Version1.2 APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Instructions for completing the 1st main project call application form for the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 2014-2020 The application instructions are part of an Application Pack, which additionally includes the following documents: • • • • • • Application form Sections A - D Programme Manual Co-financing commitment form Partnership agreement template Project partner budget breakdown Fact sheets All of these documents can be downloaded from the website: The application form is in two Parts. Part A - C in Microsoft Word format and Part D in an Excel file. An applicable version of the application form will be available for each main project call for applications. Within the application form there are a number of sections that must be completed for the application form to be deemed admissible. Please carefully consider all questions in the application form discuss them within your project partnership and jointly develop the plan in the Main Application section. The application form will initially be used to evaluate your project’s contribution to the overall objectives of NPA 2014-2020 and will subsequently be used as a tool for monitoring approved projects. The application form must be completed in the format provided. The space for each question should not normally be exceeded and an indication has been provided of the size. Please note that all essential information on the project must be presented in the application form - only complementary information is to be given in the annexes. Please feel free to contact the Joint Secretariat and the Regional Contact Points for further advice and assistance on preparing a proposal. Contact details are on the NPA website. Calls for Proposals The first call for main project applications will be opened on 30th September 2014 with a submission deadline on 24th November 2014. Decisions on the applications submitted to the first call will be made at the Programme Monitoring Committee meeting on 10th February 2015. Submission of Application Form: Only complete proposals will be accepted. Correct completion of the application forms will assist the Joint Secretariat in the processing and selection of applications and facilitate the decisionmaking and contract stages. Please note that the Applicant’s Package will be updated regularly and that the latest official application forms can be obtained from the NPA website. Applicants must be completed electronically and submitted on the official application form to be considered eligible for co-financing. Only complete applications submitted by the deadline and containing all documents signed in blue ink will be accepted by the Joint Secretariat. Applicants are requested to send their application, in one original and one photocopy, to the following address: Northern Periphery and Arctic Joint Secretariat Strandgade 91 4.sal 1401 København K Denmark Applicants should also send an MS electronic copy of the application (no greater than 3MB) to the following e-mail address: [email protected]. Please ensure that the electronic version corresponds with the original. 2 PART A: PROJECT SUMMARY Part A contains general information about the project. A.1 Project identification Project Title: State the title of the project. Please keep it short and straightforward. This will be the official name of the project during its implementation. CAV Number Official use only Unique ID number Official use only Project acronym Provide an abbreviation of the project name. Name of the lead partner organisation in English Provide lead partner name Project duration State the start date and end date of project activities. Note that the project must be started within 3 months of the formal funding approval and that the maximum project period is limited to 36 months. Project activities are eligible from the date of submission of the application to the Joint Joint Secretariat: any expenditure incurred is at the applicant’s own risk before approval of the project. Programme priority Indicate which priority of the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme the project meets and note that you can only apply for funding from ONE Priority Axis. Priority 1 Using Innovation to Maintain And Develop Robust And Competitive Communities Priority 2 Promoting Entrepreneurship to Realise the Potential of the Programme Area’s Competitive Advantage Priority 3 Fostering Energy-Secure Communities through Promotion of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Priority 4 Protecting, Promoting and Developing Cultural and Natural Heritage 3 A.2 Project summary Provide a short overview of the project A.3 Project budget summary Total Budget & Total Partner Budget to be inserted from Application Form Part D NOTE: All amounts are in EURO (€) PART B: PARTNERS – Lead partner and project partners Please list all the partners involved theirs details and answer questions. Instruction regarding: NUTS3 code see Table 1 - List of eligible regions in Programme Manual Legal status – See Annex 1 of application form Organisation Procurement Status – Indicate if applicable. Co-Financing Source – Select one only per partner Part B1 should be signed by the person responsible in the project Lead