RACE 2015- PROGRAMME SCHEDULE DAY 1: 18/02/2015 09:00 - 10:00 Registration 10:00 - 10:05 Inauguration 10:05 - 10:10 Welcome Address Vice-Chancellor,Hindustan University 10:10- 10:15 Opening Remarks Convener, RACE 2015 10:15- 10:25 Presidential Address Chancellor, Hindustan University 10:25 – 10:35 Chief Guest Dr. S. Gowmathinayagam Director General , National Institute of Wind Energy, Chennai 10:35 – 10:45 Guest of Honour Dr. V. Jagadeesh Kumar, Professor and Head, Central Electronics Centre Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 10:45 - 10:50 10:50 – 11:05 11:05 – 11:50 11:50 - 12.35 Vote of Thanks Dean,Mechanical Sciences Tea Break Key note speaker 1: Dr. V. Jagadeesh Kumar, Professor and Head, Central Electronics Centre Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai Topic : Optical Sensors for Non-Invasive diagnostics Key note speaker 2: Dr. M. Singaperumal, Professor Emeritus ( Rtd.), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai Topic : 12:35 - 13:10 Key note speaker 3: Dr. Seshagiri Rao, Distinguished Scientist, Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR Indian Space Research Organization, Dept. of Space,Govt. of India.Sriharikota. Topic : Advances and applications of Embedded Systems 13:10 – 14:00 Lunch Technical Sessions [ 4 parallel sessions] Control Embedded systems Invited Talk -1 Invited Talk -1 Prof. Prakash Jagadeesan, Prof. N. S. Murthy, Head of Department, Professor, Department of Instrumentation Department of Electronics and 14:00-14:30 Engineering Communications Engineering Madras Institute of Technology, National Institute of Technology, Warangal Anna University, Chennai Topic : Low power embedded system design Topic : Advances in Control and applications Automation 14:30 - 15:45 Session for Presentations 1 Session for Presentations 1 Session for Presentations 1 R1: Paper Id: 31 C1: Paper Id: 15 E1: Paper Id:17 Title: Conception and Development of Title: Real Time closed loop data Title: Embedded System Design for I&C of Dexto:Eka: The Humanoid Robot Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor based estimation and explicit Part IV Author: T Sridevi et al. model based control of an air conditioning system implemented 14:30 - 14:45 Author: Sumit Gupta et al. in hardware in loop scheme Author: Mr. Chinmay Sahu et al. Robotics Invited Talk - 1 Dr. S. Venugopal, Associate Director, GRIP, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam Topic : Applicatin of Robots in plant automation and control R2: Paper Id: 47 Title: Inverse kinematics of a NAO humanoid robot using Kinect to track 14:50 - 15:05 and imitate human motion Author: Shohin Mukherjee et al. 15:10 - 15:25 15:30 - 15:45 15:50 - 16:05 Aeronautics /Mechanical / Auto Invited Talk -1 Dr. Subramaniam Karunanidhi, Scientist, Research Centre for Imarat, DRDO, Hyderabad Topic : Smart Material Actuators in Mechatronics Systems. Session for Presentations 1 A1: Paper Id:36 Title: Investigation on laser assisted actuation of shape memory alloy based microvalve. Author: Tameshwer Nath et al C2:Paper Id: 22 Title: Development of LabVIEW based Data Acquisition Unit for Compact Photometer for terrestrial and Planetary Emissions Author: Mr. Madhava Reddy B et al.Paper Id: 66 C3: E2: Paper Id:28 Title: Predicting Remaining Useful Life of High Speed Milling Cutter based on Artificial Neural Network Author: Amit Kumar Jain and Bhupesh Kumar Lad A2 : Paper Id: 51 Title: Numerical Modelling of valveless based pulse detonation engine Author: Mr. Neeraj Jerauld et al. R3: Paper Id: 85 Title: Development of a self-transfer Title: Artificial Intelligence in robotic facility for elderly and disabled boiler control Author: Mr. R hari Krishnan and S Author: Raghupathy K et al. Pugazhenthi E3: