Research co-sponsored by 2015 State of Modern Motherhood Report Highlights Email [email protected] for the full report Methodology Qualitative Research IN-PERSON Friendship Groups • Moms 21-32 by stage • 1st time pregnant • 1st time mom • Experienced moms, 2+ children • San Diego & Chicago • Sept. 2014 ONLINE Longitudinal Discussion Group • 7 month journey; from month 6 of pregnancy to baby 3 months old • First-time moms • Millennials,18-32 • 25 moms participated Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom® Insight Series: 2015 State of Modern Motherhood Report, co-sponsored by the IAB, February 2015. Methodology Primary and Secondary Research In-depth Survey Global Motherhood survey fielded via BabyCenter’s 21st Century Mom® Panel & sites • 8,000+ moms globally • 2,700 US moms • Other markets: Brazil, Canada, China, UK, US Hispanic 3rd Party Sources • • • • Population estimates Spending power Financial health Media habits Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom® Insight Series: 2015 State of Modern Motherhood Report, co-sponsored by the IAB, February 2015. Moving Millennials into Motherhood Average age of a US first time mom: 25.8 Nearly 4MM births a year in the US – 83% of new moms are Millennials, 18-32 Worldwide, 8 in 10 births are to Millennials – over 100MM globally each year Sources: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom® Insight Series: 2015 State of Modern Motherhood Report, co-sponsored by the IAB, February 2015. CIA World Fact Book, 2014. CDC, final birth data for 2013. Fundamental Values Change in Motherhood Q: What were your top 5 most important goals and aspirations, before and after becoming a mom? 87% Millennial Moms 76% 80% 60% 33% Becomes less important 21% Time with friends Career Fashion Hobbies Romance Fitness Time for self Healthy lifestyle -24% -37% Financial Time with Marriage/ Raising security family Relationship healthy child -24% -34% -45% -52% -58% Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom® Insight Series: 2015 State of Modern Motherhood Report, co-sponsored by the IAB, February 2015. Becomes more important Child’s well-being Becoming a mom does not make a millennial less of a millennial. Motherhood may change her priorities, but she’s still a digitally savvy consumer. Ongoing Reliance on Her Digital Toolbox Q: How often do you use these resources for parenting-related information? (% using weekly or more often) Millennial Moms Expert advice on parenting websites 49% Your/Your partner’s mom 48% Other parents on parenting social media 32% Mom Blogs 32% Parenting/Baby Apps 31% Other parents on mainstream social media 23% Healthcare providers 22% Books 21% of first time moms use mom blogs weekly or more often Digital Non-Digital Online videos 15% Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom® Insight Series: 2015 State of Modern Motherhood Report, co-sponsored by the IAB, February 2015. 41% Her Changing Purchase Criteria Requires a New Approach For Marketers Q: Which of these criteria are important when making everyday purchases? (select all that apply) Millennial Moms 77% Safety Convenient to purchase 65% Brands that provide good value 64% Good product reviews online Products that simplify my life Recommended by other parents 60% 57% Compared to 2013, among Millennial Moms: Good value -26% less important (economy improving) 51% Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom® Insight Series: 2015 State of Modern Motherhood Report, co-sponsored by the IAB, February 2015. BabyCenter 21st Century Mom® Millennial Mom Report, 2014 Motherhood Sparks New Brand Choices Q: Since becoming a mom, have you changed your purchase criteria across these categories? Percent of moms who changed criteria 63% Groceries/Food/Bev 52% Cleansers/Detergent 48% Personal Care/Cosmetics 42% Financial Services 41% Apparel/Accessories/Shoes 35% Consumer Electronics $13,127 The average amount moms spend on a child annually Sources: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom® Insight Series: 2015 State of Modern Motherhood Report, co-sponsored by IAB, February 2015. BabyCenter Cost of Raising a Child Report, 2014. BabyCenter First Year Cost Calculator, 2015. Mom’s Brand Choices Change, Globally Q: Since becoming a mom, have you changed your purchase criteria across these categories? Millennial Moms US International 70% 63% 50% 48% 52% 35% Groceries / Food / Bev Brazil Consumer Electronics Personal Care / Cosmetics Canada China Sources: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom® Insight Series: 2015 State of Modern Motherhood Report, co-sponsored by IAB, February 2015. BabyCenter Cost of Raising a Child Report, 2014. BabyCenter First Year Cost Calculator, 2015. Her Tech and Media Habits Change Q: Do you have any of the following devices or services? 