12th February 2015 Newsletter Volume 2 DIVISION SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS IMPORTANT DATES PORTLAND LEISURE & AQUATIC CENTRE Yr6 Sungold Field Days Allansford 10.00am-3.00pm Friday 13th February FRIDAY 6th MARCH 2015 On Friday 6th March the South West Division Swimming Sports will be held in Portland. Entry to this carnival is on qualifying times. That means that swimmers must submit times, approved by a swimming coach or instructor, that are equal to or quicker than qualifying times to compete in the Championships. Book Club Issue 1 Orders Due Week 3 Monday 16th February Warrnambool Primary A swimmer may enter up to three individual events (50m) plus two relays Parents Association (WPPA) Meeting (freestyle and medley). Age categories are 10 years, 11 years, and Tuesday 17th February 12/13 years. Age is taken as at 31st December, 2015 (ie. whatever age 7.30pm WPS Staffroom the child turns during 2015). Cost of entry is $2 per event. If your child wishes to go to the swimming sports in Portland they must collect and fill out a form with their swimming times. The form can be collected from Ms. Moloney (Room 4-34) or the office. This form must be returned by Wednesday 18th February, 2015. Ms. Moloney will inform students if they are selected to go to Portland. Students will then need to arrange their own transport to Portland. The Region Championships (for students who proceed beyond the division Championships) will be held in Ballarat on Friday March 13th. Please contact Ms. Moloney, Class 4-34 if you have any queries. YEAR 5 & 6 SENIOR SCHOOL RUGBY TOPS Order forms have been sent home with the children that did not place an order last year (extra forms are available at the office). Parents who did not place an order last year but would like to now do so, please bring your child into the school office for a fitting. ORDERS NEED TO BE PLACED & PAID FOR BY FRIDAY 13TH FEBRUARY, THERE WILL BE NO EXTENSIONS ON THIS DATE. WARRNAMBOOL PRIMARY SCHOOL NO. 1743 PRINCIPAL: MR. PETER AUCHETTL Curriculum Day (STUDENTS NOT REQURED AT SCHOOL) Friday 6th March School Photos Thurs 12th March Friday 13th March Year 6 Port Fairy Walk Friday 13th March Curriculum Day (Student Performance Analyser) (STUDENTS NOT REQURED AT SCHOOL) Wednesday 29th April Year 4 Camp Melbourne Mon 4th - Tues 5th May EST. AUGUST 1876 PH: (03) 5561 5955 ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL: MR. DEAN CLEMENTS Jamo House Twilight Carnival Brauerander Park 4.00pm-8.00pm Thursday 26th February FAX: (03) 5562 8355 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: WWW.WARRNAMBOOLPS.VIC.EDU.AU PAGE 2 Principal’s Report V O LU M E 2 SETTLING IN: Overall the school should be proud of their efforts in settling into a new school year. The application to the task at hand in the classrooms has been exemplary, with a real sense of purpose evident. We have a fantastic group in Yr 6 who have lead from the front. Well done! INDUCTION: At tomorrow’s assembly we will be inducting our new school leaders for 2015. Our JSC Executive, JSC and House Captains and Vice Captains will receive their badges of recognition. I invite as many parents and/or grandparents as possible to attend this important occasion. SCHOOL COUNCIL: On Tuesday evening we held our first School Council meeting for 2015. We welcomed new parent members Kim Brody, Geoff Rhodes, Leanne O’Connor and new staff representative, Cherine Owen. School Council is charged with the responsibility of developing and overseeing implementation of policy across the school and is made up of sub-committees focusing on Education, Finance, Wellbeing, Buildings and Grounds and Fundraising. Enquiries about policy should be directed to members of the Council or submitted through the office. Day to day running of the school (management) is the responsibility of the Leadership Team, made up of myself as Principal, Mr. Dean Clements, Assistant Principal, Mrs Evelyn Baulch, Mrs Mary Ferguson, Mrs Rhonda Steele, Ms Lynne Moloney and Mrs Tonya Ferguson, Leading Teachers. At Tuesday’s meeting we discussed issues including: student recognition awards, 2015 finances, photocopying contracts, 2014 student data, Yr 6 Port Fairy walk and Yr 5 & 6 electives. Council also passed the motion for two curriculum days: Friday 6th March and Wednesday 29th April. These will be student free days. We are indeed fortunate that we have members of our school community who volunteer their time and expertise to ensure the smooth and effective governance of our school. AFTER SCHOOL PICK-UPS I have had a request from a local resident and particularly the Jamieson Street milk bar to remind parents to refrain from parking over or in driveways. I will be speaking with students at tomorrow’s assembly about the expectations that we have regarding displaying positive behaviour when waiting for parents out the front of the milk bar or church. I have also spoken with those students who ride their bike home along Jamieson Street. Up until the age of 13 students are legally allowed to ride on the footpath, however they must still wear a helmet and ride in a sensible manner. I ask parents to reinforce this message with their children. Can I also remind parents of the danger of crossing