Partner organisation. Project Partner overview Filled in from Section B. PART C: PROJECT DESCRIPTION This section of the main application form should contain information on how well your project meets the thematic and specific objectives of the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 2014-2020. In order to answer these questions, it is important to read the Programme Manual and understand the “results focus” that all projects must attain during the implementation of a project. C.1 Project relevance C.1.1 What are the common territorial challenges that will be tackled by the project? When describing the project’s relevance, please also demonstrate that the project is relevant for all partner areas by taking into account the level of ‘maturity in the field of intervention’. In addition, please describe how the project will base its outputs on stakeholders needs and how stakeholder involvement during the project is envisaged. Please refer to the challenges and potentials outlined in section 1.3.1 of the Programme Manual. Demonstrate how your project is relevant for all regions involved, how it addresses a need, and how stakeholders are involved. Keep in mind the quality criterion of “relevant”, outlined in the selection criteria, section 2.7 of the Programme Manual. The summary should be no more than 3000 characters. 4 C.1.2 How will the project results contribute changes sought by the programme? Please refer to the programme strategy as outlined in the Programme Manual, section 1.3. Demonstrate that you are aware of the result sought by the Programme and describe how your project will contribute to it. The summary should be no more than 3000 characters. C.2 Project objectives and expected results. C2.1 Programme specific objective Select one programme priority specific objective your project is contributing to. 1.1. Increased innovation and transfer of new technology to SMEs in remote sparsely populated areas 1.2. Increased innovation within public service provision in remote, sparsely populated areas 2.1. Improved support systems tailored for start-ups and existing SMEs in remote and sparsely populated areas 2.2. Greater market reach beyond local markets for SMEs in remote and sparsely populated areas 3. Increased use of energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions in housing and public infrastructures in remote, sparsely populated areas 4. Increased capacity of remote and sparsely populated communities for sustainable environmental management C.2.2 Programme result Select one programme result your project is contributing to the Priority Axis chosen in A.1: 1.1. Degree of transnational collaborations between SMEs and R&D 1.2. Awareness of technology driven public service provision in remote and sparsely populated areas 2.1. Entrepreneurial business climate in remote and sparsely populated areas 2.2 Awareness of business opportunities beyond local markets 3. Awareness of energy efficiency opportunities and renewable solutions in housing sector and public infrastructures in remote and sparsely populated areas 4. Preparedness of responsible authorities for sustainable environmental 5 management in remote and sparsely populated areas Indicate the qualitative contribution to the programme result – positive or neutral C.2.3 Project main result Specify project main result(s) and describe its contribution to the programme result indicator (project must fully or partially contribute to one programme result indicator, quantify the contribution if possible). The summary should be no more than 3000 characters. C.2.4 Project objectives Describe the project objectives outlining ensuring they are synchronised with the defined contribution(s) to your chosen programme result. C.3 Products and services (outputs) C.3.1 Products and services (outputs) Define project products and services. Describe the product/service and how it contributes to your project’s result. Chose a corresponding output indicators to which the product or service will contribute. (See Annex 2 in the application for a listing of Output indicators) Quantify the contribution to the output indicator. C.3.2 What is the project’s approach in addressing these common challenges and/ or joint opportunities and what is new about the approach the project takes? Please describe new solutions which will be developed during the project and/ or existing solutions that will be adopted and implemented during the project lifetime and in what way the approach goes beyond existing practice in the sector/ programme area/ participating countries. Please remember to mention each product/service listed in C.3.1. The summary should be no more than 3000 characters. C.3.3 Why is transnational cooperation needed to achieve the project’s objectives and result? Please explain why the project goals cannot be efficiently reached acting only on a national/regional/local level and/or describe what benefits the project partners/target groups/project area gain in taking a transnational approach. Consider how the project applies principles such as joint development, financing, implementation, and staffing. The summary should be no more than 1500 characters. 