Step-by-step Guide for Validating Registrations, Moving/Adding

Step-by-Step Guide to finalizing PARCC Test
Registrations, Moving/Adding/Deleting Students,
and Placing Additional Orders in Pearson Accessnext
(Due February 26, 2015)
Overview and Purpose
In January 2015, Pearson derived initial PARCC orders based on student test registrations listed in
the PARCC administrative portal, Pearson Accessnext (PAN). January 9 was the deadline for
Performance-based Assessments (PBA) initial orders and January 23 was the deadline for End-ofYear (EOY) initial orders. This document lists the remaining steps that DTCs and STCs must perform
to ensure that student test registrations (paper and online) and students’ accommodations and
accessibility features (AAF) are accurate prior to operational testing.
Overview and Purpose .................................................................................................................................. 1
Validation of Student Test Registrations and assigning AAFs: .......................................................... 1
Adding and deleting students in PearsonAccessnext .......................................................................... 7
Students transferring in from out-of-state or private schools ..................................................... 7
Move Students between Schools in your District ....................................................................... 11
Students transferring between New Mexico districts ................................................................ 14
Removing students from test sessions so they can be deleted or moved ................................. 15
Place additional orders ............................................................................................................... 18
Support: Contact PARCC Support for assistance ......................................................................... 22
Validation of Student Test Registrations and assigning AAFs:
In late November, 2014, the Public Education Department (PED) imported students into PAN and
assigned them PARCC tests based on a crosswalk between 40-day STARS course codes and PARCC
test codes. The crosswalk between STARS course codes and PARCC tests is located here: In
February, 2015, the PED refreshed the student registration file with the 80-day STARS snapshot,
altering only student locations.
Any student taking paper-based PARCC tests should have had their PBA and EOY test registrations
verified in January. The deadline for verifying online test registrations and assigning AFFs is
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February 26, 2015 (please note the extension from the original date of February 20). The following
steps describe how to verify online test registrations and assign AAFs in PAN. PARCC AAFs are
comprehensively detailed in the PARCC Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual.
Step 1:
Login to the PearsonAccessnext Live Site ( and select
Students from the Setup menu:
Step 2:
(a) Select the Spring PBA test administration, if not already indicated; (b) clear filters by
clicking Show all results from the pull down menu next to Search; (c) from the list of
students, check the boxes next to the ID numbers of students who need their test
assignments verified.
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Step 3:
(a) From the Select Tasks pull down menu, (b) check Manage Student Tests; (c) then click
Step 4:
(See screen shot on next page.) On the Manage Student Tests screen, note that students’
assigned tests are listed on the left side of the screen. Click on each assigned test to view
and edit test details:
(a) Uncheck the Assigned box if test was erroneously assigned (i.e., student should not
take the test assigned by PED).
i. If a student will take the SBA Spanish Language Arts test, then uncheck the
Assigned box for the student’s PARCC ELA test.
ii. If a student will take the alternate assessment (NCSC and NMAPA), uncheck
the Assigned box for both the PARCC ELA and Math tests;
(b) Ensure Online or Paper is appropriately selected from the Test Format pull-down
(do not select Alternate). Not that any changes from online to paper will require
PED approval and submission of an additional order, as well as updating the Test
Format in this section.
(c) For EL students, students with an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP), or students
with 504 plan that permit testing accommodations, check the appropriate box(es)
under Assessment Accommodations – Paper & Online. Note: If accommodations
are assigned to students without one or more of these boxes being checked, you
will receive critical warnings that must be resolved prior to testing.
(d) The section labeled Assessment Accommodations - Paper Only should have been
completed last month for students who require these accommodations. Any Large
Print, Braille, Spanish Translation of the Mathematics Assessment in Paper, or
Human Reader or Human Signer kits that were not assigned last month will need to
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be ordered through the additional orders process (see Section III: Place Additional
Orders for details) and updated here.
(e) Administration Considerations (also known as Best Practices) and Accessibility
Features Identified in Advance may be assigned without IEP, 504 plan or EL status.
These are indicated in (c) below.
Note: For students eligible
for an online Spanish Math
test with a Human Reader
or Human Signer:
(1) select Spanish from
Translation of the
Mathematics Assessment
(2) select Human Read Aloud
(or Human Signer) from
Human Reader or Human
Signer for Mathematics
(3) create separate Read (f)
Aloud test session for
these students (see
screen shot on next page)
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(f) Text-to-Speech is an accessibility feature for Math, and therefore does not require
an IEP, but an IEP must be indicated in part (c) if the text-to-speech accommodation
is assigned for an ELA test.
