Thursday`s Notices - James Hargest College

Rāpare, 12 Hui-tanguru 2015
Thursday, 12 February 2015
James Hargest College
2014 Daily Notices
Meetings / Practices
Year 11-13
Public Speaking
Students who are interested in representing James Hargest College in Public Speaking competitions
are asked to see Mrs Benjamin to register their interest. More information is available upon request.
Year 9 -13
Today lunchtime
Quest: All students interested in joining a group focussed on Christianity. All welcome. Meet in P7
Year 9 -13
Stage Challenge
Gym 1
Stage Challenge rehearsals begin on Wednesday from 3.30-4.30 in Gym 1. Anyone interested in
participating can attend and register your name. No separate auditions this year.
Year 9&10
Year 9 and 10 Bookclub
Library classroom
Monday Lunch
If you are interested in joining the Year 9 and 10 book club, please come to the library at lunchtime on
Monday 16th Feb.
Yr 9-13 Sports Library Club
Library classroom
Tomorrow Lunch
andIf Culture
you like reading books and/or planning library events, come to a meeting for the library club in the
library classroom at lunchtime on Friday. This is a group for all year levels.
Yr 9-13 Sports Waterpolo
Yr 9-13 Sports and Culture
for South Island Secondary Schools are on Monday from 7:30-9pm at the pool. Any issues, see
Mr Bowie.
General Notices
Runners class:10AMO
Year 11-13
Please report to Student Admin at the first bell.
Thursday: Connor Rika, Megan Shaw, Katelin Stuart
Friday: Strom Webb, Jenna Wilkes, Samantha Witehira
Year 11-13
International Friendship Club Leader
Have you been a member previously and think you would be suitable for one of the leadership
opportunities this year?? Complete the small pink form (available at Student Admin) and return it to
Mrs Elder before 3.30 Monday 16 Feb.
Year 11-13
LEO Club
Year 11-13
L=Leadership E=Experience and O= Opportunity.
Interested in finding out more about what the LEO Club ( A service Club) stands for come to a
meeting in the hall at the beginning of Interval this Thursday.
Year 11-13
Year 11-13
Southland District Council essay or multimedia presentation. Please see your English, Media Studies
or Art teacher for details. Check out the poster on the Cultural Notice Board.
8:24 am
Rāpare, 12 Hui-tanguru 2015
Thursday, 12 February 2015
James Hargest College
2014 Daily Notices
Year 11-13
Review/Reconsideration of Grades
Year 11-13
Candidates may apply for a review (grades not recorded correctly) or a reconsideration( booklet not
marked correctly) from NZQA. You need to use your user log on and hit the tab on the left hand side
to complete a personalised form to send away with your script. This must be done by 20 February. If
you need advice talk to your subject teacher from 2014 or Mrs Elder.
Year 11-13
Year 11-13
STAR courses available 2015: Agriculture, Animation, Audio Production, Architectural Technology,
Beauty Therapy, Carpentry, Childcare, Electrical, Engineering, Fashion, Film Making, Floristry,
Furniture Making, Hairdressing, Intro to Nursing, Journalism, Maori Performing Arts, Travel and
Tourism. Please see careers if interested.
Year 11-13
Student Librarians
Year 11-13
There is a meeting in the library classroom at lunchtime for all those interested in being a Student
Librarian in 2015.
Year 11-13
LEO New members
Year 11-13
Hand in your Membership Form along with your $10 joining fee before 3.30 on Monday.
Year 11-13
LEO Leaders for 2015
Year 11-13
Year 11-13
Hand in your application form to Mrs Elder by 3.30 on Monday.
Year 11-13
Brain bee challenge
Are you a Year 11 student interested in the brain and how it works? An amazing Australia/NZ
competition is available for you. See Miss Bowman in the B9/B10 Science Office for more information.
Year 11-13
Year 13 Cultural
Year 11-13
Sheilah Winn Shakespeare essay competition available. $500 first prize for Year 13 only. Use your
Macbeth essays! See your English teacher, Cultural Noticeboard or Mrs Swan for details.
Year 9 -13
International Friendship Club
Year 9 -13
Want to join? Hand in the bright pink form (available at Stud Admin) to the office with $3 before 3.30
on Monday 16 Feb.
