USER GUIDE THIS USER GUIDE WILL TAKE YOU THROUGH ALL THE DIFFERENT INSTALL ATION STEPS OF PHANTOM. YOU CAN ALSO ACCESS OUR VIDEO TUTORIALS HERE SOMMAIRE INTRODUCTION PHANTOM DIALOG INSTALL ONE OR MANY PHANTOM WITH DIALOG INSTALL A PHANTOM WITHOUT DIALOG CONTROL PHANTOM WITH S PA R K A P P L I C AT I O N SET UP PHANTOM IN WI-FI SET UP PHANTOM WITH ETHERNET HEAT BASS IMPLOSION PHANTOM WITHOUT DIALOG MEDIUM S P A R K TWEETER 3 PHANTOM WITH DIALOG INTRODUCTION AC Power PHANTOM WITH DIALOG INTRODUCTION TOSLINK - digital audio output A l l o ws yo u t o c o nnec t yo u C D/ DV D/ Bl u-Ra y o r T V. PHANTOM WITHOUT DIALOG Ethernet digital input S P A R K Heat sink radiator 4 D E V I A L E T Di a log i s a Ph a n tom a c c e s s or y s ol d s e par a t e l y Dia log i s n e c e s s a r y if y ou w a n t to s y n c h ron i ze m a ny Pha nt o m s. Ethernet digital input To s l i n k - d i g i t a l a u d i o o u t p u t (will soon be activated via an update) A l l o ws yo u t o c o nnec t yo u C D/ DV D/ Bl u-Ra y o r T V. USB connectors AC Power INTRODUCTION B Y PHANTOM WITH DIALOG R O U T E R PHANTOM WITHOUT DIALOG W I - F I S P A R K U L T R A - P O W E R F U L 5 H AV I N G D I F F I C U LT I E S W I T H T H E S E T U P, Y O U C A N WAT C H V I D E O T U T O R I A L S H E R E IF YOU ENCOUNTER TECHNICAL ISSUES, IT IS RECOMMENDED TO RESTART THE APPLICATION AND THE INSTALL ATION PROCESS. INTRODUCTION S P A R K PHANTOM WITHOUT DIALOG PHANTOM WITH DIALOG INSTALL ONE OR MANY PHANTOM WITH DIALOG To strengthen your internet Wi-Fi network and be able to place one or many PHANTOM anywhere in your home without an Ethernet cable, discover DIALOG, Devialet’s ultra-powerful router on 6 1 Unbox DIALOG. 5 Unbox Phantom 2 Connect DIALOG to your router or Wi-Fi broadband using an Ethernet cable. 6 7 + 3 Connect DIALOG to a power outlet using the power cable supplied. 4 C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S ! DIALOG is installed. 8 9 I N S TA L L S PA R K 10 Place your hands under the PHANTOM, lift it from its base and place it on a stable surface*. You now need to download SPARK on our website (from your computer, smartphone or tablet). 11 Connect your PHANTOM to a power outlet using the yellow power cable. Open SPARK, touch S T A R T to launch the setup. 12 Accept the Terms & Conditions by touching I AGREE. 13 SPARK will recognize automatically all your PHANTOM. When all your PHANTOM have been found, touch Y E S . If you want to use PHANTOM with your TV or CD/DVD/Blu-Ray player, you will need to connect your TV or player to PHANTOM or DIALOG, before you connect the yellow power cord. To connect them you will need to use a TOSLINK optical cable (cf see «TOSLINK digital audio output»). Wait 15 secondes. A subtil breathing sound signals PHANTOM start-up. C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S ! PHANTOM is now ON. 14 C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S ! You have completed the second step : PHANTOM is now connected to your internet Wi-Fi network. INTRODUCTION PHANTOM WITH DIALOG S TA R T P H A N TO M PHANTOM WITHOUT DIALOG I N S TA L L D I A LO G 1/3 S P A R K I N S TA L L P H A N T O M W I T H D I A L O G Before you start your PHANTOM setup ,make sure your device (computer, smartphone, tablet) is connected to your home internet Wi-Fi network. * Please do not put your PHANTOM on waxed wood. 7 2/3 16 Now you need to assign a specific place to each PHANTOM. For example, if you own two PHANTOM, all placed in your living room: A Make sure that the selected room is the « Living Room ». B Touch the PHANTOM icon on top of the screen. The selected PHANTOM will emit a specific sound. C Drag the icon to place you want to assign the selected PHANTOM to (« LEFT » if it is on the left, « Right » in the other case). PHANTOM WITHOUT DIALOG SPARK will ask you to touch each one of your PHANTOM individually. Hold on your hand onto the PHANTOM until it reacts. S P A R K 15 PHANTOM WITH DIALOG ASSIGN YOUR PHANTOM INTRODUCTION I N S TA L L P H A N T O M W I T H D I A L O G step 16 / A-B step 16 / C 8 3/3 E When the process if completed, touch CONTINUE. If you have one PHANTOM, you just need to select the room it is and touch A D D . 