Holy Angels Parish 64 Cooper Street ∙ Woodbury, NJ 08096 Phone: 856-845-0123 • Fax: 856-845-7409 Office Hours: 9:00A.M. - 4:00P.M. Monday - Friday Web: www.holyangelsnj.org ∙ Email: [email protected] ∙ Facebook: www.facebook.com/HolyAngelsParish 4th & Monument Ave. National Park, NJ 08063 64 Cooper St. Woodbury, NJ 08096 Mass Schedule Weekday 6:45AM St. Patrick Church 7:00AM St Matthew Church (M,T,TH,F-NOT ON CIVIC HOLIDAYS) 9:00AM St. Patrick Church 7:30AM 9:00AM 9:30AM 10:00AM 10:30AM 11:30AM 6:00PM Sunday St. Patrick Church St Matthew Church Worship Center St Patrick Church Most Holy Redeemer Church Worship Center Worship Center Saturday 9:00AM St. Patrick Church 4:00PM Worship Center 5:30PM St. Matthew Church Holy Day Vigil 7:00PM St. Patrick Church Holy Day 6:45AM St. Patrick Church 9:00AM St. Patrick Church 12:10PM St. Patrick Church Sacrament of Reconciliation Mon-Fri 9:30A.M.—St. Patrick Church Saturday 3:30P.M.—Worship Ctr. ∙ 5:00P.M.—St. Matthew Church Also by appointment. Please call the parish office. Anointing of Sick -Saturdays 5:00P.M.—Worship Ctr.; 6:30P.M.—St. Matthew Church Communion Calls For sick or homebound, please call the parish office. Most Holy Redeemer Church St. Patrick Church St. Matthew Church Blessed Sacrament Adoration Monday, 7:00PM St. Patrick Church 1219 Delsea Dr., Westville Grove, NJ 08093 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 15, 2015 Rev. Monsignor Joseph V. Di Mauro, V.F., Pastor Rev. Thomas S. Capperella, Parochial Vicar Rev. Robert J. Kantz, Parochial Vicar Rev. Hugh J. Bradley, Part-Time Parochial Vicar Rev. Alfred Onyutha, Hospital Chaplain Deacon Philip E. Giordano Deacon Vincent Latini Deacon William J. Rumaker, Sr. Finance Council Chairperson: Ed Barry Pastoral Council Chairperson: Tom Sullivan [email protected] † PARISH MINISTRIES † LITURGICAL MINISTRIES: Fr. Bradley & Fr. Capperella, Moderators Altar Flowers/ Sanctuary Candles Altar Linen Committee Altar Servers Arts & Environment Barbara Worrell Eucharistic Ministers Eucharistic Ministers to the sick Lectors Music Ministry Sacristan Ushers MaryJane Smith 848-6373 Parish Office 845-0123 Deacon Vince Latini 609-932-6170 [email protected] Barbara Hannon 384-1611 848-7205 [email protected] Barbara Gallagher 848-6385 [email protected] David Misilewich, OFS 251-9086 [email protected] Angelo Minutillo 384-3269 [email protected] Michael Plunkett 853-0019 Mark Chapman 845-0123 Katrina Homola 845-8564 [email protected] LIFELONG FAITH FORMATION: Fr. Kantz, Moderator Adult Scripture Study Jerry Washko 845-6944 [email protected] Family Faith Formation Irene Clark, C.R.E. 845-1660 [email protected] Administrative Secretary Sara Weiss Safe Environment Co-ord Jeannie McParland RCIA/Adult Education Sue & Joe Krause 848-4575 PASTORAL CARE/SERVICE Catholic Welcome Home Sue & Joe Krause 848-4575 Coffee Klatch Mary Tracey & Ann Hink 845-0123 Ecumenical Ministry Jerry Washko 845-6944 Grief Support Judi Humphreys 889-5730 [email protected] Hospitality Committee Cindy Trovato 853-8115 Marriage Preparation and Deacon Phil Giordano 845-5404 Spiritual Direction/Counseling [email protected] Parish Health Sue Scully 845-0274 [email protected] Parish Photographer Janet Butler 853-8507 Prayer Line/Cards/ Pat Parchinski 848-2938 [email protected] Respect Life/Prayer Group Anne Connor 845-4182 [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul John McIntyre 848-7744 Vocations Deacon Vinc Latini 845-0123 Welcome Committee Margaret Curran 384-1090 Rita Deluzio 848-4212 YOUTH & YOUNG ADULT MINISTRIES Sr. Youth Group Sports Program Parish