to the Explicit Instruction Book Study course Syllabus.

Explicit Instruction Book Study: Effective and Efficient Teaching Syllabus
April 13,
Book Study
Initial Reading:
Preface vii-ix
Topic/Reflection Task
Virtual Session Adobe Connect: Online orientation
Preface vii-ix
1. Complete Participant Information Sheet; submit to Moodle
2. Review schedule for readings/discussion postings (Due Dates Calendar)
3. Book Study Norms:
• Honor beginning/ending times
• Be prepared; complete readings and course assignments
• Participate actively
• Respect differences and opinions of all group members
4. Objectives (Know, Understand, Do) – see course attachment
5. Course Resources: Explicit Instruction: Effective and Efficient Teaching by
Anita Archer and Charles Hughes (Guilford Press, 2011), Due Dates Calendar,
Chapter Conversation Guides, Final Reflection Guide, Supplemental Resources
(see course attachments)
6. Book Study Format
Assignment Part 1:
a. PREPARE: Complete Part 1 of Task Assignment after reading each chapter.
b. POST:
A summary of your assignment from Part 1 in Moodle discussion
Read colleagues’ responses and comment on at least one
Assignment Part 2:
REFLECT: Complete Part 2 of the Task Assignment AFTER your colleagues
have posted their responses to the discussion board.
7. After the last session:
a. Write a (1-2) page reflection on how you would incorporate the elements of
Explicit Instruction into your teaching (see Final Reflection Guide); submit to
8. In-service Points earned (20)
Schedule of readings/
Discussion Points
Adobe Connect
Introduction to
8-week course
The discussion
post of 1b will
be closed on
the due date. It
is imperative
that you
complete part
1b on time so
that other
participants can
do part 2.
Explicit Instruction Book Study: Effective and Efficient Teaching Syllabus
Week 1
Chapter 1
April 13 – “Exploring the
April 19
Foundations of
Explicit Instruction”
Read Chapter 1 Exploring the Foundations of Explicit Instruction
Review Key terms, Concepts and Organization
Chapter 1 Key Terms: explicit instruction, principles of instruction, scaffolding,
available time, allocated time, engaged time/time on task, content coverage,
procedural knowledge, conditional knowledge
Chapter 1
Due Date:
Part 1: April 19
Part 2: April 26
Chapter 1 Concepts:
• Elements of explicit instruction
• The underlying principles of effective instruction
• The research evidence supporting explicit instruction
• Responding to possible concerns about an explicit approach to teaching
Chapter 1 Organization:
1. Elements of Explicit Instruction
a. Sixteen elements of explicit instruction(figure 1.1)
b. Six teaching functions (figure 1.2)
2. Underlying Principles of Effective Instruction
a. Principles of effective instruction(figure 1.3)
3. High Levels of Success
a. Ways of optimizing instructional time (figure 1.4)
b. Case Study: Analyzing instructional time (figure 1.5)
4. A Convergence and Accumulation of Evidence/A Summary of Selected
5. Response to Possible Concerns about Explicit Instruction
6. Chapter Summary and Final Case Study
Explicit Instruction Book Study: Effective and Efficient Teaching Syllabus
Part 1: Personal Reflection after reading Chapter 1
Chapter 1 lists the 16 elements of explicit instruction (Figure 1.1) that will be described in more detail in
subsequent chapters. Select a lesson you will be doing in the near future. Reflect on how many of the
elements are evident in your delivery and instruction.
1a. As part of this assignment, put answers here on this sheet and then upload this document under
Assignments ( Chapter 1)
Chapter 1
Due Date:
Part 1: April 19
Answer all 3 bullets.
Which elements do you think you effectively infused into your instruction? Provide examples.
Which of the elements do you think will be the most beneficial for you to learn more about as
you work toward improving your instructional behaviors? Why?
Write an instructional goal that addresses the elements you want to improve within your
effective instruction.
Discussion Post:
1b..Post a summary of your Personal Reflection from Task 1 (Part 1). Be sure to include the
personal instructional goal that you developed.
1c. Reply to at least 1 Discussion Post:
Part 2: Reflection of Chapter 1 Discussion Posts ******* This cannot be completed until participants
have posted responses for Chapter 1 in the Discussion forum
• After reviewing the Chapter 1 discussion posts, what were the key points made by group?
Assignment 1b
will be closed
on this date,
you must
submit on time
for other
participants to
Part 2.
