THE BEACON “Making disciples for Jesus Christ to share God’s love.” Newsletter of Mt. Nebo United Methodist Church March 2015 groups.) If we only communicate with “insiders,” then we One of the most difficult aspects of human shouldn’t be surprised that often we don’t find new relationships is communication. Why is it so difficult to people becoming a part of what is going on in those understand others and be understood by them? The groups! If you are a part of a ministry group, you question is older than the Tower of Babel must find a way to tell your story in an engaging and the expulsion from the Garden of way that reaches the congregation as a whole. I Eden. Experience has shown us that too am not talking about just standing up on Sunday often we assume that other people should morning and making an announcement. (There know what is happening, even though we are at least three problems with that: 1) have not taken the time and effort to Everybody is not at every worship service – what about communicate clearly. If we are busy or preoccupied, we the folks that are not physically there to hear the rush to act and feel that taking the time to speak clearly announcements? 2) The more of those announcements and listen intently is an impediment. Then we often feel there are, the more people tune out and don’t hear them -‐ frustrated, or worse, that others don’t understand our there is a law of diminishing returns. 3) There quickly needs and wants. Once emotions, particularly negative comes a point when announcements and “commercials” ones, become engaged the process becomes exponentially take away from the worship experience.) more difficult as we begin to make assumptions (usually I don’t have the answer to this weighty issue. I only mistaken) about the motives and intentions of those who ask that you be more intentional about communicating in have not understood us! a way that can be heard and understood by as many When I was in the military, I worked in people in the church as possible. Resist the expedient communications and cryptography (codes). When an temptation to just inform the same “insider” folks you encoded message was sent, there was something called a always include. This is closely related to the problem of “check sum” that was generated as the last part of the having a core of burnt out people doing too much work, message. If the “check sum” added up to the and then wondering why nobody else will come forward predetermined value, you knew that your message had and help! If those outside of your automatic circle of “in been decoded properly. If not, then you got a “check sum the loop” friends don’t know what is happening and why error” that indicated that the message had not been it is important, then you shouldn’t be surprised if you accurately received and needed to be sent again. I have don’t get the response for which you hoped. While we often wished, over the years, that we had such a device in continue to look for multiple means of effective our everyday communications to indicate when we are communications (newsletters, social media, etc.) I not communicating in such a way that others understand suspect that the most effective means will continue to be us. personal contact – just be more intentional about As difficult as communication between two people regularly expanding the circle of those with whom you can be, communication amongst a group is even more are in contact! difficult and requires even more work. I have recently Grace and Peace, observed this problem in our life together as a Pastor Ray congregation. Too often we have not taken the time to communicate in ways that keep everyone “in the loop.” IN THIS ISSUE For instance, the Finance Committee has realized that we A Word from the Pastor/Job Opening Page 1 have not done as good a job as we need to in telling the Page 2 Worship Info & Thanksgiving story of the building fund – where we are and how we got Birthdays & Miscellaneous Page 3 here. The people on that team were intimately involved in Upcoming Events Page 4 Upcoming Events & VBS Page 5 the building program from the start, and sometimes have Campership/Finance/Youth News Page 6 failed to realize that there are many folks who have UMM/Easter Flowers/Family Fun Page 7 become a part of the life of the church in the last five UMW & VIM News Page 8 years that don’t know that story. Other examples abound Calendar & Church Info Page 9 of various ministry groups making decisions like cancelling or changing events and only informing those who are “in the loop.” (Here I am thinking of study groups, musical groups, youth