About GATE`s Mini MBA Program

GATE Training Company
Mini MBA Program
March 2015
GATE's Mini MBA Program
1- About GATE Training Company.
2- About GATE's Mini MBA program.
3- Mini MBA structure.
4- Model Description.
5- Contact Us.
About GATE Training Center
Gate is a technical training
organization dedicated to improve
client`s performance & create new
culture of work by providing
consulting, training, management
system analysis & support.
Our innovative training &
consulting service are designed
around a continuous quality
improvement process to ensure all
issues relating to how to be capable
to manage your business.
Gate training center goal is to provide
continuing education for Managers
staff, engineers, customer service
department, secretarial and
We view each client, and each
member of our firm, as individuals.
A belief in teamwork, quality and
personal service is the basis of our
corporate culture.
Our dynamic development began in
2009 Since then, we have expanded
into 4 offices in Cairo &
Today, we are represented in all
major training & consulting market
in Egypt and have succeeded in
establishing a solid market position
in other Arabic countries such like
Iraq, Kuwait & Saudi Arabia.
G A T E, in partnership with
several educational institution:
Cairo university, Ain shams
university & Ngo`s interested in
economic studies & information
Our objective is to provide
customized advice, taking into
consideration the Middle Easter
business cultural nuances and the
region’s economic growth
Gate is the educational business
organization. Our goal is to
help improve the knowledge, skills,
competence and expertise of our
people in Management and
business; to help organizations
across the region grow and retain
their talent.
Our foundation is our team of
expert professionals who convey
their wealth of knowledge and
the practical experience they have
gained within leading organizations
around the world
Gate’s global network of
professionals sets us apart from
other providers. We communicate
constantly, exchange best practice,
ideas and experience. We take this
knowledge and evolve our courses
to meet the ever-changing needs of
modern businesses and their people
in the region; this way we make
sure that we are providing the very
best training programs for our
clients,our students and their
About GATE's Mini MBA Program
What is Gate’s Mini MBA?
‫مبهى بشوبمج مبجستيش إداسة األعمبل انمصغش‬
Gate ‫انزي تقذمه مؤسست‬
Gate’s Mini MBA as a pre Master
allows professionals to gain the
training and business skills offered in
a traditional MBA program in a
more accessible manner.
The program provides participants
with a clear picture of organizations,
their structure and management
‫يذي يمذَ ثشىً ادزشافي‬ّٙ‫ ثّثبثخ ِبجغزيش ر‬ٛ٘
‫بساد ئداسح‬ِٙٚ ‫بساد اٌزذسيت‬ِٙ ‫ثغشع اوزغبة‬
‫األػّبي اٌزي رمذَ في ثشاِج ِبجغزيش ئداسح‬
.‫ٌخ‬ٛٙ‫ب ثطشيمخ أوثش ع‬ٙ‫يزُ ػشض‬ٚ ‫األػّبي‬
‫يمذَ ثشٔبِج ِبجغزيش ئداسح األػّبي اٌّظغش‬ٚ
‫اضذخ ػٓ ٘يىٍخ اٌّإعغبد‬ٚ ‫سح‬ٛ‫ٌٍّشبسويٓ ط‬
.‫جيخ اإلداسح داخً ٘زٖ اٌّإعغبد‬ِٕٙٚ
Why choose the Mini MBA?
?‫نمبرا وختبس مبجستيش إداسة األعمبل انمصغش‬
Today’s business organizations require
professionals with specialized skills
who can simultaneously synergize
their skills with the larger
organizational structure. It is therefore
essential for professionals to have the
relevant knowledge on all facets of the
modern organization, from project
management to finance functions,
corporate strategy to human capital,
Gate’s Mini MBA program will not
only provide an understanding of each
but will also provide clarity on the
interdependence between them.