Chapter 1
Due Date:
Part 2: April 26
Explicit Instruction Book Study: Effective and Efficient Teaching Syllabus
Week 2
April 20April 26
Chapter 2
“Designing Lessons:
Skills and Strategies”
Read Chapter 2 Designing Lessons: Skills and Strategies
Week 2
April 20April 26
Chapter 2
“Designing Lessons:
Skills and Strategies”
Chapter 2 Organization:
1. Opening of an Explicit Lesson
a. Examples of prerequisite skills (figure 2.1)
b. Example: Opening of an explicit lesson (application 2.1)
2. Body of the Explicit Lesson
a. Analysis of lesson opening, modeling, and prompted or guided
practice (application 2.2)
3. Closing of the Explicit Lesson
a. Structure of an explicit lesson (figure 2.2)
b. Model Lesson: Algebra lesson on parentheses (application 2.3)
c. Model Lesson: Determining the main idea (application 2.4)
d. Model Lessons: Three consecutive sentence-combining lessons
(application 2.5)
4. Chapter Summary
a. Identifying potential problems and generating possible solutions
(application 2.6)
b. Designing an explicit lesson (application 2.7)
Review Key terms, Concepts and Organization
Chapter 2 Key Terms: skills, strategies, prerequisite, prompts, review, prompted practice
Chapter 2 Concepts:
• Skills vs. strategies
• How to explicitly teach students to do things
• Overall structure and components of an explicitly taught lesson (opening,
body and closing)
Chapter 2
Due Date:
Part 1: April 26
Part 2: May 3
Explicit Instruction Book Study: Effective and Efficient Teaching Syllabus
Part 1: Personal Reflection after reading Chapter 2
1a. For this assignment, answer questions and upload under Assignments (Chapter 2)
Answer all 3 bullets.
Building on the lesson and goal you choose in Assignment 1 (Chapter 1) ;
• Write a brief rationale for why the skill is important for students to learn.
• Prerequisites; List the important prerequisites for the skill, (see page 26 for
examples). Identify what you will have your students do as a review for the
prerequisite skills.
• Model- I do, We do, You do; Write what you will say or do as you model the
new skill (I Do It), and then describe how you will do guided practice (We Do
It) and how you would fade the supports (You Do It). Describe the closing of
your lesson.
1b. Post a summary of your Personal Reflection from Task 1 (Part 1) on the Chapter 2
Discussion Post. Please include information about prerequisite skills and modeling of the
new skill.
1c. Reply to at least on fellow participant’s Chapter1 Discussion Post
Week 3
April 27 – Chapter 3
May 3
“Designing Lessons:
Vocabulary and
Chapter 2
Due Date:
Part 1: April 26
Assignment 1b
will be closed
on this date,
you must
submit on time
for other
participants to
Part 2.
Part 2: Reflection of Chapter 2 Discussion Posts ******* This cannot be completed
until participants have posted responses for Chapter 2 in the Discussion forum
• After reviewing the Chapter 2 discussion posts, what were the key points
made by group members?
• What new learning did you take away from this discussion?
Chapter 2
Due Date:
Read Chapter 3 Designing Lessons: Vocabulary and Concepts
Chapter 3
Due Date:
Part 1: May 3
Part 2: May 10
Review Key terms, Concepts and Organization
Chapter 3 Key Terms : attributes, student-friendly explanation, cognates,
examples/non-examples, (I do, We do, You do), word maps, semantic mapping,
concept maps/mind maps
Part 2: May 3
Explicit Instruction Book Study: Effective and Efficient Teaching Syllabus
Chapter 3 Concepts:
Instructional practices for teaching vocabulary terms and concepts
Fully knowing a word - when and when not to apply acquired knowledge of the word
Explicit vocabulary instruction – a critical process for struggling readers
Selecting appropriate vocabulary for expanded instruction
Vocabulary instruction basics (more than traditional teaching [e.g., looking up words
in the dictionary/glossary, copy definition and study], explicitly taught [unambiguous],
multiple exposures, sufficient instructional time, definitional information/examples,
contextual information/examples, active engagement, review)
• Vocabulary instruction extensions
Chapter 3 Organization:
1. Preparation for Explicit Vocabulary Instruction
a. Vocabulary selection for primary read-aloud (application 3.1)
b. Vocabulary selection for fifth-grade chapter book (application 3.2)
c. Vocabulary selection for middle school social studies (application 3.3)
d. Creating student-friendly explanations (application 3.4)
e. Determining critical attributes from definitions (application 3.5)
f. Designing examples and non-examples (application 3.6)
2. Explicit Vocabulary Instructional Routine
a. Designing a vocabulary lesson to teach with the basic instructional routine
(application 3.7)
b. Basic instructional routine Middle School (figure 3.1)
c. Basic instructional routine for vocabulary: Intermediate grades (figure 3.2)
d. Math concept: Use of examples and non-examples (figure 3.3)
e. Complex concept instruction using a graphic organizer and semantic mapping
(figure 3.4)
3. Vocabulary Instruction Extensions
a. Introducing word families (figure 3.5)
b. Word webs with prefixes and suffixes (figure 3.6)
c. Word maps (figure 3.7)
d. Concept map for social studies class (figure 3.8)
4. Chapter Summary
Explicit Instruction Book Study: Effective and Efficient Teaching Syllabus
Part 1: Personal Reflection after reading Chapter 3
1a. As part of this assignment, put answers here on this sheet and then upload this
document under Assignments (Chapter 3)
Answer all 4 bullets.
