UNLEASHING GREEN CHEMISTRY AND ENGINEERING IN SERVICE OF A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE DEPARTMENT OF BIOTECHNOLOGY CTEP MANAGEMENT CELL - TERI I GOVERNMENT OF INDIA PREAMBLE In order to discuss the recent developments in Green Chemistry and Engineering, a National Level Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on “UNLEASHING GREEN CHEMISTRY AND ENGINEERING IN SERVICE OF A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE”, is proposed with support from Department of Biotechnology, Government of India (GOI). The emergence of Green Chemistry in India has witnessed the engagement of a diverse set of players, each with their own agenda and role. Green Chemistry in India is a government led initiative. Industry participation has very recently originated. Green Chemistry R&D barring a few exceptions is largely being ensued at public funded universities as well as research institutes. Several bilateral collaborations has emerged in Green Chemistry, as it was a part of nearly all the S&T agreements between India and other countries. The discussion will be held with an objective of understanding the status of Green Chemistry and Engineering in India and providing insights into the approaches facilitating its application in meeting India's development goals. Attendees will have ample time to network and enjoy a night with colleagues. Leaders in the field will address the need for Green Chemistry in the undergraduate curriculum and provide strategies for designing, adapting and incorporating new green experiments into existing Organic Chemistry curricula. OBJECTIVES PEDGOGY Application of nanomaterials including nanoparticles, nanocavities, nanocrystals, nanotubes, for remediation of environment Bio-remediation technique Organic green process Novel catalyst develop for treatment of industrial waste ATTENDEES This workshop is intended for all chemical laboratory professionals, Laboratory Managers, Superintendents, Supervisors, Engineers, Chemists, Analysts and Technicians. It will also help academicians and research scholars to remain abreast of new developments in analytical techniques. This workshop will impart necessary training to graduate/postgraduate students of basic and applied sciences, who wish pursue a career in Green Chemistry and Green Engineering or quality control in pharmaceutical or allied industries. MINISTRY OF EARTH SCIENCES GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DATES STTP DATE: 23 - 27 FEBRUARY, 2015 LAST DATE FOR REGISTRATION: 19 FEBRUARY, 2015 SELECTED PARTICIPANTS WILL BE INTIMATED BY: 20 FEBRUARY, 2015 SELECTED PARTICIPANTS REPORTING DATE: 23 FEBRUARY, 2015 DASH COMPLETED REGISTRATION FORM TO BE SENT ALONG WITH THE REGISTRATION FEES BY DEMAND DRAFT IN FAVOUR OF “THE REGISTRAR, K S K V KACHCHH UNIVRSITY, PAYABLE AT BHUJ” 60% Lecture Series 30% Laboratory Sessions 10% Field Visits REGISTRATION FEES ü Academician: NIL ü Industry: ` 5,000/- FEB 2015 ü Enrollment is restricted to 20-25 participants CERTIFICATE POLICY At the end of the course a certificate will be given to the participants. Speaker / trainer panel consists of industry leaders, academic stalwarts, highend researchers and in-house experts ACCOMODATION Selected participants will be provided accommodation in the University guest house upon request on paid basis. The working lunch will be provided during the session. Dr P N Dave, Organizing Secretary Professor & Head, Department of Chemistry, K S K V Kachchh University Mundra Road, Bhuj - 370 001, Kachchh, Gujarat, India L: 02832 235 022 M: 98 98 262491 F: 02832 235 012 E: [email protected] W: www.kskvku.digitaluniversity.ac 23-27 ü Students’: NIL SPEAKERS / TRAINERS CONTACT KRANTIGURU SHYAMJI KRISHNA VERMA KACHCHH UNIVERSITY ORGANISING COMMITTEE Patron: Dr B S Patel, I/c Vice Chancellor, K S K V Kachchh University, Bhuj Chairman: Dr M G Thakkar, I/c Registrar, K S K V Kachchh University, Bhuj Coordinator: Dr Pragnesh N Dave, Prof & Head, Department of Chemistry, K S K V Kachchh University, Bhuj Organizing Members: Dr G A Baxi, Dr J J Bhatt, Dr V R Ram & Dr T T Khatri KSKVKU BHUJ UGCE 2015 SHORT TERM TRAINING PROGRAMME on "Unleashing Green Chemistry and Engineering in Service of a Sustainable Future" Krantiguru Shyamji Krishna Verma Kachchh University February 23-27,2015 http:// www.kskvku.digitaluniversity.ac Date : 04th February,2015 To Greetings from Krantiguru Shyamji Krishna Verma Kachchh University, Bhuj !! We are pleased to inform you that we are announcing Short Term Training Programme (STTP) with support from Department of Biotechnology,CTEP Management Cell-TERI I & Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India on "Unleashing Green Chemistry and Engineering in Service of a Sustainable Future", scheduled to be held during 23-27 February,2015 at Department of Chemistry, Kachchh University, Bhuj. This STTP is part of our continuing outreach program to keep in close contact with the faculty and industry and of our efforts to identify and attract the highest quality graduate students to Kachchh University. The STTP features Invited lectures by eminent speakers from respective areas. This event will provide the opportunities to the participants to learn and update the new trends emerging in Chemical sciences problems from both public and private sectors. The STTP will cover the status of Green Chemistry and Engineering in India and providing insights into the approaches facilitating its application in meeting India’s development goals. Attendees will have ample time to network and address the need for green chemistry in the undergraduate curriculum and provide strategies for designing, adapting and incorporating new green experiments into existing organic chemistry curricula. With an aim to highlight the significance and applications of various analytical techniques in research as well as in industry, one week STTP with the theme " Unleashing Green Chemistry and Engineering in Service of a Sustainable Future " is being organized. I am sure that the participants at this year’s STTP will not only benefit from the interaction with their academic & industry peers and the opportunity to develop personal contacts, but also add to their scientific knowledge through the presentations from our distinguished speakers. A poster of the seminar is attached for your appraisal. The same is also available on our website www.kskvku.digitaluniversity.ac We hope you find this brochure valuable and would like to express our appreciation should Faculty members/Colleagues/Scientists/Research students of various Science/ Engineering disciplines of your esteemed institution be allowed to access this information in order to enable them for registration in the seminar. For further queries, you may please contact Prof Pragnesh N Dave (9898262491) or post Email: [email protected] Fervently looking forward for your contribution and showcasing our University’s unique culture before you!! Cordially yours Prof Pragnesh N Dave Organizing Secretary REGISTRATION FORM Unleashing Green Chemistry and Engineering In Service of a Sustainable Future SHORT TERM TRAINING PROGRAMME February 23-27,2015 REGISTRATION FORM (Photocopies can also be used or download from www.kskvku.digitaluniversity.ac) Name: Prof /Dr/ Mr /Ms ________________________________________________________________ (Capital letters, as desired in certificate) Qualification: Gender : M / F Designation: Organization: (With postal address) Address for communication: Phone : (R): (O): (Cell): E-mail ID : Accommodation required: Yes / No Registration Fee: ` NIL For Academician and ` 5,000/- For Industry Participant DD Amount: ` Drawn by : Dated: In favor of “Registrar, K S K V Kachchh University, Bhuj”, Payable at Bhuj. Date: Place: Signature of Applicant CERTIFICATE FROM SPONSORING AUTHORITY This is to certify that the above applicant is employed in our organization and the information stated by him/her is verified and found correct. We sponsor him/her to attend the Short Term Training Programme organized by your institute. Date: Place: Signature of sponsoring Authority with official seal
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