group, and fellowship 1 WORSHIP INFORMATION & THANKS WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS FROM THE PULPIT “Journey of Stones: A Sermon Series For Lent and Easter” continues March 1 “Written In Stone” Exodus 32:1-‐24 March 8 “Rejected Stones” Psalm 118; Mark 12:1-‐2 March 15 “Sticks and Stones” John 8:1-‐12 March 22 “Upon This Rock” Matthew 16:13-‐20 March 29 Palm Sunday “Crying Stones” Luke 19:29-‐40 Lay Readers: Mar. 1 – Betty Lou Breeden Mar. 8 – Barbara Howard Mar. 15 – Sarah Ransom Mar. 22 – Shelley Breeden Mar. 29 – Karen Harne Children’s Message: Mar. 1 – Michelle Turner Mar. 8 – Jen Mohl Mar. 15 –Sabrina Blair Mar. 22 – Barbara Howard Mar. 29 –Debbie Roberson Greeters: 8:15am –Chris Atkins & Jen Mohl 10:45am – Bill & Joan Waters Hospitality: 8:15am – Ron Clipp 10:45am – Michelle Turner Acolytes: Mar. 1 – Joey Breeden & Kayla Turner Mar. 8 – Emily & Haley Himes Mar. 15 – Josh Mohl Mar. 22 – Cheyanne Newton & Aniiah Sweigert Nursery Attendants: Mar. 29 –Mia & Dylan Horton 8:15am: 3/1 Don D., 3/8 Micki P., 3/15 Beth C., 3/22 Jen M., 3/29 Don D. Ushers: Team 1 – Wetzel 10:15am: 3/1 Dianna B. & Sarah R., 3/8 Tamara W. & Barb H., 3/15 Ann W. & April G., 3/22 Katie D. Refreshments: Wanderer’s Sunday School Class & Michelle T., 3/29 Dianna B. & Sarah R. THANKS-‐GIVING FOR T HANKS-‐LIVING… Special thanks to everyone who prepared food for the S ouper Bowl, and very special thanks to everyone who donated money to support The Society of St. Andrew’s food gleaning projects. Thank you to our youth leaders, Jen Mohl and Sabrina Blair who accompanied the Y outh t o t he R OCK c onference i n Ocean City (in February!) Thank you Pastor Ray for leading us in a meaningful Lenten Study using Adam Hamilton’s book Making Sense of the Bible. Thanks to everyone who attended the Mt. N ebo Long Range Planning Day, and to everyone who worked to o rganize this event. 2 BIRTHDAYS & MISCELLANEOUS MARCH BIRTHDAYS 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 Anthony Hoffman Jeff Lee Terry Jones Betty Kitchen Greg McLean Dave Roelkey IV Charles Wade II Ruth Mullendore Ron Clipp Brian Reed Evan VanSteamburg Andrew Macomber 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 Alyssa Berg Joey B reeden Oneida Stevenson Bettie Hull Rachel Hardy Alma Eichelberger Courtney Tooley Joshua Decker Howard Long Chase McLean WITH SYMPATHY… Mt. Nebo would like to express its sincere sympathy to the family of Genevieve “Genny” Miller. Genny went home to be with the Lord on February 2nd. May God continue to hold her family in His loving arms during this time. WELCOME, LITTLE ONE… We would like to wish Wesley & Meaghan Collins and their family our congratulations on the birth of their new little one, Jameson Mark Collins who was born on January 30th. May God continue to bless little Jameson as he grows stronger each day. REMINDER Just a quick reminder that there are security regulations at Mt. Nebo. The only entrance to the building, from 6am-‐6pm, is by ringing the door bell and being “buzzed in”. During church office hours (Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9am-‐1pm) you can use the two entrances on the office level of the building. Otherwise, please use the Preschool entrance. On the weekend and from 6pm-‐6am you can use your code to enter the building at any entrance. Anytime you use the building, you are responsible to be sure that all doors are closed and locked when you leave. Thank you. The Trustees of Mt. Nebo UMC 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 Tony Basile Jarrod Goetz Amy Himes Tamara White Bob Walker Josh Kretzer Elizabeth Wolfe Ian Blair Richard Toms Bud Price Sue Kolkka Jeff Davidson Karen Shifler SCHLOSSER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Mt. Nebo is again offering scholarships for those that qualify. Applications are available on the bulletin board in the Gathering Room. Deadline for applications is April 1st. CONFERENCE SCHOLARSHIP The Baltimore-‐Washington Conference of the UMC has scholarships available. There are numerous types of scholarships to apply for. Applications are available from January 5th to March 5th through the conference website at UMW SANDWICH SALE The Methodist Women are having a sandwich sale to help with their missions and outreach projects. If you would like to order, please see the sign-‐up sheet on the bulletin board. Flyers are available for you to give your family and friends. You can order ham, turkey or roast beef for $3.00 or country ham for $3.50. th Deadline for orders is March 29 and sandwiches can be picked up at church on th April 9 from 5:30-‐7pm. Any