Public Disclosure Authorized Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ON THE COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION WORKS FOR NEYKOVTSI DAM Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA E1776 v17 Sofia, May 2009, Final Document Neykovtsi Dam EIAS CONTENTS І. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................... 1 ІІ. LEGISLATIVE AND POLITICAL SYSTEM AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATIONAL DIAGRAM ............................................................................................. 6 ІІІ. OVERVIEW OF NEYKOVTSI DAM PROJECT .................................................................... 7 ІV. OVERVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL COMPONENTS AND FACTORS ............................10 4.1. AIR QUALITY .....................................................................................................................10 4.1.1 Climate ....................................................................................................................10 4.1.2 Air Quality ...............................................................................................................10 4.2. WATER...............................................................................................................................14 SURFACE WATER...........................................................................................................14 GROUNDWATER ............................................................................................................14 4.3 GEOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT .....................................................................................15 4.4. SOIL ..................................................................................................................................18 4.5. WASTE .............................................................................................................................18 4.6. HARMFUL PHYSICAL FACTORS: NOISE .....................................................................18 4.7. FLORA................................................................................................................................18 4.8. FAUNA ...............................................................................................................................19 4.8.1 Ichthyofauna ............................................................................................................19 4.8.2 Invertebrate ..............................................................................................................20 4.8.3. Herpetofauna (Amphibians and reptiles) ...................................................................21 4.8.4 Mammal Fauna ........................................................................................................22 4.8.5 Ornitofauna ..............................................................................................................24 4.9. LANDSCAPE .......................................................................................................................26 4.10. SOCIAL AND CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT. HEALTH FACTOR .................................26 4.11. CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL HERITAGE..................................................................27 V. EVALUATION OF THE EXPECTED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS RELATED TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF NEYKOTSI DAM .......................................27 5.1. AIR QUALITY .....................................................................................................................27 5.1.1 Climate ....................................................................................................................27 5.1.2 Quality of atmospheric air ........................................................................................28 5.2. WATER .............................................................................................................................30 Surface water .....................................................................................................................30 Groundwater ......................................................................................................................36 5.3. GEOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT .....................................................................................37 5.4. SOILS ................................................................................................................................37 5.5. WASTE .............................................................................................................................38 NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc i Neykovtsi Dam EIAS 5.6. HARMFUL PHYSICAL FACTORS ..................................................................................41 5.7. PLANTS ............................................................................................................................42 5.8. ANIMALS .........................................................................................................................42 5.8.1. Ichthyofauna ............................................................................................................42 5.8.2. Invertebrate ..............................................................................................................43 5.8.3. Herpetofauna (Amphibians and reptiles) ...................................................................43 5.8.4. Mammal Fauna ........................................................................................................44 5.8.5. Ornithofauna ............................................................................................................44 5.9. LANDSCAPE .......................................................................................................................45 5.10. HEALTH FACTOR AND SOCIAL SIGNIFICANCE ........................................................45 5.11. SAFETY OF NEYKOVTSI DAM ...............................................................................................47 5.12. TRANSBORDER EFFECT ................................................................................................51 5.13. SOCIAL IMPACT ..................................................................................................................52 VІ. ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES ...........................................................................................52 VІІ. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ........................................................................54 VII.A. ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION PLAN...................................................................54 VІІ.B. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN .................................................................57 VIII. PUBLIC HEARINGS ................................................................................................................58 NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc ii Neykovtsi Dam EIAS APPENDICES Annex 1 – TOR for EIA Annex 2 – Action Plan For Environmental Management Of Neykovtsi Dam 3. Annex 3 – Environmental Monitoring Plan 4. Annex 4 Methodologies and Sources Used and quoted in the Environment Impact Assessment Statement 5. Annex 5 – Wastes classification 6. Diagram ―Water supply of Tryavna‖ 7. Topographic map including Neykovtsi dam 1:25 000 8. Forest map including Neykovtsi dam 1:10 000 9. Map of Protected Area Bulgarka BG 0000399 10. Photos 11. Neykovtsi Dam designs - list 12. Protocols and opinions from meetings in Tryavna municipality in 2007 and 2009 13. Protocols of laboratory analysis of water 1. 2. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc iii Neykovtsi Dam EIAS Abbreviations used AIM Archaeological Institute and Museum BAN Bulgarian Academy of Sciences BD Basin Directorate VIK Water supply and sewerage company EU European Union EEC Expert Environmental Council EPA Environmental Protection Act EEA Environmental Executive Agency IWI Institute on Water Issues IPP Institute for research and design MRDPW Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works MOEW Ministry of Environment and Water EIA Environmental Impact Assessment NGO Non Government Organizations ALV Admissible limit values DWTP Drinking water treatment plant RIEW Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water RIHSC Regional Inspectorate on Health Safety and Control WSS Water supply system CMS Central measuring station KOPS Committee for Environmental Protection BCA Bulletin for Construction and Architecture UF University of Forestry UASG University of Construction, Architecture and Geodesy RC Rock crusher MS Methodologies and Sources NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc iv Neykovtsi Dam І. EIAS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BACKGROUND The Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIA) on the completion of construction works for Neykovtsi Dam has been developed following the submission of the Environmental Due Diligence Report (EDD) prepared in 2007 by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works (MRDPW) to meet the World Bank policy requirements on Environmental Assessment. This document is part of the documentation required for approval of the World Bank assistance requested by the Government of Bulgaria (GoB) to finance activities related to municipal infrastructure development through completion of the Luda Yana water supply dam. This EIA report has been developed to meet the Bank requirements as stated in the ToR (Annex I) and to comply with the effective environmental legislation in the Republic of Bulgaria (RB). Environmental protection is a country policy priority. Depending on the classification of infrastructure projects they can be either subject to a mandatory EIA or subject to an assessment of the need to have an EIA. Having a total volume of 4,80×106 m3, the Neykovtsi dam would be subject to an assessment for the need to perform an EIA. However, because the construction works have started prior to the establishment of the EIA procedure and the dam was already granted a construction permit (in 1978) based on which some works started, no EIA would be required under Bulgarian law for completing this dam construction. The construction permit is also still valid. However, an EIA is required for World Bank financing. This EIA report presents the current normative documents of the RB that have to be complied with in the course of work, as well as those required by the Bank. The organizational diagram referring to the environmental management is presented in Appendices (e.g., table in Regulations). Neykovtsi Dam Project The construction of Neykovtsi dam started in 1978 but it was put on hold several times and completely stopped in 2001 due to lack of financing. The dam wall and the adjoining facilities, as well as the Drinking water treatment plant (DWTP) were constructed following the technical detailed designs developed in accordance with the design phases effective in those years. The design has also been developed in line with the effective regulations applicable in 1986 with regard to the security and safety of the dam wall and the facilities thereto. The designs of the dam wall and of the DWTP will be updated at the beginning of the proposed project implementation, following a preliminary evaluation of the quality of the construction performed eight years ago. Consequently, this EIA report and the Environmental Management Plan will be revised to reflect any new relevant information regarding environmental assessment based on the the latest update of detail design. Environmental Baseline Conditions and Current Status of the Dam Site The river eco system upstream of the dam will be transformed into a water reservoir as 32.5 ha will be covered by water permanently. The dam wall, classified as ‗large‘, and requiring securing of operational safety, will be situated above the residential area of the town of Plachkovtsi and within 7.5 km to the south of Tryavna town (classification of dam walls by the International Committee of Large Dams according to which dams exceeding 15 m height are classified as large). The partially constructed Neykovtsi dam is located on the Neykovska River and is considered a multiannual compensating basin. The run-off of the river is uneven in seasonal terms and naturally has a very low or even zero flow for part of the year, especially during summer time. Currently, the natural flow of NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 1/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS the river is unimpeded because its flow is maintained through an outlet constructed beneath the partially completed dam. During the construction, filling and operation of the dam, an environmental flow will be maintained. The volume of this flow, which will vary seasonally to approximate the natural hydrology, has been calculated, using an accepted methodology, to maintain good environmental conditions downstream. The construction and operation of the dam will not have a negative impact on any protected habitats or sensitive ecosystems. According to latest information from the MoEW, only the sanitaryprotectied zones will be within PA Bulgarka. Complete details of the size and extent of the reservoir will only be known when the detailed designs are completed. Another Natura 2000 site located in the proximity of the dam area is the Protected Area Dryanovska reka (code BG 000282) but the dam and reservoir will be located outside this protected area. The purpose of the sanitary-protected zone of the dam is to maintain natural vegetation cover to prevent erosion and sedimentation or pollution of the reservoir water. According to MoEW, the management regime of the sanitary-protected zone of the dam is consistent with the goals of the Natura 2000 and favorable to the management of protected area. Also, there are no endangered or protected species which will be adversely affected by the change in the hydrological regime resulting from construction and operation of the dam. The status of the environment surrounding the Neikovtsi dam site has been evaluated based on inspection of the territory, field research, review of the available technical data provided by the Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water (RIEW) in the town of Veliko Turnovo, other existing relvant literature and survey data. The area of the Neikovtsi Dam is not in a natural state but has been significantly impacted by the construction works which were carried out in the past and then stopped due to lack of funds. The construction of the dam wall has been implemented up to 16 m which represents 30% of the construction works, and the adjoining facilities have been partially constructed including the water intake tower, the asphalt-concrete diaphragm, and the control and measuring equipment. Other construction works already finalized at the site include: the water catchment derivations and the four water intake facilities from which water is supplied to Tryavna are fully constructed; the rock quarry Suhodole located at about 6 km from the dam and at the dam construction site have been opened; the DWTP has been constructed up to 40%; the water supply main up to 90% and the related roads have been completely constructed. The construction effluent released during performance of works at the site are settled before the cofferdam (item 5.2.) eliminating sedimentation of the Neykovska river.from these works. The humus depot and the spillway with a chute and ejector were not completed because works stopped in 2000. The construction materials extracted at the quarries meet the current Bulgarian standards and are adequate for dam wall construction. The river eco-system is currently negatively affected from the suspended dam construction. A substantial part of the forest has been cut during 1980s and 1990s. The humus is restricted in quantity at the dam site and has not been removed. Upon resumption of the construction works it will be removed (for mandatory sanitization of the reservoir bed). The flow of the river is not currently impeded because it continues to flow through the diversion tunnel constructed in the past. However, the river at the dam site and downstream from the site naturally experiences strong fluctuations in flow volume, with high flows in spring and little or no flow during summer months. As a result the ichthyofauna is limited at the dam site and immediately downstream. Herpetofauna is represented only by one species of high conservation status, which might be impacted by the reservoir 1. Mammal and bird species found in the area surrounding the dam are distributed over the whole territory of the northern slopes of Central Stara Planina Mountain. From the most recent available information on groundwater and surface water quality collected from the rivers in the watershed of Neykovtsi dam (e.g., Bulgarka River, Grubcevo open catchment, Dryanovska river) and performed by the ―Vodocanalengineering‖ in Gabrovo, during 19902008, the water quality failed to comply with the drinking water requirements. Therefore it will be necessary to treat the water before it is supplied to consumers, thus, the need to update the DWTP design and complete its construction. The Water Treatment Plant is envisaged to be constructed during project implementation. The current soil pollution at the dam site is not known but it will be analyzed during the 1 Species include in national and international nature conservation documents are assigned high nature conservation status. As a rule, species of high nature conservation status have been assigned conservation priority in Directive 92/43/ЕЕС NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 2/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS update of the dam feasibility study and design. Based on land use and topography there is no reason to expect significant pollution of soil at the site will be found. From a social perspective, the suspended construction of Neykovtsi Dam has left the towns of Tryavna and Plachkovtsi and settlements in these municipalities with inadequate water supply. This issue became a major concern for the population during the summer of 2008, when the region was affected by the most severe water supply rationing that ever occurred in the country. POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS The main environmental impact will be the creation of a lake upstream of the dam where the water would be stored. This will change the existing riverine ecosystem to a lacustrine ecosystem with impacts on the flora and fauna communities. However, the areas which will be converted do not include critical habitats or resources for endangered or protected species. A detailed analysis is presented in sections 5.7 and 5.8. The retention volume of the reservoir (4,80×106 m3) is not expected to be significant enough to create seismic risks or other severe environmental damage. A substantial part of the potential negative environmental impacts resulting from the construction of Neykovtsi dam have already occurred due to the works already undertaken, as described above. Most of the forest and other vegetation on and around the site have already been cut (in some parts this vegetation has regrown and will have to be cut again before construction works continue). Completion of the dam including restoration of the landscape and vegetation will have a positive impact compared with the current situation. The existing dam wall (16 m already constructed) will provide for the settlement of the construction effluent during the completion of works for Neikovtsi Dam, reducing the risk of polluting the river water. Overall, the construction related impacts for completion of the dam are likely to be localized and can be prevented by applying international construction practice and planning. Such potential impacts may be related to: (i) air pollution/dust, noise, vibration, and access restriction, (ii) improper disposal of construction related waste; (iii) temporary pollution of soil and surface waters due to accidental spillage of fuel and oil from construction activities; (v) safety hazards including worker safety; (vi) damage to remaining trees and vegetation, and (vii) chance finds of physical cultural resources. These impacts will be properly managed during the construction phase by the contractor and closely supervised by PIU and designated supervisor engineer. Potential environmental effects due to the existence and operation of the future dam and its reservoir may be related to: (i) changes in downstream morphology of riverbed and banks due to altered sediment loads of the river that would result in increased local erosion; (ii) changes in downstream hydrology (total flows, seasonal flows, short-term fluctuations); (iii) changes in downstream water quality (e.g., nutrient load, concentration of heavy metals, temperature); (iv) reduction of biodiversity and river ecosystem due to blockage of movement of local species (e.g. fish) and because of elimination of floods; and (v) impacts on existing infrastructure such as roads and bridges. These potential impacts can be reduced and managed through mitigation and monitoring measures outlined in the Environment Management Plan (Section VII of this study; summary presented in the following section). Completion and proper operation of the Neykovtsi dam will have a positive impact as it will stabilize downstream flows of the Neikovska River, with the ensured continuous release of the minimum acceptable runoff (environmental flow). This environmental flow was calculated in accordance with relevant Bulgarian legislation following a model based on determining the minimum flow required to maintain downstream species abundance. This is expected to contribute to the formation of stable ichthyocenosis in the dam area. The population of the municipalities (13, 051 inhabitants) will get normal continuous water supply of potable water at good quality (the update design of DWTP and its construction are forthcoming), and this will open opportunities for development of recreation and tourism related to the landmarks of history and archaeology in the area. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 3/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS TRANSBORDER EFFECTS The Neykovska River is a small tributary of the Yantra River which flows into Danube at the border of Bulgaria. The mean flow at the Neykovski dam site is 73 l/sec, compared with a mean flow of 49,800 l/sec for the Yantra river at the border where it exits Bulgaria. During the construction period there will be no interruption or reduction in flow of the river and measures will be taken to avoid pollution of the water. During the impoundment period there will be a reduction in the river flow downstream of the dam site as part of the flow will be captured to fill the reservoir. The amount of the reduction will depend on the reservoir size, filling period and precipitation levels but even with rapid dam filling (less than one year) the impact on the flow of the Yantra river at the border would be less than 0.2%. SUMMARY OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (EMP) The EMP provides a thorough presentation of mitigation measures proposed to reduce the adverse consequences resulting from the construction works and the operation of the future dam. The mitigation measures will be further refined once the FS and detailed designs for this dam works are updated. The measures during construction include: site management and institutional controls limiting access at the site during construction works and restricting land and water use where appropriate; health and safety protection for workers and population – air pollution monitoring, noise, use of protective working equipment, communications during works; contingency planning and emergency response including onsite and community emergency response, incident reporting, first aid procedures and equipment; waste management and soil removal and transport mitigation measures; protection of fauna and flora species (detonation works); and compliance with dam safety regulations. Mitigation measures for the operational phase include maintaining the required environmental flow, the sanitary protection zones and implementation of the dam safety plans. The EMP also summarizes a series of environmental monitoring actions aimed at measuring contamination in air, surface and groundwater, drinking water and sediments in the river beds, during construction and during operation. Monitoring parameters, including specific physical and biological parameters, location and frequencies are also provided. The monitoring program will be refined based on the updated FS and detailed design to clearly define monitoring protocols for the various parameters on the basis of future dam operating rule including features built such as outlet valves, gates or relevant features that would physically allow environmental flow releases. This will ensure that the stipulated environmental flow of 0.010 m3/s calculated based on clear national procedural bases and following the EU Water Framework Directive is being met. Institutional arrangement and estimated costs for implementing the mitigation and monitoring are also described, with costs to be refined with completion of the detailed design. Implementation will be primarily accomplished through a project management unit within the MRDPW and supported by staff and governmental and private agencies relevant to the project. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED This EIA identifies and evaluates several alternatives to the proposed project discussed during the earlier design phase, including the ―no action‖ alternative; alternatives related to location of the dam and of the drinking water treatment plants (e.g., pumping water from Dryanovo and use of mine water from the closed Lev mine); type of dam wall and related facilities alternatives (considering the seismic magnitude; hydrological and geological information; need of intake water town or front spillway with chute); other alternative considering demolishing the partially constructed wall. The ―do-nothing‖ alternative was rejected since Neykovtsi dam is considered the only feasible water supply source for the surrounding. The proposed location and design were selected based on technical, environmental and social considerations. The option chosen was made due to availability of proper geological conditions, sufficient area permitting reservoir construction, and availability of an asphalted road. The proposed site for DWTP was accepted due to its advantages concerning land expropriation and proximity to the road network. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 4/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS CONSULTATION WITH AFFECTED GROUPS An extended public consultation process has been implemented for the proposed project at national and local levels on several occasions during project preparation; initial public meetings were held on the EDD Reports and social due diligence reports in the Tryavna municipality in October and December 2007. Final public consultations were held in February 2009 when this report was discussed at the MRDPW premises and in the town of Tryavna. Minutes of these meetings are attached in Appendix 14. The discussions underlined the importance to finalize construction of Neykovtsi dam in order to overcome the current negative environmental status resulting from the suspension of construction works and to establish healthy and comfortable living conditions for the population in the respective municipalities. COMPLIANCE WITH WORLD BANK SAFEGUARDS The project is rated as environmental assessment category A in compliance with Bank policies which call for a full environmental assessment to be carried out for the construction of a large dam. This EIA report has been prepared and submitted in compliance with all applicable World Bank safeguard policies relating to OP/BP 4.01. The Bulgarian dam safety requirements are in line with those of the Bank and for the project design, construction, and operation the Bulgarian legislation and the Bank policy OP/BP 4.37 Safety of Dams will be followed. Investigations during the EIA preparation process did not raise concerns regarding possible cultural properties at the proposed dam site, and therefore the Bank policy OP/BP 4.11 on Physical Cultural resources is not triggered. However, the EMP includes provisions to address impacts to cultural heritage and archeology if chance finds occur during the construction works. The Bank OP/BP 4.36 Forestry is also not triggered because no existing forest ecosystem will be affected. Although a small number of trees will need to be removed from the future reservoir basins once civil works will start, these trees are scattered individuals which were left in place when the area was cleared of vegetation years ago during the initial dam construction period. The OP/BP 4.04 Natural Habitats will apply since a small part of the reservoir and sanitary-protection zone of the Neykovtsi Dam is expected to be located on the territory of Balgarka Protected Area (code BG 0000399) of the National environmental network (also a Natura 2000 site). However, as noted above, the nature of the sanitary protection zone is such that it will not have an adverse effect on ecological resources, flora and fauna in the area. In fact, the need to maintain the sanitary protection zone for the dam is expected to assist in ensuring the protection of the area. As part of the updating of the feasibility study and refinement of the EMP, further surveys will be carried out to confirm the situation on the ground and determine whether any measures are required to avoid or minimize effects on any biodiversity of the area. The policy OP/BP 7.50 Projects on International Waterways is applicable because the dam is will create an impoundment on the Neykovska river - a tributary of the Yantra River that leaves Bulgaria and flows into Danube River which flows at the border between Bulgaria and Romania. In accordance with the policy, the Borrower notified the Danube Commission about the project goal and investments. ENVIRONMENT-RELATED LOAN CONDITIONALITIES AND COVENANTS Environmental loan conditionalities and covenants will relate to the implementation of recommended mitigation measures and monitoring activities. During project implementation, the EMP will be updated to reflect specific monitoring actions and indicators and estimated costs as a result of the update of the Feasibility Study and Detail design. The updated EMPs will be reviewed and approved by the Bank before the procurement for civil works are initiated. Respective covenants on EMPs have been integrated in the Financial Agreement. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 5/60 Neykovtsi Dam ІІ. EIAS LEGISLATIVE AND POLITICAL SYSTEM AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATIONAL DIAGRAM Design and construction of Neykovtsi Dam was implemented following a decision of the Council of Ministers of the 1970-ies. In 2000 a decision was taken to suspend the dam financing due to economic difficulties of the country. This EIA report has been implemented in compliance with the provisions of the Bulgarian regulations and the Bank safeguard policies relevant to Neykovtsi dam, as follows 1. ОР/ВР 4.01 Environmental Assessment 2. ОР/ВР 4.37 Dam Safety 3. ОР/ВР 4.04 Natural habitats 4. ОР/ВР 4.36 Forestry 5. ОР/ВР 7.50 Projects on international waterways 6. Environmental Protection Act (SG No.91/2002 .......... No 94/2008 ) 7. Water Act (SG No.67/1999 amended and supplemented No 70/2008 ) 8. Bio Diversity Act (SG No.91/2002 ...........No.94/2007) 9. Waste Management Act (SG No 86/2003 .......... No 34/2006 ) 10. Fisheries and Aquacultures Act (SG No.4/2001 .......... No 108/2006 ) 11. Ordinance on the terms and conditions for performance of EIA (CoM Decree 59/2003 .... SG No.3/2006) A full list of the national and international laws, regulations and other legislative documents referring to the EIAS is enclosed in the Appendix. Control on the implementation of the measures for protection of the environment in the course of construction works is exercised by the RIEW in the town of Veliko Tarnovo and by the Regional Inspectorate on Health Safety and Control (RIHSC) in case of signals related to human health risks. Furthermore, the environmental expert at Tryavna municipality performs regular supervision of the implementation of measures and the status of the environment and submits reports to RIEW Veliko Tarnovo. In case of failure to perform the measures, RIEW Veliko Tarnovo may impose sanctions, defines deadlines for implementation of the recommendations and, as a last resort, terminates the activity in violation of the recommendations. The plan for environmental monitoring during the construction of the dam and its operation phase is developed before the construction and operation and is approved by the Basin Directorate (BD), RIEW and MOEW (Environmental Executive Agency – EEA) in line with national legislation and the Monitoring Plan included in this report. Such plan is updated and approved annually by the 3 authorities mentioned above. The environmental monitoring plan for Neykovtsi will be updated as soon as the detail design and respective feasibility study will be reviewed in accordance with the current situation. At the end of each year, annual statements are submitted, based on which either additional requirements may be included to the monitoring or others may be withdrawn. The monitoring period is determined in the EIAS, and specified in the Monitoring Plan for the construction and operation period, which can be revised as many times as needed. Standing obligations are those of the Ministry of Health (MH) to control water quality through its regional unit the Regional Inspectorate on Health Safety and Control (RIHSC), Water and Sewerage Gabrovo and, if needed, or in case the dam is included in the National Monitoring Network– of the MOEW, (in compliance with a MOEW decision to come into effect after dam commissioning). The dam operation unit will be responsible for the water supplied from the dam during its operation phase. The control on the quantity of environmental flow and run-off is exercised by RIEW Veliko NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 6/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS Tarnovo and by the Basin Directorate Dunavski Region – town of Pleven. Water quality will be monitored by W&S – Gabrovo, RIEW and RIHSC – Veliko Tarnovo. ІІІ. OVERVIEW OF NEYKOVTSI DAM PROJECT The Neykovtsi dam is located in the valley of the Neykovska river above Neykovtsi residential estate of the town of Plachkovtsi and at about 7,5 km south of the town of Tryavna. The dam has been designed by Vodocanal engineering EOOD (former Vodokanalproekt) as a multiannual compensator for supplying drinking water to the town of Tryavna, town of Plachkovtsi and the settlements in the region. Several updates of the design were provided in1972, 1978, 1982-83, 1986 and 1990. Currently the water supply is secured in the region by the group Tryavna-Plachkovtsi and several local water sources including local water intakes in some villages. Most of these sources have unsteady flow, especially in summer, which causes problems in the regular supply of drinking water to the local population. In 2007, according to data of VIK Gabrovo, water had to be pumped from southern Bulgaria to save conditions during the tourist season. Several water sources possibilities were studied including the use of water from boreholes in order to secure supplies for villages, however their flow was also considered unsteady. Preliminary investigations made by Vodocanal engineering EOOD (former Vodokanalproekt) in 1972 justified the need to construct Neykovtsi dam based on hydrological and hydro-geological data and water economy research work that determined the volumes and elevations of the dam wall with economic rationale for proving the site efficiency. The technical design of the two receiving derivations with the four water intakes was completed in 1978, and the dam wall technical design was prepared during 198283. Several additional developments took place and the detailed design was partially elaborated at the startup of construction works in 1986. Based on revised hydrological studies and water balance examinations of Neykovtsi water supply system performed in 1990 the required volumes for water supply of the municipalities of Tryavna and Plachkovtsi were determined and clarified all proposed technical solutions and the detailed designs. The DWTP design was prepared in early 1980-ies (since 1980 the Bulgarian practice features three design stages: feasibility study, technical design and detailed design). Due to several delays in construction, the DWTP design was updated several times, the last update being made in 1994. The construction of the Neykovtsi water supply system started in 1978 and after several interruptions was suspended in 2001. The construction site was used by Hydrostroy AD and now is partially used as a motor depot. The construction site is located below the dam and above the Neykovtsi housing estate, located on the left bank of the Neykovska river. As of 1986, Hydrostroy is state-owned company. The water facilities of the Neykovtsi water supply system includes the following: dam wall, diversion gallery, cylindrical water intake tower, main water outlet, injection gallery, front spillway on the left slope, two receiving derivations with four water intakes on the Somarinenska and Plachkovska rivers (not belonging to the watershed of Neykovska River) and a Drinking Water Treatment Plant (DWTP) that is located immediately above the town of Tryavna. The Neykovtsi dam is state public property under the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works (MRDPW). The future dam operator will be the ―Water Supply and Sewerage Company of Gabrovo (VIK Gabrovo). Dam wall The dam wall was designed as rock fill with an asphalt-concrete diaphragm (ACD). The major parameters of the dam wall and the water reservoir are as follows: Maximum height from the ground 42,00 m Crown length 201,00 m Total flooded volume: 4,80×106 m3 NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 7/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS Lake length 1300,00 m Usable volume 4,30×106 m3 Dead volume 1,00×106 m3 Water intake area: 13,55 km2 Average height of the watershed above sea level 648 m Average annual inflow 9,19×106 m Flooded area 32,5 ha Wall summit (crown) elevation 581,00 Elevation of the highest water level (HWL) 580,95 Elevation of the lowest operational water level (LOWL) 554,60 Maximum water quantity for water supply 240 l/s Total volume for water supply 5,60×106 m3 Watering volume (environmental water) 0,316×106 m3 Water intake tower The water intake tower is located close to the right bank of the Neykovska river before the diversion barrage. The intake features a reinforced concrete construction with 4,5 m shaft diameter. A front spillway has been designed with an arching outline, transitory section, chute and ejector for diversion of high floods. The front spillway has been designed for high water with an occurrence of 0,1% (once in 1000 years). The main water outlet is located in the gallery for the diversion of river water during construction. Drinking Water Treatment Plant (DWTP) The DWTP is located 2 km from the town of Tryavna and 1,3 km from the road junction GabrovoTryavna. Water will be taken via steel pipes (530) from the dam to the treatment plant, and then to the town of Tryavna. Water quality laboratory tests of the water supplying Neykovtsi dam showed results beyond maximum admissible concentrations for nitrogen and nitrates, coli titres and microbial indicators. The DWTP has been designed to treat QNo. = 240 l/s. Several updates of the DWTP detail design have been made due to delayed construction works, to include modern equipment and automation (the latest update was done in 1994). An environmental assessment has been undertaken for the DWTP in XXX and will be revised as part of the updating of dam detailed design. Current situation at Neykovtsi Dam During the visual inspection of the dam and the facilities in 2007 and 2008 it was established that: The dam wall is constructed up to 16 m height, which represents 30% of the required construction works;the upstream batter to the dam is covered with rock plate and the downstream batter with rubble; the diversion barrage and diversion gallery on the right bank of the river are constructed; the water intake tower has been partially constructed (up to 1/3 of the required height); the injection gallery has been constructed to the height of the embankment with a formed core cluster of ACD, the control and instrumentation equipment has been installed partially (SCADA); the receiving water derivations of the four water intakes that will supply water to Tryavna are constructed. The main water outlet and the network facilities including those to the dam wall and the water intake tower as well as to the front spillway on the Neykovska river left bank are fully constructed. The humus depot has not been opened. The rock quarry Suhodole located at 5 km from the town of Plachkovtsi has been uncovered and a temporary construction site has been established where the concrete unit and some of the construction wagons are still usable. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 8/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS The DWTP has been constructed up to 40%, the water supply trunk up to 90%, and the roads are completely constructed and the humus depot has not been opened. The following construction activities need to be finalized for completion of the dam: on the wall – rock embankment, asphalt-concrete diaphragm, installation of the control and instrumentation equipment (SCADA), front spillway with chute and ejector; the gate valve chamber; DWTP construction works ; concrete and installation works on the water intake tower, installation works on the main water outlet; assessment of the current status of the bridge at the town of Plachkovtsi and undertaking of measures for recovery of the damages caused on ІІІ and ІV-class national and municipal road network resulting from construction works. Construction of the wall and the facilities, and the construction of the DWTP will be performed in parallel. The update of the design will confirm the required waste quantities, construction works time schedule, DWTP wastewater discharge, and the status and location of the humus depot., Construction waters that could possibly pollute the Neykovska river water has been secured by the diversion barrage and the constructed wall up to the current height (16 m). The Contractor will be responsible for the proper implementation of construction works and related environmental management plan; an operational unit will be established by VIK Gabrovo to perform measurements with the installed SCADA system. Monitoring reports will be submitted annually by VIK Gabrovo during the construction stage to the Basin directorate (BD) Dunavski region - Pleven and RIEW Veliko Tarnovo. Monitoring results will also be submitted to the Bank as part of the annual progress reports during the project implementation. Prior to the startup of construction works for completion it is necessary to perform the following: review of the as-built drawings of the already performed construction and installation works, including hidden works; estimation of the high waters flow based on hydrological data for the last 30 years and update of the wall crown elevation, confirmation of the class of the dam wall and update of the spillway design; carry-out micro seismic studies to determine the seismic hazards of the site and the dam wall; collect samples from the filters‘ embankment and from the rock prisms to assess the geo-technical parameters of the material; survey of the deposits allocated for embankment materials in the rock quarry Suhodole; update of the wall cross-sectional profile according to the geotechnical examination results and the hydrological and seismic studies; survey of the condition of installed SCADA equipment and update of the SCADA design, if needed; evaluation of the condition of the concrete facilities; evaluation of the condition of the receiving derivations; update of the dam wall and DWTP designs, collection of soil samples from the bed of the reservoir. The maximum water consumption per day has been estimated at 240 l/s. The existing construction site used during the initial works for Neykovtsi dam is located at about 0,5 km from the dam wall and will be used for completion of the construction. Temporary facilities related to construction works have been preserved at the site (concrete unit), shuttering and fitting yard, and parking lots for mechanical equipment and vehicles. The time frame for the dam completion is estimated at 3 years. The workforce required during works is estimated at about 150 construction workers and mechanical operators. The dam operation will be performed by maximum 20 staff (including operation of the DWTP). The operational lifetime of the dam in accordance to the regulatory documents will be 100 yearsThe required foreign investment has been estimated at € 20 000 000 in accordance with the previous feasibility study. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 9/60 Neykovtsi Dam ІV. OVERVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL COMPONENTS AND FACTORS 4.1. AIR QUALITY 4.1.1 EIAS Climate The Neykovtsi dam pertains to the Predbalkanski climatic region covering the rolling pre-mountain areas right before Stara Planina mountain, whose height to the north is 300-350 m, and to the south about 1000 m, with 581 m above sea level height of the dam level in case of normal flooding. T he region features temperate continental climate, but at the same time climatic characteristics exhibit great spatial fluctuations in values due to the big diversity of morphometric indicators. WINTER Winter in this region is cold and the average January temperature is about 1,5º С below zero. The average minimum temperature in January is about -5/-6ºС, and the absolute minimum temperature may fall below -15/-16ºС. The average maximum temperatures in January are about 2-3ºС. Sometimes foehn winds appear causing higher values in maximum temperatures which may exceed 14ºС. Snow cover is relatively stable in the northern parts lasting on average between 30-60 days. The average monthly wind speed is about 2 m/s. The prevailing winds in wintertime as well as throughout the year are the west winds. The average monthly relative air humidity in wintertime is about 80%. Winter is the season of the highest cloudiness, with a mean monthly value below 4 units. The number of bright days in wintertime totals about 10% of the season. SUMMER The average monthly temperatures in summer are in the range 18-22С in the lower and open parts of this region. In the dam area these temperatures could be 0,5-1,0С lower. The mean maximum temperatures in summer months are in the range of 25-28,5С, but in case of continuous anticyclone conditions the maximum air temperatures exceed 34С. In case of cold intrusions temperatures may drop below 9С. July and August feature the lowest of relative humidity values, with average monthly relative humidity in the range 60-66%. Summer is also the season with the highest number of bright days, with about 30% of them in July and August. The mean monthly cloudiness in August is 3 units, which is the lowest value throughout the year. SPRING AND AUTUMN Spring is cool, with mean monthly temperature of about 10С for the central spring month. Fall is warmer than spring by about 6С; during mid-March the mean daily temperature of air exceeds 5С and in late December falls below this limit. During springtime the mean monthly wind speed is in the range of 1-2 m/s. The typical springtime fluctuations in the atmosphere are manifested in the reduced percentage of calm weather, and autumn is the season with the mildest winds. Precipitation and evaporation are two major climatic elements, impacting water storage of dam reservoirs. The region is characterized by the typical continental distribution of rainfall with a peak in the warm semester and minimum in the cold one. The annual amount of rainfall in the region is in the range of 780890 mm. Seasonal precipitation in wintertime is about 160-170 mm, in springtime about 230-240 mm, in summertime about 280-290 and about 170-180 in fall. About 60-70% of precipitation in winter is due to snowfall. The maximum daily precipitation in the region depends on the location and may exceed 100 mm. The overview of the climatic background is illustrated and supplemented by the enclosed diagrams, based on data published in the Climate Reference Books of Bulgaria (YEAR) 4.1.2 Air Quality Following the suspension of Neykovtsi construction works the air quality in the region reverted to the condition it had prior to commencement of the project. The towns of Tryavna and Plachkovtsi are developing into tourist centers. There are no industrial activities in these towns. There is no transport of pollutants from other regions. The only source of air pollution is the automobile traffic, which increases during weekends and in summer and winter season but without any notable impact on air quality. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 10/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS 22 21.8 18 16.1 14 11.8 12.1 8.6 -2 -1.4 1 -6 2 6.8 3.1 2.7 4 5 -2.8 6 7 8 9 10 -1.2 11 -5.1 0 12 -2 -6.2 -10 -10.1 -14 -18 3.1 1.5 3 -2.9 7.2 6.2 0.6 1.1 7.6 6.1 5.2 2 15.3 15.8 10.7 11.5 6 17.6 14 10 С0 21.7 19.5 -16.1 месец -14.1 Tср мин. абс.мин. Fig.1 Average monthly, minimum and absolute minimum temperature- Dryanovo station 32 28 28.3 28 14.8 16 31.1 27.8 24.4 21.8 21.9 21.7 19.5 17.3 16.5 28.3 21.8 21.6 20 34.1 25.2 25.1 24 С0 32.7 31.1 18.2 16.1 12.1 10.4 11.5 12 8 5.9 4 17 17.6 11.6 6.8 5.2 5.6 3 1.5 1.1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 месец 7 8 Tср 9 10 макс. 11 12 абс.макс. Fig.2 Average monthly, maximum and absolute maximum temperature- Dryanovo station 14 13.7 11.8 12 брой ясни дни 10.3 10 8.2 8 6 5.3 4.8 4.1 4 3 3.2 1 2 3.6 3.6 3.4 11 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 месец Fig.3 Mean monthly number of bright days by general cloudiness - Dryanovo station NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 11/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS 110 108.8 108.7 100 90 82.2 мм 80 75.5 70 68.9 60 55.2 50 56.4 57.9 10 11 52.6 47.4 47.8 2 3 56.1 40 30 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 месец Fig.4 Mean monthly precipitation quantity — Tryavna station 7 6 бал 5 4 3 2 обл 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6.8 6.5 6.3 5.6 5.4 4.8 3.7 3 3.5 4.9 6.5 6.9 месец Fig.5 Mean monthly cloudiness — Dryanovo station 85 84 83 81 80 79 75 % 75 72 71 70 70 68 67 66 65 63 60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 месец 8 9 10 11 12 Fig.6 Mean monthly relative air humidity — Dryanovo station NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 12/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS N N 25 30 25 NW NE 20 NW 20 15 10 10 5 5 W NE 15 0 E SW W SE 0 E SW SE S S January /calm/-31.0% April /calm/-21.4% N N 25 30 25 NW NE 20 NW 20 15 10 10 5 5 W NE 15 0 E SW W 0 E SW SE SE S S July /calm/-25.5% October /calm/ – 30.5 % N 30 25 NW NE 20 15 10 5 W 0 E SW SE S Annual /calm/-25.7% Fig.7 Wind Rose- Dryanovo station NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 13/60 Neykovtsi Dam 4.2. EIAS WATER SURFACE WATER The Neykovtsi dam is located on the river Neykovska which rises from the Tryavna Mountain. Hydrological data Hydrological, hydro-geological and water studies were carried out before the Neykovtsi dam construction by ―Vodocanalengineering‖ EOOD on several occasions, the most recent ones dating from 1990). The hydrological information collected at four hydrometric stations (HMS) on tributaries of the Yantra river was used. After the data were processed, they were reduced to the four water catchments and the wall range. High waters were defined with occurrence of 0.1%, 1% and 5%. Hydrological information has not been reported for almost 20 years until 2008. During these years, there have been dynamic processes of dry periods, followed by wet ones. During the review of the feasibility study and detail design, it is important to update the hydrological information for high waters and to determine the water quality with occurrence of Q0.01%. Also, it will be necessary to classify the wall in a higher class (from 2nd to 1st) taking into account the new normative framework. Silt runoff The Neykovtsi river network includes a HMS where floating deposits are measured for 10 to 19 years. On the basis of these measurements, the silt runoff to the site has been determined. The reservoir on Neykovska river has been highly affected by afforestation. There are no studies of the quality of the soils around the dam. Water quality Laboratory analyses have been performed by ―Vodocanalengineering‖ for the water quality in the rivers in the Neykovtsi dam watershed (e.g., Bulgarka River, Grubcevo open catchment, Dryanovska river) , inluding physical-chemical indicators, microbiological analysis and radioactivity test of water samples collected during 1990 to 1994. The results showed that the water quality fails to comply with the drinking water requirements proving the necessity to treat the water before it is supplied to consumers, update the DWTP design and complete its construction. .More water samples will be collected during the update of the design. The construction of the dam wall up to 16m separated the upper section from the lower section of the river. The river flows now from the upper to the lower section via a diversion tunnel. The river runoff decreases drastically during the summer and autumn low waters. The elevation to which the dam has been constructed creates potential hazards for the population of the Neykovtsi residential area and the town of Plachkovtsi in the event of high waters. There are no street collectors or wastewater systems in the watershed since the villages are using septic pits. Recent water quality test results have been attached in Appendices. GROUNDWATER The groundwaterin the dam area is determined by host rocks and is of fissure and karst type. Fissure waters are accumulated in the sand-argelite deposits in the mid-Triassic. These waters are fresh and drain in the rivers passing through the region. The underground runoff module is Мur < 1 dm3/s.km2. The springs have a flow rate of up to 1 l/s. Karst waters are concentrated in the Gabrovo-Trevnya basin and cover a large area, starting west of Gabrovo and reaching the east of Tryavna and south of Plachkovtsi. Maastichtian limestones are severely fractured and karstic in their openings. They are part of the construction of the Gabrovo syncline and in its central part they are uncovered as narrow strips in its limbs. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 14/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS Karst water is recharged mainly by precipitation in the limestone openings with a small amount of water. In the peripheral parts of the basin, groundwater has karstic chracteristics whereas in the reservoir area it is a combination fissure-karst type. The aquifer is formed by Yantra, Dryanovksa, and Belitsa rivers. Another known spring in the region is located near the village of Voyneja and has a flow of about10 l/s. The underground runoff module of karst-fissure waters is Мur < 5 dm3/s.km2. Fresh thermal waters with deep circulation form dynamic water pressure systems. In origin, they are infiltration waters, in some cases buried earlier (mainly in the hollows). Their chemical composition is formed by their host rocks. The specified indicators from the available data presented in Appendix characterize the quality of ground water. 4.3 GEOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT In geological terms, the Neykovtsi dam is part of the Paleogenic system of the Pre-Balkan. Paleogenic sediments are widespread and fill the large syncline structures. The region where Neykovtsi dam is situated falls within the Lukovit and Staropatishka suites (The thicklayered flysch formation). Lukovit suite The Lukovit suite includes alternating sandstone, alevrolites and clay mergels of flysch-like nature. The sediments comprising the suite correspond to the flyschoid sediments from the formation of alternating mergels and thin-layer sandstone. The formation is situated visibly above the sediments of the Belene suite. In the lower part of the crosssection is a flysch-alternation of dark-grey to black argelites and thin-layer sandstone. Gradually upwards is a thick-layer alternation also of sandstone and argelites. Sandstone layers are usually thick (up to 1.0 and more metres). In composition, they are polymict – made of quartz, feldspar, daze, and their joint is clay-limestone. The upper border of the Lukovit suite in Gabrovo is marked by the quick but distinct lithological transition to psammitic-psephite rocks of the Staropatishka suite. The openings of the Lukovit suite continue far to the east of the Trevna river. Staropatishka suite The suite is built of badly sorted polygenous sandstones, gravelites and conglomerates, and slightly clayey schists, alevrolites and argelites. Sandy and loamy rocks are rare. The different lithological varieties are represented mainly by irregular and vertically alternating spatially uneven layers and lenses. In some places, the sandstones turn into conglomerates. The argelites are dark grey to black. The thickness of the reviewed litho-stratigraphic unit changes too quickly from tens to 450-500 m and probably up to 1000 m. The upper border of the Staropatishka suite has an emphasized erosion character and the suite section is in principle deeply eroded. In the furthest southeastern part of the Paleogenic openings, the Lukovit-Staropatishka suite overlaps with the low levels of the Lukovit suite, which belong to the early Eocene subseries. Quaternary Quaternary formations are limited. In the dam area there are Pleistocenic alluvial formations filling the non-flood terraces (in rock composition, they are made up of uneven and different in form contacting in different spatial relations bodies from rubble, sands and clay with slantwise bedding). Their thickness reaches the first few metres. In the dam area the sand-argelite formation is severely fractured. At the wall site there is a fault zone about 20 m wide. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 15/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS Tectonics A small part of the openings of the Troyan unit are in the dam area. The most distinct regionally traceable structure from the early Illyric structure plan in the rock volume of the Troyan unit is the Gabrovo syncline, which can be seen in the west-east direction and formed in the sediments of the Boynovska, Lukovit and Staropatishka suites. Its west centricline is clearly visible in the Lyulyatsi area, west of Gabrovo. Its northern limb passes through Gabrovo and is followed by the Trevnya river. Its southern limb is followed well through Yantra River to the territory of Enchovtsi village. The syncline is relatively shallow, linear brachio-form, inclined to the east. It is superimposed with obvious angle disagreement on the traces of the Austrian structure plan. Neykovtsi dam falls in the 7th degree of seismic intensity and has a seismic coefficient of Кs = 0.10. The dam wall is built of limestone material brought from the quarry situated next to the town of Plachkovtsi. The limestone is grey-white to white or slightly cream-coloured with massive texture. They are mostly organogenic, karstic and fractured. The specified features of the geological environment allow for input in the wall of the construction materials extracted from the quarries and foundation of the dam wall in compliance with the safety requirements. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 16/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS GEOLOGICAL MAP М 1:100 000 LITHOLOGY Staropatishka suite Conglomerates and sandstone NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc Lukovit suite Rhythmic alternation of sandstone, mergels, alevrolites, rarely argilites 17/60 Neykovtsi Dam 4.4. EIAS SOIL In the region of Neykovtsi dam, soils are Luvisols, grey forest type. Those located on the slopes outside the dam reservoir turn into brown forest type. Grey forest soils are typical for the lower vegetation belt of North Bulgaria and the low mountain sub-belt of the Middle mountain belt. They are formed on various soil-formation rocks, thus their mechanical composition varies from loamy sand to sandy clay, and they are often stony. The soils under the dam wall were affected by the dam construction up to 2001 as well as during the creation of the construction road. The soils in the dam bed are moderately deep and slightly stony in the shaded openings and shallow, moderately stony on the sunny slopes. There are no river terraces in the gullie or sand their bottom is stony. While no soil samples have been taken at this time, the soils in the region are assumed not to be contaminated with harmful substances and heavy metals because of the absence of sources of such pollutants. However, soil samples will be taken from the reservoir ground during the process of design update to verify their quality. Soil erosions were not observed in the dam reservoir and the whole watershed basin. 4.5. WASTE The on-site inspection did not establish abandoned construction waste or unregulated depots. 4.6. HARMFUL PHYSICAL FACTORS: NOISE Currently, there are no excessive noise sources on the territory of the future Neykovtsi dam due to the fact that construction has been suspended since 2001. The noise background is the natural background of the environment. 4.7. FLORA In compliance with the forestry division of the country, the region of Neykovtsi dam falls into the Moesian forestry district, North Bulgaria sub-district, medium alpine belt of beech and coniferous forests, sub-belt of low-mountain forests of durmast oak, beech and fir. The indigenous forest vegetation in the region includes mesophytic phytocenoses of the common beech (Fagus silvatica). Their composition includes individual specimen of European hornbeam (Carpitus betulus), Durmast oak (Quercus dalechampii), silver lindene (Tilia argentea), and willows near water flows (Salix alba and Salix caprea). As a result of the regeneration of low-productivity hornbeam-beech stands and afforestation in barren areas, the region enjoys considerable area of forest cultures mainly of Scots pine (Pinus silvestris). Sprouting of indigenous vegetation often participate in their composition – beech, hornbeam, Durmast oak. Before the dam construction works started, the vegetation in the reservoir was cut partially (about 6,07,0 ha). Since the broad-leaf vegetation at a proper age regenerates through sprouting at present this area is a 25-year beech-hornbeam coppice of very good density, with an average height of 7-8 m and average diameter of 5-6 cm, and an estimated average timber stock about 110 m3/ha. In recent years felling of indigenous plantations continued covering the remaining area of the future water reservoir. The mean age of the new coppice stands after the recent second cutting is in the range of 10 15 years, average height 2-4 m, average diameter 2-3 cm, and average timber stock (exceptionally fine NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 18/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS timber) about 30-40 m3/ha (Appendix: Forest map). The indigenous forest vegetation in the lakebed after the fellings comprises beech-hornbeam coppice woods. Only the sanitary protected zone of the prospective dam will fall within a Protected Area (PA) under Natura 2000” (according to MoEW). Irrespective that the dam is near a PA, the areas falling within the water reservoir have low conservation value because of their coppice nature and human impacts due to unregulated logging and grazing. The available forest is used as firewood. There are no endangered or rare species in the dam area. The information included in this EIA are based on a comprehensive inspection of the territory, review of the available studies and sources and the consultations received (note the Appendix including Forestry map showing the land excluded from the forestry fund of SF ―Plachkovtsi‖ and the types of forest vegetation). At the public meeting on 13.02.2009 the issue of Compliance Assessment (a document to be issued by special order of the competent authority) was put forward, however, when the MoEW was consulted it was concluded that such assessment was not required. Protected Nature Areas The PA Balgarka covers 17970,27 ha and includes territories of the municipalities Gabrovo, Sevlievo and Tryavna. However, the PA designation and development of respective Management Plan for this Natura 2000 site is still under investigation by MoEW. Because the Management Plans for each of the designated zones of the PA remain to be developed, analysis of compatibility of the dam with management objectives of the PA are based on general indicators. Depending on the decision of RIEW – Veliko Tarnovo an assessment of the dam impact on the PA can be made. The Nature Park is located on the northern slopes of Central Stara Planina above the towns of Gabrovo and Tryavna. This is the youngest Nature Park in Bulgaria as it was designated in 2002 by Order No RD775 of 09.08.2002 of the Ministry of Environment and Water in view of conservation, regeneration and maintenance of beech ecosystems and landscapes characteristic of Stara Planina, the flora, fauna and the cultural and historical landmarks in the region. The park territory covers the springs and the watershed of the Yantra river and of its main tributaries in their upstream part, with an area of 21772 ha including territories of the municipalities of Gabrovo and Tryavna. The area of the Nature Park covers Shipchenska and Trevnenska mountain, bordering to the west the Uzana and Osenikova polyana localities, to the east the protected locality Studen kladenets, the adjoining northern slopes and a part of the corresponding Predbalkan. While the PA designation and development of a respective Management Plan for this Natura 2000 site is still under investigation by MoEW in collaboration with the Regional Inspectorate of Environment (CoMD No. 349/27.01.2009), MoEW confirmed that the water reservoir of the dam does not fall within the scope of the area under consideration. Therefore, completion of construction works and operation of the future dam will not impact negatively any critical habitats or sensitive ecosystems in the Neykovtsi dam area. Another protected area entitled PA Dryanovska reka (code BG 0000282) of the Environmental network Natura 2000 is located nearby the Neykovtsi dam. However, it was confirmed by MoEW that the dam is located outside the borders of this PA 4.8. 4.8.1 FAUNA Ichthyofauna The investigation for the EIA purposes was performed in 2007. The section of the Neykovska river was visited in the area of the future dam, which included visual inspections and fishing by means of net devices. The analysis made also use of data collected the fall of 2005 for evaluation of biological diversity, as well as survey data information on the presence of certain fish species in the region. [MS 11, 12] NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 19/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS Current condition of the ichthyofauna According to the results of the study, the following fish species are represented in the mid-stream of the Plachkoska (Dryanovska) river: River trout Salmo trutta fario Black barbel Barbus petenyi Chub - Squalius cephalus (= Leuciscus cephalus) Rifle minnow - Alburnoides bipunctatus Gudgeon - Gobio gobio Romanogobio kessleri (= Gobio kessleri) Bitterling Rhodeus amarus Spined loach Cobitis elongatoides (= Cobitis taenia elongatoides) Colden spiny loach Sabanejewia balcanica (= Sabanejewia aurata balcanica) River trout is not a typical species for this river section and its population is maintained mainly through artificial fish stocking. A typical species here is the black barbel, which serves as an indicator of the environmental status of the river. A relatively steady fish community is registered only in the river section that crosses the town of Plachkovtsi and further down the stream. According to the collected data, during spring high water the river chub, black barbel and Gobio bulgaricus reach the dam wall however they do not pass through the bottom water outlet in the section above. Salmo trutta fario appears in this river section during high water, most likely via Trevnenska river, which is subject to fish stocking. The composition of the ichthyofauna down the flow in the potentially affected area of the Plachkovska (Dryanovska) river features six species of conservation significance: Barbus petenyi (Biological Diversity Act (BDA), Appendices 2 and 4; Directive 92/43/EEC, Appendix II (=Barbus meridionalis);BERN*, Annex III) Rhodeus amarus (Biological Diversity Act (BDA), Appendix 2; Directive 92/43/EEC, Appendix II; BERN*, Annex III) Romanogobio kessleri (Directive 92/43/EEC, Appendix II; BERN, Annex III) Sabanejewia balcanica (Biological Diversity Act (BDA), Appendix 2; Directive 92/43/EEC, Appendix II; Cobitis elongatoides (Biological Diversity Act (BDA), Appendix 2; Directive 92/43/EEC, Appendix II (= Cobitis taenia)) Alburnoides bipunctatus (BERN, Annex III) Recently, the above-indicated species of conservation significance occur in the middle course of Dryanovska river at the town of Plachkovtsi and downstream. Some of them (Barbus petenyi, Alburnoides bipunctatus) can move upstream only as far as the dam wall and only during the spring highwater period. 4.8.2 Invertebrate Five invertebrate species are the subject and purpose of protection of PA Bulgarka (BG0000399). The information on these species can be found in the Standard Form of PA Bulgarka (BG 0000399). Of these 5 species, four are unlikely to be found in the projected affected area, the 5 th one is likely to be found there but is also spread around in the country. This is Lycaena dispar from Lycaenidae family, which is a day-time species to be found in places where Rumex hydrolapatrum grows. It has been established almost everywhere in the country. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 20/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS The other four species present in PA Bulgarka but not in the project affected area are: Lucanus cervus of Lucanidae as a larva develops in oak, lime tree, beech, willow, poplar, hazel, ash, chestnut, wild cherry. Only the beech and single hazels are to be found in the future water reservoir. Rosalia alpine from Cerambyeidae family is very rare in Bulgaria. Its larvas develop in beech, hornbeam, whitethorn, elm, alder, walnut, European larch, oak, willow, lime tree, chestnunt, Fraxinus and Acer trees. Only thin wall beech, shrubby hornbeam and low-stemmed whitethorn have been established in the bowl of the future water reservoir and the vicinity. Rosalia is not likely to be found here since it inhabits big forest areas with old trees. Cerambyx cerdo from Cerambyeidae family is frequent in forest places in Bulgaria, especially in low stemmed forests with prevailing oak. Its presence in the neighbourhood of the future water reservoir is almost certain, but precisely in this location and the near areas it does not occur because the forest vegetation suitable for its larvae has been destroyed (including after tree regrowth indicated in 4.7). Polyommatus eroides from Lycaenidae family is a day-time species to be found up to 2300-2400 m. The caterpillar eats the leaves of many plant species, mainly grass. But it is quite unlikely to find it in the affected area. The invertebrate species mentioned above have no living habitats in the area concerned of the water reservoir. 4.8.3. Herpetofauna (Amphibians and reptiles) These data have been obtained as a result of the inspection performed on site and study of various sources on the herpetofauna within the scope of the territory of Neykovtsi Dam [MS 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]. Species composition, conservation status and location of established and likely species Table 1 includes the established species in the area (designated in the last column with VB 31807, date of the inspection and of the species likely to be found in locations close to the site (designated with VK). Table 1 List of species, their conservation status and habitat location in the dam wall and reservoir areas Species Salamandra salamandra Warty newt Triturus karelinii Yellow-bellied toad Bombina variegata Great toad Bufo bufo Big water frog Rana ridibunda Rana dalmatina Rana temporaria Green lizard Lacerta viridis Wall lizard Podareis muralis Natrix tessellata Smooth snake Coronella austriaca NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc Nature conservation status Bern Dir. BDA/ IUCN Convent Annex No ion 92/43 ІІІ ІІ, ІІІ ІІІ Habitat Data source: Tryavna, Plachkovtsi, Koychevtsi VK ІІ ІV Gabrovo, Tryavna VK ІІ ІІ ІІ, ІІІ Tryavna; the dam VK VB, 31807 ІІІ ІІІ Tryavna VK ІV ІІІ V in the dam VB, 31807 ІІ ІІ, ІV ІІ ІІІ ІV V the dam around Tryavna VB, 31807 VK ІІ ІV the dam VB, 31807 ІІ ІV the dam VB, 31807 ІІ ІV Tryavna VK ІІ ІV Tryavna VK ІІІ LR 21/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS NOTE: BDA – Biodiversity Law (SG, No.77/2002); IUCN – Red List of Threatened Species; LR – Low Risk; Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention) Appendices II and III; Dir 92/43 Directive 92/43 of the EU on the Protection of Natural Habitats of Wild Flora and Fauna, Appendices ІІ, ІV and V Data analysis From the species listed in Table 1, only the warty newt has a high conservation significance. It is not believed to be present in the dam area. There are no species to be found in the Bulgarian Red Book (vol.