6 C.3.4 Who will use the main products and services? List target groups and describe how your project will involve target groups (and other stakeholders) in the development of the project main products and services. Please note that we expect you to build stakeholder engagement into the project, e.g. in your (associated) partnership, through your communications work package, or if relevant, by having a work package dedicated to industry interface, if your envisaged end users are the private sector. C.4 Durability of project outputs and results How will the project ensure that project outputs and results have a lasting effect beyond project duration? Please describe expected concrete measures to be taken during and after project implementation to ensure and/or strengthen the durability of the project’s outputs and results. The summary should be no more than 1500 characters. C.5 Transferability of project outputs and results How will the project ensure that project outputs and results are applicable and replicable by other organisations/regions/countries outside of the current partnership? Please describe to what extent it will be possible to transfer the outputs and results to other organisations/regions/countries outside of the current partnership. The summary should be no more than 1500 characters. C.6 Links and Synergies C.6.1 Is the project part of regional/national strategies and policies? Please describe the project’s contribution to relevant strategies and policies; in particular, those concerning the project or programme area. Also consider existing synergies with past or current regional or national projects. If applicable what concrete measures does the project take to align with Macro Regional Strategies? See Programme Manual section 1.3.4. The summary should be no more than 1500 characters. C.6.2 Please describe your project’s synergies with projects funded by other programmes or initiatives and, or if the project draws on the experience of previously funded projects. 7 If applicable consider where this project is positioned in relation to other potential funding streams? Is this project part of a longer term strategy to advance the results through other available funding streams? The summary should be no more than 1500 characters. C.7 Horizontal principles Please list contributions to horizontal principles that apply to your project, and justify your choice, stating whether your choice is neutral or positive to all three principles - Environmental Sustainability, Inclusion and Diversity and Equality between men and women. See Programme Manual section 1.3.5 for examples of activities. C.8 Work Packages In addition to project description in Part C of the main application, all projects are requested to submit a description of the different work packages that the project partners have developed and agreed to structure their activities. Experience from previous programmes has demonstrated the need for a more defined activity structure in both the application form and project activity reports. To facilitate this process, the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 2014-2020 requires all projects to design their project activities into work packages. This should help improve project planning and evidence suggests that a well planned project will: • • • Usually be more successful in its implementation Be easier to evaluate and identify expected results and outputs from – facilitating the building of expertise and knowledge in the participating organisations, municipalities, regions, nations and on a transnational level. Be easier to monitor – simpler to identify if implementation is being carried out in accordance with the plan, both for the project partnership and for the Joint Secretariat. Structure: • • • • • All work packages should be given an individual title to describe the work that will be carried out in the work package. The overall objective of the project should be described in the application form. Each work package should describe the expected outcome of the work package’s activities and how the work package will contribute to the overall objective of the project. The first work package will be “Project Management”, the second work package “Communication activities”. All projects will be asked to split their activities into work packages Work package 1, “Project Management”, consist of operational and strategy activities such as governance, daily management of the project and reporting and monitoring. Work package 2, “Communication activities”, consists of external communication and all other tasks associated with the Lead Partner’s co-ordination of the overall project administration. Some of the common tasks associated with Lead Partner administration includes coordinating 8 the drafting of the progress reports and final reports and organising the claim procedures for the project partnership. The Lead Partner is normally the internal contact body for questions within the project partnership and is the main contact point for the Joint Secretariat. All other tasks associated with the projects outward project communication activities, dissemination tools, and associated communication deliverables. Please see the Programme Manual for a list of mandatory and recommended communication tools you should include in your work package description. Work package 3-7, “Other activities”, consist of descriptions of all other activities. The activity plan contained within each work package is intended to be an indicative plan and the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme will exercise flexibility (within reasonable limits) when monitoring project activities. C.9 Indicative time plan overview The indicative work plan calendar by year indicates the start and end of each work package and activity. This project month management tool assists in the monitoring of the project’s implementation. C.10 INDICATORS Using various indicators from Section C fill in the table with Result indicators, Output indicators, Additional indicators and Environment indicators relevant to the project. Please see Programme Manual section 2.4 for further guidance on indicators. 