questions, see Mary Ellen or myself. Betty Lou Breeden 3 UPCOMING EVENTS TRUSTEE’S WORKDAY EASTER BREAKFAST The Trustee Committee is holding a workday on Saturday, March 14th. There is a long list of jobs with a job for everyone. No special skills required for most of the jobs, so if you think that you don’t have what it takes to help on a workday, you are wrong! There are jobs as simple as sorting and organizing tablecloths, and then we need people to work on cleaning up the third floor. Everyone is welcome to join the men for breakfast at 8:00am, and there will be lunch served. Plan to work for a few hours or the whole day. Cindy Kauffman FREE COMMUNITY MEAL Mt. Nebo will host a Free Community Meal on Saturday, March 21st from 5:00-‐7:00pm. The menu will include pork and sauerkraut, potatoes, green beans, rolls, fruit cocktail and a variety of desserts. Please bring your family and friends and join us for a delicious meal. If you would like to help with setting up, working in the kitchen, serving, clean-‐up, or providing any food items, including desserts, please see the sign-‐up sheets on the bulletin board. For more information, please contact Micki Price at 301-‐834-‐4004. NEW WINDSOR – TIME TO “SERRV”! A group of Mt. Nebo members will be going to New Windsor to work at the SERRV gift shop on Friday, March 20th. We will leave Mt. Nebo at 8:00am and work until 3:30pm. Lunch is included for volunteers. We will be sorting and wrapping gift items for shipment to various gift shops like 10,000 Villages. If you are interested and have any questions call Katie Smith at 240-‐707-‐6044. DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME Just a reminder that Daylight Savings Time will occur on Sunday, March 8th. Don’t forget to “spring” your clocks forward one hour the night before! Each year the Wanderers’ Sunday school class organizes a breakfast to be held in the Family Life Center following the Sunrise Service and before the Contemporary Service. Everyone is welcome to attend. The breakfast starts at 7:15am. There will a sign-‐up sheet in the Gathering Room on the bulletin board if you will be able to help with the food. Please sign up for the item you will bring. Any questions, call Katie Smith at 240-‐707-‐6044. GADABOUTS MARCH EVENT Mark your calendars for Wednesday, March 25th to dine at the Shamrock Restaurant near Emmitsburg. Following our lunch we plan to tour the Mother Seton Shrine that is close by. The van will leave the church at 11:00am. Please sign up on the bulletin board so we can make reservations by the 18th. If you have any questions, you may contact Ann Wright at 301-‐791-‐1158. CHILDREN’S EASTER EVENT Volunteers needed for Rock n’ Roll Easter Event April 4th, 2014 from 3pm – 5pm We are in need of volunteers to help pull off another Rock n’ Roll Easter Event with an Egg Hunt. Last year was our first year with this kind of event. We were planning for around 70 children and ended up with about 150. We want to make sure that we are prepared this time. We would like to change it up a little bit with games and crafts and are in need of your new ideas. It will be held in the Family Life Center this year. THERE IS A SIGN-‐UP SHEET ON THE BULLETIN BOARD. I will be scheduling a meeting for the end of February or the beginning of March to get the ball rolling. We only have about 6 weeks. We are in need of donations of individually wrapped candies. A collection box will be located in the Gathering Area. If you would like to help, or if you have questions about this event, please contact Barb Howard at [email protected] or 301-‐606-‐ 7112. Barbara Howard 4 UPCOMING EVENTS & VBS INFO GADABOUTS The Gadabouts came together many years ago as a way for fellowship for the seniors of our church. This group is so friendly and open and enjoys any who can and would like to join for an outing to come and be a part of the adventures. We hope we have picked some activities that you would like to participate in also. A cold day in February but 13 of us made it to Airport Inn Restaurant and had a delightful lunch and fellowship time. The juices were flowing for ideas of places to visit this year and dates were decided for our calendars. We hope you see something that interests you in our plans below and you will join us on our adventures. th Wednesday, March 25 – Shamrock Restaurant and visit Mother Seton Shrine in Emmitsburg, MD Friday, May 1st – Washington County Playhouse to see “The King & I” (this is our April trip) Wednesday, May 20th – Madame Tussauds Wax Museum in Wash., DC Tuesday, June 30th – Totem Pole Theatre to see “Shenandoah” after