Choosing a Camera for Astrophotography Richard S. Wright Jr. [email protected] [email protected] WSP 2015 About Me 11+ Years with Software Bisque Graphics (OpenGL), Mac/OS X, Mobile (iOS/Android), Camera Add On Plug Ins. Imaging Nut Case/Evangelist Paramount MX+ (Pier and dome) Paramount ME 2 (Portable) Paramount MyT (on the go) DSLR & CCD (Mono & OSC) Astrographs & Camera Lens’s Image Gallery: Blog: Twitter: @AccidentalAstro My Gallery See, I do take pictures too. My Florida “Observatory” Just another day at the office… I’ve written “most” of the Camera Add on plug-ins, so I’ve access to a lot of different kinds of cameras, and of course I love to use them, and I “have” to use them for testing, etc. So this is a topic I feel pretty competent to be talking about. I’m not going to tell you which camera to buy, but rather I’m going to try and help educate you so that you can be more informed about camera technology as your shopping and evaluating your choices. Choosing a Camera Mono or Color? Sensor Size/Dimensions Cooled… how much? On Semi*/Sony/Canon Sensitivity/QE CMOS vs. CCD Noise Full Well Depth Brand/Reputation/ Reliability Blooming Back Illuminated Pixel Size *Kodak was bought by TrueSense, which was bought by On Semiconductor Bewildering… First Principles Noise & Signal What is an ADU Quantum Efficiency Full Well Capacity Pixel Size Blooming Science always trumps opinion… CCD or CMOS Hammering with a wrench, example of focusing on stars on the near side of a globular cluster. It’s all about the NOISE… THIS is the single biggest enemy to good images. Maximize Signal to Noise S/N Ratio The ONLY true objective metric of image quality* Lower the noise Raise the Signal EVERYTHING we do is aimed at increasing S/N ratio *Arguably contrast is of nearly equal importance… Camera, Optics, Mount… they all contribute to the S/N Ratio. When your selecting a camera, your trying to optimize this among other things. Contrast is easy to “fudge” in post processing, and is usually artificially tweaked anyway. It is also more dependent on your choice of optics than it is on the camera. Reducing noise without destroying data is a much harder task. Do Audio Demo… Analog-Digital Units ADU - a count of photons detected at the pixel level… sort of Gain - electrons per ADU - e.g. Gain of 0.7 e /ADU 1000 photons detected = 1428 ADU’s - Gain of 1 e /ADU is Unity Gain Typically gain is selected to spread photon counts across a full 16-bit range (0-65535) Quantum Efficiency (QE) How efficient at turning photons into electrons Not every photon is counted! Color Cameras often < 50% Mono cameras 60-80% (even with color filters) AntiBlooming - Back illuminated - 95%++ Pixel size also a factor in light gathering capability! Used with permission from Full Well Capacity How big is your bucket! Small Pixels have smaller capacity Large Pixels have more capacity This is why Gain is important How does this affect your image? Some Tiny pixels such as on the new Sony sensors are only 11,000 or so. Larger pixels such as on a 16803 have a FWC of 100,000. Linear Response? Used with permission from Blooming 100% Linear Response Slightly higher QE Back Illuminated non anti-blooming - Best you can do today Non anti-blooming… talk about a double negative! CMOS vs. CCD CMOS has faster readout/lower noise Ideal for video imaging Economies of scale re DSLR’s. CCD’s generally have better QE at UV and NIR wavelengths Both currently have good read noise characteristics for long exposure visible light use Practical Applications of what we’ve learned… Planets? CMOS Video. We are done, you can go now, thanks for coming. Color or Mono? Cooled or Not (DSLR)? Chip size/Pixel Size? What’s the deal with these new Sony chips? Color/Mono Tradeoffs Color is convenient Ideal for some situations Less sensitive - better suited for fast optical systems Mono is more work More versatile More sensitive - well suited for slow optical systems How do color chips work? They are really monochrome sensors with colored filters over the pixels Each 2x2 cell of 4 pixels is part of the “Bayer Array”. Typically contains 1 Red, 2 Green, and 1 Blue pixel. How do color chips work? Debayer, demosaic, colorize… all are interpolations Super Pixel - reduces the image by 1/2, one pixel per layer (green is averaged) VNG - Variable Number of Gradients - Best for astrophotography Bilinear - Works pretty well/ faster In-camera based algorithms, best for daylight (proprietary/ patented anyway) Raw data has this checkerboard type pattern. OSC CCD’s use this workflow. Some DSLR workflows hide this from you… come see me later for more details on that ;-) Multiband Imaging Red Green RGB Blue Multiband Imaging L (Luminance)RGB L contains all three (RGB) Much stronger signal Much better S/N Low resolution or quality RGB can be combined with with a high quality luminance Multiband Imaging L (Luminance)RGB L contains all three (RGB) Much stronger signal Much better S/N Low resolution or quality RGB can be combined with with a high quality luminance Multiband Imaging L (Luminance)RGB L contains all three (RGB) Much stronger signal Much better S/N Low resolution or quality RGB can be combined with with a high quality luminance Binning Sums neighboring pixels at readout 2x2, 3x3, etc. Brightens image Speeds up download Reduces read noise by 4x Great for short exposures of dim objects Loose spatial detail and resolution If your not read noise limited, why bother? Binning Which one of these was binned 2x2? One test is worth a thousand expert opinions. What is Narrow Band? Filters allowing only a “narrow” wavelength of light through Ha - Hydrogen Alpha OIII - Ionized Oxygen SII - Ionized Sulfur Nitrogen, Hydrogen Beta, others… Light Pollution Resistant Moonlight resistant (OIII not so much…) Weather limited imaging! Mostly Emission Nebula Star forming regions in galaxies (Ha) What is Narrow Band? DSLR’s Are Perfect for… DSLR’s Are Perfect for… DSLR’s Are Perfect for… DSLR’s Are Perfect for… DSLR’s Are Perfect for… DSLR’s Are Perfect for… DSLR’s Are Perfect for… DSLR’s Are Perfect for… Can also work well for… Modified DSLR The stock IR filter also blocks HA (red) Modified DSLR The stock IR filter also blocks HA (red) DSLR vs. Costs MUCH LE$$ Dual Purpose CCD Cooling/Noise! Best for long exposures Higher shutter speeds over full frame CCD* Monochrome/Narrow Band/RGB Competitive for short full frame images (sun, moon, milky way) Far more sensitive for dim detail (need shorter exposures) Simpler processing Better dynamic range Great/Ideal for wide field Non-Antiblooming are better suited for science Bigger Chips! For a color CCD, the only real advantage is the cooling hardware. Some DSLR moders make cooling boxes, and this does help. Advanced processors, separate out the color channels and process them individually anyway. Two advantages to blooming camera’s - linear response, and greater sensitivity DSLR imaging is a really good gateway to CCD. Starting with CCD is expensive, and it’s more work. Don’t start with the hard stuff. *Interline CCD’s have an “electronic shutter”, and can be very fast indeed. DSLR vs. CCD *Single raw 10 minute exposure @ f/3. No calibration, stretched only. Looking back, I think if I had calibrated the DSLR image, it probably would have come out a little better. Cooling Photo’s courtesy of Gary Honis: Cooling It’s all about da’ noise… All chips have “thermal signal”… dark current. Dark current has noise too, and this adds to your signal, making it noisy Typically, every 5 to 6 degrees -C, cuts dark current in half… and it’s associated noise. Cooled OSC Every major vendor offers a cooled OSC model of some type Some of the advantages of a DSLR REGULATED Cooling! Lower dark current/ noise Dark Libraries Don’t stretch your darks… Chip Size Full Frame (35mm) APS-C (cropped) Various CCD flavors Chip Size Pixel Scale How big are your pixels? e.g. 4.9 microns Compare to optics “spot size” Compare to seeing conditions (almost always the real limiting factor) Under sampling results in square stars Oversampling can be a waste Bin to reduce read noise or hide tracking problems Small pixels are not always better What you want is “Critical Sampling” Pixel Scale Compute Pixel Size Use TheSkyX ;-) Pixel Scale Compute Pixel Size Use TheSkyX ;-) Pixel Scale Compute Pixel Size Use TheSkyX ;-) Plate solve Pixel Scale Compute Pixel Size Use TheSkyX ;-) Plate solve Compute it! Pixel Scale Compute Pixel Size Use TheSkyX ;-) Plate solve Compute it! e.g. 4.54 micron pixels, 600mm scope… (4.54 / 600) x 206.3 = 1.54 arcseconds/pixel Pixel Scale Compute Pixel Size Use TheSkyX ;-) Plate solve Compute it! Spot size of your optic Published specs Rough formula (for diffraction limited optics) A = Angular diameter in arc seconds D = Diameter in mm Airy disk: Pixel Scale Sampling How many pixels for the smallest detail/star? Stars are round, not square Nyquist -> digitally sampling an analog signal. “2x or greater” - Critically sampled. *Star profiles are sinusoidal in nature… 3 is better. *Signals with sinusoidal components must explicitly be more than 2x sampled. Wait wait… what is your seeing? Remember, what’s your trade off for smaller pixels? Less full well, less sensitive, worse S/N Match camera to optic/ seeing Fast optics have smaller spot sizes Work great with small pixels Good S/N Slow optics/long focal length Don’t over sample the seeing (blurry mess) Larger pixels or binning necessary Match camera to optic/ seeing Fast optics have smaller spot sizes Work great with small pixels Good S/N Slow optics/long focal length Don’t over sample the seeing (blurry mess) Larger pixels or binning necessary e.g. For diffraction limited optics with sufficient spot size, say you have 4 arcsecond seeing… 1.3 arc second per pixel is sufficient. Match camera to optic/ seeing Fast optics have smaller spot sizes Work great with small pixels Good S/N Slow optics/long focal length Don’t over sample the seeing (blurry mess) Larger pixels or binning necessary You would need to have consistent, steady 1 arcsecond seeing & supurb optics to justify 0.3 arc second per pixel sampling. Match camera to optic/ seeing Fast optics have smaller spot sizes Work great with small pixels Good S/N Slow optics/long focal length Don’t over sample the seeing (blurry mess) Larger pixels or binning necessary Small pixels collect less light, so the S/N is going to be worse than for large pixels. This is why they are better suited for faster optical systems as fast f-ratios are inherently better S/N per pixel. Match your camera to your optic Small pixels work best with fast optics Large pixels work best with slow or long focal lengths Mono with filters beats OSC (one shot color) hands down, but can be compensated for with additional exposure time What’s a microlens? Catches photons that hit between pixels. Increases QE You want this Unless your doing UV… Image courtesy of QSI Computing Read Noise Take a BUNCH of bias frames (exposure length of zero) Stack them, use a rejection algorithm You’ve just stacked away all the read noise and are left with nothing but the fixed pattern noise (signal) from the chip. Computing Read Noise Compute the “Standard Deviation” of the pixel values (via PixInsight shown here) SD (Sigma) is the variation from the average… It’s a measure of uncertainty from pixel to pixel - the noise! All the SD of the clean bias tells us is relatively how smooth the chip itself is… and this is why we want to subtract bias frames anyway… Computing Read Noise To get the actually READ noise… Subtract the clean frame from any single bias frame Measure IT’s Sigma… tada - Read Noise for a single frame *You will need to offset the bias by some constant to avoid negative pixel values. Computing Read Noise Sigma is in ADU’s or may be “normalized” Normalized means values are 0.0 to 1.0 Just multiply by 65535 to get ADU’s. Multiply by gain to get read noise in electrons e.g. 0.0002562 x 65535 = 16.79 ADU’s of read noise. 16.79 x 0.3 gain (from camera specs) = 5 electrons read noise*… *Starlight Xpress Trius 694, matches camera vendors claimed read noise. Computing Dark Current Noise Ditto the Dark Noise Stack a bunch of darks. Subtract the clean bias Take any Dark and subtract the bias from it as well Now subtract the single dark from the dark master. Computing Dark Current Noise Ditto the Dark Noise Stack a bunch of darks. Subtract the clean bias Take any Dark and subtract the bias from it as well Now subtract the single dark from the dark master. I did this on a Sony 694, and found a 20 minute exposure had <1 electron worth of dark noise. Don’t Need No Darks? Dark current may not be uniform per-pixel Hot pixels just turn into cold pixels Cosmetic Correction (pixel interpolation) Dither - stack with a good rejection technique You do need a bias frame! Always calibrate with a Bias if your not shooting darks. RBI? 16803 is a very popular chip, and a camera using one should have RBI mitigation. Residual Bulk Image From “Residual Bulk Image Quantification and Management for a Full Frame CCD Image Sensor”, by Richard Crisp Residual Bulk Image From “Residual Bulk Image Quantification and Management for a Full Frame CCD Image Sensor”, by Richard Crisp For more in depth info on this topic… Photon Transfer James R. Janesick
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