Monday Mail Tuesday, 10 February 2015 [email protected] – – (03) 5831 5399 REFERRALS AND SERVICES New Physiotherapist Available at Nexus Nexus Primary Health welcomes Shea Spitty, an experienced physiotherapist, to their team. GVML CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Current Approaches to Prevention and Management of Mastitis in Breastfeeding Women Cost: Introductory flat fee of $55 per session Heather Harris, Midwife and Lactation Consultant, is presenting this CPD event in Wallan. This education session will cover: Causes and basic management Types of mastitis When to use antibiotics and when to avoid Role of probiotics Outcomes of poorly managed mastitis and how to avoid / manage Tuning into Teens Parenting Program Date: 14 February 2015 Primary Care Connect and headspace Shepparton present a 5 session program for parents and carers of young people aged 12-14 years to tune into your own and your child’s emotions and respond more effectively to their behaviour. Time: 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm Venue: Wallan GP Super Clinic 7-11 High Street, Wallan RSVP: [email protected] Starting on 24 February, this program will be held every Tuesday at 12:30 pm at headspace in Shepparton. Bookings are essential. This event is aimed at GPs and Practice Nurses. For further information view the flyer or contact Claire at Primary Care Connect on 03 5823 3200. Chronic Kidney Disease Education Event Shea is currently accepting bookings for patients requiring management and rehabilitation of sports injuries and other acute musculoskeletal conditions. Shea can accept Team Care Arrangements and will provide out of hours appointments. HICAPS billing is available. For more information or appointments call 1300 77 33 52. Healing Horses Equine Assisted Therapy Information Equine Assisted Therapy sessions are being offered as part of the Private Practice School Wellbeing and Counselling service. All sessions are tailored to each group and individual needs. Medicare rebates can be accessed with a Mental Health Care Plan from GPs. Further information can be found at or download the information here. Navigating Life – Referral Process and Information A reminder to all that Navigating Life requires a Mental Health Care Plan to accept a referral. The plan must state that it is a Mental Health Care Plan and ideally indicate MBS Item Number 2700 / 2701 / 2715 / 2717. The Navigating Life Referral Cover Sheet can be found on our website. See the flyer for more information. This interactive educational event will provide GPs and other health professionals with specialist and general practice knowledge regarding chronic kidney disease. Key information will be provided about the stages of renal disease, client needs within general practice including hypertensive and cardiovascular care, as well as the optimal times to refer clients on to relevant specialist care. The presentation will also include case study discussion regarding problem solving and practical solutions within general practice. Date: 25 February 2015 Time: 5:45 pm – Registrations 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Venue: Theatre The University of Melbourne, Lecture 49 Graham Street, Shepparton RSVP: 23 February, 2015 [email protected] See the flyer for more information. RSVP by 23 February to [email protected] with your name, organisation, RACGP number, contact number, and any accessibility and/or dietary requirement requests via email or phone (03) 5831 5399. The Closing the Gap Care Coordinating and Supplementary Services Program – Update The aim of the CCSS Program is to contribute to improved health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people diagnosed with one of 5 specific illnesses/diseases through better access to coordinated and multi-disciplinary care. Advance Care Planning Community Forum On Wednesday 4 March, a community forum is being held at the Shepparton Youth Hall with presentations and information stalls. The aim of the day is to provide members of the community with knowledge about the process and legal framework around advance care planning. Studies have found that case management including close patient monitoring (for example, of HbA1c) has been found to be a successful care coordination strategy, improving outcomes for patients, especially those who have heart failure of diabetes. Date: 4 March 2015 Time: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm Venue: Shepparton Youth Hall Archer Street, Shepparton To be eligible for the CCSS program, a person must be: More information will be made available on the Goulburn Valley Medicare Local website. Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, and Diagnosed with at least one of the diseases listed below: Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, Chronic renal (kidney) disease, Cancer. The person must be willing to work with the Care Coordinator to improve the management of their illness/disease. Completion of a General Practice Management Plan (or alternative) is also required as this directs the support the Care Coordinator provides. The Supplementary Services (SS) funds are provided to support clients receiving care coordination to reach the goals established in their plan. The funds are ‘supplementary’ to the program and are not the main emphasis of the program. The Department of Health has provided guidelines regarding the CCSS program. These documents are available on the GVML website. When considering making a