Vision Statement EAST IRONDEQUOIT . . . . Destination of Choice The East Irondequoit Central School District is dedicated to providing a world-class education for all students. Our educational environment will nurture creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. We will inspire our students to become inquiring, knowledgeable and caring individuals who positively contribute to our local and global communities. A regular meeting of the Board of Education of the East Irondequoit Central School District, at 7:00 pm, February 10, 2015, in the District Office, 600 Pardee Rd, Central Office Board Room 102. Note: Please remember to silence all cell phones and pagers. AGENDA 7:00 pm Convene Regular Meeting Pledge of Allegiance Acceptance of the Agenda and Minutes Motion to accept the agenda for February 10, 2015 and the minutes of January 26, 2015.............. Enc. Reports from Student Reps: EIMS: Savannah Devlin Eastridge: Yomaris Sanchez Convene Audit Committee Independent Audit Report – Ray Wager MCSBA Report Jody Siegle, Executive Director, Monroe County School Boards Association Reports from the Board President Spirit, Pride, Excellence! Report .............................................................................................. Enc. 6.1 NYSSBA Recognition Public Budget Input Verbal Communications / -- advance sign up - 5 minute limit per speaker, please It is the practice of this board to encourage the community to use this portion of the meeting to share information and concerns with board members. Individuals wishing to address the board are asked to sign up in advance before the meeting or at the beginning of the meeting, giving their name and address to the board clerk. Names will be placed on a speakers list and speakers will be called in the order signed up. Speakers are asked to keep their remarks to 5 minutes. Questions raised in “verbal communications” may be referred to the Superintendent to prepare a response by the next meeting. The questions may be requested in writing to ensure clarity. At the discretion of the Board President, inaccurate information may be given a response. Reports from Board Members / Board Committees Reports from the Superintendent of Schools Budget: Ofc. of Instruction & Pupil Services – Miryam Matulic-Keller, Leslie Powers .........Enc. Budget: Instruction – John Abbott ............................................................................................Enc. Budget: Staffing Review – Phil Oberst .....................................................................................Enc. Budget: Benefits – John Abbott ................................................................................................Enc. Budget: Revenue – John Abbott ...............................................................................................Enc. “Building A Future, One Student At A Time” 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 School Board DISCUSSION 9.1 Policy Review: Section 4000 – Non-Instructional Business Operations ................................Enc. 4170 – Partisan Political Activity 4180 – Travel and Conferences 4190 – Cellular Phones School Board ACTION – NEW BUSINESS MOTION, to adopt all District, Instruction, and Business resolutions as presented. District Adopt Urban-Suburban Program ..............................................................................................Enc. 10.1 Instruction CSE/CPSE ................................................................................................................................Enc. 11.1 Business Acceptance of 2013-14 Audit ................................................................................................... Enc. Field Trip: Final & Preliminary Approvals...............................................................................Enc. Budget Amendment ..................................................................................................................Enc. 12.1 12.2 12.3 MOTION, to adopt all Personnel resolutions as presented. Personnel Personnel Actions .....................................................................................................................Enc. * 13.9 Calendar Executive Session (if needed, to discuss specific matters appropriate for Executive Session) * Limited Distribution Adjournment BOARD NORMS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. “Building A