(g) Assign Presentation Accommodations in this section only if they are indicated in
student’s IEP or 504 plan, and the applicable box is checked in part (c).
Read Aloud Test Session screenshot (see Note on previous page)
Step 5:
Assign remaining accommodations in the Manage Student Tests screen:
(a) Assign Response Accommodations in this section only if they are indicated in student’s IEP
or 504 plan, and the applicable box in step 4 part (c) is checked.
(b) Assign EL Accommodations in this section for eligible students, and indicate that the student
is eligible by checking the applicable box in step 4 part (c).
(c) Assign extended time for eligible students (available for EL students and as indicated in IEP
or 504 plan). Ensure that the applicable box is checked in step 4 part (c). NOTE: extended
time will need to be provided and managed by Test Administrators/Proctors as TestNav
does not time student tests.
(d) Scroll to bottom of screen and click Save.
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Once the steps above for verifying and editing student tests and assigning AAFs have been completed
for PBA, the same changes need to be implemented for the End-of-Year (EOY) administration. This is
most efficiently done via a file export and import rather than through the PAN user interface.
Step 1:
From SetupImport / Export Data menu, complete the steps for a Student Registration
Export followed by a Personal Needs Profile Export.
Step 2:
Change the test administration from PBA to EOY in the upper, right corner of PAN.
Step 3:
Import the same .csv files exported in Step 1 back into PearsonAccessnext. First complete the
Student Registration Import and then the Personal Needs Profile Import
Step 4:
Resolve errors in Excel, if necessary, and re-import until all records are successful.
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For complete file import/export instructions, refer to the documents titled Spring Student Registration
File Field Definitions and Spring Personal Needs Profile Field Definitions (accessible in PearsonAccessnext
by clicking SupportDocumentation).
Notes about exporting and importing Student Registration and Personal Needs Profile Files:
1. To export and import student registration files and PNP files, a user must have SENSITIVE_DATA
and PNP_ROLE assigned to their User Accounts. All PED-approved DTCs and STCs have these
roles by default and can confer them on users that they create.
2. When opening .csv files in Excel, certain data may be re-formatted and will need to be fixed
prior to importing back into PearsonAccessnext. Known issues with the Student Registration
Import and Personal Needs Profile Import occur when leading zeroes are dropped from
columns B, C, and O, and students’ birthdays are converted to month, day, year instead of the
required format (year, month, day). See the Step-by-step Guide for Creating Test Sessions in
PAN ( for instructions to fix these
formatting issues in Excel.
3. Formatting errors may possibly be avoided if the .csv files are never opened in Excel.
Adding and Deleting Students in PearsonAccessnext
PED refreshed the 40-day STARS data in PAN with 80-day snapshot data on February 10, 2015.
This resulted in several thousand students and test registrations being added, deleted, or moved
within the system. Unfortunately, the refresh resulted in some students being reassigned PARCC
tests whose test had previously been unassigned. For example, students eligible for alternate
assessments (NCSC/NMAPA) were reassigned PARCC tests that DTCs and STCs previously
unassigned. For these students, PED will restore their January status by deleting their PARCC
test assignments that were made based on the 80-day STARS course enrollments.
PED will not refresh PAN with the 120-day STARS snapshot. Additional student movements
since the 80-day snapshot will need to be corrected by test coordinators before the March 2
beginning of the PBA window. DTCs will need to delete students who move out of the district
and the new district will need to add the student and their test registrations, either via the PAN
user interface or via a Student Registration Import. All PED-approved test coordinators have
been granted the DELETE STUDENT add-on role in PAN to accomplish this task.
A. Students transferring in from out-of-state or private schools
For students not currently enrolled in a NM District, test coordinators must either create the
new student(s) through the PAN User Interface or through a Student Registration File Import if
there are a large number of students. Note: a PAN user must have the add-on SENSITIVE_DATA
role to populate all the required information when creating a new student.
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Step 1:
Log-in and select SetupStudents
Step 2:
Under Select Tasks, (a) check the boxes for Create/Edit Students and Registration
(which will automatically check the three subtasks below Registration) and then (b)
click Start:
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Step 3:
In the Create / Edit Students screen, (a) complete the required fields and then (b)
click Create:
Note: The PARCC Student Identifier is automatically generated when a student is first created in PAN.