referral to the CCSS program, GPs should consider the following; Could the client benefit from some increased support to manage their illness/disease? For example, is their HbA1c currently uncontrolled and some extra support might help them to better manage? Could the client use some help to get the health care appointments? Could the client benefit from increased one to one support to manage their chronic disease? Prescribing Opioids and Their Replacements The training consists of 2 parts and will provide GPs with the skills required for accreditation to prescribe medication assisted treatment for opioid dependence within the Victorian regulatory framework. Module 1 – Safe and Effective Opioid Prescribing This 2 hour session will provide information and strategies for safer prescribing of opioids in chronic pain settings. Date: 4 March 2015 Time: 6:15 pm – Registration and supper 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Venue: Nexus GP Super Clinic 7 – 11 High Street, Wallan RSVP: [email protected] See the flyer for further information. Module 2 – Prescribing Opioid Replacement Therapy A full day face-to-face skills based workshop on prescribing Methadone and Buprenorphine. Completion of Module 1 – Safe and Effective Opioid Prescribing (either face-to-face or online) is a prerequisite to attend the full day workshop. Date: 29 March 2015 Time: 8:45 am – 4:30 pm Venue: Networking Health Victoria Level 4, 458 Swanston Street, Carlton Day Time LIFE! Program Commences on 11 February 2015 RSVP: [email protected] Afternoon session: 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm. See the flyer for further information. Prior to commencement of program, participants will need: OTHER CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS Recent pathology including FBG and full lipid profile; LIFE! referral form; An appointment for the LIFE! introductory session with the nurse at Shepparton Medical Centre – approx. 60 minutes. Enquiries: Shepparton Medical Centre reception Ph:03 5823 3100 Women Drug and Alcohol Service and Perinatal Emotional Health Forum The program for this event is now available online. Date: 10 February 2015 Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Venue: Elise Jones Education Centre, Goulburn Valley Health Graham Street, Shepparton RSVP: 2 February 2015 For further information contact Bruno Giorgio on [email protected]. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Dental Health Visits – Seymour Adult Dental Health Assessment Day Date: 25 February 2015 Venue: Goranwarrabul House Corner of Callen & Bretonneux Streets, Seymour Cost: Free Assessments will take place on 25 February, with all dental procedures to happen on 4 March. Children’s Dental Health Assessment Day Date: 16 April 2015 Venue: Goranwarrabul House Corner of Callen & Bretonneux Streets, Seymour Decision Assist Workshops This workshop is part of a training package which aims to improve palliative care and advance care planning services offered to older Australians covering the range of processes involved in meeting end of life care needs – from how best to initiate the important conversations that need to be had, to developing an appropriate advance care plan, understanding legal frameworks, and implementing a comprehensive model of palliative care. Aged Care Nurses Session: Workshop 2 Date: 7 April 2015 Venue: Kilmore District Hospital Rutledge Street, Kilmore Home Care Package Session: Workshop 1 Date: 15 April 2015 Venue: Seymour Hospital Education Centre Session: Workshop 2 Date: 17 June 2015 Mr Peter Maloney – Hand Surgeon – Victorian Hand Surgery Associates St Vincent’s Hospital Fitzroy, will commence consulting in Bendigo on a monthly basis from 20 February 2015, offering country residents consultations closer to home. Venue: Seymour Hospital Education Centre He will practice from Bendigo Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine with hand therapy support of Hand in Hand Central Victorian Hand Therapy. At this stage all surgery will be performed at St. Vincent Hospital Fitzroy and Kew. Australia’s Healthy Weight Week Cost: Free For more information on both days, including a flyer, please contact Rebecca Welsh on 0459 802 873, (03) 5793 6341, or via email on [email protected]. New Hand Surgeon at Bendigo Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine For further information or to register contact Andrea Davy at Austin Hospital on (03) 9496 6876 or via email at [email protected]. Dates for 2015 are as follows: Run by the Dieticians Association of Australia, this important week is all about getting the right advice and supporting those looking to be a healthy weight Dates: Date: Venue: 20 February 2015 17 April 2015 15 May 2015 12 June 2015 10 July 2015 07 August 2015 04 September 2015 02 October 2015 30 October 2015 27 November 2015 Bendigo Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine 176 Barnard Street, Bendigo For further information contact Bendigo Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine on 03 9412 8880. RESOURCES New Resources to Support Those Bereaved by Suicide Support After Suicide has just released a new book and a range of information sheets. For more information see their website. 