Selected Work 2014/15 Verónica De León Hernández [email protected] RÉSUMÉ Verónica De León Hernández 17.07.1987 - Caracas, Venezuela +49 15757762416 WORK EXPERIENCE 09.2011 / 12.2012 HEAD GRAPHIC DESIGNER & JUNIOR PROJECT MANAGER Change, Leadership & Partners Cologne, Germany 05 / 07.2013 WEB DESIGN INTERNSHIP Solutas GmbH Cologne, Germany STUDIES AND TRAINING 2008 / 2012 EDITORIAL DESIGN DIPLOMA Accademia di Belle Arti Rome, Italy 2010 / 2011 ERASMUS STUDENT FOTOGRAFIE & NEUEN MEDIEN KLASS ADBK Munich, Germany ESPO ARTI IN FIERI Punto Estatico Rome, Italy 2011 JAHRESAUSSTELLUNG 2011 ADBK Munich, Germany 07.2013 / 02.2014 GRAPHIC & WEB DESIGNER Solutas GmbH Cologne, Germany SINNER’S PARTY VOL. 2 Löwenbräukeller Munich, Germany 03.2014 / current CO-FOUNDER VISUAL COMUNICATION & PRODUCTION NLV&V Berlin, Germany LANGUAGE SKILLS Spanish - Mother Tongue Italian - Proficient User English - Proficient User German - Advance User & constantly improving PHOTOGRAPHIC EXHIBITIONS 2010 STOP AND LOOK Winter Exhibition ADBK Munich, Germany SOFTWARE SKILLS Photoshop Illustrator Indesign Lightroom After Effects Premiere [email protected] OTHER SKILLS Wordpress HTML/CSS UI / UX 22-77-99 NETWORK 2014, Berlin As part of our start-up project, we designed an online Marketing tool for gentle dentists across Germany. For the realization of this project we have used basic HTML, CSS, PHP and Wordpress skills. This platform is currently online as a BETA version. In collaboration with NLV&V What is the 22-77-99 Network about: For content, we focus on current international scientific Gentle Dentistry (Sanfte Zanhheilkunde in german) is knowledge. In our articles we present new methods and all about alternative dental procedures using modern explain how a gentle dentistry can offer to patients. methods and tools to provide painless treatments. 22-77-99 stands for 22 Zähne im Alter von 77 Jahren für 99% der Our Network consists on a Blog connected to Social Media Bevölkerung, which means „22 teeth at the age of 77 for Campaigns to ensure that our message can be widely 99% of the population“. We want to show that a visit to the carried out into the world. Each article is also connected dentist does not have to be necessarily unpleasant. to a Map that helps patients to quickly and easily find out where one of our partner dentists is located plus the desired treatment methods in their vicinity. OHMANAGER APP 2014, Berlin User Experience and design of graphics for a Prophylaxe App for Dentist In collaboration with NLV&V Visit here How the App works: With this tablet application dental practice and patient are able to conveniently collect and assess medial findings related to caries, periodontal, salivary parameters, dental hard tissue defects and other medical history findings that are relevant information. Patients can be informed in a customized way and motivated on the basis of the graph by the OHManagement ™ software. The OHManager concept is based on the Scientific Board of the IHCF initiative, which puts focus on a comprehensive assessment of various risk parameters. Fundamentals of OHManagements ™ are the CARIOGRAM and the SSO quality assurance in periodontics as agreed by the Swiss Dental Association, in which the PSI (Periodontal Screening Index) is integrated PEER COACHING WHITE PAPER 2014, Berlin Corporate Identity & Layout design for a white paper. This PDF is optimized to be read on screens and tablets with interactive functionalities. Visit Live version here Client: Change, Leadership & Partners NICO’S ABOUT PAGE 2014, Cologne My friend Nicholas M. Scholz wanted an Interactive About Page to showcase his design skills. For this project I animated his illustrations & layout usign basic CSS strings. To see the CSS animation in action, visit Nico‘s About Page here ZF WORKBOOK & POCKET GUIDE DESIGN 2014, Berlin Set of three Workbooks and a Pocket Guide following ZF´s Corporate Identity. Workbooks are meant to be filled and used as a guide by participants during a Leadership Workshop. Client: Change, Leadership & Partners XYLITOL CHEWING GUM 2014, Berlin Product Photography of Chewing Gums for a online shop dedicated to dental products. In collaboration with Nicholas M. Scholz Visit here BREGENZ | LINDAU 2014, Berlin Vertical photos in the mountain and at the lake between Bregenz (Austria) and Lindau (Germany) on September 2014. LINA & TILMAN‘S WEDDING 2014, Sommerach Lina & Tilman Krischan got married in Sommerach on October 2014. I had the opportunity to cover the Wedding from the female side. Since Lina & Tilman received guests from all around Europe, I developed also a Website to share the nicest pictures from the night with friends and family. Visit the Wedding Website here (Photographs from Nicholas Scholz and Viktor Richardsson are also included) Check more projects under
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