Quarter: Jan. 5 - March 20 Instruction: Jan. 5 - March 13 Finals: March 16-20 IS Course Number 10 20 30 139 180 227 228 234 239 262A 270 279 280 281 289-1 289-2 290 291B 298A 375 422 433 434 461 498 MIAS 210 MIAS 220 Holidays Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Monday, January 19 Presidents' Day: Monday, February 16 IS Winter Quarter 2015 Course Name Information as Power Introduction to Information Studies Information Technology and Society Letterpress Laboratory Bio/Data: Social and Political Consequences of Big Data in Biology and Medicine Course ID Number Days Time Bldg. Room # Instructor M/W T/Th 10:00-11:50 10:00-11:50 GSEIS Moore 111 3027 Srinivasan/Wood M/W T 2:00-3:50 3:00-4:50 GSEIS Broad 111 4258 9:30-11:50 Pub Aff 2317 1:30-5:00 GSEIS 245 9:00-12:30 GSEIS 121 R Noble/Currie Lievrouw/Bay Wallis Kelty Information Services in Culturally Diverse Communities Assessment, Measurement, and Evaluation of Information Organizations and Services M Children's Literature T T M 1:30-5:00 5:00-5:50 1:30-5:00 GSEIS Broad GSEIS 111 4258 121 T M 9:00-12:30 5:30-9:00 GSEIS GSEIS 111 111 Blanchette T W W Th Th T F TBD Th W Th Th Th T M 1:30-5:00 1:30-5:00 1:30-5:00 1:30-5:00 3:00-5:00 1:30-5:00 9:00-1:00 TBD 9:00-12:30 9:00-12:30 9:00-12:30 5:30-9:00 1:30-3:00 5:30-9:00 5:30-9:00 GSEIS GSEIS GSEIS GSEIS GSEIS GSEIS Moore TBD GSEIS GSEIS GSEIS GSEIS GSEIS GSEIS GSEIS 121 245 121 228 111 245 3030 TBD 121 121 245 111 111 111 121 Caswell W 5:30-9:00 GSEIS 121 Letterpress Laboratory Data, Data Practices, Data Curation Part I Introduction to Information Technology Information Architecture Social Science Research Methodology for Information Studies Historical Methodology in Information Studies Planet Google Literacy, Readers, and Reading Colloquium PhD Seminar: Global New Media Doctoral Seminar: Research Methods and Design. Teaching Apprentice Practicum Academic Libraries Community-based Archives Archival Use and Users Descriptive Cataloguing Internship Ethics of Preservation & Restoration Archaeology of Media MIAS 230 Moving Image Cataloging M Note: For the most up-to-date schedule, please visit: http://is.gseis.ucla.edu/programs/mlis/mlis-course-offerings Srinivasan Lynch Walter Wallis Borgman Boyden Maack Noble Gaffney Lievrouw Srinivasan Hansen/Vo Lievrouw Lynch Gilliland Caswell Mendes Botello Horak Friend Ross Winter 2015 Bold = core MLIS class Italics = PhD class Day M T Time Room111 IS 10 Noble/Currie (10-‐12) IS 30 Lievrouw/Bay (2-‐4) Room121 Room245 Room 228 IS 228 Lynch IS 262A Borgman IS 227 Srinivasan 5:30-‐9:00 IS 279 Boyden MIAS 220 Friend 9:00-‐12:30 IS 270 Blanchette Srinivasan/Wood (10-‐12, MH 3027) 1:30-‐5:00 IS 234 Walter IS 280 Caswell IS 291B Srinivasan MIAS 210 Horak IS 433 Gilliland IS 289-‐1 Noble IS 281 Maack MIAS 230 Ross 9:00-‐12:30 1:30-‐5:00 5:30-‐9:00 W 9:00-‐12:30 1:30-‐5:00 5:30-‐9:00 TH IS 10 Noble/Currie (10-‐12) IS 30 Lievrouw/Bay (2-‐4) IS 20 9:00-‐12:30 1:30-‐5:00 IS 422 Lynch Wallis IS 434 Caswell Botello (1:30-‐3) IS 289-‐2 Gaffney IS 290 Lievrouw (3-‐5) 5:30-‐9:00 IS 139 (3-‐4:50) IS 239 (5-‐5:50) IS 20 IS 498 F Outside IS 461 Mendes Srinivasan/Wood (10-‐12, MH 3027) IS 180 Kelty/Didier (9:30-‐11:50, Public Affairs 2317) IS 298A Hansen/Vo (9-‐1, Moore 3030)
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