9 PART D: TOTAL BUDGET AND FINANCIAL PLAN The table to be completed in A.3 is same as the “Total Budget” sheet from the Main Application Part D, which is provided in a separate Excel form. The table can be copied from the Excel sheet and pasted into the application form. It is recommended that the table be copied from the “Total Budget” sheet from the Main Application Part D. If you choose to fill in the table provided in A.3, please double click the table to allow it to be completed and ensure the figures match those in Part D of the Main Application Form. Instructions for Main Application Part D: Lead Partner and Partner and Financial Budget Tables and Budget Breakdown Please read through the instructions carefully before filling in the financial information. Please note, that this is a first version of the guidance and application form and that amendments will be made as required. If any errors in the financial tables are discovered, please do not hesitate to inform the Joint Secretariat. The financial budget tables The financial tables are based on a Microsoft Excel file. The Excel file consists of a number of sheets. To prevent mistakes and errors, some boxes are locked. Please fill in only the “open” boxes. Each partner should complete applicable Excel sheets: Lead Partner cost budget and financial plan Project Partner cost budget and financial plan Partner budget breakdown • • • The information completed in the individual partner tables will be self generated into a total budget table and total partner budget table Please note that all costs entered in the budget tables must comply with the Common Eligibility rules of the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 2014-2020, your National legislation and the following EU Regulations: - Regulation (EU) No 1299/2013 Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 10 Part D of the Main Application Form The following is a short description of the different sheets contained in Part D of the Application Form. 1. Total Budget The Total Cost Budget and Total Financing Plan are self-generated from the individual Lead Partner and Partner budgets. The total budget gives an overall picture of the partnership’s total eligible costs and the total financial contribution. Applicants should not try to enter any figures in this table. NOTE: this table is the same table as in the Main Application Part A .3 “Total budget and Financial Plan”. The table in the application Part A is NOT self generating. Lead Partner In this sheet the Lead Partner should fill in relevant partner information, such as Title of partner institution. This sheet includes the individual budget tables connected to the Lead partner. The information filled in will be automatically generated to the Total budget table. Both costs and financial contributions are to be broken down per six-moth period. Please make sure the correct period is featured in the budget tables NOTE: that all costs in the table must be broken down in a supporting document, demonstrating that all costs are eligible, actual and realistic. Lead Partner and Project Cost Budget Description of the Expenditure headings: Budget lines: 1. Staff costs Description: Expenditure on staff costs shall consist of gross employment costs of staff employed by the beneficiary in one of the following ways: (a) full time; (b) part-time with a fixed percentage of time worked per month; (c) part-time with a flexible number of hours worked per month; or (d) on an hourly basis. 2. Office and administrative costs Direct office and administrative expenditure are limited to the following elements: (a) office rent; (b) insurance and taxes related to the buildings where the staff is located and to the equipment of the office (e.g. fire, theft 11 insurances); (c) utilities (e.g. electricity, heating, water); (d) office supplies; (e) general accounting provided inside the beneficiary organisation; (f) archives; (g) maintenance, cleaning and repairs; (h) security; (i) IT systems; (j) communication (e.g. telephone, fax, internet, postal services, business cards); (k) bank charges for opening and administering the account or accounts where the implementation of an operation requires a separate account to be opened; (l) charges for transnational financial transactions. Where the implementation of the project gives rise to indirect costs, they may be calculated at a flat rate. A flat rate of up to 15% of eligible direct staff costs without there being a requirement for the Programme partner country to perform a calculation to determine the applicable rate. A flat rate calculation covers all office and administration costs, i.e. there is no distinction between direct and indirect costs. 