Paper Id:29 Title: DSDPC: Delay signatures at different process corners based Hardware Trojan detection technique for FPGAs Author: G. Sumathi et al. A3:Paper Id: 54 Title: Robust control of a three degrees of freedom aeroelastic model using an intelligent observer Author: Mr. L. Prabhu et al. R4: Paper Id: 113 Title: Design and Development of an underwater robot Author: Jagjeet Singh et al. C4: Paper Id: 141 Title: Design of PID Controller for a 4 DOF Planar and Spatial Manipulators Author: Ravi Kumar Mandava et al. E4: Paper Id:41 Title: Failure diagnosis and reliability assesment of NiTi-shape memory alloy (SMA) spring for micrp-actuators. Author: Tameshwer Nath Tiwari et al. A4: Paper Id:55 Title: Parametric Investigation on Laser Forming of 3mm and 5mm FE410 Sheets for Brake Pedal and Clutch Pedal Applications Author: Agnel D'Souza et al. Tea Break 16:05 - 17:50 Session for Presentations 2 R5: Paper Id: 182 Title: Comparison between 3 and 8 legDOF shake table 16:05 - 16:20 Author: Naveen Kumar Guota et al. 16:25 - 16:40 16:45 - 17:00 17:05 - 17:20 18:00 - 19:00 19:00 - 21:00 Session for Presentations 2 C5: Paper Id: 217 Title: Frequency Control of Autonomous Hybrid Power System using Smart Controllable Load Author: Sanjoy Debbarma et al. R6: Paper Id: 219 C6: Paper Id: 231 Title: Energy efficient inverse dynamic Title: Design and optimization of model of a hexapod robot multivariable controller for CSTR Author: Mr. Abhijit Mahapatra et al. system Author: Vivekananthan B et al. Session for Presentations 2 E5: Paper Id:64 Title: Non-Conventional Carrier Wavefoems in a four user OFDMA communication system Author: Mr. Venkata Subbareddy et al. Session for Presentations 2 A5: Paper Id:215 Title: Regression Rate Studies of Hybrid Rocket Fuel on a Lab Scale Rocket Motor Author: Yash Pal et al. E6: Paper Id: 91 Title: A Decision Based Switching Median filter for restoration of images corrupted by high density impulse noise Author: Mr. Jezebel Priestly J et al. A6: Paper Id: 222 Title: Review on condition monitoring of abrasive water jet machining system Author: Ms Kalpana Kannan et al. R7: Paper Id: 307 Title: Studies on Robotic deburring of machined components using a SCARA robot Author: Subhashini P et al. E7: Paper Id: 98 Title: Comparative analysis of the BER performance of DWT OFDM over that of FFT OFDM in presence of phase noise Author: N. Hariprasad and G Sundari R8: Paper Id: 312 Title: Human Machine Interface For Dexto Eka: -The Humanoid Robot Author: Sumit Gupta et al. C7: Paper Id: 242 Title: Design and Implementation of adaptive Neuro Fuzzy inference system for an experimental Active suspension system Author: Hari V M et al. A7: Paper Id:358 Title: Observing the Thermodynamic properties in vehicle dynamics of automobiles for improving the ECU performance based on analogy method. Author: Arulananthasamy S et al. C8: Paper Id: 251 E8: Paper Id: 106 A8: Paper Id: 391 Title: Adaptive Multi-Loop Title: Development of TeleAlarm and Fire Title: Optimization of performance Fractional Order PID Controller Protection System using Remote Terminal and emission parameters of single Tuning Using Bat Colony Unit for Nuclear Power Plant cylinder direct injection CI engine by Optimization for Quadruple Tank Author: Rajendra Prasad Behera et al. varying compression ratio and Process injection timing Author: Sabura Banu U et al. Author: Hariram Venkatesh and Vagesh Shangar Ramni Hindustan University Cultural Programme Conference Banquote DAY 2:19/02/2015 9:00 - 9:45 Keynote Speaker 4 : Dr. S. A. V. Satyamurthy, Outstanding Scientist & Director, Electronics and Instrumentation & Radiological Safety Group, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam Topic :Wireless Sensor Networks applications at Nuclear Stations. 