Raglan Parade opposite the bus stop. Please use the supervised pedestrian crossing at the corner of Jamieson Street and Raglan Parade. Newsletter. With the introduction of Compass it is envisaged that from the start of term 2 our weekly Newsletter will not be printed in hardcopy and sent home to all families, but rather will be posted on our website and be published on Compass and emailed to parent’s. A small number of hard copies will be available from the office. This should ensure that all families will receive the Newsletter quickly, reduce the impact on the environment as well as decreasing printing costs. It is vital that parent’s log onto Compass and enter your email details. Please contact the office if you do not have your Compass login details. Peter Auchettl - Principal HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following children who will be celebrating their birthdays during the week: Dayna Haberfield, Daveigh Brown, Macallam Cleary, Chloe Purcell, Ayva Malady, Joel Lewis, Joshua Pavletich, Laura Lee, Isaac Johannesen & Zachery Hams. V O LU M E 2 Warrnambool Primary Parents Association News PAGE 3 WPPA WPPA is a committee of parents that organise events to raise money to be spent on resources and equipment for our children. Meetings are held once a month in the staffroom and everyone is welcome. WPPA MEETING TUESDAY 17th FEBRUARY 7.30pm Warrnambool Primary School Staffroom All new parent’s are encouraged and welcome to attend Any queries please contact Karen Forsyth 0419 255 001 EASTER EGG RAFFLE Easter is just around the corner and tickets for the Easter raffle will be distributed soon. Most years we have been able to offer around 100 prizes due to generous donations of Easter Eggs from parents and teachers. Donations of Easter Eggs can be left at the office. Thank you. WPS BUS TRAVELLERS The school is currently updating the bus travellers details. If your child travels on a bus after school could you please call the office 55 615 955 to advise: your child’s name, which bus they travel on and what days. This information is important to assist our bus monitors with keeping the bus schedule organised and on time. Could parent’s please remember to ring the office if your child is not travelling on the bus on their designated day. Thanks. Dear Parents and Students, Everyone enjoys a great book to read, listen to or share! Our school offers Scholastic Book Club each year. Twice a term during the school year a Book Club flyer will be sent home with a different selection of books offered. You’ll find award-winning books, as well as old and new favourites. There are many books and educational resources on offer spanning a wide range of children’s reading levels and interests. They are also within an affordable price range (some books cost as little as $1-$2). The books will arrive at school around two weeks after orders are submitted to Scholastic. Each order helps our school earn reward points that can be used to purchase books, resources and teaching materials for our library and classrooms. There is never any obligation to order. It is simply a service we offer which in turn benefits our children and our school. Please read your child’s order form carefully. The new ordering system called ‘LOOP’ is now in place. Please read the 4 EASY ways to pay details on the back of the flyer. There is a convenient option for parent ordering to be fully completed and paid online. Happy reading! Mrs Gleeson - Year 1-6. Georgia Bolden (Mob) 0439 689 402 CANTEEN ROSTER 16th - 20th February 2015 Monday 1 Helper Required 10:30-11:00 Nicole Jakupec Tuesday Kate Anderson 10:30-11:00 1 Helper Required Wednesday Linda Brown 10:30-11:00 Caroline Bradley Thursday 1 Helper Required 10:30-11:00 Jenny McWhirter Friday 1 Helper Required 9:00-11:00 Julie Pram 12:45-1:30 12:45-1:30 12:45-1:30 12:45-1:30 12.30pm-1.30pm Tamara Smith 12.30pm-1.30pm Canteen News: Thank you to all the new mums for handing in their canteen helpers slips. It takes 40 volunteers to fill the roster. At this stage we are 12 helpers short. If you are able to help on the following time slots please let me know: 2nd Monday of the month 10.30am-11.00am, 3rd Monday of the month 10.30am-11.00am, 3rd Tuesday of the month 12.45pm-1.30pm, 4th Tuesday of the month 10.30am-11.00am & 12.45pm-1.30pm, 1st Wednesday of the month 10.30am-11.00am, 3rd Wednesday of the month 10.30am-11.00am, 1st Thursday of the month 10.30am-11.00am, 2nd Thursday of the month 10.30am-11.00am & 3rd Thursday of the month 10.30am-11.00am. You will notice most of these spots are only 30 minutes to help serve the kids. New faces are always welcome in the canteen. Canteen helper forms are available from the office. Special thanks to all the fantastic mums who have volunteered in the canteen for a long time. Your help is very much appreciated. Just a reminder that Preps can place lunch orders from the canteen as of Monday, 23rd February. This allows the preps time to settle into the school routine. Canteen price lists have been sent home with the children and can also be viewed on the school website. Thanks - Georgia. Key ‘You Can Do It’ values’ Persistence Getting Along Confidence Organisation Resilience
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