NEWSLETTER Winter 2014/2015 AGM AND LUNCH Saturday 21 February 2015 Cumbre del Sol Restaurant The Royal Society of St George Costa Blanca The Annual General Meeting of The Royal Society of St George, Costa Blanca will be held at the Cumbre del Sol Restaurant. The bar opens at noon and member’s menu choice cards will be available for free seating. The meeting will commence at 12.15 and Lunch will follow at approximately 12.45pm. MENU Tapas Selection including the following: Medallion of Chicken with Pistachio and Bacon Hummus with tender shoots of lettuce Homemade Meat Balls Crispy Salmon with Cheese and Asparagus Curry Shrimp Tempura Lemon Sorbet with Cava (if weather is cold then this may be replaced by a soup appetizer) Choice of Main Courses Grilled Pork Beef Stew with Juniper Sauce and Basmati Rice Tagine of Lamb with Pear Leek Gratin with Bechemel dry Pepper Sauce Fillet of Sea Bass with American Sauce and Squid Noodles Baked Cod with Apple and Fried Baby Garlic Choice of Desserts Chocolate Cake with Strawberry Coulis Delicias ´Cumbre´with Honey Apple Pie Mixed Ice Cream Half a bottle of wine per person and bread and ali oli is included (extra wine and water will be charged separately) Due to the restaurant increasing its prices for 2015, we have had to unfortunately raise our prices accordingly, however, as is our normal practice for this event, we are pleased to advise that the members lunch will be heavily subsidized by the Society at a price of 14€. Guests are welcome to attend the meeting and lunch at the price of 18€ but are not entitled to take part in any voting process. New Members joining before or at the AGM may take advantage of the Member Price. The minutes of the last AGM appear at the end of this Newsletter and members will be asked to vote to confirm that they are a true record. Also included are the Treasurer´s Report and 2014 Accounts. Only paid up members are entitled to vote at the AGM. Please bring your copy of the Agenda to the meeting. Enclosed are forms for new/renewal of membership. An email containing the reservation form for the lunch will be forwarded to you under separate cover The Royal Society of St George Costa Blanca NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting will be held on 21 February 2015 at 12.15 for the following purpose: AGENDA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 To confirm the appointment of the British Consul in Alicante as President. Minutes of the last meeting. To receive and adopt the Chairman’s and the Treasurer’s Reports to 31 December 2014. To receive and adopt the Accounts for the year ending 31 December 2014. To elect the Committee members in accordance with Bye-Law 2. To re-appoint Mr Derick Berridge as Honorary Auditor to the Society. Any other business notified in writing to the General Secretary 10 days prior to the date of the meeting. Apartado de Correos 5 03725 Teulada, Alicante. BY ORDER OF THE COMMITTEE NOTES FOR THE GUIDANCE OF MEMBERS (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) All members in good standing are entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting of the Society. Voting by proxy is not admitted. Every question shall be decided by a show of hands of those entitled to vote and by a majority of such votes. In case of an equality of votes the Chairman of the Meeting shall have a second and casting vote. The declaration by the Chairman of the result shall be accepted as final. There is no provision in the Royal Charter of Bye-Laws of the Society for the taking of a ballot or poll. The Chairman of the Society and other Officers are appointed by the committee. THE PRESENT COMMITTEE Chairman – Bob Hunt Vice Chairman – Gaby Ferenczy Treasurer - Bob Oxley General Secretary – Jean Farrimond Membership Secretary – Maggie Dennis Committee Member -Anne Weskett Royal Society of St George – Costa Blanca Treasurer’s Report – December 2014 We currently have €5,867.41 in the bank account and I am holding €29.53 in cash. As members are aware, your committee have for some years operated a policy of discounting the cost of events to members, which has meant that anyone attending just three events during the course of the year will effectively recover their subscription cost. Over the last two years, with increasing charges levied by the banks on transactions, the Society has allowed members to either effect a bank transfer or pay cash on the day. The vast majority of members have elected to pay cash on the day. Whilst I readily accept this additional duty, problems arise when members fail to attend without any advance notice, leaving the Society to pay for meals not taken. Whilst most members have subsequently paid any monies due, this situation has arisen on both of the last two events, putting the Society in a difficult position with the meal provider, and could subsequently affect event costings. Subscriptions for 2015 are due at the AGM and will remain at €12.00 per member. Bob Oxley Honorary Treasurer 16 December 2014 R o y a l S o c ie t y o f S t G e o r g e - C o st a B la n c a IN CO M E & E X P E N D IT U R E A CCO U N T . 