3. Travel and accommodation costs 4. External expertise and service costs 5. Equipment expenditures Expenditure on travel and accommodation costs are limited to the following elements: (a) travel costs (e.g. tickets, travel and car insurance, fuel, car mileage, toll, and parking fees); (b) the costs of meals; (c) accommodation costs (for budgetary purposes, please use 150 EUR/night for hotel rooms); (d) travel visa costs; (e) daily allowances. Expenditure on external expertise and service costs are limited to services and expertise provided by a public or private law body or a natural person other than the beneficiary of the operation. Expenditure for the financing of 12 6. In kind costs Reduce: Planned project revenue (-) equipment purchased, rented or leased by the beneficiary of the operation other than those covered by office and administrative expenditure. In-kind costs or In-kind contributions are eligible under specific conditions. Planned project revenues are deducted from claim payments. 13 Financing Plan Description of the financing headings: Financial source: Public match funding, In kind (source, type) Public match funding, cash (source) Member state, ERDF Norway, ERDF equivalent Iceland, ERDF equivalent Description: The public in kind match funding must be equivalent to the amount of budgeted in kind costs in budget line 6 in the Cost budget. The applicant should list the names of the public organisations contributing in kind and what type of in kind contribution they provide. This budget line includes all cash contributions related to the project from public and public like organisations. The applicant should list the names of these organisations contributing with cash money. Examples of public match funding sources include national ministries, local and national authorities, universities, regional and local development institutions, etc. In this budget line the European Union Member State Lead partner enters the amount of ERDF co-funding it applies for. Together with the public match funding the ERDF contribution must fully cover the Total eligible costs. Please note that the maximum ERDF co-financing rate for member state partners is 65% of eligible costs. In this budget line the Norwegian Lead partner enters the amount of ERDF equivalent co-funding applied for. Together with the public match funding the ERDF equivalent contribution must fully cover the Total eligible costs. Please note that the maximum co-financing rate for Norwegian partners is 50% of eligible costs. In this budget line the Icelandic Lead partner enters the amount of ERDF equivalent co-funding it applies for. Together with the public match funding the ERDF equivalent contribution must fully cover the Total eligible costs. Please note that the maximum co-financing rate for Icelandic partners is 60% of eligible costs. After filling in the cost budget and the financing plan, please check the following: 14 • • • • Are the correct periods featured both in the Cost budget and in the Financing plan? Are the costs broken down on both budget lines and periods? Does the stated public in-kind funding match the stated in-kind costs? Does the annual Total eligible cost equal the annual Total financial contribution? The answer to all these questions should be ‘YES’, otherwise corrections will have to be made. Under the Financial plan there is a self-generated Intervention rate box where the ERDF or ERDF equivalent co-financing rate is calculated. If the rate given in the Intervention rate box exceeds the maximum rate, the budget must be changed in order to get the ERDF or ERDF equivalent co-financing to comply with the established co-financing rates. Keep in mind the restriction that the total of the Member State project partnership is not allowed to use a grant rate exceeding 65% and respectively NMS partnerships are not allowed to apply a grant rate exceeding 50% – 65% depending on which NMS. Remember that Member State ERDF grant cannot be transferred to a Non Member State. The figures entered will be automatically generated into the Total Cost Budget. Project Partner This sheet includes the individual budget tables connected to the partner. The information filled in will be automatically generated to the Total budget table. Both costs and financial contributions are to be broken down period-month period, please make sure the correct period is featured in the budget tables. NOTE: that all costs in the table must be broken down in an Annex, demonstrating that all costs are eligible, actual and realistic. The Partner Cost Budget Same as Lead partner 15 Partner Financing Plan Description of the financing headings: Type of finance Public match funding, In kind (source, type) Public match funding, cash (source) Member state, ERDF Member state 20%, ERDF Norway, ERDF equivalent Iceland ERDF equivalent Description The public in kind match funding must be equivalent to the amount of budgeted in kind costs in budget line 6 in the Cost budget. The applicant should list the names of the public organisations contributing in kind and what type of in kind contribution