‫ي‬ٚ‫ٕييٓ ر‬ٌّٙ‫َ ا‬ٛ‫رزطٍت ِٕظّبد األػّبي اٌي‬
‫بساد اٌّزخظظخ اٌزيٓ يّىٓ أْ رزضبفش‬ٌّٙ‫ا‬
‫يىً اٌزٕظيّي ٌٍّإعغبد‬ٌٙ‫ُ ِغ ا‬ٙ‫لذسار‬ٚ ُٙ‫بسار‬ِٙ
ْٛ‫سي ٌٍؼبٍِيٓ أْ رى‬ٚ‫ٌزا فّٓ اٌضش‬ٚ .‫ثشىً أوجش‬
‫أت‬ٛ‫ُ اٌّؼشفخ راد اٌظٍخ ثشأْ جّيغ ج‬ٙ‫ٌذي‬
‫ ِٓ ئداسح‬,‫رخظظبد إٌّظّبد اٌذذيثخ‬ٚ
‫ظيف‬ٛ‫ػبد اٌي اعزشاريجيبد اٌششوخ ٌز‬ٚ‫اٌّشش‬
.ً‫ي‬ّٛ‫ظبئف اٌز‬ٚ ‫اعزثّبس سأط اٌّبي اٌجششي اٌي‬ٚ
Who is it for?
?‫اني مه يىجه انبشوبمج‬
The Mini MBA is intended for those
who wish to gain the business skills
provided by a traditional MBA
without incurring the time and costs
necessary to undertake a full MBA .
It is ideally suited for current or
aspiring managers along all lines of
business, small and medium sized
enterprise owners, and seasoned or
budding entrepreneurs.
ٗ‫ج‬ٛ‫ثشٔبِج ِبجغزيش ئداسح األػّبي اٌّظغش ي‬
‫بساد‬ِٙ ‫اوزغبة‬ٚ ‫زّيٓ ثذساعخ‬ٌّٙ‫ٌئن ا‬ٚ‫اٌي وً ا‬
‫ب في ثشاِج‬ّٙ‫األػّبي اٌزي يزُ رمذي‬ٚ ‫األداسح‬
‫رىبٌيف وجيشح‬ٚ ‫لذ‬ٚ ‫ْ رىجذ‬ٚ‫اٌّبجغزيش ٌىٓ د‬
.‫ب ػٍي اٌّبجغزيش‬ٙ‫ِثً اٌزي يزُ أفبل‬
ِٗ‫ِبجغزيش ئداسح األػّبي اٌّظغش اٌزي رمذ‬ٚ
ً‫ ال يمزظش فمظ ػٕذ ششح ٌى‬Gate ‫ِإعغخ‬
ًّ‫أت اٌّإعغخ ثً يزؼذي رٌه ٌيش‬ٛ‫جبٔت ِٓ ج‬
.‫أت‬ٛ‫جٗ اٌزشاثظ ثيٓ ٘زٖ اٌج‬ٚ‫ أ‬ٛ٘‫ِب‬
‫أطذبة‬ٚ ,ٓ‫ ثشٔبِج ِثبٌي ٌٍّذيشيٓ اٌذبٌيي‬ٛ٘ٚ
‫ثشٔبِج‬ٚ ,ُ‫عطخ اٌذج‬ٛ‫اٌّز‬ٚ ‫اٌّشبسيغ اٌظغيشح‬
,َ‫ذ٘ب ثشىً ػب‬ِٙ ‫ِذٕه ألطذبة اٌّشبسيغ في‬
‫ديٓ اٌي ِٕبطت ئداسيخ‬ّٛ‫ِٕبعت ٌجّيغ اٌط‬ٚ
.‫ػٍيب في اٌّإعغخ‬
What will I learn?
