Syllabus 2015 _______________________________________________________ West Auckland Performing Arts Competitions ________________________________________________________ 25th Youth Mini Festival June / July 2015 (1) WEST AUCKLAND PERFORMING ARTS COMPETITIONS Committee Chairperson Mr Clark James Secretary /Treasurer: Mrs E. Noffke Committee: Miss JulieTaylor Mrs Kay Fillery Miss Kareena D’Souza Ms Christine Davern Miss Megan Teh Mrs Jade Noffke Blockhouse Bay Community Centre Co-ordinator, Graham Edwards & Maree Fraser Hon Auditor: Mr P. Harrop Secretary Postal Address: Mrs E. Noffke 20 Kay Drive, Blockhouse Bay. Ph: 626 6862 Email [email protected] or [email protected] Venues: Piano, Vocal, Instrumental & Speech at Blockhouse Bay Community Centre, 524 Blockhouse Bay Road. June – July 2015. Adjudicators: Will be announced in the printed programme. Donations & Grants: In presenting the 2015 Festival of Performing Arts, we gratefully acknowledge assistance in the past has been received from: NZ LOTTERIES BOARD NORTHERN REGIONAL ARTS COUNCIL AVONDALE COMMUNITY BOARD PIANO TRADERS LTD PIANO SERVICES ANTHONY HOLLOWS AOTEA YOUTH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA KIM NADEN TE ATA I.T.C. CLUB AUCKLAND CLEF MUSIC CLUB CHINESE GROUP SUPPORTING MUSIC MAPLE.S MUSIC A Special thank you to all Sponsors of classes, without whose help we could not have a Festival. All help during the Festival is appreciated (2) WEST AUCKLAND PERFORMING ARTS COMPETITIONS General Rules and Conditions: Please read the general rules and conditions carefully. Strict observance of these rules must be followed, otherwise entries will be returned. Entries Close: On the 1st May 2015, late entries - 7th May carry a $3 fine. No entries accepted after this date. Fees must be paid AT THE TIME OF ENTRY, and no entry will be recorded which is not accompanied by fees in full. Post entries to Secretary, West Auckland Performing Arts Competitions, 20 Kay Drive, Blockhouse Bay, Auckland 7. 1. Entries will not be accepted unless on the official entry forms provided in the Syllabus (or photocopies). One entry per person, or group entry per class. Entry fees will not be refunded, unless class cancelled. Entry Fees for all classes appear at the beginning of each section. Please do not give a post office box number for an address, or a mobile phone number as the only means of contact. Check List 1. Entry, class number, title of piece. Please fill out all details on the entry form. 2. Include correct payment for class fees 3. Include payment for programme 4. Include late entry fee if after the 1st May 5. Include a stamped addressed envelope for your programme to be posted Size 114x224 mm with correct postage, larger envelope cost more. 2. Competitors These competitions are not open to professional performers. Professional is any performer who has achieved this status by qualification or experience and whose income and chosen career requires them to be recognized (classified) as a professional. 3. Age Limit Competitions in 2015 are for persons 20 years and under, with the exception of the vocal classes where the age limit is 21 years. Competitors in age restricted classes must be prepared to produce birth certificates if required. Age shall be reckoned as at the 1st of May each year. Age must be shown on entry form. 4. Judges Communication with judges, either by competitors, teachers or other interested parties, prior to or during competitions, is absolutely prohibited. 5. Prizes Except as hereinafter provided there shall be at least THREE competitors in each class, otherwise no prize shall be awarded. (3) When two or more competitors tie for the first prize, the first and second prize will be divided between them and no second prize will be given. No prize will be awarded unless at least half marks are obtained. The judges have the power to withhold, at their discretion, the first or any prize. 6. Opening of Competitions. Competitions will be conducted morning, afternoon and evening, according to timetable, as set out in programme. 7. Trophies .All trophies, unless otherwise stated, remain the property of the West Auckland Performing Arts Competitions, are held for eleven months only, and must be returned by the 1st June the following year, to the Secretary, ph: 6266862. Winners of trophies will be asked to record their name and phone number in the trophy holding record book. Engraving Is the responsibility of the winner. 