Office 845-0123 Anne Maria Sanders 374-2261 [email protected] Jennifer Liberto 374-2261 [email protected] Parish Office 845-0123 Performing Arts Young Adults KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Council #1994 Council #11713 Joe Olimpo 430-9875 [email protected] Leon Sumoski 845-8418 [email protected] PARISH STAFF Ministry Coordinator Joanne Brown 845-0123 ext.115 [email protected] Parish Bookkeeper Delores Frey 845-0123 ext.101 [email protected] Parish Facilities Mgr Rob Curtis 845-0123 [email protected] Part Time Office Assistant Ann Smalfus 845-0123 ext.103 [email protected] Parish Secretary Kathi Roswell 845-0123 ext.106 [email protected] † PARISH CALENDAR OF EVENTS † SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15 8:30AM 10:00AM 10:30AM 12:30PM 1:00PM 7:00PM NO FAITH FORMATION CLASSES K of C Breakfast/BP Screening—HTRS Gym RCIA — Ministry Ctr. 1st Grade & Home School Mtg—FFF Bldg. Baptisms—Worship Ctr. Spring Musical Practices—Activities Ctr. BINGO—HTRS Gym MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM Renew Prayer Group—FFF GCHS Basketball—Activities Ctr. Karate—Activities Ctr. Parish Intramural Basketball and Cheerleading—Activities Ctr. Benediction/Adoration—St. Patrick Church Baptism Prep Class—Worship Ctr. Grief Support Mtg—Worship Ctr. 3:00PM 4:45PM 6:45PM GCHS Basketball—Activities Ctr. Faith Formation Classes Grades 2-6—FFF Bldg. Choir Practice—St. Patrick Church 3:00PM 6:30PM GCHS Basketball—Activities Ctr. Parish Intramural Basketball and Cheerleading—Activities Ctr. 7:00PM Carnival Mtg—Worship Ctr. 1:30PM 3:00PM 6:30PM 6:30PM TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19 9:30AM 10:30AM 3:00PM 6:30PM Coffee Klatch—St. Patrick Lower Church America Catholic History —FFF Media Room GCHS Basketball—Activities Ctr. Karate—Activities Ctr. The monthly calendar is available at the doors of all worship sites and also on our website: www.holyangelsnj.org FLOWERS and SANCTUARY CANDLE To honor loved ones with altar flower bouquets or to reserve the weekly sanctuary candle, please contact Mary Jane Smith at 848-6373. Arrangements should be made in advance to make sure that the week is available. BAPTISMS Preparation Program for new & expectant parents held monthly on the 2ND Monday of the month at 7:00PM in the Worship Center. It is mandatory for both parents. Baptisms are held most Sundays. Please call the Parish Office, Mondays and Tuesdays, to register for class and to schedule a Baptism. MARRIAGES Must be arranged at least 1 year in advance. Engaged couples should reserve the Church prior to scheduling the reception. Please call the Parish Office to register. RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a program that prepares adults to be received into the Catholic Church. Persons who complete the program receive the sacraments of Baptism (if not yet baptized), First Eucharist, and Confirmation. The program starts after Labor Day and continues through the following spring. The program is also available for Catholics who have never received the sacraments of First Eucharist and/or Confirmation. For information, please call Sue & Joe Krause at 856-848-4575. PRAYER LINE Please call Pat Parchinski 848-2938 to add someone to the Parish Prayer Line or to receive a get well card. BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENT SUBMISSIONS The Deadline for receiving information is Monday by noon for the following weekend. Please email: [email protected] TO ADVERTISE IN THE BULLETIN Please call Glenn Wassmer at John Patrick Publishing: 800-333-3166 ext. 171 