17 C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S ! Congratulations! You completed the fourth step : PHANTOM is now in position. 18 SPARK, will integrate automatically all the music from the « Music » file in your device. If you are on a computer, you can also add music from other files. Touch AD D PATH and choose the music files you want to add. 19 PHANTOM WITHOUT DIALOG Repeat the same process for the second PHANTOM. C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S ! You have completed the fifth and last step: PHANTOM has now identified all your music. P L A Y ! S P A R K D PHANTOM WITH DIALOG ADD SOURCES ASSIGN YOUR PHANTOM INTRODUCTION I N S TA L L P H A N T O M W I T H D I A L O G step 18 9 When connected wirelessly / via Wi-Fi, you will be able to place your PHANTOM anywhere you want in your home. Yet, if the Wi-Fi performance is not reliable, the user experience could be compromised: make sure your PHANTOM is placed at reasonable distance from your Internet modem or Wi-Fi broadband. When connected with an Ethernet cable, the listening experience is perfect, avoiding hence any performance issues that you can experience with an unreliable Wi-Fi network. H AV I N G D I F F I C U LT I E S W I T H T H E S E T U P, Y O U C A N WAT C H V I D E O T U T O R I A L S H E R E IF YOU ENCOUNTER TECHNICAL ISSUES, IT IS RECOMMENDED TO RESTART THE APPLICATION AND THE INSTALL ATION PROCESS. INTRODUCTION PHANTOM WITH DIALOG SET UP PHANTOM WITH ETHERNET ( c lic k-here ) PHANTOM WITHOUT DIALOG SET UP PHANTOM IN WI-FI ( click-here ) S P A R K I N S TA L L A P H A N T O M WITHOUT DIALOG To function and evolve continuously, PHANTOM has to be connected to your home internet WiFi network. This can be done in two ways: you can connect your PHANTOM wirelessly or with an Ethernet cable which links Phantom to your Internet modem or Wi-Fi broadband. 10 Before you start your PHANTOM setup ,make sure your device (computer, smartphone, tablet) is connected to your home internet Wi-Fi network. You will also need your internet network password , make sure you have it on hand - It is usually found under your router or Wi-Fi broadband. 1 Unbox Phantom 6 2 Place your hands under the PHANTOM, lift it from its base and place it on a stable surface*. You now need to download SPARK on our website (from your computer, smartphone or tablet). 7 Open SPARK, touch S T A R T to launch the setup. + 4 5 Connect your PHANTOM to a power outlet using the yellow power cable. If you want to use PHANTOM with your TV or CD/DVD/Blu-Ray player, you will need to connect your TV or player to PHANTOM or DIALOG, before you connect the yellow power cord. To connect them you will need to use a TOSLINK optical cable (cf see «TOSLINK digital audio output»). Wait 15 secondes. A subtil breathing sound signals PHANTOM start-up. C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S ! PHANTOM is now ON. * Please do not put your PHANTOM on waxed wood. 8 Accept the Terms & Conditions by touching I AGREE. 9 Yo u a r e n o t u s i n g D I A L O G , t o u c h NOT YET. 10 You n e e d t o le a ve t he a pplic a t i o n wit hou t c los in g it . Go t o y ou r de v i c e Wi-Fi’ s s e t t in g s . 11 steps 10-11 on IOS and Android steps 10-11 on mac Con n e c t t o t he Wi-Fi n e t w o r k « P H A N T O M S E T U P - (Followed by a sequence of numbers and letters) » S P A R K 3 PHANTOM WITH DIALOG I N S TA L L S PA R K PHANTOM WITHOUT DIALOG S TA R T P H A N TO M 1/3 INTRODUCTION S E T-U P P H A N T O M I N W I-F I steps 10-11 on windows 11 2/3 Go back to SPARK, it will ask you to choose among several networks: select your internet Wi-Fi network and enter your password. 