Gate’s Mini MBA covers the topics
taught in leading global MBA with a
focus on practical examples and case
studies. The program comprises nine
specially designed modules carefully
chosen to provide a systematic
framework and clear structure for
understanding organizations. We
have developed a unique mapping
technique to link the modules and
create a successful business strategy
?‫مبرا سىف أتعهم في انبشوبمج‬
‫يغطي ِبجغزيش ئداسح األػّبي اٌّظغش اٌزي‬
‫دذاد‬ٌٛ‫ جّيغ ا‬Gate ‫رمذِٗ ِإعغخ‬
‫ػبد اٌزي رمذَ في ثشٔبِج ِبجغزيش‬ٛ‫ض‬ٌّٛ‫ا‬ٚ
‫ئداسح األػّبي ِغ اٌزشويض ػٍي األِثٍخ اٌؼٍّيخ‬
.‫دساعبد اٌذبٌخ‬ٚ
‫دذاد رُ اخزيبس٘ب ثؼٕبيخ‬ٚ ‫يضُ اٌجشٔبِج رغغ‬ٚ
‫فيش ئطبس‬ٛ‫ب خظيظب ً ٌز‬ّٙ‫رُ رظّي‬ٚ ‫شذيذح‬
ًّ‫ُ طجيؼخ ػ‬ٙ‫اضخ ٌف‬ٚ ً‫٘يى‬ٚ ‫جي‬ِٕٙ
‫دذاد‬ٚ ٓ‫يش رمٕيخ اٌشثظ ثي‬ٛ‫ ثزط‬Gate ‫لبِذ‬ٚ
.‫ضغ اعزشاريجيخ ػًّ ٔبجذخ‬ٚٚ ‫اٌّإعغخ‬
Gate's lecturers
‫أعضبء هيئت انتذسيس‬
Our faculty are meticulously selected
to ensure that each module is
presented by a leader in their
respective field. In choosing our
lecturers we apply 3 key criteria:
1- Experience in leadership
2- Subject expertise
3- Knowledge of both the global
and local business
‫يزُ اخزيبس أػضبء ٘يئخ اٌزذسيظ ٌذيٕب ثذلخ ثبٌغخ‬
ُ‫ٌٍزبوذ ِٓ أْ وً جضء ِٓ اٌّبجغزيش اٌّظغش ر‬
,‫اد ٘زا اٌزخظض‬ٚ‫رمذيّٗ ِٓ خالي أدذ س‬
‫ ثالس ِؼبييش إلخزيبس أػضبء ٘يئخ‬Gate ‫رطجك‬ٚ
‫ سيبدح‬ٚ‫ اٌخجشح في ِجبي اٌميبدح أ‬- 1
.‫ اٌخجشح في ِجبي اٌزخظض‬- 2
ًّ‫ثيئخ اٌؼ‬ٚ ‫ييٓ اٌؼٍّي‬ٛ‫ ِؼشفخ اٌّغز‬- 3
Gate’s extensive professional
network provides us unique access to
the highest quality lecturers in each
location in which the program is
offered. The unrivalled success of
Gate's Mini MBA is due to their
expert knowledge, their wealth of
experience and outstanding
communication skills
Duration & Location
Gate’s Mini MBA includes
over 6 full days of training
(36 hours) conducted over a
Week period.
The Mini MBA will be
implemented in Radisson Blu
Hotel, Sharm El Sheikh,
‫ رؼجش ػٓ شجىخ ػبٌّيخ‬Gate ‫ٌّب وبٔذ ِإعغخ‬ٚ
‫فش ٌٕب فشص اعزمطبة‬ٛ‫ ي‬ٛٙ‫ٕيخ ف‬ٌّٙ‫ِٓ اٌّؼشفخ ا‬
‫دح ػبٌي ِٓ أػضبء ٘يئخ اٌزذسيظ‬ٛ‫ي ج‬ٛ‫ِغز‬
.‫راد اٌظٍخ ثبٌزخظض‬
‫لغ‬ٛ‫وّب أْ ٘زا إٌجبح ِٕمطغ إٌظيش اٌّز‬
‫ الثذ‬Gate ِٗ‫ٌّبجغزيش ئداسح األػّبي اٌزي رمذ‬
‫بساد‬ِٙٚ ‫أْ يؼزّذ ػٍي اٌّؼشفخ اٌّمذِخ‬ٚ
.‫اطً اٌزي يمذِٗ أػضبء ٘يئخ اٌزذسيظ‬ٛ‫اٌز‬
‫انمذة انزمىيت & مكبن األقبمت‬
‫ثشٔبِج ِبجغزيش األػّبي اٌّظغش‬
ِٓ ْٛ‫ يزى‬Gate ‫اٌزي رمذِٗ ِإعغخ‬
‫ عبػخ )ػٍي ِذاس‬36 ( ‫ أيبَ رذسيجيخ‬6
.‫ع رذسيجي‬ٛ‫أعج‬
‫يزُ رٕفيز ثشٔبِج مبجستيش إداسة‬ٚ
ْٛ‫االعمبل انمصغش في فٕذق ساديغ‬
‫سيخ ِظش‬ّٛٙ‫ ج‬,‫ ششَ اٌشيخ‬,ٍٛ‫ث‬
Mini MBA structure - English
Mini MBA structure
Business breakdown and Map
Leadership & management
Emotional Intelligence
Leadership styles
Action based leadership
