy Daskalakis 801-558-1310 / [email protected] Heartfelt thanks for supporting the Daughters of Penelope annual Valentine's Bake Sale at Prophet Elias. Proceeds go to our various charities. Next DOP meeting Monday, February 23, 7:00 pm at Prophet Elias Dear Parishioners, Enclosed is a current list of stewards for the 2015 year. If your name is not on this list and you have made a stewardship commitment, please contact the church office at 801-328-9681. If you have not made a stewardship commitment, please do your part to help in the financial ministry of our community and our Orthodox Church. Our parish has many expenses and the help of everyone is required to keep us a vibrant community and to help spread Orthodoxy. A steward is someone who has been entrusted with another's property and charged with the responsibility of managing it in the owner's best interest. So for us, stewardship is the act of lovingly returning to God a portion of His many gifts with which He has blessed each of us. Stewardship is a ministry that enables us to respond to Christ’s love by perpetuating His Church’s mission. Our giving of time, talent and treasure enables our parish to do Christ’s work here on Earth through our many ministries, services and outreach programs. If you haven’t already, please make your stewardship commitment today or, if possible, increase your commitment with thanks to God. Stewardship payments can be made on our website at gocslc.org, the Narthex, or the church office. In His Name and Service The Parish Council & Stewardship Committee Aerakis, Nick & Stephanie Agrapides, Dan G. & Mary R. Albert, Nikki & Steve Athens, Nicholas Andrenyak, David M. Androulidakis, Emmanuel Angelides, Nicholas & Aphrodite Argyle, Valerie Armaou, George & Panagiota Armaou, Yannis Avutynova, Victoria Babalis, Maxine C. Bailey, Roy L. Bapis, Nick M. & Elaine M. Bapis, Paul Barton, Frank & Patricia Batestas, Jim & Georgia Benardis, Milton Berry, Nina C. Bethemess, Randy & Jeni Bolic, Angie S. Boutsikakis, Aristides Burton, Jack L. Burton, Patrick & Lonny Carras, Mary Cayias, George J. & Connie Cayias, Nellie Cayias, Thomas Chachas, Gregory J. & Mary P. Chachas, John A. & Irene Chaus, William & Sharon Chelemes, Basil & Joni Chelemes, Sam J. & Elsie Chicadus, Chris & Nancy Chichis, George & Anastasia Chipian, Terry & Mary Colessides, Gus & Barbara Colessides, Nick & Sid Colin, JoAnn Condas, Vasiliki Corbett, Frank & Leslie Corbett, Paul F. & Reinje Dakis, Constantine Daskalakis, Bob & Christy Davis, James & Debra Davis, Leo Decamp, Agnes Deneris, Charles A. & Chris K. Dimas, Valerie A. Dokos, Chris & Joanne Doudaniotis, Mary P. Doulis, Chris & Kathy Draper, Sidney H. & Helen E. Drossos, Bill G. & Sophia K. Efstathiou, Demetreos (Jim) Farah, Sameer Felis, George & Gloria Floor, Phillip & Robin Fotes, George P. & Janae Fotes, Mike & Eleni Franchow, Justin & Angela M. Franck, Lewis & Meredith Futrell, Nancy Gamvroulas, Chris Gamvroulas, Steven P. & Maria Garzarelli, Dimitri Georgas, Rose Georgelas, Chris & Bonnie Ghicadus, M.D. Chris James & Vicki K. Giamalakis, Mike & Pat Giannis, Andrew & Helen Gianoulis, Katherine Glezos, Mary F. Gregory, Kim & Athena Hardwick, Maria Oneida Hillas, John & Holman, Allison Herbert, Bruce Huggard, Tess Kacinski, Carl & Goldie Kallas, Angelo & Anna Kallas, Elizabeth Kambouris, Nicholas & Orie Kapos, Georgette Kapos, Lee & Kim Kapos, Nick P. & Cynthia Kapos, Todd J. & Joy H. Karr, Geri Karras, Beverly Kassapakis, Stella Kastanis, Jim & Lucille Katis, Chris M. Katis, Christopher & Huntington, Kelly Katis, Sandra Katsanevas, Maria S. Katsanevas, Margaret Katsanevas, Mary Katsanevas, Mary M. Katsanevas, Mary P. Katsanevas, Steve & Georgia Karahalios, Paul & Renna Kavoukas, George Kavoukas, Jim Kelaidis, John S. & Fotine L. Kevitch, Michael D. & Estelle G. Kithas, Andrew J. Kithas, Anthony Kithas, Philip & Angela Klekas, Jim & Hermione Kogianes, Alexander Kogianes, Steve & Jill Korologos, Sam & Tia Kosta, Effie Kotronakis, Argyo Koucos, Brianna Kouris, Mark S. & Stacey Kourtides, Demetrius & Bella Lake, Lee & Kathy Lavelle, James V. Ligeros, Connie Littler, Brad & Adelina Loya, Bill & Sharon M. Makris, Georgia Mallas, Liz Mannos, George Mannos, Mary Mannos, Mary M. Manousakis, George M. Mantas, Chris & Emily Mantas, Pete J. Margaritis, Ionna Jenny Maritsas, Paul D. & Mickey Markos, Bessie K. Maroudas, Jim & Mary Martinez, J. Tom & Pam Mawod, Theda P. May, Harriet McGrath, Thomas & Kathy Mihalopoulos, Jason & Anastacia Mihalopoulos, Nicole Miller, George Milovic, Zeljko Musuris, Mary Nelson, Robert T. & Maria S. Netelbeek, Joanna Orphanakis, Jim Orton, Cliff & Andrea K. Orvin, James E. & Sophie Owen, Dorothy Pappas Owen, Michael & Cheri Teresa Paloukos, Nick & Eleni Papadopoulos, Larry & Irene Pappas, Eugene Pappas, George & Carrie Pappas, John A. Pappas, Stephanie Panos, Marie Panouses, Dena Paras, Gus J. Paras, John Paras, Nick G. Pascale, Anca E. Pauls, Drew G. & Yvonne Paulos, Bill Peters, Thomas W. & Kathy Peterson, Maryann Pezely, Jon P. & Anna Marie Pippas, Bill & Kula Politis, Fr. S. George & Zoy M. Polychronis, Jeff & Susie Poulos, Billie L. Priskos, Deno & Christine Priskos, Kosta Priskos, Lucas Psarras, Angela M. Psarras, Angela Pullos, Andrea Pullos, Joann Rahaniotis, Nikki Rasmussen, Dwight L. Reganis, Tim & Nia Reid, Georgia Rekouniotis, Bill Rhodes, John L. & Georgia Rhodes, Mary & George Dillon Rock, Freda K. Ruoti, Charles J. Sakellariou, Sakis & Janette Saltas, Emily D. Saltas, Stella Saltas, Steven P. & Diane Sargetakis, Joseph M. & Paula Sargetakis, Kaleope A. Sargetakis, Manoli & Robyn Sargetakis, Ted & Roula Scoville, Joshua & Mihalopoulos, Nicole Sefakis, Pete N. & Nancy Sefakis, Nick P. & Kelly Sergakis, William & Joanne Shenk, Stephen T. & Kalomyra Skedros, Christina (Cindy) Skedros, Demetrios G. Georgette Skedros, Gregory Skedros, Gregory J. Skedros, John G. & Maria K. Sotiriou, Alexander Sotiriou, Antoinette Sotiriou, Leo & Cynthia Sotiriou, Margo Souvall, George N. Spyropoulos, Constantina Stavros, Chris & Annette Steele, Kelly Steele, Ronald Stephenson, Katherine Stephenson, Michael Stockslager, Paula & Edward Strzelecki, John H. Therianos, Peter Thermos, Peter N. & Louise K. Timothy, Warren & Jeannine Tomaras, Leo A. & Maryanda Tsortanidis, Anastasia Tsortanidis, Dino & Bessie Vamianakis, Michael N. Vamianakis, Niko Van Asdlan, Barbara Vanikiotis, George T. & Maria G. Vasilacopulos, Mary Velis, Helen Venizelos, Chris & Maria K. Vosnos, George J. & Mary M. Vosnos, Sandra Votsis, Apostolos & Elpitha Yannias, Peter N. & Mary Young, Matina Zambos, George Zarkos, James & Dee Zervos, Michael Zikas, Olga Zoolakis, John & Rena KID’S CORNER KID’S CORNER 1. Which disciple wanted to walk on water? (Matt.14:29) a. Matthew b. John c. James d. Peter e. Andrew 2. Whose wife had Herod unlawfully married? (Matt.14:3) a. Marcellus b. Philip c. Gratus d. Lucius e. Pontius Pilate 3. Wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to what? (Matt.7:13) a. Destruction b. Ruin c. Misery d. Hellfire 4. John the Baptist came preaching in the power of which prophet? (Matt.11:14) a. Jeremiah b. Elijah c. Moses d. Elisha e. Samuel 5. What sign was given to the pharisees that Jesus was the Messiah? (Matt.12:39) a. Raising the Dead b. Jonah and the Fish c. Healings d. Feeding the Multitude
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