ІІ, Animals – 1985). Number and density of the populations of the species established in the area under consideration The low density of the populations of all represented species was established during a visit paid to the area in 2007. It was found that only the big water frog is represented by about twenty specimens in water bodies around the main water outlet in the base of the unfinished wall. The only forest frog was found in the wet but dry bed of the river at some 500 m above the wall; Some yellow-bellied toads were established in drying pool at about 150 m above the wall; wall lizards (3 specimens) were observed under stones below the road on the right bank of the river; two green lizards were found on the road on the right bank, at some 400 m and some 300 m above the wall. The established density of the populations of all 5 species is very low. The reasons for that are the drying up of the river, lack of other water bodies suitable for reproduction of amphibians, excavation and filling works on the wall and the nature of the vegetation –environment that is unfavorable for most amphibians and reptiles. 4.8.4 Mammal Fauna The information below has been collected based on own observations, papers of different specialists and through personal sources. [MS 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27]. Analysis of the current status According to the zoogeographic division, the territory falls within the zone of the European fauna – Staroplaninski region. The endangered and rare mammals included in Appendix I and III of the Bern Convention have been well preserved in the region in general and mainly in the area of NP Balgarka. These are the European wolf (Canis lupus) and the brown bear (Ursus arctos), as well as those listed in the Red List for 2000 of IUCN – the otter (Lutra lutra) and some bat species. Abundant are the hare (Lepus capensis), the fox (Vulpes vulpes), the badger (Meles meles), the wild boar (Sus scrofa), the European polecat (Putorius putorius), the squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris), the roe-deer (Capreolus capreolus). Other present species include the jackal (Canis aureus), the red deer (Cervus elaphus), the beech marten (Martes foina) etc. The petty mammals are common in that region: rodents (Rodentia) – various mice species (Apodemus spp. and Mus spp.), voles (Microtus spp.) and insectivorous (Insectivora) – the hedgehog (Erinaceus concolor), the common mole (Talpa europaea) and shrews (Sorex spp., Crocidura spp.). The mammal species to be found in the basin of the Yantra river and its roundabouts, as well as on the Territory of Nature Park «Balgarka» and their nature conservation status are shown in Table 2. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 22/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS Table 2 List of mamal species found at the Yantra River and Nature Park Balgarka Species Hedgehog Erinaceus eurоpaeus East European hedgehog Erinaceus concolor (Martin)) Common mole Talpa europaea Common shrew Sorex araneus Bicolored whitetoothed shrew Crocidura leucodon Lesser white-toothed shrew Crocidura suaveolens Souslik Spermophilus citellus Red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) Forest mouse Sylvaemus sylvaticus House mouse Mus domesticus Water vole Arvicola terrestris Norway rat Rattus norvegicus House rat Rattus rattus European hare Lepus capensis Common vole Microtus arvalis Fox Vulpes vulpes Badger Meles meles Beech marten Martes foina Weasel Mustela nivalis Wild cat Felis sylvestris Wild boar Sus scrofa Wolf Canis lupus Bear Ursus arctos Jackal Canis aureus Roe deer Capreolus capreolus NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc BDA/ Annex No. The Red Book of Bulgaria The Bern Convention Annex No. The Bonn Conventio n Annex No. CITES Annex. No. Directive 92/43/ЕЕС Annex No. . IUC N WW prote cted speci es LH + + No3 + No2 No3 + No2 + No2,4 + + + No2 + + No2 +Rez. 6 No3 No3 + + + No3 + + No3 + No3 + No3 + No3 + No2 + No2 + No4 + + + No 2;4+ + No 2;3+ + No 2 + Rez.6 No 2 + Rez.6 No 2 + No 3 + No 2+ + No 4 + No 2 + No 2;4 + No 2 + No 4+ + + 23/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS BDA/ Annex No. Species The Red Book of Bulgaria The Bern Convention Annex No. Red deer Cervus elaphus The Bonn Conventio n Annex No. CITES Annex. No. Directive 92/43/ЕЕС Annex No. IUC N WW prote cted speci es No 3 + LH + The species listed in Table 2 inhabit an area that is much wider than area to be impacted as a result of the construction works for completion of Neykovtsi dam. Any potential habitat for these species in the reservoir area itself has already been significantly degraded as a result of previous vegetation clearing. 4.8.5 Ornitofauna The ornitofauna (Class Aves) is the best studied type of fauna and it is also the group whose nature conservation status in Bulgaria is best regulated. In the area of the dam site the ornitofauna is comprised of species which are characteristic of broad-leaved forests and forests of the low and middle parts of the high mountains in Bulgaria. From zoogeographic perspective, the ornitofauna is of Palaearctic type [MS 23]. Status of the ornitofauna in the project area The following bird species (Aves) have been registered in the scope of the site and the adjacent territories: List 1 Existing bird species at the project site . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis (L.)) Sparrow hawk (Accipiter nisus (L.)) Common buzzard (Buteo buteo (L.)) – migrating and hovering individuals Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos (L.)) – migrating and hovering individuals Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus (Tunstall)) – migrating specimen Hobby (Falco subbuteo L.) – migrating and hovering individuals Hazel hen (Tetrastes bonasia (L.)) Wood pigeon (Columba palumbus L.) Tawny owl (Strix aluco L.) Swift (Apus apus (L.)) Green woodpecker (Picus viridis L.) Greater spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major (L.) in forests round and under the site Swallow (Hirundo rustica L.) Red-rumped swallow (Hirundo dahurica L.) House martin (Delichon urbica (L.)) White wagtail (Motacilla alba alba L.) Grey wagtail (Motacilla cinerea Tunstall) Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes (L.)) Coal tit (Parus ater L.) - rare Blue tit (Parus caeruleus L.) Great tit (Parus major L.) Nuthatch (Sitta europaea L.) Black redstart (Phornicurus ochruros (Gmelin)) – incl. In the village Robin (Erithacus rubecula (L.)) Blackbird (Turdus merula L.) Song thrush (Turdus philomelos C. L. Brehm) NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 24/60 Neykovtsi Dam 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. EIAS Mistle thrush (Turdus viscivorus L.) Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla (L.)) Lesser whitethroat (Sylvia curruca L.) Chifchaff (Phylloscopus collybita (Vieillot)) Wood warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrux (Bechstein)) Spotted flycatcher (Muscicapa striata (Pallas)) – more abundant during seasonal migrations Raven (Corvus corax L.) – single migrating specimen Hooded crow (Corvus corax L.) – single migrating specimen Jay (Garrulus glandarius (L.)) Red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio L.) Green-finch (Carduelis chloris (L.)) – in the low parts of the region Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis (L.)) – in the low parts of the region Siskin (Carduelis carduelis (L.)) – in fall and winter Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs L.) Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula (L.)) List 1 shows 41 bird species have been specified as characteristic of the region where Neykovtsi water reservoir is located. This species composition around the dam territory can be evaluated as poor, or relatively poordue to the fact that the area is relatively monotonous as a habitat – slopes are mainly occupied by broad-leaf forests and coniferous forest cultures characterized by good canopy and dense shrub communities. The most numerous out of the forest nesting species in the region are the chaffinch and the robin, the dippers, the chifchaff, the blackcap and the great tit. The most numerous of the swallows is the redrumped swallow. The species in List 1 that are specified in the Biological Diversity Act, Annex 2 (of plant and animal species threatened by extinction, whose conservation is a priority) (SG No 77, Section II – Protected areas, Art. 6, item 4 (2) and (3)) are highlighted in List 2 below: List 2 Protected Bird Species from List 1 beyond the dam site listed in BDA (Annex 2). 1. Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos (L.)) – migrating and hovering individuals 2. Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus (Tunstall)) – migrating specimen 3. Hazel hen (Tetrastes bonasia (L.)) 4. Red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio L.) The specified data refers to the large region beyond the dam. Eight of the species specified in Appendix 2 are present within the area of the dam. None of them is related to river environment. Of the first two 2 species – the golden eagle and the peregrine falcon – only migrating and hovering specimens have been observed because the site and the adjacent territories are not among their reproduction habitats. The hazel hen exists in the forests in the region, but not in the areas of the future dam reservoir that have already been impacted by construction activities. The Red-backed shrike - dwells and nests in the low forest vegetation in open expanses or in the edges or thinned forest sections, including urban areas. Three pairs have been registered in the site area – along the banks in the region below the wall and high up the slopes over the right riverbank. Some specimens dwell in the rarefied areas by the road after the dam wall, and also near Neykovtsi housing estate. The flooding will not affect the habitats of the above mentioned three pairs, since the areas by the road along the right bank dwelt by 2 of the pairs will remain above the dam water, while the territory of the pair below the wall remains beyond the dam bowl, so that all 3 pairs will continue to dwell in their nesting areas. Mammal fauna and the ornitofauna are mobile and have been subject to strong anthropogenic pressure after 1978 (two loggings of the forest vegetation in the future lake). NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 25/60 Neykovtsi Dam 4.9. EIAS LANDSCAPE To a great extent changes have already occurred in the landscape and environment in the area under consideration. The wall of Neykovtsi dam has been constructed up to 16 m. The vegetation that was cut in the past has regenerated as a coppice forest, the rock quarry has been developed and the construction sites at the dam wall and the DWTP have been formed. Suspension of construction works has a negative effect on the landscape because of the unfinished activities for remediation of areas disrupted by construction and the incomplete implementation of facilities. There are slidings on the waterside of the wall. 4.10. SOCIAL AND CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT. HEALTH FACTOR The Neykovtsi dam wall is located above the Neykovtsi residential quarter of the town of Plachkovtsi (300 m away) inTryavna municipality. Tryavna municipality, including the town of Plachkovtsi totals 13 051 population, of which 94% live in the two towns and the rest in the villages and the house clusters. The demography of the population in comparison with the mean values for the country is presented in Table 3. Table 3 Population around the Neykovtsi dam site Urban location 1. 2. 3. 4. For the country Towns Villages Tryavna Municipality; Population (number) 7 679 290 5 425 332 2 225 985 13 051 Births (per 1000) 9,6 10,1 8,3 6,2 Deaths (per 1000) 14,7 12,2 20,7 17,0 Growth (per 1000) -5,1 -2,1 -12,4 -10,8 Note: 2006 data. Data in Table 3 shows that the population growth in the Tryavna municipality is two times lower than the average registered in the country; it is believed that this is due to the strong migrations and the age composition of the population. The region enjoys a favorable environmental status – the only air pollutants are the emissions from vehicles and burning of firewood for household use. The town of Tryavna is famous for its architecture from the period of the National Revival and for one of the oldest woodcarving schools in Europe. The town has a restored quarter of crafts from the period of the National Revival and a woodcarving school, which hosts annual contests on woodcarving. These activities attract tourists that allowed fast development of hotel and restaurant businesses in the recent years. There are great opportunities for summer recreation and tourism (eco-tourism, rural tourism, family tourism, organized, stationary, routes, high-mountain tourism with all conditions for common tourism and rock-climbing). Municipality of Tryavna provides one of the best natural conditions for a healthy lifestyle in the country. The population encounters some difficulties due to the single road connection to the inland area, featuring the peculiarities of mountain roads. The Neykovska river above the town of Plachkovtsi does not offer conditions for fishing (4.8.1). Amateur fishing is practiced in the Plachkovska river (below the town of Plachkovtsi) and the Dryanovska river (below the town of Dryanovo)2. 2 Names of one and the same river along its course. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 26/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS The health status of the population is characterized by the following data death causes are blood circulation diseases – myocardial infarction, brain-vascular diseases, hypertension and malignant diseases and diseases of the respiratory system. Data on contagious diseases, which can be transferred not only through food products but also the water route, do not differ from the mean values for country. Thus in the district Gabrovo the incidents of dysentheria (shigelosis) in 2006 were 11,1, while the country average is 11,4 per 100 000; the incidents of A-type hepatitis are 73,3, while the average for the country is 108. There are no data on the link between these diseases and water quality in the district. Hazardous infections such as cholera and abdominal typhoid, have not been established in the country for over 40 years. 4.11. CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL HERITAGE There are no data of any historical, archaeological or architectural finds on the territory of the dam. None of the above has been registered during the construction of the Neykovtsi dam. Visual observations and consultations with authorities undertaken during preparation of this report did not indicate the presence of any such features. Should any finds be uncovered on site in the course of dam completion and reservoir remediation, the procedures envisaged in the Law on Monuments of Culture shall be undertaken by the Institute of Archaeology and the Archaeological museum. V. EVALUATION OF THE EXPECTED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS RELATED TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF NEYKOTSI DAM 5.1. AIR QUALITY 5.1.1 Climate Dam construction will inevitably result in changes in the thermo-physical properties of the base surface, and hence of the microclimate in the area surrounding the dam. The impact of artificial water reservoirs on the environment has been a subject of long-standing examinations in Bulgaria. A methodology has been developed for evaluation of microclimate features in areas surrounding dams [MS 8, 9, 10]. According to the preliminary studies the change will affect only the area of the dam since the gradient of the meteorological elements is great and that may have only a favorable impact on the unaffected flora and fauna. The availability of a huge water volume will cause a reduction in daily temperature differences, as well as to improved conditions for humidification. The recent decades feature significant climate fluctuations exhibited in alteration of dry and wet years, as well greater frequency of extreme phenomena such as long periods of high temperatures, lengthy draughts and heavy rains. Numerous examinations of climatic changes in Bulgaria exhibit significant statistic trends toward decrease of rainfalls and increase of temperatures, which results in reduced humidity. In the course of dam operation it shall be considered that the recent decades feature significant climate fluctuations exhibited in alteration of dry and wet years, as well greater frequency of extreme phenomena such as long periods of high temperatures, lengthy draughts and heavy rains. In order to realize an environmentally sustainable management of the dam and the water stocks by avoiding the critical and hazardous consequences it will be necessary to build up a meteorological monitoring system, comprising a point for monitoring of the main meteorological components – temperature and air humidity, wind direction and speed, quantity and intensity of rainfall and the overall solar radiation. It is recommendable that the system should be based on automated meteorological station supporting remote data transmission. Dam construction and operation do not result in harmful environmental consequences for the local climate. Its proper management including reporting of data from the monitoring system will result in the NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 27/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS optimal management of the water supply system and will have favorable impact on the environment in the region. 5.1.2 Quality of atmospheric air The use of construction equipment and transportation vehicles for construction purposes will generate emissions of harmful substances in the ambient air of the construction site at the dam wall and in Neykovtsi residential quarter during transportation of materials and facilities for the site, and in Neykovtsi estate, village of Stoevtsi, and village of Kyosevtsi during transportation from the rock quarry. The rock quarry is at a distance 800 m from the village of Stoevtsi, and 3 km from the village of Kyosevtsi) and blast works do not impact the population. During the public discussions additional clarifications were requested by the residents on the safety of the blast works to be performed at the quarry. Water pollution during the blast works is prevented by adoption of the measures cited in Chapter VII A (water sprinkling against water pollution). No excavation works have been performed on the spillway, the chute thereto and the ejector. The humus layer has not been removed (it is limited in quantity). The sensitive areas of impact on air would be the concrete unit and the asphalt base, which to a great extent are shielded by the forest vegetation. Determining the type and quantity of air pollution emissions related to completion of Neykovtsi Dam During construction works Places and factors that are relevant to air pollution in the course of completion of Neykovtsi dam are: Completion of the dam wall; Completion of the water intake tower; Construction of a spillway, chute and ejector thereto; Rehabilitation of technological roads on site; Cleaning of the wall from vegetation and wastes; Remediation of the dam reservoir. Construction machinery with diesel traction will be used to that end. That will determine the amount of harmful substances to be emitted in air. Air pollution will be determined by the transportation means to be used for supply of materials and equipment on site, rock fill from the quarry, transportation of wastes from the site to the depots. Type and quantity of harmful substances, emitted by construction and installation equipment The machine park will comprise: Bulldozer, excavator, vybro roller, compressor for compressed air, installation valve and other machinery mainly with diesel traction. That factor defines the type of emitted harmful substances, prevailing among which will be: sulphur oxides (mainly sulphur dioxide); nitrogen oxides (mainly nitrogen dioxide); volatile organic substances (VOS); carbon oxides - incl. monoxide of high toxicity. Amount have been estimated for the following conditions: The actual capacity of machinery used; NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 28/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS There intermittent utilization within the framework of the planned time schedule for site completion; Ratio for intense utilization of working time per shift (about 0,5). The data obtained as a result of the above conditions are specified in Table 4. Table 4 Emissions from construction machinery Transportation regime Harmful substances SO2 NO2 VOS CH4 СО soot Per hour g/h 140 1700 250 6 600 0,02 Per shift Kg/shift 1,4 20 35 0,05 7 0,006 The estimations are tentative and depend on the condition and type of machinery and the work organization on site [MS 3]. The estimated emissions due to the transportation trucks to be used was made at the following restrictive conditions: Number of heavy duty trucks - 2 No Diesel traction – consumption of 38 l of fuel per 100 km. Length routes for supply of materials - about 10 km. The emissions due to site transportation (Table 5) have been computed for one vehicle with diesel traction and maximum 10-km mileage for transportation of materials. [MS 6] Table 5 Emissions due to motor transport SO2 NO2 VOS CH4 СО СО2 kg/race 10 109 21 0,6 90 7900 Linear emission g/km 1 11 2,08 0,06 8,7 800 For transp. fleet g/km 2 22 4,2 0,12 17,4 1600 Emissions 10 km The availability of a temporary storage area for inert materials and a concrete unit at the existing construction site above Neykovtsi residential estate, in the immediate vicinity of the evaluated site, will have a favorable effect on air due to shortening of the routes for supply. Special measures will have to be taken against pollution and gassing of eastern parts of the village. During the operation phase There will be no emissions of harmful substances in the atmospheric air during the operation phase of because there are no pollution sources. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 29/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS Defining the strength of impact on atmospheric air During construction works The site is located in the immediate vicinity of a residential area (300 m away) – Neykovtsi housing estate. Trucks carrying material from the rock quarry would pass through the village of Stoevtsi, village of Kyosevtsi and Neykovtsi estate. Another adverse factor is the relief of the terrain surrounding the site, which prevents strongly natural ventilation. Therefore there is real danger that during intensive work coinciding with a long dry period the admissible limits of the acceptable environmental risk for people and plants in the region should be exceeded. In that case the significance of the impact may be classified as considerable; short-term and within the framework of the planned period and the working shift; the cumulative effect is present in case the oxides have simultaneous impact (SOx, NOx); there will be synergy in case of simultaneous presence of sulphur oxides and fine particulate matter in air. Adverse effects may become stronger if the proposed measures and techniques for prevention of air pollution are not implemented systematically, namely: In the course of construction of the dam wall and transportation of wall material and equipment from the rock quarry through the villages and the town of Plachkovtsi, the used roads shall be sprinkled with water and the trucks transporting rubble shall be covered. In that case there will be no danger of impairing the air quality in Neykovtsi estate, the rest of the settlements and the town of Plachkovtsi. Only the house below the wall, which is cracked and hard to live in even is summer time, will remain under direct impact. DWTP The DWTP is at a good distance (2 km) from Tryavna, and its construction and the nature and scope of construction works will contain no threat in terms of air pollution neither for the working environment, nor for pollution in town. It is said in the design of the DWTP that during the operation phase the DWTP may cause pollution of the atmospheric air in case of occurrence of emergency on site, but that would be below the ALV, and with no impact to the population. It will be necessary to take into account these conditions when updating the DWTP design and selecting the equipment. During the operation phase During the operation phase of Neykovtsi dam there will be no danger of impairing the air quality and impact unfavorably the population due to absence of emissions of harmful substances in the atmospheric air. 5.2. WATER SURFACE WATER During construction works The water required during the construction of the water supply system for Neykovtsi dam has been determined and the water sources have been secured. They supplied the site during the already implemented construction and can supply it until its completion. The service base used on the site until 2001 (offices, storage premises, bathrooms, etc.) can be renewed and used during the completion of the water supply system. At present, it is being used and the concrete knot is working. Due to the construction of the dam wall to a height of 16 m, there is no threat of contamination of the waters of Neykovska river with un-dissolved particles (increased turbidity). During the construction of NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 30/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS the front spillway, chute and ejector, construction water should go through a mechanical settling tank (at the end of the ejector) and then be discharged in Neykovska river. The design of Neykovtsi dam from the 1970s determines high waters and the deposits to the dam wall range. On the basis of the obtained results, the dimensions of the front spillway, chute and ejector have been determined. The dead volume (for 100 years of dam operation) has been determined. However, hydrological information needs to be updated, including the high waters. Taking into account the increase in the class of the dam wall, it is necessary that a new design be developed for the spillway, chute and ejector. Chemical toilets will be used on each construction site for the domestic wastewater, and a contract needs to be signed with a company to service them. There is no need to construct a temporary settlement. The organization of construction is preserved from the time of the constructed part of the wall, when the construction workers were recruited from nearby settlements and spent the night at their homes. The movement of construction machinery and transportation vehicles should be strictly limited on the territory of the construction site. Transport routes should be marked. The technical condition of the machines must be inspected before each shift and those in faulty technical condition should not be operated. In case of potential emergency oil leakage, it is necessary to carry out an immediate deactivation of the soil through mechanical removal against contamination of surface and groundwater and soils. The use of the equipped and operated construction site provides the possibility for servicing the machinery park of the site. The DWTP construction began in 1985, and the design needs to be updated in view of the geological conditions, the need for strengthening measures and cracks which have appeared in the completed concrete. The engineering and geological report of 1992 includes solutions for discharge of all waters outside the DWTP site during construction, without posing a threat for the water intake (discharge of the construction waters in compliance with it categorization). During operation For the period of operation of the dam wall and the DWTP, the respective water sources and water consumption for the operational staff of the two sub-suites have been determined. Changes in the riverbed condition The completion of Neykovtsi dam will form an artificial lake with a volume of 4.80×106 m3. The water level will increase to an elevation of 580.95 m (highest water level – HWL). A reservoir with a slowed water exchange is created, despite the continuous abstraction of water for water supply. Maintaining a minimum environmental flow will mean that the river immediately downstream of the dam will not dry up in the summer periods. Water contamination The data from the analysis of the water quality of Neykovska river indicate the need for construction of a DWTP. It has been designed and constructed up to about 40%. An update of the design is necessary. Neykovtsi dam in the period of operation does not represent a source of contamination for the water in Neykovska river. The discharge of water through the main ejector will take place under an adopted Program in the operational instructions both in periods of low waters and of high waters. In order to ensure the purity of the dam waters, the following is envisaged: cleaning the lake bowl and design of sanitary-security zones (SSZ) І, ІІ and ІІІ. The design and allocation of the zones is under Ordinance No. 3 on the conditions for analysis, design, approval and operation of SSZ around water sources and facilities for domestic drinking water supply. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 31/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS The initial designation of the sanitary zones was carried out in the preliminary developments from 2007. The precise planning of the cleaning of the lake bowl and the zones will be carried out in the technical working design following the geodesic survey. On the left bank of the lake, up to 1952, there were several residential buildings (Kolyo Ganev borough). The buildings have been destroyed, but there is an old cemetery, which falls within the future lake and needs to be removed and cleaned. The last funeral took place in 1980. A procedure needs to be implemented under the requirements of the Ministry of Healthcare for removal of about 8 to 10 graves. In zones І, ІІ and ІІІ, there is strict regulation of the prohibitive and restrictive activities, whose observation is controlled by the Ministry of Healthcare through its units – the Regional Inspectorates for Health Safety and Control (RIHSC). Treatment modules need to be planned for domestic wastewater from the two administrative buildings (the one for dam operation and that to the DWTP). Deposit runoff In the feasibility studies carried out by ―Vodocanalengineering‖ EOOD (the former IPP ―Vodproekt‖) of 1972, the dead volume is determined on the basis of an estimate of the deposit runoff amounting to 1.00×106 m3. The barraging of the river with the constructed part of the dam wall has not led to visible accumulation of deposits. Nevertheless, for the updated design of Neykovtsi dam, it is necessary to carry out an additional study regarding the size of the deposit runoff. The amount of sedimentation runoff affecting Neykovtsi dam will be determined to a large degree by the extent of afforestation of the areas surrounding the dam. Defining the Ecological flow regime The construction of Neykovtsi dam disturbs the regime of the natural river runoff of the Neykovska river. In order to preserve the river ecosystem of Neykovska River after Neykovtsi dam, the design envisaged the discharge of an ecological runoff totaling 0.010 m3/s. This value was obtained based on model analysis explained below and represents about 14% of the mean annual river runoff in natural conditions (known to be of 0.073 m3/s). The model analysis was carried out to specify the ecological runoff under a methodology developed in the Republic of Bulgaria [MS 1, 2, 4, 5]. The town of Tryavna is currently supplied with water almost 100% from water catchments with an ecological runoff of 1 to 5 l/s. A mathematical model is used, based on the dependency of the total number of the zoobenthos on the runoff. The change of the total number is viewed as a probability process. In order to determine the model parameters, data are necessary on corresponding values of the total number and the average monthly water quantity, covering an overall vegetation period. To this end, summarized data were used from longterm nature monitoring for the whole territory of Bulgaria. The Fisher criterion and the change of the zoobenthos cenosis in different regimes of the ecological runoff are used. A program has been developed, with the help of which the calculations were made. The regime of the ecological runoff is determined under the following scheme: Modeling the development of the zoobenthos in natural runoff regime [Figure 10]. Modeling the disturbed runoff regime after the dam, under a balanced method in different ecological runoff regimes [Figure 9]. Modeling the development of the zoobenthos in the obtained different regimes of disturbed runoff [Figure 10]. Comparison of the obtained rows of average monthly values of the total number of zoobenthos in a disturbed regime with that obtained in a natural one, in order to select a suitable ecological runoff regime. For Neykovtsi dam the model has been evaluated for the proposed environmental runoff of 0,010 m3/s envisaged in the design. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 32/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS The runoff norm for the dam regime was defined by the designer in the amount of 0.073 m3/s. To obtain the monthly values, HMS No. 23350 on Dryanovska River at the village of Tsareva Livada was used as analogue. A hydrological row of monthly values for the period 1961-1998 was calculated. Figure 8 shows the hydrograph of the average annual runoff for the period in question. Figure 9 shows the average annual hydrograph. Water balance of Neykovtsi Dam has been calculated and the disturbed regime of the runoff has been established. Due to the small size of the natural inflow of Neykovska river, the dam will overflow extremely rarely. After the dam, the regime of disturbed runoff is formed by the discharged ecological runoff. Figure 10 shows the results of the applied model for development of the zoobenthos in an undisturbed and a disturbed runoff regime. The proposed ecological runoff of 0.010 m3/s maintains a stable ecosystem in Neykovska river and corresponds to 13,7%Qo, which is >10%Qo (national norm). It is recommended that discharge of larger water quantities up to the 0.100 m3/s are performed for 10 days monthly in March, April and May during spring floods. The same quantities should also be discharged in October in order to ensure juvenile cyprinids movement downstream of the wall. The defined ecological runoff is in compliance with § 125 of the Transitory and Final Provisions of the Law for Amendment and Supplement of the Water Act: ―Until the methodology under article 135, item 1 is issued, the minimum admissible runoff in rivers is defined as 10% of the average multi-year water quantity, but not less than the minimum average monthly water quantity with availability 95% to the point of each facility for runoff regulation or water intake.