FINM7007 Applied Corporate Finance Course Description This course focuses on tools and techniques used in modern financial management. Material in the course has an applied focus and is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills required for understanding, exploring and analysing financial managment issues. The course draws upon topical material in order to contextualise theoretical discussion, and present students with examples in practice. Semester and Year Course URL Mode of Delivery Prerequisites Course Convener Office Location: Phone: Email: Consultation hours: Bio and research interests Student Administrators Semester 1, 2015 On campus lectures, workshops and tutorials Completed or enroll in STA7055 and FINM7006; completed BUSN7008 or BUSN8181 Dr Xin Liu CBE Building, Room 3.63 02-6125-7370 [email protected] TBA Corporate Finance Ms Tracy Skinner [email protected] CBE Bld (26C), Room 4.50 1 | THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY COURSE OVERVIEW Course Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of the requirements for this course, students will be able to: Attain basic knowldege of some the key issues facing financial managers Develop proficiency in the ares of asset valuation and project evaluation and; Deepen their understanding of finance theory underlying financial management. Research-Led Teaching Students undertaking this course will be imparted with the necessary skills for industry based research. This will include involving students in critical analysis of industry based problems such as valuation, capital budgeting and risk assessment. Technology, Software, Equipment A non-programmable scientific calculator is a necessity for every enrolled student in this course. Requisites To enrol in this course you must have completed or be enroled in STAT7055, completed FINM7006, and completed BUSN7008 or BUSN8181. The assignment may involve the use of a PC or Mac computer. You need to be familiar with word processors and with spreadsheets (in particular Excel) Student Feedback All CBE courses are evaluated using Student Experience of Learning and Teaching (SELT) surveys, administered by Planning and Statistical Services at the ANU. These surveys are offered online, and students will be notified via email to their ANU address when surveys are available in each course. Feedback is used for course development so please take the time to respond thoughtfully. Course feedback is anonymous and provides the Colleges, University Education Committee and Academic Board with opportunities to recognise excellent teaching and to improve courses across the university. For more information on student surveys at ANU and reports on feedback provided on ANU courses, visit and 2 | THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY COURSE SCHEDULE Lecture: Monday, 3-5pm, Location: MCC T3 Workshop: Friday, 1-2pm, Location: MCC T2 Week 1 (Feb 16) Summary of Activities Introduction and Revision of Assumed Knowledge Investment Decision Rules Capital Budgeting: Fundamentals Equity and Debt Financing Activity Lecture Readings Notes Lecture notes 1 Ch 1, 3-6, 9, 11 2 (Feb 23) Lecture/Tutorial Lecture notes 2, Ch 7 3 (Mar 2) Lecture/Tutorial Lecture notes 3 Ch. 8-9 4 (Mar 9) Lecture/Tutorial Lecture notes 4 Monday-public Ch. 23-24 holiday, reschedule-TBA 5 (Mar 16) Cost of Capital Lecture/Tutorial Lecture notes 5 Ch. 10-12 6 (Mar 23) Capital Structure I: MM Lecture/Tutorial Lecture notes 6 Theory Ch. 14 7 (Mar 30) Capital Structure II: Lecture/Tutorial Lecture notes 7 Mid-term Taxes Ch. 15 Mid-semester break: 6 Apr to 19 Apr inclusive 8 (Apr 20) Capital Structure III: Lecture/Tutorial Lecture notes 8 Financial Distress, Ch. 16 Agency Cost, Trade-off Theory, and Information 9 (Apr 27) Payout Policy Lecture/Tutorial Lecture notes 9 Ch. 17 10 (May 4) Capital Budgeting: Lecture/Tutorial Lecture notes 10 Extensions Ch. 18 11 (May 11) M&A Lecture/Tutorial Lecture notes 11 Ch.28 12 (May 18) Corporate Governance Lecture/Tutorial Lecture notes 12 Ch.29 13 (May 25) Review Lecture/Tutorial Lecture note 13 COURSE ASSESSMENT Assessment Summary Item 1 2 3 Title Mid-Term exam: (optional and redeemable) Group assignment Final exam Value 25% (or 0% if not attempted/redeemed) 20% 55% (or 80% if midterm not attempted/redeemed) 3 | THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Due Date TBA TBA TBA Mid-Term Exam: total weighting 25% or 0% Duration – 1.5 hour (date: TBA) The mid-term exam is optional and redeemable. Specifically, if a student takes the mid-term exam, but gets a higher mark in the final exam, then the final mark will count for 80% of the assessment, while the lower mid-term exam mark will not be counted. The mid-term exam will be held in week 7. The exam is a closed-book exam with no formula sheet provided and will cover topics from week 1 to week 6. More details regarding the exam will be provided as the exam approaches. Group Assignment: total weighting 20% One group assignment will be given on lecture topics which enables