16 – 22 February 2015 Australia’s Healthy Weight Week falls at an ideal time with many Australians aspiring to eat better in the New Year. The 2015 campaign aims to get more people cooking at home and eating the right foods in the right portions. For more information visit: Helping Your Patients Who are Drinking at Risky Levels Alcohol kills 15 Australians every day and 5,554 each year. It hospitalises 430 Australians daily and 157,132 over the year. This harm is entirely preventable. GPs are uniquely placed to identify and intervene with patients whose alcohol use is hazardous through screening and brief interventions. This webinar provides the opportunity for GPs to ask questions on how to screen for and conduct brief interventions around risky drinking. Date: 17 February 2015 Time: 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm Presenters: Dr Paul Grinzi & Dr Hester Wilson For further information or to register for the webinar click here. Sharing the Care Using cdmNet On the 25 and 26 February, representatives from Precedence Health Care will be visiting general practices in the GVML area who interested in a demonstration of cdmNet, DVRCV Training – Responding Experiencing Family Violence to Women The Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria Centre presents Responding to Women Experiencing Family Violence – Including Risk Assessment. cdmNet is an RACGP clinically endorsed, cloud based tool that supports GPs, practice nurses, allied health, other care providers and patients to better manage of chronic disease. This one day program will cover recognising, responding, and referring for family violence and incorporates risk assessment using the family violence risk assessment management framework (CRAF). Basic cdmNet services can now be used at no cost to medical clinics, health care providers or patients. Basic services include care plan creation, shared electronic health record (controlled by the patient in collaboration with the GP), and support for patient self-management. This training is aimed at professionals working in support services who come into contact with women and children who may be experiencing family violence. cdmNet fees are only charged if a practice wants to fully utilise the cdmNet tool. Full use includes using cdmNet billing support for Medicare rebates. Fees are still minimal, with general practice cost-benefit analysis indicating cdmNet supports increased income for practices utilising the tool. Details of fees are available at: Goulburn Valley Medicare Local is interested in facilitating the introduction of cdmNet in the GVML region. Information about cdmNet can be found on the GVML website. For more information or to discuss a visit by Precedence Health Care, contact Katherine Stephens, Primary Care Liaison Officer (Allied Health) on 5831 5399. Refugee Health Resources The number of refugees settling in Victoria is currently around 4,000 people per annum in addition to the unprecedented increase in asylum seekers on bridging visas settling in the Victorian community, currently estimated at around 10,000 in Victoria. Victoria receives about one-third of all refugees and asylum seekers entering Australia, more than any other state or territory. The new arrivals often locate in places that already have community members with the same origins, history and/or culture. Most refugees and asylum seekers have experienced traumatic events such as physical and psychological trauma or torture, deprivation and prolonged poverty, periods in immigration detention and poor access to health care, including limited access to immunisation. As a result, many refugees have multiple and complex physical and psychological health problems on arrival. The Victorian Refugee Health Network provides a range useful resources to support general practices to respond to these complex and chronic health and wellbeing issues. This includes a guide for GPs and other practice staff, as well as updates through their regular e-bulletin. Please be reminded that all Victorian-based refugees and asylum seekers, regardless of Medicare status, are eligible to receive funded vaccines as per the Free vaccine Victoria - criteria for eligibility. Every health care encounter provides an opportunity to assess their immunisation needs and offer catch-up vaccines, as recommended. People who have previously attended CRAF training do not need to attend this session. Date: 19 February 2015 Time: 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Venue: Lakeside Community Centre Located within Benalla Show Grounds Car parking via Arundel Street Cost: Free RSVP: Online Registrations close 12 February 2015 See the flyer for further information or contact DVRCV Training Coordinator, Philippa Bailey on 03 9486 9866 or via email on [email protected]. The MHS Summer Forum – Men’s Mental Health The MHS Summer Forum is coming up in three weeks and this year they will be talking about enhancing mental health awareness and improving mental health services among men to create a better future for men’s health. Date: 19 – 20 February 2015 Online registration is now open. Further information can be found on website. Integrated Care for Older People Seminar The Respecting Our Loved One’s Wishes: Delivering Integrated, Consumer Directed Where, When, and How It’s Needed is on 26 and 27 February 2015 at Melbourne Olympic Park. This practical seminar focuses on integration for older people and respecting their wishes in terms of where, when, and how their care is delivered. Date: 26 – 27 February 2015 Venue: Melbourne Olympic Park Further information including registration information is available at New Website Explains Pathology Tests to GPs and Clients A new website and app is available that explains