2 0 1 4 IN CO M E 2013 6 0 6 .0 0 4 9 0 .0 0 2 ,1 7 0 .0 0 1 ,4 1 4 .0 0 2 4 0 .0 0 1 ,2 2 8 .0 0 ---_______ 6 ,1 4 8 .0 0 E X P E N D IT U R E 2013 5 7 0 .0 0 ----5 2 .2 8 2 ,7 9 2 .0 0 1 ,5 7 0 .0 0 1 ,3 7 5 .0 0 3 0 .2 0 3 4 .0 0 5 8 .5 0 _______ 6 ,4 8 1 .9 8 -3 3 3 .9 8 D R A FT IN CO M E 2014 Su b s c rip t io n s A G M Lu n ch St G e o rg e 's B a n q u e t - M e m b e rs & G u e s ts G a rd e n Pa rty R a ffle / D o n a t io n s A u tu m n D in n e r R a ffle / D o n a t io n s 5 8 8 .0 0 5 1 2 .0 0 3 ,1 2 8 .0 0 1 4 7 2 .0 0 2 7 8 .0 0 1 ,1 5 7 .0 0 1 6 0 .0 0 _______ 7 ,2 9 5 .0 0 T o t a ls A G M & Lun ch P rin tin g / P o s t a g e / Sta tio n e ry / T e le p h o n e H o s tin g / R e fre s h m e n ts St G e o rg e B a n q u e t G a rd e n P a rty A u tu m n D in n e r D a n c e P O B o x R e n ta l B a n k C h a rg e s W e b s ite M a in te n a n c e 2013 2014 T o t a ls E X P E N D IT U R E 2014 6 8 0 .0 0 1 6 .2 8 1 6 .2 8 4 9 .6 0 3 ,6 9 1 .0 0 1 ,7 7 4 .7 6 1 ,4 0 5 .0 0 3 0 .3 4 --6 0 .5 0 _______ 7 7 2 3 .7 6 Su rp lu s/ D e ficit ca rrie d f o rw a rd B a la n ce sh e e t a s a t 3 1 st D e ce m b e r 2 0 1 4 In co m e & Ex p e n d it u re A cco u n t - 2 0 1 4 B an k A cco u n t Cash in h an d Bro u gh t fo rw ard fro m 2013 2 01 4 D e ficit 5 ,7 6 7 .4 1 6 ,2 2 9 .1 4 EVENTS AUTUMN FUNCTION – SATURDAY 18 OCTOBER 2014 DANCE CAFE TOSCAMAR, JAVEA During the evening of Saturday 18 October 2014 the Costa Blanca Branch of the Royal Society of St George gathered together at the Dance Café Toscamar, Javea, with guest from the Javea 41 Club and the Javea Wine Appreciation Society, for their annual Autumn Dinner Dance. Following a Cava Reception on the restaurant terrace, the Branch Chairman, Bob Hunt opened the evening by first welcoming everyone and then giving a short talk regarding the 3 members of the Gough family who, during the Indian Mutiny War and during operations in Somaliland, were each separately awarded the Victoria Cross for outstanding valour whilst under enemy fire; this being the only occasion during the history of the VC that 3 members of the same family had been recognised for their courage by the award of this decoration. Bob Hunt added that the story of the Gough was very much in keeping with one of the objects of the Royal Society to keep alive the history of our nation by spreading the knowledge of our history, traditions and ideals and to keep fresh the memory of those in all walks of life who have served our nation in the past to inspire leadership in the future. After Bob's talk, the 42 people present enjoyed an excellent 4-course meal provided by the Dance Café staff. After dinner, members and guests danced late into the evening to music and song provided by Mike Ward. MEMBERS AND GUESTS ENJOYING THE EVENING MEMBERS AND GUESTS ENJOYING THE EVENING FORTHCOMING EVENTS - 2015 The committee are pleased to announce the following forthcoming events. Further details of which will be forwarded to you at the appropriate time to enable you to make your reservations. Please make a note in your diaries, the Society looks forward to seeing you there. 24 April 2015 St George´s Day Banquet 13 June 2015 Queen´s Birthday Luncheon October 2015 Autumn Function (Further details to be advised) APPLICATION/RENEWAL FOR MEMBERSHIP 2015 I………………………………………………………………….(Signature) being over the age of 18 and wishing to further the Aims and Objectives of the Society, desire to be elected as a Member of the Royal Society of St George Costa Blanca. SURNAME (Title, Awards) ………………………………………………………………………. FORENAMES ……………………………………………………………………… ADDRESS ………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………. DATE OF APPLICATION ………………………EMAIL …………………………………...…. TELEPHONE No…………………………… MOBILE No.………………...……………....... The newsletter is sent by Email to all members who have this facility. Annual Subscription is 12.00€ per member. Please complete and return to: The General Secretary, The Royal Society of St George, Apartado de Correos 5, 03725 Teulada (Alicante) 96 648 2137 616 012 719 Bank Transfers to: (Please mark as membership fee) Name of Bank: BANKIA BRANCH 9678 Teulada/Moraira Account Name: The Royal Society of St George IBAN: ES41 2038 9678 2560 0038 9321 SWIFT: CAHMESMMXXX APPLICATION/RENEWAL FOR MEMBERSHIP 2015 I………………………………………………………………….