Human Resources Management
Management skills
HR as a strategic partner
The HR cycle
Internal culture
Marketing overview
The marketing mix
Critical success factors
External and internal analysis
Strategies for innovation
Project management and business
 Project management
 The project life cycle
 Business operations
 Quality issues
Accounting and financial management
Personal effectiveness
Communication for managers
Negotiation skills
Corporate and business strategy
Vision and mission statement
Stakeholder analysis
Corporate governance
Business mapping (introduction)
Purpose of financial strategy
Financial statement analysis
Risk management
Linking it all together
Conclusion to business mapping
Introduction to the case study
‫‪Mini MBA structure - Arabic‬‬
‫إعادة الهيكلة وانخبسطت‬
‫مهبساث القيبدة‬
‫اٌشؤيخ ‪ٚ‬اٌشعبٌخ‬
‫رذٍيً أطذبة اٌّظٍذخ‬
‫د‪ٛ‬وّخ اٌششوبد‬
‫سعُ خشائظ األػّبي ‪ِ -‬مذِخ‬
‫إداسة انمىاسد انبششيت‬
‫انمهبساث اإلداسيت‬
‫فؼبٌيخ اٌشخظيخ & اٌشخظيخ اٌّإثشح‬
‫ِ‪ٙ‬بساد األرظبي ‪ٌٍّ -‬ذيشيٓ‬
‫اٌؼًّ اٌجّبػي‬
‫ِ‪ٙ‬بساد اٌزفب‪ٚ‬ع‬
‫ػ‪ٛ‬اًِ إٌجبح اٌذشجخ‬
‫ايرذٍيً األعزشاريجي اٌذاخٍي ‪ٚ‬اٌخبسجي‬
‫اعزشاريجيبد ٌالثزىبس‬
‫إداسة انمشبسيع وانعمهيبث انتجبسيت‬
‫اٌّ‪ٛ‬اسد اٌجششيخ وششيه اعزشاريجي‬
‫د‪ٚ‬سح اٌّ‪ٛ‬اسد اٌجششيخ‬
‫اٌثمبفخ اٌذاخٍيخ‬
‫استشاتيجيت انششكبث واألعمبل‬
‫اٌميبدح ‪ٚ‬اإلداسح‬
‫اٌزوبء اٌؼبطفي‬
‫أعبٌيت اٌميبدح‬
‫ليبدح اٌؼًّ اٌمبئُ‬
‫ٔظشح ػبِخ اٌزغ‪ٛ‬يك‬
‫اٌّضيج اٌزغ‪ٛ‬يمي‬
‫اٌؼالِبد اٌزجبسيخ‬
‫ئداسح اٌؼاللبد اٌؼبِخ‬
‫انمحبسبت واإلداسة انمبنيت‬
‫ِٕ‪ٙ‬جيبد ئداسح اٌّشبسيغ‬
‫د‪ٚ‬سح ديبح اٌّشش‪ٚ‬ع‬
‫ػٍّيبد اٌششوخ‬
‫لضبيب اٌج‪ٛ‬دح‬
‫سبظ كم انمىضىعبث انسببقت معب‬
‫رظ‪ٛ‬س خزبِي ٌشعُ خشائظ األػّبي‬
‫ِمذِخ ٌذساعخ اٌذبٌخ‬
‫اٌ‪ٙ‬ذف ِٓ ‪ٚ‬ضغ اعزشاريجيخ ِبٌيخ‬
‫رذٍيً اٌم‪ٛ‬ائُ اٌّبٌيخ‬
‫ئػذاد اٌّ‪ٛ‬اصٔبد‬
‫ئداسح اٌّخبطش‬
Business breakdown and map
Corporate and business strategy
These introductory modules present an
understanding of how businesses can be
mapped through an outline of the main areas
within all organizations. The business map is
then used to introduce and (later) analyze in
depth competitive and strategic analysis
through our 3 step process of Analysis
(Position), Choice (Options for Growth) and
Implementation. The modules outline the
three levels of strategy; corporate, business
and functional along with the objectives of
each. The modules then delve into strategic
positioning and whether an organization's
position is appropriate given their
competitive environment. Strategies for
growth and innovation in different
environments are developed. One of the most
important topics is the analysis of the critical
success factors and key performance
indicators that are used to gauge success.
