Research of Academic Sciences Journal. 1(1): 15-22, 2015 ORGINAL ARTICLE Effects of 3 weeks intensive training on the salivary testosterone and the mood profile of the adolescent wrestlers Luis Dalente [email protected] Faculty of Psychology and Education Science Porto Abstract:Control of the hormones regulating the training intensity could be studied in different ways. The salivary testosterone, cortisol and α-amylase are the hormones their level influenced due to the physical and mental stress. Previous studies indicated different levels of increase or decrease in such hormones following various levels of training. In psychological defining of these changes, there are contraindicating results indicating decline of mental health following higher secretion of such hormones or lack of mental profile changes. Considering the mentioned contraindications, the present study investigates the effect of 3-week intensive training on the salivary hormone concentration and the mood profile of the adolescent wrestlers. Fifteen adolescent wrestlers invited to the national team were selected by simple method (age range 151, 1). Saliva was collected from the study cases in 4 phases (the day prior to the beginning of the training, end of the 1st week, end of the 2nd week, and the day after completion 3-week intensive wrestling training). The cortisol concentration was measured using Immune tech kit with accuracy of 0.2 Ng/ml, for testosterone level, using kit made by Radium Co. with accuracy of 0.17 Ng/ml and of α-amylase, using the Radium kit with accuracy of 0.02 Ng/ml.In assaying the mood profile of the study subjects, thequestionnaire of mood profile (including 24 questions) which was introduced by Brahms was used, (α-kronbach=0.78). The ANOVA with repeated measure and t-test at the level of α=0.05 were used. The findings showed that participating in 3-week intensive training of wrestling has no insignificant effect on the salivary Hormones and also on the mood profile of the adolescent wrestlers. Considering the above mentioned data it could be concluded that the 3-week intensive training in the adolescent wrestlers has no effect on the improvement or decline of mental profile of the athletes and has no permanent influence on the hormone system. Keywords: frontier cooperatives, sustainable development of border areas Introduction: Physical activities and mental pressures in the life of individuals cause changes in hormone secretion and the enzymes regulating such activities,which differ depending on the type and intensity of the activities. Also control of these regulatory substances takes place in different ways (detection in saliva, blood or urine). One of these methods is using of the saliva biomarkers which draw the attention in the psychological and physiologic studies in the recent decades. Since measuring of free cortisol in saliva has been known as an effective factor in evaluating the structure and reaction of HypothalamusHypophysisAxis (1), but a proper brain adrenosympathetic activity biomarker in the saliva has not been identified yet. Recently the studies related to salivary α-amylase has been focused on studying the autonomic system activity of body whichis secreted in response to stimulation of neural transmitter from the salivary gland, and this secretion takes place after both sympathetic and parasympathetic activities (2). Testosterone is the main hormone present in the saliva with the main role in sympathetic and parasympathetic functions and its concentration changes in competition and facing the mental and physical stresses (2). 15 Research of Academic Sciences Journal. 1(1): 15-22, 2015 Elias et al. (1991) reported increase of testosterone level following collegial wrestling competition (3), but such finding was not reported in the study of Salvador et al. (1987) in the Judo competition. Hug et al. (2003) studiedthe differences of testosterone concentration in 6-week continued physical training. It increased in the first 3week,butthere was no significant difference in remaining three weeks (4). In the high physical stressactivities, it could be stated that, the study of hormone level and changes in the regulatory substances which are secreted in response to exercise stress, are very important and could be effective in studying the effect of training on the physical and mental systems of the athletes exposed to such stresses and present a guideline in regulation of exercise stress and/or using the mental stress reducer methods (5). In this relation, considering the features of wrestling exercises and also the physiologic and bodily features of the wrestling athletes,Study ofsecretion of such hormones is very important from the view pointof health, fitness, and the degree of the athletes stability and could be effective in the wrestlers’score in competition. The hormonal level in the adolescent changes more than others therefore alters the mental profile and mood of athletes in response to training which the rate and direction of such changes are less investigated in this age (27). Therefore, there is suitable context in studying the effect of intensive trainings on the salivary hormone concentration and the adolescent behavior profile. Numerous studies focused on the relation between hormones and behavior, aggression, gender features, and mood. Some of these studies stated