13 Leave the SPARK a second time, without closing the application. Go to your device Wi-Fi’s settings. 14 Connect back to your internet Wi-Fi network. 15 Go back to SPARK. 16 C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S ! PHANTOM WITHOUT DIALOG 12 PHANTOM WITH DIALOG I N S TA L L S PA R K INTRODUCTION S E T-U P P H A N T O M I N W I-F I S P A R K You have completed the second step : PHANTOM is now connected to your internet Wi-Fi network. step 12 step 12 (next) 12 3/3 17 In the next step, the « Living room » is the room by default : touch N E X T . ADD SOURCES 19 PHANTOM WITH DIALOG ASSIGN YOUR PHANTOM SPARK, will integrate automatically all the music from the « Music » file in your device. PHANTOM WITHOUT DIALOG If you are on a computer, you can also add music from other files. Touch A D D PATH and choose the music files you want to add. 20 INTRODUCTION S E T-U P P H A N T O M I N W I-F I C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S ! You have completed the fourth and last step: PHANTOM has now identified all your music. P L A Y ! 18 S P A R K B R AV O ! You completed the third step : PHANTOM is now in position. step 19 13 S TA R T P H A N TO M 1 Unbox your PHANTOM. 4 2 Place your hands under the PHANTOM, lift it from its base and place it on a stable surface*. + Connect PHANTOM to your router / Wi-Fi broadband using the Ethernet (cf « Ethernet switch connectors » page 4). If you want to use PHANTOM with your TV or CD/DVD/Blu-Ray player, you will need to connect your TV or player to PHANTOM or DIALOG, before you connect the yellow power cord. To connect them you will need to use a TOSLINK optical cable (cf see «TOSLINK digital audio output»). 5 Wait 15 secondes. A subtil breathing sound signals PHANTOM start-up. 6 C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S ! PHANTOM is now ON. I N S TA L L S PA R K 7 You now need to download SPARK on our website (from your computer, smartphone or tablet). 8 Open SPARK, touch S T A R T to launch the setup. 9 Accept the Terms & Conditions by touching I AGREE. 10 Yo u a r e n o t u s i n g D I A L O G , t o u c h NOT YET. 11 C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S ! You have completed the second step : PHANTOM is now connected to your internet Wi-Fi network. INTRODUCTION S P A R K 3 Connect your PHANTOM to a power outlet using the yellow power cable. 1/2 PHANTOM WITH DIALOG A Before you start your PHANTOM setup ,make sure your device (computer, smartphone, tablet) is connected to your home internet Wi-Fi network. Prepare your Ethernet cable ( Munissez vous d’un câble Ethernet (supplied with your router / Wi-Fi broadband). PHANTOM WITHOUT DIALOG SET UP PHANTOM WITH ETHERNET * Please do not put your PHANTOM on waxed wood. 14 2/2 12 In the next step, the « Living room » is the room by default : touch N E X T . ADD SOURCES 14 PHANTOM WITH DIALOG ASSIGN YOUR PHANTOM SPARK, will integrate automatically all the music from the « Music » file in your device. PHANTOM WITHOUT DIALOG If you are on a computer, you can also add music from other files. Touch A D D PATH and choose the music files you want to add. 15 INTRODUCTION SET UP PHANTOM WITH ETHERNET C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S ! You have completed the fourth and last step: PHANTOM has now identified all your music. P L A Y ! 