‖ This regulates by law the minimum admissible runoff in rivers in case their natural regime has been disrupted as a result of construction works on water supply facilities. For Neykovski dam the Qec. = 0,010 m3/s corresponds to 13.7 %Qo. The development of a model for determining of the environmental runoff (minimum admissible runoff) in river flows after construction of water supply facilities has been launched in the 80-ies of the former century by a team comprising a hydro-engineer and hydro-biologists. In 1986, the model was presented and adopted by a Scientific Council with the Research Center at the Environmental Protection Committee (the present MOEW). In 1987, a doctoral thesis was defended [MS 4] on the topic. The model is based on the connection between the water quantities flowing through the river and the total number of zoobenthos (the abundance of zoobenthos). Zoobenthos is recognized as an indicator for the status of the river ecosystem and its abundance relates directly to the water quantity in the river. The model applies hydrological indicators, and is not based on hydraulic parameters. It allows by means of various regimes of disturbed natural river runoff to determine the size of the disturbed runoff, at which the river ecosystem preserves its biological integrity. Since 1987 the panel of experts who prepared the EIAS for Neykovtsi Dam and hydrobiologists from the Institute of Zoology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences have been carrying out a research of the condition of river flows at one of the largest hydro-technical facilities in the country – ‗Batashki vodnosilov pat‘ (after all dam walls and water intakes). The impact of disturbed runoff on zoobenthos has been established (at ‗Batashki vodnosilov pat‘ no water quantity had been let after the facilities, which were commissioned in operation in 1957-1959). NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 33/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS 0.160 0.140 Q, m 3 /s 0.120 0.100 0.080 0.060 год 0.040 0.020 0.000 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 година Figure 8 0.18 0.16 Q, m3/s 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 month Figure 9 NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 34/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS 400 total benthos abundance 350 300 250 observed data 200 150 simulated data under undisturbed conditions 100 simulated data under disturbed conditions 50 0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Month Figure 10 At the same time it was observed that the river flow recovers along the river sections after water containment facilities as a result of the additional water confluence, (a small river tributary 250 m downstream of the dam) as well as the impact on the ground water, land eco-systems and residential areas. Monitoring activities were launched on many of the large rivers in Bulgaria by means of hydrobiological sample-taking for zoobenthos. Data was collected for different rivers ranging from 1 to 20 years (Osum, Vit, Iskar, Yantrs, Arda, Mesta, Vucha). It was established that zoobenthos in the rivers of northern and southern Bulgaria is identical. That made it possible to apply the model in 1995 to the 14 largest rivers in the country for a ―Strategy on the utilization of water resources and water protection in the Republic of Bulgaria‖ [MS 1]. The mathematical model was upgraded in that period and in 2000 and its application was expanded to the ―Master plans for water utilization in basin management areas of the Republic of Bulgaria‖ [MS 2]. The upgrading of the mathematical model was defended in a doctoral thesis in 2004 [MS 5]. [Based on the results achieved from monitoring of both natural river flows, and below disturbed water supply facilities, including such where the model has been applied to an EIAS and the proposed minimum admissible runoff is secured, it is recommended that the adopted size should be Qеc. (equal or above 10%Qo). This Condition underlies §125 of the Water Act (2007). The panel of experts is currently performing monitoring under the operating hydro-technical facilities (the Iskar river, the Arda river, the Vucha river) and very good results are being achieved due to the secured minimum admissible runoff recommended in this EIAS for those sites, while for each specific case additional conditions are being considered. In the last 10 years, different possibilities have been studied for discharge of these waters from the dams. In the case of Neykovtsi dam, this will take place from the water intake tower to a depth depth of 10m from the water level of the reservoir. During the conditions of low water level, the water discharges will be provided by the planned ecological runoff amounting to 0.010 m3/s, while during the spring floods water will be discharged in the amount of 0.100 m3/s in March, April and May, and in October, for the duration of 10 days each month. At 250 m downstream of the dam wall a left tributary joins the Neykovska river (there is no hydrological data about this tributary) and further down in the town of Plachkovtsi the Neykovska river flows into Plachkovska river, which follows the seasonal fluctuations of the natural runoff taking into account the additional water from the dam in springtime. Release of high waters The transmission of high waters is carried out through the spillway to the wall. The updated hydrological information and the re-assessment of the dam wall class indicate the need for a new design of the spillway, chute and ejector. This will be accommodated in the detail design. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 35/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS Transformation of the river ecosystem The construction of Neykovtsi dam and the formation of a water reservoir will have both a negative and a positive impact on the river inhabitants and the transformation of the river ecosystem immediately above the reservoir into the system of a water reservoir (still waters). Gradually, the formation of a habitat typical of still water reservoirs will take place. The negative impact comprises: Significant reduction of the reobionte (river species), and respectively, the species, biocenotic and functional diversity due to the decrease of the flow speed. Changes of the nature of the ground under the dam. Possibility of appearance of eutrophication. Positive impact comprises: Settling of the suspended undissolved matter. Large-scale development of limnophila species, that the impact is not a net loss of species richness and diversity, but instead a conversion from one type of aquatic community to another. . Increase in the trophic resources and, respectively, productivity of the ecosystem. No studies have been carried out in Neykovska River in terms of the macro-zoobenthos. The studies in Austria and Bulgaria of Zhrebchevo dam show that under the dam walls, the river condition is at least one saprobe degree better than that of the respective dam lake (Prof. B. Russev, Institute of Zoology to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences). If the environmental management plan for Neykovtsi dam is observed and taking into account the ecological factors (eutrophication, ecological runoff, deposits, etc.), there will be no deterioration of the water quality and biological value of the river ecosystem under the dam, and if the measures prescribed in this EIA report are applied, an improvement of the overall ecological condition of Neykovska river can be achieved. Cumulative effect In the vicinity of the Neykovtsi water supply system there are no hydro-technical facilities constructed or planned for construction other to contribute to a cumulative effect from its completion. The construction of Neykovtsi dam ensures adequate water supply for the population in the towns of Tryavna and Plachkovtsi and settlements in the region. It creates the possibility for achieving a ―good‖ ecological condition of Neykovska river, development of certain recreation activities, and as a whole contributes to the economic development of these towns, including as a tourist destination with high possibilities for summer and winter recreation. GROUNDWATER Due to the high water permeability characteristics of the rock base and the possibility of groundwater infiltration, it is necessary to pay special attention to the consolidation works during the wall construction and the precise implementation of the cement-injection works on the anti-filtration curtain construction. In order to control water infiltration through, under and along the wall, the design includes a monitoring system of piezometres as a part of the Control and measurement system of the dam wall through which monitoring will be carried out on the quality of infiltrating water and presence of suffusion. Furthermore, it is necessary to carry out regular monitoring of the water inflow in the dam reservoir and runoff in order to prevent emergency situations during heavy precipitation and intensive snow thaw (see environmental management plan). NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 36/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS Due to the presence of severely cracked and fissured slopes, anti-filtration curtains should be constructed on both sides of the wall in order to avoid infiltration along it. The lakebed should be covered by clay in front of the wall in order to reduce infiltration. 5.3. GEOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT During construction The technical and geological studies (para 4.3) prove the feasibility of construction of the selected dam wall type. The dam wall constructed to present date, along the upstream batter is severely damaged due to precipitation and weathering effects, whereas the downstream batter of the wall is in good condition. This imposes that at the beginning of the wall completion works the whole surface layer of the wall should be removed and replaced with new material. The wallslopes are heavily cracked and full of fissures, thus the implementation of anti-filtration fans is recommended in order to avoid further infiltrations. Additional studies of the Suhodole quarry are necessary to establish the quality and quantity of the materials used for construction and further analysis will be provided during the update of the design. During operation The Control and measurement equipment built in the wall will monitor its behavior. This comprises deformations in the wall and at its base, state of the diaphragms, sinking and shift of the crown, beams and geological base. The dam is situated in a seismicity zone of 7th degree, which defines the requirements for design and operation. 5.4. SOILS During construction Prior to construction, the change in land use for the dam and DWTP was carried out under the respective procedure. Expropriation of the terrains was completed in compliance with the active normative framework – former owner State Forestry (SF) ―Plachkovtsi‖. The load on soils with dust, spent gases and blast works during construction will be insignificant. This is based on experience in construction of similar dam walls, specified in Chapter VII A. A new construction site is not planned – the base (former base of Hydrostroy) will be used at about 500m below the wall, which is relatively well preserved (buildings for workers, garages and operational concrete knot). The site terrain is municipal property. The construction site has been erected at the beginning of the construction works – 1978 (Chapter VІІ.А) for construction management. The cleaning of the dam bed requires scraping of the humus and its deposit for use in the reclamation of all terrains affected by the construction of the water supply system. No site has been defined as a depot for humus storage. During operation The total flooded territory amounts to 32.5 ha, which under the forest development plan of SF ―Plachkovtsi‖ of 2003 are forest land, but they have been excluded for the construction of the dam. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 37/60 Neykovtsi Dam 5.5. EIAS WASTE Type, character and quantity of generated waste The forecast assessment of the type and character of generated waste in Neykovtsi dam completion is related to the construction completed to present date and the need for activities to be carried out during implementation of construction works for completion of the dam and DWTP. Generated waste resulting from implementation of the construction and mounting works in the completion of the water supply system can be viewed in two stages: 1. During the construction of the remaining part of the site. 2. During site operation. The waste generated during the implementation of the remaining part of construction and mounting works will result from the construction of the dam wall and DWTP. During the operation of the water supply system, mainly domestic waste and waste from repair works will be generated. During DWTP operation, production waste of specific character will be generated. Their collection, storage and transportation should be carried out under the requirements of the Waste Management Act. During the completion of Neykovtsi water supply system, waste will be generated which can be divided into: Domestic waste, generated by the construction workers and staff necessary for operation of the water supply system (mainly domestic). Construction waste. This will be generated during the excavation, embankment, formwork, fitting, concrete and formwork works on site. These comprise mainly: Waste from forestry. These results from the required cleaning of the dam bowl (rooting out of the forest tree vegetation) and felling of forest vegetation and the anthropogenic vegetation species on the territory of the site allocated for DWTP. Hazardous waste This type of waste is generated both in the implementation of the investment proposal and during its operation. It comprises as follows: Laminated boxes from paint and polish. Packaging containing remains of hazardous substances or contaminated with such. Glue packaging. Spent engine oil from construction machinery. Waste from oil and liquid fuel. Mixed packaging from raw materials and materials. Luminescent lamps. Production waste These types of waste are generated mainly in the process of operation of DWTP and represent all types of solid waste accompanying the process of drinking water treatment – initial filtration, coagulation of substances with a colloid degree of dispersivity found in treated waters, purification, filter cleansing, etc. These are mainly: Solidified waste from the filter presses of the treatment plant. Solid waste from the mechanical step of the treatment plant. Sediments from purification of treated water. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 38/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS Sediments from the flushing of the sand filters. This type of waste is generated in DWTP in the facilities for dehydration of sediments from the coagulation chambers, and as a result of the treatment of wastewater from the treatment plant. They contain both organic and non-organic components, which depend on the nature of the impurities in the treated water and the introduced reagents in the technological treatment cycle. The estimation of their qualitative composition and quantities depends on the qualities of the water supplied for treatment and the technological scheme of the treatment plant, whose design is subject to update. The individual types of waste with their codes, under Ordinance No. 3 of MEW and MH of 2004 on waste classification (SG, v. 44/25.05.2004), generated during the implementation of the investment proposal and operation of Neykovtsi water supply system are shown in table 6. Collection, transportation, storage, detoxication, treatment, recycling and disposal Collection, transportation, temporary storage, detoxication, treatment, recycling and disposal shall be performed compliance with the requirements of the Wastes Management Act. Description, analysis and assessment of the supposed significant impact on the population and environment, resulting from waste generation and creation of discomfort During the completion of Neykovtsi dam, there is a risk that the waste generated during site construction and operation will have an impact on the individual components of the environment (ambient air, landscape, surface and groundwater, soils, wildlife) and human health, if the measures for their reliable management under the normative framework are not implemented. Possible impact during construction During construction, generated construction waste has a priority in quantity compared to the domestic waste and that close in composition to domestic waste. This waste should be treated in compliance with the normative waste management framework adopted in the country. Possible impact can be summarized as follows: Air Quality Harmful impact on the air could be generated by potential unregulated and illegal incineration of some types of construction waste instead of their separate collection and storage, transportation and detoxification in an environmental way. Their incineration could result in harmful emissions, which will contaminate in an uncontrolled way the air in the site region for a certain period of time. This type of waste includes packaging from polyethylene and PVC, packaging from wood materials, composite multilayer packaging, mixed packaging from raw materials and materials, residue from paint, inks, glues, adhesives and resins containing hazardous substances, wood material from construction, paper and cardboard packaging, packaging containing residues from hazardous substances or contaminated with hazardous substances. Landscape In the event of uncontrolled disposal of construction waste, the surrounding landscape will be disturbed on adjacent terrains as a result of the anthropogenic impact of this waste on it. As a result of dissemination by the wind of small fractions of this waste at large distances and their detention in shrubs and trees, a negative visual effect will be observed. The predominant part of this scattered waste is hardly degradable in the course of many years and will result in sustainable damage of the landscape. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 39/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS Water There is a risk of water contamination in the event that during construction generated waste is not collected, stored, transported and deposited in the depot in the town of Tryavna. First, the ambient water running along the slopes of the waste stored on site and not transported will be contaminated. It, in turn, can contaminate the surface water, in this case – the water in Neykovska river – or some of it can infiltrate down to the subsurface aquifers and cause significant and sustainable contamination in some aquifers. Soil Some of the waste generated during construction is classified as hazardous. If irresponsible and uncontrolled disposal (storage) of this waste is allowed on site territory, as a result of the flow of ambient water down the slopes or their infiltration through the waste, the underlying soil will be contaminated. Wildlife The uncontrolled disposal (storage) of waste allows free access of animals and especially birds to it. This free access to illegally deposited waste, the use of the surrounding vegetation and the waste itself for food can lead to the spread of diseases at undetermined distances, as well as the death of some animals and birds. In this way, the biodiversity in the region will be disturbed. Human health Harmful impact on the individual components of the environment will inevitably have an impact on the health of the construction workers, local population and, possibly, tourists visiting the region. Possible impact during operation During operation, mainly waste from DWTP operation and from required repair works will be generated. Production waste will be in insignificant amounts due to the fact that the DWTP will operate with relatively clean waters, such as the water in Neykovtsi dam. Taking into account the fact that repair works will be required rarely, waste formation in this activity will be one-time, their amount will be small, and the collection, storage and transportation for detoxification will not present a problem. Domestic waste during operation will be in insignificant amounts. It is necessary to place suitable containers for their collection and transportation to the waste depot in the town of Tryavna. Cumulative impact If the prescriptions and conditions in the normative framework for waste management are observed, the impact of the waste generated on site territory on the individual components of the environment will be insignificant and without cumulative impact. Waste has a direct or indirect impact on each of the components of the environment and human health if measures are not taken in advance to restrict this impact. During the construction and operation period, it is not necessary to plan a separate group of measures due to the fact that the type of waste during the two stages of completion of the Neykovtsi water supply system (the dam and the DWTP) is not significantly different NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 40/60 Neykovtsi Dam 5.6. EIAS HARMFUL PHYSICAL FACTORS Noise During construction The sources of noise in the environment are most types of works related to the completion of the water supply system (excavation, embankment, concrete, formwork, mounting, drill and detonation, transport). The levels of noise emitted by the main used machines and equipment are: excavator – 8091 dBA; bulldozer – 97105 dBA; autocrane – 9298 dBA; asphalt mixer – 84 dBA; concrete mixer – 8893 dBA; roller – 87 dBA; vibromass – 98106 dBA; stone grinding installation – 8896 dBA; drill hammers – 105120 dBA; heavy automobiles heavy-weight automobiles – 8590 dBA; compressors – 8699 dBA. During blast works, impulse noise is emitted with levels depending on the detonation system. Construction equipment is concentrated on specially designated territories and sites: terrain for construction of the main site – dam wall, the DWTP, auxiliary and production facilities – stone quarry, Road Information installation, concrete facility, technological road network for connection between the sub-sites. The expected equivalent levels of noise on the individual construction sites in the immediate vicinity of the groups of operating machinery and facilities are around, and sometimes above, 90 dВА. The construction of the wall, its facilities and DWTP will be implemented at the same time. The technological network for the vehicles servicing construction has been completed. The heavyweight automobiles, at an average of 5 courses an hour, will create noise with an equivalent level of about 6061 dВА at a distance of 7.5 m from the movement axis. The limit values of the noise level for the different territories and zones regulated in Ordinance No. 6 on the indicators for noise in the environment (MH, MEW, 2006) are: for residential territories: day – 55 dВА, evening – 50 dВА, night – 45 dВА; for production and storage zones: day, evening and night – 70 dВА. The residential territory closest to the site – Neykovtsi residential area in the town of Plachkovtsi – is about 300 m from the dam wall site. Due to the sufficient distance, the construction activities on the site will not be a source of noise above the norm for residential terrains during the day (7:00 ч19:00 hours) and evening (19:00 23:00) periods. At a closer distance (about 100 m), there is only one house for temporary accommodation, heavily cracked, for which exceeding of the hygiene noise norms can be expected, reaching about 6 dВА in the day period and about 11 dВА in the evening, during the operation of the nearest construction equipment. The sites of the stone quarry and grinding installation are 700-800 m away from the outlying houses of the village of Stoevtsi and will not be a source of noise for the residential terrains due to the sufficient distance and the screening role of the relief. The planned small number of detonations (up to two per month) will not have a significant disturbing effect on the settled area in terms of noise. The embankment and concrete works on completion of the dam wall will be alternating. The freight vehicles transporting ground stone from the quarry will pass through the village of Stoevtsi, the village of Kyosevtsi and Neykovtsi residential area. The route of the concrete trucks from the concrete base will go through Neykovtsi residential area. Equipment for the site will come from the town of Tryavna through the town of Plachkovtsi. The roads in the region are low in traffic and there are no other significant sources of noise. The transport servicing construction will deteriorate the existing acoustic environment of the adjacent residential terrains by the transport routes and in certain intervals exceeding of the hygiene norms for noise can be expected amounting to about 6 dВА for the day period and about 11 dВА in the evening. The noise impact will be limited in time, until the completion of the construction works on site. During operation During site operation, a source of noise will be the DWTP equipment (pumps, mixers, blowfans, hydrophore, etc.). According to their technical characteristics, the levels of emitted noise are within the NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 41/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS range of 70-75 dВА. The equipment will be placed in a massive building with concrete construction, with suspended sound insulation of the façade walls not less than 35 dВА. Noise levels higher than 45 dВА are not expected, which is far below the hygiene norm of 70 dВА. The DWTP is at a sufficient distance from the town of Tryavna (about 2 km) and will not be a source of noise for its territory. 5.7. PLANTS During the construction period During the construction works for Neykovtsi dam cleanup of 32.5 ha including cutting and uprooting of vegetation must be carried out. The future reservoir has been excised from the forested area managed by the Plachkovtsi State Forestry Board. The construction of the Neykovtsi reservoir will affect directly only the flora currently existing within the reservoir. No impacts on the forest trees, grass and brush vegetation (outside the reservoir) are expected during the construction period. The Drinking Water Treatment Plant site will require 2.5 ha, which includes trees of the Tryavna State Forestry Board (1.0 ha) and farmlandswith anthropogenic species (1.5 ha). The alteration of the land purpose and the expropriation procedures have been completed in accordance with the requirements of the law. During the operation The project requires flooding of of 32.5 ha. The studies carried out in 2007 for the Due Diligence report established that no rare and endangered species are affected by the construction of the water reservoir in accordance with the legal provisions. Certain restrictions must be implemented in order to avoid any impact on the Balgarka protected area (no areas beyond those covered by the design shall be affected during construction). Securing of the minimum admissible runoff in the Neykovska river during summer low-water, the release of additional water during the spring floods and the additional water inflows from the left tributary, will impact positively the downstream area of 800 m. 5.8. ANIMALS The estimated impact of the Neykovtsi water reservoir on the animals was based on the factors indicated in Section 4.8 and on consideration of the anthropogenic activities in the area and in the Neykovska River. 5.8.1. Ichthyofauna Assessment of the impact on the ichthyofauna The construction of the future Neykovtsi dam located inline of the Neykovska river is at an advanced phase. While the dam has been constructed to a large extent, the integrity of the river continuum is presently maintained via the constructed main outlet. Expected impact on the river ichthyofauna No direct impacts on the ichthyofauna along the middle stretch of the Dryanovska River are expected during the construction works for completion of the dam. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 42/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS The commissioning of the Neykovtsi dam will be conducive to the stabilizing of the flow regime along the middle stretch of the Dryanovska River by means of controlled releasing of the ecological flow and will, therefore, have a positive effect on the entire complex of ichthyofauna in this area. The expected improvement of the Balkan barbell population is particularly important because this species is indicative of the ecological status of the water body. Once the lake is flooded, it and the upper stretch of the river will provide the conditions required for a stable and diverse lacustrine fish community. Potential threats Two potential negative impacts on the river biota in the Neykovska (and, respectively, Dryanovska) Rivers can be identified in relation to the management of the future water reservoir: Insufficient water within the Neykovska River bed and, therefore, reduced flow regime in the Dryanovska River. Releasing of water from the lower layers of the dam with constantly lower temperature and increased concentrations of nutrients. To avoid these threats and achieve good ecological status of the surface water bodies and the compliance with the Natura 2000 requirements to protect habitats and species, the following actions are required: Ensuring of sufficient water-flow in the riverbed downstream of the reservoir at 10 l/s during the low-water periods. Location of the water extraction facilities at a depth of no less than 10 m in order to ensure the ecological minimum, to be developed in the detailed design. Development of a management plan for the water within Balgarka Protected Area, especially in the Dryanovska River watershed, which included Bulgarka and the Dryanovska Reka, protected areas, with measures for restoration, protection and sustainable use of biodiversity in the Dryanovska River basin. The development of these plans has been provided for by CoM DECREE № 349/27.01.2009 and by the Ordinance on the terms and conditions for development and approval of Protected areas management plans The Neykovtsi dam may have an indirect effect on Dryanovska Reka Protected Area, BG 0000282 situated downstream of the dam. The specifics of the spatial distribution of the populations (indicated in 4.8.1) mean that only indirect positive potential effects on the riparian ichthyofauna may be expected.with the stabilization of the river flow and discontinuation of seasonal drying up. The proposed mitigation measures can prevent negative impacts on the ichthyofauna as listed in the EIA. 5.8.2. Invertebrate The specified invertebrate species subject to protection under the subject and purposes of PA Balgarka BG 0000399 will not be affected. 5.8.3. Herpetofauna (Amphibians and reptiles) Assessment of the impact on the amphibians and reptiles All amphibians (the first 7 species from Table 4) are certain inhabitants of the dam site. They will have better living conditions once the dam is operational because the Neykovska river at the dam will no longer dry up almost completely during summer. It is certain that the marsh frog will become most abundant in a few years from the creation of the dam. Populations of reptilian species such as the green lizard, wall lizard and smooth snake will be displaced from the reservoir area and will need to shift upward along the slopes. The area to be flooded represents only a negligibly small part of the areas inhabited by those species in the area. The enforcement of a sanitary protection zone around the reservoir NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 43/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS will also be favourable to the environment and the wildlife including including the amphibian reptile fauna. The construction and the operation of the Neykovtsi dam will not have any negative effects on the amphibians and reptiles in the region and will even be favorable to the water-demanding species. 5.8.4. Mammal Fauna Assessment of the impact on the mammal fauna No substantial loss of habitats for mammals is expected due to the small size of the flooded area and the low density of species within that area. The mammal species which are found in the area are not unique to this location but are widespread: Stara Planina, Sredna Gora, the Rhodopes and elsewhere in Bulgaria. The period needed to complete the dam construction will be short and should have little or no impact on the trophic base and habitats of mammals in the area and should not reduce their numbers. This conclusion is made as a result of many years of research by the expert from the Institute of Zoology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. 5.8.5. Ornithofauna Assessment of the impact on the ornithofauna The previous construction works have already affected the area, including destruction of vegetation which provided habitats for certain bird species. As with mammals, the rather small area to be affected means that the additional impacts on the habitats of birds will be low. Year-round releasing of the minimum admissible water quantity of 0.010 m3 required for the normal functioning of the river ecosystem is envisaged. Therefore, the construction of the site will not have a significant effect aon animal species inhabiting this part of the river and those who use the river as drinking water source and for bathing, as well as certain bird species searching for food along the banks and in the shallow parts of the river (mainly the gray wagtail and to the mountain wagtail in this part of the river). Three pairs of the red-backed shrike (a species listed under Annex 2 of the Biodiversity Act ) have been registered in and around the project site, but their identified nesting areas will not be affected. Overall the numbers of birds within the dam area is small and there are no locations where large numbers of birds of any species are concentrated. The flooding of the reservoir may be followed by the occurrence and subsequent increase in the number of fishes typical of standing and slowly flowing water (through artificial fish stocking or entry of caviar into the reservoir, naturally transferred by water fowl). This will increase the trophic base of certain diving bird species such as Grebes (Podicipedidae), cormorants (Phalacrocoracidae), smew (Mergus albellus L.), diving ducks (Netta rufina (Pallas), Aythya sp. etc. and also the potential occurrence of individuals of these species during certain periods. The artificial lake may attract during the year individuals of other waterfowl species – river ducks (Anas sp.), storks (Ciconia sp.), herons (Ardeidae) etc., despite its mountainous location. This would increase the composition of bird species in general in the river and in the area, and can be considered a positive effect. No impact on bird migration in this part of the country is expected as a result of the construction or operation of the dam. In conclusion, no negative changes of the state of the species of significance for conservation and of their habitats can be expected as a result of the implementation of the project. The area covered by the water reservoir is of insignificant size and will not cause any significant reduction in the trophic base of the bird species inhabiting the area, and will even increase the trophic base of a certain numbers of water fowl species. The mammals and birds are mobile and it is expected that during construction activities the individuals will withdraw to adjoining areas, which it is believed can accommodate them. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 44/60 Neykovtsi Dam 5.9. EIAS LANDSCAPE The appropriate architectural design of the DWTP, color selection and greenbelt setting, site reclamation and dam flooding will create the new landscape. The evaluation of the self-cleaning potential and recovery of landscape in the region in question underlines the substantial capacity for inclusion and harmonization of the water supply system of Neykovtsi dam with the nature environment. Lakes are no foreign element to mountains and the newly created artificial lake will match the nature landscape. Being an element of the landscape, the minimum size of the DWTP will contribute to its good fitting and visual acceptance. Biodiversity in Balgarka Protected area will be preserved cue to the small area of impact (less than 0,1%) and no influence on areas beyond the scope of the facility. Better conditions are created for the fish populations in Dryanoska reka Protected Area due to the envisaged regime for supply of environmental water. 5.10. HEALTH FACTOR AND SOCIAL SIGNIFICANCE In the course of construction works Concerning the population The dam wall is situated at 300 m above the last houses of Neykovtsi estate. There is a single house for seasonal use (summer house) at about 100 m below the wall. The entire house is in cracks and is not safe for dwelling. The quarry and the TMSI are located at 6 km from the wall, near the village of Stoevtsi, and the nearest houses are located at 700-800 m. The relief of the locality provides noise shielding. The rock fill for the wall will be transported along the route via the village of Stoevtsi - village of Kyosevtsi Neykovtsi estate - the dam wall. The concrete will be transported to the dam wall from the base at the construction site of Hydrostroy. In the course of construction works there will be an increase of: Fugitive emissions of fine particulate matter due to the increased traffic of heavy-freight trucks; Fugitive emissions of exhaust fuel motor gasses and emissions due to blast works in the quarry nitrogen and sulphur oxides, carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons etc.; Noise from motor vehicles, from works in the quarry and the rock crushers/RC/. The increased road traffic for transportation of construction materials will be limited - not more than 5 races per day at the peak of construction works. Therefore noise, fugitive fine particulate matter emissions and emissions of fuel gases will be insignificant, temporary and if properly addressed will not have a negative impact on the health of the population. Blast works will be incidental and far from habitable housing, so detonation gases and noise will not have and adverse impact. Concerning the construction workers During the works negative health impacts could be produced by a number of factors, occurring in the working environment during the construction process, namely: Non-favorable microclimate. Work will be going on in all four seasons in the open, in both excessive heat and cold. Excessive heat could be a risk factor for incidents such as heat and/or sunstroke. If prolonged, such conditions could lead to dehydration, loss of salts and microelements and heat exhaustion. Excessive cold contributes to increased incidence of colds, muscular and bone complaints and disturbances of the peripheral nervous system. Noise. Drivers of heavy machinery and excavator operators will be exposed to excessive noise level in the range of 80 - 90 to 100 dB/A. The excessive noise impact has a negative impact on the hearing system and may cause the development of professional hearing disturbances. Noise could have negative consequences for the central nervous system, sleep disturbances, neurosis-type complaints and is a risk factor for arterial hypertension as well. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 45/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS Vibrations. The drivers of the heavy trucks will be exposed to general and local vibrations. Given the new technology to be used, those vibrations maybe will not exceed the admissible levels. The use of some, mostly outdated machinery may cause excessive levels of vibration, and hence damages to the vestibular system, the locomotory system and the parenchyma; also the s. c. ―vibration disease‖ may occur, which is a common occupational disease in this field of work. Air pollution. Drivers of heavy machinery and excavator operators will be exposed to exhaust gasses emissions. No harmful health effects are expected in this case, as they work in the open air. Furthermore, excavation works will be limited in volume. Dust. Construction workers are exposed to fugitive dust emissions. Large dust particles can only have an irritation effect on the upper respiratory system Exposure to metal aerosols and noxious gasses. During welding operations various quantities of carbon oxide, carbon dioxide, nitric gases and metal aerosols (manganese, lead, iron or others, depending on the type of welding material) are emitted. If welding is performed in closed premises or inside large pipes those emissions can cause chronic occupational disturbances of the lungs (chronic bronchitis, pneumoconiosis of the siderosis type). Traumas. Construction workers suffer from the highest incidence of occupational traumas during excavation and assembly works. Heavy labor. Notwithstanding the fact that a large part of the construction operations are performed by machinery, still heavy physical labor is required in a number of operations, including the lifting and carrying of excessive weights. Another unfavorable aspect of construction work is that a lot of the operations are performed in a difficult position, requiring considerably tension of muscles and limbs. This leads to micro-traumas, diseases of the locomotory system, the nervous system and the muscles. In conclusion, no unfavorable health effects on the population and the adjacent settlements can be expected during the construction phase. It may have some disturbing effect but it will be insignificant and temporary. The working environment will exert certain impact on the health of the construction workers during construction works. However it will be of temporary nature and can be minimized by taking adequate health and safety protection measures. During operation No changes in air humidity or the climate or expected during the operation of the dam. It is expected to have a favorable impact for the population as new jobs will be created and new recreational spots will be set up in its vicinity. Improved water supply will guarantee the elimination of epidemic via water contamination. Consumption of drinking water, which meets Bulgarian and European standards of quality, will have an indirect positive health impact for the population. Conditions will be secured for development of tourism, which is a priority under the regional plan for development of Gabrovo District and the towns of Tryavna and Plachkovtsi. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 46/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS 5.11. SAFETY OF NEYKOVTSI DAM 5.11.1 Dam Safety practice in Bulgaria According to ICOLD3 definition, there are 215 large dams in Bulgaria. 200 dams are of the embankment type, 15 are concrete structures. The total water storage in the country is 7.6 km3. The dams proposed within the Municipal Infrastructure Development Project are regulated by the Water Sector Department of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works. Such ministry is in charge of all water supply dams, for both domestic and industrial uses, in the country. Hydropower and irrigation dams are regulated by different ministries. There is clear separation between: a) b) c) Dam Owner: municipal water agencies; Dam Regulator: Ministry of Regional Development, and Independent panel of experts: academics and practitioners. Dams are classified in accordance to the potential hazard that they represent. The classification follows the one developed by ICOLD. Dam safety procedures are the same for all dams, irrespective of the hazard classification. At each dam, permanent monitoring staff is responsible for: instrumentation readings; periodic geodetic survey work; visual inspections, and routine maintenance works. An operation manual contains instructions for observations and measurements to be carried out following special of extraordinary events such as large floods and earthquakes. Each dam has a program of technical control, which includes measurements, frequency and places of measurement for the various kinds of phenomena occurring during operation. A procedure is in place for the interpretation of observations and measurements, and for action taking based on the findings thereof. Data from the control/ measuring systems are visualized and analyzed during the same day. In case of observation of abnormal parameters and deviations from the usual values, additional measurements are carried out. At periodic intervals, generally one year, the responsible staff in the head office prepares a report on the technical performance of the dam. That report is reviewed by an expert council with participation of leading specialists. The council makes decisions about needed measures pertaining to maintenance of the dam, repairs or improvements, modifications to the program of technical control, etc. Every dam in Bulgaria has an emergency plan, which is strictly inspected by the Regulator. Each dam site is permanently connected to the head office, the civil defense, and local government representatives. The Department of Civil Defense is responsible for the establishment of emergency preparedness plans, including evacuation. In case of emergency, the dam owner immediately informs the Department of Civil Defense on the type of risk or occurrence. On every dam site there are emergency stockpiles of the necessaries materials for handling emergency situations. 3 International Commission on Large Dams NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 47/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS 5.11.2 Specific norms and regulations The safety of dam walls is of considerable economic, social and environmental significance. Safety of Neykovtsi Dam is a consideration embedded back in the very investment proposal for the dam. In Bulgaria dam design is regulated by the following regulations: norms for embankment, published in 1986; the fundaments of design norms for hydro-engineering facilities 1985, Norms for load and impact of waves, ice and navigation for hydro-engineering facilities 1988, Design norms for buildings and facilities in earthquake zones 1989. As the above-listed regulations are not recent, and given the lack of an EC code on hydro-engineering facilities design, internationally recognized standards are also used, such as those of the Department of the Army US Army Corps of Engineers, German standards and others, as well as Bulgarian regulatory documents and standards for construction design, which are described in the design Contract. Various risks are being considered in the process of design, such as the hydrological risk of high waters with certain occurrence and seismic risk from an earthquake of a given intensity. Designs comprise a section on control and measurement system (SCADA). Upon commissioning the site, the designs feature also a Program of Surveillance and Measurements by means of SCADA, Operations Guidelines and Emergency Action Plan (Crises Management Plan) for the duration of construction works and subsequent operation of the site. The Neykovtsi dam wall was designated category ІІ (in 1978), but in the course of project update, and because of being close to a residential area, most likely the dam will be upgraded to category І with all the ensuing safety requirements. When the State Acceptance Committee checks the site to be approved for operation, it also checks whether all normative requirements have been met (Ordinance No 2/2003 on commissioning construction sites in Bulgaria and minimum warranty terms on acceptance of construction and assembly works (State Gazette 72/2003). The operational staff is employed at the beginning of construction and the specific teams are defined as the site is being commissioned. The duration for dams being operable is deemed to be 100 years (the time for the established volume to be filled by deposits). To ensure dam safety during operation, Ordinance No 13/29.01.2004 on the conditions and procedures for technical operation of dam walls and related facilities is to be followed. At each stage of the operation the Surveillance and Measurement Program is implemented and regularly updated. On the basis of the measurements the security of construction and engineering works is being assessed, as well as the impact of the dam wall on the environment (degree of danger to the natural and material goods and human health and life). Safety is assessed for normal operational mode, for work under extreme conditions and for emergencies. Two times per year the operational teams perform a visual check on the wall, the water area and the related facilities and issue a protocol with respective recommendations. The engineering analysis of the wall status is performed by a person responsible for the technical operation of the site and is based on the results of the engineering checks and measurement and control for a period of three years at most, and is approved at an expert engineering board, appointed by the owner. Inspections to evaluate the safety of the dam walls and related facilities are carried out by experts, which are not on the payroll of the person, responsible for the site‘s technical operation. The first inspection is to be carried out before reservoir filling, then at the end of the first operational period, not later than the 5 th year of regular operation, and later on – by decision of an expert engineering board, appointed by the owner. In case of floods of a level close or equal to the highest water level (hydrological risk), and if an earthquake of a magnitude above VI by the МSK-64 scale (seismic risk), inspections are to be carried out and full measurements taken by all measurement and Control System tools for all facilities, in accordance with the Program on Status Analysis and Registration. In extreme and emergency conditions the Crises Management Plan is to be implemented, which formulates all tasks, relationships and responsibilities of the institutions, whose responsibility it is to react in times of crises under the Crises Management Act. Responsible for the safety of the dam wall are the technical operation team, the managers of the operational unit and the company, which ensures the dam‘s operation (ViK – OOD, Gabrovo), as well as the respective state authority and the relevant state institutions - the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works and Ministry of Emergency Situations – The Center for early warning is responsible for NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 48/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS early warning in cases of disasters. The operational unit is responsible for the technical operation of the dam wall and the facilities thereto, aquatic area of the reservoir and the river 500 m below the dam wall, in compliance with the requirements of Ordinance № 13/29.01.2004 . Risk The risk is a possibility of certain damages occurring during an event of a given probability of occurrence. In view of operating the Neykovtsi dam, the following need to be considered: Hydrological risk; Seismic risk; Environmental risk. Hydrological risk The hydrological risk is the probability of certain damages caused by large floods with very low probability of occurrence. The following is needed to prevent it as much as possible: The expected flood should be reliably defined and taken into account in calculating the type and category of the facility to be constructed (calculations provided in the updated hydrological data). The dimensions need to be established of the facilities needed to safely discharge the large flood described above (eventually new design of the spillway, the chute and the ejector). Emergency rules and Action Plan need to be formulated in operational conditions (Operational Guidelines and Crises Management Plan); Seismic risk The seismic risk is defined as the probability of certain damages occurring if earthquakes of a given magnitude take place. The following should be done to prevent damages from occurring to the maximum extent possible: Mandatory performance of a mirco-seismic study of the river area where the Neykovtsi dam is planned to be built; The geological survey for the sites, including the updated geological report should include an assessment of possible consequences of the dam foundations in the event of a heavy earthquake; Facilities should be designed and built in such a way as to provide for a safe outcome in the event of a rated seismic impact; Rules and action plan in case of heavy earthquake during operation need to be formulated (Operational Guidelines and Crises Management Plan); The assessment of the possible negative impacts that the existing environment can have on the investment proposal should feature both in the micro-seismic study and when the hydrologic parameters are being determined, taking into account meteorological factors and climate characteristics (provided in the updated hydrology study). Environmental risk The ecological risk for dam walls and related facilities is linked to the risk of changes in the quality of the environmental components, as discussed in the EIAS. The environmental risk for the Neykovtsi dam has been assessed in the Risk Assessment Table on the basis of the made projections. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 49/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS Table on the environmental risk ensuing from the construction and operation of Neykovtsi Dam Environmental Components and Factors Impact sources Atmospheric Geological Water Soils Waste Noise Flora air environment Fauna Health + + Notes In the course of construction works Dam wall and Neykovtsi water reservoir‖ Transport routes + + to ++ + + + + + + + + + + to ++ + + + + On passing from the rock quarry to the site through residential areas the villages of Stoevtsi and Kyosevtsi, and the Neykovtsi estate) During the operation phase Dam wall and Neykovtsi water reservoir‖ DWTP + ++ + + + + + + + + + (++) + + + + + + + + + ++ In operational environment after emergency low level expected medium level expected NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 50/60 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS 5.12. TRANSBORDER EFFECT The Neykovtsi dam is located immediately above the Neykovtsi housing estate and the town of Plachkovtsi within 7.5 km to the south of the Tryavna town. The dam is built on the Neikovska river which is a tributary of the Trevenenska River that discharges further in Yantra River, that flows eventually in the Danube close to Svishtov town (in Bulgaria). Potential transborder effects relate to the quality and quantity of water in the Danube River where it leaves Bulgaria, but these effects will be negligible, as explained below. Construction Period: During construction there will be no impact because water flow will not be interrupted or reduced. The normal flow will continue through a diversion channel and measures will be taken as outlined in the EMP to prevent pollution of water from construction activities. Impoundment Period: During the impoundment period of the dam there will be a significant reduction in the flow of the Neikovska River at the dam site. The amount of the reduction cannot be known precisely at this time as it will depend on certain factors to be determined through the feasibility study as well as the actual amount of precipitation. The proposed volume of the reservoir at present is 4.8 million m3. The feasibility study will evaluate options for the rate of reservoir filling. For illustrative purposes, the following table provides estimated impacts on the volume of the Yantra River at the Bulgarian border based on filling periods of one year and four years. These estimates are based on a reservoir capacity of 4.8 million m3, the mean baseline flow rate of the Neykovska River at the dam site equal to 0.073 m3 /sec, and the baseline mean flow of the Yantra River at the Bulgaria border equal to 49.8 m3 per second (1,573 million m3 per year) calculated in accordance with the Master Plans for utilization of waters in the basin management regions of Bulgaria (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences -Institute of Soils and Waters, 2000). Based on these estimates, the reservoir could potentially be filled in just over two years while still maintaining the required minimum ecological flow of 0.010 m3/sec (i.e. retaining 0.063 m3//sec during impoundment period) with less than 0.2% flow reduction at the border. Impoundment time Gross storage volume 29.4 months 4.8 mill m3 Average flow rate retained during impoundment 0.063 m3/sec Water retained annually during impoundment 1.99 mill m3 Flow of YantraRiver into Danube at Bulgaria border Flow reduction at border (ratio column 2:column 3) 1,573 mill m3/year 0.13% Operational Period: During operation a transborder effect will be the water volume to be retained in the country from the Yantra river, which flows into the Danube. About 80 small and big dams have been constructed in the watershed of the Yantra river (the biggest water reservoirs are Al. Stamboliiski dam – 220×106 m3 and Yovkovtsi dam – 92×106 m3). Neykovtsi dam is proposed to cover water supply needs, and the maximum demand for water supply in the area of the dam has been calculated by the designer to be 5,60×10 6 m3/per annum. Assuming (as stipulated in the sewerage dimensioning rates in Bulgaria) that approximately 80% of the water fed to the water supply system is returnable, that is, it returns to the rivers through the sewer systems, the water retained in the territory of R. Bulgaria amounts to 1.122x106 m3/year , in other words about 0.07% of the run-off of the River Yantra entering the Danube. The Republic of Bulgaria is a member of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River but has no contractual obligation to submit certain volumes of water from the rivers of the Danube basin to the Danube. As required by World Bank policy, in March 2008 the World Bank (on behalf of the Government of Bulgaria) sent letters to the Governments of Greece and Turkey and to the Danube Commission, notifying them of the intended project and its implications for downstream water flow. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 51/63 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS 5.13. SOCIAL IMPACT The construction of the Neykovtsi dam will solve a major social problem in the municipality of Tryavna by providing regular water supply for the population. Opportunities will be created for economic development, reduction of unemployment, and increased incomes for the population with a chance to further develop Tryavna municipality into a more attractive area for recreation and tourism. The project has the following advantages: no migration of the population is needed, no loss of agricultural lands or pastures (those have already been expropriated when construction had begun). Forests in the area have also been expropriated and felled. The greater part of the anthropogenic impact in the scope of the dam wall and the water reservoir has been realized. No infrastructure sites will be affected. Mandatory restrictions will be accepted in the course of construction works to secure the normal operation of the water supply network from the four water intakes to the town of Tryavna. No road infrastructure is affected, and the bridge near the town of Plachkovtsi will be strengthened. No waste depots, drainage or irrigation systems exist on the site territory. VІ. ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES Possible alternatives for the Neykovtsi Dam construction have been considered in the ЕDDR of 2007. The studies on the possible alternatives for the Luda Yana dam construction date back to the 1972. . The following alternatives have been considered: In terms of location: Several sites have been studied, including pumping water from Dryanovo and use of mine water from Lev Mine. The mine located outside the water catchment of the river Neykovska was closed down after 1989. In conclusion, the proposal for the location of the wall was made based on the fact that Neykovtsi dam has no actual alternative for other water source. This was the preferred location due to: availability of proper technical and geological conditions, sufficient area permitting reservoir formation and securing multi-annual control, and availability of an asphalt road to the site. In terms of quantity of water to be fed to the water supply system. The long period of design and construction, accompanied by interruptions regarding works and design preparation resulted in the need for several updates of the water demand in view of the demographic and economic development of the region. The latest update was done in 1990, and restated in 1999 in the EIAS prepared for the DWTP. Recently, the town of Tryavna, Plachkovtsi and the settlements in the municipalities have proven the demand for the designed water quantity to be supplied due to the steady trend for development of summer and winter tourism. In terms of type of dam wall and related facilities The type of dam wall has been selected following an analysis of the economic and operational safety indicators of similar walls for a seismic magnitude VIII and a category II facility. The selection of the related facilities (water intake tower and front spillway with chute and ejector) was determined by the terrain and the parameters of the spillway. The updating of the design may result in upgrading the wall to category І and redesign of the spillway, chute and ejector. A zero option of taking “no action” has also been considered but has been rejected, as it has been proven that Neykovtsi dam is the only possible water supply source for the towns of Tryavna, Plachkovtsi and the settlements in the municipalities. The scarcity of water in 2008 and the strictest water supply rationing for almost 2 months proved that the zero option is not possible, and the only possibility for the region to have regular water supply is to finish the construction of the dam. The proposed site for DWTP was accepted due to its advantages concerning land expropriation and proximity to the road network. Currently the dam wall has been built to a height of 16 m and construction works have been halted for 8 years. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 52/63 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS Possible alternativesat present time: preserving the status quo, partial finishing, demolishing the dam wall The need to have Neykovtsi dam built All data, collected by the team and the public hearing in Tryavna in YEAR, as well as the projections made by VIK OOD Gabrovo indicate that there is need for water to be supplied to the above-mentioned towns. Regardless of the negative demographic growth until 2006, the towns of Tryavna and Plachkovtsi, and the settlements in the region due to the favorable climatic conditions, the rich cultural and historical heritage and the exceptional initiative of the population, became in a really short term an attractive location for development of tourism and recreation activities. Indicative is the interest in purchasing residential real property, maintenance and rehabilitation of urban and rural environment and arrangement of traditional crafts complexes in the style of the Bulgarian Revival such as woodcarving. Environmental Impacts related to project alternatives Preserving the status quo –suspension of construction works at the height of 16 m of the constructed dam wall as of 2008. In this case an update needs to be made of the wall status and it should be conserved regarding the costs for the proper safety measures. A spillway needs to be constructed, and a possibility should be provided for large floods to be fed to the lower sections of the river, by building a power extinguisher and correction. That would require the selection of a new site for the spillway and the construction of a related road. Operational staff will be available to control the wall status via an updated SCADA. Re-cultivation needs to be done of the quarry and the depots. A plan should be drawn up to mitigate the visual impact from the stone embankment. Other remaining issues to be addressed are the dewatering of the section of the Neykovska river below the dam wall to the town of Plachkovtsi and the condition of the ichthyofauna above the wall from the downstream river sections. Partial completion –A partial completion would mean to find an additional water source, which has been proven to be lacking, and thus leaving unresolved the main social issue in the area - the water supply. And as with the option described above, the additional engineering works will need to be done, at respective costs; the wall design will need to be updated in conformity with existing regulations. This option is not less investment-intensive, as new mitigation facilities will need to be built (construction of a new spillway at a new elevation, and a new solution for the water intake tower). Operational costs will be almost the same without the benefit of providing water for the two towns and the settlements in the municipalities. It is not possible to compare the environmental impacts with the proposed alternative for completion of Neykovtsi dam, as it is not clear what the wall height will be if it is decided to be partially completed. Demolishing the dam wall. Demolishing the dam wall will have environmental consequences which are hard to predict, because a natural passage way will have to be provided for the high waters, and the rock embankment will have to be taken away and disposed of at an appropriate location. Concrete structures will have to be demolished and the territory will have to be reclaimed. New operational guidelines and a Crisis Management Plan will have to be formulated for the duration of the demolition works. The water supply rationing in Tryavna, Plachkovtsi and the settlements in the region will remain in place. The three options considered above are not justified and are not acceptable for Bulgaria in economic, social and environmental terms. The first alternative implies investments without any solution of the water supply issues. The result would be the adverse impact on the Neykovska river downstream to the town of Plachkovtsi. In case of partial completion - up to the implemented height of the wall and flooding - the water supply issues will not be resolved and it will be necessary to look for an additional water source (no such one has been discovered in all that years since 1972) accompanied by new issues related to the environmental impact. Demolishing of the constructed part of Neykovtsi dam will mean to continue the water supply rationing for the settlements in the municipalities (in low water seasons) and result in the specified negative impacts for the environment. The towns of Tryavna and Plachkovtsi, and the settlements in the municipalities need the construction of Neykovtsi dam because there is no other alternative for provision of water without rationing and at good quality. No changes had occurred in the period 2007 - 2008 that would require the review of these presented alternatives. Summer low water (for over 2 month, when water rationing was introduced) in 2008 came to reinforce the only feasible alternative to provide potable water for the population of Tryavna, Plachkovtsi and the settlements in the region by constructing Neykovtsi dam. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 53/63 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS Given that there is no need to change the technology, the estimated investments (including borrowed capital), operational costs, changes in the control and measuring equipment (monitoring devices) in general, costs and benefits. All those are elements of the project for construction of Neykovtsi dam under the option proposed by the Bulgarian counterpart. VІІ. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN VII.A. ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION PLAN The proposed Environmental Mitigation Plan including specific mitigation actions, institutional responsibilities and some related estimated costs is presented in Annex 2. A substantial part of the impacts on the environment as a result of the construction of the dam wall of Neykovtsi Dam to a height of 16 m have already occurred. 30% of the construction works for the dam wall were completed by 2001: excavation works, 16 m embankment, asphalt-concrete diaphragm at the elevation of the embankment; the majority of concrete works on the water intake tower; fully implemented major water outlet; roads to the water intake tower and the front spillway to the wall; uncovering of the rock quarry Suhodole and of the construction site to the dam wall; two consistent fellings of forest vegetation in two different periods. The road network has been implemented 100%, however the bridge at Plachkovtsi will have to be reinforced. There will be no need to move population. The works to be implemented comprise implementation of the dam wall to the crown elevation (26,0 m), asphalt concrete diaphragm, installation of SCADA equipment, construction of a spillway, chute and ejector, installation works on the mechanical and electric equipment and implementation of the DWTP. The erection of the dam wall up to the height of 16 m and the diversion barrage in the wall serve to prevent Neykovska river from pollution during the phase of dam wall completion. It will be necessary to secure mechanical settling of construction waters prior to their discharge in the Neykovska river while constructing the spillway, the chute and the ejector. The remaining construction works require compliance with the technology for consequential implementation of the embankment and the asphalt-concrete diaphragm, of injections and quality control. These are dam activities in which the construction companies in the country have the required experience (in the country there are 16 big rockfill walls – Belmeken Dam – 98 m, and and 98 big earthfill walls – Ogosta Dam – 59 m). This is the background for proposal of the Environmental impact remediation plan. It includes the required measures both during the construction phase and during the operation phase of Neykovtsi water supply system. ATMOSPHERIC AIR 7.1. Restriction of the impacted area within the construction period. 7.2. Use of mobile sprinklers to suppress dust emission along temporary construction roads and routes through residential areas, construction sites and quarries for extraction of rock fill. 7.3. Regular adjustment of diesel and petrol aggregates during the time of use of construction machinery and vehicles; compliance with the daily construction schedules in view of maximum compaction of the operational regime; limiting to a minimum the so-called „idle motion‖ of machines. 7.4. Checking of the technical condition of the construction equipment and vehicles for eventual failures, or leakages at each shift. WATER NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 54/63 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS 7.5. Construction of water measuring point in the tail of the dam pond for measuring of received water quantities. 7.6. Construction of measuring profile in a suitable place below the dam, after discharge of environmental waters to control the size of environmental water quantity and securing the supply of minimum environmental flow of 0,010 m3/s from the level of the water intake tower at an appropriate depth (up to 10 m from the lake surface) and additional supply of 0,100 m3/s in March, April, May and October – 10 days per month. 7.7. Maintaining of sanitary protection zones І, ІІ and ІІІ around the dam. 7.8. Sanitization of the dam bed - felling and removal of the remaining tree vegetation and removing of the humus 7.9. Reevaluate the size of the environmental flow after the water intakes at the two receiving derivations, prior to their connection to the water reservoir. 7.10. Provision of chemical toilets during the construction phaseand construction of treatment module in the buildings for the operation phase. 7.11. Construct a mechanical settling tank for settling of construction waters prior to their discharge in the Neykovska river during the construction of the ejector. 7.12. Removal and remediation of the graveyard toward Kolyo Ganev neighborhood. Geology 7.13. Investigation of the failure on the right slope (possibly also in the left one) and implementation of the relevant measures to prevent any eventual seepage through it. 7.14. Sampling of the clay core cluster and the material of the support prisms with boreholes for acquisition of their deformation-strength properties in view of the computations of the dam wall robustness. Soils 7.15. Cleanup of pollutants in case of emergency spillages and leakages from mechanical equipment and vehicles to prevent soil pollution 7.16. Compliance with the requirements for waste management in order to avoid soil pollution in adjoining areas. 7.17. Perform regular supervision of the water area of the lake for establishing of any land erosion or collapse during operation. 7.18. Remove the humus layer and select a site for humus disposal. 7.19. Observe the restrictions in view of PA Balgarka and avoid penetration in the area beyond the site boundaries. Harmful physical factors – noise 7.20. Heavy transportation vehicles used for dam construction shall comply with the admissible speed limit on passing through residential areas while their speed on the roads shall be coordinated with the affected municipalities and the town halls. 7.21. Construction equipment and the activities shall be focused on the main construction sites. 7.22. In general construction activities shall take place during the day. 7.23. Investigate the condition of the house next to the wall prior to launching of construction works in order to prevent it from collapsing. Wastes 7.24. The provisions of the Waste Management Act shall be complied with during construction and operation. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 55/63 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS 7.25. Construction works shall not be launched on the site prior to the Employer‘s submission of a contract with a licensed company for transportation and disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes that will be generated during the construction and operation. 7.26. Exercise control on the Investor‘s activities for collection and transportation of wastes to the relevant site for their treatment to be performed by a licensed company contracted In advance. 7.27. Establish and observe a system for separate collection of wastes, having the Investor responsible for the smooth functioning of the system. 7.28. Collection and proper storage of any generated wastes in the course of construction works. 7.29. Foresee sufficient number of containers for collection of domestic, or similar wastes. 7.30. Transport to the depot in Tryavna the generated domestic and similar in terms of composition wastes. 7.31. Construction wastes, as well as industrial wastes from the DWTP, shall be removed after a preliminary agreement (contract) with the depot in Tryavna. 