Document 78574

Scotch Lamb
These delicious, easy to prepare recipes have been
selected to help you enjoy the fabulous flavour of
Scotch Lamb. Choose from casual lighter meals to
more formal dinners to enjoy with family and friends.
To make the most of the Scotch Lamb season,
make sure you only buy Scotch Lamb, simply look
for the logo.
Whenever you see the Scotch Lamb rosette and
PGI* logo, this guarantees the meat you are buying
has been born, reared and slaughtered in Scotland.
This ensures it has been produced to the highest
standards of animal husbandry and welfare in
Scotland’s natural environment.
For more recipes visit:
* Protected Geographical Indication
Rosemary roasted Scotch Lamb and potatoes (recipe in centre pages)
Recommended cooking
Cut of lamb
Cooking method
Leg - whole or half boneless Roast, 180°C, 350°F, Gas mark 4-5
30 minutes per 450g
plus 30 minutes (medium)
Shoulder - whole or
Roast, 180°C, 350°F, Gas mark 4-5
boned and rolled roast
35 minutes per 450g
plus 30 minutes (well done)
Half boneless loin
Best end neck
Loin chops Grill/Fry 4-6 minutes each side
Chump chops Grill/Fry 4-6 minutes each side
Leg steaks, gigot chops Grill/Fry 4-6 minutes each side
Cutlets Grill/Fry 4-6 minutes each side
Shoulder lamb cubed
Grill Fry 3-5 minutes each side
2-4 minutes each side
Cube for kebabs Grill
10-15 minutes turning
Note: Cooking times may vary depending on thickness of cut. The Food Standards Agency
suggest we limit the fat used in cooking. It is recommended to dry fry wherever possible.
Rolled Scotch Lamb shoulder
with basil and pinenuts
1.Preheat the oven to 220°C/Fan 200°C/425°F/Gas Mark 7.
PREP TIME: 20 mins
Place the pine nuts, basil, garlic and olives on a large
COOKING TIME: 1 hr 40 mins
board, then use a large sharp knife to chop them all
1 boned shoulder of Scotch Lamb
weighing 1.3kg/3lb
60ml/4tbsp pine nuts
50g/2oz fresh basil
2 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
75g/3oz pitted green olives
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
500g/1lb Charlotte potatoes
Honey and mustard Scotch
Lamb with haricot mash
PREP TIME: 10 mins
COOKING TIME: 15-20 mins
4 Scotch Lamb gigot leg steaks each
weighing about 225g/8oz
15ml/1tbsp olive oil
30ml/2tbsp wholegrain mustard
30ml/2tbsp clear honey
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
For the haricot mash
45ml/3tbsp olive oil
A sprig of fresh rosemary,
broken into leaves
1 clove garlic, crushed
2 (410g) cans haricot beans, drained
1.Preheat the grill to high. Place the lamb on a plate,
brush a little oil over both sides of the steaks and
season with a little salt and ground black pepper. Place
on the grill rack then cook for 6 mins until golden
2.Turn over the steaks and cook for 4 mins. Mix the
mustard and honey together and spoon over the steaks.
Grill for a further 3-4 mins or until the steak is golden
and the glaze bubbling.
3.To make the mash: heat 15ml/1tbsp of the oil in a
non-stick frying pan, add the rosemary and garlic and
sizzle for 30 seconds. Shake the bean cans well, then
open and drain, reserving 150ml/1/4 pt of the liquor
from the cans. Add the beans and liquor to the pan,
bring to the boil then simmer for 5 mins or until the
beans are piping hot.
4.Remove the pan from the heat. Now use a potato
masher to crush the beans to a lumpy mash. Stir in the
remaining olive oil and season to taste. Add a little
more hot water to thin the mixture slightly if you like.
Divide the mash between four warm plates and top each
with a steak. Serve with green vegetables.
Kcals Fat Protein Carbohydrate Sugar Salt
700 32.6g 74.4g 29.2g 9.5g 1.2g
Per serving, listed ingredients only.
2 red peppers, deseeded and cut into
2 red onions cut into wedges
together until you have a rough paste. Season with salt
and plenty of ground black pepper.
2.Unroll the boned shoulder and place skin side down on
a board. Scatter the basil paste over the meat, rubbing it
into all the crevices and cut surfaces. Roll up the
shoulder of lamb and tie it together with string at regular
intervals to make a neat parcel.
3.Place the lamb in the centre of a large roasting tin.
Roast for 10 mins. Reduce the temperature to 180°C/
Fan 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4 and roast for 40 mins.