13 S P A R K B R AV O ! You completed the third step : PHANTOM is now in position. step 14 15 t h e l e ft section of the a p p lica tion the central section of the application SPARK stores music from all the devices connected to PHANTOM : yours of course but also your friends’ who are connected to your internet Wi-Fi network. With DIALOG, you also access music from your online music services : Use SPARK to compose virtual playlists with your friends,in real time, from the music you all shared. Android 4.4 or higher S PA R K C O N T R O L S ALL YOUR PHANTOM the right section of the application Control instantly each PHANTOM individually or all the PHANTOM together from your device. DOWNLOAD SPARK D I S C O V E R S PA R K I N V I D E O INTRODUCTION PHANTOM WITH DIALOG S PA R K C O M B I N E S ALL YOUR MUSICS Mac OS X 10.9 / iOS® 7 or higher PHANTOM WITHOUT DIALOG SPARK INTEGRATES MUSIC FROM ALL YOUR SOURCES Windows 7 or higher S P A R K CONTROL PHANTOM WITH S PA R K A P P L I C AT I O N S PA R K i s t he a p p l i c a t i o n t ha t wi l l a l l o w yo u t o c o nt ro l P H A N TO M . It i s a v a i l a b l e o n yo ur c o m p ut e r, sm a r t p ho ne a nd t a b l et . 16 S P A R K PHANTOM WITHOUT DIALOG PHANTOM WITH DIALOG INTRODUCTION C O M P U T E R U S E R I N T E R FA C E 17 Navigate between different sources To p la y, s e le c t yo ur so urc e th e n d ra g a n d d ro p i n t he c ent r a l si d e . Add, remove or manage the different sources/ configure the access to the online music service Optic a l s ou rc e (C D, DV D… ) m ust b e c on n e c te d to a P H A N TO M o r DI A LO G wi t h a TOSLIN K « o p t i c a l c a b l e » t o b e a c c essi b l e (c f « In s ta l l P H A N TO M ») . You n e e d D IALO G t o use o nl i ne m usi c s e r v ic e s (a c c e sso r y so l d se p a r a t e l y) . INTRODUCTION PHANTOM WITH DIALOG Search for an album, artist or a title PHANTOM WITHOUT DIALOG LEFT SECTION S P A R K C O M P U T E R U S E R I N T E R FA C E 18 INTRODUCTION Empty your playlist Song currently playing To de le t e a song, t ou ch t he c ro ss i n t he left s ide of t he album cover Play a song Music not available To reorganize your playlist, simply move the album covers to the desired position PHANTOM WITH DIALOG Show as a list PHANTOM WITHOUT DIALOG CENTRAL SECTION S P A R K C O M P U T E R U S E R I N T E R FA C E 19 Control the song currently playing Control your P H A N T O M PHANTOM WITHOUT DIALOG PHANTOM WITH DIALOG RIGHT SECTION INTRODUCTION C O M P U T E R U S E R I N T E R FA C E Re d u c e s th e d y n a mi c ra n g e Mute S P A R K Activate night mode Vo l u m e 20 S P A R K PHANTOM WITHOUT DIALOG PHANTOM WITH DIALOG INTRODUCTION S M A R T P H O N E O R TA B L E T U S E R I N T E R FA C E 21 Search for an album, artist or a title Navigate between different sources To p la y, s e le ct yo ur so urc e th e n d ra g a n d d ro p i n t he c e nt r a l si d e. Add, remove or manage the different sources/ configure the access to the online music service Optic a l s ou rce (C D, DV D… ) m ust b e c on n e c te d to a P H A N TO M o r DI A LO G wi t h a TOSLIN K « o p t i c a l c a b l e » t o b e a c c essi b l e (c f « In s ta l l PH A N TO M ») . You n e e d D IALO G t o use o nl i ne m usi c s e r v ic e s (a c ce sso r y so l d se p a r a t e l y) . INTRODUCTION PHANTOM WITH DIALOG Switch to the central section PHANTOM WITHOUT DIALOG LEFT SECTION S P A R K S M A R T P H O N E O R TA B L E T U S E R I N T E R FA C E 22 Switch to the right section To de le te a song, t ou ch t he c ro ss i n th e left s ide of t he album co ve r Song currently playing To reorganize your playlist, simply move the album covers to the desired position Control the song currently playing INTRODUCTION PHANTOM WITH DIALOG Switch to the left section PHANTOM WITHOUT DIALOG CENTRAL SECTION S P A R K S M A R T P H O N E O R TA B L E T U S E R I N T E R FA C E 23 Control your P H A N T O M Activate night mode Re d u c e s th e d y n a m ic ra n g e Mute Vo l u m e INTRODUCTION PHANTOM WITH DIALOG Switc h to the c e ntr a l se c tion PHANTOM WITHOUT DIALOG RIGHT SECTION S P A R K S M A R T P H O N E O R TA B L E T U S E R I N T E R FA C E 24
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