St. Francis of Assisi Parish ST. FRANCIS of ASSISI PARISH P.O. Box 839, 264 South Grant Ellsworth, WI 54011 CONTACT INFORMATION Parish Office…………715-273-4774 Pastor, Fr. Nathan…..715-273-4774 Fax…………………….715-273-4066 School………………..715-273-4391 Office Hours…………Mon-Fri. 8:00am-3:00pm WELCOME TO ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI [email protected] Mass Schedule Weekend…………….Saturday 5:00pm February 15, 2015 Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time Sunday 8:30am 10:30am Weekday…...Tuesday – Friday 8:30am Confession...Saturday 4:30 before Mass SEASON OF LENT BEGINS Ash Wednesday is this Wednesday, February 18. Masses are at 8:30am and 7:00pm. Ashes are blessed and imposed after the homily with the spoken formula, ‘Repent, and believe in the Gospel”. Adoration the first Friday of the Month after Mass and Benediction at 10:15am. LENTEN FAST AND ABSTINENCE: In the United States Ash Wednesday and all Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence from eating meat for all Catholics 14 years of age and older. In addition, Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast (one full meal, two smaller meals) for Catholics who are 18, but not yet 59 Mon., Feb. 16 8:30am +Kenny Hines SAINT FRANCIS WELCOMES NEW RESIDENTS AND VISITORS If you are new to the parish, please call the office to register. PLEASE PRAY DAILY FOR The homebound and the sick. PASTORAL CARE Please let Father Nathan or the office know when someone is in the hospital or in need of Pastoral Care. Thank you. MASS COUNTS JANUARY 31 AND FEBRUARY 1 Saturday at 5:00pm Mass – 188. Sunday at 8:30am Mass – 182. Sunday at 10:30am Mass – 238. Total: 608. ____________________________ SAINTS and INTENTIONS For the week of February 16-23 Tues., Feb. 17 8:30am +Joseph Fritzmann Wed., Feb. 18– ASH WEDNESDAY 8:30am St. Francis Parish 7:00pm Karen Ulrich (Health) Thurs., Feb. 19 8:30am +Marvin Pechacek Fri., Feb. 20 8:30am +Bob Liefeld Sat., Feb. 21 5:00pm +Darlyne Mark Sun., Feb. 22 8:30am +Vivian Rohr 10:30am St. Francis Parish , St. Francis of Assisi Parish OFFERTORY Everything and every gift we have is a demonstration of God’s love for us. What we give back to God and to others is how we demonstrate our love for God. This is stewardship in action. It is my desire as your pastor to bring you to a higher level of stewardship. I seek your time through your prayer, your talent through your effort and involvement in the parish and your treasure through your weekly sacrificial offering. We demonstrate our stewardship by how we live because, simply put, stewardship is a way of life and done properly takes a lifetime. In this spirit I feel it is important to keep you updated on what is happening in the parish. Your commitment to stewardship will help meet the immediate needs our parish faces. We need volunteer workers in many key areas and we especially need those parishioners who are willing to pray for our parish and the many ministry needs and opportunities we have. Your portion today, and every day, along with the help of your fellow parishioners will keep our parish on sound financial footing, and a solid stewardship foundation. I want to thank you for assuming your part in our on- going stewardship efforts. This is a follow up to our Increased Offertory Program we did last Lenten Season. Are you giving what you pledged? NEW PARISH WEBSITE AWE The AWE Group will be meeting Monday, February 16 after Mass at the parish hall. A continental breakfast will be served followed by a very special presentation given by Jean Abbott of Minneapolis, MN. She was misdiagnosed with Cerebral Palsy very early in her life. Jean was wheel chair bound for a number of years and to her amazement she was misdiagnosed and is leading a normal life today. She has truly experienced a miracle in her life. Please plan to attend and enjoy her wonderful story. ADULT CHOIR PRACTICE Tuesday, February 17 at 6:30pm. REBUILT The Rebuilt Committee will meet on Tuesday, February 17, at 7:30pm in the Youth Room located in the basement of the Church. We invite anyone interested in learning about Rebuilt to join us. All are welcome! BIBLE STUDY Thursday, February 19 after Mass. MISSION TRIP SUPPER Saturday, February 21 for their favorite chicken/turkey soup recipes!" Please mark your calendar and enjoy a great soup supper. FATHER NATHAN WANTS TO VISIT YOU If you would like Father Nathan to visit your home, please call the parish office. SCRIP ONLINE St. Francis enrollment code: F1LFEEFF36723 LIGHTHOUSE CD’S There are new Lighthouse CD’s in the shelves in the back of church. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL This summer’s Vacation Bible School will be held during the mornings of the week of July 13-17 for children in 4YK- 4th Grade! Fifth Graders and up we need you to help! Save the dates! SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday school is held during the 10:30 AM Sunday Masses. All children, 3 to 5 years old, (including those currently in Kindergarten) are invited to join in on these classes. Any questions, please contact Joan Foley 715-273-5285 or [email protected]. FIRST COMMUNION PARENT MEETING Parents of second grade children are asked to attend a First Communion Parent Meeting on Tuesday, February 24, at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall. Deacon Billy Dodge will be our presenter. SACRIFICIAL OFFERING Last Weekend. Offertory $329.91. Adult Envelopes $8,243.00 Initial Offering - 10.00. Children’s Envelopes - $7.00 Energy Envelope - $100.00 St. Francis of Assisi Parish SAINT FRANCIS SCHOOL NEWS Thank you to everyone who has helped in any way to make our school carnival a great success! We are so grateful for the generosity of our school and parish families as well as that of our area businesses. We hope you are able to join us for a day of fun on Sunday, February 15 from 11:30 – 4:00. Students do not have classes on Monday, February 16. . RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Family Formation Classes will be held for Kindergarten-grade 6 students and parents on Wednesday, February 18th, from 6:00-6:45pm. Parents please plan to join the children in the Parish Hall. This class will be about God's Covenant with Abraham. Exception: The 2nd grade First Communion Class will be given a tour of the church by Marty Kulak during this time. Parents of 2nd graders are welcome and encouraged to join their children on this tour. At 6:45 we will all move to the Church to attend Ash Wednesday Mass together. Religious Education Grades 7-10 students are asked to come to the Parish Hall early, (before 6:45pm), Wednesday, February 18, to meet with their classes. All classes will attend Ash Wednesday Mass together. WEDNESDAY EVENING SUPPER Many thanks to the Mission Trip group for donating the chili and thank you to Karen Woehrle for the help serving and cleaning up. We will be serving a meatless meal on Wednesday, February 18 from 5:306:30pm before Ash Wednesday Mass. All are welcome. SAINT FRANCIS BREAKFAST AND LUNCH MENU - February 17-20 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: chip VACATION DAY: No school. Breakfast: Pizza w/sausage. Breakfast: Chocolate chip muffin. Breakfast: Cinnamon coffee cake. Breakfast: Sweet roll. Lunch: Hamburger/cheeseburger, French fries, baked beans, orange wedges. Lunch: Macaroni & cheese, Caesar salad, peas, apple, and cake. Lunch: Pulled pork sandwich, baby red potatoes, green beans, and peaches. Lunch: Cheese omelet, hash brown potatoes, strawberry smoothie, chocolate and a muffin. LITURGIAL ROLLS Wednesday – February 18 8:30am Mass. Lector – Beth Dendinger. Mass Servers – St. Francis Students. Eucharistic Ministers and Ash Distributors – Karen Langer, Barb Leier and Rosemary Matzek. 7:00pm Mass. Lector – Morgan Hines. Mass Servers – Mikey Brenner, Patrick Harrington, and Zach Hine Weekend Mass – February 21 & 22. 5:00pm. Lector – Reed Olson, Hunter Donnelly, and Jared Toenjes. Mass Servers – Zach Hines, Cedric Kosnopfal, and Jonah Vogel. Eucharistic Ministers – Mindy Anderson, Judi Helmer and Olivia Helmer. 8:30am. Lector – Jack Hines. Mass Servers – Patrick Maggie, and Andrew Harrington. Eucharistic Ministers – Jack and Barb Noll, and Alesha Radke. 10:30am. Lector – Rose Mickelson. Mass Servers –Tyler, Maggie, and Kehan Berns. Eucharistic Ministers –Chuck and Joan Foley, and Morgan Hines. . Ash
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