Future, One Student At A Time” Come Prepared Stay on Task Be Open Minded Listen Before Responding Ask for Clarification MINUTES of a Meeting of the East Irondequoit Board of Education held on January 26, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. at the District Central Office, 600 Pardee Rd., Rm. 102. Board Members Present: Kim Lasher, Stacey Beaumont, Ron Cooper, Kimberly Kane, Jeffrey Petrie, Doreen Swan, Carol Watt, Douglas Spallina (7:03 pm) Also Present: Susan Allen, John Abbott, Phil Oberst, Miryam Matulic-Keller, Joseph Shields, Dave Yates, Catherine Andersen Absent: Ben Stalls Convene Meeting Convene Meeting President Lasher called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance Acceptance of the Minutes/Agenda Minutes/Agenda Accepted Motion to accept the minutes of January 5 and 20, 2015, and the agenda for January 26, 2015. 1/Kane , 2/Beaumont Carried 7-0-0 Recognition Ceremony Student Recognition Congress of Future Medical Leaders – Megan Maggio and Joanna Christman reported on their trip to Washington D.C., where they were met by successful young medical professionals and the Surgeon General among other dignitaries. Both women thought this was a rewarding trip. Mrs. Lasher congratulated them on behalf of the board. Gifts and a commemorative certificate were presented and refreshments were served. Community Input – Community Input Vicki Townend, 4 Walnut Pk., addressed the board. She is a bus driver for the district and requested that the district add healthcare benefits. Shelly Fritz, 216 Edgecreek Trail, presented some comparison data regarding health insurance costs and requested that the district add healthcare benefits for bus drivers. Reports from the Board President Report from the Board President Mrs. Lasher presented the Spirit, Pride, Excellence! report. She reminded everyone of the EI Alumni Association Fundraiser, Casino Night, on February 28. Reports from Board Members Reports from Board Members Board members reported on the recent meetings around the district. The MCSBA Legislative Breakfast is Feb. 7 and several board members will attend. Reports from the Superintendent of Schools Seal of Biliteracy – Candie Black and Miryam Matulic-Keller reported on the effort to recognize biliteracy in the district with a state seal on graduation diplomas. The program will be especially significant because of the many languages spoken in our district, as well as the focus on language from the elementary grades through high school. Budget Presentation: Transportation – Mr. Abbott and Ms. Callon outlined the transportation budget and discussed opportunities for expanding our transportation services to other districts. Superintendent Report East Irondequoit Central School District Board of Education Meeting Minutes – January 26, 2015 page 2 Budget Presentation: Buildings and Grounds – Mr. Abbott reported on the staffing ratios for areas serviced by B&G, and Mr. Beh explained how his team monitors the budget and prepares for extreme weather. The Board expressed its gratitude for the hard work of Milan’s team. Budget Presentation: Technology – Mr. Abbott outlined recent trends in district technology services, including the ongoing iPad initiative and an emphasis on security. He stressed the dramatic increase in services provided and the demand on IT resources. The board thanked Mr. Sutorius and his team. Budget Presentation: State Aid and Revenue – Despite the lack of information on state aid, Mr. Abbott outlined the proposals in the Governor’s State Address, including new requirements for teacher tenure, charter schools, and failing schools. Changes to the STAR program are proposed which could increase property taxes, if implemented. School Board Discussion Policy Review: Section 4000 – Non-Instructional Business Operations – After review of the following district policies, there is a minor change recommended to Policy #4130, which will be brought to the board in June 2015 for approval. Board Discussion: Policy Review 4130 – Drug & Alcohol Testing of Bus Drivers and Other Safety Personnel 4140 – Extra Classroom Activity Funds 4160 –Accidents Urban-Suburban Program – Mrs. Allen outlined her efforts to explore a plan for the district to participate in the Monroe County program, which is administered through BOCES. The Board approved moving forward with this. UrbanSuburban MYP Middle Years Programme – On February 2-3, the Middle School will receive a visit by IB representatives as part of our application to become an MYP school. Mrs. Allen, Dr. MatulicKeller, Mrs. Watt and Mr. Petrie will meet with the team on Feb 3. School Board ACTION – NEW BUSINESS CSE/CPSE Consent Agenda: Approved CSE/CPSE RESOLVED, that the Board of Education makes arrangements for the implementation of the recommendations of the Committee on Special Education/Committee on Preschool Special Education regular meetings of December 17, 2014 through January 21, 2015. 