or cell: 267-549-7210. Page 2—635 † MASS INTENTIONS † SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14 Marie Donnelly r/b Family Dec’d members of the Leonhardt and McGlone Families r/b Family 5:30PM-STM Aiden Riebel r/b Paul & Delores Frey 9:00AM-STP 4:00PM-WC SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Chuck & Barb Zirilli r/b Mikel G. Kennedy Samuel DiSimone, Jr. r/b Family Christie Lee Yula r/b Family Intentions of Janet & Jim Smalley r/b Julia Gray 10:30AM-MHR Harry O. Bush r/b Harry & Susan Bush 11:30AM-WC Robert Schmidt-25th Anniv. r/b his Mom 6:00PM-WC Angelina Scarpa r/b Joe & Diane DiRenzo 7:30AM-STP 9:00AM-STM 9:30AM-WC 10:00AM-STP MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16 NO MASSES AT 6:45AM OR 7:00AM 9:00AM-STP Louis & Emily Ambrose r/b Family TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 6:45AM-STP Intentions of the Celebrant 7:00AM-STM Intentions of the Celebrant 9:00AM-STP William & Marie Maher r/b Family WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 6:45AM-STP John Terry Brasberger r/b a friend 7:00AM-STM Intentions of the Celebrant 9:00AM-STP James Colangelo r/b Susan Purvin 7:00PM-STP People of the Parish THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19 6:45AM-STP Intentions of the Celebrant 7:00AM-STM Joseph Connelly, Sr. r/b Joe & Joyce Connelly 9:00AM-STP Intentions of Mary Tracey r/b Mike & Dot Tolino FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 6:45AM-STP Intentions of the Celebrant 7:00AM-STM Intentions of the Celebrant 9:00AM-STP John Murray r/b Bernadette Wodazik SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 Anthony Blinebury r/b daughters, Cathy & Connie 4:00PM-WC Mildred Flynn r/b Bernadette Kane 5:30PM-STM Donald J. Bowers-1st Anniv. r/b Family 9:00AM-STP OFFERTORY PROCESSION If the Mass you are attending is for a loved one, please let the usher know when you arrive that you would like to take up the Offertory Gifts. † HEALING PRAYERS † Delores Alba, Patti Alexander, Heather Beasley, Austin Bombaro, Theresa Buckley, Hugh Bradley, Jr., Patricia Carney, Larry Carola, Jim Castor, Joseph D. Clifford, Sr., Terry Cogan, Joan C. Connelly, Stephanie Connelly, Ron Cook, Holly Creidler, Emily Daniels, Dorothy Danzi, Tommy Dean, Janet DiEleuterio, Msgr. Joseph V. Di Mauro, Richard Dupras, Christopher Eckmeyer Jr., Rosemarie Edl, Bert Edzenga, Joey Fiorentino, Ed Friedrich, Giavanna Gatti, Kimberly A. Gaull, Timothy Gaull, Jill Gilfillan, Gail Gillono, Frank Gohr, Michela Godino. Jacob Goldsmith, Libby Grossman, Stella Gruszewski, Barbara Haas, Patricia Harry, Lia Hart, Maureen Hastings, Maryann Hoppe, Susan Hughes, Alle Izzo, Agnes Janik, Robert Johnson, Lorraine Jones, Richard Klinge, Margaret Lamb, Josephine Lanzilotti, Eileen Lloret, Lorraine Jones, Terence McGehrin, Elizabeth McHenry, Bernice McKenna, Mel Michaluk, Sr. Jean Merrell, Sr. St. Michele-I.H.M, Nancy Middlebusher, Charles Miller, Jennifer Misilewich, Lucille Nelson, Mary Nichols, Angel O’Leary, Sarafina Onyutha, Martin Passeri, Joe Polk, Ryley Powell, Kathryn Powis, Paul Putt, Ruby Rattle, Grace Ravotti, Donna Raymond, William Riddle, Sr., Christina Ruggerio, Marie Rumaker, Beth Sanders, Madeline Santino, Kevin Santoro, Michael Savage, Carol Schorn, Tom Schultz, Sue Schramm, Rita Seward, Molly Sholders, Arnold Slater, Paul S. Smith, Sr., Bob Spies, Kevin Stewart, Cheryl Weiss-Strobino, Rose Sumoski, Donna Tessmer, Elizabeth Thomas, Geraldine Tierney, Sue Villari, Kristian Young, Ginny Wasdick, Mackenzie Grace West, Maria Wilhelm, Kathleen Wilson, Pat Winter, Marge