Looking at your lesson you chose in Chapter 1, choose 10 words that you have
identified as important for teaching. Identify if the word is a Tier 1, Tier 2 or
Tier 3 word. Give a brief rationale for each.
For 3-5 of the words chosen, determine how you will explain their meaning:
Explore the attributes of any definitions, identify base words and list the
examples and non-examples you will use.
Describe how you taught your vocabulary words – remember to use I Do, We
Do, You Do It routine from Chapter 2.
Look at the 10 vocabulary extension activities. (pg. 84-91) Choose 3 you have
not used before. Implement in your classroom and write a reflection on their
1b. Post a summary of your Personal Reflection from Task 1 (Part 1). Please include a
description of how you taught the words you chose including vocabulary extension activities.
1c. Reply to at least 1 Discussion Post
Part 2: Reflection of Chapter 3 Discussion Posts ******* This cannot be completed
until participants have posted responses for Chapter 3 in the Discussion forum
After reviewing the Chapter 3 discussion posts, what were the key points
made by group members?
What new learning did you take away from this discussion?
Chapter 3
Due Date:
Part 1: May 3
Chapter 3
Due Date:
Part 1: May 3
Assignment 1b
will be closed
on this date,
you must
submit on time
for other
participants to
Part 2.
Chapter 3
Due Date:
Part 2: May 10
Explicit Instruction Book Study: Effective and Efficient Teaching Syllabus
Week 4
May 4 –
May 10
Chapter 6
Instruction: Eliciting
Chapter 6 Delivering Instruction: Eliciting Responses
Review Key terms, Concepts and Organization
Chapter 6 Key Terms: frequent responses, constant monitoring, feedback, pace of
instruction, choral responses, look/lean/whisper, auditory signal, visual hand signal,
sentence starter, think/pair/share, write/pair/share, pause, study/tell/help/check,
cooperative learning, numbered heads together, partner first, question first, whip
around or pass, response cards, response slates, pre-correction, ask/then tell.
Chapter 6 Concepts:
• Four essential delivery skills for explicit instruction include: frequent
responses, monitor student performance carefully, provide immediate
affirmative and corrective feedback, and deliver the lesson at a brisk pace.
the relationship of the four essential delivery skills
Interactive instruction through frequent student response
Chapter 6
Due Date:
Part 1: May 10
Part 2: May 17
Chapter 6 Organization:
1. Require Frequent Responses
a. Lesson segments: Choral responses (figure 6.1)
b. Suggested signals for choral responses (figure 6.2)
c. Lesson segments: Think-pair-share (figure 6.3)
d. Lesson segments: Partner procedures (figure 6.4)
e. Partner responses in a lesson (figure 6.5)
f. Lesson segments: Response slate and response card usage (figure 6.6)
g. Lesson segments: Action responses (figure 6.7)
2. Successful responding
a. Analyses of active participation lessons (application 6.1)
3. Alternative Passage-Reading Procedures
4. Chapter Summary
Explicit Instruction Book Study: Effective and Efficient Teaching Syllabus
Part 1: Personal Reflection after reading Chapter 6
1a. As part of this assignment, put answers here on this sheet and then upload this
document under Assignments (Chapter 4)
Answer all 4 bullets.
Think about the ways you have students respond during a lesson. List the
various ways you currently have students respond or provide answers.
Choose and implement at least two new ways from the chapter of getting
students to respond. Implement them and describe how the response mode
worked for you and your students.
Look at Application 6.1 Analysis of Active Participation Lessons chart on
page 164. Analyze both the non-example and example lessons. What is
missing in the non-example lesson? What makes the example lesson effective?
Compare your analysis with Dr. Archer’s feedback on pgs. 270-271. Based on
the analysis of the non-example lesson, Dr. Archer recommends using “calling
on volunteers” on a limited basis. Explain alternative student selective
techniques that could be used to replace calling on volunteers.
Given Dr. Archer’s feedback on the example lesson (pg. 271), what are some
techniques that you will or have incorporated in your classroom to provide
students adequate practice of content being learned during direct instruction.