Year 9 -13
Itinerant Music Lessons
Year 9 -13
Do you want to learn an instrument? Visit the Music department at the beginning of interval any day
this week to sign up for this. You do not need to have your own instrument in most cases and you do
not have to be taking Music as an option subject. This is open to all years. Talk to Mrs Little if you
want to know more. Singing Lessons are full but all other instruments are available.
Year 9 -13
Music opportunities
Year 9 -13
There are several ways to get involved in Music this year. Sign-up sheets for both Ancora (choir) and
Concert Band will be up in the Music department this week. Auditions for both of these groups will
take place in Week 3. If you were in Ancora last year you do not need to audition again, but please do
still sign up. If you play a wind or brass instrument and Concert Band is your thing, start preparing an
audition piece ready for week 3.
8:24 am
Rāpare, 12 Hui-tanguru 2015
Thursday, 12 February 2015
James Hargest College
2014 Daily Notices
Year 9 -13
Maths competition
Year 9 -13
The Otago University Maths competition is a challenging problem solving competition for students in
Years 9-11. There are monetary prizes! Please see your Maths teacher or Mrs Redmond in West
Maths office for more details. Enter at the office with $5 before Friday 20 Feb.
Year 9 -13
Year 9 -13
Fresh in every day BENTO SUSHI or perhaps grab a sausage roll for lunch today.
Year 9&10
Room Changes
Year 9&10
Year 9&10
10DC SCI (DP) to B10 on Fridays
Year 9&10
10PPN Science with Miss Munro, permanent classroom change Friday period 5 from B5 to B9
10CWN Science with Mr Du Preez permanent classroom change Friday period 5 from B9 to B5
Yr 11-13
Yr 11-13 Sports and Culture
Netball Trials
All Senior Girls wanting to trial for a Netball Team, please register on the sign up lists in Gym Foyer
wall. These will be taken down 3pm Friday. Any queries please see Mrs Peacock (Netball
Administrator) in the gym office from 1.30 Tuesday or Thursday afternoons, or Mrs Anderson.
Yr 9-13 Sports Softball
Yr 9-13 Sports and Culture
to play in the Southland Secondary Schools tournament is up outside the y10 Deans office,
permission slips will be sent out today, please return to Mr Carstensen or Mrs Anderson asap
Yr 9-13 Sports Tennis
Yr 9-13 Sports and Culture
Culture interested in starting Tennis see gym noticeboard for a 6 week league. All gear provided.
Starts 16 Feb at Stadium.
Yr 9-13 Sports Equestrian
Yr 9-13 Sports and Culture
Culture Southland Pony Club One Day Event Sunday 15th Feb. See Mrs Anderson or Mrs Cowie in
gym office to put your name down.
Yr 9-13 Sports Touch
Yr 9-13 Sports and Culture
Culture interested in playing Touch this Term please come to a meeting in Gym 2 at start of interval
on Thursday. All players must attend, please bring your team list and also name of Adult supervising
your team. If you dont have a team come along and we will organise a team for you to join.
Yr 9-13 Sports LEO Club Members
Yr 9-13 Sports and Culture
Lions Southern Outdoor Experience Youth Leadership Course Borland Lodge 7-12 April 2015.
For further information please see Mrs Elder.
Yr 9-13 Sports Rugby
in playing rugby in 2015.
Yr 9-13 Sports and Culture
Please sign up on the lists in the gym foyer this week.
Yr 9-13 Sports Netball Umpires
Yr 9-13 Sports and Culture
Culture wishing to umpire a school netball team either at the Junior or Senior Campus, please get a
form from the qym office
8:24 am
Rāpare, 12 Hui-tanguru 2015
Thursday, 12 February 2015
James Hargest College
2014 Daily Notices
Yr 9-13 Sports Paddles Up
Yr 9-13 Sports and Culture
Culture today outside the Hall at Interval for any student interested in competing in this years
Paddles Up kayaking competition.
Yr9&10 Sports and Culture
Basketball Hoops Group
Kevin Braswell is starting a Hoops Group beginning Thursday 19th Feb 4.00-5.15pm at the Stadium
for 6 weeks. See Gym Notice Board or Mrs Anderson for more information.
Yr9&10 Sports and Culture
Year 10 Netball
Year 10 Students interested in playing Netball this year please put your name and preferred positions
up on sign up sheet in gym foyer.
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