Wolford, Nathan Worrell, Aaron Wynne, Brigie Wynne, Virginia “Ginny” Zizas David Daniel Adams Samuel John McIntyre Please continue to pray for ALL of our Troops Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform in our time of need. We ask this in Jesus’ name - -Amen Please pray for the repose of the souls of James Colangelo, Kathryn Lau, Rose Marchese, Joan McConnell May their souls and the souls of all of our faithfully departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen MASS /ASHES St. Patrick Church 6:45AM ∙ 9:00AM ∙ 7:00PM St. Matthew Church 7:00AM PRAYER SERVICE/ASHES St. Patrick Church 12:10PM ∙ 4:00PM Most Holy Redeemer Church 1:45PM SANCTUARY CANDLE—St. Patrick Church For the month of February In loving Memory of MARY QUINN donated by Tony & Margaret Brannigan Page 3—635 † PARISH COMMUNITY † LENTEN SCHEDULES WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE St. Patrick Church St. Matthew Church— STATIONS OF THE CROSS St. Patrick Church NO STATIONS OF THE CROSS GOOD FRIDAY VESPERS Worship Center— TENEBRAE SERVICE St. Patrick Church CONFESSIONS Worship Center St. Matthew Church LENTEN REGULATIONS The days of both Fast and Abstinence during Lent are Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. The other Fridays of Lent are days of Abstinence. On a day of Fast, only one full meal is permitted. Those between the ages of 18 and 59 are obliged to fast. On a day of Abstinence, no meat may be eaten. Those who have reached the age of 14 are obliged by the law of abstinence. The obligation to observe the laws of Fast and Abstinence “substantially,” or as a whole is a serious obligation. The Fridays of the year, outside of Lent, are designated as days of penance, but each individual may substitute for the traditional abstinence from meat some other practice of voluntary self-denial as penance. The time for fulfilling the Paschal Precept (Easter Duty) extends from the First Sunday of Lent to the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity. St. Patrick Church FAITH H NO CONFESSIONS ON HOLY THURSDAY, GOOD FRIDAY, OR HOLY SATURDAY LENT, MEDITATION AND SCRIPTURE PROGRAM Tuesdays - Feb 24; Mar 3; Mar 10; Mar 17 7:30PM—Worship Center, Upstairs Classroom Presented by Sr. Ruthann, SSJ and Jerry Washko Scripture is a most fertile ground for Christian Meditation. Meditation is an ancient form of prayer. Its aim is to bring the distracted mind to silence and stillness and rest in the presence of God. Even in our hectic lives this is possible. This Lenten series is focused on the meditation practice of Christian Meditation that was taught by John Main, OSB. Its aim will be to experience its relevance in your life during this Lenten season and beyond. Sister Ruthann, a Sister of St. Joseph, has been a spiritual director and retreat leader for many years. She resides at Holy Trinity Residence, Westville. A two session Scripture program on The Four Suffering Servant Songs of the Prophet Isaiah will be held: March 24th and March 31st 7:30PM—Worship Center, Upstairs Classroom No charge for any of the programs. Please call Jean or Jerry Washko at 856-845-6944 to register. Come and use Lent for your spiritual growth. STEWARDSHIP PRIORITY “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.” - 1 Corinthians 10:31 Do a quick check of your priorities. Where does God rank in that list? If He’s not first, you have some work to do. Stewards who put God first in everything develop the attitude of “I am grateful for the gifts God gave me” instead of “I want more”. For most people gratitude leads to