7.32. The generated ―hazardous‖ wastes shall be collected, stored in environmentally friendly manner and submitted for disposal by licensed companies. 7.33. Unregulated burning of flammable construction wastes shall not be allowed. 7.34. Envisage a proper mode of operation and machine fleet for wastes transportation in order to prevent from pollution roadside areas. 7.35. Ban replacement of oils and idle stay of construction machinery on site, in order to reduce to a minimum pollution with used motor oils. 7.36. Watch for leakages of fuels and oils during operation of the construction equipment to be able to take measures to prevent pollution of soils and waters (surface and ground). Flora 7.37. Blast works at the stone quarry Suhodole shall be performed following a ‗ no debris‘ technology. 7.38. Species appropriate for the climatic conditions in the region and with the relevant landscaping qualities shall be used for the biological remediation envisaged for the areas impacted by construction works. Fauna 7.39 Blast works shall not coincide with the reproduction period of fauna (end of April and May). 7.40. Maintain the required environmental flow, varied as appropriate according to season 7.41. Removal of individual species of land turtles above the water level prior to flooding of the area. Landscape 7.42. Inspect and reinforce the bridge in Plachkovtsi 7.43. Design and implement a landscaping spatial plan for the territory. 7.44. Perform remediation of the impacted areas beyond the facilities at the end of the construction works. 7.45. The building of the DWTP and the administrative building at the crest of the wall shall have a proper architectural solution and shall be painted in a proper color. 7.46. At the end of construction works the impacted section of the national road network shall be repaired. Health 7.47. Proper bath, toilet and kitchen facilities, working outfit, personal protection kits and work and rest balance shall be secured for the workers and drivers at the dam wall. The operational personnel at the DWTP shall be equipped with the necessary protection means, including in case of emergency. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 56/63 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS 7.48. Implementation of Ordinance No 13/2004, Operational Manual and Emergency Action Plan The Emergency Action Plan shall be developed at the beginning of the construction works – for the construction period, and as of the commissioning in operation – for the operation period. It comprises all actions and situation related to industrial emergencies and natural disasters – high water, earthquakes etc. VІІ.B. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN The Environmental Monitoring Plan including proposed monitoring actions, locations of sampling and frequency of collection as well as institutional responsibilities and some estimated costs is presented in Annex 3. Prior to construction and operation the Contractor, the Implementation Unit and the Owner shall update their environmental monitoring plan including specifying targets and standards (for noise, water quality, etc.) to comply with the requirements in the regulatory base specified in chapter 2 and in accordance with the feasibility study and updated design. The Monitoring Plan shall be updated, implemented, reported and controlled in compliance with Chapter 2. The Project control unit established with the MRDPW shall receive all the documentation related to environmental management. The regular reports will be forwarded to the World Bank quarterly. Institutional responsibilities for application of the mitigation measures and environmental monitoring for Neykovtsi Dam In the course of construction works Responsibilities for impact mitigation and implementation of monitoring MRDPW (Employer) RIEW V.Tarnovo REGIONAL INSPECTORATE ON HEALTH SAFETY AND CONTROL (RIHSC) MOEW (EEA) If needed – from the accredited laboratory Reporting (accountable person – accounting person – frequency) The construction supervision and RIEW, RIHSC (as per the Monitoring Plan) Construction supervision of MRDPW PIU with MRDPW to the Bank (quaterly) Taking of decisions on monitoring implementation measures Accountable institutions Operations and persons Implementation of The Contractor, measures for Construction impact mitigation supervision, Employer and (MRDPW) RIEW, implementation of RIHSC BD Dunavski monitoring region – Pleven Project Implementation Unit with the MRDPW Institutional responsibilities for application of the impact mitigation measures and environmental monitoring for Neykovtsi Dam During the operation phase Responsibilities for impact mitigation and implementation of monitoring VIK OOD Gabrovo RIEW V.Tarnovo BD Dunavski Region Pleven NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc Reporting (accountable person to accounting person – frequency) VIK OOD Gabrovo to RIEW V.Tarnovo and BD Dunavski region - Sofia Taking of decisions on monitoring implementation measures Accountable institutions Operations and persons Implementation of VIK OOD Gabrovo measures for RIEW V.Tarnovo impact mitigation RIHSC and implementation BD Dunavski Region of monitoring Pleven 57/63 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS Environmental management is performed by the competent institutions, i.e. MOEW, BD, EEA to MOEW, RIEW, and RIHSC. The procedure for development, evaluation and acceptance of EIA, as well as control on the implementation of adopted decisions in Bulgaria are regulated by law and are observed strictly. They are harmonized with the European directives. The MOEW comprises a Directorate on ―Prevention Activities‖ and a line deputy minister, while RIEW comprise departments on ―Prevention Activities‖. The authority of the above-mentioned bodies and their actual activities show their professional competence. There have been many cases in which they have rejected EIAS or have returned them for a rework, they have imposed sanctions, suspended construction works and operation of sites because of failure to implement their decisions, and they have withdrawn rights under EIAS in case of failed deadlines. Competent authorities cooperate actively with the municipalities and through them with the population and the NGOs. The mayors of municipalities affected by the investment proposal and representatives of NGOs are members of the Expert environmental councils for consideration of EIA. Control on use of water and water facilities, as per the decision for water intake and use of a water facility, is under the competences of the BD. At local level recruitment of personnel for implementation of environmental management is done on a competitive basis. All employees within the system are subject to annual training at national or local level. Once per year the knowledge and skills of the operational personnel is checked and they get ‗no objection‘ to proceed with the implementation of their tasks at work. Thanks to state financing and support under EU programs, EEA and RIEW have been equipped with modern devices for laboratory control on the status of environmental components and factors. EEA with MOEW has been accredited for performance of environmental monitoring at national level. An annual Bulletin is issued on the condition of all components. Water and Sewerage Company of Gabrovo will take over the operation Neykovtsi Dam (the dam wall and the adjoining facilities, water area and 500 m of the river section under the dam wall). It will set up an operation unit with the required skills and responsibility (Water Act, Ordinance № 13). VIII. PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings were carried out at the time of EDDR and this EIA report development. A public hearing on the Municipal Infrastructure Development Project was carried out on 2007 in Tryavna, including the Environmental Due-Diligence Report for implementation of the requirements for this procedure (public notification was posted at the town hall and in the local media). The attendants raised the following issues: climate changes, safety during operation of the water supply system, capacity for power generation, options to look for water sources in the southern slopes of Stara Planina. The public supports the project for construction of Neykovtsi dam since the demand for regular water supply, especially in Tryavna municipality, is extremely pressing. During summer low water period the municipalities are on water supply rationingand during spring and autumn high water the water is of poor quality. The town has been developing rapidly, mainly in the sphere of recreational and traditional tourism however that would not be possible without a steady quantity of drinking and sanitation water. Consultations have been made with the following administrative and competent authorities: 1. RIEW V.Tarnovo. RIEW V.Tarnovo has not carried an EIA procedure for Neykovtsi dam and the DWTP because construction works were launched before 1991 when the Environmental Protection Act introduced the provision for development of EIA (Annex: Protocol and letter). 2. Tryavna Municipality; A meeting was held with the mayor Stefan Blazhev and the head of TSU eng. Kovachev. The municipality supports the construction of Neykovtsi dam that will secure permanent water supply for Tryavna and the municipality. There have been no objections from the community on the construction of the dam. (Annex: Opinion). 3. National service Nature Protection with the MOEW The Environmental Due-Diligence Report of 2007 was submitted to Tryavna and Plachkovtsi municipalities for a detailed presentation to the communities. Board notifications and announcements in NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 58/63 Neykovtsi Dam EIAS the local media secured access to the document. VIK EOOD - Gabrovo, in their capacity of a future operator, have published the notification on their web site. A national public hearing on the project, including the Environmental Assessment aspects, attended by media and NGOs took place on December 12, 2007 at the MRDPW. There have been no comments and recommendations to the Environmental Due-Diligence Report that has been published on the web site of MRDPW within the deadline stipulated by law. The recommendations made during the consultations and hearings in 2007 have been reflected in the EIAS. Furthermore, after the preparation of the draft EIAS (February 2009) a national hearing on this EIAS for Neykovtsi Dam was carried out on 02.02.2009 at MRDPW. The Minutes of the discussion is attached herewith. On the part of the representatives of the administrative authorities, the public and the NGOs the EIAS received a positive evaluation and approval and support for the completion of Neykovtsi Dam. The EIAS has been published on the web-site of the MRDPW within the deadline stipulated by law. A public hearing on the EIAS for Neykovtsi Dam was also carried out locally on 13.02.2009 in the town of Tryavna. The Minutes of the public discussion is attached herewith. The public hearing in Tryavna has been announced in the media. The discussion was broadcast on the local radio and TV. A written opinion has been submitted by GeoEkoClub Academika V. Tarnovo, National movement Ecoglasnost- section V. Tarnovo, the Bulgarian Association of social workers – section V. Tarnovo. All three NGOs provide active support for protection of the environment and the waters of the Yantra basin. The opinion contains a positive assessment of the EIAS for Neykovtsi dam.All present at the public hearing gave were positive about the EIA and support the construction of Neykovtsi Dam. A meeting was held between the mayor of Tryavna Municipality – Mr. Nikolov, who gave his approval for the EIA and supported the completion of Neykovtsi Dam. As a result of the status evaluation and the envisaged insignificant environmental impact during the construction completion phase and future operation of Neykovtsi Dam, in view of the social significance and improvement of the health and sanitary conditions in the municipality of Tryavna, the completion of Neykovtsi Dam is considered to be imperative. NEYKOVTSI_en_F.doc 59/63 Annex 1 BULGARIA MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR DAMS’ CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION I. BACKGROUND 1. The Government of Bulgaria (GOB) has requested the assistance of the World Bank (the Bank) in financing activities under the Municipal Infrastructure Development Project (MIDP) that will help the country meeting the EU directives on water and wastewater environmental protection, which are eligible for EU Structural Funds and not covered by other EU grants. The overall Project objective aims to improve the provision of water supply through sub-projects that will: (i) complete three water supply dams (Neikovtsi dam, Plovdivsti dam, and Luda Yana dam) where construction has ceased in the last decade, and rehabilitate a dam wall of an existing functioning dam (Studena dam); (ii) rehabilitate the water supply network in six water companies (Dobrich; Razgrad; Sliven; Smolyan; Stara Zagora; and Targovishte); and (iii) prepare projects that would be eligible to receive EU Structural Funds for water and wastewater investments needs. The above objective is fully in line with Bulgaria‘s National Strategy on Environment (2005-2014) which intends to ―provide good quality and sufficient quantity of water for various purposes‖. 2. The overall proposed Project is considered Environmental Due-Diligance Report (EDDR) category A as per Bank policies. The Bank's safeguard policies and procedures triggered for the proposed project include: OP/BP 4.01 Environmental Assessment; OP/BP 4.12 Involuntary Resettlement; OP/BP 4.37 Safety of Dams; and OP/BP 7.50 Projects on International Waterways. Furthermore, adequate protection and maintenance of ecosystems downstream of the dams should be assessed during project preparation to determine the relevance of the OP/BP 4.04 Natural Habitats and OP/BP 4.36 Forestry safeguard policies. Also, given the possibility that proposed water companies might implement projects in cities with historic districts, the OPN 11.03 Cultural Property safeguard policy might be triggered. During the project preparation the GOB prepared the following documents (i) project Environmental Framework (EF) for all proposed sub-projects; (ii) Environmental Due-Diligence Report (EDR) which assess the environmental status of the sites and the potential environmental impacts associated with the completion and operations of the proposed three water supply dam sites‘ investments; (iii) Environmental Management Plans (EMPs) for the rehabilitation investments proposed at the Studena dam site as well as those related to water distribution networks, that specify civil works contract clauses related to application of technical standards and other environmental requirements related to the construction phase; (iv) project Land Acquisition Policy Framework (PF); and (v) Notification of riparian countries under OP 7.50 through Basin Commissions. 3. The designated project EA category A requires the preparation by the GOB of a detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the sub-projects related to investments for the completion of three dams‘ construction and EMP for the wall rehabilitation works of Studena dam. The draft Environmental Impact Assessment Reports (EIAR) will be discussed and disclosed by GOB in a Public Consultation meeting that will take place before the start of the dam construction completion works and will address the environmental and social impacts related to the proposed works and dam operation as well as related mitigation and monitoring measures. II. TOR OBJECTIVES 4. This TOR describes the assignment that the Consultant is expected to carry out in order to facilitate proper project implementation. Specifically, the assignment relates to the completion works of three water supply dams (Neikovtsi dam, Plovdivsti dam, and Luda Yana dam) and respective water treatment plants (WTPs). The Consultant will prepare full Environmental Impact Assessment Reports (EIAR) related to these three dam sites and respective WTPs in accordance with Bulgarian environmental laws and regulations and the requirements of the Bank safeguard policies. 5. The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works (MRDPW) in collaboration with the respective water companies will be the main counterparts of the Consultant during this assignment. The MRDPW will ensure efficient coordination with relevant agencies, and particularly with the Regional Water Companies (RWC), dam operators and local authorities. Detailed description for each ToR phase is provided under section Scope of Consultant Work. The final ToR will include any comments and reviews provided on this draft ToR by the public, stakeholders, affected communities, and appropriate regulatory authorities. III. SCOPE OF CONSULTANT WORK The main task of the Consultant is to assist the GoB team (MRDPW) in conducting the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and preparing and disseminating the full EIA reports for the above three water supply dams‘ construction completion works based on the final agreed ToR. For the tasks detailed below, the Consultant will visit the project locations (the three dam sites) and will be in constant coordination with appropriate local government authorities (Municipalities, Water, Environment, Agriculture, Public Works institutions, dam operators), NGOs and/or research institutes for collecting necessary environmental information relevant during dam construction phase as well as operation (e.g., noise; air, water, and soil quality; traffic flow; land use and cultural heritage aspects, land ownership, etc.). During the site visits particular attention should be paid to the local public (affected people) views on environmental and social effects imposed during the future construction works. The Consultant shall review all existing technical documents on environment, health and social benefits related to the proposed dam construction investments. The scope of work for this ToR includes the following main actions: Task 1: Description of the Proposed Project. The Consultant shall provide a brief description of the project purpose, background and scope, using maps or diagrams (at appropriate scale), and including the following information: location; general layout; size and capacity (status of the existing dam construction, dam and reservoir specifications, location of outlets, the area surrounding the reservoir, and downstream areas, related WTP, etc.); pre-construction activities; construction activities; schedule staffing and support; facilities and services; operation and maintenance activities; appropriate regulatory standards and specifications which the Project will meet; required offsite investments and associated infrastructure (e.g., traffic patterns and access/road infrastructure); and life span of the dam and reservoir. Task 2: Description of the Existing Environment. The Consultant shall assemble, evaluate and present complete baseline data on the relevant environmental characteristics of the study area. The description will reflect the dynamics of the current environmental components and will identify trends in the context of predicted changes over time, where applicable. The information shall include: a) Physical environment: geology; topography; watershed hydrology at the site of the dam and reservoir and downstream areas, especially floodplain; soils; sediment quality, climate and meteorology, ambient air quality and noise levels (near affected habitation); surface and ground water resources including receiving water quality and hydrodynamics; existing sources of water pollution discharges and air emissions; (e.g., current emission and effluent volumes and characteristics, including any points of discharge from storm water and sewer treatment and collection systems), and seismic activity. b) Biological environment: flora and fauna; rare and/or endangered species (including species migratory patterns); fish habitats, species at risks and sensitive habitats, including parks or preserves, significant natural sites or protected areas (e.g. NATURA2000); species of commercial importance; and species with potential to become nuisances, vectors or dangerous; characterization of wetlands if applicable. c) Socio-cultural environment: population, land use; planned development activities; community structure; employment; distribution of income, goods and services; recreational activities (e.g., fishing operations); zoning restrictions; transportation and associated infrastructure, public health and safety concerns; cultural heritage;, A similar description of pre-dam construction conditions will be included where such information is available. Task 3: Applicable Legislative and Regulatory Framework. The Consultant shall describe briefly the pertinent regulations and standards governing the Environmental Due-Diligance Report process including environmental quality, health and safety, protection of sensitive areas and endangered species, sitting, land use control at international, national, regional and local levels. Also, the consultant shall describe the overall methodological approach to the EIA process including the technical approach (e.g., water or sediment core sampling, fish survey, any modeling exercise), establishment of boundaries, and integration of cumulative environmental effects as well as the effects of environment on the project into the EIA report. Task 4: Impact Analysis. The Consultant shall predict and assess potential significant environmental and social impacts and related risks. Based on the above review and site visits and taking in consideration the preliminary findings of the Environmental Due Diligence (EDD) Reports developed during project preparation (September 2007), the Consultant will develop a list of potential impacts and risks during construction phase (temporary) as well as operation (permanent) related to the proposed dam investments. Assessment of potential significant impacts and risks shall include: (i) Positive and negative impacts at the local, regional and national levels; (ii) Impacts on flora and fauna; (iii) Air pollution and noise impacts (particularly on sensitive recipients such as hospitals, schools, residences located next to the investments); (iv) Impacts related to drainage, soil erosion, pollution of watercourses if any, and safety; (v) Off-site impacts (camp-sites for construction workers); (vi) Impacts on sensitive areas (natural habitats; sites of historic, cultural and conservation importance), urban/rural settlements, agricultural areas; (vii) Impacts on environmental flows to be maintained downstream. Predictions of positive and negative environmental effects will consider all aspects of the proposed dam constructions, as well as cumulative environmental effects, and those that may result from accidents or malfunctions; (viii) irreversible or unavoidable impacts and impacts which can be mitigated; . The Consultant shall focus on the assessment of the following impacts: a) Social and ecological effects of reservoir inundation (e.g., loss of agricultural, forestry and grazing land, population resettlement, effects on wildlife and wild lands). b) Effects on the hydrology and water and sediment quality of the river; c) Effects on river fisheries and potential for creating a reservoir fisheries resource; d) Effects on species at risk (fauna and flora) and migratory birds; e) Impacts of altering river flow regimes downstream on the ecology of the floodplain, and the economic activities/land use on the floodplain (agriculture, livestock production, etc.); f) Impact of altering water supply and seasonality on urban, industrial, and rural users (e.g., effects on groundwater and surface water resources); g) Impacts on existing infrastructure (e.g., changes in quality of or access to infrastructure such as water supply conduits, drainage works, landfills, bridges/roads, or other public infrastructure that may be affected by dam construction); h) Potential for increased incidence of water-borne and water-related diseases; i) Impact on terrestrial and aquatic wildlife, by creation of the reservoir, disruption of migration routes, alteration of floodplain ecology, and population impacts; j) Effect of dam construction on tourism and recreation activities as well as on labor and local economy; k) Effect of existing and predicted land use in the watershed on the functioning and longevity of the dam and reservoir. The assessment should also take into account how the existing environment could adversely affect the proposed investments (e.g., seismic events, meteorological conditions and climate variability). Task 5: Analysis of Alternatives to the Proposed Project. The Consultant shall: Describe the alternatives that were examined in the course of developing the proposed project and identify other alternatives which would achieve the same objectives. The concept of alternatives extends to sitting, design, technology selection, construction techniques and phasing, operation and maintenance procedures, and other associated dam works (e.g., river diversion during construction); Compare the alternatives in terms of potential environmental impacts; capital and operating costs (including monitoring instrumentation); suitability under local conditions; overall dam safety issues and emergency preparedness, plans for construction supervision and quality assurance (if available), and institutional training and monitoring requirements; To the extent possible, quantify the costs and benefits of each alternative, incorporating the estimated costs of any associated mitigating and monitoring measures, operation and maintenance procedures, instrumentation and emergency preparedness plans, including the alternative of not completing the projects.. Task 6: Development of Environmental Mitigation Plan. The Consultant shall: Recommend technically feasible and cost-effective measures to prevent or reduce significant negative impacts to acceptable levels; Estimate the impacts and costs of those measures, and of the institutional and training requirements to implement them; Include a brief description of contingency measures (including emergency response plans) that have been proposed to address potential accidents and malfunctions that could result in spills or unplanned releases of contaminants to the environment (such as oil or lubricants spills etc.); Consider compensation mechanisms to affected parties for impacts which can not be mitigated and can be used in the event of an unforeseen accidental event; Prepare an Environmental Mitigation Plan including proposed work programs, budget estimates, and schedules, institutional responsibilities to implement the plan, emergency preparedness plan, staffing and training requirements, and other necessary support services to implement the mitigations measures. Task 7: Development of Environmental Monitoring Plan The Consultant shall: (i) prepare a realistic plan to monitor implementation of proposed mitigating measures and the impacts of the project during construction and operation; (ii) estimate operating and maintenance costs and provide brief description of other inputs (such as training and institutional strengthening) needed to be carried out. Task 8: Assessment of Environmental Institutional Capacity to manage the EA process The Consultant shall (i) Describe the national institutional responsibilities related to environmental management; (ii) Review the authority and demonstrated capability of institutions at local, regional and national levels and recommend steps to strengthen or expand their capacity; (iii) Recommend management procedures and training, staffing, operation and maintenance training, budgeting and financial support that will allow a proper implementation of the monitoring plan. Task 9: Public Consultation Meetings. The Consultant will assist the MRDPW in carrying-out public meetings with communities that are likely to be affected, other Governmental Agencies, NGOs and other stakeholders to obtain their views on the Draft EIAR. Public meetings will be held at the 3 dam sites where the draft ToR and the EIAR findings will be presented and feedback sought. The Public Meetings should be announced locally in mass-media timely and active NGOs as well as local authorities should be invited. Minutes including questions and answers from the public meetings will be included in the Final EIAR, as well as the names of participating people. IV. REPORTS The Consultant shall prepare separate EIAR for each of the three dams: Luda Yana, Neikovtsi and Plovdivtsi. Annexes including updated maps of zone of the study, pictures taken during the site visit and/or public consultation meeting information as well as any relevant information should be attached to the final EIAR. Final and draft reports will be issued in English and Bulgarian. The EIAR should include the following chapters: Executive Summary; Brief description of the legal and policy framework and institutional arrangements for environmental management; Description of the proposed project (including map of project location); Baseline information (including socio-economic data); Significant Environmental Impacts (including cumulative effects); Analysis of alternatives; Environmental Mitigation Plan; Environmental Monitoring Plan (including monitoring evaluation and reporting system); Public Consultation procedures and Minutes of public meetings; Associated annexes (including information on any modeling and analysis performed). V. QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE The Consultant will have the following qualifications and experience: Knowledge and experience in conducting EIA related to dam sites, review of infrastructure projects, including economic and financial analyses; Specific experience in hydrology (including modeling); terrestrial ecology (plant ecology, forestry and wildlife); acquatic ecology and fisheries; watershed management; soil science and geology (where relevant); public health, in particular water borne and water-related diseases; Knowledge of current Bulgarian environmental legislation and procedures as well as Bank‘s guidelines, EA procedures and operational policies; Significant knowledge on public consultations for major infrastructure projects, in particular for water and sanitation infrastructure; Experience in participatory design and monitoring in at least one WB funded project is a plus; Proficiency in English and in the use of computers, word processing, spreadsheets and other basic software. It is anticipated that the Consultant would establish a strong coordination with the Project Implementation Team and the Project counterparts. Appendix 1. The World Bank Operational Manual – the EMP format Annex 2 – ACTION PLAN FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT OF NEYKOVTSI DAM Environmental impact 3 Place and time of performance Implementation Funds Person in Charge Control functions performed by: 4 5 6 7 Limit the affected land areas within the construction site boundaries. Reducing the size of the affected and destroyed areas Dam and PWPP construction sites; permanently No additional funds are required. The Contractor Use mobile water sprinkling systems for dust suppression on the temporary service roads and routes crossing settlements, the construction sites and at the aggregate material quarry; The operation of building machines and service transport vehicles shall be supported by regular adjustment of the diesel and gasoline units; observation of the daily construction schedules with a view to the best utilization of the working hours; minimization of the „idle running‖ of machines. Checks, on per shift basis, of the condition of building machines and transport vehicles for spills and leakages every shift; in the event of accidents, sequestration of the pollutants Prevention and reduction of pollution with dust and improvement of conditions on working sites Dam, SQ, service roads; in dry hot weather Included in the completion costs The Contractor Restriction of spent gases emissions and respective pollution in the working environment Dam, SQ, service roads; permanently. Included in the costs of machine fleet maintenance The Contractor Non-admission of air pollution with odours and evaporations from oil spills Dam, SQ, service Included in the costs of roads, national road machine fleet maintenance network; permanently Impact on: Impact Mitigation Measure 1 2 During the Construction Phase Atmospheric Air The Contractor Construction supervisor, Tryavna Municipality environmental expert, RIEW Construction supervisor, Tryavna Municipality environmental expert, RIEW Construction supervisor Construction supervisor, RIEW, Tryavna Municipality environmental expert Environmental impact 3 Place and time of performance Implementation Funds Person in Charge Control functions performed by: 4 Lake tail in the river sector; Dam construction phase 5 Included in the cost of dam completion, with a view to inflow monitoring and prevention of floods 6 7 The Contractor Construction supervisor, RIEW, Danubian Region BD - Pleven Guaranteeing discharge Downstream of the of environmental dam; during the waters for comparison construction phase with the state of the river ecosystem To be included in the cost upon update of the design; minimal cost* - 10 000 leva Impact on: Impact Mitigation Measure 1 2 Construction of a water meter Provision of required station in the dam lake tail for information on metering of water inflow. received water quantities with view of dam lake management Water Construction, in an appropriate place downstream of the environmental discharge outlet, of a water gauge station for monitoring of the ecological discharge quantity. * Mount a control rack in measured profile From the Design for sanitary Conservation of water protection zones І, ІІ and ІІІ purity in Neykovtsi around the water reservoir dam benchmarking of zone І. Sanitization of the reservoir bed Conservation of water purity in Neykovtsi dam Secure delivery of ecological discharge at 0,010 m3/s from the intake tower level, and an additional amount of 0.100 m3/s for 10 days/month in March, April and May; Erect permanent chemical toilets during the construction and operation phases Securing the required water quality for the river ecosystem below the dam Conservation of water purity in Neikovska river As per requirements for zone I ; Before the end of construction To be included in the cost upon the design update The Contractor RIEW, Danubian Region BD – Pleven, RIPCPH The Contractor RIEW, Danubian Region BD – Pleven The whole lake basin; Included in the project cost. The Contractor Before Include the additional workcommissioning offshoot clearing and humus stripping in the design update – 350 000 leva Intake tower level; Included in the project cost. The Contractor During intake tower erection works RIPCPH, Danubian Region BD – Pleven At SQ, dam, PWPP construction sites; Before the start of construction RIEW, environmental expert of Tryavna Municipality Funds acc. to the contract with the firm performing the maintenance The Contractor RIEW, Danubian Region BD – Pleven, environmental expert of Tryavna Municipality Impact on: Impact Mitigation Measure 1 2 Reassess the amount of minimum permissible discharge (ecological releases) downstream of the water intakes of the two collecting diversions Build a mechanical clarifier below the ski-jump for precipitation of construction effluent before discharging it in the r. Neikovska Move and sanitize the graveyard of the Kolyo Ganev hamlet Geological Base Study the failure in the righthand bank (possibly in the left as well) and take the necessary steps to prevent possible filtration through it Perform sampling of the diaphragm and the embankment to get deformation-strength properties in view of computing the dam wall robustness Environmental impact 3 Place and time of performance Implementation Funds 4 5 Conservation of the full downstream of the Provide for funds upon the biological value of the four intakes of the design update river ecosystem collecting diversions; before commissioning of the dam Conservation of water purity in Neikovska river (increasing the turbidity) Conservation of water purity in Neykovtsi dam downstream of the ski-jump; in the Minimal funds – 1 500 leva course of building the spillway, the chute and ski-jump Kolyo Ganev hamlet; Provide for funds upon the in the course of WPS design update – 50 000 leva construction Assessment of filtration the right and left Provide for funds upon the with view of safety banks; before the start design update – 100 000 leva during operation of construction Person in Charge Control functions performed by: 6 7 The Contractor Construction Supervisor, RIEW The Contractor Construction Supervisor, RIEW The Contractor Construction Supervisor, RIEW, RIPCPH, W&S Gabrovo Geological engineer, Designer, Contractor