1/Beaumont, 2/Swan, Carried 8-0-0 Health Services Rate for 2014-15 RESOLVED, that the Board of Education establishes the Health Services rate for nonresident students for the 2014-15 school year at $562.03 per student. 1/Cooper, 2/Petrie, Carried 8-0-0 Health Service Rate East Irondequoit Central School District Board of Education Meeting Minutes – January 26, 2015 page 3 Bid Awards Bid Awards: Cooperative Printer Supplies, Cooperative Health & Safety Supplies, and Cooperative Custodial Supplies RESOLVED, that, in accordance with Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, the Board of Education accepts the following vendors in the following estimated amounts as the lowest responsible bidders in the matter of the cooperative bid through BOCES #2 for Printer and Copier Supplies which was opened on December 4, 2014 and will be effective February 1, 2015 through January 31, 2016. The bid results were as follows: Vendor W.B. Mason The Tree House Inc. Amount Awarded $2,595.70 $2,199.98 and be it further RESOLVED, that, in accordance with Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, the Board of Education accepts the following vendors in the following estimated amounts as the lowest responsible bidders in the matter of the cooperative bid through BOCES #2 for Health & Safety Supplies which was opened on November 18, 2014 and will be effective February 1, 2015 through January 31, 2016. The bid results were as follows; Vendor Pyramid School Products Henry Schein Inc. Medco Mohawk Amount Awarded $20.00 $1,149.99 $763.13 $714.20 and be it further RESOLVED, that, in accordance with Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, the Board of Education accepts the following vendors in the following estimated amounts as the lowest responsible bidders in the matter of the cooperative bid through BOCES #2 for Custodial Supplies which was opened on December 4, 2014 and will be effective February 1, 2015 through January 31, 2016. The bid results were as follows; Vendor Pyramid School Products Interboro Packaging Corp. Quill Corp. Calico Industries Corr Distributors Dobmeier Janitor Supply, Inc. Unipak Finger Lakes Chemical All American Poly Regional Distributors Inc. Gabriel First Corp. LJC Distributors Fuller Brush Co. Chudy Paper Co. Westcott Group W.B. Mason Amount Awarded $1,427.20 $10,632.00 $2,347.85 $3,997.30 $1,632.27 $68,642.93 $1,861.90 $29.75 $2,922.00 $167.80 $1,291.94 $515.90 $7,590.61 $20,040.14 $8,454.54 A complete tabulation of these bids is on file in the Business Office. 1/Cooper, 2/Petrie, Carried 8-0-0 East Irondequoit Central School District Board of Education Meeting Minutes – January 26, 2015 page 4 Budget Status Reports Receipt of Budget Status Reports RESOLVED, that the Board of Education acknowledges receipt of the Treasurer’s Report, the Expenditure Report, and the Revenue Report for the month of July, 2014 and the Extraclassroom Report from East Irondequoit Middle School and Eastridge High School for the month of December, 2014. 1/Cooper, 2/Petrie, Carried 8-0-0 Field Trip Field Trip Preliminary Approval: Varsity Cheerleaders to Ocean City, MD RESOLVED, that, for planning purposes only, the Board of Education gives preliminary approval to the Eastridge Varsity Cheerleaders’ trip to Ocean City, Maryland on February 27 – March 1, 2015 to compete in a national competition. This trip will be in place of the trip to Washington, D.C. that was submitted for preliminary approval on November 17, 2014. 