pathology tests. Access is open to everyone. National Bowel Cancer Screening Program Report Available on Medical Director and Best Practice GPs can now upload the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program (NBCSP) GP Assessment Report template to Medical Director or Best Practice software systems. The template will automatically populate the patient’s details providing complete information following a positive FOBT result through the program. On completion, the form is submitted to the NBCSP Register with an associated payment of $7.70. To download the templates, visit the Victorian Department of Health’s bowel cancer screening webpage. Manual forms can be downloaded and printed from the NBCSP website. Introduction to Cost Effectiveness Analysis in Health This is a one day course that provides an introduction to applying cost-effectiveness analysis in health, including in the evaluation of health programs. It is useful for policy makers, clinicians, researchers, managers, and anyone else involved in health who wishes to make informed decisions. The course will consist of short lectures, case studies, and practical class exercises. Modules include an introduction to health economics, cost measurement, outcome measurement, and the interpretation of economic evaluation results for decision-making. Lunch, morning tea, and afternoon tea will be provided. Date: 27 February 2015 Venue: Graduate House, University of Melbourne Price: Bookings made before 27 January will be at a discounted early bird price $395.00 – for people working in the public sector (including university and DHSS employees) $550.00 – for people working in the private sector Breast Screening - Referring Appropriately BreastScreen Victoria is receiving an increased amount of inappropriate referrals at BreastScreen clinics throughout the state. A simple infographic has been developed by BreastScreen to help GPs better understand when to refer for screening or other assessment. BreastScreen Victoria provides free screening mammography to asymptomatic women over 40 and urges GPs to encourage women in the target age range of 50 – 74 to screen every 2 years. The BreastScreen Victoria program is for asymptomatic women only A GP referral is not required for the BreastScreen Victoria program – recommendation pads can be ordered here Women with symptoms must be referred to a diagnostic imaging service for targeted tests and quicker results Asymptomatic women can make an appointment with BreastScreen Victoria online at or by calling 13 20 50. For further information visit the BreastScreen Victoria webpage for health professionals or contact Health Promotion Officer John Lee at BreastScreen Victoria. VIDEOS AND MEDIA Normal prices (non-early bird price) $450.00 – for people working in the public sector (including university and DHSS employees) $650.00 – for people working in the private sector For more details visit the University of Melbourne website. Bookings are available via ecart. If you have any questions please email [email protected]. Tackle the Issue: Ice, Alcohol and Other Drugs Forum With the support of the Victorian Government and a number of local community partners, the Australian Drug Foundation’s Good Sports program is proud to be holding a series of 19 forums around Victoria to help you learn how your club or group can support members, families and the whole community to prevent and tackle drug use. These forums will be hosted by experts in drug prevention and treatment who will help you understand practical ways that can reduce drug problems and help clubs and groups to get informed about what they can do to help reduce the impact drugs have on their members, players, club and the whole community. Vaccinations While Breastfeeding Greater Shepparton City Council will be hosting a forum as detailed below: Presented by Dr Nick Wood at the Annual Women's Health Update, Sydney 2014. Date: 3 March 2015 Time: 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Venue: Sir Ian McLennan Sports Centre Dr Nick Wood is a General Paediatrician at The Children's Hospital at Westmead and a Senior Lecturer at the University of Sydney. He has an NHMRC postdoctoral fellowship to examine maternal and neonatal vaccination. He conducts a clinic for children who have had adverse events following a vaccination. The video can be found online at the healthed website. Corner of Echuca Road and McLennan Street, Mooroopna RSVP: Online For further information see the flyer or visit: EPPIC Forum OTHER INFORMATION Changes to District of Workforce Shortage (DWS) Ratings Recently announced changes have seen the DWS rating of some towns in the GVML change. Those towns with a changed status are listed below: Now DWS Broadford Kilmore Murchison Nathalia Numurkah Tatura Wallan Wandong No Longer DWS Alexandra Eildon Marysville Puckapunyal Seymour Information about the new rural classification reform can be found here. The new system uses the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) geography and population data and the most recent medical workforce statistics (derived from Medicare billing data). Town based information regarding DWS and other related information is available by using the map. For recruitment and other GP workforce support, practices are advised to contact RWAV on 9349 7800. Rethink Sugary Drinks - You Wouldn’t Eat 16 Teaspoons of Sugar, So Why Drink It? A new video has been created to highlight the serious health impacts associated with sugary