9:45 - 10:30 Keynote speaker 5 : Prof. Prabir K. Pal, Outstanding Scientist, Division for Remote Handling and Robotics, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai Topic : Teleoperation using telepresence. 10:30 - 10:45 Tea Break 10:45 - 11:30 Keynote speaker 6 : Mrs. Padma, Technical Manager, YOKOGAWA India Ltd., Bangalore Topic : 11:30 - 12:15 Keynote speaker 7 : Mr.Imamura, Head, Robotics Division, YASKAWA (Robotics-India), Bangalore 12:15 - 13:15 Invited Talk -2 Prof. Ang Marcelo H. Jr. Director, Advanced Robotics Centre, 13:15 - 13:45 Department of Mechanical Engineering National University of Singapore, Singapore Topic : Robotics applications 13:45 - 15:05 Session for Presentations 3 Invited Talk -2 Dr. Ramesh C. Panda, Principal Scientist, Central Leather Reserch Institute, Chennai Topic : Recent Developments in Process Control Session for Presentations 3 C10: Paper Id: 427 R10 : Paper Id: 307 Title: New Dynamic SelfTitle: Studies on Robotic Deburring of Organizing Feature Maps for the 13:45 - 14:00 machined components using a SCARA Classification of Extracted robot Feature Vectors of Characters Author: Subhashini Pvs et al. Author: Dayana Benny and Kumary Soumya Lunch Invited Talk -2 Mr.A.Venkatesan, Senior Manager, Operational Excellence & NPI, Eaton Crouse-hinds MTL Instruments, Chennai Topic : Intrinsically Safe Instrumentation Session for Presentations 3 E10: Paper Id:195 Title: Least Squares based Channel Estimation approach and bit error rate Analysis of Cognitive radio Author: PremKumar M et al. Invited Talk -2 Prof. Nilesh S. Vasa, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Engineering Design, IITM, Chennai Topic : Fibre optics Sensors and their applications Session for Presentations 3 A10: Paper Id:420 Title: A Methodology of retrofitting of CNC vertical milling machine. Author: Sridevi S et al. R11:R9: Paper Id: 3 Title: Heuristics Approach for Robot Path Minimization for Lamination 14:05 - 14:20 Assembly Author: Avinash Patil and Deepak Sachan C11: Paper Id: 367 Title: Multiagent Coalition Formation for Distributed Area Coverage & Exploration Author: Chayan Banerjee and Navya Deepthi A11: Paper Id:421 E11: Paper Id: 201 Title: Visual Odometery Based Title: Performance analysis of multi-band Absolute Target Geo-Location From Multiple Beamforming butler matrix for Micro Aerial Vehicle smart antenna systems Author: Mahadeeswara Yadav and Author: Mr. Sivasundarapandian Arun Annaiyan R12A9: Paper Id:399 Title: Monovision based Automated Navigation and Object Detection Author: Charan S.G et al. C12 :Paper Id: 270 Title: STUDY OF MODEL-PI PREDICTIVE CONTROLLER FOR COKE FRACTIONATION TOWER USING MATLAB Author: Amal Govind and Dr. Uppu Ramachandraiah E12: Paper Id: 253 Title: Efficient technique to reduce power diddipation of op_Amps at High speed Author: Avaneesh Kumar et al. A12: Paper Id:429 Title: Optimization of Parameters for Uniform Magnetic Field Author: Roshan Sasi et al. 14:45 - 15:00 R13 C13 C9: Paper Id: 407 Title: Adaptive optimization usingGrey relational analysisand PID control of CNC drilling process Author: Susai Mary J et al. E13: Paper Id: 277 Title: Analysis of statistical texture features for automatic lung cancer detection in PET/CT images Author: Ms Punithavathy K et al. A13: Paper Id:196 Title: Optimization of process parameters during machining of Thixoformed A356-5TiB2 in-situ Composite using Design of Experiments Author: S Deepak Kumar et al. 15:05 - 15:20 Tea Break Invited Talk - 3 Invited Talk - 3 Invited Talk - 3 Dr. Sridharakumar Narasimhan, Dr. K. A. Kanagasabapathy, Professor,Department of Chemical Dr. C. Babu Rao, Vice - President, Engineering, Rajaramanna Fellow, FLSmidth Limited Indian Institute of Technology Indira