International Electrical and Computer Engineering Conference

International Electrical and Computer Engineering Conference
23-25 May 2015, Setif, Algeria
Call for Papers
The IECEC provides an international forum
for effective exchange of knowledge and
experience amongst active researchers
around the world in various theoretical and
applied fields of Electrical and Computer
Both theoretical and applied papers are
welcome for submission to this event. We
encourage participation from industry and
colleagues outside the traditional academic
You are invited to submit high quality and
original papers covering the broad spectrum
of topics. Contributions should not be
published elsewhere or submitted for
publication during the review period.
Papers must be submitted in electronic
form using the conference website
Each submission will be reviewed by
relevance international committee.
All submissions must be in pdf format,
written in English or French, and prepared
according to the Template (download
from the conference website). Upon the
acceptance authors will be required to
register and present the paper in oral or
poster sessions. The Conference offers
plenary lectures delivered by leading
experts in the field. Best presented papers
may be published in partner journals.
Technical Areas:
Important Dates
• Invited session proposal
March 15, 2015.
• Full paper submission
March 30, 2015.
• Acceptance notification
April 15, 2015.
• Camera ready submission
April 25, 2015.
• Author registration
April 30, 2015.
• Conference dates
May 23-25, 2015.
Secretary of the IECEC2015
Topics of interest include but not limited to:
Control systems:
Adaptive and learning control; Robust control;
Nonlinear systems; Networked control; Sensor
networks; Complex and estimation; Modelling
Modeling and identification; Robot control;
Mobile robotics; Mobile sensor networks;
Perception systems; Micro robots and micro-
and optimization; Intelligent systems; Discrete
event systems; Hybrid systems; Stochastic
systems; Sliding mode control; Neural networks;
manipulation; Visual serving; Search, rescue
and field robotics; Robot sensing and data
fusion; Localization, navigation and mapping;
Fuzzy systems; Control of Energy systems.
Dexterous manipulation; Medical robots and
bio-robotics; Human centered systems; Space
and underwater robots; Tele-robotics.
Image/video analysis; Feature extraction;
Grouping and segmentation; Scene analysis;
Pattern recognition; Learning in vision; Human-
Biomedical Image analysis; Activity/behavior
Microcontrollers; Cryptography; Compression;
Coding; Wireless and optical networks; Radar;
recognition; Bioinformatics; Applications.
Electronics and communications:
Power systems:
High voltage systems; Converters, High voltage
DC transmission.
Organizing Committee
Honorary Chair: Pr. A. Djenane (Rector of Ferhat Abbas University);
General Chairs: Pr. K. Benmahammed, Pr. L. Rahmani;
Coordination Chairs: Dr. A. Lamamra, Dr. S. Bouharati;
Sponsorship and Funding: Mr. S. Refoufi, Mr. B. Bourouba.
Web Committee Chairs: Mr L. Toumi , Mr D. El Kacem, Mlle S.Chouchane, DR. A. Nechadi,
Information, Advertising and Printing: Pr. A. Moussaoui, Dr. A. Hassam, Mme N. Karkar,
Technical Committee: Dr. D. E. C. Belkhiat, Dr. S. E. A. Chouaba, Mr. A. Bektache, Mr .S. Refoufi.
+213(0) 666354901.
+213(0) 36611211.
[email protected]
International Program Committee
K. Benmahammed, Chairman, (Dz);
Cuicul (Djémila- 55 km from Setif city-)
was built at 900 meters of altitude during
the 1st century AD as a Roman military
garrison. It became a UNESCO World
Heritage Site for its unique adaptation of
Roman architecture to a mountain
environment. Significant buildings in
ancient Cuicul include a theatre, two
fora, temples, basilicas, arches, streets,
fountain and houses. The exceptionally
well preserved ruins surround the forum
of the Harsh, a large paved square with
an entry marked by a majestic arch.
F. Abdessamed, (Dz);
H. Alla, (Fr);
A. Bayadi, (Dz);
R. E. Bekka, (Dz);
D. E. C. Belkhiat, (Dz);
S. Belkhiat, (Dz);
N. Benallegue, (Fr);
N. Benoudjit, (Dz);
M. Bentayeb, (UK);
A. Bouakaz, (Fr);
R. Boukezzoula, (Fr);
M. Boumehraz, (Dz);
N. Bouzit, (Dz);
K. Chafaa, (Dz);
H. Chemali, (Dz);
S.E.A Chouaba, (Dz);
L. Demitri, (Fr);
A. Hamouda, (Dz);
S. Doudou, (Dz);
A. Hassam, Co-Charmain, (Dz);
F. Djehli, (Dz);
N. Essounbouli, (Fr);
L. Fridman, (MEX);
A.Gherbi, (Dz);
N. Golea, (Dz);
Z. Guessoum, (Fr);
A. Hamdi Cherif, (SA);
M. Hamouda, (Dz);
A. Hamzaoui, (Fr);
M. N. Harmas, (Dz);
F. Khaber, (Dz);
M. Khemliche, (Dz);
F. Krim, (Dz);
A. Lamamra, (Dz);
N. Manamani, (Fr);
B. Mendil, (Dz) ;
K. Djellabi, (Dz);
B.Sari, (Fr);
K.E.Hemsas, (Dz);
H. Megherbi, (Dz);
M. Mostefai, (Dz);
A. Moussa, (MA);
A. Moussaoui, (Dz);
A. Nechadi, (Dz);
A. Nadji, (MA);
B. Ouldbouamama, (Fr);
H. Radjeai, (Dz);
S. Salaymah, (JOR);
D. Slimani, (Dz);
M. Taibi, (Dz);
A. Taleb-Ahmed, (Fr);
L. Toumi, (Dz);
Y. K. Toumi, (USA);
A. Zegadi, (Dz);
K. Zehar, (Dz);
A. Chaoui, (Dz);
A.Barakat, (Fr);
Welcome to Setif
Sétif (the capital of Sétif Province) is a town in north-eastern Algeria, 1096 meters
above sea level. It is the second most populated Province after the country's
capital. The streets are tree-lined with a fountain and theater, giving the town
French feel. A large amusement park is located in the center of the city where the
city Zoo can be found. The ruins from Roman, Byzantine, Islamic and colonial eras
adorn the city center.
The local economy deals both with trade and industries. The trade is mainly in
grain and livestock from the surrounding region. Sétif has become the commercial
center of a region where textiles are made, phosphates are mined and cereals
grown. Other industries are woodworking, manufacture of carpets and metal
Sétif is connected by rail as well as the main national highway. The city has also
an international airport.
Registration Fees
 The registration fees include:
o Registration for delegates includes the Access to all
conference technical sessions and exhibition area,
o Conference kit,
o Welcome Reception,
o Coffee-breaks, Lunches and dinners Buffet;
o Gala Dinner.
 Students are required to provide a copy of a valid ID
that certifies their full-time student status.
The registration fees are:
Foreign participation:
300 €
Setif town ;