Erste Group Research Short note | Fixed Income | Slovakia 13 February 2015 Slovak economy growth at its three-year high in 2014 Analyst: Katarína Muchová +421 2 48624762 [email protected] The flash GDP estimate for 2014 stands at 2.4%, marking the highest growth rate since 2011. Compared to 2013 growth of only 1.4%, performance of the Slovak economy was significantly better last year. GDP growth in Q4 2014 reached 2.4% y/y, thus slightly surpassing both our and the market consensus expectations of 2.2% y/y. The market consensus was more conservative due to the then available data for Q4, which brought mixed messages. There were volatile industrial production and weak foreign trade data on one hand, and positive development in retail sales and further continuation of labour market improvement on the other. On a quarterly basis, GDP in Q4 2014 increased by 0.6% compared to the previous quarter (our forecast was a 0.4% q/q increase). Employment grew at a rate of 1.4% in 2014, prompted substantially by the high rate of growth in the last quarter (2.1% y/y). Seasonally adjusted Q4 employment growth stood at 0.6% q/q compared to Q3 2014. The published GDP and employment data present good news, showing that despite the lukewarm performance of Eurozone throughout 2014, the Slovak economy remained largely unaffected. However, there may be better times ahead for the Eurozone, as well. Germany, the Eurozone’s main engine, marked GDP growth of 1.6% y/y in the last quarter of the year. Better than expected performance of the German economy in Q4 2014 led to a revision of the country’s 2014 annual growth from 1.5% to 1.6%. The detailed breakdown of Slovak GDP growth will only be known in March. We expect domestic demand – household consumption and investments – to have remained the main driver of growth throughout the last quarter of the year, as well. Domestic demand took the lead in 2014, fostered largely by a significant labour market improvement and dynamic growth of real wages. We expect GDP growth of around 2.5% this year, with domestic demand remaining the main driver. Slovak economy could also benefit from the lower oil prices. As an oil-importing country, cheaper oil lowers the economy’s production costs and increases the real disposable income in the country. Erste Group Research – Short note Page 1 Erste Group Research Short note | Fixed Income | Slovakia 13 February 2015 Chart: GDP growth (%): 2001 (Q1) – 2014 (Q4) 15% 10% 5% 3-14 3-13 3-12 3-11 3-10 3-09 3-08 3-07 3-06 3-05 3-04 3-03 3-02 3-01 0% -5% -10% Source: ŠUSR (Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic), SLSP Erste Group Bank AG 1010 Wien, Börsegasse 14/DG1 Telefon: +43 (0)5 0100 11902 Disclaimer This publication has been prepared by EG Research. This report is for information purposes only. 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Erste Group Research – Short note Page 2 Erste Group Research Short note | Fixed Income | Slovakia 13 February 2015 Contacts Group Research Head of Group Research Friedrich Mostböck, CEFA Major Markets & Credit Research Head: Gudrun Egger, CEFA Ralf Burchert (Agency Analyst) Hans Engel (Senior Analyst International Equities) Christian Enger, CFA (Covered Bonds) Margarita Grushanina (Economist AT, CHF) Alihan Karadagoglu (Senior Analyst Corporate Bonds) Peter Kaufmann, CFA (Corporate Bonds) Stephan Lingnau (International Equities) Carmen Riefler-Kowarsch (Covered Bonds) Rainer Singer (Senior Economist Euro, US) Elena Statelov, CIIA (Corporate Bonds) Bernadett Povazsai-Römhild (Corporate Bonds) Gerald Walek, CFA (Economist Euro) Katharina Böhm-Klamt (Quantitative Analyst Euro) Macro/Fixed Income Research CEE +43 (0)5 0100 11902 +43 (0)5 0100 11909 +43 (0)5 0100 16314 +43 (0)5 0100 19835 +43 (0)5 0100 84052 +43 (0)5 0100 11957 +43 (0)5 0100 19633 +43 (0)5 0100 11183 +43 (0)5 0100 16574 +43 (0)5 0100 19632 +43 (0)5 0100 17331 +43 (0)5 0100 19641 +43 (0)5 0100 17203 +43 (0)5 0100 16360 +43 (0)5 0100 19632 Head CEE: Juraj Kotian (Macro/FI) +43 (0)5 0100 17357 Zoltan Arokszallasi (Fixed income) Katarzyna Rzentarzewska (Fixed income) CEE Equity Research Head: Henning Eßkuchen Chief Analyst: Günther Artner, CFA (CEE Equities) Franz Hörl, CFA (Basic Resources) Daniel Lion, CIIA (Technology, Ind. 