1/Cooper, 2/Petrie, Carried 8-0-0 Personnel Actions Personnel Actions RESOLVED, the Board of Education approved the following personnel actions: INSTRUCTIONAL RETIREMENT MATULIC-KELLER, MIRYAM – Central Office The acceptance of the retirement of Miryam Matulic-Keller, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction at Central Office, effective at the close of business on June 30, 2015. Dr. MatulicKeller has been with the district since July 2005. LEAVE OF ABSENCE JOSEPH, LISA – East Irondequoit Middle School The granting of an unpaid (1.0) (childrearing) leave of absence effective February 2, 2015 through the 2014-15 school year for Lisa Joseph, Foreign Language Teacher at East Irondequoit Middle School. RETURN FROM LEAVE OF ABSENCE COLAVECCHIA, JESSICA – Eastridge High School The return of Jessica Colavecchia, Mathematics Teacher at Eastridge High School, on February 2, 2015 from a (1.0) leave of absence (childrearing) effective September 17, 2014 through February 1, 2015. EXTENDED SICK LEAVE SANTELLI, ANA –Laurelton Pardee Intermediate School The approval of extended sick leave for Ana Santelli, Elementary Education Teacher at Laurelton Pardee Intermediate School, effective January 12, 2015. East Irondequoit Central School District Board of Education Meeting Minutes – January 26, 2015 WILLIAMS, KRISTIN –Ivan Green Primary School The approval of extended sick leave for Kristin Williams, Elementary Education Teacher at Ivan Green Primary School, effective January 13, 2015. EXTRA DUTY APPOINTMENT/CHANGE OF APPOINTMENT 2014-15 BURNS, DENISE – East Irondequoit Middle School The change in the appointment of Denise Burns, Special Education Teacher at East Irondequoit Middle School, from the extra duty assignment of Adventure Club Advisor to the extra duty assignment of co-advisor for the Adventure Club. DEBRYNE, TRISTINE – East Irondequoit Middle School The appointment of Tristine DeBryne, Special Education Teacher at East Irondequoit Middle School, to the extra duty assignment of co-advisor for the Adventure Club. K-12 TEACHER MENTOR The approval of the following teacher to the extension of Teacher Mentor effective during the 2014-2015 school year. NEW MENTOR LOC. POSITION EMPLOYEE DATES (Extension Jan. 10 – March 12, Felter, MaryEllen EIMS Science Melissa Hutto 2015) ACCUPLACER EXAM DIBBLE, MONA – Eastridge High School The approval of Mona Dibble, School Counselor at Eastridge High School, to oversee and administer the Accuplacer Exam (MCC entrance exam) at Eastridge High School. Dates as follows: Saturdays on March 14, May 2, June 6, 2015 from 8:00a.m. – 12:00p.m. 4 Hours per session. GOOSSEN, DOREEN – Eastridge High School The approval of Doreen Goossen, School Counselor at Eastridge High School, to oversee and administer the Accuplacer Exam (MCC entrance exam) at Eastridge High School. Dates as follows: Saturdays on March 14, May 2, June 6, 2015 from 8:00a.m. – 12:00p.m. 4 Hours per session. HEALY, KATHLEEN – Eastridge High School The approval of Kathleen Healy, School Counselor at Eastridge High School, to oversee and administer the Accuplacer Exam (MCC entrance exam) at Eastridge High School. Dates as follows: Saturdays on March 14, May 2, June 6, 2015 from 8:00a.m. – 12:00p.m. 4 Hours per session. HOOPER, TRAVIS – Eastridge High School The approval of Travis Hooper, School Counselor at Eastridge High School, to oversee and administer the Accuplacer Exam (MCC entrance exam) at Eastridge High School. Dates as follows: Saturdays on March 14, May 2, June 6, 2015 from 8:00a.m. – 12:00p.m. 4 Hours per session. page 5 East Irondequoit Central School District Board of Education Meeting Minutes – January 26, 2015 page 6 ASSIGNMENT – TUTORS D’AMBROSIO, SARA The approval of Sara D’Ambrosio as an AVID Tutor at East Irondequoit Middle School/Eastridge High School effective January 27, 2015. This assignment is up to 100 hours during the 2014-15 school year. GUPTA, RITA The approval of Rita Gupta as an AVID Tutor at East Irondequoit Middle School/Eastridge High School effective January 27, 2015. This assignment is up to 100 hours during the 2014-15 school year. MITZLER, KATHRYN The approval of Kathryn Mitzler to the assignment of a Tutor at Laurelton Pardee Intermediate School effective January 5, 2015. This position is through the end of the 2014-15 school year. This position is 3 hours per day, Monday – Friday. Ms. Mitzler is replacing Jacqueline Antonelli who had a change of assignment. PARKER, IAN The approval of Ian Parker as an AVID Tutor at East Irondequoit Middle School/Eastridge High School effective January 27, 2015. This assignment is up to 100 hours during the 2014-15 school year. EXTENSION OF ASSIGNMENT HUTTO, MELISSA – East Irondequoit Middle School The approval of the extension of the assignment for Melissa Hutto from a (1.0 FTE) Long-Term Substitute Science Teacher assigned