generosity. THIS WEEK’S SECOND COLLECTION: CHURCH IN CENTRAL & EASTERN EUROPE In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus tells us that whenever we feed the least of our brothers and sisters, we feed Jesus himself. At this time of the year, many food pantries find themselves with empty shelves while the requests for food are still great. In response, the Diocese of Camden is organizing its 2ND ANNUAL FAITHFULL FOOD DRIVE. x Feb. 21st/22nd—a list of recommended food items and a bag will be available at all Masses for take home. x Feb. 28th/Mar. 1st—all food donations to be returned at all Masses x The collected food will be given to our local Greater Woodbury Cooperative Ministry Food Pantry. 1 in 6 South Jerseyans, and 1 in 5 children, suffer from food insecurity. For any questions, contact John McIntyre 856-848-7744 or Jerry Washko 856-845-6944. Visit the diocesan web site for more information: www.camdendiocese.org/faithfull. GREATER WOODBURY COOOPERATIVE MINISTRY 2015 LENTEN SEASON A 6-week Lenten Study at the Presbyterian Church in Woodbury is being offered Wednesday evenings from 6:00-8:00PM – beginning with a simple soup dinner, and then group discussion. Discussions are led by ministers or lay persons of the participating churches. Jerry Washko, Ecumenical liaison for Holy Angels, will be one of the presenters. Feb. 25 Program No. 1 Discovering the Rebel Jesus Mar. 4 Program No. 2 Revolutionary Lifestyle 11 Program No. 3 The Most Important Question 18 Program No. 4 Seeing Jesus Today 25 Program No. 5 The Way of the Cross Apr. 1 Program No. 6 Resurrection The Seven Last Words of Jesus will be celebrated at Good Friday, 12NOON Services—Kemble Methodist Church, Broad St. Woodbury. Resurrection Sun Rise Prayer Service— Easter Sunday—Stewart Lake on the property of St. Stephen Lutheran Church, Evergreen Ave. in Woodbury. Exact time to be announced, usually sunrise or 6:30AM. Page 4—635 † LIFELONG FAITH FORMATION † † SCHOOL NEWS † The mission of Holy Trinity Regional School is to strengthen academic excellence of all students through teaching, living and proclaiming Catholic values with justice, respect and compassion. OFFICE HOURS: NOW ACCEPTING ENROLLMENT FOR THE 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR!! Please call 856-848-6826 to schedule a tour! $1000 Credit for public school transfers for the first year! $500 for the second year! IMPORTANT SCHOOL DATES SCHOOL CLOSED: FEB. 16TH – PRESIDENT’S DAY February 15th PLEASE NOTE: NO CLASSES THERE WILL BE CLASSES ON: FEBRUARY 17TH 22nd— February y 1st March March 7th March 21st RELIGIOUS ED SUMMER SESSION IS COMING TO HOLY ANGELS PARISH! COMEDY NIGHT: FEB. 21ST 6:30– 10:00PM-HTRS Gym Featuring Vince Valentine Hosted by HTRS and the Knights of Columbus Dinner and Show: $25 per person or $45 per couple Babysitting available for a donation. For ticket purchase, please contact Michelle at 856-848-6826. LADIES PAINT NIGHT: MAR. 21st 7:00PM. This is a 2-hour step-by-step instructional event starting from a blank canvas to your own masterpiece! $45 per person. Please call Michelle for more information 856-848-6826! This event is for everyone, even if you have not touched a paintbrush since elementary school! 