Construction Supervisor Safety during operation The diaphragm and the embankment of the dam wall. Financing shall be included in the project update – 150 000 leva Engineer – geologist, Designer, Contractor Construction supervision Impact on: Impact Mitigation Measure 1 2 In the event of accidental spills and leakages from mechanical or transport equipment, perform sequestration of the pollutants. Soils Harmful physical factors Noise Meet the waste management requirements to prevent soil pollution in the adjoining areas Remove the humus layer and designate a site for humus storage Observe the restrictions for PA Bulgarka without entering the zone outside the site outline The heavy-duty vehicles serving the dam construction shall keep within the permissible speed limit while crossing the settlements, the speed and routes being agreed with the municipalities. Construction activities shall be performed mainly during the daytime. Environmental impact 3 Place and time of performance 4 Protection of soils from On the roads, SQ, pollution with oils dam and PWPP; In the event of accidents Protection of soils from All over the pollution with waste construction area, at temporary waste collection & disposal sites; permanently Securing water purity From the reservoir in the dam and humus bed before for reclamation commissioning Conservation of the PA The water supply system Implementation Funds 5 6 Included in costs for maintenance of the machines. The Contractor The cost of emergency sequestration will be determined by the actual work volume Measures within the ―Waste‖ The Contractor component Included in the project cost The Contractor Included in the project cost Protection of the health On the routes through and comfort of the settlements; No funds required. population permanently Non-disturbance of the On the construction health factor in site; Neykovtsi residential Permanently area The building equipment and Minimum noise impact On the construction works shall be concentrated, site; as far as possible, at the main Permanently construction site. Person in Charge The Contractor The Contractor No funds required. The Contractor No funds required. The Contractor Control functions performed by: 7 Construction Supervisor Construction Supervisor, RIEW, environmental expert of Tryavna Municipality Construction Supervisor, RIEW Construction Supervisor, RIEW Environmental expert of Tryavna Municipality, the Mayor Construction Supervisor, RIEW, environmental expert of Tryavna Municipality Construction Supervisor Impact on: Impact Mitigation Measure 1 2 Investigate the condition of the house near the dam before the start of construction due to risk of its collapse The requirements of the Waste Management Act (items 7.24 to 7.36, Chapter 7) shall be met during the construction and operation phases Blasting works at the quarry near ligneous vegetation shall be performed by a ―contained blast‖ technology. For biological reclamation of areas affected by the construction as envisaged in the design, use species appropriate for the climate conditions of the region and possessing the respective ―landscaping‖ properties The blasting works, as far as possible, shall not coincide with the breeding period (end of April - May); Ensure release of the ecological discharge from an appropriate level of the Intake Tower (not exceeding 10 m) Upon ponding of the dam lake, take the individual tortoise specimens to elevations above the water level Waste Flora Fauna Environmental impact 3 Clarification of the actual state of the site Place and time of performance 4 The house, before start of construction Implementation Funds Person in Charge 5 Minimal funds 6 The Contractor Control functions performed by: 7 Construction Supervisor Conservation of the purity of atmospheric air, water and soils. Conservation of the vegetation and wildlife, and human health Protect the vegetation around the quarry from damage Collection, temporary Funds depending on waste storage, transportation volume, landfills location and The Contractor and disposal; contracts with them permanent Construction Supervisor RIEW On the SQ site; during blasting Included in the project cost The Contractor Construction Supervisor No import of foreign and aggressive species on the territory designated for reclamation On construction sites and areas subject to reclamation, in the end of construction Provide for extra funds in the The Contractor design update Construction Supervisor RIEW Protection of wildlife during the breeding period At SQ; End of April-May Reflect in the construction calendar plan for the period end of April-May The Contractor Construction Supervisor RIEW Securing suitable water quality under the dam (t0) for fishes and other water inhabitants Conservation of wildlife (protected species) Intake tower; during Included in the project costs Intake Tower erection works The Contractor Construction Supervisor In the lake basin before ponding Additional funds not required The Contractor Construction Supervisor, RIEW, NGO Impact on: Impact Mitigation Measure 1 2 Strenghten the bridge in Plachkovtsi Environmental impact 3 Safety in transport Landscape Health Factor Implementation Funds 4 5 The bridge; before the Provide for additional funds start of construction in the design update – 100 000 leva Person in Charge 6 The Contractor In all areas affected by the construction; At the end of construction Provide for additional funds in the design update The Contractor In the end of construction, perform recultivation of the affected lands outside the facility; Restoration of affected In all areas affected areas outside the by the construction; facilities In the end of construction Included in the project costs The Contractor The PWPP building and the administrative building on the dam wall crest shall be in an appropriate architectural style and color design. In the end of construction, repair the damaged sectors of the national road network Good visual impact of sites Provide for additional funds The Contractor in the design update – 50 000 leva Design and implement a landscaping plan of the territory; Good incorporation of site in the landscape Place and time of performance Restoration of the good condition of the national road network in order to provide for traffic (in event of registered damages from construction) Proper hygiene and living Provision of a healthy conditions, work clothes, working environment personal protection means, and protection of the and regimen of work and rest life of the construction shall be ensured for the workers construction workers and vehicle drivers. Dam, PWPP; During the construction Control functions performed by: 7 Construction Supervisor, national road infrastructure Construction Supervisor, RIEW, environmental expert of Tryavna Municipality Construction Supervisor, RIEW, environmental expert of Tryavna Municipality Construction Supervisor National road Funds shall be provided for in The Contractor network; In the end of the dam wall design update – construction 1 000 000 leva Construction Supervisor, national road infrastructure On dam and PWPP construction sites, SQ; permanently Construction Supervisor, RIPCPH Included in the project costs The Contractor Place and time of performance Implementation Funds Person in Charge Control functions performed by: 4 5 6 7 Observe the design for Conservation of water discharge of wastewater from purity in Drianovska the PWPP after treatment river PWPP, permanently Included in the project costs By the Operating Team The Owner, RIEW Erect permanent chemical toilets for the operation phase or provide for wastewater treatment During operation, perform regular visual inspections of the lake water area for possible development of abrasion and landfall processes Conservation of water purity in the dam and Neykovska river For dam and PWPP operation staff; permanently Funds acc. to the contract with the maintaining firm By the Operating Team The Owner, RIEW Managing abrasion and landfalls against increase of deposits in the lake The lake area; by the observation and measurement program Included in the project costs of observation and measurement program By the Operating Team The Owner, RIEW, Danubian Region BD - Pleven Implementation of the The requirements of the requirements of the Act Waste Management Act shall concerning pollution of be met environmental components and human health endangerment The PWPP operating staff Securing healthy shall be supplied with the working conditions and required means of protection, protection of the life of inclusive for events of the operational staff accidents Compliance with Regulation Safety during operation 13/2004, Operation of the dam wall and its Instructions and the Accident facilities during natural Action Plan disasters Administrative building of dam and PWPP operation; permanently Funds depending on waste By the Operating Team volume, landfills location and contracts with them The Owner, RIEW PWPP; permanently Included in the operation costs By the Operating Team The Owner, RIPQPH On the dam and PWPP site; permanently Included in the operation costs By the Operating Team Owner, RIEW, Danubian Region BD – Pleven, Civil Defense Dept. at Ministry of Emergency Situations Impact on: Impact Mitigation Measure 1 2 Environmental impact 3 During the operation phase Water Soils Waste Health Factor Dam Safety Annex 3 – ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN Impact on Which indicator is to be monitored Where shall the indicator be monitored How shall the indicator be monitored (type, monitoring equipment) When shall the indicator be monitored (frequency/regularity of measurements) Financing needed (cost) Body responsible for the monitoring 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 During construction works Inspection Measurements implemented by an accredited laboratory Regular checking, or emergency control following receipt of signal At the prices of the accredited laboratory for emergency control Town of Plachkovtsi, Neykovtsi estate, village of Kyosevtsi, village of Stoevtsi Measurements implemented by an accredited laboratory Regular checking, or emergency control following receipt of signal At the prices of the accredited laboratory for emergency control Below the dam wall and at the DWTP Inspection and sample taking Standing In case of incidents At the prices of the accredited laboratory At the place of occurrence Inspection Standing Dust, gas emission pollutions due to construction and transportation mechanical equipment At construction sites and construction roads Dust, gas emission pollutions due to construction and transportation mechanical equipment Water Pollution of water in case of non-compliance with the envisaged measures Soils Occasional leakages and emergency spills Atmospheric air Means for deactivation acc. to actual volumes The Contractor, Construction supervision, RIEW, RIHSC, environmental expert of Tryavna municipality The Contractor, Construction supervision, RIEW, RIHSC, environmental expert of Tryavna municipality The Contractor, Construction supervision, RIEW, RIHSC, environmental expert of Tryavna municipality, BD Dunavski region The Contractor, Construction supervision Impact on Which indicator is to be monitored Where shall the indicator be monitored How shall the indicator be monitored (type, monitoring equipment) When shall the indicator be monitored (frequency/regularity of measurements) 1 2 3 4 5 Noise At construction sites Control measurement implemented by an accredited laboratory Regular checking Noise Town of Plachkovtsi, Neykovtsi estate, village of Kyosevtsi, village of Stoevtsi Control measurement implemented by an accredited laboratory Regular checking, or emergency control following receipt of signal At the prices of the accredited laboratory for emergency control At the sites specified in the Waste Management Plan Inspection Standing No financing needed Bed of the lake Inspection Standing during operation No financing needed The estimated areas affected by construction Inspection Standing during operation No financing needed Rock quarry Inspection In the period late April May No financing needed At construction sites Inspection Standing No financing needed Collection, temporary storage, transportation and discharge of wastes Final remediation of the lake bed Flora Reclamation Fauna Detonation works Health factor Securing the required personal protection kits to constriction workers and machine operators Atmospheric air Climate 6 At the prices of the accredited laboratory for emergency control Noise Wastes Financing needed (cost) Climatic factors; During the operation phase Automated By means of the installed meteorological station automated equipment for close to the dam wall measuring of above the elevation of temperature, humidity, Standing, following a developed plan Included under the project Body responsible for the monitoring 7 The Contractor, Construction supervision, RIEW, environmental expert of Tryavna municipality The Contractor, Construction supervision, RIEW, RIHSC, environmental expert of Tryavna municipality The Contractor, Construction supervision, RIEW, environmental expert of Tryavna municipality The Contractor, Construction supervision, RIEW The Contractor, Construction supervision, RIEW, BD Dunavski region – Pleven The Contractor, Construction supervision, RIEW The Contractor, Construction supervision, RIHSC Operation unit Impact on Which indicator is to be monitored 1 2 How shall the indicator be monitored (type, monitoring equipment) When shall the indicator be monitored (frequency/regularity of measurements) Financing needed (cost) Body responsible for the monitoring 3 4 5 6 7 dam water level wind direction and speed, solar radiation, quantity and intensity of precipitation Where shall the indicator be monitored Included in the project cost. Water inspection point In compliance with the plan for inspection and monitoring Release of minimum admissible runoff from the water intake tower (environmental water) Measurement profile In compliance with the measurement requirements At regular intervals Quality of water in the dam lake and control on occurrence of eutrofication Major chemical, bacteriological and hydro-biological indicators Water intake tower, at the lake tail Sample taking In compliance with the sample taking plan – at 10 days interval At the prices of the accredited laboratory Operation unit, RIHSC, ViK Gabrovo, MOEW (EEA) if covered by National monitoring Dam wall safety and inspection of the water area Implementation of the inspection and monitoring plan At Central measuring station along the bank line In compliance with the recommendations of the Monitoring and measurement station In compliance with the plan for inspection and monitoring Included in the project cost. Operation unit At input and output points of DWTP In compliance with the Measurements Plan Standing Included in the project cost. Operation unit, RIHSC, VIK Gabrovo At the mud fields In compliance with the Monitoring Plan At regular intervals until their usability has been established Included in the project cost. Operation unit, RIEW, RIHSC, VIK Gabrovo Inflow to the dam Continuous - three times per day Water Quality of intake and supply water to the water supply system of DWTP Quality of sludge from the mud fields of the DWTP In compliance with the monitoring plan for of the indicators As per the indicators under the Monitoring Plans The minimum cost shall be included in the project update Operation unit Operation unit Annex 4 Methodologies and Sources Used in the Environment Impact Assessment Statement 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. National Strategy for Utilization of Water Resources and Protection of Waters in the Republic of Bulgaria, 1995 – MOEW, leader R.Nikolaeva Master plans of water use in the basin management regions in Bulgaria, Sofia, July 2000. –MOEW – Institute on Water Issues – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Volume I. ―General background, methodological baseline and principles, general assessments and major outcomes‖ Part VIII. Evaluation of water volumes for conservation of river ecosystems, team leader R. Nikolaeva 7.4. Methodology for water evaluation for conservation of river systems Volume IV. Dunavski region 3. General diagram for use of water in the Maritsa river basin Methodology for balance computation of pollutants released in the atmosphere, 2000 –MOEW Zarbova K. and team, Evaluation of certain environmental changes in case of disruptions in the regime of the river runoff in the riverbeds of the Yantra and the Osum rivers, NVIC of KOPS, С., 1989. Zaharieva V., Mathematical models for establishing of flooding water quantity, Yearbook of the University of Architecture, Construction and Geodesy, volume ХLI, section Hydroengineering 2003/04 С., 2004. Euro-3 EU standards for emissions of harmful substances emitted by motor transports Study of the geodynamic processes in the region of the G.Dimitrov dam evaluation of the anthropogenic impact, 1984-1990. Concept Note and Investigation Plan for Big Dams in Bulgaria, National conference ―Environmental Status of Bulgaria and future projections, Sofia, 1990, NACID No18, page 7 – G.Gergov, А.Tsenkova, М.Tsenev Investigation of the components of the mass-energy exchange within the surface air layer around the ―Koprinka lake‖, A.S.Tzenkova-Bratoeva, J.N.Ivancheva, and B.Veleva; W.L.Smith and Yu.M.Timofeev (Eds.), IRS 2000: Current Problems in Atmospheric Radiation. A.Deepak Publishing, Hampton, Virginia, 2001, 1360-1366 pp. Anna Tzenkova, Meteorogical investigation around the mountain reservoir. 24 th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology (ICAM 1996), Bled, Slovenia, 9-13 September 1996 Pehlivanov L., Vassilev, M. 2003. Feeding of Age-1 Perch (Perca fluviatilis) with a View to the Diurnal Dynamics of its Distribution in the Alexander Stamboliiski Resevoir, Bulgaria. – Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 55 (2): 81-90 Vassilev, M., L. Pehlivanov. 2005. Checklist of the Bulgarian Freshwater Fishes. – Acta zool. Bulgarica, 57 (2): 161-190 Beshkov V. 1961 Contribution to the zoogeographic study of herpetofauna in Bulgaria – Institute and museum of zoology Х 373-380 Beshkov V. 1972 Item III Examinations on ecology and distribution ХХХVІ 125-136 Beshkov V. 1985 Amphibian. Reptiles – В: Red Book of Bulgaria para.ІІ Animals 32-41 Casc J-P et all 1997 Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in Europe Paris Soc Europe Herpetol and Mus.Nat.Hist Natur 95th authors of the various chapters, paragraphs, species reviews and distribution maps in the Atlas for Bulgaria – Beshkov V. Beshkov В., K.Nanev 2002 Amphibians and reptiles in Bulgaria, Pensoft сс 1-120 Petrov B., P.Stoev, V.Beshkov 2001 Review of composition and distribution of Amphibia and Reptilia in the eastern Rhodopes Beltcheva, M., R. Metcheva. 1996. Methods for estimation the food eaten, the place and functional 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. role of small mammals in ecosystems. ―National Parks and their role in biodiversity protection on Balcan Peninsula.‖, Ohrid, 143-146 Metcheva, R., A. Artinian, E. Nikolova, M. Belcheva, R. Laleva. 1997. Estimation of environmental quality using monitor species small mammals from two regions with different antropogenic influence in Bulgaria. A. Bioaccumulation of toxic elements and their influence on some hystological and hematological indices. Ecomonitoring in Rozhen Srednogorie - Bulgaria. Theory and Practice-Ministry of Environment, SDC - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. Sofia,113 - 119 Mecheva, R., М. Topashka-Ancheva, M. Belcheva, Tsv. Yordanova 2004. Bioindicating capacity of petty mammals in zoological monitoring - Lesovudska misal.1, v.10 (29):135 – 143 Chassovnikarova T., R. Metcheva, K.Dimitrov. 2005. Microtus guentheri (Danford & Alston) (Rodentia, Mammalia): A Bioindicator Species for Eestimation of Polymetal Dust Emissions Influence. Belgian Journal of Zoology 135 (2): 135-137 Environmental analysis Small HPP Apriltsi (catchment area of the Yantra River) – bird fauna 1999 . – team leader R.Nikolaeva National plan for protection of bio diversity, 2000, MOEW. WMO (1997)Technical Reports in Hydrology and Water Resource, No 56, Estimation of areal evapotranspiration Popov V., Sedevchev А. 2003. Mammals in Bulgaria. сс. 291 Popov V., Spasov N., Ivanova T., Mihova B., Georgiev К. 2007. Mammals important for conservation in Bulgaria. Dutch Mammal Society Vzz. 328 с. Annex 5 - Waste classification Table 6 No Type of waste Code under Ordinance No. 3 of 2004 1. 2. 3. І. 1. 15. 16. During construction Waste from mining of non-metal ores and minerals Waste from forestry – felling of tree vegetation (Scots pine culture) on a small area and from completion of cleaning of the lake Waste fine rubble/ ballast and rubble rock materials, different from those listed in 01.04.07 Waste sand and clay Waste from liquid fuel – other fuels (including mixtures) Spent engine oil from construction machinery Paper and cardboard packaging Plastic packaging Packaging from wood materials Metal packaging Composite/ multi-layer packaging Mixed packaging Glass packaging Packaging containing residues from hazardous substances or contaminated with such Concrete waste Waste from tiles, plates, faience and ceramic materials 17. Wood material used in construction 17.02.01 18. Plastic used in construction 17.02.03 19. 17.03.01* 21. 22. 23. Asphalt mixtures containing coal tar Asphalt mixtures containing other substances different from those listed in 17.03.01* Mixed metal waste Cables different from those listed in code 17.04.10 Soil and stones different from those listed in code 17.05.03 24. Excavated land masses different from those listed in code 17.05.05 17.05.06 25. Insulation materials different from those listed in codes 17.06.01 and 17.06.03 17.06.04 26. Construction plaster-based materials different from those listed in code 17.08.01* 17.08.02 27. Mixed waste from construction and demolition different from those mentioned in 17.09.01, 17.09.02 and 17.09.03* 17.09.04 28. Paint, ink, glue/ adhesives and resins containing hazardous substances 20.01.27* 29. 30. 31. ІІ. 32. Paint, ink, glue/ adhesives and resins different from those listed in code 20.01.27 Mixed domestic waste Domestic waste not mentioned elsewhere During operation Mixed metal waste – from repair works 20.01.28 20.03.01 20.03.99 33. Cables different from those listed in code 17.04.10 – from repair works 17.04.11 34. Insulation materials different from those listed in codes 17.06.01 and 17.06.03 – 17.06.04 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 20. 01.01.02 02.01.07 01.04.08 01.04.09 13.05.08* 13.08.99* 15.01.01 15.01.02 15.01.03 15.01.04 15.01.05 15.01.06 15.01.07 15.01.10* 17.01.01 17.01.03 17.03.02 17.04.07 17.04.11 17.05.04 17.04.07 No 1. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Type of waste Code under Ordinance No. 3 of 2004 2. 3. from repair works Solidified waste different from those mentioned in 19.03.06 Solid waste from initial filtration and from screens and racks Sediments from water purification Waste not mentioned elsewhere Paper and cardboard Fluorescent pipes and other waste containing mercury Paint, inks, glue/ adhesives and resins containing hazardous substances from repair works and maintenance Paint, ink, glue/ adhesives and resins different from those listed in code 20.01.27* from repair works and maintenance Plastic Metals Mixed domestic waste Domestic waste not mentioned elsewhere 19.03.07 19.09.01 19.09.02 19.09.09 20.01.01 20.01.21* 20.01.27* 20.01.28 20.01.39 20.01.40 20.03.01 20.03.99 Regulations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Environmental Protection Act (SG No.91/25.09.2002 – amended and supplemented as of 12/2009) Water Act (SG No.67/01.09.1999 – amended and supplemented as of 70/2008) Biological Diversity Act (SG No.77/09.08.2002 amended and supplemented as of No.94/2007) Fisheries and Aquacultures Act (SG No.41/24.04.2001 amended and supplemented as of 108/2006) Waste Management Act (SG No 86/2003 amended and supplemented as of 34/2006) Ordinance on the terms and conditions for performance of EIA (SG3/10.01.2006 ) Forests Act (SG No.125/1997 – amended and supplemented as of No 6/2009) Environmental Noise Protection Act (SG No.74/2005, amended and supplemented No 30/2006) Act on the Ambient Air (SG No 45/1996…..No 6/2009); Red Book of Bulgaria volume 2 – 1985 UN Convention on bio diversity conservation (in force in Bulgaria as of 16.07.1996 – SG No 19/1999 Order No RD-272/03.05.2001 for classification of surface waters in water sites or parts thereof – MOEW. Ordinance No 3, 01.04.2004 for wastes classification (SG No 44/25.05.2004). Ordinance No 3, 01.04.2004 on the minimum requirements for healthy and safe labor conditions for performance of construction and installation works (SG No 37/04.05.2004). CoM Decision 122 of 02.03.2007 for acceptance of a list of protected areas for wild bird conservation and list of protected areas for conservation of nature habitats of wild flora and fauna. Law for regulation of water supply and sewerage services 2005. Ordinance No 13/2004 on the terms and conditions for technical operation of dam walls and accompanying facilities thereto – MOEW, MH, MRDPW. Ordinance No 9/16.03.2001 of MH, MRDPW and MOEW on the quality of water for drinking and household purposes. Ordinance No 3/16.10.2000 of MOEW, MH and MRDPW on the terms and conditions for investigation, design, approval and operation of sanitary protection zones around water reservoirs and facilities for drinking water supply and around mineral water sources used for medicinal, prophylactic, drinking and sanitation purposes. Ordinance No 5/08.11.2000 of MOEW on the terms and conditions for creation and functioning of the National system for water monitoring Ordinance No 10/03.07.2001 of MOEW for issuance of permits for discharge of wastewater in water bodies and determination of individual emission limits at point sources of pollution. Ordinance No 6 on indicators of noise in the environment – MH, MOEW (SG No 58/2006). Ordinance №7 on the hygienic requirements for health protection of residential environment; Ordinance No 14/1995, amended and supplemented as of 2007 of MH and MOEW on ALV in air of urban areas. Ordinance No 26/01.10.1996 (amended and supplemented as of 2007) for remediation of impaired areas, upgrading of low productivity lands and utilization of the humus layer. Technical manual on hazardous substances – MOEW, 2003. Standards for sizing of embankment dam walls 1986, BSA books 1 and 6 Design standards for hydrotechnical facilities. General principles 1985, BSA book.11/85 Standards for loading and impacts of hydrotechnical facilities due to waves, ice and vessels (1988) Standards for design and construction of facilities in seismic regions (BSA No.1/1989) Ordinance on the terms and conditions for evaluation of compatibility of plans and programs, projects and investment proposals with the conservation objectives of protected areas (SG No.73/2007) Directive 92/43 of ЕЕС of the Council for conservation of nature habitats and wildlife Directive 79/409 of ЕЕС of the Council for wild bird conservation Protected Areas Act (SG No 133 of 1998, amendment and supplement as of 2007). APPENDICES Diagram “Water supply of Tryavna” Topographic map with plotted Neikovtsi Dam 1:25 000 Forest map including Neykovtsi dam 1:10 000 Balgarka protected area map Plachkovtzi BALGARKA PROTECTED AREA Photos A general bird‘s eye view of the dam and the overflow, with visible boundary of the new forest in place of the forest cut in the process of clearing the lake basin bed View of the upstream dam batter View of the downstream dam batter View of the intake tower View of the diversion tunnel inlet Monitoring measurement system View of the grouting gallery River of Neikovtsi in the low-water season View of the construction site View of the stone quarry View of the town of Tryavna View of the village of Plachkovtsi List of Designs for Neikovtsi Dam 1. Update of hydro-engineering explorations and water balance studies for Neikovtsi Water Supply System performed by Vodocanalengineering SPLLC- 1990 2. Preliminary EIAR on PWPP – Tryavna – 1999 – not reviewed 3. Design data provided by Vodocanalproekt – Pure Water – Dipl.Eng. P. Surnev, 2007 5. Water Quality Reports /Excerpt/ TRYAVNA MUNICIPALITY 5350 Tryavnba 21 Angel Kanchev Street Tel/ 259 677 23 10 Fax/ 359 677 21 49 Email: [email protected] Outgoing no. 04-00-85/ 31 August 2007 STATEMENT From Eng. STEFAN VLAZHEV DANAILOV MAYOR OF TRYAVNA MUNICIPALITY Regarding: Construction of Neokovtzi Dam Financed by the Loan of the World Bank The Municipality of Tryavna supports the construction of Neikovtzi dam due to its extraordinary economic and social importance for provision of normal water supply of the town of Tryavna and the populated areas in the Municipality. For the construction works carried out to the moment there have never been any protests of citizens or civil organizations including with regard to problems related to the protection of the environment in the region. Mayor of Tryavna Municipality (Eng. St. Danailov ) Signed and sealed Tryavna August 31, 2007 MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND WATER REGIONAL INSPECTORATE –VELIKO TARNOVO 5002 Veliko Tarnovo, 68, Nikola Gabrovski Street, fax: 623 734, director: 062 620 351 PROTOCOL Today, August 31, 2007 in the RIEW – Veliko Tarnovo, a meeting was held of the director of the RIEW, eng. Elena Grigorova and the head of the department for Control of the Environment in the RIEW – eng. Ginka Savcheva on one side and eng. Rozitza Nikolaeva – team leader of the team for the environmental impact assessment of Neikovtzi dam, on the other side. During the meeting, it was made clear that in the RIEW – Veliko Tarnovo, a procedure for the EIA for the site of Neikovtzi dam, Tryavna Municipality has never been carried out due to the fact that the construction works have started before 1991 when as per the Act for the Protection of the Environment (SG, issue 86/1991) the requirement for the execution of the EIA was introduced. Head of the Department for Control of the Environment: (Eng. G. Savcheva) Signed and sealed Team Leader: (Ass. Prof. Dr. Rositza Nikolaeva ) Signed and sealed Director of the RIEW: (Eng. E. Grigorova) Signed and sealed MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND WATER REGIONAL INSPECTORATE –VELIKO TARNOVO 5002 Veliko Tarnovo, 68, Nikola Gabrovski Street, fax: 623 734, director: 062 620 351 Outgoing no. 277/03 September, 2007 To: Ass. Prof. Eng. R. Nikolaeva Sofia Fax: 02/ 8656934 With regard to your oral request we would like to inform you that for the site of Water Treatment Station for drinkable water to Neikovtzi dam, Tryavna Municipality, EIA has never been carried out because the construction of the site has started before 1991, and after that, as per the Act for the Protection of the Environment (SG, issue 86/1991) the requirement for the EIA was introduced. After 1991 a procedure was carried out in RIEW – Veliko Tarnovo related to the EIA for the following water treatment stations for the waste water in the Municipality of Tryavna: 1. Water treatment plant for the waste water of Deliev Khan quarter, Tryavna, EIA decision 110/27 September, 1995 2. Water treatment plant for the waste water of Tryavna town - EIA decision 13-07/1998. GS/ GS Sincerely, Director (Eng. El. Grigorova) Signed and sealed PROTOCOL From a public discussion related to the Project for Development of the Municipal Infrastructure financed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Today, February 13, 2009 at 2 p.m. in the building of the Municipality Administration of Tryavna a public discussion was held about the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for Neikovtzi dam. The discussion was attended by: 1. Tatyana Doncheva – member of the Parliament from 7th MSR; 2. Nikolay Grigorov - member of the Parliament from 7th MSR; 3. eng. Dariya Sachkova – deputy regional governor of Gabrovo region; 4. Plamen Nikiforov – director of directorate for ViK in the MRDPW; 5. assistant professor Rositza Nikolaeva – team leader of the team that has prepared the project; 6. Orlin Dikov – representative of the IBRD for Bulgaria; 7. eng. Dragomir Nikolov, mayor of Tryavna Municipality; 8. eng. Georgi Chalakov – chairman of the Municipality Council of Tryavna; 9. Municipality councilors, representatives of the NGOs and citizens; The meetings was opened by the Mayor of the Municipality eng. Dragomir Nikolov Dear Mrs. Doncheva, Dear Mr. Dikov, Dear Mr. Nikiforov, Dear Mrs. Nikolaeva, Dear Fellow-citizens, This is the local public discussion of the EIA for the completion of the construction of the hydro connection ―Neikovtzi‖. On February 2, 2009 in the presence of the members of the Parliament, deputy minister of the MRDPW, representatives of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, representatives of the local authorities and representatives of the ecological organizations, a national public discussion was held for the EIAs of the three dams – Neikovtzi, Luda Yana and Plovdivtzi. What is good is that from ecological point of view there were no remarks. This is a site of extreme importance for the Municipality of Tryavna because the problem with the water supply should be solved quickly and is something that has been addressed on the meetings with the population on the spot during the preparation of the project for the budget of the Municipality for 2009. For Tryavna, the construction of the dam will solve the problem not only with the volume of the water but with its quality as well. Considering that Tryavna is expanding its tourism activities and it is turning into a tourism centre and considering the process that has already started related for the revival of the economy, the procedures for the construction of the Naikovtzi dam should start within shortest possible time. As a result of the assessments of the impact on environment and the forecasts of a insignificant extent of impact on the environment at the completion of the construction and operation of the dam, considering the social importance and the necessity of a normal and quality water supply in the Tryavna Municiaplity, I think that the completion of Neikovtzi dam is a must. With these words I would like to open the discussions of Neikovtzi dam and I am giving the floor to Mr. Plamen Nikiforov for the introductory words related to the EIAs. Mediator: Plamen Nikiforov 1. Plamen Nikiforov Dear Mr. Mayor, Dear representative of the National Assembly, Dear citizens of Tryavna, As per the requirements of the World Bank we should make such a public discussion on national and on local level. These discussions are held after the availability of assessments. The results of the discussions shall be submitted to the IBRD. Till the end of February, a negotiation package shall be submitted and the Government shall sign an agreement for the construction. Until then, there is an ongoing work on the procedures. I am giving the floor to ass. prof. Rozitza Nikolaeva – team leader of the team that has prepared the project. 