Gandhi Centre Atomic Research, Chennai Madras, Chennai Kalpakkam Topic : Industrial prospective of Robotics Topic :Optimal operation and Topic: To be received role in manufacturing Industry control of urban water distribution Session for Presentations 4 Session for Presentations 4 Session for Presentations 4 14:25 - 14:40 15:20 - 15:50 15:50 - 17.10 Invited Talk - 3 Prof. S. Sampath Kumar, Professor, Central Workshop Department of Mechanical Engg, Anna University,College of Engg,Guindy.Chennai. Topic : Session for Presentations 4 C14 E14: Paper Id: 281 Title: Performance analysis of preprocessing filters for underwater images Author: Srividhya K. and Ramya M.M. A14 C15 A15 16:10 - 16:25 E15: Paper Id: 295 Title: On the metric dimension of few network sheets Author: F Simon Raj and George Amalanathan et al. C16 A16 16:30 - 16:45 E16: Paper Id: 369 Title: Construction of Hexagonal Based stratefic connected dominating set for mobile Ad-Hoc networks Author: Ceronmani Sharmila et al. C17 16:50 - 17:05 E17: Paper Id: 382 Title: Localization with Beacon Based Support Vector Machine in Wireless Sensor A17 Networks Author: Mary Livinsa R14 15:50 - 16:05 R15 R16 R17 DAY 3:20/02/2015 Keynote Speaker 8 : Dr. M. Chidambaram, Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai Topic: 9:00 - 9:45 Keynote speaker 9: Prof. Ang Marcelo H. Jr. Director, Advanced Robotics Centre, Department of Mechanical Engineering National University of Singapore, Singapore Topic : Robotics applications 9:45 - 10:30 Keynote speaker 10 Dr. R. Venkatesan Scientist-G & Head -Ocean Observation Systems, National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai Topic: To be received 10:30 - 11:15 11:15 - 11:45 Tea Break 11:45 - 12:30 Keynote speaker 11 :Dr. D. N. Badodkar, Head, Division for Remote Handling and Robotics, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai Topic : Automation Systems for Nuclear Industries Lunch 12:30 - 13:30 13:30 - 14:00 Invited Talk -4 Dr. T. Asokan, Professor, Department of Engineering Design, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai Topic: Invited Talk - 4 Mr. Murali, Associate Director, Instrumentation & Control Group Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam Topic : Invited Talk -4 Dr.Boby George, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai Topic: Efficient Signal Conditioning Schemes for Resistive-Capacitive Position Sensors Invited Talk -4 Dr. B. P. C. Rao, Scientific Officer 'H' and Head, NDE Division, & Head,Robotics Indira Gandhi Centre Atomic Research, Kalpakkam Topic: To be received 13:30 - 14:50 Session for Presentations 5 R19 Session for Presentations 5 Session for Presentations 5 C17 E17E19: Paper Id: 406 Title: EEG Based Emotion Recognition A17 System using MFDFA as Feature Extractor Author: Sananda Paul et al. 13:30 - 13:45 R20 C18 R21 C19 14:10 - 14:25 14:30 - 14:45 R22 14:50 - 15:05 R23 C20 C21 13:50 - 14:05 15:10 - 15:25 15:25 - 15:35 15:35 - 15:45 Session for Presentations 5 E18E18: Paper Id: 404 Title: Impact of co-effficient selection rules on the performance of DWT based fusion A18 on medical images Author: K.P. Indira and Dr.R. Rani Hemamalini E19E9: Paper Id:193 Title: A novel design approach and simulation of frequency reconfigurable A19 micro strip patch antenna for Wi-Fi, WLAN and GPS applications. Author: Jegan G et al. E20 E21 A20 A21 Tea Break Valedictory function : Chief Guest Prof. Ang Marcelo H. Jr. , Director, Advanced Robotics Centre, National University of Singapore, Singapore Guest of Honour : Dr. D. N. Badodkar, Head, Division for Remote Handling and Robotics, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 15:45 - 15:50 Feedback 15:50 - 16:00 Vote of Thanks
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