2015 CALENDAR JACKPOT LOTTERY Now discounted and may be purchased for $20! DIOCESAN/PARISH GUIDELINES FOR THE PREVENTION OF THE SPREAD OF THE FLU DURING MASS DURING FLU SEASON: xParishioners who feel ill should be reminded to stay at home and refrain from attendance at Mass or other church events until they are fully recovered. Illness is a justifiable excuse from the Sunday Mass obligation. xThe faithful should be encouraged to share the Sign of Peace without touching hands or kissing. This may be done with eye-contact, a smile, and a bow of the head while saying the words “May the peace of Christ be with you.” xPriests, Deacons, and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion should be especially reminded of the need to practice good preventative hygiene. Ministers of Holy Communion should be encouraged to wash their hands before Mass begins, and even to use an alcohol-based anti-bacterial solution before and after distributing Holy Communion. xThe faithful should be instructed not to receive from the cup if they feel ill. That "no one is ever under an obligation to receive from the chalice" and that "anyone who is ill, or suspects he or she is ill, should refrain from receiving from the chalice out of good will and consider receiving the host in the hand rather than by the mouth." (USCCB – Secretariat for Divine Worship) TO OUR JANUARY STUDENTS OF THE MONTH! Gabriella DiRenzo, David San Juan, Anthony Trantas, Vincent Mullary, Lauren Berke, Makayla Clemente, Mason Parks, Liam Atkinson, Jayden Hurlburt, Annabelle Recabarren, and Marc Peterson! BINGO EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT! Come one, come all an enjoyable evening! Doors open 5:00PM · Games begin 7:00PM Admission: $1 · Books: $1 each to play Exciting new "WIZARD OF OZ" GAMES AS WELL AS AN ARRAY OF NEW PRIZES! Progressive jackpot is over $1,400! For more information on all school events, please contact our Marketing Coordinator, Michelle DiCapua, at 856-848-6826 or email: [email protected]. Sundays—1:00-3:00PM Holy Angels Activities Ctr. 1210 Hessian Ave. West Deptford xGreeters and Ushers should use verbal greetings only and not shake hands with parishioners. Page 5—635 † AROUND THE DIOCESE † DIOCESAN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS If in this calendar year (1/1/15 through 12/31/15) you are celebrating a milestone Wedding Anniversary, 25, 50 or 60 years of marriage, please join us in celebrating! APRIL 19TH ∙ 3:30PM MASS St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish—St. Bernadette Church 1421 New Road · Northfield (A light reception will follow in the parish hall.) Registration forms are available at all parish offices. Deadline for registering is March 27th. For more information, please contact Mary Lou Hughes: 856-583-6132. THERAPIST AND PSYCHIATRIST POSITIONS Catholic Charities is seeking mission-driven, professional therapists (LCSW preferred) to provide services in our Rio Grande, Vineland, and Camden offices. Catholic Charities is seeking a board certified psychiatrist to serve as medical director for our Outpatient Counseling Services. Interested candidates should e-mail resumes to [email protected] or call 856-342-4162. 2015 ENGAGED ENCOUNTER Jun. 12-14; Aug. 7-9; Nov. 6-8 Pope John Paul II Retreat Ctr. · Vineland Weekend begins promptly 8:00PM Friday; closes 3:00PM Sunday. All meals/ accommodations included in reservation fee. Visit the Diocesan website for more information: www.camdendiocese.org/index.php/workshops78/engaged-encounter; email: [email protected] call 856-583-6132. When registering for Engaged Encounter you will be registered for the weekend, including lodging and meals, for the fee of $395. The online payment of your registration fee confirms your place in the program. Please save the receipt. Choose carefully as there is a $25 rescheduling/cancellation fee to cover administrative expenses. COLLEGIUM CENTER FOR