to East Irondequoit Middle School effective September 2, 2014 through January 9, 2015 to the new end date of March 12, 2015. Ms. Hutto is filling a position held by Amy Gilbert who is on a sick leave. ASSIGNMENTS O’FLYNN, KAYLEIGH The approval of Kayleigh O’Flynn to the assignment of a (1.0 FTE) Long-Term Substitute Elementary Education Teacher assigned to Ivan Green Primary School effective January 12, 2015 through February 27, 2015. Ms. O’Flynn is filling a position held by Kristin Williams who is on a sick leave. THIEBERT-MEY, ANDRÉE The approval of Andrée Thiebert-Mey to the assignment of a (1.0 FTE) Long-Term Substitute ESOL Teacher assigned to Laurelton Pardee Intermediate School effective January 20, 2015 through June 25, 2015. Ms. Thiebert-Mey is filling a position held by Heidi Davis who will be on a childbearing/childrearing leave. East Irondequoit Central School District Board of Education Meeting Minutes – January 26, 2015 page 7 COACHING APPOINTMENTS The appointment of the following personnel to coaching positions for the Spring 2015. TIER STEP SPORT NAME LEVEL Baseball McDeid, Michael Junior Varsity IV 2 Softball Rivera, Rachel Varsity II 9 Softball Reynolds, Stephen Varsity Assistant VI 15 Softball Smith, Heather Junior Varsity IV 4 Lacrosse Girls Payne, Emily Varsity II 9 Lacrosse Girls Wright, Sarah Varsity Assistant VI 7 Lacrosse Girls Tarana, Casey Junior Varsity IV 5 Field Hockey Adams, Linda Modified B VI 46 Lacrosse Boys Kleehammer ,Matthew Varsity II 7 Track Head Girls Curynski, Sean Varsity II 13 Track Head Girls Stevens, Ross Junior Varsity IV 5 Track Head Boys Weber, Jason Varsity II 16 Track Head Boys Wright, Fenton Junior Varsity IV 9 Modified Track Crescimanni, Peter Modified VI 13 Tennis Boys Aser, Robert Varsity V 9 RECALCULATION IN PROBATIONARY APPOINTMENT MESSENGER, ANGELA – Eastridge High School The recalculation in the ending date of the probationary appointment in the academic tenure area of Mathematics for Angela Messenger from an ending date of February 1, 2015 to the new extended ending date of February 1, 2016 per agreement dated January 21, 2015. CLASSIFIED RESIGNATIONS GRAY, ANNIONS – Transportation The resignation of Annions Gray, Bus Driver in the Transportation Department, effective at the close of business on January 2, 2015. Mr. Gray has been with the district since August 2014. JACKSON, TIFFANY – Transportation The resignation of Tiffany Jackson, Bus Monitor in the Transportation Department, effective at the close of business on January 27, 2015. Ms. Jackson has been with the district since September 2014. MITCHUM JR., ALPHONSO – Eastridge High School The resignation of Alphonso Mitchum Jr., Hall Monitor at Eastridge High School, effective at the close of business on January 23, 2015. Mr. Mitchum has been with the district since October 2012. MONACHINO, CHRISTINE – Durand Eastman Intermediate School The resignation for the purpose of retirement of Christine Monachino, Clerical Aide at Durand Eastman Intermediate School, effective at the close of business on January 30, 2015. Ms. Monachino has been with the district since September 2008. East Irondequoit Central School District Board of Education Meeting Minutes – January 26, 2015 page 8 TRANSFER SPANN, TOSHIA – Laurelton Pardee Intermediate School The transfer of Toshia Spann from a 5.5 Hour Food Service Helper assigned to Laurelton Pardee Intermediate School to a 5.5 Hour Food Service Helper at East Irondequoit Middle School effective January 1, 2015. Ms. Spann is replacing Mary Ann Bogaerd who had a change of assignment. CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT BOGAERD, MARY ANN – East Irondequoit Middle School The change of assignment of Mary Ann Bogaerd, 7 Hour Food Service Helper at East Irondequoit Middle School to a 7 Hour Head Cook at East Irondequoit Middle School effective January 5, 2015. Ms. Bogaerd is replacing Lori Zambuto who transferred to Laurelton Pardee Intermediate School. CHANGE IN HOURS OVERACKER, KARI – East Irondequoit Middle School The change of hours of Kari Overacker from a 4 Hour Food Service Helper at East Irondequoit Middle School to a 5 Hour Food Service Helper at East Irondequoit Middle School effective January 5, 2015. CIVIL SERVICE APPOINTMENT KENNELL, SUSAN – Technology Department The approval of Susan Kennell to be permanently appointed to the civil service title of Help Desk/Intranet Coordinator in the