ISSUE 7 WYMONDHAM MEDICAL PARTNERSHIP NEWSLETTER Special points of interest: CQC Inspection NHS Health checks February 2015 Enquiries : 01953 602220 Prescriptions: 01953 605560 Postmill Close Wymondham Norfolk NR18 0RF CQC Inspection Age UK Healthy Living Fayre CQC Inspection 1 NHS Health checks 1 Age UK 1 Warm & Well 1 Non Attendance of Appointments 1 Refit to Pharmacy 2 Research 2 Welcome new staff 2 New Equipment 2 Behind The Scenes 3 NHS friends & family test 3 Healthy Living Fayre 4 The Care Quality Commission (CQC) carried out an inspection of our Surgery on the 6th November last year. We are pleased to announce that they have classified the practice as GOOD. A full copy of the report is available on our website NHS Health Checks For Those Aged 40 TO 74 Are you aware that you maybe eligible for a free NHS Health Check? If you are aged between 40 and 74 and have not already been diagnosed with heart disease, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease or had a stroke, and have not had an NHS Health Check within the last 5 years, please call the surgery to arrange for a blood test followed up with an appointment to discuss your results and how you can reduce your risks and stay healthy. Even if you are feeling well it’s worth having your NHS Health Check now. Age UK Age UK are running Clinics every Tuesday morning, from 9.30am – 12.30pm at our Medical Centre for anyone over the age of 65. Marty is our Age UK adviser, and if you would like to see her, you can simply ask at our Reception desk, or ring in to make an appointment with her. Doctors are also giving ‘Social Prescriptions to some of their patients for an appointment. These are informal sessions of 30 minutes or so, and Marty is able to give information on a wide range of non-medical, later-life issues including Benefits, Housing Options, Social Care, Respite Care, Befriending, Bereavement Advice, Caring for Older Relatives, Lasting Power of Attorney, Help at Home and Dementia Support. Marty is able to help with almost anything, and if she can’t, she will give you information about someone who can! If you have any concerns, give us a ring, or pop in to organise a friendly chat. NB. AGE UK Norfolk are looking for volunteer helpers too. They have a wide range of volunteering activities to meet the needs and aspirations of everyone. If you can help in any way, ring on:- 01603 785241. Warm and Well Campaign Do you need tips on helping yourself or a vulnerable or older resident to stay warm and well? If so advice can be found on or you can call them on 0344 800 8020. Please ensure we have all your up-to-date contact details including mobile number and e-mail address ISSUE 7 WY MO ND HA M ME D I C A L C E NT R E NE WS LE T T E R PAGE 2 Non Attendance of Appointments In the last month, patients did not attend 223 appointments, that equates to 45 hours wasted—please try to let us know if you cannot attend an appointment. Refit to Pharmacy Attached to The Surgery Boots the pharmacy next door to our surgery is to undergo a re-fit from 7th of March for two weeks in order to streamline its dispensing service. They will remain open for dispensing during this period. Research And Clinical Trials Wymondham Medical Practice is the most research active practice in Norfolk. We are taking part in approximately 20 studies which include Cardiovascular Disease, Genetics, Kidney Disease, Cancer, Respiratory, Childhood Flu and more. To date we have recruited almost 10% (1800 patients) of our practice population on to a study in the last 6 years. Our research Nurse Shelina would be happy to discuss any aspect of research or any projects with you— just speak to one of our receptionists. Welcome To Our New Staff Members Wendy Fullerton—our asthma nurse retired in November after 14 years service. She is planning on spending more time bird watching. We have two new Practice Nurses, Katie Treutler, who will specialise in Respiratory medicine, diabetes and general practice work and Ramona Chenery who will undertake general practice and asthma clinics in 2015. Gabriella Law has become our new healthcare assistant, undertaking phlebotomy, health checks, smoking cessation, pre diabetic and memory checks. We also have an additional phlebotomist—Gemma Bell. New Equipment In The Surgery A blood pressure machine has been placed in the yellow waiting area and is available for all patients to use. There are instructions on how to use this machine, which may be used in addition to any regular hypertension appointments you may have during the year with a Nurse. New Notice boards—these have appeared in all the waiting