FAITH & CULTURE 301 S. White Horse Pike, Haddon Heights, NJ 08035 FREE EVENTS Feb. 13th 7:00PM Fr. Joseph Szolack - Exorcisms and Deliverance th Feb. 24 7:00PM Deacon Brian Ayscue – Join us for Lectio Divina an ancient Catholic prayer method for reading and praying with the Bible. Mar. 8th 2:00PM Fr. Tom Kiely – Healing with Families – In today’s society, families face so many challenges that often lead to hurt and division. Join us as we consider ways to strengthen the family and foster an environment of healing and love. April 24th-25th The New Evangelization Summit – This event is being live streamed from Ottawa, Canada with top Catholic Evangelists Dr. Scott Hahn, Dr. Ralph Martin, Fr. Michael Gaitley, Fr. James Mallon, Patrick Coffin, Ken Yasinski, JoEllen Gregus and Michael Dopp. For more information and to register, go to our website: www.thecollegiumcenter.org or contact Brenda at [email protected] or 856-534-0400. CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS COURT GIESE #439 invites Women, age 18 and older, to a Victorian Tea Party on Sunday, February 22nd, 1:00-3:00PM at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 605 Monmouth St., Gloucester City. RSVP required by Thursday, February 12th to Dawn at 609-828-8232 or [email protected] or Alice at 856-456-4576. THE BIBLE TIMELINE SEMINAR Saturday, February 21, 2015 Immaculate Conception Church 35 Mountain Avenue, Somerville, NJ 08876 Registration: 8:00-9:00AM | Seminar: 9:00AM - 4:00PM Mass: 8:00AM (optional) Speaker: Jeff Cavins, creator of The Great Adventure Catholic Bible Study Program and director of the Archbishop Harry J. Flynn Catechetical Institute. In The Bible Timeline Seminar you will. . . • Learn how key people, places, and events in the Bible fit together to reveal God’s plan for humanity. • See how events in the Old Testament are fulfilled in the New Testament. • Gain a greater appreciation for the Scripture readings you hear during Mass . . . and much more Registration: $45pp or $40pp for 10 or more in a group For more information, contact: Kate McCabe, 908-722-8834 or email: [email protected]. JOIN BISHOP SULLIVAN IN IRELAND July 18—29, 2015 Bishop Sullivan is hosting a tour of Ireland departing Philadelphia, Saturday, July 18th & returning to Philadelphia, Wednesday, July 29th. Visit Dublin, Cavan, Armagh, Knock, Galway, the Cliffs of Mohrer, Limerick and much more. Tour includes 11 days/10 nights; 10 full Irish breakfasts; 10 dinners (one with Irish storytelling and entertainment); gratuities to driver/ guide; porterage of one piece of luggage; four star hotels; air conditioned motor coach; and a few Irish ballads sung by the Bishop along the way. The land cost of this tour is $2209 p/p double with a $479 single supplement; space is limited. Airfare costs are based on availability at the time of booking (current estimates are roughly $1300/non-stop). For more information or to register, call 856-583-2807 or email: [email protected] [email protected] A non-refundable deposit of $500 p/p is due with registration. CHILD ASSAULT PREVENTION (CAP) SESSIONS CAP is the safe environment training program for adults who have regular contact with minors. Attendance is required in order to comply with the USCCB’s Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. The policy of the Diocese of Camden is that adults will attend CAP once every five years. February sessions (Each presentation is 90 min,): CAP Phase 1 Mon. Feb.16th-7:00PM Holy Eucharist, Cherry Hill, Parish Center, Room 108/109 To attend one of these classes, please call the