Technology Department after successful completion of the Help Desk/Intranet Coordinator civil service examination (HDIC-1101-14) effective January 27, 2015. APPOINTMENTS ALQUIRE, PAUL The probationary appointment of Paul Alquire to the position of Maintenance Mechanic I at Buildings and Grounds effective January 5, 2015. Mr. Alquire is replacing Peter Russo who retired. Mr. Alquire’s probationary period will end on July 5, 2015. BROOKS, JACINDY The appointment of Jacindy Brooks to the probationary appointment of Bus Driver (AM/PM Run – 5 hours) in the Transportation Department effective January 5, 2015. Ms. Brooks’ probationary period will end on January 5, 2016. Ms. Brooks is replacing Pamela Brun who resigned. EDMONDSON, KAREN The probationary appointment of Karen Edmondson to the position of Library Clerk at Eastridge High School effective January 5, 2015. Ms. Edmondson is replacing Donna Bergen who retired. Ms. Edmondson’s probationary period will end on September 5, 2015. VIGERZI, LYNN The appointment of Lynn Vigerzi to the appointment of a 3 Hour Cafeteria Monitor at Durand Eastman Intermediate School effective January 26, 2015. Ms. Vigerzi is replacing Sara Christman who resigned. Ms. Vigerzi will remain in her Bus Driver position in the district. 1/Swan, 2/Watt, Carried 8-0-0 East Irondequoit Central School District Board of Education Meeting Minutes – January 26, 2015 Executive Session – 9:20 p.m. page 9 Executive Session Motion to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss the employment history of a particular individual. 1/Kane, 2/Beaumont, Carried 8-0-0 Returned from Executive Session – 10:01 p.m. Adjournment – Motion to adjourn at 10:02 p.m. 1/Swan, 2/Cooper, Carried 8-0-0 Respectfully submitted, Catherine Andersen Catherine Andersen District Clerk Meeting Adjourned Spirit, Pride, Excellence February, 2015 CongratulationstothefollowingEastridgemusicianswhowere selectedforAllCountyensembles:Band‐McKennaStickney(piccolo), KevinConrow(trombone),KennyConrow(tuba),Kate McInerney(percussion).TrumpetplayerMattDaleyearnedaspotin theorchestra.TheywillperformattheEastmanTheateronMarch7. ThreeMiddleSchoolstudentsalsoearnedAllCountyspots:Kyle Egan(7thgradeclarinet),MadisonDay(7thgradeclarinet)and SuzannaWojnowski(8thgradeFrenchhorn). JaclynCrane,afirstgradeteacheratHelendaleRoad,recently wrappedupaTeddyBearandFriendsdrive.Aspartoftheschool’s focusonempathyandopen‐mindednessoverthepastmonthMiss Craneandherstudentscollectednewandgentlyusedtoyswhich weretobedonatedtoahomelessshelterandashelterforvictimsof domesticviolence.Thecampaignresultedinnearly20bagsof donationswhichweredeliveredbyMissCraneandsomeofher students;alltransportedbytheLaureltonFireDepartment. AglobetrottingbearspentsometimewithsomeHelendaleRoad students.BarbFerriter’skindergartenclasshostedJessie,oneoffive stuffedbearswhichmakeuptheTravelingTeddyBearProject. Jessiegoesaroundtheworldvisitingdifferentclassroomsteaching childrenthat,nomatterhowdifferentpeoplemayseem,they actuallyhavequiteabitincommon.Jessiehasbeenverybusythis yearvisitingplaceslikeIndonesia,AustraliaandCanada. OnJanuary22,theEastridgeChoralehadthepleasureofhosting RIT'smaleacappellagroup,8BeatMeasure.Eastridgealum,David Magde(bass),invitedhisgrouptoperformtoshowstudentsthe musicalpossibilitiesthatexistincollegeevenfornon‐musicmajors. PatriciaRandallandGinaSalisburytooktheir12:1:1studentsfrom DurandEastmantotheWinterSpecialOlympicsforadayof snowshoeingonJanuary31. Office of Instruction Proposed Budget 2014 - 2015 Presented by Miryam Matulic-Keller, Ed. D. Assistant Superintendent for Instruction February 10, 2015 Proposed Pupil Personnel Services Budget 2015‐2016 Lesley Powers, PPS Director Wendy Baker, CSE/CPSE Chairperson 2015-16 Instruction Budget February 10, 2015 Philip A. Oberst Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources February 10, 2015 2015-16 Employee Benefits Budget February 10, 2015 2015-16 Revenue Budget February 10, 2015 Enclosure 10.1 February 10, 2015 Urban/Suburban Interdistrict Transfer Program RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the purpose of the Urban-Suburban Interdistrict Transfer Program has been established by New York State law and the regulations of the State Education Department, NYSED Law Section 3602, SED 8 NYCRR Section 175.24, and WHEREAS, the purpose of the Program is to voluntarily reduce racial and economic isolation and the segregation of academic