dining at the Copper Kettle Restaurant Thursday, July 23rd – Road trip to tour Fallingwater, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright near Mill Run, PA Wednesday, Aug. 5th – Timbers Dinner Theatre to see “Say It With Music” Tuesday, Sept. 22nd – Rawlings Conservatory in Baltimore, MD Saturday, Oct. 10th – Murder Mystery at Mt. Nebo (This is open to the whole church to come to a catered meal and be entertained and surprised by the turn of events with this theater group. Mark your calendars!!!) Wednesday, Nov. 4th – Country Cupboard Restaurant and Shops, Lewisburg, PA for a meal and browsing Wednesday, Dec. 9th – Toby’s Dinner Theatre to see “It’s A Wonderful Life” Mark your calendars and join us for as many of these fun events as you can. May God bless us as we G·A·D·A·B·O·U·T!!! J Ann Wright ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING The One Great Hour of Sharing is the most widely observed special Sunday. It is celebrated on the fourth Sunday in Lent (March 15th this year). The gifts collected on this Sunday help the church to offer refuge and relief to some of the world’s most vulnerable people both in the United States and worldwide during times of distress. The donations received on this Sunday fund the administrative costs of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). Thus UMCOR directs 100 percent of designated donations given by us to the disaster response, humanitarian effort, or mission need to which we have given. Katie Smith VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL I am excited about our theme this year, “Everest: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power”. This theme has a lot of wonderful learning experiences for our children and the children of the community. Is there a better way to learn and have fun with our children in showing by example the stories of God’s Word? We will have a meeting toward the end of February, so we can get organized early. Please consider participating, as the more volunteers we have the better the program will be. We will be looking for folks to help with registration, to be climbing crew leaders (guiding the children from activity to activity), help with the opening and closing in the sanctuary, and to help with music, games, Bible expeditions, snacks, cinema and missions. THERE IS A SIGN-‐UP SHEET ON THE BULLETIN BOARD. If you would like to help, or if you have questions, please contact Barb Howard at [email protected] or phone 301-‐606-‐ 7112. Barbara Howard 5 CAMPERSHIP/FINANCE & YOUTH CAMPERSHIP INFORMATION NEWS come, first-‐serve basis, so get your applications The Methodist Church has two wonderful for camp and camperships in soon. camps. One of them, Manidokan, is near to us on To apply for a conference campership we need the Potomac River. The other one, West River, is to have everyone’s name and only one application on the Chesapeake Bay. To get information on request list sent in from each church. So, Mt. Nebo either camp go on line to will send in the list of applicants from Mt. Nebo on There are Monday, April 13th. Please contact either our opportunities for Camperships in three areas. church secretary, Patsy Campbell (office hours General Camperships are open to any camper and Mon., Tue., Thur., Fri., 9am to 1pm), or Katie range from $175 to $100. Hardship Camperships Smith, 240707 6044 if you have any questions or are available to campers who are eligible for if you want to sign up for a campership. Before School Lunch Assistance and range from $215 to you can sign up for a campership you must have $125. Finally there are Endowment Camperships submitted an application for a camp session these that are open to campers whose families are in the are available at greatest financial need and are receiving School Mt. Nebo has a limited amount of money for Lunch Assistance. These camperships are between camperships for campers from Mt. Nebo. If you half or up to the full cost of the camp session. are interested in a campership please contact Applications are accepted between March 1st and either Patsy Campbell or Katie Smith. June 15th. Camperships are awarded on a first-‐ CHURCH FINANCES As I was reflecting on budget for the church, I looked back on the history of our n ew addition. We have truly been blessed with so many faithful gifts towards this project! Total cost of the new addition started in 2008 and completed in 2009 was $2,587,041.00 Amount financed through a loan was $1,900,000.00. Current loan amount is (1,585,123.00) ============================================================================= WE H AVE P AID