students to apply techniques learned in the course to practical problems. In addition, it allows the opportunity for team work and tests the student’s analytical skills and writing capabilities. Group will be assigned by the lecturer and students are expected to collaborate with other group members to work on the assignment. More details regarding the assignment will be provided later. Only 1 copy of the assignment solution is required for each group at submission. No extension is allowed and students failed to submit assignment reports on time will be given a zero. In the report, please clearly cite any reference used in your assignments, reports and etc. Final Examination: total weighting 55% or 80% Duration – 3 hours (date: TBA) This is a close book exam and no formula sheet is allowed. The final exam is worth 55% (or 80% if the mid-term exam is redeemed). A mixture of theory and practical (numerical) questions will be asked. Students will need to review and revise all material (weeks 1-13) pertaining to the course. Students will be provided with further details regarding the exam as it approaches. The marking criteria will be based on model solutions and answers prepared by the lecturer. The final exam is designed to: (i) test the students’ understanding and comprehension of the course material; (ii) ensure they have obtained the learning objectives of the course. Results and Examinations Your final mark for the course will be based the raw marks allocated for each of your assessment items. However, you final mark may not be the same number produced by that formula, as marks may be scaled. Any scaling applied will preserve the rank order of raw marks and may be either up or down. READING LISTS Prescribed text: “Corporate Finance”, 3rd Edition, by Berk and DeMarzo, ISIN: 978-0-273-79202-4 Other Reading “Valuation – Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies”, McKinsey & Company, by Koller, Goedhart, and Wessels Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct: http://www/ Standards of Practice Handbook (pages 1-9; 49-68) http://www/ 4 | THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY TUTORIAL AND/OR SEMINAR REGISTRATION Enrolment in tutorials will be completed online using the CBE Electronic Teaching Assistant (ETA). To enrol, follow these instructions: 1. Go to 2. You will see the Student Login page. To log into the system, enter your University ID (your student number) and password (your ISIS password) in the appropriate fields and hit the Login button. 3. Read any news items or announcements. 4. Select "Sign Up!" from the left-hand navigation bar. 5. Select your courses from the list. To select multiple courses, hold down the control key. On PCs, this is the Ctrl key; on Macs, it is the key. Hold this key down while selecting courses with the mouse. Once courses are selected, hit the SUBMIT button. 6. A confirmation of class enrolments will be displayed. In addition, an email confirmation of class enrolments will be sent to your student account. 7. For security purposes, please ensure that you click the LOGOUT link on the confirmation page, or close the browser window when you have finished your selections. 8. If you experience any difficulties, please contact the School Office (see page 1 for contact details). 9. Students will have until the end of week 2 to finalise their enrolment in tutorials. After this time, students will be unable to change their tutorial enrolment. COMMUNICATION Email If necessary, the lecturers and tutors for this course will contact students on their official ANU student email address. Information about your enrolment and fees from the Registrar and Student Services' office will also be sent to this email address. Announcements Students are expected to check the Wattle site for announcements about this course, e.g. changes to timetables or notifications of cancellations. Notifications of emergency cancellations of lectures or tutorials will be posted on the door of the relevant room. Course URLs More information about this course may be found on: • Programs and Courses ( • The College of Business and Economics website ( and • Wattle (, the University's online learning environment. Log on to Wattle using your student number and your ISIS password. 5 | THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY POLICIES The University offers a number of support services for students. Information on these is available online from ANU has educational policies, procedures and guidelines, which are designed to ensure that staff and students are aware of the University’s academic standards, and implement them. You can find the University’s education policies and an explanatory glossary at: Students are expected to have read the Student Academic Integrity Policy before the commencement of their course. Other key policies include: Student Assessment (Coursework) Student Surveys and Evaluations 6 | THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
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