they provide. This budget line includes all cash contributions related to the project from public and public like organisations. The applicant should list the names of these organisations contributing with cash money. Examples of public match funding sources include national ministries, local and national authorities, universities, regional and local development institutions, etc. In this budget line the European Union member state partner enters the amount of ERDF co-funding it applies for. Together with the public match funding the ERDF contribution must fully cover the Total eligible costs. Please note that the maximum ERDF co-financing rate for member state partners is 65% of eligible costs. In accordance with the Geographical flexibility rule up to 20% of ERDF may be used to finance expenditure incurred by partners located outside the programme area, but inside the European Union. In case of such expenditure, the applied ERDF contribution to these costs shall be entered here. ERDF 20% co-financing rate is 65% of eligible costs. In this budget line the Norwegian partner enters the amount of ERDF equivalent cofunding it applies for. Together with the public match funding the ERDF equivalent contribution must fully cover the Total eligible costs. Please note that the maximum co-financing rate for Norwegian partners is 50% of eligible costs. In this budget line the Icelandic partner enters the amount of ERDF equivalent cofunding it applies for. Together with the 16 Faroe Islands, ERDF equivalent Greenland, ERDF equivalent public match funding the ERDF equivalent contribution must fully cover the Total eligible costs. Please note that the maximum co-financing rate for Icelandic partners is 60% of eligible costs. In this budget line the Faroese partner enters the amount of ERDF equivalent cofunding it applies for. Together with the public match funding the ERDF equivalent contribution must fully cover the Total eligible costs. Please note that the maximum co-financing rate for Faroese partners is 65% of eligible costs. In this budget line the Greenlandic partner enters the amount of ERDF equivalent cofunding it applies for. Together with the public match funding the ERDF equivalent contribution must fully cover the Total eligible costs. Please note that the maximum co-financing rate for partners from Greenland is 65% of eligible costs. After filling in the cost budget and the financing plan please check the following: • • • • Are the correct periods featured both in the Cost budget and in the Financing plan? Are the costs broken down on both budget lines and periods? Does the stated public in-kind funding match the stated in-kind costs? Does the annual Total eligible cost equal the annual Total financial contribution? The answer to all these questions should be ‘YES’, otherwise corrections have to be made. Under the Financial plan there is a self generated Intervention rate box where the ERDF or ERDF equivalent co-financing rate is calculated. If the rate given in the Intervention rate box exceeds the maximum rate, the budget must be changed in order to get the ERDF or ERDF equivalent co-financing to comply with the established co-financing rates. NOTE: that all costs in the table must be broken down in a supporting document, demonstrating that all costs are eligible, actual and realistic. This budget table should not be filled in if projects choose to apply different grant rates within the project partnership to allow partners responsible for common costs to be compensated for their common costs. Keep in mind the restriction that the total of the Member State project partnership is not allowed to use a grant rate exceeding 60% and respective NMS partnerships are not allowed to apply a grant rate exceeding 50% - 65%. Remember that Member State ERDF grant cannot be transferred to a Non Member State. The figures entered will be automatically generated into the Total Cost Budget. 17 Partner Budget Breakdown. Using the Excel Partner Budget Breakdown template detail all expenditures listed in the Partner budget. Special note: Mandatory and recommended communication tools The Programme has a set of mandatory and recommended communication tools that it expects projects to develop. Please make sure you plan and budget for these accordingly. Required within first reporting period of the project • • • • • • Project description on NPA website Basic project website according to an NPA template Online project presentation e.g. Prezi or PowerPoint format Collection of project images/ photos Portfolio of targeted promotional material for use at meetings/events For projects above 500 000 EUR, a project poster based on an NPA template displayed at all partner organisations visible to the public Recommended tools tailored to the project’s individual needs. Examples include: • • • • • • • • Newsletters Social media platforms e.g. Twitter/ Facebook Project videos Press kit Website or online platform for delivering products/services Apps or mobile websites for mobile devices/tablets A product or service logo and branding Other dissemination materials/ tools relevant for reaching a wide audience in the Programme area, the project’s target groups, and relevant policy makers. 18
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