On completion of these two modules,
participants will:
Understand the drivers and
consequences of an ever changing
business environment
Understand generic competitive
Understand how to map an
organization and its benefits in
analyzing an organisation
Understand the role and importance
of various groups of stakeholders
Understand the basic models used to
conduct external, industry, and
internal analysis
Understand CSF’s, KPI’s and the
Balanced Scorecard
Be aware of the basic strategic
options firms have for growth
Understand the basic principles and
motivations of corporate governance
Understand the nature of business
ethics and how they can
People management
In this module we explore the modern
organization's most important resource; its
people. It introduces Human Resource
Management (HRM), examining key policies
and systems such as recruitment, appraisal,
compensation, and benefits that are used to
manage people. There is also discussion of
contemporary issues and issues specific to
the region. The module focuses on
addressing the vital link between business
strategy and HRM along with the impact of
HRM on organizational culture and business
performance. Using theories, research
evidence, and practical tools, participants
will understand and learn to evaluate HRM
policies and their effect on the whole
On completion of this module participants
Understand the concept of human
capital and its importance in
delivering on firm strategy
Understand the process for creating
and implementing an HR strategy and
its link with business strategy
Appreciate the key choices and
challenges involved in recruitment
Understand performance management
and its goals
Know best practices within
performance management
Understand the nature and role of
rewards within an organisation along
with their potential effects on
Understand the role of learning and
development in developing human
Understand how to craft a strategy to
retain key talent
Management skills
The aim of this module is to provide the
basics of effective management. Motivation
and communication are critical topics in this
section. Methods for motivation and how to
identify motivational drivers at an individual
level are investigated. The module analyses
different types of communication and their
evolutions with technological progress. It
also explores how different communication
styles can be received (positively and
negatively) and how to adapt communication
style depending on the audience. The module
covers the basics of time and stress
management. Tools for planning, both short
term and long term, are also examined.
Practical examples will be used to guide
participants throughout the module
On completion of this module participants
Understand the role and goals of
Comprehend the necessity of time
management, obstacles to time
management and how they can be
Understand how to implement time
management techniques to become
more effective
Appreciate the nature and importance
of work – life balance
Understand stress and its effects on
both the individual and the firm via
employee engagement
Be able to implement techniques to
deal with stress / work overload
Understand the phases that teams go
through to become effective and steps
needed to move forward
Understand the four key phases of
Understand how to effectively plan
for a negotiation
Have ability to apply basic
negotiating concepts
The focus of this module is presenting
participants with a brief overview of
marketing theory and tools and applying
these to real life examples. It begins with an
introduction to the strategic goals of
marketing and how they can be achieved
through the marketing mix (7 P’s). Marketing
tools and concepts such as CRMs, market
positioning, and customer segmentation are
addressed. The importance of a robust brand
strategy is examined and crystallized through
analysis of how successful firms generate
brand value. It looks at CSR and its role in
the marketing strategy. Of course no modern
marketing course would be complete without
an examination of viral marketing and social
media and these topics are also explored in
the module.
On completion of this module participants
Understand what marketing is and its
Understand the factors that affect the
Understand the value proposition
Appreciate the link between
marketing and firm strategy
Understand the factors that underlie
consumer behaviour
Understand the consumer purchase
decision process and its influences
Understand marketing research
Understand the process of market
segmentation, targeting, and
Understand brand value
Understand the components within
the marketing mix and their
Understand customer relationship
management and its objectives
Leadership and negotiation
This module examines the role of leadership
and its impact within the organisation. The
distinction between leadership and
management is introduced along with the
objectives of each. It also explores different
types of leaders and leadership styles. From
this, participants gain an understanding of
what type of leader they are, or in the future
can become. As a corollary, participants will
also identify what skills they can improve to
become a more effective leader. It explores
how leaders can play a constructive role in
problem solving and what pitfalls to avoid.