4.Remove the roasting tin from the oven, add all the
vegetables and toss together until coated in the pan
juices. Roast for a further 40 mins.
5.Transfer the meat to a board and rest for 10 mins,
covered with foil. Keep the veg warm in a serving dish.
Kcals 411
Fat 22.4g
Protein 37.2g
Carbohydrates 16.2g
Sugar 5.4g
Salt 1.4g
Per serving, listed ingredients only.
Thickly slice the lamb and serve with the roasted veg.
Scotch Lamb Moussaka
675g (11/2 lb) lean Scotch Lamb mince
1 onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed
45ml (3tbsp) tomato puree
30ml (2tbsp) mint jelly
2 aubergines
75g (3oz) feta cheese
500g Greek yogurt
2 eggs
1.In a non-stick pan dry fry the mince for 4 - 5 minutes
with the onion and garlic.
2.Add the tomato puree and mint jelly. Season with salt
and pepper and cook for 2 - 3 minutes.
3.Meanwhile thinly slice 2 aubergines and lightly brown
on both sides in a hot frying pan (you might have to do
this in 2 or 3 batches).
4.Place half the mince mixture into an ovenproof dish and
top with some of the aubergine slices.
5.Crumble over the Feta cheese and cover with the rest of
the mince and the remaining aubergine.
6.Mix together the Greek yogurt with eggs and pour over
the aubergines.
7.Bake in a preheated oven for 30 - 35 minutes until
golden brown.
2 red onions cut into wedges
Rosemary roasted
Scotch Lamb and potatoes
PREP TIME: 20 mins
1 leg of Scotch Lamb weighing 1.8kg (4lb)
2 stems fresh rosemary
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
6 baking potatoes about 1.4kg (3lb),
1 onion, sliced
2 cloves garlic, sliced
15ml/1tbsp olive oil
450ml/3/4 pt lamb stock
1.Preheat oven to 190°C/Fan 170°C/375°F/Gas Mark 5.
Place the lamb on a board. Break the rosemary into
small sprigs. Use a small sharp knife to make incisions
in the lamb; poke a sprig of rosemary into each hole.
Season the lamb well with salt and pepper.
2.Slice the potatoes to the thickness of a one pound coin.
Place the potatoes, onion and garlic in a large roasting
tin season well and toss together. Shake the dish to
level the surface. Pour over the stock, then drizzle over
the oil.
3.Place the lamb on top of the potatoes, cover loosely
with foil and roast for 1 hour. Remove the foil and
return to the oven for a further 40 mins to allow the
potatoes and lamb to brown. This gives medium
cooked lamb or for well done cook for a further 20
4.When ready, remove the lamb to a carving board,
cover with foil and leave to rest for 10 mins.
Meanwhile, keep the potatoes warm. Carve the lamb
and serve with the potatoes.
Kcals Fat 701 23 g Protein Carbohydrate Sugar Salt
73.9g 54g 3g 1g
Per serving, listed ingredients only.
Kcals 413
Fat 23.3g
Protein 37.1g
Carbohydrates 16.2g
Sugar 9.6g
Salt 1.0g
Per serving, listed ingredients only.
Serve with a baked Greek salad - roast tomatoes, slices of
red onion and olives topped with crumbled feta cheese.
Tarragon and lemon Scotch
Lamb with spring vegetables
PREP TIME: 5 mins
COOKING TIME: 25-30 mins
4 Scotch Lamb gigot leg steaks each
weighing 225g/8oz
350g/12oz baby new potatoes
225g/8oz Chantenay carrots, trimmed
15ml/1tbsp olive oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Slow cooked half shoulder
of Scotch Lamb
PREP TIME: 10 mins
1 half shoulder of Scotch Lamb weighing
800g/1lb 12oz
2 lemons
650g/1lb 7oz waxy potatoes, peeled
1 onion, sliced into wedges
1.Preheat your oven to 200°C/Fan 180°C/400°F/Gas
Mark 6. Pare the zest from the lemons then thickly
slice one and squeeze the juice from the other. Cut the
potatoes into large chunks and place in a large roasting
tin along with the onion wedges, garlic and sliced
lemon. Pour over half the oil, lemon juice and wine (or
2.Place the shoulder of lamb on top of the vegetables,
then drizzle over the remaining oil, scatter over the
thyme, lemon zest and plenty of seasoning then rub
this all into the skin.
