2015 REGISTRATION FORM (514) 836-8999 Camper’s Name: __________________________________ DOB (M/D/Y): _____/_____/_____ Gender: d Male d Female School: ________________________________ Grade: _______ Parent Information: Mother’s Name: _____________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________ Prov/State: _____________________________ Postal/Zip:____________________________ _Home: ________________________________ Cell: ________________________________ Business: ______________________________ Other: ____________________________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________________ Father’s Name: ______________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________ Prov/State: _____________________________ Postal/Zip:____________________________ _ Home: ________________________________ Cell: ________________________________ Business: ______________________________ Other: ____________________________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________________ Marital status of parents (please circle): Married Separated Divorced Widowed (Canadians) Social Insurance # for child-care tax receipt: ____-____-____ of father/mother (circle one) Names/ages of camper’s siblings and ages, if any: ______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Emergency contact: ___________________________________________________________ Relation to camper: __________________________ Home: ____________________________ Business: _________________________________ Cell: ______________________________ Bunk mate preferences: 1. ___________________________ 2. _________________________ Tell us more about your child What does your child like doing most? (games, sports, activities, etc.)__________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Is your child excited about coming to camp? d Yes d No Is he/she comfortable being away from home/parents? d Yes d No Has your child attended camp before? d Yes d No Was it a good experience?_______________________________________________________ Please tell us if your child has any fears that we should know about (i.e. the dark, thunder and lightning, the lake, bugs): ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Swimming How well does your child swim? d Beginner d Intermediate d Advanced Last swim level passed? ________________________________________________________ Has your child ever swam in a lake? ________________________________________________ Activities Are there any particular activities that you would like your child to be encouraged to try?_____________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Daily Life How would you describe your child’s eating habits? d Picky d Average d Eats everything Does your child d Sleep walk d Have night terrors d Wet the bed d Have trouble falling asleep? Does your child wear glasses? d Yes d No Should he/she wear them all of the time? d Yes d No Does your child make friends easily? d Yes d No _____________________________________ Other Is there any other information that you would like to share with us about your child?________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Fees and Payment Info d Full Session: June 25-August 10___________________________________________ $6,600 d Full Session (grades 1-3): June 25-August 10__________________________________ $3,250 d First Session: June 25-July 26_____________________________________________ $4,700 d First Session (grades 1-3): June 25-July 26___________________________________ $2,250 d Second Session: July 13-August 10_________________________________________ $3,700 d Second Session (grades 1-3): July 13-August 10________________________________ $1,750 d Starter: (open to campers completing grades1-3) June 25-July 12 ($500/Week)___________ $1,000 d CIT (completed grade 10): June 25-August 10__________________________________ $7,200 d LIT (completed grade 11): June 25-August 10__________________________________ $2,100 d CHX (per week registration)______________________________________________ $1,100 Visiting day Sunday July 26. Sibling discounts: 2nd child save $100, 3rd child save $200. Our prices DO NOT include GST/PST taxes. Our prices DO include canteen (tuck), laundry, local field trips, transport from Montreal to camp on June 25 and transport from camp to Montreal on August 10. Payment Method: d Cheque d Visa d MasterCard d Wire Transfer Please make cheques payable to Camp Wingate. Forms can be scanned and emailed to [email protected] or mailed to: Camp Wingate, 6600 Decarie, Suite 110, Montreal, Quebec H3X 2K4 Card Number: __________-__________-__________-__________ Exp. (mm/yy) _____ /____ Name on card: ________________________________________ Sec. Code: ______________ There is a 2% charge if paying by credit card All registration forms must be accompanied by a $1,000 deposit by March 1, 2015 except for STARTER CAMP forms, which must be accompanied by a $500 deposit. Balance of payment is due May 1, 2015 Signature of parent or guardian: ______________________________ Date: _______________ Terms and Conditions of Registration and Cancellation Policy: As the parent (or guardian) of the camper who is the subject of this registration form. I hereby agree to the following terms and conditions, and I warrant that all of the information I have provided on this registration form is both truthful and accurate: 1) Reservations will be confirmed by the camp once this completed and signed registration form is returned to the camp office along with post-dated cheques (or credit info) for the full payment (see attached fee schedule). 2) a. For cancellations made before April 1, 2015, the camp will refund the fees paid less $375 per camper. b. For cancellations made between April 2 and June 1, 2015, the camp will refund the fees paid less $775 per camper. For cancellations after June 1, 2015, there are no refunds. c. In cases where a camper does not complete his/her reserved session, the camp will issue a refund of 50% of the portion of unused time greater than one week (for example, if a camper misses 4 weeks of his/her session, the refund will be 50% of 3 weeks). However no refunds are paid for campers sent home early due to non-compliance with camp policies which forbid drugs, alcohol, smoking, vandalism, theft and abusive behaviour. 3) Should a camper registered for a full-season change to a shorter session, parents will be billed at the new sessions rate in effect at the time of the change in reservation. 4) I allow the camper to participate in all activities organized by the camp, both on and off camp property. I also allow the camper to participate and appear (via photographic images, video and/or audio recordings), without any compensation, in all materials produced ad displayed or distributed to the public via any form of media. 5) Although the camp makes every effort to return lost or misplaced articles, I agree not to hold the camp responsible for lost, damaged or stolen property of the camper. It is STRONGLY recommended that campers not bring any valuable belongings to camp. I agree to comply with the camp’s electronics policy which prohibits campers from having any handheld gaming consoles, iPads/tablets/laptops, iPod Touches, cell phones or other similar network powered communication devices at camp. The camp will confiscate any that are found. 6) If the camper who is the subject of this registration form is a non-resident of Canada and/or is not the holder of a valid health-care card issued by a Canadian province (which must be valid through the completion of the camper’s session), I warrant that I shall acquire adequate medical insurance for the camper with coverage through the camper’s entire stay in Canada and at the camp and agree to re-imburse the camp or camp medical staff for any medical costs incurred for my child. 7) I authorize the camp administration and medical staff to act for me according to their best judgement in any emergency involving the camper requiring medical treatment. (Every effort will be made to contact parents immediately). I give the camp permission to contact the camper’s physician if necessary. I agree that the resolution of any and all disputes which may arise between myself and the camp or the camp medical staff relating to the camper shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Quebec. I agree that any complaint, demand, claim or cause of action against either the camp or camp medical staff shall be commenced only in the Province of Quebec, and I hereby irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Quebec. 8) I agree that the camp reserves the right to dismiss or not re-accept the camper for behavior detrimental to the group or camp environment. In order to help assure the safety and security of the camp population and maintain a drug and alcohol-free environment, I expressly give the camp administration the right to conduct a search of the camper’s belongings if deemed appropriate. 9) I have read and agree to all the above Terms and Conditions of Registration and Cancellation Policy. I agree that this document be drafted in English. Je confirme ma demande que ce document soit rédige en anglais.
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