2. Ass. Prof. Rositza Nikolaeva – this is one of the dams that has gone through a considerable investigation. Tryavna is developing and will continue to develop, there is future in the town and this dam is necessary. The project has been updated constantly. Neikovtzi dam has been constructed well, the water treatment plant is at a developed stage of construction. A commission will follow up on the water situation. The EIA has two aspects: - real assessment of the condition of the environment - what could happen in the future 30% of the construction has been completed. The spillway will be updated, the forest has been cut down twice. The animal world has settled and found its way, the fish is in the river and does not reach the wall of the dam. In brief, the biodiversity is scanty. There will be no bad consequences. The territory has been excluded from the State Forestry Station of Plachkovtzi. The only critical spot is Stoevtzi-Kasovtzi- Neikovtzi complex – there may be disturbances with regard to transportation of materials. It is part of the Balgarka National Park and in Natura 2000. The dam is necessary, the impact on the environment is insignificant, measures have been taken for the solving of the problems and we can have the conclusion that the completion of the construction of the dam is imperative. Questions and opinions of the citizens and their answers 1. eng. Stefan Petrov – Mayor of Plachkovtzi complex I have a few questions: - stones for the dam shall be acquired from the stone-pit in Suhodol. Will there be some restoration activities? - Detonation activities are expected – the precipitations are expected in Kasovska river, and the water of that river is used by the population - what is the status of the conductive sewers - will the river level drop - this dam cannot be used by Plachkovtzi, sewerage shall be replaced - the vehicles transporting materials shall pass through the town, the bridges shall not endure the weight - are there any calculations made with regard to the earthquake endurance Reply from Plamen Nikiforov – Before I give the floor to Mrs. Nikolaeva I will reply to some of the questions asked. With regard to the stone-pit in Suhodol: There is a project for the re-cultivation of the stone-pit, there will be afforestation activities carried out and humus will be piled. Until now, for 5 years, the stone-pit was operating illegally. The further construction of the dam wall requires that the open air stone-pit in Suhodol continues to be in operation. It is situated 5 km from the Plachkovtzi town and a construction ground is shaped for the temporary construction. It is necessary to be checked if there are enough resources for the fill of SP Suhodol as well as an assessment of the geotechnical indicators of the material. As for the question related to the bridges and the streets in the town there is a project for strengthening of the bridge. All building refuses shall be collected and kept as per the Act for waste management. The construction works on the site shall be carried out under the strict control of the investor on the activities related to the transportation and the making safe of the building refuses. Mobile sprinkling systems shall be used for reduction of dust along the temporary technological road traces through the populated areas, the construction sites and the stonepit. As for the problem with the water supply of Plachkovtzi town I can reply as follows: the water collectors shall not affect the water supply of the town, water shall be collected in spring and during the summer the water will stay in the river. I am giving the floor to ass. prof. Nikolaeva to answer the rest of the questions. Ass. Prof. Nikolaeva - The stone-pits are most difficult to restore. Afforestation plan shall be prepared. For the re-cultivation there is a special project. The detonations shall be twice per month and there shall not be much dust. In the measures there are 100 thousand BGN planned around for the strengthening of the bridges and around 500 thousand BGN for the restoration of the road network. The passing through the Neikovtzi and Plachkovtzi complexes shall be coordinated with the constructor by you and the passing shall be carried out at the least conflict points and with low speed. The roads shall be besprinkled in the dry season. The work of the construction engines and the technologically related vehicle transport shall be accompanied by a periodical adjustment of the diesel and the petrol aggregates, daily time construction schedules shall be observed in order to facilitate the working process to a maximum and to reduce the floating of the equipment. As for the pollution of the air mobile sprinkling devices for eliminating of dust shall be used for the temporary technological roads and for the roads through the populated areas and the construction site and the stone-pit. As for the danger of earthquakes - the danger in case of an earthquake is bigger now. The entity responsible for the operation of the dam shall check immediately after an earthquake the situation with the wall of the dam and will take the necessary measures. The calculations are made for an earthquake of VIII degree of Fahrenheit. Until now we do not have a major accident with a dam wall because the investigations done are very deep and serious. There is a plan for actions in emergency situation. Reply from Plamen Nikiforov – Dear Mr. Petrov, with regard to your question for the replacement of the water supply network in the Plachkovtzi town I can reply as follow: This project does not include construction of internal water supply network. This could be done by applying under other programs. Question: Dr. Emilia Cherkezova – I have a few questions: 1. what measures shall be taken against erosion 2. what scale measures the stability in case of earthquakes 3. who is going to finance the restoration of the territories Reply from Plamen Nikiforov – The Fahrenheit scale is used for measuring the endurance. The most unfavourable possibilities are considered. The consulting company shall update the afforestation project. The funds for the restoration are included in the project. During the exploitation of the dam regular examinations shall be carried out on the aqua territory of the lake for erosion and collapsing activities. In case of accidental overflows due to the mechanization and the transportation vehicles measures shall be taken against pollution of the soil and detoxication of the pollutants. Reply from Ass. Prof. Nikolaeva – With regard to the question related to the restoration of the territories of the project there are funds envisaged for the preparation of the afforestation plan. The bridge in the Plachkovtzi town will be examined and restored. Landscape master plan shall be designed and implemented on the territory. In the end of the construction period recultivation will be carried out on the affected terrains outside the area of the works. In the end of the construction the affected section of the national road network shall be restored. Questions: Julian Marinov – expert in biodiversity of Balgarka National Park. Questions: 1. the functioning of the stone-pit – the production of opencast inert materials in protected areas is forbidden 2. in the special plans there should be a conformity assessment Reply from Plamen Nikiforov – I have just replied to the question about the functioning of the stone-pit. I will add the following: The dam wall is calculated specifically for this material from this stone-pit. All other options are necessitate calculations and expanded timeline. It will be assessed if the rest of the material in the stone-pit shall be enough after the illegal exploitation carried out until now. As for the conformity assessment in the master plans it is compulsory that we have such. Question: Bozhidar Hristov – the water collectors of the dam shall be set up on one spot. Now in the dry gully we do not have any water. If we do not collect the water from Grabchevo, we could not have a dam. Is there a decision of the former regional municipality council for any designs related to racing paths and is this going to be a problem now. Reply from Ass. Prof. Nikolaeva The equalizer shall be filled with water during the spring season and not at all during the shallow season. Reply from Plamen Nikiforov – filling of the dam with water cannot be judged from transitory observations, this is not an indicator. Opinion: Todor Sharlandjiev – I fully support the project. Serious work is done by the state institutions and this region is in serious need of water. I am sometimes astonished by the raised questions. Many years ago there was a serious research carried out exploring the options for water supply of Tryavna. Then this option was accepted. A lot of citizens of Tryavna support this project. Reply from: Plamen Nikiforov – The financing is as follows: 80% are funds of the World Bank and 20% - from the state budget. The municipality does not participate. Eng. Dragomir Nikolov Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: Within the course of the discussions a lot of questions were raised related to the safety during the exploitation of the dam, the pollution of soil and water and you got detailed answers from ass. prof. Nikolaeva and Mr. Nikiforov. The conclusion to be made is that the public supports the construction of Neikovtzi dam due to the fact that the necessity of normal water supply is huge especially in Tryavna. During the summer shallow water levels the municipality is experiencing water regime and during the spring and autumn season the water is with bad quality. The town develops rapidly in terms of tourism and recreation activities and in terms of economics and construction and that is impossible without provision of the necessary quantities of water. I am closing now the discussion related to the EIA of Neikovtzi dam. The public discussion finished at 3:15 p.m. Mediator of the meeting: Plamen Nikiforov Protocol was prepared by: (Vanya Stoyanova) Signed and sealed To: the Ministry of the Regional Development and Public Works International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Sofia, Bulgaria STATEMENT From the non-governmental organizations working actively for the protection of the environment and water in the basin of Yantra River Regarding: The project for the development of the municipal infrastructure, financed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Subject: EIA for Neikovtzi dam The construction of the Neikovtzi dam as socially important hydro-technological facility for the citizens of Tryavna Municipality and the region will not affect the ecological balance and its small area is not a prerequisite for negative impacts on the biological diversity of European and national significance and the environment in the valley of Neikovska river. It is not related to destroying and over consumption of resources and does not represent hazardous antropogenic stress that could lead to destroying of the landscape and the natural habitats in the protected territory of the national park Balgarka and the protected area Balgarka of the National Ecological Network Natura 2000 with code BG 0000399. With the present statement we would like to express the support of the non-governmental organizations we are representing for the completion and the start of exploitation of Neikovtzi dam due to the need of provision of sufficient quantities of quality drinkable water for the local population and the guests of the Municipality and the region. We agree with the conclusions of the experts that have prepared the Report for the Environmental Impact Assessment with regard to the completion of the construction of Neikovtzi dam with water treatment plant and with the proposed plans for preventing from ecological impacts and ecological monitoring. For the GeoEcoCluc Akademika – Veliko Tarnovo Kamelia Dzhanabetska Secretary Signed and sealed For the National Movement Ekoglasnost Veliko Tarnovo section Nina Geogieva Deputy Chairman Signed and sealed For the Bulgarian Association of the Social Workers Veliko Tarnovo Branch Petar Hristov Chairman Signed and sealed Water Supply and Sewerage Ltd. - Gabrovo Protocol No. 22/28/14.06.2006 Surface Water Monitoring, as per Regulation 12/18.06.2002 Water Source - the Bulgarka River Sample taken at: Bulgarka Open Catchment, Tryavna district Date and time: 11:00; 14.06.2006 Weather conditions: after rain, melting snow, dry weather, etc. A1 Category Monitoring indicator as per No. Regulation 12 1 Active reaction 2 3 Color after simple filtration T o o Electric conductivity 20 5 6 7 8 Odor/dilution factor at 25 Nitrates Nitrites ** Fluorides Extractable organic chlorine /2007/ Dissolved iron ** Manganese ** Copper Zinc Boron Beryllium Cobalt Nickel Vanadium Arsenic Cadmium Chromium - total Lead Selenium Mercury Barium Cyanides Sulphates Chlorides Surface active substances 30 Phosphates /P2O5/ ** 0 R 0 Result 7.90 Recommended Mandatory 6,5 - 8,5 13 10 20* T / 22 25* µS/cm magnitude as per OIRS (Odor Intensity Referencing Scale) mg/l mg/l mg/l 160 0 4.9 0.01 0.14 mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l / 0.044 0.022 0.02 0.086 <0,05 / / 0.02 / 0.004 <0,025 0.002 0.014 / / / 0.004 5 <2,5 <0,05 mg/l 0.031 0 4 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Unit of measurement pH 1000 3 25 50* 0,7 - 1,0 1.5 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.5 1 0.0002 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.001 0.3 0.05 3 0.05 0.005 0.05 0.05 0.01 0.001 0.1 0.05 250 0.0005 150 200 0.2 0.4 31 Phenols mg/l 0.001 0.001 Dissolved or emulsified hydrocarbons /following 32 extraction with petroleum ether/ mg/l / 0.05 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 33 /2007/ 34 Pesticides total mg/l mg/l / / 0.0002 0.001 35 COD ** 36 Dissolved oxygen % saturation ** mgO2/l % 8.5 8,6 mg/l 37 BOD5 at 20o without nitrification ** mgO2/l / <3 Nitrogen, as per Kjeldahl /nitrate38 free/ 39 Ammonia ion mg/l mg/l / 0.031 1 0.05 Substances extracted with 40 chloroform /2007/ 41 Total organic carbon /2007/ mg/l mg/l / / Residual organic carbon following flocculation and membrane 42 filtration /2007/ mg/l / /100 ml /100 ml /100 ml 9 7 2 mg/l mgeqv/l mg/l mg/l mg/l 91 1.55 7.8 18 <0,02 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 o Coliforms 37 ** Fecal coliforms Fecal streptococci Salmonella Total dry residue Total hardness Magnesium Calcium Aluminium 30 >70 1 0.1 50 20 20 Not to be detected in 5000 ml * At unusual weather conditions or specific geographic circumstances, as per Art. 9, para. 1, p. 2 ** See Art. 9, para. 1, p. 4. Test ran by: 1. Margarita Shtereva ………. 2. Bonka Angelova ………. Head of Central Laboratory for Chemical and Bacteriological Tests: Dipl. Eng. Ev. Kosseva Manager: Dipl. Eng. Ivan Mishev Water Supply and Sewerage Ltd. - Gabrovo Protocol No. 23/29/14.06.2006 Surface Water Monitoring, as per Regulation 12/18.06.2002 Water Source - the Grubchevo 1 Sample taken at: Grubchevo 1 Open Catchment, Tryavna district Date and time: 12:15; 14.06.2006 Weather conditions: after rain, melting snow, dry weather, etc. A1 Category Monitoring indicator as per No. Regulation 12 1 Active reaction 2 3 Color after simple filtration T o o Electric conductivity 20 5 6 7 8 Odor/dilution factor at 250 Nitrates Nitrites ** Fluorides Extractable organic chlorine /2007/ Dissolved iron ** Manganese ** Copper Zinc Boron Beryllium Cobalt Nickel Vanadium Arsenic Cadmium Chromium - total Lead Selenium Mercury Barium Cyanides Sulphates Chlorides Surface active substances 30 Phosphates /P2O5/ ** 31 Phenols 0 R Result 8.2 Recommended Mandatory 6,5 - 8,5 14 10 20* T / 22 25* µS/cm magnitude as per OIRS (Odor Intensity Referencing Scale) mg/l mg/l mg/l 470 0 3.1 0.01 0.09 mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l / 0.039 0.021 0.02 0.057 <0,05 / / 0.023 / 0.004 <0,025 0.01 0.012 / / / 0.004 34 <2,5 <0,05 mg/l mg/l 0.031 0.001 0 4 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Unit of measurement pH 1000 3 25 50* 0,7 - 1,0 1.5 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.5 1 0.0002 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.001 0.3 0.05 3 0.05 0.005 0.05 0.05 0.01 0.001 0.1 0.05 250 0.0005 150 200 0.2 0.4 0.001 Dissolved or emulsified hydrocarbons /following 32 extraction with petroleum ether/ mg/l / 0.05 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 33 /2007/ 34 Pesticides total mg/l mg/l / / 0.0002 0.001 35 COD ** 36 Dissolved oxygen % saturation ** mgO2/l % 4 9,4 mg/l 37 BOD5 at 20o without nitrification ** mgO2/l / <3 Nitrogen, as per Kjeldahl /nitrate38 free/ 39 Ammonia ion mg/l mg/l / 0.024 1 0.05 Substances extracted with 40 chloroform /2007/ 41 Total organic carbon /2007/ mg/l mg/l / / Residual organic carbon following flocculation and membrane 42 filtration /2007/ mg/l / /100 ml /100 ml /100 ml 6 6 2 mg/l mgeqv/l mg/l mg/l mg/l 273 5.1 25.2 60 <0,02 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 o Coliforms 37 ** Fecal coliforms Fecal streptococci Salmonella Total dry residue Total hardness Magnesium Calcium Aluminium 30 >70 1 0.1 50 20 20 Not to be detected in 5000 ml * At unusual weather conditions or specific geographic circumstances, as per Art. 9, para. 1, p. 2 ** See Art. 9, para. 1, p. 4. Test ran by: 1. Margarita Shtereva ………. 2. Bonka Angelova ………. Head of Central Laboratory for Chemical and Bacteriological Tests: Dipl. Eng. Ev. Kosseva Manager: Dipl. Eng. Ivan Mishev Water Supply and Sewerage Ltd. - Gabrovo Protocol No. 24/30/14.06.2006 Surface Water Monitoring, as per Regulation 12/18.06.2002 Water Source - the Grubchevo 2 Sample taken at: Grubchevo 2 Oopen Catchment, Tryavna district Date and time: 12:30; 14.06.2006 Weather conditions: after rain, melting snow, dry weather, etc. A1 Category Monitoring indicator as per No. Regulation 12 1 Active reaction 2 3 Color after simple filtration T o o Electric conductivity 20 5 6 7 8 Odor/dilution factor at 250 Nitrates Nitrites ** Fluorides Extractable organic chlorine /2007/ Dissolved iron ** Manganese ** Copper Zinc Boron Beryllium Cobalt Nickel Vanadium Arsenic Cadmium Chromium - total Lead Selenium Mercury Barium Cyanides Sulphates Chlorides Surface active substances 30 Phosphates /P2O5/ ** 31 Phenols 0 R Result 8.1 Recommended Mandatory 6,5 - 8,5 15 10 20* T / 22 25* µS/cm magnitude as per OIRS (Odor Intensity Referencing Scale) mg/l mg/l mg/l 410 0 2.7 0.01 0.16 mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l / 0.053 <0,01 0.02 0.067 <0,05 / / 0.023 / 0.004 <0,025 0.007 0.013 / / / 0.005 31 <2,5 <0,05 mg/l mg/l 0.031 0.001 0 4 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Unit of measurement pH 1000 3 25 50* 0,7 - 1,0 1.5 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.5 1 0.0002 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.001 0.3 0.05 3 0.05 0.005 0.05 0.05 0.01 0.001 0.1 0.05 250 0.0005 150 200 0.2 0.4 0.001 Dissolved or emulsified hydrocarbons /following 32 extraction with petroleum ether/ mg/l / 0.05 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 33 /2007/ 34 Pesticides total mg/l mg/l / / 0.0002 0.001 35 COD ** 36 Dissolved oxygen % saturation ** mgO2/l % 5.7 8,7 mg/l 37 BOD5 at 20o without nitrification ** mgO2/l / <3 Nitrogen, as per Kjeldahl /nitrate38 free/ 39 Ammonia ion mg/l mg/l / 0.023 1 0.05 Substances extracted with 40 chloroform /2007/ 41 Total organic carbon /2007/ mg/l mg/l / / Residual organic carbon following flocculation and membrane 42 filtration /2007/ mg/l / /100 ml /100 ml /100 ml >24 5 2 mg/l mgeqv/l mg/l mg/l mg/l 264 4.45 23.4 50 <0,02 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 o Coliforms 37 ** Fecal coliforms Fecal streptococci Salmonella Total dry residue Total hardness Magnesium Calcium Aluminium 30 >70 1 0.1 50 20 20 Not to be detected in 5000 ml * At unusual weather conditions or specific geographic circumstances, as per Art. 9, para. 1, p. 2 ** See Art. 9, para. 1, p. 4. Test ran by: 1. Margarita Shtereva ………. 2. Bonka Angelova ………. Head of Central Laboratory for Chemical and Bacteriological Tests: Dipl. Eng. Ev. Kosseva Manager: Dipl. Eng. Ivan Mishev Water Supply and Sewerage Ltd. - Gabrovo Laboratory Testing Center - LTC tel.: (066) 816-132 email: [email protected] ФК 510-1 Sheet 1 out of 3 Test Protocol No. 289 / 18.06.2008 1. Subject of test: Surface water for drinking and household purposes 2. Date and location of taking of sample, number of sample by type: 10.06.2008, the Bulgarka River Open Catchment, # 294 3. Test requested by: Danube River Basin Directorate, order # 52 / 10.06.2008 4. Methods of testing: Color Odor Turbidity Temperature Active reaction Electric conductibility Permanganate oxidizability Ammonia ion Nitrites Nitrates Iron total Manganese BSS 8451 BSS 8451 BSS EN ISO 7027 BSS 8451 BSS 3424 BSS EN 27888 BSS 3413 VLM* No. 05/2006 VLM No. 01/2006 VLM No. 02/2006 VLM No. 07/2006 VLM No. 08/2006 Sulphates Fluorides Cyanides Aluminium Boron Copper Chromium total Zinc Surface active substances Phenols COD Dissolved oxygen VLM No. 17/2007 VLM No. 16/2007 VLM No. 09/2007 VLM No. 18/2007 VLM No. 12/2007 VLM No. 10/2007 VLM No. 04/2006 VLM No. 11/2007 VLM No. 44/2007 VLM No. 21/2007 VLM No. 20/2007 BSS EN 25813 Total dry residue Total hardness Calcium Magnesium Chlorides BSS 3546 VLM No. ISO 6059 BSS ISO 6058 BSS ISO 6059 VLM No. 14/2007 BOD5 Total nitrogen Nitrogen as per Kjeldahl o Coliforms at 37 Escherichia coli BSS EN 1899-2 VLM No. 22/2007 VLM No. 22/2007 BSS ISO 9308-1 BSS ISO 9308-1 Phosphates P2O5 VLM No. 03/2006 Enterococci EN ISO 7899-2 5. Date of submission of samples to the lab: 10.06.2008. 6. Quantity of samples: 1 sample of 1.5 l for physical and chemical indicators; and 1 sample of 1.5 l for microbiological indicators. 7. Date of test: 10.06.2008 - 13.06.2008. Head of LTC: Dipl. Eng. Ev. Kosseva * VLM - Validated Laboratory (Testing) Method - translator's note Protocol No. 289 Sheet 2 of 3 8. Test Results Standards /validated methods/ # of sample /from inout log/ Test results (value, "not detected") No. Name of indicator Unit of measurement 1 2 3 4 5 6 Color Hz /Pt/Co BSS 8451 294 15 2 Odor magnitude as per OIRS (Odor Intensity Referencing Scale) BSS 8451 294 acceptable 21 oC 3 4 5 6 Turbidity Temperature Active reaction Electric conductibility NTU o C pH µS/cm BSS EN ISO 7027 BSS 8451 BSS 3424 BSS EN 27888 294 294 294 294 2.17 / 8.19 121 21 oC 21 oC 21 oC 21 oC 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Permanganate oxidizability Ammonia ion Nitrites Nitrates Iron total Manganese Total dry residue Total hardness Calcium Magnesium Chlorides mg O2/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mgeqv/l mg/l mg/l mg/l BSS 3413 VLM No. 05/2006 VLM No. 01/2006 VLM No. 02/2006 VLM No. 07/2006 VLM No. 08/2006 BSS 3546 VLM No. ISO 6059 BSS ISO 6058 BSS ISO 6059 VLM No. 14/2007 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 3.64 <0,013 0.007 3.5 0.01 0.027 95 1.4 19.2 5.8 <2,5 1 Limit value - Limit value A1 Category A2 Category Regulation 12/18.06.2002 7 10 22 6,5 - 8,5 50 22 5,5 - 9,0 0.05 1 25 0.1 0.05 50 1 0.1 200 200 Lab testing conditions 8 o 21 C 21 oC 21 oC 21 oC 21 oC 21 oC 21 oC 21 oC 21 oC 21 oC 21 oC o 21 C 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Phosphates P2O5 Sulphates Fluorides Cyanides Aluminium Boron Copper Chromium total Zinc Surface active substances Phenols 29 COD 30 Dissolved oxygen 31 32 33 34 35 36 BOD5 Total nitrogen Nitrogen as per Kjeldahl Coliforms at 37o Escherichia coli Enterococci mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l VLM No. 03/2006 VLM No. 17/2007 VLM No. 16/2007 VLM No. 09/2007 VLM No. 18/2007 VLM No. 12/2007 VLM No. 10/2007 VLM No. 04/2006 VLM No. 11/2007 VLM No. 44/2007 VLM No. 21/2007 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 0.04 10 <0,10 <0,005 0.06 0.06 <0,05 <0,05 <0,05 <0,05 <0,002 mg O2/l VLM No. 20/2007 294 9.9 % O2 BSS EN 25813 294 90.4 mg O2/l mg/l mg/l / 100 ml / 100 ml / 100 ml BSS EN 1899-2 VLM No. 22/2007 VLM No. 22/2007 BSS ISO 9308-1 BSS ISO 9308-1 EN ISO 7899-2 294 294 294 294 294 294 1.6 1.5 0.7 16 40 44 0.4 150 0,7 - 1,0 0.05 0.7 150 0,7 - 1,7 0.05 1 0.02 0.05 0.5 0.2 0.001 1 0.05 0.05 1 0.2 0.001 21 oC o 21 C 21 oC o 21 C o 21 C 21 oC o 21 C 21 oC o 21 C o 21 C o 21 C 30 21 oC >70 >50 21 C <3 <5 1 50 20 20 2 5000 2000 1000 21 oC 21 oC 21 oC 22 oC 22 oC 22 oC Remark: Test results refer only to samples tested. No excerpts from the Test Protocol may be duplicated without the written authorization of testing lab. Test ran by: 1. Margarita Shtereva ………. 2. Bonka Angelova ………. Head of LTC: Dipl. Eng. Ev. Kosseva o Laboratory Testing Center - LTC tel.: (066) 816-132 email: [email protected] ФК 510-1 Sheet 1 out of 3 Test Protocol No. 290 / 18.06.2008 1. Subject of test: Surface water for drinking and household purposes 2. Date and location of taking of sample, number of sample by type: 10.06.2008, the Grubchevo 1 River Open Catchment, # 295 3. Test requested by: Danube River Basin Directorate, order # 52 / 10.06.2008 4. Methods of testing: Color Odor Turbidity Temperature Active reaction Electric conductibility Permanganate oxidizability Ammonia ion Nitrites Nitrates Iron total Manganese BSS 8451 BSS 8451 BSS EN ISO 7027 BSS 8451 BSS 3424 BSS EN 27888 BSS 3413 VLM* No. 05/2006 VLM No. 01/2006 VLM No. 02/2006 VLM No. 07/2006 VLM No. 08/2006 Sulphates Fluorides Cyanides Aluminium Boron Copper Chromium total Zinc Surface active substances Phenols COD Dissolved oxygen VLM No. 17/2007 VLM No. 16/2007 VLM No. 09/2007 VLM No. 18/2007 VLM No. 12/2007 VLM No. 10/2007 VLM No. 04/2006 VLM No. 11/2007 VLM No. 44/2007 VLM No. 21/2007 VLM No. 20/2007 BSS EN 25813 Total dry residue Total hardness Calcium Magnesium Chlorides BSS 3546 VLM No. ISO 6059 BSS ISO 6058 BSS ISO 6059 VLM No. 14/2007 BOD5 Total nitrogen Nitrogen as per Kjeldahl Coliforms at 37o Escherichia coli BSS EN 1899-2 VLM No. 22/2007 VLM No. 22/2007 BSS ISO 9308-1 BSS ISO 9308-1 Phosphates P2O5 VLM No. 03/2006 Enterococci EN ISO 7899-2 5. Date of submission of samples to the lab: 10.06.2008. 6. Quantity of samples: 1 sample of 1.5 l for physical and chemical indicators; and 1 sample of 1.5 l for microbiological indicators. 7. Date of test: 10.06.2008 - 13.06.2008. Head of LTC: Dipl. Eng. Ev. Kosseva * VLM - Validated Laboratory (Testing) Method - translator's note Protocol No. 290 Sheet 2 of 3 8. Test Results Standards /validated methods/ # of sample /from inout log/ Test results (value, "not detected") No. Name of indicator Unit of measurement 1 2 3 4 5 6 Hz /Pt/Co BSS 8451 294 14 magnitude as per OIRS (Odor Intensity Referencing Scale) NTU o C pH µS/cm BSS 8451 BSS EN ISO 7027 BSS 8451 BSS 3424 BSS EN 27888 294 294 294 294 294 acceptable 0.78 / 8.31 370 mg O2/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mgeqv/l mg/l mg/l mg/l BSS 3413 VLM No. 05/2006 VLM No. 01/2006 VLM No. 02/2006 VLM No. 07/2006 VLM No. 08/2006 BSS 3546 VLM No. ISO 6059 BSS ISO 6058 BSS ISO 6059 VLM No. 14/2007 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 3.35 0.024 <0,007 2.2 0.008 0.023 250 4.5 52.1 23.3 <2,5 mg/l VLM No. 03/2006 294 <0,02 1 Color 2 3 4 5 6 Odor Turbidity Temperature Active reaction Electric conductibility 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Permanganate oxidizability Ammonia ion Nitrites Nitrates Iron total Manganese Total dry residue Total hardness Calcium Magnesium Chlorides 18 Phosphates P2O5 Limit value Limit value Lab - A1 - A2 testing Category Category conditions Regulation 12/18.06.2002 7 8 10 22 6,5 - 8,5 50 22 5,5 - 9,0 o 21 C 21 oC 21 oC 21 oC o 21 C 21 oC o 0.05 1 25 0.1 0.05 50 1 0.1 200 200 21 C 21 oC 21 oC 21 oC 21 oC 21 oC 21 oC o 21 C 21 oC 21 oC 21 oC 0.4 0.7 21 C o 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Sulphates Fluorides Cyanides Aluminium Boron Copper Chromium total Zinc Surface active substances Phenols 29 COD 30 Dissolved oxygen 31 32 33 34 35 36 BOD5 Total nitrogen Nitrogen as per Kjeldahl Coliforms at 37o Escherichia coli Enterococci mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l VLM No. 17/2007 VLM No. 16/2007 VLM No. 09/2007 VLM No. 18/2007 VLM No. 12/2007 VLM No. 10/2007 VLM No. 04/2006 VLM No. 11/2007 VLM No. 44/2007 VLM No. 21/2007 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 31 <0,10 <0,005 <0,05 <0,05 <0,05 <0,05 <0,05 <0,05 <0,002 mg O2/l VLM No. 20/2007 294 6.5 % O2 BSS EN 25813 294 94.2 mg O2/l mg/l mg/l / 100 ml / 100 ml / 100 ml BSS EN 1899-2 VLM No. 22/2007 VLM No. 22/2007 BSS ISO 9308-1 BSS ISO 9308-1 EN ISO 7899-2 294 294 294 294 294 294 1.1 0.9 0.4 30 20 27 o 150 0,7 - 1,0 0.05 150 0,7 - 1,7 0.05 1 0.02 0.05 0.5 0.2 0.001 1 0.05 0.05 1 0.2 0.001 21 C 21 oC o 21 C 21 oC o 21 C o 21 C 21 oC o 21 C 21 oC o 21 C 30 21 C >70 >50 21 oC <3 <5 1 50 20 20 2 5000 2000 1000 21 C o 21 C 21 oC 22 oC 22 oC o 22 C o o Remark: Test results refer only to samples tested. No excerpts from the Test Protocol may be duplicated without the written authorization of testing lab. Test ran by: 1. Margarita Shtereva ………. 2. Bonka Angelova ………. Head of LTC: Dipl. Eng. Ev. Kosseva Laboratory Testing Center - LTC tel.: (066) 816-132 email: [email protected] ФК 510-1 Sheet 1 out of 3 Test Protocol No. 291 / 18.06.2008 1. Subject of test: Surface water for drinking and household purposes 2. Date and location of taking of sample, number of sample by type: 10.06.2008, the Grubchevo 2 River Open Catchment, # 296 3. Test requested by: Danube River Basin Directorate, order # 52 / 10.06.2008 4. Methods of testing: Color Odor Turbidity Temperature Active reaction Electric conductibility Permanganate oxidizability Ammonia ion Nitrites Nitrates Iron total Manganese BSS 8451 BSS 8451 BSS EN ISO 7027 BSS 8451 BSS 3424 BSS EN 27888 BSS 3413 VLM* No. 05/2006 VLM No. 01/2006 VLM No. 02/2006 VLM No. 07/2006 VLM No. 08/2006 Sulphates Fluorides Cyanides Aluminium Boron Copper Chromium total Zinc Surface active substances Phenols COD Dissolved oxygen VLM No. 17/2007 VLM No. 16/2007 VLM No. 09/2007 VLM No. 18/2007 VLM No. 12/2007 VLM No. 10/2007 VLM No. 04/2006 VLM No. 11/2007 VLM No. 44/2007 VLM No. 21/2007 VLM No. 20/2007 BSS EN 25813 Total dry residue Total hardness Calcium Magnesium Chlorides BSS 3546 VLM No. ISO 6059 BSS ISO 6058 BSS ISO 6059 VLM No. 14/2007 BOD5 Total nitrogen Nitrogen as per Kjeldahl Coliforms at 37o Escherichia coli BSS EN 1899-2 VLM No. 22/2007 VLM No. 22/2007 BSS ISO 9308-1 BSS ISO 9308-1 Phosphates P2O5 VLM No. 03/2006 Enterococci EN ISO 7899-2 5. Date of submission of samples to the lab: 10.06.2008. 6. Quantity of samples: 1 sample of 1.5 l for physical and chemical indicators; and 1 sample of 1.5 l for microbiological indicators. 7. Date of test: 10.06.2008 - 13.06.2008. Head of LTC: Dipl. Eng. Ev. Kosseva * VLM - Validated Laboratory (Testing) Method - translator's note Protocol No. 291 Sheet 2 of 3 8. Test Results Standards /validated methods/ # of sample /from inout log/ Test results (value, "not detected") No. Name of indicator Unit of measurement 1 2 3 4 5 6 Hz /Pt/Co BSS 8451 294 16 magnitude as per OIRS (Odor Intensity Referencing Scale) NTU o C pH µS/cm BSS 8451 BSS EN ISO 7027 BSS 8451 BSS 3424 BSS EN 27888 294 294 294 294 294 acceptable 0.53 / 8.5 401 mg O2/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mgeqv/l mg/l mg/l mg/l BSS 3413 VLM No. 05/2006 VLM No. 01/2006 VLM No. 02/2006 VLM No. 07/2006 VLM No. 08/2006 BSS 3546 VLM No. ISO 6059 BSS ISO 6058 BSS ISO 6059 VLM No. 14/2007 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 2.91 0.015 <0,007 <2,2 0.006 0.021 288 5.1 56.1 27.2 <2,5 mg/l VLM No. 03/2006 294 <0,02 1 Color 2 3 4 5 6 Odor Turbidity Temperature Active reaction Electric conductibility 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Permanganate oxidizability Ammonia ion Nitrites Nitrates Iron total Manganese Total dry residue Total hardness Calcium Magnesium Chlorides 18 Phosphates P2O5 Limit value Limit value Lab - A1 - A2 testing Category Category conditions Regulation 12/18.06.2002 7 8 10 22 6,5 - 8,5 50 22 5,5 - 9,0 o 21 C 21 oC 21 oC 21 oC o 21 C 21 oC o 0.05 1 25 0.1 0.05 50 1 0.1 200 200 21 C 21 oC 21 oC 21 oC 21 oC 21 oC 21 oC o 21 C 21 oC 21 oC 21 oC 0.4 0.7 21 C o 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Sulphates Fluorides Cyanides Aluminium Boron Copper Chromium total Zinc Surface active substances Phenols 29 COD 30 Dissolved oxygen 31 32 33 34 35 36 BOD5 Total nitrogen Nitrogen as per Kjeldahl Coliforms at 37o Escherichia coli Enterococci mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l VLM No. 17/2007 VLM No. 16/2007 VLM No. 09/2007 VLM No. 18/2007 VLM No. 12/2007 VLM No. 10/2007 VLM No. 04/2006 VLM No. 11/2007 VLM No. 44/2007 VLM No. 21/2007 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 37 <0,10 <0,005 0.06 <0,05 <0,05 <0,05 <0,05 <0,05 <0,002 mg O2/l VLM No. 20/2007 294 7.2 % O2 BSS EN 25813 294 94.8 mg O2/l mg/l mg/l / 100 ml / 100 ml / 100 ml BSS EN 1899-2 VLM No. 22/2007 VLM No. 22/2007 BSS ISO 9308-1 BSS ISO 9308-1 EN ISO 7899-2 294 294 294 294 294 294 1.2 0.6 0.1 40 26 30 o 150 0,7 - 1,0 0.05 150 0,7 - 1,7 0.05 1 0.02 0.05 0.5 0.2 0.001 1 0.05 0.05 1 0.2 0.001 21 C 21 oC o 21 C 21 oC o 21 C o 21 C 21 oC o 21 C 21 oC o 21 C 30 21 C >70 >50 21 oC <3 <5 1 50 20 20 2 5000 2000 1000 21 C o 21 C 21 oC 22 oC 22 oC o 22 C o o Remark: Test results refer only to samples tested. No excerpts from the Test Protocol may be duplicated without the written authorization of testing lab. Test ran by: 1. Margarita Shtereva ………. 2. Bonka Angelova ………. Head of LTC: Dipl. Eng. Ev. Kosseva Water Supply and Sewerage Ltd. - Gabrovo Test Protocol No. 344/09.07.2007 ФК 510-1 Surface Water Monitoring, as per Regulation 12/18.06.2002 Water source: the Bulgarka River Sample taken at: Bulgarka River Catchment Date and time: 02.07.2007, 12:50 Weather conditions: after rain, melting snow, dry weather, etc. Monitoring indicator as per No. Regulation 12 1 Active reaction 2 3 Color Turbidity 4 Unit of measurement pH 0 Result 8.10 A1 Category Recommended Mandatory 6,5 - 8,5 R NTU 12 0.43 Electric conductivity 20o µS/cm 155.3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Permanganate oxidizability Nitrates ** Nitrites Fluorides Dissolved iron ** Manganese ** Copper Zinc Boron Nickel Arsenic Cadmium Chromium - total Lead Cyanides Sulphates Chlorides Surface active substances mg O2/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l 4.96 7.1 0.01 <0,10 20 21 <0,05 0.1 <0,05 <0,020 / <0,002 <0,03 <0,010 <0,005 6 <2,5 <0,05 23 24 25 26 Phosphates / PO43Phenols COD ** Dissolved oxygen - % saturation ** mg/l mg/l mg/l % 0.074 / 18.3 54.1 0.4 0.001 30 >70 27 28 29 30 31 32 BOD5 at 20 without nitrification ** Nitrogen, as per Kjeldahl /nitrate-free/ Ammonia ion Total organic carbon /2007/ Total dry residue Total hardness mgO2/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mgeqv/l 2 0.57 <0,013 / 98 1.5 <3 1 mg/l mg/l mg/l 19 6.6 <0,05 /100 ml 30 o 33 Calcium 34 Magnesium 35 Aluminium o 36 Coliforms 37 ** 10 20* 1000 25 50* 0,7 - 1,0 0.1 0.3 0.05 0.05 0.5 3 1 0.02 0.01 0.001 0.05 0.005 0.05 0.05 0.05 150 250* 200 0.2 0.05 50 1 37 Fecal coliforms 38 Fecal streptococci /100 ml /100 ml 20 24 20 20 Test ran by: 1. Margarita Shtereva ………. 2. Bonka Angelova ………. Head of Central Laboratory for Chemical and Bacteriological Tests: Dipl. Eng. Ev. Kosseva Manager: Dipl. Eng. Ivan Mishev Water Supply and Sewerage Ltd. - Gabrovo Test Protocol No. 345/09.07.2007 ФК 510-1 Surface Water Monitoring, as per Regulation 12/18.06.2002 Water source: the Dryanovska River Sample taken at: Grubchevo 1 River Catchment Date and time: 02.07.2007, 11:10 Weather conditions: after rain, melting snow, dry weather, etc. Monitoring indicator as per No. Regulation 12 1 Active reaction 2 3 Color Turbidity 4 Unit of measurement pH 0 Result 8.30 A1 Category Recommended Mandatory 6,5 - 8,5 R NTU 7 0.32 Electric conductivity 20 µS/cm 431 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Permanganate oxidizability Nitrates ** Nitrites Fluorides Dissolved iron ** Manganese ** Copper Zinc Boron Nickel Arsenic Cadmium Chromium - total Lead Cyanides Sulphates Chlorides Surface active substances mg O2/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l 2.8 4 0.007 <0,10 17 21 <0,05 0.08 <0,05 <0,020 / <0,002 <0,03 <0,010 <0,005 40 <2,5 <0,05 23 24 25 26 Phosphates / PO4 Phenols COD ** Dissolved oxygen - % saturation ** 3- mg/l mg/l mg/l % <0,031 / 17.1 55.2 0.4 0.001 30 >70 27 28 29 30 31 32 BOD5 at 20o without nitrification ** Nitrogen, as per Kjeldahl /nitrate-free/ Ammonia ion Total organic carbon /2007/ Total dry residue Total hardness mgO2/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mgeqv/l 1 0.18 <0,013 19.4 275 4.7 <3 1 mg/l mg/l mg/l 46 28.8 <0,05 o 33 Calcium 34 Magnesium 35 Aluminium 10 20* 1000 25 50* 0,7 - 1,0 0.1 0.3 0.05 0.05 0.5 3 1 0.02 0.01 0.001 0.05 0.005 0.05 0.05 0.05 150 250* 200 0.2 0.05 1 o 36 Coliforms 37 ** 37 Fecal coliforms 38 Fecal streptococci /100 ml /100 ml /100 ml 54 11 28 50 20 20 Test ran by: 1. Margarita Shtereva ………. 2. Bonka Angelova ………. Head of Central Laboratory for Chemical and Bacteriological Tests: Dipl. Eng. Ev. Kosseva Manager: Dipl. Eng. Ivan Mishev Water Supply and Sewerage Ltd. - Gabrovo Test Protocol No. 346/09.07.2007 ФК 510-1 Surface Water Monitoring, as per Regulation 12/18.06.2002 Water source: the Dryanovska River Sample taken at: Grubchevo 2 River Catchment Date and time: 02.07.2007, 11:10 Weather conditions: after rain, melting snow, dry weather, etc. Monitoring indicator as per No. Regulation 12 1 Active reaction 2 3 Color Turbidity 4 Unit of measurement pH 0 Result 8.20 A1 Category Recommended Mandatory 6,5 - 8,5 R NTU 8 0.39 Electric conductivity 20 µS/cm 376 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Permanganate oxidizability Nitrates ** Nitrites Fluorides Dissolved iron ** Manganese ** Copper Zinc Boron Nickel Arsenic Cadmium Chromium - total Lead Cyanides Sulphates Chlorides Surface active substances mg O2/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l 2.56 3.5 0.013 0.16 28 21 <0,05 0.07 <0,05 <0,020 / <0,002 <0,03 <0,010 <0,005 23 <2,5 <0,05 23 24 25 26 Phosphates / PO4 Phenols COD ** Dissolved oxygen - % saturation ** 3- mg/l mg/l mg/l % <0,031 / 10.8 54.2 0.4 0.001 30 >70 27 28 29 30 31 32 BOD5 at 20o without nitrification ** Nitrogen, as per Kjeldahl /nitrate-free/ Ammonia ion Total organic carbon /2007/ Total dry residue Total hardness mgO2/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mgeqv/l 2 0.2 <0,013 18.6 240 4.1 <3 1 mg/l mg/l mg/l 46 21.6 <0,05 o 33 Calcium 34 Magnesium 35 Aluminium 10 20* 1000 25 50* 0,7 - 1,0 0.1 0.3 0.05 0.05 0.5 3 1 0.02 0.01 0.001 0.05 0.005 0.05 0.05 0.05 150 250* 200 0.2 0.05 1 o 36 Coliforms 37 ** 37 Fecal coliforms 38 Fecal streptococci /100 ml /100 ml /100 ml 29 158 >100 50 20 20 Test ran by: 1. Margarita Shtereva ………. 2. Bonka Angelova ………. Head of Central Laboratory for Chemical and Bacteriological Tests: Dipl. Eng. Ev. Kosseva Manager: Dipl. Eng. Ivan Mishev
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