Apart from leadership, the module also
addresses negotiation skills. Practical
negotiation skills, both internally and with
external clients, are presented.
On completion of this module participants
Appreciate the differing opinions
around leadership and the different
aspects that encompass leadership
Understand the differences between
the goals of management and
leadership. The link between the two
should also be understood.
Understand emotional intelligence
and its importance in developing
leadership capabilities
Appreciate the effects of leadership
style on employees and firm
Understand the relationship between
leadership and power and
consequences of mishandling of
Understand the action based
leadership model
Appreciate the MBTI and its purpose
Appreciate the Social Styles
assessment and its purpose
Understand the importance of change
management within a leadership role
and why leaders must master change
Leadership and negotiation
This module examines the role of leadership
and its impact within the organisation. The
distinction between leadership and
management is introduced along with the
objectives of each. It also explores different
types of leaders and leadership styles. From
this, participants gain an understanding of
what type of leader they are, or in the future
can become. As a corollary, participants will
also identify what skills they can improve to
become a more effective leader. It explores
how leaders can play a constructive role in
problem solving and what pitfalls to avoid.
Apart from leadership, the module also
addresses negotiation skills. Practical
negotiation skills, both internally and with
external clients, are presented.
On completion of this module participants
Appreciate the differing opinions
around leadership and the different
aspects that encompass leadership
Understand the differences between
the goals of management and
leadership. The link between the two
should also be understood.
Understand emotional intelligence
and its importance in developing
leadership capabilities
Appreciate the effects of leadership
style on employees and firm
Understand the relationship between
leadership and power and
consequences of mishandling of
Understand the action based
leadership model
Appreciate the MBTI and its purpose
Appreciate the Social Styles
assessment and its purpose
Understand the importance of change
management within a leadership role
and why leaders must master change
Project management and business processes
This module provides an understanding of
the principles and tools used for effectively
managing projects and the operations of the
organisation. Its aim is to not only
demonstrate how an organisation manages its
projects and operations but also how these
decisions can create or destroy value.
Specific attention will be given to the
organization's value chain and the decisions
surrounding it. It presents project
management methodologies, the project life
cycle and an understanding of the project
environment. It will demonstrate how to plan
and execute projects addressing key issues
such as deadlines, resource management,
reporting, monitoring, and quality control to
ensure that key deliverables are met.
On completion of this module participants
Understand what a project is and what
it is not
Understand the purpose of project
Understand project constraints and
the link between them Know the
project life cycle
Be familiar with key project
documents and their purpose
Understand the business case and its
Be familiar with project stakeholders
and their roles
Understand a project charter
Be able to construct a basic Work
Breakdown Structure (WBS)
Know the purpose and importance of
cost estimating, quality planning,
HR planning, and communication
planning, and risk management
Know the key steps in building a
project team
Understand stakeholder analysis
Be familiar with performance
reporting and risk monitoring
Understand key steps involved in
project closing
Linking it all together
We strongly believe one of the key strengths
of PwC’s Mini MBA Program is the focus on
the link between our modules to show the
interdependence between all areas of the
organization. This module concentrates on
the interdependence between the sessions
presented in the program. It will revisit the
business map presented in Module 1 so
participants can apply their new
understanding of the firm to the pivotal skill
of business mapping. The balanced scorecard
will be presented to demonstrate how to
evaluate the overall performance of an
organization. A final section on
entrepreneurship will also be presented. This
will be followed by a Harvard Business
School case study that will incorporate the
learning points from the program. A
personalized assessment of the case study
will be provided to each participant together
with guidance on suggested future
development goals.