areas. The Yellow area shows photographs of all the GPs! The other notice boards will be regularly updated with news relating to the surgery. Microsuction— we have invested in a machine to assist in the removal of ear wax. This treatment is ideal for patients with ear problems who regularly attend the Norfolk & Norwich. Please ensure we have all your up-to-date contact details including mobile number and e-mail address ISSUE 7 WY MO ND HA M ME D I C A L C E NT R E NE WS LE T T E R PAGE 3 Have You Ever Wondered What Goes on Behind The Scenes? Behind the reception area (and our many filing cabinets!) the Data Management team is run by Sue Brown. She has a dedicated team of 9 staff who deal with the day to day administration duties for our very busy practice. All patients have an electronic computer record and a paper record called Lloyd George notes. Sue explained that their role is to ensure that the computer record is kept up to date, making sure that each time information is added a standard of accuracy is maintained. This includes scanning and coding any incoming letters e.g. hospital letters, to ensure that clinical staff have an up to date patient record at all times. For all new patients that join the practice, their relevant data is recorded into the Practice’s computer system to create the electronic record and likewise if a patient moves away a process has to be done in order for their next surgery to obtain their records. Other functions of the department include sending out letters to patients with certain medical conditions, to ensure that they have regular check ups. The government also monitors how many of these letters are sent and how many patients we review in order to ensure we are adhering to NHS guidelines. Examples of why we issue these letters and review patients in the surgery include:To monitor patients who have already been diagnosed with a chronic illness To prevent certain conditions occurring (for preventative care e.g. smear tests) To issue reminders for childhood vaccinations We use the information from your computer health record so we know when check ups are due. So next time you receive a letter from us, please read it carefully—as it could be a benefit to your health. NHS Friends and Family Test (FFT) This is an opportunity to provide feedback on the care and treatment you receive in order to improve services. Introduced by the NHS in 2013, its aim was to try and find out if patients would recommend hospital wards, A& E departments and maternity services to friends and family. From the 1st December 2014, it is to be introduced to all GP surgeries. There will be an opportunity to put your completely anonymous response in to the surgery. The question will be:‘“We would like you to think about your recent experiences of our service. How likely are you to recommend our GP practice to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment?” The responses are: ‘Extremely likely’; ‘Likely’; ‘Neither likely nor unlikely’; ‘Unlikely’; ‘Extremely unlikely’; or ‘Don’t know’ . If you would like to complete the survey it is available on our website or in the surgery by the Blood Pressure machine with the box for posting your answers too. Please ensure we have all your up-to-date contact details including mobile number and e-mail address WY MO ND HA M ME D I C A L C E NT R E NE WS LE T T E R ISSUE 7 PAGE 4 Healthy Lifestyle Fayre Date: Saturday 7th March 2015 Time: 11 am till 3pm Place: Wymondham Medical Practice Postmill Close, Wymondham, NR18 0RF Come and join us.. Advice and help on improving your health from your local experts…… Active Norfolk Joy of food including cookery demonstrations Norfolk & Norwich Hospital Dietitians South Norfolk District council Health Trainers WHY NOT GIVE AN ACTIVITY A GO….. ...HEALTH TRAINERS AVAILABLE TO ADVISE ON GETTING MOTIVATED … NORFOLK & NORWICH HOSPITAL DIETITIANS ON SITE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH ADVICE AND INFORMATION LEAFLETS ...COOKERY DEMONSTRATIONS WITH ‘JOY OF FOOD’ PUTTING YOUR HEALTH FIRST…... REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE FOR A NOMINAL FEE ALL MONIES GIVEN TO CHARITY Appointments Telephone Number 01953 602220 Prescriptions Telephone Number 01953 605560 NHS Phone 111 (when its less urgent than 999) Timberhill Health Centre (walk in centre 9 am—7pm) Or visit NHS Choices Level 4, The Mall Norwich Phone: 01603 611786 Email: [email protected] - Open 365 days a year 7am – 9pm Please ensure we have all your up-to-date contact details including mobile number and e-mail address
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