YESHIVA DERECH HATORAH FAMILY ALBUM VOLUME 9 NUMBER 19 FEBRUARY 27, 2015 CANDLE LIGHTING 5:25 PM 8 ADAR 5775 Dvar Torah— Megillat Esther Mark your calendar! G. O. Melava Malka “Mystery & Illusion”Show Laser-Tag Maze This Motzei Shabbat Parshat Tetzaveh, 2/28 Super Raffle 2015 1st Prize— XBOX One 2nd Prize— Beats Headphones 3rd Prize— $50 Gift Card See flier attached **** This Sunday, 3/1 NO CLASSES **** Tuesday, 3/3 Science Expo 2015 (Grades 5-8) Parents invited **** Wednesday, 3/4 Taanit Esther FRIDAY SCHEDULE **** Thursday-Sunday, 3/5-3/8 Purim/Shushan Purim NO SCHOOL Upon hearing Haman’s and Achashverosh’s evil decree to annihilate the Jewish people, Mordechai immediately donned sackcloth and cried out to Hashem, imploring Him to save the Jews from extermination. One can easily imagine the urgency that gripped Mordechai as he beseeched Hashem to rescue His chosen people. Haman’s “final solution”is now law, and the Jewish nation is doomed. Mordechai’s fervent, heartfelt t’fillot arose to the heavenly throne. There is clearly only one to turn to: Aveinu She’ba Shmayim. Yet, suddenly the tide begins to turn, and one sleepless night Achashverosh is reminded of the courageous deed that saved the King’s life. Haman, of all people, is forced to bathe, groom, dress and parade this hated enemy, Mordechai, through the streets of Shushan on the Royal horse and proclaim Mordechai’s greatness. Mordechai’s fortune and that of the Jewish people is on the rise, and Haman’s future is ominous and foreboding. With the tables turned dramatically, and where a bright ray of hope now shines where gloom used to be, what does Mordechai do? “And Mordechai returns to the gate”(Esther 6:12). Mordechai did not become more secure in his new glory, nor did he lower the intensity of his t’fillot to Hashem. Can a person who has received a clear sign of victory through divine intervention still maintain the same feeling of desperation and pain that he previously experienced in the darkest, bleak moments of his life? Besides the natural emotional tendencies of the human being to relax and feel secure once things seem to be “in the bag”, there is an intellectual argument to consider. Does one really need to pray with such fervor once he sees the beginning of his redemption? Does a sick person need to pour his heart out in prayer even after he has recovered? From Mordechai we see the proper approach to t’fillah. No matter how secure one feels, no matter how healthy, successful, strong, and blessed we may be, we should not feel different than the desolate and desperate person. Our prayers should reflect the appreciation that the happiness we enjoy every second of our lives depends on the constant infusion of Hashem’s kindness and compassion. Nothing can be taken for granted, even the breath of life itself. It was Mordechai’s understanding of this truth that enabled him to return to his t’fillot with the same intensity and urgency as before. If we realize our complete dependency on our Creator, and that the continual flow of Hashem’s mercy sustains us with kindness even when we don’t deserve it, this will elevate our t’fillot to the level of Mordechai’s. A Freilichin Purim to the Entire YDH Family! From the Desk of Mrs. Sima Schulgasser, Early Childhood Coordinator With Purim just around the corner, our Pre-School children are learning the laws and Minhagim of this special Chag. The children know the story and songs and revel in singing the songs and listening to the Purim tale again and again. In celebration of Purim, the Pre-School took a trip to Bounce U, where they had a fantastic time climbing, jumping and romping on all the equipment this unique gym has to offer. Our Pre-School joined in the Yeshiva’s Carnival orchestrated by our Eighth Graders. The children enjoyed the booths, the Bounce and Shoot, and, of course, the nosh provided. A school Purim Masquerade and party is planned for the week of Purim, with music, stories, nosh and music with dancing all on the agenda. And then, before we know it, we are on to Pesach; hard to believe how