drinks and to encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Victoria to go for water instead. With around 16 teaspoons of sugar in a 600ml bottle of soft drink, the video stresses how much sugar is loaded into sugar sweetened beverages and how drinking them regularly can lead to not only oral health problems but weight gain and health problems such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer. This exciting gathering of Australian and international experts, hosted by Professor Patrick McGorry, will draw on local and international experiences to challenge and grow our understanding of working with young people with emerging and early psychosis in diverse clinical settings. Date: 6 March 2015 For further information call (03) 9342 3744 or email [email protected], or visit the Orygen website. Diabetes Study Day for Enrolled and Registered Nurses This study day, with Kathy Mills, a Credentialed Diabetes Educator, is for enrolled and registered nurses. The day will cover contemporary and evidence based research on dietary, exercise, psychological and pharmacological management of diabetes mellitus. Date: 6 March 2015 Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Venue: Inner East Melbourne Medicare Local 6 Lakeside Drive, Burwood East Cost: February) $220.00 – early bird registration (before 20 $250.00 – full registration RSVP: [email protected] This study day is eligible for 6 hours professional education. Morning tea, lunch, and notes are provided. For further information download the flyer or contact Kathy via email at [email protected] The video has been developed by the health organisation behind Rethink Sugary Drink in partnership with the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation Inc (VACCHO). The Smiles 4 Miles program proudly supported the development of this video and hopes its messages will help the community to choose tap water and plain milk over sugary drinks. OTHER CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS CONTINUED Hormones and Female Cancers – Clinical Controversies Monash Partners Comprehensive Cancer Consortium (MPCCC) would like to welcome you to the Hormones and Female Cancers- Clinical Controversies conference. They have endeavoured to put together a stimulating program with speakers who are renowned in Australia and internationally in their field. Date: 21 March, 2015 Time: 8:30 am – 6:00 pm Venue: The Rydges 701 Swanston Street, Melbourne For further information download the flyer or visit the Southern Melbourne Integrated Cancer Service website. B-Informed – Hepatitis B Workshop In collaboration with St Vincent’s and Hepatitis Victoria, the Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health will be holding workshops for the B-Informed – Addressing Hepatitis B Within a Community Context. Date: 24 March 2015 26 May 2015 25 August 2015 Time: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Venue: Training Room – North Richmond Community Health 23 Lennox Street, Richmond, 3121 For further information about the workshop or to book a place in one of the sessions, visit the Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health website. Connection Asthma Care – 2015 Australasian Asthma Conference Asthma Australia is excited to announce that discounted Early Bird rates to the Connection Asthma Care Conference will now be accepted up until Friday 13 February, giving you two additional weeks to get your registration in. The 2015 Asthma Australia Connection Asthma Care Conference will bring together key national and international researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to explore everything asthma. For further information visit the Asthma Australia website. Skin Cancer Workshop for GPs Skin & Cancer Foundation Inc in association with the Department of General Practice, Monash University presents a two day workshop developed and taught by specialist dermatologist educators. The workshop is suitable for all GPs and GP registrars regardless of level of experience and is a perfect opportunity to upskill. Day 1: Lecture series includes a course on dermoscopy diagnosis of skin cancers and management of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers. Day 2: Hands-on Pigskin workshop includes planning for surgery, biopsy techniques, simple ellipses, flaps and grafts, and dealing with complications. Date: 2 May 2015 – Day 1 3 May 2015 – Day 2 Register online for one or two days (including RACGP CPD & QI points). Early bird discount is available until 30 March 2015. For further information visit APNA National Conference 2015 – Brave to Bold Registrations are now open for APNA National Conference 2015 – Brave to Bold. Date: 14 – 16 May 2015 For further information or to register, visit A Practitioner’s Guide to Care of the Dying This workshop is designed to help medical practitioners and mental health professionals incorporate theoretically sound and empirically derived principles into sensitive and effective care of dying patients and their families. Program 1 Date: 18 May 2015 Venue: Mercure Melbourne Treasury Gardens 13 Spring Street, Melbourne Program 2 Date: 19 May 2015 Venue: Mercure Melbourne Treasury Gardens 12 Spring Street, Melbourne Full workshop outlines and learning outcomes can be found at 226 Wyndham Street Shepparton VIC 3630 PO Box 1074 Shepparton VIC 3632 (03) 5831 5399 – (03) 5831 5396 [email protected] Goulburn Valley Medicare Local (ABN 35 062 463 097)
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