CAP registration line in the Office of Child and Youth Protection:856) 583-6165 or email [email protected] to register. Please register at least five days before the session you would like to attend. The CAP schedule, location, phone numbers and directions may be found on the diocesan website @ www.camdendiocese.org IN CASE OF INCLEMENT WEATHER PLEASE CALL THE LOCATION DIRECTLY. REPORT SEXUAL ABUSE An independent, toll-free number has been established by the Diocese of Camden to help callers report cases of sexual abuse by priests, deacons, religious, employees and/or volunteers. Calls are handled by a licensed clinical social worker. In accord with state law, cases of child sexual abuse are reported to the N.J. Division of Child Protection and Permanency and law enforcement. For information or to inquire about counseling and support services, call 1-800-964-6588. Page 6—635 Tarrach’s Service Center Landscape Design & Maintenance Pavers • Gardens • Decks • Mulch Lawncare • Cleanups • Soil • Gutters Commercial & Residential 856.848.4393 [email protected] Schoolhouse Physical Therapy 1652 Cooper St. Deptford Complete Automotive Repair & Maintenance Serving Woodbury Since 1931 Bill & Eileens Market 856-853-1507 PAFUMI PLUMBING & HVAC, LLC 920 N. Evergreen Ave., Woodbury, NJ 08096 • NJ Lic.#5829 Parishioner Discount Parishioner Discount Lic. & Ins. NJ #13VH07195600 FREE FIRST CHOICE TIRE & AUTO REPAIR CENTER FIRST CHOICE TIRE & AUTO REPAIR CENTER www.FirstChoiceTire.com • 856-845-9333 $19.95 *(Most cars. Limited time offer. Not to be combined with other offers.) FIRST CHOICE TIRE & AUTO REPAIR CENTER $20 OFF $30 OFF Patient focused personalized medical care serving pediatrics through geriatrics ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted • FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! Authorized Dealer Memorials • Cremation • Pre-Planning Paul W. Budd Senior Director • NJ Lic. No. 2824 ANY $200 SERVICE ANY $300 SERVICE *(Most cars. Limited time offer. Not to be combined with other offers.) 608 N. Broad St., Woodbury www.njfamilypractice.com (856) 848-1307 Log Onto www.jppc.net conveniently from your home or office. 1038 N. Evergreen Ave., Woodbury NJ 08096 OIL LUBE FILTER $15 OFF ANY $100 SERVICE * South Jersey Family Medicine Associates Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards COMPUTER DIAGNOSTIC WITH ANY REPAIR *(Most cars. Limited time offer. Not to be combined with other offers.) 101 Cooper St. Woodbury 856-384-6700 856-456-3900 GUTTER DOCTORX [email protected] (up to 5 qts.) BREAKFAST & LUNCH OPEN 7 DAYS Dances By Diane.com Ballroom • Swing • Latin Groups • Private • Parties 609-586-2300 856-203-2709 Butch Merchant - Owner FIRST CHOICE TIRE & AUTO REPAIR CENTER PLUMBING • HEATING • AIR CONDITIONING GUTTER CLEANING Commercial & Residential Fully Insured & Licensed *(Most cars. Limited time offer. Not to be combined with other offers.) (856) 845-6505 LUNCH MEAT • SANDWICHES • GROCERIES • ATM Redbank & Hessian Ave. 201D Broadway, Westville, NJ National Park, NJ Merchant’s Custom Painting WHEEL ALIGNMENT Nursery School and Day Care Center Before & After School Care ASE Certified Technicians 7am-6pm Mon. Thru Fri. 856-845-8330 4 Le Cato Ave., West Deptford 934 N. Evergreen Ave. 853-0569 Woodbury 856-227-5312 ONLY $65.00* Reg. $99.95 Grow n’ Learn Jennifer Budd Wright Director • NJ Lic. No. 4288 522 Salem Ave., Woodbury, NJ 856.845.1310 FIRST CHOICE TIRE & AUTO REPAIR CENTER 15% OFF Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. 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