the year is flying by! PLEASE NOTE !! We turn our clocks ahead 1 hour to Daylight Savings Time on Sunday, March 8, 2015. Please be advised that the YDH Calendar, however, does not reflect this change until a few weeks later. Please adjust your calendars accordingly for Shabbat candle lighting and Havdalah. From Rabbi Rosenblatt, 8th Grade Rebbi With Purim round the corner, there is simcha in the 8th Grade Class. This past Shabbat, the 8th Graders enjoyed their Shabbatone. From swimming on Friday, to visiting Rabbi Chanales on Motzei Shabbat, the fun never stopped. We were privileged to hear Divrei Torah from Rabbi Grossberg (Friday Night), and Rabbi Milstein (Shalos Seudas). The boys made a great Kiddush Hashem wherever they went, and the memories will stay with us. B”H, we have accomplished so much this year. We have finished the First Perek in Makos and are well into the Second Perek. All Rashis and many Tosfot are also covered. We have also finished Parshat Kedoshim, nearly half of the 39 Melochos Shabbat, and half of Melachim Alef. I am proud of what we have done this year, and I look forward to continued success with my nearly graduating (oh, my!) 8th Graders. “Talmid HaShavuah”- Terumah Grade 1 — Grade 2 — Grade 3 — Grade 4 — Grade 5 — Grade 6 — Grade 7 — Grade 8 — Yaakov Yoel Fridman, Shaya Dov Genut Shmuel Hofman, Avi Simon Yakov Bentsur, Eliav Samouha Yehuda Leib Gelfand Emanuel Slater Omer Kopolovitch, Rafi Rosenberg Joshua Ebbin, Eli Rosenbaum Abba Levy, Elimelech Stevens “Student of the Week”- 2/16-2/20 Grade 1 — Shaya Dov Genut Grade 2 — Ryan Sztulwark Grade 3 — Dovi Rosenberg Grade 4 — Meir Hagbi Grade 5 — Shaul Zaga Grade 6 — Boruch Deutsch (ELA), Yisroel Hochman (Sci.) Grade 7 — Jack Mosseri (ELA), Joshua Blumkin (Sci.) Grade 8 — Yehoshua Luxenberg (ELA), David Schildkraut (Sci.) “Talmid HaChodesh”- Shevat Grade 1 — Ariel Cahane, Morris Haibi Grade 2 — Meedor Berkovitch, Yitzchak Yechiel Brand Grade 3 — Adam Cohen, Mordechai Golshan, Ari Rosenberg, Yecheskel Silverstein Grade 4 — Yitzchak Eliezer Grade 5 — Abie Moskovitz Grade 6 — Menachem Shtaynberger Grade 7 — Eli Rosenbaum Grade 8 — Yaakov Schlamowitz M Grade 1 — Grade 2 — Grade 3 — Grade 4 — Grade 5 — Grade 6 — Michael Abergil, Avraham Soussan Avigdor Michoel Berkovitch Joseph Naim, Yecheskel Silverstein Gavriel Friedman, Liran Malkoukian Mathew Amar Netanel Sabo Mazal Tov !! azal Tov to our own YDH Maintenance Manager, Mr. Yehuda Vayner, upon becoming a United States Citizen !! On Monday, some 8th graders and the 9th grade enjoyed a game of basketball at Aviator. They then had a class on women’ s obligation or lack thereof in the of remembering . It was then capped off with a pizza lunch. On Tuesday, the High School enjoyed a beautiful skiing trip to Camelback Mountain Resort. The trip was greatly enhanced by travelling in a coach bus. Thank you to the school and an anonymous donor for sponsoring the bus. Thank you to Mr. Barnett for coming along and showing us what real skiing is. During the past couple of weeks, YDHHS students have experienced two very emotionally charged educational events First, we merited to hear from Mrs. Tzipora Weiss, an Auschwitz survivor. Mrs. Weiss enthralled the students for nearly two hours with her miraculous stories of survival against all odds. She detailed for us her life before World War 2, the suffering and destruction during the Holocaust, and her family’ s growth in America following the war. The entire student body was spellbound and greatly uplifted by her story. Second, we travelled to the new 9/11 Memorial Museum in lower Manhattan. The museum’ s excellent presentation of the history of the World Trade Center, from it’ s construction to tragic destruction, moved all of the students. Some were even teary eyed. Thank you to the chaperones –Mr. Epstein, Mr. Zucker, and Rabbi Ungar. The school was also joined by YDH President Jake Abilevitz and our Executive Director Joel Weisblum. MAZAL TOV!!! All Talmidei HaChodesh, Mitpalilei HaChodesh and Minyannaires: Bring your bathing suit and towel on Friday, February 