8. Order of Performance Competitors` names will appear in the programme in the order in which they compete, but all competitors must be in attendance at the time of the commencement of their section. Those not present when called upon shall, at the discretion of the stage manager, forfeit their right to compete. 9. Prompting No prompting or assistance of any kind may be rendered during a performance except by the Judge. 10. Accompanists Please note - No official Accompanist will be provided for the vocal, instrumental section, piano and violin concerto classes for 2015 11. Rehearsals Competitors may arrange a rehearsal with an accompanist by own arrangement, giving seven days notice. Rehearsals must be paid for by the competitor at the time of rehearsal, both for vocal and instrumental, at a fee to be arranged with the accompanist. Competitors are permitted to have their own accompanist. 12. Own Selections The title of all selection items must be inserted on the entry form, entries with no title will not be accepted. Competitors must hand copies to the door keeper in ample time before the time scheduled for the commencement of the class. All copies must have the class number and the competitor's name and number clearly marked on the top right hand corner. Copies may be collected on completion of the class. 13. Time Limit Unless otherwise stated, four minutes. Failure to comply with this rule may disqualify any competitors. The time limit includes (where applicable) time required for setting the stage. At the discretion of the judges, competitors may be asked to omit repeats and D.C's. (4) 14. Duets Competitors may not appear twice in the same duet class even with a different partner. (Does not apply to Instrumental Chamber Group). 15. Competitors Will not be permitted to give the same item in more than one class. 16 Properties In the Dramatic Sections no heavy properties will be allowed and only light properties may be permitted at the discretion of the stage manager. 17. Stage No person other than officials will be allowed back stage or at the sides of the stage. 18. Restricted Classes These classes are open to competitors who have not at the time of making entry won a first prize (as stated in the Syllabus) at this or any similar competition. 19. Cameras and Video Tapes Photography, video taping and recording of competitors performing on stage are not permitted by the public. Parents may video tape (with discretion), their child performing. 20. Changes to Entry After it has been received by the secretary and before the printing of the programme must be in writing. Competitors cannot change an item once it has been printed in the programme. Competitors must SIGN entry form. 21. Programmes Every competitior must order a programme on entry form, paid for at the time of entry. Programmes will be posted to competitor. No programmes will be issued free. Please include a stamped addressed envelope with the correct stamp and competitors name on the envelope - size DLE 225 x 114mm. Larger envelopes cost more to post, please pay extra postage. 22 There are no restrictions on previous winners entering classes, with the exception of Restricted Classes. 23. Photocopies of music are not permitted on stage. Please use original music. 24. Mobile phones: On entering the hall please switch mobile phones off. 26. Please supply at the competitions a stamped addressed envelope A4 size for certificates and reports to be posted if not waiting for the results on the day. (5) SPECIAL AWARDS PIANO FESTIVAL CUP Awarded by adjudicator, to a most impressive item in the Piano section. Donated by Karen Noffke. Plus $60 donated by Maple’s Music New Market. CALUM BARNABY TROPHY donated by Robin Barnaby for competitor Class 1 & 5, Under 10 years. Baroque or Classical / Romantic or Modern AVONDALE COMMUNITY BOARD CUP for competitor with the highest Class 2 & 6, 10 and 11 years Baroque / Classical / Romantic or Modern AH CHAN CUP for competitor with the highest combined total. Class 3 & 7 - 12 and 13 years Baroque or Classical / Romantic or Modern, BARBARA BENTHAM CUP for competitor with the highest combined total. Class 4 & 8 - 14 & 16 years Baroque or