T OWARDS T HIS B UILDING $1,001,918.00 ! ! ! As we embark on a new year, we cannot forget our church mortgage and capital contributions to this obligation. The finance team has set a goal to pay off the loan in 10 years or less. Additionally, in the next year we hope to offer a broad range of resources on biblical stewardship, planned giving, budgets and finance. We hope to open doors to draw you in to learn what God’s Word says about money, gifts, and talents. You will never walk away feeling badly when you give with your heart in the right place. Edie Wennick, Finance Chairperson YOUTH “ROCK” OUT! Four Mt. Nebo youth attended the ROCK Youth Retreat in Ocean City, February 6-‐8 with over 6,000 other youth from the Baltimore-‐Washington Conference. The theme for the weekend was KFC (Kindness, Forgiveness and Compassion)! Our main speaker was Reggie Dabbs. He is a great speaker and connects with the youth wonderfully! It was a great weekend! Plans are underway to attend ROCK again next year. All youth in 6-‐12 grade are invited to join us Feb. 5-‐7, 2016! Jen Mohl 6 UMM/EASTER FLOWERS/FAMILY FUN METHODIST MEN NEWS Mt. Nebo’s men met for breakfast on Saturday, February 14. The fifteen men present feasted on egg casseroles, fruit yogurt, pastries, sausages and delicious grapes. Then we had a good discussion following Ron Clipp’s devotion centered on prayer. We discussed “Souper” Bowl Sunday – we collected $445 for St. Andrews. Our next major event is upon us; Potato Bar is on Sunday March 1, at noon. For those attending contemporary worship, please come back or stay at church for a tasty meal of baked potato with delicious toppings including sour cream, nacho cheese, chili, butter and broccoli. We also serve sweet potatoes with brown sugar, butter and other toppings of your choice. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are also on tap. Don’t forget to sample our homemade desserts. Your donations at the Potato Bar support the Society of St. Andrew, which provides food for hungry folks using farm produce that would otherwise rot in the fields. Our Methodist Men make a generous annual contribution to the Society of St. Andrew that enables them to glean and deliver of 85,000 servings to hungry Americans. Other upcoming events for our men include a workday at church following our next breakfast meeting on March 14 at 8am. Wives are welcome to join us for breakfast and the work day. Also, we will host the Mother/Daughter Banquet on May 2 and operate a food booth in pavilion 2 at Shafer Park during Green Fest on Sat., May 9th. We look forward to all of these events. Bruce Smith EASTER FLOWER ORDERS Easter flowers will again be available for purchase. However, we are increasingly finding that those with allergies are having more trouble with the smell of hyacinths and lilies in the air. Therefore, we will only have tulips, daffodils and hydrangeas for sale this year. Order forms will be available at church or by contacting Toni Wetzel at 240-‐217-‐1961. COME FLY WITH US… If you missed the first “flying lesson” in the Family Life Center, here are some pictures to show you what you missed. There are two more dates scheduled to fly some planes and helicopters – March 8th and April 12th from 2-‐4pm. If you have your own remote control units, please feel free to join us. If you don’t, we have plenty for you to learn with. For more info, please contact Steve Mohl. Fisher Garland (Peg & Chris McClain’s grandson) 7 UMM & VIM NEWS UMW NEWS On this very cold, single digit, morning, 8 of us gathered to have our postponed monthly meeting. Betty Lou opened our meeting with some thoughts on the “Modern Purpose” of UMW. She asked if anyone wanted to extemporaneously tell us their thoughts. (How is that for a new word?) Ruth presented the program “Valentine’s”. She told us some of the history behind the “Conversation Hearts” Kiss Me, Be Mine, Be True, etc. God leaves conversation hearts for all of us, each one sweet to the taste. “Sweeter than honey unto my mouth.” – Psalm 119: 103. The treasurer’s report was given and Katie read a few of the thank you notes we got for our various donations and funeral meal help. Old Business: The Family Banquet will not happen as there seems to be no interest. New Business: Plans for the Mother and Daughter Banquet are coming along nicely. The UM Men will cook our meal for us again this year. The theme: “Let There Be Bees On Earth……..A Honey Of a Banquet” – “More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb” –Psalm 19:10. Does that sound like fun? Many kinds of ideas are flying around! The date is May 2nd at 6pm, so