27th for swimming!! Grade 2-8 Students and Families are invited to: The Annual YDH G.O. Melaveh Malka Extravaganza (...Of the kids… For the kids…By the kids…) “Come Celebrate Mystery & Illusion!!!! February 28, 2015 8:15 PM in the Hoffman Auditorium Divrei Torah… Music: Our Very Own Mr. Solomon & Rabbi Warsawsky… Cuisine: Nosh...Sushi...Egg Rolls...Ice Cream!!! Entertainment: Sam Jacobs, Master Magician, Illusionist, & Mentalist will read your mind... Levitate you... and Cut you in Half!!! Fun Activity: Laser-Tag Maze Competition Admission: $20 “before” Thursday 2/26 (Free raffle ticket included) $25 “at the door”... (15% discount family of 3+) Super Raffle ‘15 Tickets: $1 buys 1 ticket, $5 buys 6, $10 buys 14, and $20 buys 32 !!! Prizes: 1st Prize - XBOX One Game Console!!! 2nd Prize-Beats Headphones !!! 3rd Prize - $50 Visa Gift Card !!! Continue to send in your box tops for education. Put them in an envelope with your grade listed on it and have it sent to the Library! You can find box tops on Kleenex tissues and cereal in addition to many other products. Thank you for supporting our school and thank you Morah Shelly for your help in coordinating this project. Lillian Eliezer and Malka Husarsky YDHWO Presidents YESHIVA DERECH HATORAH WOMEN’S ORGANIZATION Thank you for your interest in the YDHWO. The Executive Board members are happy to welcome new volunteers and we are interested in hearing your input. Please complete the following information. Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ What grades are your children in? _____________________________________________________ Are you interested in becoming a class mother? __________________________________________ Email address: ____________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: ________________________________________________________________ When are you available to volunteer? __________________________________________________ Which projects are you interested in? (Circle all that apply.) Please note that some have daytime commitments while others have evening commitments. Chanukah Boutique Mishloach Manot Mother’ s Day Flowers Plant Sale Grade – Specific events BINGO End-of-the-year Event Father’ s Day gifts Supperette Would you be interested in sponsoring any program? ____________________________________ Do you have any goods or services you would be willing to donate? ______________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any suggestions for other programs? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________ We are always interested in hearing your suggestions and we look forward to greeting you personally at our next event. YESHIVA DERECH HATORAH WOMEN’S ORGANIZATION Dear Parents: To facilitate the ordering of Chessed Dollars, we would appreciate your using this order form. It should be sent with your son or mailed back to Mrs. Sima Sabo (1st floor office), or you may email her at [email protected]. We will have your order for next-day pick-up. Special orders (over) may take up to a week. Listed below are the gift certificates which are always available. Please indicate the amounts you are ordering next to each one. Payments by check (made payable to YDHWO) must be enclosed. If you are paying by cash, you must pay at time of receipt. Thank you. DERECH HATORAH WOMEN’ S ORGANIZATION CHESSED $ _______ SHOPRITE _______ WALDBAUMS _______ PATHMARK _______ HOME DEPOT _______ OLD NAVY _______ BARNES & NOBLE _______ TOYS R US _______ MACYS _______ FOOD BASICS _______ STOP & SHOP _______ METRO CARDS _______ ($19.05 OR $38.10) STAMPS _______ (SHEET OF 20 FOR $9.20) SPECIAL ORDER: ___________________ _______ ___________________ _______ ___________________ _______ _______ TOTAL NAME _________________________________CLASS___ TEL. # ___________DATE _________ Special Order YESHIVA SHOP GIFT CERTIFICATES 5 Banana Republic Baskin Robbins Bloomingdale’s J C Penney Kay Bee Toys K-Mart Loehmann’s Marshall’s Payless Shoes Saks Fifth Avenue Sterns Syms T J Maxx 10 20 25
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