that aggressive behavior due to competition and intensive training affects the hormone level (6, 7). On the other hand, one of the main components of competition is winning and losing. Misr et al. (1988) reported increase of testosterone concentration following non violent non competition activities for the winners and the reduction in the losers after competition (8). Also the previous studies have shown that, increase of amylase concentration is known as an index of autonomous activation. For example, evidence indicating increase of α-amylase concentration in response to stressors such as exercise on treadmill (9), being in pressure room (10), running (11), training on bicycle or being exposed to cold temperature (12) and continued intensive training football (13). Evidences indicate the effects of mental pressures (14) and applying of relaxation technique (15) on the salivary α-amylase. While increase of α-amylase following the physical activity is quite clear, but responses of this enzyme to the mental pressures are contraindicating (16). Studies indicate changes due to the effect of intensive activity on the testosterone and cortisol levels (17, 18, 19). But the psychological interpretations have shown the contraindicating results on the mental health reduction following more secretion of testosterone and cortisol and/or lack of hormonal changes (20, 21). Therefore, considering the fact that the applied studies on this context are not much extensive and not covering all aspects on the effect of intensive training and its mental changes, and qualitative studies on the adolescence ages in which role of hormones are more clear have not been done. Hence, this study have focused on the effect of 3week intensive training on salivary hormones concentration and the wrestler mood changes. Methodology: In this semi-experiment study, the subjects under included the adolescent professional wrestlers participating in national competitions. Fifteen of them were selected randomly. First comprehensive information about the stage of sampling such as, saliva collection and mood test was given to the subjects. Then after, a consent letter was obtained from them. Saliva was collected in 4 stages: the day before beginning of training, end of the 1st week, end of the 2nd week and the day after completion of training. The subjects were under intensive training 3 weeks; that included weight lifting to improve strength 4 sessions/week, 3 sessions/week running and training the wrestling techniques 10 sessions/week. Saliva was collected at the resting time in the afternoon (four milliliters per session), and 3 hours after the last session of training. The salivary cortisol was measured with ELISA instrument using kit made of Immuno tech Co. France, with accuracy of 0.2 Ng/ml, the salivary testosterone concentration with ELISA method using kit made of Radium Co. Italy, with sensitivity of 0.017 Ng/ml and salivary α-amylase concentration with ELISA using kit made of Radium Co. with accuracy of 0.02 Ng/ml. The mood behavior was evaluated by using the Brahms questionnaire (including 24 questions). The main objective of this test is conversion of the emotional and mood qualities to the quantitative data. The durability of this test was determined by α-kronbach in α=0.78. Statistical analysis The descriptive tests were used to study the changes of physiological factors. In testing of the hypotheses of the present study, firstly the analysis of 16 Research of Academic Sciences Journal. 1(1): 15-22, 2015 variance with repeated measurements was used to prove the significance, and in determining the difference in the mental profile test, the t-test was used (α=0.05). Also the SPSS software was used to assess all of the statistical tests. concentration and also, on the mood of the wrestlers (see table.4). As is observed in the fig.1, the salivary cortisol from the first day till the end of training did not show significant change (F2, 20=0.04, P=0.67). The salivary testosterone concentration during the intensive training period did not show significant change (F2, 20=1.65, P=0.216). In the study of the salivary αamylase concentration during the training period as is observed in the fig.1, there was not found significant difference (F2, 20=3.415, P=0.53). Also study of psychological indices did not reveal significant difference during the intensive training period, in a way that difference of none of the nervousness factors including anger (t21=1.192, P=0.24), disorder (t21=1.192, P=0.43), depression (t21=1.192, P=0.96), fatigue (t21=1.192, P=0.18), depression (t21=1.192, P=0.68) and feeling of strength (t21=1.192, P=0.54) prior to and after training period were not significant. These finding are given in the fig. 2 (also see table.3). Findings: As is given in the table.1 and table.2, the physiological index of the participants at the beginning of the training compared to the determined level at the above mentioned age range in majority of the cases was lower. After spending the training courses, this indices in more cases reached near to the standard levels. In case of the recorded 40-yard running and 49 meters running, the changes were significant. These findings indicate that 3-week intensive training had significant effect in improving the physical fitness in the athletes. The results of the inferential tests