(Signature) being over the age of 18 and wishing to further the Aims and Objectives of the Society, desire to be elected as a Member of the Royal Society of St George Costa Blanca. SURNAME (Title, Awards) ………………………………………………………………………. FORENAMES ……………………………………………………………………… ADDRESS ………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………. DATE OF APPLICATION ………………………EMAIL…………………………..…………. TELEPHONE No…………………………… MOBILE No.……………...……………....... The newsletter is sent by Email to all members who have this facility. Annual Subscription is 12.00€ per member. Please complete and return to: The General Secretary, The Royal Society of St George, Apartado de Correos 5, 03725 Teulada (Alicante) 96 648 2137 616 012 719 Bank Transfers to: (Please mark as membership fee) Name of Bank: BANKIA BRANCH 9678 Teulada/Moraira Account Name: The Royal Society of St George IBAN: ES41 2038 9678 2560 0038 9321 SWIFT: CAHMESMMXXX ROYAL SOCIETY OF ST GEORGE COSTA BLANCA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING held on 22 February 2014 at Cumbre Del Sol Restaurant, Benitachell at 12.15 MINUTES The meeting opened at 12.15 PRESENT: 34 Members & 7 Guests The meeting closed at 12.45 APOLOGIES: President Paul Rodwell, Mrs Margaret Ferenczy Mr Bryn Summerhayes & Mrs Joan Summerhayes, Mr Peter Rowsell & Mrs Judy Rowsell Mr Howard Russell & Mrs Catherine Russell Mr Michael Greenstreet & Mrs Celia Greeenstreet (New Members) Mr Alan Murdoch & Mrs Rosemary Murdoch Mr Roger & Mrs Evangeline Offord Mr Barry Burnett The Chairman welcomed new members who were attending their first Society meeting, Mr Stewart & Mrs Hilary Wass, Kathe Pooley, Reverend Canon Raymond & Mrs Eileen Hodson, and Mr Jack Grindy. The Chairman advised that he had wished to extend a special welcome to Reverend Steve Foster who had agreed to become our Branch Chaplain but who, unfortunately due to illness, had been unable to attend the meeting. The Chairman also welcomed the Guests, Geoff Farrimond, Derrick & Maggie Berridge (the Society’s Auditor), Carol Collin (guest of Peggy Skipwith), Cristabel White (guest of Mick & Maggie Dennis) and Peter & Jane Jamieson (guests of John Deacon & Lorna Ainsworth) 1. APPOINTMENT OF THE PRESIDENT The Chairman was pleased to advise that following our invitation to Mr Paul Rodwell to continue as Branch President he could now confirm that Mr Rodwell had graciously accepted and had advised that he was happy to continue in the role. Proposed by: Mr Mick Dennis Seconded: Mrs Anne Weskett Approved: Unanimously 2. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The Chairman advised that these were available via the Newsletter prior to the meeting. . These were approved. Proposed by: Mr Gaby Ferenczy Seconded by: Mr Toby Carpenter Approved: Unanimously 3. TO RECEIVE AND ADOPT THE CHAIRMAN´S & TREASURER’S REPORTS TO 31 DECEMBER 2013 The Treasurer read from his report for 2013, which is attached. He advised that this had been circulated with the Newsletter and he further advised that there had been no change in the Draft Accounts that had been circulated at the same time, except they had now been approved by the Society’s Auditor. The Treasurer did advise that there had been nothing shown in the accounts for Printing or Postage costs for 2013 due to receipts not being received in time but these would now be included in the 2014 accounts. A copy of the Income & Expenditure Accounts is attached. The Chairman read from his report for 2013 which is attached. The acceptance of these reports was: Proposed by: Mr Stephen Lemon Seconded by: Mr David Grove Approved: Unanimously 4. TO RECEIVE AND ADOPT THE TREASURER´S REPORT AND ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31 DECEMBER 2013 The Accounts for 2013 were as circulated with the Newsletter. These had been prepared by Mr Bob Oxley, the Society’s Treasurer and Audited by Mr Derick Berrridge the Society’s Auditor. Derick Berridge thanked Bob Oxley for his presentation of the 2013 accounts and for inviting himself and his wife Maggie to the meeting. These were accepted. Proposed by: Mr Hugh Martin Seconded by: Mr David Decker Approved: Unanimously 5. TO ELECT THE COMMITTEE MEMBERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH BYE-LAW 2 The Chairman advised that the present Members of the Committee were prepared to serve for another year, these were as follows: Mr Bob Hunt MBE Mr Gaby Ferenczy Mr Bob Oxley Mrs Anne Weskett Mrs Jean Farrimond Mrs Maggie Dennis Proposed by: Mr Alan Gill Seconded by: Mrs Christine Felton Approved: Unanimously 6. TO RE-ELECT MR DERICK BERRIDGE AS HON. AUDITOR The Treasurer