On completion of this module participants
Understand the key frameworks and
models that underlie the program
Be able to apply the MAP to show the
interdependence between the modules
and to analyzing an organization
‫البرنامج السياحي التعليمي في مدينة شرم الشيخ‬
‫الوصول الي مدينة شرم الشيخ‬
‫من ‪ 10‬ص‬
‫من ‪11,30‬‬
‫ص الً‬
‫‪ 11,30‬ص‬
‫‪ 12‬م‬
‫من ‪ 12‬م‬
‫الً ‪1,30‬‬
‫د‪ :‬طلعت‬
‫د‪ :‬طلعت‬
‫من ‪ 10‬ص‬
‫من ‪11,30‬‬
‫ص الً‬
‫‪ 11,30‬ص‬
‫‪ 12‬م‬
‫من ‪ 12‬م‬
‫الً ‪1,30‬‬
‫د‪ :‬طلعت‬
‫د‪ :‬طلعت‬
‫من ‪ 10‬ص‬
‫من ‪11,30‬‬
‫ص الً‬
‫‪ 11,30‬ص‬
‫‪ 12‬م‬
‫د‪ :‬أشرف‬
‫عبد الرحمن‬
‫تسكين الغرف‬
‫الساعة ‪ 12‬هراًا‬
‫من ‪ 12‬م‬
‫الً ‪1,30‬‬
‫د‪ :‬أشرف‬
‫عبد الرحمن‬
‫من ‪ 4‬م‬
‫من ‪5,30‬‬
‫الً ‪ 5,30‬م‬
‫م الً ‪ 6‬م‬
‫من ‪1,30‬‬
‫م الً ‪ 4‬م‬
‫من ‪ 6‬م‬
‫من ‪7,30‬‬
‫عشاء بدوي‬
‫م الً ‪ 9‬م‬
‫الً ‪ 7,30‬م‬
‫د‪ :‬طلعت‬
‫من ‪ 4‬م‬
‫من ‪5,30‬‬
‫من ‪ 6‬م‬
‫من ‪7,30‬‬
‫الً ‪ 5,30‬م‬
‫م الً ‪ 6‬م‬
‫الً ‪ 7,30‬م‬
‫م الً ‪ 9‬م‬
‫من ‪1,30‬‬
‫الف لٌلة‬
‫م الً ‪ 4‬م‬
‫د‪ :‬طلعت‬
‫د‪ :‬طلعت‬
‫من ‪1,30‬‬
‫م الً ‪ 4‬م‬
‫من ‪ 4‬م‬
‫من ‪5,30‬‬
‫من ‪ 6‬م‬
‫من ‪7,30‬‬
‫م الً ‪ 6‬م‬
‫الً ‪ 7,30‬م‬
‫الً ‪ 5,30‬م‬
‫د‪ :‬أشرف‬
‫عبد الرحمن‬
‫د‪ :‬أشرف‬
‫عبد الرحمن‬
‫م الً ‪ 9‬م‬
‫جولة حرة‬
‫غداء الفندق‬
‫من ‪1,30‬‬
‫من ‪ 5‬ص‬
‫الً ‪ 8‬ص‬
‫م الً ‪ 3‬م‬
‫من ‪ 3‬م‬
‫من ‪ 4,30‬م‬
‫‪ 4,30‬م‬
‫من ‪ 10‬ص‬
‫‪ 11,30‬ص‬
‫من ‪11,30‬‬
‫ص الً‬
‫من ‪ 12‬م‬
‫‪ 12‬م‬
‫الً ‪1,30‬‬
‫د‪ :‬حسام‬
‫من ‪ 5‬م‬
‫من ‪7‬م‬
‫من ‪ 8,30‬م‬
‫الً ‪ 7‬م‬
‫الً ‪ 8,30‬م‬
‫‪ 10,30‬م‬
‫د‪ :‬أشرف‬
‫عبد الرحمن‬
‫رحلة بحرية – غطس من الساعة ‪ 8‬ص‬
‫د‪ :‬أشرف‬
‫عبد الرحمن‬
‫د‪ :‬أشرف‬
‫عبد الرحمن‬
‫د‪ :‬حسام‬
‫من ‪1,30‬‬
‫م الً ‪ 4‬م‬
‫من ‪ 4‬م‬
‫الً ‪ 5,30‬م‬
‫من ‪5,30‬‬
‫م الً ‪ 6‬م‬
‫د‪ :‬حسام‬
‫من ‪ 6‬م‬
‫الً ‪ 7,30‬م‬
‫د‪ :‬حسام‬
‫مغادرة الفندق قبل الساعة ‪ 12‬هراًا‬
‫مالح ات ‪- :‬‬