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Görkem Göker (Equity) +43 (0)5 0100 18781 +43 (0)5 0100 17356 Erste Group Research – Short note +43 (0)5 0100 19634 +43 (0)5 0100 11523 +43 (0)5 0100 18506 +43 (0)5 0100 17420 +43 (0)5 0100 17344 +43 (0)5 0100 11905 +43 (0)5 0100 17343 +43 (0)5 0100 11913 +420 956 711 014 +90 212 371 2538 +381 11 22 09 178 +385 72 37 1383 +385 72 37 2833 +385 72 37 2419 +385 72 37 1349 +385 72 37 2825 +420 224 995 439 +420 224 995 227 +420 224 995 289 +420 224 995 192 +420 224 995 172 +420 224 995 434 +420 224 995 456 +420 224 995 391 +361 235 5131 +361 373 2830 +361 235 5132 +361 373 2026 +361 235 5135 +48 22 330 6256 +48 22 330 6254 +48 22 330 6253 +48 22 330 6252 +48 22 330 6251 +40 3735 10424 +40 3735 10427 +40 3735 10433 +40 3735 10435 +40 3735 10436 +40 3735 10428 +40 3735 10429 +90 212 371 2540 +90 212 371 2535 +90 212 371 2534 Sezai Saklaroglu (Equity) Nilufer Sezgin (Fixed income) Ilknur Unsal (Equity) Research Slovakia Head: Maria Valachyova, (Fixed income) Katarina Muchova (Fixed income) +90 212 371 2533 +90 212 371 2536 +90 212 371 2531 +421 2 4862 4185 +421 2 4862 4762 Treasury - Erste Bank Vienna Saving Banks & Sales Retail Head: Thomas Schaufler Equity Retail Sales Head: Kurt Gerhold Fixed Income & Certificate Sales Head: Uwe Kolar Treasury Domestic Sales Head: Markus Kaller Corporate Sales AT Head: Christian Skopek +43 (0)5 0100 84225 +43 (0)5 0100 84232 +43 (0)5 0100 83214 +43 (0)5 0100 84239 +43 (0)5 0100 84146 Fixed Income & Credit Institutional Sales Institutional Sales Head: Manfred Neuwirth Bank and Institutional Sales Head: Jürgen Niemeier Institutional Sales AT, GER, LUX, CH Head: Thomas Almen Bernd Bollhof Rene Klasen Marc Pichler Dirk Seefeld Charles-Henry de Fontenilles Bank and Savingsbanks Sales Head: Marc Friebertshäuser Mathias Gindele Andreas Goll Ulrich Inhofner Sven Kienzle Manfred Meyer Jörg Moritzen Michael Schmotz Bernd Thaler Klaus Vosseler Institutional Sales CEE and International Head: Jaromir Malak Central Bank and International Sales Head: Margit Hraschek Daniel Kihak Na Fiona Chan Christian Kössler Institutional Sales PL and CIS Pawel Kielek Marcin Chmielewski (Fixed Income) Institutional Sales Slovakia Head: Peter Kniz Sarlota Sipulova Institutional Sales Czech Republic Head: Ondrej Cech Milan Bartos Radek Chupik Pavel Zdichynec Institutional Sales Croatia Head: Antun Buric Natalija Zujic Institutional Sales Hungary Norbert Siklosi Attila Hollo Institutional Sales Romania Head: Ciprian Mitu Institutional Solutions and PM Head: Zachary Carvell Brigitte Mayr Mikhail Roshal Christopher Lampe-Traupe +43 (0)5 0100 84250 +49 (0)30 8105800 5503 +43 (0)5 0100 84323 +49 (0)30 8105800 5525 +49 (0)30 8105800 5521 +43 (0)5 0100 84118 +49 (0)30 8105800 5523 +43 (0)50100 84115 +49 (0)711 810400 5540 +49 (0)711 810400 5562 +49 (0)711 810400 5561 +43 (0)50100 85544 +49 (0)711 810400 5541 +43 (0)5 0100 83213 +49 (0)30 8105800 5581 +43 (0)5 0100 85542 +43 (0)5 0100 85583 +49 (0)711 810400 5560 +43 (0)50100 84254 +43 (0)5 0100 84117 +852 2105 0392 +852 2105 0396 +43 (0)5 0100 84116 +48 22 544 5610 +43 50100 85611 +421 2 4862 5624 +421 2 4862 5629 +420 2 2499 5577 +420 2 2499 5562 +420 2 2499 5565 +420 2 2499 5590 +385 (0)7237 2439 +385 (0)7237 1638 +36 1 2355 842 +36 1 2355 846 +40 373 516 532 +43 (0)50100 83308 +43 (0)50100 84781 +43 (0)50100 84787 +49 (0)30 8105800 5507 Page 3
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