reported that Derick Berridge had again agreed to continue in the position of Hon Auditor. Proposed by: Mr Bob Oxley Seconded by: Mrs Maggie Dennis Approved: Unanimously 7. ANY OTHER BUSINESS There was no further business from the floor. The Chairman advised that the next event would be the St George´s Banquet to be held at the Carrasco Restaurant on Friday 25April 2014. He also advised that this year, again being very conscious of financial circumstances, the committee would pressure the management at the Carrasco into maintaining the lower price obtained in previous years. The Chairman stated that he hoped the members would agree that the charge for the Banquet represented extremely good value and hoped that all members would be able to attend and to bring along as many guests as possible. There being no further business the meeting closed at 12.45 DATE OF THE NEXT AGM: To be announced Royal Society of St George – Costa Blanca Chairman’s Report – AGM 2014 I would like to open this report with the news that the new British Ambassador to Spain, Mr Simon Manley, GMC, has accepted an invitation to be our Branch Patron. In his response, the Ambassador stated that he would be honoured and delighted to accept the role of Patron of the Costa Blanca Branch of the Royal Society of St George. However, he added that the nature of his appointment would mean that he would not be a very active Patron. The Ambassador also sent his regrets that, due to duties elsewhere, he and his wife would not be able to attend our St George’s Day Dinner. On a similar theme, I am pleased to report that whilst he also cannot be with us today, our Branch President, Mr Paul Rodwell, Her Majesty’s Consul in Alicante is willing to continue in the role of President for the time being. Although it is still to be confirmed, I am hopeful that Mr Rodwell will attend this year’s St George’s Day Dinner. I’m also delighted to be able to welcome here today our new Branch Chaplain, Rev Steve Foster As in previous years, I would like to continue my Annual Report by expressing my gratitude for the conscientious and enthusiastic work of the members of the Branch committee. Whilst relatively small in number, this hard-working group has successfully managed our affairs over the past 12 months to a very high standard of efficiency and professionalism. As Chairman I am privileged to have had the support of such excellent individuals. I am pleased to say that all members of the committee have agreed to continue serving the Branch for the coming year. Moreover, I am also pleased to report that Mr Derrick Berridge, who has done an excellent job auditing our accounts, has agreed to continue to serve the Branch in this financial capacity. The year 2013 was a very active period for the Branch. To start on a high note, I’m pleased to report that for the first year in quite some time we actually saw our Branch membership increase with the addition of 7 new members; I hope that this trend can be continued into 2014. Our social programme opened this time last year with our AGM, which was very well attended. Our 2013 St George’s Day Banquet was again organised on the basis of a formal Dinner/Dance; this change appeared to be appreciated by those who attended and, as a result, we will continue to organise this event on these lines. In all other respects, the evening was run on our traditional basis and was, I believe, enjoyed by those who attended. Our guest of honour was our Branch President, Paul Rodwell who gave an interesting speech before proposing the toast to England and St George. The number of people at the Dinner was good and we were once more pleased to welcome members from other local expatriate organisations. As in previous years, the Carrasco Restaurant provided an excellent meal and the service provided was to their usual high standard. In June we celebrated Her Majesty’s Official Birthday with an ‘al fresco’ lunch at the La Galera Restaurant. Once again, this event was very well attended. Unfortunately, due to a misinterpretation of the menu presented to us in Spanish, several of our members and guests were disappointed with the main course. Although the Meatloaf was of a good standard, it was not the Beef in Pastry expected. The committee accepted responsibility for this mistake and will make every effort at future events to ensure that translations correctly represent the food on offer. The problems experienced by some members regarding seating preferences would also be resolved for future events. However, I ask that specific seating preferences must be notified to the committee in good time and it should be appreciated that requests contained in very