This ID is important for matching students with existing test records in the system.
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Step 4:
Skip to the tab named 3 Register Students (new student will automatically be
enrolled in the organization selected in Step 1):
(a) check the box next to Registered and select the Grade Level When
Assessed, which will make the student eligible to be assigned tests within
the PARCC administration indicated, at the appropriate grade.
(b) Indicate student’s Ethnicity, Race, and Programs by selecting appropriate
options from the pull-down menus. Note that failure to complete these
sections results in critical student warnings that will need to be resolved
after test administration, if not done now.
(c) Click Save at the bottom of the page.
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Step 5:
Click on tab named 4 Manage Student Tests to assign student’s PARCC tests and
AAFs. Refer to the steps on page 4 of this document for details.
After new students are created in the Spring PBA administration, they also need to be registered
in the Spring EOY administration. The most efficient way to do this is to perform a Student
Registration Export from the PBA, log into the EOY, and then perform a Student Registration
Import of the same file. As an alternative to creating new students through the User Interface,
new student information can be populated directly in the Student Registration File and AAFs
assigned via the PNP spreadsheet, as described on page 6 of this document. To minimize import
errors, carefully ensure that student data entered in the .csv files conform to the Spring Student
Registration File Field Definitions and Spring Personal Needs Profile Field Definitions documents.
B. Move Students between Schools in your District
If students currently registered in PAN move to a new school within the same district, complete
the following procedures. Note that the PAN user must have either the LEA/District Test
Coordinator or School Test Coordinator role and (if STC) have both the old and new schools
associated to their user accounts. Note: If students have already been assigned to test sessions
in their old school, they will need to be removed from those test sessions prior to being moved
to their new school (see part D of this section).
Step 1:
Log-in and select SetupStudents
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Step 2:
Select student(s) to be moved from one school to another within the same district.
(a) Use filters to locate student(s);
(b) check the box next to State ID(s) of student(s) to be moved;
(c) check boxes under Select Tasks for Enroll Students and Manage Student
(d) click Start
Step 3:
On the Enroll Students screen,
(a) add the new school under Organizations,
(b) check box beneath new school (while leaving old school checked as well),
(c) click Save at the bottom of the screen.
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Step 4:
Click on tab 2 Manage Student Tests.
(a) Under Organization, delete the old school by clicking the “x” next to its
(b) Select the new school from the Organization pull-down menu.
(c) Scroll to the bottom of the screen (past all accommodations) and click Save.
(d) Repeat for each assigned test listed under Student Tests.
Step 5:
Click on the tab 1 Enroll Students again.
(a) Uncheck the old school.
(b) Click Save at the bottom of the screen.
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New students can also be added to a new school via a Student Registration Import
following the same import/export data process described on page 6 of this document.
However, a duplicate test registration record will be created (rather than a replacement)
with this method if the registration at the old school is not deleted first. These duplicate
records will require reconciliation after testing.
C. Students transferring between New Mexico districts
Students must first be deleted from their old district before they can be registered for
PARCC tests at a new school in a new district via the PAN user interface. When a student
transfers, the student’s old district should delete students from PearsonAccessnext as soon as
possible so the new district can add the student. This section first describes how to delete a
student who has left a district (or school) and then how to add them to a new district in
cases where they are still registered at the old district.
If students have already been assigned to test sessions in their old school, they will need to
be removed from those test sessions prior to being deleted from the old school and district
(see part D, this section).
Deleting a Student in PearsonAccessnext
Step 1:
Log-in and select SetupStudents
Step 2:
Use filters to select student(s) to be deleted from school/district.
(a) Check the box next to State ID(s) of student(s) to be deleted.
(b) Check box under Select Tasks for Delete Students.
(c) Click Start.
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For PAN users with the DELETE STUDENT add-on role, student test registrations can also be
deleted via a spreadsheet import (file type=Student Registration Delete) following the same
import/export data process described on page 6 of this document.
Adding a student who is currently registered in another New Mexico District
If a student currently registered in a New Mexico district, that same student cannot be created
and assigned tests in another New Mexico district using the PAN user interface. The student can
be assigned tests at the new district via a Student Registration Import (see page 6 of this
document), but that process will result in duplicate test assignments at the old and new schools.