showed that participating in the intensive training sessions in the adolescence age has no significant effect on the salivary testosterone, cortisol and α-amylase Table 1. Description of body composition prior to and after the training course inelite adolescent wrestlers Mean Before After Standard criter ia Age 15 15 - SD ±1.1 ±1.1 - BMI 23.2 22.9 - SD ±2.05 ±2.59 - Fat% 9.1 8.7 8.5 SD ±2.32 ±1.98 - * is significant in α=0.05 Table 2. Description of Physiological indices prior to and after the training course inelite adolescent wrestlers Mean VO2 Max SD Before After Standard criteria 47.96 49.12 52.00 ±4.43 ±3.59 - Sit Up 1 mi n 53.60 57.21 60.00 SD 40Yard Running SD 4 9 Meter SD Squat SD ±6.13 ±4.79 - 6.01 5.45* 5.00 ±1.1 ±0.9 - 9.48 8.7* 8.00 ±1.5 ±0.8 - 112.38 124.7 125 ±15.48 ±11.83 - * is significant in α=0.05 Table 3. Average of Characters of mood profile prior to and after the training period in elite adolescent wrestlers Mean Anger Disorder Depression fatige Tension Feeling of strength Before 3.63 4.63 4.22 8.86 4.63 8.18 After 4.40 5.77 4.27 9.09 5.13 8.81 * is significant in α=0.05 17 Research of Academic Sciences Journal. 1(1): 15-22, 2015 Table 4. Salivary cortisol, testosterone and α-amylase changes during the intensive training period in elite adolescent wrestlers st Hormone Prior to SD 1 week SD 2nd week SD After training SD training period period Cortisol Testosterone α-amylase 7.69 82.3 98.81 0.75 0.89 1.35 8.05 0.76 7.82 47.87 1.2 52.2 46.87 2.1 81.1 * is significant in α=0.05 0.9 1.8 1.7 8.1 64.7 84.2 0.93 1.7 1.5 Fig 1. Cortisol, testosterone and α-amylase changes during the intensive training period in elite adolescent wrestlers Fig 2. Characters of mood profile prior to and after the training period in elite adolescent wrestlers 18 Research of Academic Sciences Journal. 1(1): 15-22, 2015 Discussion and conclusion: In some previous studies it has been stated that, the salivary hormones concentration changes differently due to competition and physical stresses. Considering the characteristics of the wrestling exercise and the physical fitness of the wrestlers, study on the changes of the above mentioned hormones is very important and could be important in ranking score among the wrestlers in their competitions (6). Reviewing these changes could be suitable mental makers for regulation of training intensity, and give a good feedback in optimized training activities to the coaches (5). The present study investigates the hormonal and mental changes following 3-week intensive exercise in adolescent wrestlers who work in the national level. In investigating the salivary cortisol concentration, findings indicated insignificant changes in the training period. It corresponds with the data given by Gonzales et al. (1999), Mccal et al. (1992) and O’connor et al. (1991), who indicated cortisol changes following an intensive swimming and basketball sessions (17, 18, 19). While it does not agree with the data given by Martin et al. (2000) in 6week bicycling training (26), O’dagiro et al. (1996) in long term strength running training (21) and the study of Azarbayjani (2002) during 6-week super league of basketball players (6). All of these studies indicate the increase of cortisol level in training period. Different factors such as changes of duration and intensity of exercise in this studyare the reason of disagreement. The type of exercises and the features of different athletic fields may be the effective factors of this disagreement. For example, endurance running and cycling in contrast to the wrestling are not the direct physical contact. Dawes (1996) stated that more intensive activity with longer time (80% maximal oxygen uptake) causes significant cortisol changes compared to activity at intensity of 40% maximal oxygen uptake (22). Hug et al. (2003) did not observe significant difference in the cortisol concentration in first 3-week of training, but it declined from the 4th till 6thweek of training (4). Sutton et al. (1975) showed that the cortisol responses in the trained and untrained individual were the same in the constant intensive training condition (23). In the trained athletes with the constant submaximal intensity training, increase of cortisol concentration was not demonstrated, while in the untrained athletes significant increase was observed. Bateub et al. (2002) noticed significant increase of cortisol level following the competition Rugby in the females (20). The obtained results in the present study may be due to high increase of cortisol concentration in the beginning wrestlers that reach to the constant level after some times and a type of adaptation takes place in an intensive training. In the study of salivary testosterone changes, the results did not indicate significant difference in this period. This result corresponds with the finding reported by Gonzalez et al. (1999), Mccol et al. (1992) and O’connor et al (1991) stating that the salivary testosterone changes after an intensive swimming and basketball training are not significant (17, 18, 19). It also agrees with the findings given by Salvador et al. (1987) who showed no significant difference of testosterone concentration prior to and after one professional Judo match (2). Hug et al. (2003) reported some increases in the first week and difference in the next three weeks following six weeks intensive