late additions to the attendance list may not always be accommodated. The final event of the year was our dinner/dance which was held at the Dance Café, Toscamar. This was the second year at this venue. A last-minute change to the allocated dining room, and the appearance of an additional table, caused some disruption to our arrangements. However, the manager and staff of the Dance Café swiftly resolved these problems and arranged an excellent evening and provided an enjoyable meal. The speech given by our Vice Chairman, Gaby Ferenczy, on the events surrounding the Battle of Balaclava was extremely interesting and was well-received by those present. At this time, the intention of the committee is to return to the Dance Café for our 2014 autumn function – the theme for the evening has yet to be agreed. The Branch website has been continually updated by Jean Farrimond, our General Secretary, who has worked hard with the Royal Society’s web master during the course of the year to produce a modern and comprehensive Branch Website. This site can be viewed at and is well worth a visit. Thank you Jean for all your efforts on our behalf. The past 12 months has been an active period for our Branch of the Royal Society. In line with many other expatriate social organisations in our area, the continuing financial crisis has, I feel, impacted on the level of support at our social events. However, attendances at our functions during 2013, coupled with the increase in membership, indicates that there remains a strong interest in keeping alive the true ‘spirit’ of being English. Consequently, and with your continuing support, your committee will work towards ensuring an enjoyable programme of events during 2014. R G T HUNT Chairman 22 February 2014 Royal Society of St George – Costa Blanca Treasurer’s Report - 2013 Your committee has continued to provide a discount to members on all the Society’s events, and I am pleased to report that it is our intention to carry on with this strategy to encourage your continued support and the recruitment of new members. You will recall that we waived the joining fee two years ago, and last year, I reported that we had lost our sponsor and business partner following a takeover of the company. However, the Society is in a sound position financially, due largely to the almost prohibitive cost now of flying over and accommodating a guest speaker from the UK, although it is a provision that we continue to maintain should we be successful in obtaining a celebrity guest to speak at the Banquet. We are again proposing no increase in the membership fee. Members know that the Society offers very good value for money, and we appeal to you to play your part in helping to recruit new members. Last year, anyone attending just three of our four regular functions actually had the costs discounted by more than the membership fee. With retirements expected at the end of 2014, we also need some new members to continue the work of the Committee. On behalf of the Branch I would like to again record our thanks to John Cunningham for his generosity in continuing to pay our capitation fee to the Royal Society, and also to Derick Berridge, who has once again persevered through my accounting and produced a credible audit. I will be available at the AGM to answer any questions that members may have. Robert Oxley Honorary Treasurer 21st December 2013 INCOME & EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT - 2013 INCOM E INC OME 201 2012 612.00 548.00 2,710.0 0 1,886.5 0 406.00 1,788.0 0 3 Subscriptions AGM Lunch ______ _ 8,815.5 0 606.00 490.00 St George's Banquet - Members / Guests 2,170.00 Garden Party 1,414.00 240.00 Raffle/Donations Autumn Dinner Dance 265.00 600.00 2013 1,228.00 Raffle/Donations --- Business Member Sponsorship --- _______ Total 6,148.00 EXPENDITURE 2012 696.00 40.00 69.64 3,037.0 0 --2,070.0 0 2,012.1 5 28.45 37.00 229.90 _______ 8,220.1 4 2013 570.00 AGM & Lunch Printing/Postage/Stationery/Telephone Hosting/Refreshments 2,792.00 Speaker Costs --- Garden Party 1,570.00 Autumn Dinner Dance P O Box Rental Bank Charges Website construction/maintenance 1,375.00 30.20 34.00 58.50 _______ Total 6,481.98 Balance Sheet as at 31st December 2013 Cash in hand 52.28 St George's Banquet Surplus / Deficit carried forward Bankia Account --- 6,211.41 17.73 6,229.14 -333.98 Income & Expenditure Account 2013 Brought forward from 2012 2013 Deficit 6,563.12 -333.98 6,229.14 I have examined the support documentation for the year, and I am satisfied that the above accounts are a true reflection of the Society's financial affairs Derick Berridge Auditor
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