1b .Post a summary of your Personal Reflection from Task 1 (Part 1). Include a description
of student response modes that you have used prior to this lesson and any new ones that you
have learned about in this chapter. Explain which ones you feel effectively engage students
and why.
1c .Reply to at least 1 Discussion Post:
Part 2: Reflection of Chapter 6 Discussion Posts ******* This cannot be completed
until participants have posted responses for Chapter 6 in the Discussion forum
After reviewing the Chapter 6 discussion posts, what were the key points
made by group members?
Due Date:
Part 1: May 10
Assignment 1b
will be closed
on this date,
you must
submit on time
for other
participants to
Part 2.
Chapter 6
Due Date:
Part 2: May 17
Explicit Instruction Book Study: Effective and Efficient Teaching Syllabus
Week 5
May 11 –
May 17
Chapter 7
Instruction: Other
Critical Delivery
What new learning did you take away from this discussion?
Read Chapter 7: Delivering Instruction: Other Critical Skills
Review Key Terms, Concepts and Organization
Chapter 7 Key Terms: monitoring performance, affirmative and corrective feedback,
brisk pacing, walk around/look around/talk around, instructional routines
Chapter 7
Due Date:
Part 1: May 17
Part 2: May 31
Chapter 7 Concepts:
• Attend to student responses in order to monitor performance (especially
the lower-performing students
• Affirmative and corrective feedback procedures
• Brisk pacing
• Walk around/look around/talk around
Chapter 7 Organization:
1. Provide Immediate Affirmative and Corrective Feedback
a. Types of feedback (figure 7.1)
b. Examples and non-examples of corrections (application 7.1)
c. Examples and non-examples of praise (application 7.2)
2. Deliver the Lesson at a Brisk Pace
a. Lessons illustrating slow and brisk pace (application 7.3)
3. Chapter Summary
Part 1: Personal Reflection after reading Chapter 7
1a. As part of this assignment, put answers here on this sheet and then upload this document
under Assignments ( Chapter 7)
Answer all 4 bullets.
Chapter 7
Due Date:
Part 1: May 17
• Review pages 180-186. Look at Items A, B & C. Note the analysis and comments of the
examples and non- examples. Think of a lesson you are currently teaching. Write an
example correction procedure that is specific to your lesson using pages 180-186 as an
Explicit Instruction Book Study: Effective and Efficient Teaching Syllabus
Duplicate the analysis a-g and comments (as shown on pages 180-186) for your specific
Correction procedure. Below is an example of what your assignment will look like:
• Review pages 190-193. Look at Items A&B. Note the analysis and comments of
the examples and non- examples. Using the same lesson from above. Write praise
statement e that is specific to your lesson..
• Duplicate the analysis a-g and comments (as shown on page 190) for your
Praise statement. Below is an example of what your assignment will look like:
1b. Post your example and analysis of either your correction procedure or praise statement
for other participant’s view.
1c Read your colleagues' posts and analyze one participant's correction procedure or praise
statement using the same analysis form of a-g and comments utilized in Chapter 7 assignment.
Part 2: Reflection of Chapter 7 Discussion Posts ******* This cannot be
completed until participants have posted responses for Chapter 7 in the
Discussion forum
After reviewing the Chapter 7 discussion posts, what were the key points made
by group members?
What new learning did you take away from this discussion?
Assignment 1b
will be closed
on this date,
you must
submit on time
for other
participants to
Part 2.
Chapter 7
Due Date:
Part 2: May 31
Explicit Instruction Book Study: Effective and Efficient Teaching Syllabus
Week 6
May 25 –
May 31
Chapter 8
Chapter 8 Providing Appropriate Independent Practice
Review Key terms, Concepts and Organization
Chapter 8 Key Terms: check for understanding, skill fluency, judicious review, initial
practice, distributed practice, cumulative practice-review, peer focused practice
activities (peer-assisted learning strategies, class-wide peer tutoring, team-assisted
Chapter 8
Due Date:
Part 1: May 31
Part 2: May 31
Chapter 8 Concepts:
• Appropriate independent practice with feedback is a critical part of the
learning process
• Drill and practice activities build and maintain skill proficiency
• Provide additional practice over time
• Practice and feedback on the quality of that practice to achieve proficiency
• Ensure that provided practice is linked to effective instruction
• Examples of meaningful, motivating, and effective practice opportunities for
applying and generalizing acquired skills, knowledge and strategies
Chapter 8 Organization:
1. Initial Practice
2. Distributed Practice
3. Cumulative Practice and Cumulative Review
a. Analysis of initial, distributed, and cumulative practice/review (figure
b. Designing Initial, distributed, and cumulative practice (application 8.1)