mark your calendars now. We are thinking yellow and black décor, more on that later. Betty Lou has an Idea for a new craft to do for the November Bazaar. We will be working on that in the months to come. We are going to have a sandwich sale through 3/29; there will be a sign-‐ up sheet for that or talk to any member of the UMW to place your order. Ham, turkey, roast beef and country ham are the choices for sandwiches. Our next meeting will be Tues., March 17th at 10am. Come and join us for the morning. Mary Ellen Roelkey, UMW Secretary VIM TEAM NEWS NEXT MEETING MARCH 17th We just had our February meeting and the paperwork is in process as we prepare to go to New Jersey to continue to rebuild from Hurricane Sandy. The organization that researches the homes we work on, A Future with Hope, has several forms team members are required to complete. They include medical information, accident insurance, liability media waivers and a skill survey for each of us. There was a lot of paperwork swirling around the Gathering Room. The cost per person has been nailed down. Each team member needs to raise $230 or $420 depending if they serve one or two weeks. The daily rate works out to $46 as housing, food and building materials will be provided. If someone wants to go but the cost is an issue, we will find a way to make it happen. Several team members have in the past been able to raise money over the basic cost and that money is used to create opportunities and extra funds for the needs we see while at our work sites. A Future with Hope supplied us with a video pointing out the need for team members to listen to the homeowners as many time they need to share the experiences they had during Hurricane Sandy. This was good information for us as we tend to want to get as much work done as we can and miss the "Ministry of Presence". As team members we may be the only "bible" they will see, and we need to be especially sensitive to their need to share. We will be serving for two weeks leaving April 11th and coming back on the 25th. We have team members serving for the first week, the second week, for both weeks and, because trip is much closer than usual, some of the team will be coming for a few days when their schedule allows it. If you have a desire to join the "Tri State Hope Builders" please let me know. We can make it happen for you. Cliff Wright 8 MARCH 2015 Sun Mon 1 *12:00 UMM Potato Bar 6pm Youth *6-‐7:30pm Faith Weaver 8 2 6pm Bell practice 7pm Praise practice *6-‐9pm BB Wed 3 7pm SPRC *6-‐10pm BB 9 10 Daylight 6pm Bell Savings Begins practice *2-‐4pm 7pm Praise Aviation in practice FLC 6:30pm St. *6-‐7:30pm James Youth Faith Weaver 11am-‐2pm Senior Citizens 7pm Church Council *6-‐10pm BB 15 16 17 One Great Hour of Sharing 5pm Youth *6-‐7:30pm Faith Weaver TBA -‐ VIM Fundraiser at Dan’s Rest. 6pm Bell practice 7pm Praise practice 6:30pm St. James Youth 10am UMW **7pm Food Pantry Bd. Meeting 7pm VIM *6-‐10pm BB 22 23 24 *2-‐4pm Church Basketball *6-‐7:30pm Faith Weaver 6pm Bell Choir 7pm Praise practice 6:30pm St. James Youth 29 30 Palm Sunday 6pm Youth *6-‐7:30pm Faith Weaver Deadline for sandwich orders Tue 6pm Bell Choir 7pm Praise practice Thu 4 7pm Bible Study *6-‐9pm BB 5 7 *9-‐11am Gymnastics 13 19 7pm Choir practice *8-‐10pm BB 25 6:30pm 11am Preschool Gadabouts to Board Shamrock meeting Restaurant 7pm Bible *6-‐10pm BB Study 6 12 7pm Choir practice *8-‐10pm BB 18 7pm Bible Study Sat **1pm Micah’s Backpack 10am News. Mtg. 7pm Choir practice *6-‐10pm BB *6-‐9pm BB 11 7pm Bible Study Fri 14 8:00am UMM 9am-‐3pm Trustees’ Workday 9-‐11am Gymnastics *1-‐6pm FLC in use 20 21 8am-‐3:30pm *9-‐11am SERVV at Gymnastics New *5-‐7pm Windsor Comm. Meal 26 27 28 7pm Choir *8-‐10pm BB *9-‐11am Gymnastics *FLC (Family Life Center) **Trinity Lutheran BB – Basketball 31 *6-‐8pm BB Church Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Friday – 9am-‐1pm Office Phone: 301-‐432-‐8741 Mt. Nebo email: [email protected] Website: Sunday Event Times: 8:15am Contemporary 9:30am Sunday School 10:45am Traditional Worship Pastor: Dr. Ray Roberson Phone: 301-‐791-‐0205 9 Mt. Nebo United Methodist Church 134 S. Main Street Boonsboro, MD 21713 Change Service Requested HOLY WEEK SERVICES Thursday, April 2nd Maundy Thursday Service 7:00pm at Mt. Nebo Friday, April 3rd Good Friday Service 7:00pm at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church (Keedysville) Sunday, April 5th Easter Sunday 6:45am Sunrise Service 7:15am Easter Breakfast 8:15am Contemporary Worship 9:30am Sunday School 10:45am Traditional Worship
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