Step 1:
Confirm that student cannot be added to the new school via the menu sequence
SetupStudentSelect TaskCreate / Edit Student.
Step 2:
If new students must be added more quickly so testing can proceed, assign PARCC
tests at the new district and school via a Student Registration Import. The old
district will have an opportunity to delete the old test assignments during a posttesting data cleanup window (timing TBD).
D. Removing students from test sessions so they can be deleted or moved
If students are currently registered for a test session in PAN, they must be removed from
that session prior to being moved to a new school within a district, or deleted from a
school/district so they can be registered in a new school/district. Complete the following
steps to remove students from a test session.
Step 1:
Log-in and select TestingSessions
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Step 2:
Use filters to select session(s) from which students need to be removed.
Check the box next to sessions that contain students to be moved.
Click link for Go to Students in Sessions.
Click Start.
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Step 3:
In the Students in Sessions screen,
clear filters by selecting Show all results from the Search pulldown,
click Combined View,
check boxes next to State IDs for all students who need to be removed.
Step 4:
(a) Check box for Remove Students from Sessions and (b) click Start.
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Step 5:
On the Remove Students from Sessions screen, check boxes next to name(s) of
student(s) to remove and then click Remove.
Step 6:
Once students have been removed from test session(s), proceed to part C in this
section to delete the students from their old schools and districts so they can be
added to the new schools and districts.
Place additional orders
After PBA test materials have arrived in districts (due from Pearson on February 23, 2015), PEDapproved test coordinators may order additional materials as necessary. Two add-on roles are
necessary for this process, the Request Additional Order Role and Approve Additional Order Role,
both of which were granted to PED-approved DTCs and state charter STCs.
Step 1:
Log into PAN and select the Spring PBA Administration and appropriate
organization, if needed:
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Step 2:
Select SetupOrders and Shipment Tracking:
Step 3:
In the Orders and Shipment Tracking screen, check Create/Edit Orders from the
Select Tasks pull-down menu:
Step 4:
Complete all fields on the Create/Edit Orders screen, including Details, Shipping
Contact Information, and Shipping Address. At the lower right corner of the screen,
click the Edit button to bring up a list of materials.
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Step 5:
On the Edit Materials Order screen, (a) enter the amount of each item needed and
then (b) click the X button in the upper right hand corner.
Note that all Test Material (Test Booklets and Answer Documents) are available in
packages of 5 only. When entering an Additional Order, please ensure that the correct
quantity of packages is entered rather than the total number of students. For example,
if 13 Test booklets are required, enter 3 packages of 5. Accommodated materials are
packaged in kits: Large Print Test Kits, Braille Test Kits, and Read-Aloud Test kits. Order
one accommodated kit per student
Step 6:
On the Create/Edit Orders screen, review your order for accuracy and click Create.
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Step 7:
Back on the Orders & Shipment Tracking screen, use the Find Orders field to find
orders submitted. Click Search and then check the box next to the order(s) that
needs to be approved.
Step 8:
Under the Select Tasks dropdown menu, check Approve Orders, then click Start:
Step 9:
(Screen shot next page)To view order details, click the blue circle with “i” next to the
order number. To approve the order, select Approve.
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Note: Once an order is approved it cannot be cancelled or rejected in PearsonAccessnext. All
additional orders will be shipped via UPS Ground. The release date may remain blank for
immediate approval and processing of the order. Allow 3-5 business days after an order is
approved for receipt of the material. If a "Requested Date" is entered for a future date beyond
the 3-5 business days, that order will be processed by Pearson to be received on the requested
date. Any expedited material shipping requests must go through Pearson Customer Service.
Support: Contact PARCC Support for assistance
Navigating PearsonAccessnext
Setting up proctor caching
Navigating the Training Center
Submitting additional orders
Setting up test units
Inquiring about shipments
Managing user IDs and passwords
Accessing resources
Managing Student Registration
and/or PNP Data
Online Support and Resources:
Call Toll Free: 1-888-493-9888 (4:00 am – 6:00 pm MT, Mon. – Fri.)
Email: [email protected]
Contact PED for the following:
PARCC Policies and Procedures
[email protected]
PARCC Accommodations
[email protected]
Technology Readiness (please have
Pearson Customer Support # for reference)
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[email protected]
[email protected]
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