training (4). Also several research studies reported different findings from the results of this study. Elias et al. (1991) revealed increase of testosterone concentration following collegial wrestling match (3). Misr et al. (1998) noticed an increase of salivary testosterone following nonaggressive competition activity in winners and its reduction in losers after match (8). Also Crystyansen et al. (1998) and Elias et al. (1991) stated the aggressive behavior due to competition and the intensive training are effective on the testosterone concentration (3, 7). Bateub et al. (2003) reported increase of testosterone concentration following Rugby competition without having relation with the loser and winner in the women (20). In a study on the effect of 7-week continuous and intermittent training on the salivary enzymes, Azarbayjani (2002) reported increase of testosterone concentration in the professional basketball players (6). Variation of training period, the training intensity, duration and training intermission in this study could be the effective factors that cause the disagreement of results mentioned in this study compared with the other studies. Studies revealed no significant changes of salivary α-amylase in this period. The data disagree with the results obtained by Nater (2004) while studying at different times, prior to and after exercise (16), even disagree with the results obtained by Chatterton et al. (1997) on professional troopers, prior to and after free fall (12). The reason of different findings could be attributed to the type of short term exercise in the Chatterton’s study compared with the long term training period in this study. The main finding of this study is insignificant difference of three mentioned hormone concentration changes. This is in contrast with the findings reported by Chatterton (1997) stating that these three mentioned hormone concentrations do not change during the training (12). The changes and the 19 Research of Academic Sciences Journal. 1(1): 15-22, 2015 quick stimulation in the chatterton’s study as compared with the present study is the reason of different obtained results. Finally, as shown in figure 4, the mood profile results showed that participants in a training camping of the adolescents national wrestling team do not have significant effect on any of the 6 subfactors of mood profile in the athletes. In the study of O’conor et al. (1991) on male and female swimmers, the intensity and volume of training during 3 days increased and the salivary cortisol, the mood characters and the muscular exhaustion were measured (19). Increase of training in 2 days was directly associated with mood changes and increase of mood disorder. The main effect of 3 days period was noticed in feeling of strength, fatigue and in all mood conditions, but anxiety, depression, anger and confusion did not change significantly. Findings showed that, the sudden increase of training is associated with the negative mood changes. This data did not agree with the present study findings. The main reason might be attributed to the type of exercise and/or the age difference between the university swimmers and the adolescents of the present study. In the study of Gonzalez et al. (1999), insignificant difference was observed between cortisol and testosterone response and the results of the match (winning and losing). The negative mood features significantly increased in the losers. Testosterone response had insignificant relation with mood changes (17). Also a study on the swimmers by Morgan (1998) showed that following the high volume training periods, sum of the mood disorder increases and the ice mountain profile (indicating the positive mood profile of the athletes) reverses (24). This relation was also observed between training volume and changes in the runners, rowers, speed skaters and wrestlers (25). Findings of this study are in consensus with the results given by Chatterton (1997) and Nater (2004) stating that salivary amylase concentration changes result in increase of stress and mood destruction in the athletes (12, 16). Because lack of change in these hormones was associated with the insignificancy of change of mood profile. Booth et al. (1989) reported significant increase of testosterone in relation withmood sub-factors of Judo player winners as compared with the losers, till hours after completion of the competition (26). Silva et al. (2008) reported improvement of mood status in the Brazilian football players following long term training despite increase of hormones (13). These findings correspond with findings of Morgan (ice mountain profile) stating that T score lower than 50 has improper mood profile and higher than 50 indicate the proper condition. As stated in the contraindicating findings, in some cases, changes occurred in the salivary hormones are in agreement with the mood changes of the athletes. Findings of present study confirm this correspondence Which state lack of salivary hormones changes confirm the stability of mood in the athletes. In all, it could be concluded that 3-week intensive athletic training has no effect on the hormone concentration of the elite adolescent wrestlers. These insignificant changes correspond with stability of the data obtained from mental profile testing. 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