2013 2014 Millennial Moms -28% 90% 81% 94% 83% +28% 57% 47% -21% Laptop/PC Tablet of Millennial Moms own a smartphone and a tablet (+33% YOY increase) 53% 55% 25% Smartphone 53% Streaming TV subscription 18% Landline phone 16% 18% 12% 13% Internet TV Mobile device health/fitness tracker Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom® Insight Series: 2015 State of Modern Motherhood Report, co-sponsored by the IAB, February 2015. BabyCenter 21st Century Mom® Millennial Mo m Report, 2014. Motherhood Makes Mobility and Time-Shifting Media-Musts Q: How has your use of each of these changed since becoming pregnant/a mom? Millennial Moms 25% Using less Laptop/PC Cable/TV Cable TV 63% 29% 30% Tablet Streaming TV 15% TiVo / DVR Streaming Radio Using more -32% -57% Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom® Insight Series: 2015 State of Modern Motherhood Report, co-sponsored by the IAB, February 2015. Smartphone Mom is Consuming Content On Her Own Schedule Q: What’s your position when it comes to paying for satellite or cable TV? Millennial Moms 34% 48% Do not have cable/ satellite TV 18% Wouldn’t consider cancelling Considering cancelling 28% 20% Subscribed before but cancelled Never subscribed Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom® Insight Series: 2015 State of Modern Motherhood Report, co-sponsored by the IAB, February 2015. Compared to Gen X Moms, Millennial Moms are 2x more likely to be “cord-nevers” Millennial Moms Are Spending More Time With Media, Thanks to Mobile Q: In a typical day, how many hours do you spend with the following media? Millennial Moms 8.3 hrs Online on tablet Online on smartphone Streaming to TV Online on laptop/PC Radio/Streaming Print TV 0.5 0.5 1.7 2.3 0.7 0.6 1.7 2.1 0.8 0.2 1.3 2.3 2.3 35% more time on a smartphone than on their PC/laptop 1 in 3 Moms say they use their cable TV subscription less now that they are a mom 0.2 2013 Moms spend 8.9 hrs 2014 Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom® Insight Series: 2015 State of Modern Motherhood Report, co-sponsored by the IAB, February 2015. BabyCenter 21st Century Mom® Millennial Mom Report, 2014. Smartphones Go Shopping With Mom Q: How do you use your smartphone when in-stores or out shopping? (among those who use their phone when out shopping) Millennial Moms 8 in 10 use their phone while shopping in-store Search for/download mobile coupons 62% Search for better prices elsewhere 51% Search for recipes 51% Text photos or videos to other people to ask for opinions 46% Search for or read product reviews 44% Make online purchases of products you see in store Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom® Insight Series: 2015 State of Modern Motherhood Report, co-sponsored by the IAB, February 2015. 17% Online Product Reviews Influence Her Purchasing Decisions Q: Where do you read product reviews for baby or children products? (select all that apply) 9 in 10 say product reviews are very influential on purchases of baby or children’s products Millennial Moms 68% Amazon Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom® Insight Series: 2015 State of Modern Motherhood Report, co-sponsored by the IAB, February 2015. 63% 53% 52% Other retailer BabyCenter BabyCenter websites Community Products & (e.g., Target, Gear Walmart) Go Digital To Get Her Attention Q: Where do you frequently notice ads? US Millennial Moms 44% NET Digital (Laptop/PC/Smartphone/Tablet) 29% +8% 37% NET Mobile (Smarphone or Tablet) 23% 26% 16% 22% 25% Print magazines 21% 19% Radio Print newspapers +52% 43% 40% TV Laptop/PC 70% US Gen X Moms 13% 13% Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom® Insight Series: 2015 State of Modern Motherhood Report, co-sponsored by the IAB, February 2015. agree that now that they are moms, they are more likely to skip TV commercials +61% Millennial Moms are +62% -15% less likely to notice ads in print magazines than Gen X Moms (frequently or sometimes) Key Take-Aways Becoming a mom changes everything. Purchase criteria and product selection shifts across product categories globally, triggering a total brand re-evaluation. Mom has a mobile-first mentality. Millennials are heavy cross-screen users, in total control of their media experience. Mom rewards brands that understand her mindset and media habits. Think small in terms of screen size. Think big when it comes to ad quality and relevance. Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom® Insight Series: 2015 State of Modern Motherhood Report, co-sponsored by the IAB, February 2015.
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