opportunities in the elementary and secondary schools of New York State, in order to enhance racial/ethnic awareness and sensitivity among students, teachers and parents in the elementary and secondary schools, and WHEREAS, the vision of the East Irondequoit Central School District is to provide a world-class education for all students and inspire our students to become inquiring, knowledgeable and caring individuals who positively contribute to our local and global communities, THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the adoption of the Urban-Suburban Interdistrict Transfer Program for the East Irondequoit Central School District beginning with the 2015-2016 school year. In order to accomplish this purpose, minority pupils, as defined in the Program document, residing in the Rochester City School District may apply for transfer to the District through this Program. CONFIDENTIAL ENCLOSURE #11.1 02/10/15 RESOLVED RESOLVED, that the Board of Education make arrangements for the implementation of the recommendations of the Committee on Special Education/Committee on Preschool Special Education regular meetings of January 22 through February 4, 2015. Enc. #12.1 February 10, 2015 Acceptance of 2013-14 Independent Audit RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that, upon the recommendation of the Audit Committee, the Board of Education accepts the audit of the 2013-14 fiscal year as prepared by Raymond F. Wager, the district’s independent auditor. This consists of the General Purpose Financial Statements, the Letter Communicating Internal Control Related Matters Identified in an Audit, the Single Audit Report, the Extraclassroom Activity Report, and the Response to the Management Letter. Auditaccept2013-14 February 10, 2015 Enc. #12.3 February 10, 2015 Budget Amendment RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Board of Education amends the 2014-15 school year general fund budget to increase the budget by $2,000 in the following account code: A.5510.42 $2,000.00 and be it further RESOLVED, that the Board of Education identifies the following revenue to finance this increased budget appropriation: A.2705 b-amend 2-10-2015 February 10, 2015 Gifts $2,000.00 ENCLOSURE #13.9 February 10, 2015 PERSONNEL ACTIONS RESOLUTION RESOLVED, the Board of Education approve the following personnel actions: INSTRUCTIONAL RETIREMENTS BOARDMAN, SHARON – Eastridge High/Durand Eastman Schools The acceptance of the retirement of Sharon Boardman, ESOL Teacher at Eastridge High School and Durand Eastman Intermediate School, effective at the close of business on June 30, 2015. Ms. Boardman has been with the district since September 2007. GILLAN, KAY – East Irondequoit Middle School The acceptance of the retirement of Kay Gillan, Elementary Education Teacher at East Irondequoit Middle School, effective at the close of business on June 30, 2015. Ms. Gillan has been with the district since October 1985. KREUTER, KAREN – East Irondequoit Middle School The acceptance of the retirement of Karen Kreuter, School Counselor at East Irondequoit Middle School, effective at the close of business on June 30, 2015. Ms. Kreuter has been with the district since January 1992. MCLEAN, KATHLEEN – Durand Eastman Intermediate School The acceptance of the retirement of Kathleen McLean, Elementary Education Teacher at Durand Eastman Intermediate School, effective at the close of business on June 30, 2015. Ms. McLean has been with the district since September 1996. MORELLE, MARY BETH – East Irondequoit Middle School The acceptance of the retirement of Mary Beth Morelle, English Teacher at East Irondequoit Middle School, effective at the close of business on June 30, 2015. Ms. Morelle has been with the district since September 1992. UTTER, JAMES – Eastridge High School The acceptance of the retirement of James Utter, Science Teacher at Eastridge High School, effective at the close of business on June 30, 2015. Mr. Utter has been with the district since September 1998. LEAVE OF ABSENCE BOZZELLI, JENNIFER – East Irondequoit Middle School The granting of an unpaid (1.0) (childrearing) leave of absence effective January 27, 2015 through April 26, 2015 for Jennifer Bozzelli, Mathematics Teacher at East Irondequoit Middle School. EXTENSION OF ASSIGNMENT ALLEN, CHRISTIANA – Ivan Green Primary School The approval of the extension of the assignment for Christiana Allen from a (1.0 FTE) LongTerm