‫أول أيام البرنامج مخصص للمقابلة والتسكين فقط ( التسكين يكون في أول يوم من الساعة ‪ 3‬م )‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬يرجى االلتزام بميعاد إخالء الفندق ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬االقامة في غرفة فردية ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .4‬البرنامج شامل إقامة كاملة في الفندق ( إفطار – غداء – عشاء ) وجميع الرحالت المذكورة في هذا الجدول ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .5‬يتحمل العميل تكلفة الخدمات االخرى التي يطلبها من الفندق أو الجوالت التي يقوم بها برغبته‬
‫من ‪7,30‬‬
‫م الً ‪ 9‬م‬
‫جولة حرة‬
‫تكلفة االلتحاق بالبرنامج ‪-:‬‬
‫‪ 600‬دوالر امريكي ‪$‬‬
‫أوال ‪ -:‬بالنسبة لن ام التعليم عن بعد‬
‫شامله الحصول علً كل الشهادات سالفة الذكر والمادة العلمٌة والرقم السري لمتابعة المحاضرات بث‬
‫مباشر على موقع الشركة ‪.‬‬
‫‪ 2000‬دوالر امريكي ‪$‬‬
‫ثانيا ‪ -:‬بالنسة لن ام الحضور الفعلي‬
‫شاملة البرنامج كامل و اإلقامة فً الفندق واإلنتقاالت وبرنامج ترفٌهً‬
‫ االقامة الكاملة فً غرفة فردٌة فً فندق خمس نجوم‬‫ التقالت داخل مدٌنة شرم الشٌخ واالستقبال فً المطار والتجول فً مدٌنة شرم الشٌخ‬‫ ‪ 4‬رحالت ترفٌٌة وهً‬‫أ‪-‬رحلة بحرٌة الً جزٌرة تران وعمل داٌفنج وسنوركل االستمتاع بإلتقاط الصور تحت الماء وسط‬
‫الشعاب المرجانٌة‬
‫ب‪ -‬رحلة سفاري ومشاهدة شروق الشمس فً صحراء شرم الشٌخ‬
‫ج‪ -‬العشاء البدوي واالستمتاع بالعروض البدوٌه المختلفة‬
‫د – زٌارة الً الف لٌله ولٌله ومشاهدة العروض االستعراضٌه المختلفة‬
‫ملحو ه ‪-:‬‬
‫ اخر مٌعاد إللشتراك ‪2015 / 03 / 4‬‬‫ نتلقً اتصاالتكم ٌومٌا من ‪ 11‬الً ‪ 7‬مساء‬‫‪ -‬تكلفة االشتراك فً البرنامج ثابته للمصرٌٌن وغٌر المصرٌٌن‬
‫نموذج من الشهادات التي يحصل عليها المشترك في المنحه‬
‫نموذج شهاده جامعه الدول العربيه‬
‫نموذج شهاده ‪) icc ( International Cambridge College‬‬
‫نموذج شهاده مجلس الوسطاء بانجلترا‬
‫نموذج شهاده‬
‫نموذج شهاده‬
‫نموذج شهاده‬
‫نموذج شهاده‬
‫نموذج شهاده‬
‫‪Contact & Communication‬‬
‫األتصبل وانتىاصم‬
‫فشيق انمبيعبث‬
‫خذمت انعمالء‬
‫مبجستيش إداسة األعمبل ‪MBA -‬‬
‫انتعبقذاث انذونيت وانىكالء في انششق األوسظ‬
‫لالستعالم ‪-:‬‬
‫مقر شركة ‪ G A T E‬للتدرٌب ‪-:‬‬
‫‪ 22‬ش السد العالي – ميدان فيني – الدقي‬
‫‪Website : www.Gateegy.com‬‬
‫‪Face book Page : http ://goo.gl/DqoQPZ‬‬