Classical / Romantic or Modern IVORY KEYS CUP Anonymous donor. Class 10 Pianoforte Solo Restricted10 and 11 years, EBONY KEYS CUP donated by Elizabeth Noffke Class 11 Pianoforte Solo Restricted 12 and 13 years. PRELUDE TROPHY donated by Sharlene Penman. Class 12 Pianoforte Solo Restricted 14 to 16 years BLOCKHOUSE BAY COMMUNITY CENTRE CUP donated by Blockhouse Bay Community Centre. Class 13 Junior Recital age 10 and 12 years ELIZABETH NOFFKE CUP donated by Doug Noffke Class 14 Intermediate Recital 13 to 15 years SENIOR PIANO DUET Class 15 donated by Sharlene Penman Open under 20 WON BY TWO TROPHY donated by Sharlene Penman Class 16 Piano Duet Under 12 years INSTITUTE OF REGISTERED MUSIC TEACHERS CUP donated by Auckland Branch Class 17 Sonata Movement 15 to 20 years ROMANZA CUP donated by B.& T Mosley Class 18 Romantic Composer age 12 - 16 RAMON OPIE MEMORIAL CUP donated by Elizabeth Noffke Class 19 J.S. Bach 15 to 20 years JEAN PHILLPOTTS CUP donated by Jean Phillpotts. Class 20 Pianoforte Accompanist 13 to 20 years SHARLENE PENMAN DUO TROPHY donated by Sharlene Penman. Class 21 Piano Duo, Open under 20 years QUAVER TROPHY DUO TROPHY (replacing previous trophy) CADENZA CUP donated by West Auckland Student Performers Group. Class 22 Pianoforte Concerto 12 years to and including 18 years AUCKLAND CLEF MUSIC CLUB and Minature Class 24 Senior Piano Recital, aged 16 - 21 years, donated by the Auckland Clef Music Club RAMON OPIE MEMORIAL CUP donated by Elizabeth Noffke Class 24 Senior Piano Recital aged 16 to 21 years (16) VOCAL SECTION Convener Christine Davern and Betty Noffke Ph 6266862 Dates 6th & 7th June 2015 Venue Blockhouse Bay Community Centre 524 Blockhouse Bay Road SPECIAL AWARDS VOCAL FESTIVAL CUP Awarded by adjudicator, to a most impressive item in the Vocal section. Donated by Christina Tynan, Christine Yeardley - Davern & Fay McNeil, plus Special Award $25 donated by Auckland Clef Music Club. Classes 62 & 63….. 9 years and under ARIETTA TROPHY donated by WAPAC Classes 64,65,66,67......10 and 11 years MARGO ROBERTS TROPHY donated by Margo Roberts. Classes 68,69,70,71.....12 and 13 years ROBERT FREEMAN MEMORIAL CUP donated by R & R Barnaby for competitor with the highest combined total. Classes 72,73,74,75.....14 to 15 years VICKY MARTIN TROPHY donated by Merle Martin, for competitor with the highest combined total. Class 79 16 to 18 years RAMON OPIE MEMORIAL CUP VOCAL Class 81 18 – 30 years WAPAC SENIOR VOCAL RECITAL Entry fees $7 per entry . Prize money 1st $13, 2nd $10, 3rd $7 Please supply 2nd copy of music for adjudicator. Candidates must supply title of item on entry form. Age as at the 1st of May 2013- all classes - boys or girls. No Official Accompanist for 2015 CLASSES: AGE 9 years and under - own selection ARIETTA TROPHY 62. 63. Vocal Solo Song in Costume AGE 10 and 11 years- own selection MARGO ROBERTS TROPHY Classes 64 & 65 - Prize money donated by WAPAC. 64. Vocal Solo 65. National or Folk Song 66. Sacred Solo 67. Song in Costume (action optional) AGE 68 69 70 71 12 and 13 years- own selection ROBERT FREEMAN MEMORIAL CUP Vocal Solo National or Folk Song Sacred Solo Song in Costume (action optional) (17) Classes 72 to 75 Prize money donated by Gordons Nursery 1st prize $20, 2nd prize $10, 3rd prize $7 AGE 14 – 16 years - own selection (see Special Awards) VICKY MARTIN TROPHY CLASSES 72. Vocal Solo 73. National or Folk Song 74. Sacred Solo 75. Song in Costume AGE 10 to 16 years 76. Scottish or Hebridean Song - own selection AGE 10 to 18 years 77. Vocal Duet – Two names please. AGE 17 to 21 years 78. Scottish or Hebridean Song - own selection RAMON OPIE MEMORIAL RECITAL CLASS Ramon Opie QSM 1917-1995 Prominent Auckland tenor who was a soloist for the NZ Opera Company, Auckland Choral Society, Grand Opera Society and many others. AGE 16 to 20 years inclusive - own selection. Semi formal dress required please. Time Limit 15 mins. RAMON OPIE MEMORIAL CUP VOCAL – 1st Prize $80, 2nd $40 3rd $30 Entry fee $16 There must be three entries received or class cancelled Class 79. Recital - from Three Contrasting Periods - own selection. There must be three entries received or class cancelled Class 80. Musical Comedy / Theatre Song Entry fee $9 AGE 16 – 20 years inclusive 1st $40 donated by Fay McNeil. 