Substitute Art Teacher assigned to Ivan Green Primary School effective September 2, 2014 through February 6, 2015 to the new end date of February 13, 2015. EICSD – Personnel Actions – February 10, 2015 Page 2 GRIFFIN, MARIA – Ivan Green Primary School The approval of the extension of the assignment for Maria Griffin from a (1.0 FTE) Long-Term Substitute Elementary Education Teacher assigned to Ivan Green Primary School effective January 5-31, 2015 to the new assignment of February 2, 2015 through May 8, 2015. Ms. Griffin is filling a position held by Kathleen Traver who is on a sick leave. ASSIGNMENTS METZ, TABITHA The approval of Tabitha Metz to the assignment of a (1.0 FTE) Long-Term Substitute Elementary Education Teacher assigned to Ivan Green Primary School effective January 26, 2015 through March 27, 2015. Ms. Metz is filling a position held by Kendra Vavrina who is on a sick leave. WHITFIELD, WHITNEY The approval of Whitney Whitfield as an AVID Tutor at East Irondequoit Middle School/Eastridge High School effective February 10, 2015. This assignment is up to 100 hours during the 2014-15 school year. EXTRA DUTY APPOINTMENT 2014-15 The appointment of the following extra duty position for the 2014-15 school year. EASTRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL POSITION Scenery Producer NAME David Daniels PBIS BUILDING LEADER/COORDINATORS The approval of the following teachers to the assignment as a PBIS Building Leader/Coordinator effective February 3 through June 30, 2015. NAME LOCATION Lesio, Catherine Helendale Road Primary School Marrocco, Molly East Irondequoit Middle School O’Neil, Amy Ivan Green Primary School CHANGE IN APPOINTMENT GROW, MARY – Central Office The change in appointment for Mary Grow from the administrative tenure area of Director of Secondary Education to the administrative tenure area of Assistant Superintendent for Instruction with a three year probationary period effective July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2018. Ms. Grow will be assigned as the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction at Central Office. Ms. Grow is replacing Miryam MatulicKeller who is retiring. CLASSIFIED RESIGNATIONS FEDRICK, TYEISHA - Transportation The resignation of Tyeisha Fedrick, Bus Driver in the Transportation Department, effective at the close of business on December 19, 2014. Ms. Fedrick has been with the district since February 2014. GATZ, JAMES – Transportation The resignation of James Gatz, Bus Monitor in the Transportation Department, effective at the close of business on January 30, 2015. Mr. Gatz has been with the district since January 2001. EICSD – Personnel Actions – February 10, 2015 Page 3 LEE, PORTIA – Transportation The resignation of Portia Lee, Bus Monitor in the Transportation Department, effective at the close of business on January 28, 2015. Ms. Lee has been with the district since December 2014. TERMINATIONS AQUINO, ANGEL – Transportation The termination of Angel Aquino, Bus Monitor in the Transportation Department, effective at the close of business on February 11, 2015. NICHOLS, ROBIN – Eastridge High School The termination of Robin Nichols, 7 Hour Food Service Helper at Eastridge High School, effective at the close of business on February 11, 2015. EXTENDED SICK LEAVE PRICEMAN, ALAN – Eastridge High School The approval of extended sick leave for Alan Priceman, B Shift Cleaner (Sunday – Thursday), at Eastridge High School, effective February 23, 2015. TRANSFER OVERACKER, KARI – East Irondequoit Middle School The transfer of Kari Overacker from a 5 Hour Food Service Helper assigned to East Irondequoit Middle School to a 5.5 Hour Food Service Helper at Laurelton Pardee Intermediate School effective January 26, 2015. Ms. Overacker is replacing Toshia Spann who transferred to East Irondequoit Middle School. CHANGE IN APPOINTMENT ROMANTINI, GINO – Buildings and Grounds The approval of the change of assignment for Gino Romantino from a B Shift Floater at Buildings and Grounds to a B Shift Floater-Foreman at Buildings and Grounds effective February 11, 2015. APPOINTMENT SEVERIN, DIANE The probationary appointment of Diane Severin to the position of Registered Nurse (RN) at Eastridge High School effective February 23, 2015. Ms. Severin is replacing Kathleen Guentner. Ms. Severin’s probationary period will end on October 23, 2015.
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