4. What Will Be Practiced?
Explicit Instruction Book Study: Effective and Efficient Teaching Syllabus
5. How Will the Assignment Be Assigned?
a. Selecting practice activities (application 8.2)
b. Case study: Individualizing Samuel’s assignments (application 8.3)
c. Examples of practice activities for vocabulary (figure 8.2)
d. Partner spelling practice (figure 8.3)
e. Partner reading: content-area textbooks (figure 8.4)
f. Partner vocabulary study (figure 8.5)
g. Partner repeated reading (figure 8.6)
6. How Will the Assignment Be Presented to Students?
7. How Will the Assignment Be Evaluated and Feedback Provided?
a. Example rubric: Oral presentation (figure 8.7)
8. What Routines Will Be Put In Place to Facilitate Independent Practice?
a. Examples of feedback on assignments (figure 8.8)
b. A checklist for independent practice (figure 8.9)
9. Homework
a. Planning worksheet for the quality assignment routine (figure 8.10)
b. Steps of the assignment completion Strategy (PROJECT) (figure 8.11)
c. PROJECT assignment sheet (figure 8.12)
10. Chapter Summary
1a. As part of this assignment, put answers here on this sheet and then upload this document
under Assignments ( Chapter 7) Answer the 2 bullets.
Practicing is the key to developing the skills of understanding. As you read this section think
about what type of assignments you give students that are geared to practicing a particular skill
or content learned. Do your practice assignments align to your goal for the lesson? Are they
initial, distributed or cumulative? (Pgs 203-205). Use Application 8.1 and Application 8.2 to
guide you through the process of meaningful independent practice for students.
• Look at the lesson you chose in Chapter 1 assignment. How will you have
students practice the skill or content? Describe how it addresses the learning
goal. Give an overview of the lesson and then give details about how you will have
your students practice. Identify if it is an initial, distributed or cumulative
Chapter 8
Due Date:
Part 1: May 31
Explicit Instruction Book Study: Effective and Efficient Teaching Syllabus
Routines are the usual or unvarying ways that activities are carried out in the classroom.
Routines save time because students know what they are supposed to do and how they are
supposed to do it.
• Describe the routines you will put in place or already have in place addressing each
area on pages 231-233
1b.Post a summary of your Personal Reflection from Assignment 8 (Part 1). Include a description of a
student practice activity and 1 routine that you have established that addresses 1 of the areas discussed
in the chapter.
1c.Reply to a Discussion Post: Read your colleagues' responses and comment on at least
one discussion post.
Part 2: Reflection of Chapter 8 Discussion Posts ******* This cannot be completed until
participants have posted responses for Chapter 8 in the Discussion forum
• After reviewing the Chapter 8 discussion posts, what were the key points made by
group members?
Final Task Final Assignment
Student Outcome (Impact) Data Final Assignment Directions
The final assignment requires choosing a behavior to increase; collecting data before starting
the course (pre-test); collecting data after implementing chosen strategies in this course, and
implementing the data into a FDLRS Administration database.
• Choose a one of the explicit instruction practices presented in this book study that you
want to use to increase student achievement.
• Prior to using the explicit instruction practice administer a formal pre-assessment to your
students that will yield a numerical score. Design your assessment so you will be able to
report both the pre-assessment and summative assessment information using the
directions and link below: Student Impact Data/Student Outcome Report.
• Implement explicit instruction practice.
• After explicit instruction practice has been I implanted consistently over a period of time,
give a summative assessment (post-test). The summative assessment (post-test) should
closely align with what you gave as a pre-assessment. It should measure exactly the same
student learning goals(s) or skill(s).
• Report pre-assessment scores and summative assessment scores using the directions
and link below: Student Impact Data/Student Outcome Report.
Student Impact Data/Student Outcome Report
Assignment 1b will
be closed on this
you must submit
on time for other
participants to
Part 2.
Chapter 8
Due Date:
Part 2: May 31
Final Task
Due Date:
May 31
Explicit Instruction Book Study: Effective and Efficient Teaching Syllabus
Click on the link to the FDLRS home page:
Click on Submit Student Data icon on the right side of the home page. This will take you to
the Student Outcome Report. Complete the information asked for on the page. There are
dropdown boxes for several items.
• Remember to click the Submit button.
Materials and Resources:
• Explicit Instruction: Effective and Efficient Teaching (Archer, Anita L. and Hughes, Charles A., Guilford Press, 2011)
• Explicit Instruction website:
• Participant Information Sheet
• Chapter Task Assignment