2nd $25, 3rd $15. (18) WAPAC SENIOR VOCAL RECITAL For ages 18 - 30 years inclusive 1st prize $100, 2nd $50, 3rd $25 Entry Fee $21 Time Limit 15 minutes Class 81. (a) Candidates to prepare a balanced programme of three songs. 1. Classical Aria 2. Lied or Art Song 3. Own Choice (b) Prepare a short introduction (one minute) of the programme contents to precede the program. Note: There must be three entries received or class will be cancelled. (9) ★MUSICAL INSTRUMENT SALES ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ NEW PIANO VIOLIN GUITAR GUZHENG PIPA PIANO COVERS & OTHER ACCESSORIES ★MUSIC SCHOOL ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ PIANO VIOLIN GUITAR GUZHENG PIPA THEORY VOCAL MUSIC FLUTE ◆A SPECIAL 20% OFF PIANO SALES FOR COMPETITORS THIS YEAR Address: NEWMARKET TRAIN STATION SQUARE TEL: (09) 5229298 E-MAIL: [email protected] (10) NOTICE BOARD WEST AUCKLAND PERFORMING ARTS COMPETITIONS CONCERT & FINALS 2015 Sunday 26th July 6:00pm Beethoven Piano Concerto No 2 Op 19 in Bb major 1st movt Mozart Violin Concerto in A major K 219 1st movt Aotea Youth Symphony Orchestra Blockhouse Bay Community Centre Admission – Adults $6, Children & Senior Citizen $4 Volunteers required Competitions can only continue to run successfully with volunteers help. Help is required on competition days for all sections. Sitting with the Judge At the door Certificates table Working on stage Kitchen If you can help during a session please contact Betty Phone 626 6862 If you would like to sponsor a class please contact Betty. Committee WAPAC committee would benefit from new committee members Teachers, Interested Parents or Senior Students. We have vacancies for three new members. Join a winning team Contact Betty Ph 6266862 (189 MEMBERSHIP We invite you to become a subscribing member, to support the work done by the West Auckland Performing Arts Competitions. With your help, we will continue to make these competitions an annual event. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM for 2015 - only if not indicated and paid on Entry Form NAME …………………………………………………………………………… ADDRESS……………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………… phone……………………………….. email………………………………………… Send to - Secretary West Auckland Performing Arts Competitions 20 Kay Drive Blockhouse Bay Auckland Enclosed is my Subscription of $25 for 2015 Signed Your Membership entitles you to Free admission to all sessions (except Concert and Finals) Free Programme. Syllabus for next years competitions. WEST AUCKLAND PERFORMING ARTS COMPETITIONS Entry Form 2015 Summary of Classes for one person in one Section. Please include correct payment. PLEASE USE CAPITAL LETTERS (except email address) Refer to Rule 1 on page 2 and rule 21 on page 4. Surname or Family Name……………………………………………………... First Names…………………………………………………………………..… Age…………………………………………………..D.O.B………………….. Competitor`s address (not PO Box)…………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………post code…….. Competitors home phone………………………………………………………. Competitor’s email address…………………………………………………….. Teachers name………………………………………phone ………………… Teacher’s email address……………………………………………….. Please use official entry form and complete all sections (photo copies permitted) Class Number / Class Description / Own Selection Title (a) (b) (c) /Composer /Author /Entry Fee (d) (e) 1. $ 2. $ 3. $ 4. $ 5. $ Instrumental & Vocal please add accompanist’s name to entry form Name….. Programme must be ordered and paid for on entry form- 1 per competitor $6 or 1 per family (tick) $6 Please include a stamped addressed envelope with competitors name Size 114 x 224 mm with correct postage with your entry. Larger envelops cost more to post, please pay the correct amount. Delete if not required Annual Subscription $25 Late entry fee $ 3 TOTAL………………… I agree to be bound by the General Rules of the West Auckland Performing Arts competitions. ..............................................................................signature 1. A separate entry form must be used for each person in one section. 2. Completed Entry Forms with all details required and with payment may be posted to: Secretary, West Auckland Performing Arts Competitions, 20 Kay Drive Blockhouse Bay Auckland 0600 Closing date 1st May 2015 (Late entries up till 7th May, carry $3 fine).
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