4-6 cloves garlic, unpeeled
3.Loosely cover the tray with foil, then put it in the oven
30ml/2tbsp fresh thyme or 10ml/2tsp
4.Reduce the oven temperature to 170°C/Fan 150°C/
10ml/2 tsp olive oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
300ml/1/2 pt dry white wine or water
and cook for 10 mins.
325°F/Gas Mark 3 then bake the lamb for 1hr 20 mins.
5.Remove the foil, baste the meat with the pan juices,
but don’t disturb the potatoes too much. Roast
uncovered for a further 1hr 30 mins until the potatoes
are golden and the lamb tender.
Serve the lamb with the potatoes, roasted garlic
and onions along with some green vegetables.
Kcals Fat Protein Carbohydrate Sugar Salt
525 19.8g 44.5g 32.3g 3.5g 1.3g
Per serving, listed ingredients only.
100g/4oz asparagus tips, trimmed
100g/4oz baby leeks, trimmed
1.Preheat the oven to 200°C/Fan 180°C/400°C/Gas
Mark 6. Place the potatoes, carrots and olive oil in a
large roasting tin. Season then toss together. Roast for
10 mins.
2.Add the asparagus, leeks and half the tarragon to the
roasting tin. Lay the lamb steaks on top and season.
Scatter the remaining tarragon, the honey and lemon
juice over the lamb steaks then roast for 15-20mins or
until the steaks are golden and cooked to your liking.
Divide the vegetables between four warm serving
plates and top each with a lamb steak. Spoon over any
pan juices and serve.
30ml/2tbsp chopped fresh tarragon
30ml/2tbsp clear honey
Kcals Fat Protein Carbohydrate Sugar Salt
585 23.9g 69g 24.9g 11g 1.1g
Juice of half a lemon
Per serving, listed ingredients only.
Cinnamon spiced Scotch
Lamb with apricots
PREP TIME: 15 mins
COOKING TIME: 35-40 mins
450g (1lb) lean Scotch Lamb (neck fillet,
leg steaks) cut into bite size cubes
2 tbsp olive oil
2-3 cinnamon sticks
2 onions, chopped
1 small green chilli, deseeded and
1tbsp Garam Masala or mild curry powder
(or to taste)
4 ripe tomatoes, chopped or 200g can
chopped tomatoes
200g (7oz) ‘ready to eat’ dried apricots
1.Place the cinnamon sticks and oil in a saucepan
and heat to release the spice’s natural oils. Add
the lamb and onion, cook over a high heat for 4-5
minutes or until the meat is well browned and the
onions lightly coloured.
2.Stir in the green chilli and Garam Masala and
cook for a further minute. Then add the tomatoes,
apricots and 150ml (1/2pt) water.
3.Cover and simmer for 25-30 minutes or until the
lamb is tender and the sauce reduced.
For a slow cook recipe, proceed as above using boned
shoulder of lamb, loin chops or whole lamb shanks,
cover and transfer to a preheated oven 170°C / Fan
150°C / Gas Mark 3 and cook for 11/2 hours or until the
lamb is tender. Check halfway through cooking and add
extra water if required.
Kcals Fat Protein Carbohydrate Sugar Salt
416 22.1g 26.2g 30.2g 27.3g 0.3g
Moroccan style
Scotch Lamb kebabs
Per serving, listed ingredients only.
PREP TIME: 5 mins
3.Cook under a preheated hot grill or over the coals for
300g (10oz) lean Scotch Lamb leg
steaks, cut into 2cm cubes
2 – 3tbsp natural yoghurt
1tbsp Harissa paste, or to taste
1 red or yellow pepper, deseeded and cut
into 2cm chunks
1 red onion, cut into wedges
1.Mix together the yoghurt and Harissa paste in a bowl.
Add the lamb, coating the cubes thoroughly.
2.Thread the lamb alternately with the peppers and onion
onto skewers.
10 – 12 minutes or until the lamb is cooked to your
liking, turning the kebabs occasionally and brushing
with any leftover marinade.
Enjoy the kebabs with simply cooked couscous, rice or
bulghur wheat – just add your own twist of ingredients –
chopped spring onions, cucumber, sultanas or chopped
dried apricots.
Kcals Fat Protein Sugar 403 15.8g 49g 15.1g Per serving, listed ingredients only.
Quality Meat Scotland
Rural Centre, West Mains,
Ingliston, Midlothian,
EH28 8NZ, Scotland.
Tel: +44 (0)131 472 4040
Fax: +44 (0)131 472 4038
Email: [email protected]
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a 100% recycled paper.
Campaign financed with aid from
the European Union.